codmods.gitA bunch of mods for call of duty zombies Rafael Marcalo
re3.gitGTA III and Vice City reverse engineered source code Rafael Marcalo19 months
dirtopkg.gitPS3 folder games to .pkg games conversion tool Rafael Marcalo19 months
android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm660.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Rafael Marcalo
queryt.gita youtube querying tool Rafael Marcalo19 months
abi.gitarch based install script Rafael Marcalo16 months
self-hosting.gitcollection of scripts to help deploy some self-hosted services Rafael Marcalo19 months
dmenu.gitdynamic menu Rafael Marcalo2 months
dwm.gitdynamic window manager Rafael Marcalo4 months
xmouseless.gitfast and simple way to control the mouse Rafael Marcalo19 months
pkg.gitgeneric package manager wrapper Rafael Marcalo19 months
god-words.gitgod words based on time and question randomness Rafael Marcalo19 months
kernel-flasher.gitkernel flasher script for android Rafael Marcalo19 months
dotfiles.gitmy dotfiles Rafael Marcalo2 months
cv.gitmy personal cv template Rafael Marcalo3 days
its-just-a-prank-bro.gitold script used to have fun with script kiddies Rafael Marcalo19 months
website.gitpersonal website Rafael Marcalo7 months
sneedbay.gitpiratebay querying tool Rafael Marcalo2 months
randomizer.gitpokemon games randomizer Rafael Marcalo3 weeks
slock.gitsimple X display locker utility Rafael Marcalo12 months
sent.gitsimple plaintext presentation tool Rafael Marcalo19 months
st.gitsimple terminal Rafael Marcalo5 months
jscripts.gitsome quick js utilities Rafael Marcalo19 months
slstatus.gitstatus monitor Rafael Marcalo16 months
farbfeld.gitsuckless image format with conversion tools Rafael Marcalo19 months
surf.gitsurf browser, a WebKit based browser Rafael Marcalo
neovimb.gitvim like browser Rafael Marcalo10 months