% -- Encoding UTF-8 without BOM % -- XeLaTeX => PDF (BIBER) \documentclass[]{cv-style} % Add 'print' as an option into the square bracket to remove colours from this template for printing. % Add 'espanol' as an option into the square bracket to change the date format of the Last Updated Text \sethyphenation[variant=british]{english}{} % Add words between the {} to avoid them to be cut \begin{document} \header{Rafael}{Marçalo} % Your name % \lastupdated %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % SIDEBAR SECTION -- In the aside, each new line forces a line break %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{aside} % \photo{./images/photo.png} % \section{contact} Moita, Setúbal Portugal ~ work@rafaelmarcalo.xyz ~ \url{rafaelmarcalo.xyz} ~ {\fontspec{CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font}} rafa-99 % \section{languages} Portuguese (Native) English (C1) % \section{other activities} Athletics Swimming Scouts % \end{aside} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % SKILLS SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{about me} I am a dynamic and dedicated person with over 12 years of competitive experience in athletics. Throughout my journey, I have cultivated a strong sense of discipline, resilience, and teamwork. I excel in high-pressure environments, consistently pushing my limits to achieve both personal and team goals. My commitment to excellence and ability to adapt make me a valuable asset in any collaborative setting. \section{skills} \vspace{-0.2cm} C, C\#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Shell Scripting, TypeScript, \LaTeX{} .Net Framework, Ansible, Bootstrap, CSS, Docker, Excel, HTML, MySQL, NodeJS, Pandas, PowerBI, Seaborn, Unix %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % WORK EXPERIENCE SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{experience} \begin{entrylist} %------------------------------------------------ \entry {2022--Now} {CAST, Lda} {Olivais, Lisbon, Portugal} {\jobtitle{Software Programmer}\\ \begin{itemize} \item Responsible for providing expert technical guidance and customized IT solutions to clients, including analyzing business needs, recommending IT strategies, and designing/implementing tailored systems. \item Delivered ongoing support and maintenance for client IT infrastructure, continuously enhancing expertise to offer innovative solutions. \item Developed and deployed solutions in the healthcare field, including automatic programming, model-driven applications, and web development. \end{itemize} \vspace{\parsep} \textbf{Key Achievements}: Automatic Programming; Model Driven Applications; Web Development; Docker Image Deployment; Graphical Design (Adobe Photoshop/GIMP); API Integration; KANBAN Boards; Microsoft Excel.} %------------------------------------------------ \entry {2024} {Câmara Municipal da Moita} {Moita, Setúbal, Portugal} {\jobtitle{IT Support Technician (European Parliament Elections)}\\ \begin{itemize} \item Provided IT support during the European elections, facilitating the dematerialization of the electoral roll to enable voting on the move. \item Managed IT systems in the BackOffice, ensuring smooth operation throughout the electoral process. \item Delivered training and ongoing support to members of the electoral board, enhancing their ability to effectively manage the voting process. \end{itemize} \vspace{\parsep} \textbf{Key achievements}: IT System BackOffice Management; Training and Support.} %------------------------------------------------ \entry {2022} {CAST, Lda} {Olivais, Lisbon, Portugal} {\jobtitle{Internship}\\ \begin{itemize} \item Completed a Bachelor's degree internship, applying academic knowledge in a professional environment, and engaging with company resources, technologies, and collaborative processes. \item Developed skills in automatic programming, model-driven applications, and web development, particularly within the healthcare field. \item Established valuable connections with industry professionals, enhancing employability and gaining practical experience. \end{itemize} \vspace{\parsep} \textbf{Key achievements}: Automatic Programming; Model Driven Applications; Web Development in Healthcare Field.} %------------------------------------------------ \end{entrylist} \newpage \section{internships} \begin{entrylist} %------------------------------------------------ \entry {2022} {CAST, Lda} {Olivais, Lisbon, Portugal} {\jobtitle{Internship}\\ \begin{itemize} \item Completed a Bachelor's degree internship, applying academic knowledge in a professional environment, and engaging with company resources, technologies, and collaborative processes. \item Developed skills in automatic programming, model-driven applications, and web development, particularly within the healthcare field. \item Established valuable connections with industry professionals, enhancing employability and gaining practical experience. \end{itemize} \vspace{\parsep} \textbf{Key achievements}: Automatic Programming; Model Driven Applications; Web Development in Healthcare Field.} %------------------------------------------------ \end{entrylist} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % EDUCATION SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{education} \begin{entrylist} %------------------------------------------------ \entry {2023--Now} {M.Sc. {\normalfont in Software Engineering}} {Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal} {Current Grade: 16 out of 20} %------------------------------------------------ \entry {2019--2022} {B.Eng. {\normalfont in Computer Science {\footnotesize (Software Engineering Branch)}}} {Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal} {Final Grade: 14 out of 20} %------------------------------------------------ \end{entrylist} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % OTHER QUALIFICATIONS SECTION %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{other qualifications} \begin{entrylist} %------------------------------------------------ \entry {2024} {Training for Election Board IT Support Technicians} {Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional} {\vspace{-0.3cm}} %------------------------------------------------ \entry {2013} {English Language Summer Course} {Easy Talk} {\vspace{-0.3cm}} %------------------------------------------------ \end{entrylist} % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % AWARDS SECTION % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \section{awards} % % \begin{entrylist} % %------------------------------------------------ % \entry % {2014} % {Award name} % {Institution} % {Award description. Award description. Award description. Award description. Award description. Award description. Award description. } % %------------------------------------------------ % \end{entrylist} % % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % INTERESTS SECTION % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \section{interests} % \vspace{-0.2cm} % % \begin{entrylist} % %------------------------------------------------ % \entry % {2023--Now} % {Swimming} % {Alhos Vedros Municipal Swimming Pools} % {\vspace{-0.3cm}} % %------------------------------------------------ % \entry % {2011--2023} % {Athletics} % {Clube Desportivo e Recreativo Ribeirinho} % {\vspace{-0.3cm}} % %------------------------------------------------ % \entry % {2008--2015} % {Scouts} % {Agrupamento 688 Alhos Vedros} % {\vspace{-0.3cm}} % %------------------------------------------------ % \end{entrylist} % % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \end{document}