path: root/src/normal.h
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-03-28Update license year.Daniel Carl
2017-05-26Update license year.Daniel Carl
2016-06-01Update license year.Daniel Carl
2016-03-30Startup webkit2 branch from the scratch.Daniel Carl
2015-01-01Change year in license block.Daniel Carl
2014-12-04Moved pass through mode functions to normal.c.Daniel Carl
2014-12-04Remove function declaration that does not exists.Daniel Carl
2014-05-31Added support for different yank registers.Daniel Carl
Allow to yank, and paste from different registers.
2014-01-11Change year in license block.Daniel Carl
2013-10-08Moved show command to normal.c.Daniel Carl
We don't generate the show command for non bound mappings. This might save cpu cycles. The show commands for the normal mode are set from the keypress handler. So we can handle show commands like vim where an incomplete mapped command like ':nmap foo 12g', where the '12g' should appear in show command as incomplete command. Now the show commands keys are displayed like in vim with <hex> for none printable keys.
2013-10-06Allow utf8 for keybinds.Daniel Carl
Used some key processing stuff from vim.
2013-09-27Set mode according to current focused widget.Daniel Carl
2013-09-20Changed the way keys are processed.Daniel Carl
Until today vimb mapped two-part keybindings to commands. This patch changed this paradigm into a more vi like way. The commands are separated into normal mode commands that mainly consists of a single char and ex commands that can by typed into the inputbox like ':open'. This change allows us to adapt also the way keypresses and mapping are handled. Now every keypress is converted into a unsigned char and collected into a typeahead queue. The mappings are applied on the queue. So now we can use also long keymaps and run multiple commands for different modes with them like ':nmap abcdef :set scripts!<CR>:open search query<CR>50G'.