# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ## [3.1.0] - 2017-12-18 ### Added * Added completion of bookmarked URIs for `:bmr` to allow to easily remove bookmarks without loading the page first. * Refresh hints after scrolling the page or resizing the window which makes extended hint mode more comfortable. * Reintroduce the automatic commands from vimb2. An automatic command is executed automatically in response to some event, such as a URI being opened. ### Changed * Number of webprocesses in no longer limited to one. * Treat hint label generation depending on the first hint-key char. If first char is '0' generate numeric style labels else the labels start with the first char (thanks to Yoann Blein). * `hint-keys=0123` -> `1 2 3 10 11 12 13` * `hint-keys=asdf` -> `a s d f aa as ad af` * Show versions of used libs on `vimb --bug-info` and the extension directory for easier issue investigation. * During hinting JavaScript is enabled and reset to it's previous setting after hinting is done might be security relevant. * Allow extended hints mode also for open `g;o` to allow the user to toggle checkboxes and radiobuttons of forms. * Rename `hint-number-same-length` into `hint-keys-same-length` for consistency. * Search is restarted on pressing `n` or `N` with previous search query if no one was given (thanks to Yoann Blein). ### Fixed * Deduced min required webkit version 2.16.x -> 2.8.x to compile vimb also on older systems. * Fixed undeleted desktop file on `make uninstall`. * Fixed window not redrawn properly in case vimb was run within tabbed. * Fixed cursor appearing in empty inputbox on searching in case a normal mode command was used that switches vimb into command mode like 'T' or ':'. * Fixed hint labels never started by the first char of the 'hint-keys'. * Fixed items where added to history even when `history-max-items` is set to 0 (thanks to Patrick Steinhardt). * Fixed hinting caused dbus timeout on attempt to open URI with location hash. * Fixed wrong scroll position shown in the right of the statusbar on some pages. * Fixed vimb keeping in normal mode when HTTP Authentication dialog is shown. * Fixed password show in title bar and beeing written to hisotry in case the pssword was given by URI like https://user:password@host.tdl. ## [3.0-alpha] - 2017-05-27 ### Changed * completely rebuild of vimb on webkit2 api. * Syntax for the font related gui settings has be changed. Fonts have to be given as `[ font-style | font-variant | font-weight | font-stretch ]? font-size font-family` Example `set input-font-normal=bold 10pt "DejaVu Sans Mono"` instead of previous `set input-fg-normal=DejaVu Sans Mono Bold 10` * Renames some settings to consequently use dashed setting names. Following settings where changed. ``` previous setting - new setting name -------------------------------------- cursivfont - cursiv-font defaultfont - default-font fontsize - font-size hintkeys - hint-keys minimumfontsize - minimum-font-size monofont - monospace-font monofontsize - monospace-font-size offlinecache - offline-cache useragent - user-agent sansfont - sans-serif-font scrollstep - scroll-step seriffont - serif-font statusbar - status-bar userscripts - user-scripts xssauditor - xss-auditor ``` ### Removed * There where many features removed during the webkit2 migration. That will hopefully be added again soon. * auto-response-headers * autocommands and augroups * external downloader * HSTS * kiosk mode * multiple ex commands on startup via `--cmd, -C` * page marks * prevnext * showing page source via `gF` this viewtype is not supported by webkit anymore. * socket support --- ## [2.12] - 2017-04-11 ### Added * Queueing of key events - fixes swalled chars in case of some imap bindings #258 (thanks to Michael Mackus) * Allow to disable xembed by `FEATURE_NO_XEMBED` to compile on wayland only platforms (thanks to Patrick Steinhardt) * Custom default_zoom setting disables HIGH_DPI logic (thanks to Robert Timm) * Allow link activation from search result via `` #131 ### Changed * Allow shortcuts without parameters #329 * Write soup cache to disk after each page load to allow other instances to pick this up. * Use the beginning position of links for hinting (thanks to Yutao Yuan) ### Fixed * Fix path expansion to accept only valid POSIX.1-2008 usernames (thanks to Manzur Mukhitdinov) * Fix default previouspattern (thanks to Nicolas Porcel) ## [2.11] - 2015-12-17 ### Added * Added hint-number-same-length option * VERBOSE flag to Makefile to toggle verbose make on * `` removes selections in normal mode * Support for multiple configuration profiles. New parameter `-p` or `--profile` * Adds support for contenteditable attribute as input mode trigger [#237](https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/issues/237) * Added `^` as normal mode alias of `0` [#236](https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/issues/236) * Added :source command to source a config file * Added path completion for :save command too * Added closed-max-items option to allow to store more than one closed page ### Changed * Set only required CFLAGS * Replaced `-Wpedantic` with `-pedantic` CFLAGS for older gcc versions * Check for focused editable element as soon as possible * Do not blur the focused element after alt-tabbing * Show typed text as last completion entry to easily change it [#253](https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/issues/253) ### Fixed * Fixed [#224](https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/issues/224): Wrong URL and titles shown in case one or more pages could not be loaded. * Fixed Makefile install target using -D * Fixed [#232](https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/issues/232): Fixed misplaced hint labels on some sites * Fixed [#235](https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/issues/235): Randomly reset cookie file * Fixed none POSIX `echo -n` call [Unreleased]: https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/compare/master...3.1.0 [3.1.0]: https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/compare/3.0-alpha...3.1.0 [3.0-alpha]: https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/compare/2.12...3.0-alpha [2.12]: https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/compare/2.11...2.12 [2.11]: https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb/compare/2.10...2.11