# vimb Vimb is a web browser that behaves like the Vimprobable but with some paradigms from dwb and hopefully a cleaner code base. The goal of Vimb is to build a completely keyboard-driven, efficient and pleasurable browsing-experience with low memory and cpu usage. More informatio and some screenshots of vimb browser in action can be found on the [vimb project page][vimb]. ## Features - vim-like modal - vim-like keybindings - nearly every configuration can be changed on runtime with `:set varname=value` - allow to inspect the current set values of variables `:set varname?` - allow to toggle boolean variables with `:set varname!` - keybindings for each browser mode assignable - the center of `vimb` are the commands that can be called from inputbox or via keybinding - history for - commands - search queries - urls - completions for - commands - urls - variable names of settings - search-queries - hinting - marks links, form fields and other clickable elements to be clicked, opened or inspected - webinspector that opens ad the bottom of the browser window like in some other fat browsers - ssl validation against ca-certificate file - custom configuration files - tagged bookmarks - open input or teaxteaeas with configurable external editor - user defined URL-shortcuts with placeholders ## Dependencies - libwebkit-1.0 - libgtk+-2.0 - libsoup-2.4 # License Information about the license are found in the file LICENSE. [vimb]: http://fanglingsu.github.io/vimb/ "vimb - vim-like webkit browser project page"