/** * vimb - a webkit based vim like browser. * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Daniel Carl * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "hints.h" #include "main.h" #include "ascii.h" #include "command.h" #include "input.h" #include "map.h" #include "normal.h" #include "ext-proxy.h" static struct { char mode; /* mode identifying char - that last char of the hint prompt */ int promptlen; /* length of the hint prompt chars 2 or 3 */ gboolean gmode; /* indicate if the hints 'g' mode is used */ /* holds the setting if JavaScript can open windows automatically that we * have to change to open windows via hinting */ gboolean allow_open_win; gboolean allow_javascript; guint timeout_id; } hints; extern struct Vimb vb; static gboolean call_hints_function(Client *c, const char *func, const char* args, gboolean sync); static void on_hint_function_finished(GDBusProxy *proxy, GAsyncResult *result, Client *c); static gboolean hint_function_check_result(Client *c, GVariant *return_value); static void fire_timeout(Client *c, gboolean on); static gboolean fire_cb(gpointer data); VbResult hints_keypress(Client *c, int key) { if (key == KEY_CR) { hints_fire(c); return RESULT_COMPLETE; } else if (key == CTRL('H')) { /* backspace */ fire_timeout(c, FALSE); if (call_hints_function(c, "update", "null", TRUE)) { return RESULT_COMPLETE; } } else if (key == KEY_TAB) { fire_timeout(c, FALSE); hints_focus_next(c, FALSE); return RESULT_COMPLETE; } else if (key == KEY_SHIFT_TAB) { fire_timeout(c, FALSE); hints_focus_next(c, TRUE); return RESULT_COMPLETE; } else if (key == CTRL('D') || key == CTRL('F') || key == CTRL('B') || key == CTRL('U')) { return normal_keypress(c, key); } else if (key == CTRL('J') || key == CTRL('K')) { return normal_keypress(c, UNCTRL(key)); } else { fire_timeout(c, TRUE); /* try to handle the key by the javascript */ if (call_hints_function(c, "update", (char[]){'"', key, '"', '\0'}, TRUE)) { return RESULT_COMPLETE; } } fire_timeout(c, FALSE); return RESULT_ERROR; } void hints_clear(Client *c) { if (c->mode->flags & FLAG_HINTING) { c->mode->flags &= ~FLAG_HINTING; vb_input_set_text(c, ""); /* Run this sync else we would disable JavaScript before the hint is * fired. */ call_hints_function(c, "clear", "true", TRUE); /* if open window was not allowed for JavaScript, restore this */ WebKitSettings *setting = webkit_web_view_get_settings(c->webview); if (!hints.allow_open_win) { g_object_set(G_OBJECT(setting), "javascript-can-open-windows-automatically", hints.allow_open_win, NULL); } if (!hints.allow_javascript) { g_object_set(G_OBJECT(setting), "enable-javascript", hints.allow_javascript, NULL); } } } void hints_create(Client *c, const char *input) { char *jsargs; /* check if the input contains a valid hinting prompt */ if (!hints_parse_prompt(input, &hints.mode, &hints.gmode)) { /* if input is not valid, clear possible previous hint mode */ if (c->mode->flags & FLAG_HINTING) { vb_enter(c, 'n'); } return; } if (!(c->mode->flags & FLAG_HINTING)) { c->mode->flags |= FLAG_HINTING; WebKitSettings *setting = webkit_web_view_get_settings(c->webview); /* before we enable JavaScript to open new windows, we save the actual * value to be able restore it after hints where fired */ g_object_get(G_OBJECT(setting), "javascript-can-open-windows-automatically", &(hints.allow_open_win), "enable-javascript", &(hints.allow_javascript), NULL); /* if window open is already allowed there's no need to allow it again */ if (!hints.allow_open_win) { g_object_set(G_OBJECT(setting), "javascript-can-open-windows-automatically", TRUE, NULL); } /* TODO This might be a security issue to toggle JavaScript * temporarily on. */ /* This is a hack to allow window.setTimeout() and scroll observers in * hinting script which does not work when JavaScript is disabled. */ if (!hints.allow_javascript) { g_object_set(G_OBJECT(setting), "enable-javascript", TRUE, NULL); } hints.promptlen = hints.gmode ? 3 : 2; jsargs = g_strdup_printf("'%s', %s, %d, '%s', %s, %s", (char[]){hints.mode, '\0'}, hints.gmode ? "true" : "false", MAXIMUM_HINTS, GET_CHAR(c, "hint-keys"), GET_BOOL(c, "hint-follow-last") ? "true" : "false", GET_BOOL(c, "hint-keys-same-length") ? "true" : "false" ); call_hints_function(c, "init", jsargs, FALSE); g_free(jsargs); /* if hinting is started there won't be any additional filter given and * we can go out of this function */ return; } if (GET_BOOL(c, "hint-match-element")) { jsargs = g_strdup_printf("'%s'", *(input + hints.promptlen) ? input + hints.promptlen : ""); call_hints_function(c, "filter", jsargs, FALSE); g_free(jsargs); } } void hints_focus_next(Client *c, const gboolean back) { call_hints_function(c, "focus", back ? "true" : "false", FALSE); } void hints_fire(Client *c) { call_hints_function(c, "fire", "", FALSE); } void hints_follow_link(Client *c, const gboolean back, int count) { /* TODO implement outside of hints.c */ /* We would previously "piggyback" on hints.js for the "js" part of this feature * but this would actually be more elegant in its own JS file. This has nothing * to do with hints. */ /* char *json = g_strdup_printf( */ /* "[%s]", */ /* back ? vb.config.prevpattern : vb.config.nextpattern */ /* ); */ /* JSValueRef arguments[] = { */ /* js_string_to_ref(hints.ctx, back ? "prev" : "next"), */ /* js_object_to_ref(hints.ctx, json), */ /* JSValueMakeNumber(hints.ctx, count) */ /* }; */ /* g_free(json); */ /* call_hints_function(c, "followLink", 3, arguments); */ } void hints_increment_uri(Client *c, int count) { char *jsargs; jsargs = g_strdup_printf("%d", count); call_hints_function(c, "incrementUri", jsargs, FALSE); g_free(jsargs); } /** * Checks if the given hint prompt belong to a known and valid hints mode and * parses the mode and is_gmode into given pointers. * * The given prompt sting may also contain additional chars after the prompt. * * @prompt: String to be parsed as prompt. The Prompt can be followed by * additional characters. * @mode: Pointer to char that will be filled with mode char if prompt was * valid and given pointer is not NULL. * @is_gmode: Pointer to gboolean to be filled with the flag to indicate gmode * hinting. */ gboolean hints_parse_prompt(const char *prompt, char *mode, gboolean *is_gmode) { gboolean res; char pmode = '\0'; #ifdef FEATURE_QUEUE static char *modes = "eiIoOpPstTxyY"; static char *g_modes = "IopPstyY"; #else static char *modes = "eiIoOstTxyY"; static char *g_modes = "IostyY"; #endif if (!prompt) { return FALSE; } /* get the mode identifying char from prompt */ if (*prompt == ';') { pmode = prompt[1]; } else if (*prompt == 'g' && strlen(prompt) >= 3) { /* get mode for g;X hint modes */ pmode = prompt[2]; } /* no mode found in prompt */ if (!pmode) { return FALSE; } res = *prompt == 'g' ? strchr(g_modes, pmode) != NULL : strchr(modes, pmode) != NULL; /* fill pointer only if the prompt was valid */ if (res) { if (mode != NULL) { *mode = pmode; } if (is_gmode != NULL) { *is_gmode = *prompt == 'g'; } } return res; } static gboolean call_hints_function(Client *c, const char *func, const char* args, gboolean sync) { char *jscode; /* Default value is only return in case of async call. */ gboolean success = TRUE; jscode = g_strdup_printf("hints.%s(%s);", func, args); if (sync) { GVariant *result; result = ext_proxy_eval_script_sync(c, jscode); success = hint_function_check_result(c, result); } else { ext_proxy_eval_script(c, jscode, (GAsyncReadyCallback)on_hint_function_finished); } g_free(jscode); return success; } static void on_hint_function_finished(GDBusProxy *proxy, GAsyncResult *result, Client *c) { GVariant *return_value; return_value = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish(proxy, result, NULL); hint_function_check_result(c, return_value); } static gboolean hint_function_check_result(Client *c, GVariant *return_value) { gboolean success = FALSE; char *value = NULL; if (!return_value) { goto error; } g_variant_get(return_value, "(bs)", &success, &value); if (!success || !strncmp(value, "ERROR:", 6)) { goto error; } if (!strncmp(value, "OVER:", 5)) { /* If focused elements src is given fire mouse-target-changed signal * to show its uri in the statusbar. */ if (*(value + 7)) { /* We get OVER:{I,A}:element-url so we use byte 6 to check for the * hinted element type image I or link A. */ if (*(value + 5) == 'I') { vb_statusbar_show_hover_url(c, LINK_TYPE_IMAGE, value + 7); } else { vb_statusbar_show_hover_url(c, LINK_TYPE_LINK, value + 7); } } } else if (!strncmp(value, "DONE:", 5)) { fire_timeout(c, FALSE); /* Change to normal mode only if we are currently in command mode and * we are not in g-mode hinting. This is required to not switch to * normal mode when the hinting triggered a click that set focus on * editable element that lead vimb to switch to input mode. */ if (!hints.gmode && c->mode->id == 'c') { vb_enter(c, 'n'); } /* If open in new window hinting is use, set a flag on the mode after * changing to normal mode. This is used in on_webview_decide_policy * to enforce opening into new instance for the next navigation * action. */ if (hints.mode == 't') { c->mode->flags |= FLAG_NEW_WIN; } } else if (!strncmp(value, "INSERT:", 7)) { fire_timeout(c, FALSE); vb_enter(c, 'i'); if (hints.mode == 'e') { input_open_editor(c); } } else if (!strncmp(value, "DATA:", 5)) { fire_timeout(c, FALSE); /* switch first to normal mode - else we would clear the inputbox * on switching mode also if we want to show yanked data */ if (!hints.gmode) { vb_enter(c, 'n'); } char *v = (value + 5); Arg a = {0}; /* put the hinted value into register "; */ vb_register_add(c, ';', v); switch (hints.mode) { /* used if images should be opened */ case 'i': case 'I': a.s = v; a.i = (hints.mode == 'I') ? TARGET_NEW : TARGET_CURRENT; vb_load_uri(c, &a); break; case 'O': case 'T': vb_echo(c, MSG_NORMAL, FALSE, "%s %s", (hints.mode == 'T') ? ":tabopen" : ":open", v); if (!hints.gmode) { vb_enter(c, 'c'); } break; case 's': a.s = v; a.i = COMMAND_SAVE_URI; command_save(c, &a); break; case 'x': map_handle_string(c, GET_CHAR(c, "x-hint-command"), TRUE); break; case 'y': case 'Y': a.i = COMMAND_YANK_ARG; a.s = v; command_yank(c, &a, c->state.current_register); break; #ifdef FEATURE_QUEUE case 'p': case 'P': a.s = v; a.i = (hints.mode == 'P') ? COMMAND_QUEUE_UNSHIFT : COMMAND_QUEUE_PUSH; command_queue(c, &a); break; #endif } } return TRUE; error: vb_statusbar_show_hover_url(c, LINK_TYPE_NONE, NULL); return FALSE; } static void fire_timeout(Client *c, gboolean on) { int millis; /* remove possible timeout function */ if (hints.timeout_id) { g_source_remove(hints.timeout_id); hints.timeout_id = 0; } if (on) { millis = GET_INT(c, "hint-timeout"); if (millis) { hints.timeout_id = g_timeout_add(millis, (GSourceFunc)fire_cb, c); } } } static gboolean fire_cb(gpointer data) { hints_fire(data); /* remove timeout id for the timeout that is removed by return value of * false automatic */ hints.timeout_id = 0; return FALSE; }