# PKG All in one package manager. This is a C wrapper that integrates with the prebuilt package managers in various Operating Systems. The purpose of this wrapper is to enable a easier package management without having to know the flags and options of every package manager. ## How to use ### Install `sudo make clean install` ### Usage `pkg ` ### Commands * **c** *clean* - removes orphans and cleans the package cache * **h** *help* - shows help message * **i** *install* - installs selected packages * **q** *query* - display installed packages * **r** *remove* - remove a selected package * **s** *search* - look up for a package in the available repositories * **u** *update* - updates repos and packages ## Supported OS'es * Arch Linux based distros; * Debian based distros; * Fedora based distros; * Gentoo based distros; * OpenSUSE based distros; * Void Linux *(or xbps)* derived/based distro. ## FAQ **Q: Will you ever add *X* OS to the wrapper?** A: Depends on the OS notoriety and usage, unless you open a PR with your code to adding support to the desired OS. In that case, I'll gladly merge the PR. ## Authors: * Rafael Marçalo