path: root/src/com/pkrandom/constants/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/pkrandom/constants/')
1 files changed, 431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/pkrandom/constants/ b/src/com/pkrandom/constants/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d567947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/pkrandom/constants/
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+package com.pkrandom.constants;
+/*-- - Constants for Gold/Silver/Crystal --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- Part of "Universal Pokemon Randomizer ZX" by the UPR-ZX team --*/
+/*-- Pokemon and any associated names and the like are --*/
+/*-- trademark and (C) Nintendo 1996-2020. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- The custom code written here is licensed under the terms of the GPL: --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --*/
+/*-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --*/
+/*-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --*/
+/*-- (at your option) any later version. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --*/
+/*-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --*/
+/*-- GNU General Public License for more details. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --*/
+/*-- along with this program. If not, see <>. --*/
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import com.pkrandom.pokemon.ItemList;
+import com.pkrandom.pokemon.Trainer;
+import com.pkrandom.pokemon.Type;
+public class Gen2Constants {
+ public static final int vietCrystalCheckOffset = 0x63;
+ public static final byte vietCrystalCheckValue = (byte) 0xF5;
+ public static final String vietCrystalROMName = "Pokemon VietCrystal";
+ public static final int pokemonCount = 251, moveCount = 251;
+ public static final int baseStatsEntrySize = 0x20;
+ public static final Type[] typeTable = constructTypeTable();
+ public static final int bsHPOffset = 1, bsAttackOffset = 2, bsDefenseOffset = 3, bsSpeedOffset = 4,
+ bsSpAtkOffset = 5, bsSpDefOffset = 6, bsPrimaryTypeOffset = 7, bsSecondaryTypeOffset = 8,
+ bsCatchRateOffset = 9, bsCommonHeldItemOffset = 11, bsRareHeldItemOffset = 12, bsPicDimensionsOffset = 17,
+ bsGrowthCurveOffset = 22, bsTMHMCompatOffset = 24, bsMTCompatOffset = 31;
+ public static final String[] starterNames = new String[] { "CYNDAQUIL", "TOTODILE", "CHIKORITA" };
+ public static final int fishingGroupCount = 12, pokesPerFishingGroup = 11, fishingGroupEntryLength = 3,
+ timeSpecificFishingGroupCount = 11, pokesPerTSFishingGroup = 4;
+ public static final int landEncounterSlots = 7, seaEncounterSlots = 3;
+ public static final int oddEggPokemonCount = 14;
+ public static final int tmCount = 50, hmCount = 7;
+ public static final String mtMenuCancelString = "CANCEL";
+ public static final byte mtMenuInitByte = (byte) 0x80;
+ public static final int maxTrainerNameLength = 17;
+ public static final int fleeingSetTwoOffset = 0xE, fleeingSetThreeOffset = 0x17;
+ public static final int mapGroupCount = 26, mapsInLastGroup = 11;
+ public static final int noDamageSleepEffect = 1, damagePoisonEffect = 2, damageAbsorbEffect = 3, damageBurnEffect = 4,
+ damageFreezeEffect = 5, damageParalyzeEffect = 6, dreamEaterEffect = 8, noDamageAtkPlusOneEffect = 10,
+ noDamageDefPlusOneEffect = 11, noDamageSpAtkPlusOneEffect = 13, noDamageEvasionPlusOneEffect = 16,
+ noDamageAtkMinusOneEffect = 18, noDamageDefMinusOneEffect = 19, noDamageSpeMinusOneEffect = 20,
+ noDamageAccuracyMinusOneEffect = 23, noDamageEvasionMinusOneEffect = 24, flinchEffect = 31, toxicEffect = 33,
+ razorWindEffect = 39, bindingEffect = 42, damageRecoilEffect = 48, noDamageConfusionEffect = 49,
+ noDamageAtkPlusTwoEffect = 50, noDamageDefPlusTwoEffect = 51, noDamageSpePlusTwoEffect = 52,
+ noDamageSpDefPlusTwoEffect = 54, noDamageAtkMinusTwoEffect = 58, noDamageDefMinusTwoEffect = 59,
+ noDamageSpeMinusTwoEffect = 60, noDamageSpDefMinusTwoEffect = 62, noDamagePoisonEffect = 66,
+ noDamageParalyzeEffect = 67, damageAtkMinusOneEffect = 68, damageDefMinusOneEffect = 69,
+ damageSpeMinusOneEffect = 70, damageSpDefMinusOneEffect = 72, damageAccuracyMinusOneEffect = 73,
+ skyAttackEffect = 75, damageConfusionEffect = 76, twineedleEffect = 77, hyperBeamEffect = 80,
+ snoreEffect = 92, flailAndReversalEffect = 102, trappingEffect = 106, swaggerEffect = 118,
+ damageBurnAndThawUserEffect = 125, damageUserDefPlusOneEffect = 138, damageUserAtkPlusOneEffect = 139,
+ damageUserAllPlusOneEffect = 140, skullBashEffect = 145, twisterEffect = 146, futureSightEffect = 148,
+ stompEffect = 150, solarbeamEffect = 151, thunderEffect = 152, semiInvulnerableEffect = 155,
+ defenseCurlEffect = 156;
+ // Taken from critical_hit_moves.asm; we could read this from the ROM, but it's easier to hardcode it.
+ public static final List<Integer> increasedCritMoves = Arrays.asList(Moves.karateChop, Moves.razorWind, Moves.razorLeaf,
+ Moves.crabhammer, Moves.slash, Moves.aeroblast, Moves.crossChop);
+ public static final List<Integer> requiredFieldTMs = Arrays.asList(4, 20, 22, 26, 28, 34, 35, 39,
+ 40, 43, 44, 46);
+ public static final List<Integer> fieldMoves = Arrays.asList(
+ Moves.cut,,, Moves.strength, Moves.flash, Moves.dig, Moves.teleport,
+ Moves.whirlpool, Moves.waterfall, Moves.rockSmash, Moves.headbutt, Moves.sweetScent);
+ public static final List<Integer> earlyRequiredHMMoves = Collections.singletonList(Moves.cut);
+ // ban thief because trainers are broken with it (items are not returned).
+ // ban transform because of Transform assumption glitch
+ public static final List<Integer> bannedLevelupMoves = Arrays.asList(Moves.transform, Moves.thief);
+ public static final List<Integer> brokenMoves = Arrays.asList(
+ Moves.sonicBoom, Moves.dragonRage, Moves.hornDrill, Moves.fissure, Moves.guillotine);
+ public static final List<Integer> illegalVietCrystalMoves = Arrays.asList(
+ Moves.protect,, Moves.spikeCannon, Moves.detect);
+ public static final int tmBlockOneIndex = Gen2Items.tm01, tmBlockOneSize = 4,
+ tmBlockTwoIndex = Gen2Items.tm05, tmBlockTwoSize = 24,
+ tmBlockThreeIndex = Gen2Items.tm29, tmBlockThreeSize = 22;
+ public static final int priorityHitEffectIndex = 0x67, protectEffectIndex = 0x6F, endureEffectIndex = 0x74,
+ forceSwitchEffectIndex = 0x1C,counterEffectIndex = 0x59, mirrorCoatEffectIndex = 0x90;
+ public static final String friendshipValueForEvoLocator = "FEDCDA";
+ private static Type[] constructTypeTable() {
+ Type[] table = new Type[256];
+ table[0x00] = Type.NORMAL;
+ table[0x01] = Type.FIGHTING;
+ table[0x02] = Type.FLYING;
+ table[0x03] = Type.POISON;
+ table[0x04] = Type.GROUND;
+ table[0x05] = Type.ROCK;
+ table[0x07] = Type.BUG;
+ table[0x08] = Type.GHOST;
+ table[0x09] = Type.STEEL;
+ table[0x14] = Type.FIRE;
+ table[0x15] = Type.WATER;
+ table[0x16] = Type.GRASS;
+ table[0x17] = Type.ELECTRIC;
+ table[0x18] = Type.PSYCHIC;
+ table[0x19] = Type.ICE;
+ table[0x1A] = Type.DRAGON;
+ table[0x1B] = Type.DARK;
+ return table;
+ }
+ public static byte typeToByte(Type type) {
+ if (type == null) {
+ return 0x13; // ???-type
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ case NORMAL:
+ return 0x00;
+ case FIGHTING:
+ return 0x01;
+ case FLYING:
+ return 0x02;
+ case POISON:
+ return 0x03;
+ case GROUND:
+ return 0x04;
+ case ROCK:
+ return 0x05;
+ case BUG:
+ return 0x07;
+ case GHOST:
+ return 0x08;
+ case FIRE:
+ return 0x14;
+ case WATER:
+ return 0x15;
+ case GRASS:
+ return 0x16;
+ case ELECTRIC:
+ return 0x17;
+ case PSYCHIC:
+ return 0x18;
+ case ICE:
+ return 0x19;
+ case DRAGON:
+ return 0x1A;
+ case STEEL:
+ return 0x09;
+ case DARK:
+ return 0x1B;
+ default:
+ return 0; // normal by default
+ }
+ }
+ public static ItemList allowedItems;
+ public static ItemList nonBadItems;
+ static {
+ setupAllowedItems();
+ }
+ private static void setupAllowedItems() {
+ allowedItems = new ItemList(Gen2Items.hm07); // 250-255 are junk and cancel
+ // Assorted key items
+ allowedItems.banSingles(Gen2Items.bicycle, Gen2Items.coinCase, Gen2Items.itemfinder, Gen2Items.oldRod,
+ Gen2Items.goodRod, Gen2Items.superRod, Gen2Items.gsBall, Gen2Items.blueCard, Gen2Items.basementKey,
+ Gen2Items.pass, Gen2Items.squirtBottle, Gen2Items.rainbowWing);
+ allowedItems.banRange(Gen2Items.redScale, 6);
+ allowedItems.banRange(Gen2Items.cardKey, 4);
+ // HMs
+ allowedItems.banRange(Gen2Items.hm01, 7);
+ // Unused items (Teru-Samas and dummy TMs)
+ allowedItems.banSingles(Gen2Items.terusama6, Gen2Items.terusama25, Gen2Items.terusama45,
+ Gen2Items.terusama50, Gen2Items.terusama56, Gen2Items.terusama90, Gen2Items.terusama100,
+ Gen2Items.terusama120, Gen2Items.terusama135, Gen2Items.terusama136, Gen2Items.terusama137,
+ Gen2Items.terusama141, Gen2Items.terusama142, Gen2Items.terusama145, Gen2Items.terusama147,
+ Gen2Items.terusama148, Gen2Items.terusama149, Gen2Items.terusama153, Gen2Items.terusama154,
+ Gen2Items.terusama155, Gen2Items.terusama162, Gen2Items.terusama171, Gen2Items.terusama176,
+ Gen2Items.terusama179, Gen2Items.terusama190, Gen2Items.tm04Unused, Gen2Items.tm28Unused);
+ // Real TMs
+ allowedItems.tmRange(tmBlockOneIndex, tmBlockOneSize);
+ allowedItems.tmRange(tmBlockTwoIndex, tmBlockTwoSize);
+ allowedItems.tmRange(tmBlockThreeIndex, tmBlockThreeSize);
+ // non-bad items
+ // ban specific pokemon hold items, berries, apricorns, mail
+ nonBadItems = allowedItems.copy();
+ nonBadItems.banSingles(Gen2Items.luckyPunch, Gen2Items.metalPowder, Gen2Items.silverLeaf,
+ Gen2Items.goldLeaf, Gen2Items.redApricorn, Gen2Items.bluApricorn, Gen2Items.whtApricorn,
+ Gen2Items.blkApricorn, Gen2Items.pnkApricorn, Gen2Items.stick, Gen2Items.thickClub,
+ Gen2Items.flowerMail, Gen2Items.lightBall, Gen2Items.berry, Gen2Items.brickPiece);
+ nonBadItems.banRange(Gen2Items.ylwApricorn, 2);
+ nonBadItems.banRange(Gen2Items.normalBox, 2);
+ nonBadItems.banRange(Gen2Items.surfMail, 9);
+ }
+ public static void universalTrainerTags(List<Trainer> allTrainers) {
+ // Gym Leaders
+ tbc(allTrainers, 1, 0, "GYM1");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 3, 0, "GYM2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 2, 0, "GYM3");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 4, 0, "GYM4");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 7, 0, "GYM5");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 6, 0, "GYM6");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 5, 0, "GYM7");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 8, 0, "GYM8");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 17, 0, "GYM9");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 18, 0, "GYM10");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 19, 0, "GYM11");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 21, 0, "GYM12");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 26, 0, "GYM13");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 35, 0, "GYM14");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 46, 0, "GYM15");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 64, 0, "GYM16");
+ // Elite 4 & Red
+ tbc(allTrainers, 11, 0, "ELITE1");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 15, 0, "ELITE2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 13, 0, "ELITE3");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 14, 0, "ELITE4");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 16, 0, "CHAMPION");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 63, 0, "UBER");
+ // Silver
+ // Order in rom is BAYLEEF, QUILAVA, CROCONAW teams
+ // Starters go CYNDA, TOTO, CHIKO
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 0, "RIVAL1-1");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 1, "RIVAL1-2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 2, "RIVAL1-0");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 3, "RIVAL2-1");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 4, "RIVAL2-2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 5, "RIVAL2-0");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 6, "RIVAL3-1");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 7, "RIVAL3-2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 8, "RIVAL3-0");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 9, "RIVAL4-1");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 10, "RIVAL4-2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 11, "RIVAL4-0");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 12, "RIVAL5-1");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 13, "RIVAL5-2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 9, 14, "RIVAL5-0");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 42, 0, "RIVAL6-1");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 42, 1, "RIVAL6-2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 42, 2, "RIVAL6-0");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 42, 3, "RIVAL7-1");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 42, 4, "RIVAL7-2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 42, 5, "RIVAL7-0");
+ // Female Rocket Executive (Ariana)
+ tbc(allTrainers, 55, 0, "THEMED:ARIANA");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 55, 1, "THEMED:ARIANA");
+ // others (unlabeled in this game, using HGSS names)
+ tbc(allTrainers, 51, 2, "THEMED:PETREL");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 51, 3, "THEMED:PETREL");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 51, 1, "THEMED:PROTON");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 31, 0, "THEMED:PROTON");
+ // Sprout Tower
+ tbc(allTrainers, 56, 0, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 56, 1, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 56, 2, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 56, 3, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 56, 6, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 56, 7, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 56, 8, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER");
+ }
+ public static void goldSilverTags(List<Trainer> allTrainers) {
+ tbc(allTrainers, 24, 0, "GYM1");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 24, 1, "GYM1");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 36, 4, "GYM2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 36, 5, "GYM2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 36, 6, "GYM2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 61, 0, "GYM2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 61, 3, "GYM2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 25, 0, "GYM3");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 25, 1, "GYM3");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 29, 0, "GYM3");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 29, 1, "GYM3");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 56, 4, "GYM4");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 56, 5, "GYM4");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 57, 0, "GYM4");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 57, 1, "GYM4");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 50, 1, "GYM5");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 50, 3, "GYM5");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 50, 4, "GYM5");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 50, 6, "GYM5");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 58, 0, "GYM7");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 58, 1, "GYM7");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 58, 2, "GYM7");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 33, 0, "GYM7");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 33, 1, "GYM7");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 27, 2, "GYM8");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 27, 4, "GYM8");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 27, 3, "GYM8");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 28, 2, "GYM8");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 28, 3, "GYM8");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 54, 17, "GYM9");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 38, 20, "GYM10");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 39, 17, "GYM10");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 39, 18, "GYM10");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 49, 2, "GYM11");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 43, 1, "GYM11");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 32, 2, "GYM11");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 61, 4, "GYM12");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 61, 5, "GYM12");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 25, 8, "GYM12");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 53, 18, "GYM12");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 29, 13, "GYM12");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 25, 2, "GYM13");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 25, 5, "GYM13");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 53, 4, "GYM13");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 54, 4, "GYM13");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 57, 5, "GYM14");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 57, 6, "GYM14");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 52, 1, "GYM14");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 52, 10, "GYM14");
+ }
+ public static void crystalTags(List<Trainer> allTrainers) {
+ tbc(allTrainers, 24, 0, "GYM1");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 24, 1, "GYM1");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 36, 4, "GYM2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 36, 5, "GYM2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 36, 6, "GYM2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 61, 0, "GYM2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 61, 3, "GYM2");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 25, 0, "GYM3");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 25, 1, "GYM3");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 29, 0, "GYM3");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 29, 1, "GYM3");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 56, 4, "GYM4");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 56, 5, "GYM4");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 57, 0, "GYM4");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 57, 1, "GYM4");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 50, 1, "GYM5");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 50, 3, "GYM5");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 50, 4, "GYM5");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 50, 6, "GYM5");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 58, 0, "GYM7");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 58, 1, "GYM7");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 58, 2, "GYM7");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 33, 0, "GYM7");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 33, 1, "GYM7");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 27, 2, "GYM8");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 27, 4, "GYM8");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 27, 3, "GYM8");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 28, 2, "GYM8");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 28, 3, "GYM8");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 54, 17, "GYM9");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 38, 20, "GYM10");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 39, 17, "GYM10");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 39, 18, "GYM10");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 49, 2, "GYM11");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 43, 1, "GYM11");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 32, 2, "GYM11");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 61, 4, "GYM12");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 61, 5, "GYM12");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 25, 8, "GYM12");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 53, 18, "GYM12");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 29, 13, "GYM12");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 25, 2, "GYM13");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 25, 5, "GYM13");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 53, 4, "GYM13");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 54, 4, "GYM13");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 57, 5, "GYM14");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 57, 6, "GYM14");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 52, 1, "GYM14");
+ tbc(allTrainers, 52, 10, "GYM14");
+ }
+ private static void tbc(List<Trainer> allTrainers, int classNum, int number, String tag) {
+ int currnum = -1;
+ for (Trainer t : allTrainers) {
+ // adjusted to not change the above but use 0-indexing properly
+ if (t.trainerclass == classNum - 1) {
+ currnum++;
+ if (currnum == number) {
+ t.tag = tag;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }