path: root/src/com/pkrandom/pokemon/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/pkrandom/pokemon/')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/pkrandom/pokemon/ b/src/com/pkrandom/pokemon/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c868b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/pkrandom/pokemon/
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+package com.pkrandom.pokemon;
+/*-- - represents an individual Pokemon, and contains --*/
+/*-- common Pokemon-related functions. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- Part of "Universal Pokemon Randomizer ZX" by the UPR-ZX team --*/
+/*-- Pokemon and any associated names and the like are --*/
+/*-- trademark and (C) Nintendo 1996-2020. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- The custom code written here is licensed under the terms of the GPL: --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --*/
+/*-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --*/
+/*-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --*/
+/*-- (at your option) any later version. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --*/
+/*-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --*/
+/*-- GNU General Public License for more details. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --*/
+/*-- along with this program. If not, see <>. --*/
+import com.pkrandom.constants.Species;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Random;
+public class Pokemon implements Comparable<Pokemon> {
+ public String name;
+ public int number;
+ public String formeSuffix = "";
+ public Pokemon baseForme = null;
+ public int formeNumber = 0;
+ public int cosmeticForms = 0;
+ public int formeSpriteIndex = 0;
+ public boolean actuallyCosmetic = false;
+ public List<Integer> realCosmeticFormNumbers = new ArrayList<>();
+ public Type primaryType, secondaryType;
+ public int hp, attack, defense, spatk, spdef, speed, special;
+ public int ability1, ability2, ability3;
+ public int catchRate, expYield;
+ public int guaranteedHeldItem, commonHeldItem, rareHeldItem, darkGrassHeldItem;
+ public int genderRatio;
+ public int frontSpritePointer, picDimensions;
+ public int callRate;
+ public ExpCurve growthCurve;
+ public List<Evolution> evolutionsFrom = new ArrayList<>();
+ public List<Evolution> evolutionsTo = new ArrayList<>();
+ public List<MegaEvolution> megaEvolutionsFrom = new ArrayList<>();
+ public List<MegaEvolution> megaEvolutionsTo = new ArrayList<>();
+ protected List<Integer> shuffledStatsOrder;
+ // A flag to use for things like recursive stats copying.
+ // Must not rely on the state of this flag being preserved between calls.
+ public boolean temporaryFlag;
+ public Pokemon() {
+ shuffledStatsOrder = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
+ }
+ public void shuffleStats(Random random) {
+ Collections.shuffle(shuffledStatsOrder, random);
+ applyShuffledOrderToStats();
+ }
+ public void copyShuffledStatsUpEvolution(Pokemon evolvesFrom) {
+ // If stats were already shuffled once, un-shuffle them
+ shuffledStatsOrder = Arrays.asList(
+ shuffledStatsOrder.indexOf(0),
+ shuffledStatsOrder.indexOf(1),
+ shuffledStatsOrder.indexOf(2),
+ shuffledStatsOrder.indexOf(3),
+ shuffledStatsOrder.indexOf(4),
+ shuffledStatsOrder.indexOf(5));
+ applyShuffledOrderToStats();
+ shuffledStatsOrder = evolvesFrom.shuffledStatsOrder;
+ applyShuffledOrderToStats();
+ }
+ protected void applyShuffledOrderToStats() {
+ List<Integer> stats = Arrays.asList(hp, attack, defense, spatk, spdef, speed);
+ // Copy in new stats
+ hp = stats.get(shuffledStatsOrder.get(0));
+ attack = stats.get(shuffledStatsOrder.get(1));
+ defense = stats.get(shuffledStatsOrder.get(2));
+ spatk = stats.get(shuffledStatsOrder.get(3));
+ spdef = stats.get(shuffledStatsOrder.get(4));
+ speed = stats.get(shuffledStatsOrder.get(5));
+ }
+ public void randomizeStatsWithinBST(Random random) {
+ if (number == Species.shedinja) {
+ // Shedinja is horribly broken unless we restrict him to 1HP.
+ int bst = bst() - 51;
+ // Make weightings
+ double atkW = random.nextDouble(), defW = random.nextDouble();
+ double spaW = random.nextDouble(), spdW = random.nextDouble(), speW = random.nextDouble();
+ double totW = atkW + defW + spaW + spdW + speW;
+ hp = 1;
+ attack = (int) Math.max(1, Math.round(atkW / totW * bst)) + 10;
+ defense = (int) Math.max(1, Math.round(defW / totW * bst)) + 10;
+ spatk = (int) Math.max(1, Math.round(spaW / totW * bst)) + 10;
+ spdef = (int) Math.max(1, Math.round(spdW / totW * bst)) + 10;
+ speed = (int) Math.max(1, Math.round(speW / totW * bst)) + 10;
+ } else {
+ // Minimum 20 HP, 10 everything else
+ int bst = bst() - 70;
+ // Make weightings
+ double hpW = random.nextDouble(), atkW = random.nextDouble(), defW = random.nextDouble();
+ double spaW = random.nextDouble(), spdW = random.nextDouble(), speW = random.nextDouble();
+ double totW = hpW + atkW + defW + spaW + spdW + speW;
+ hp = (int) Math.max(1, Math.round(hpW / totW * bst)) + 20;
+ attack = (int) Math.max(1, Math.round(atkW / totW * bst)) + 10;
+ defense = (int) Math.max(1, Math.round(defW / totW * bst)) + 10;
+ spatk = (int) Math.max(1, Math.round(spaW / totW * bst)) + 10;
+ spdef = (int) Math.max(1, Math.round(spdW / totW * bst)) + 10;
+ speed = (int) Math.max(1, Math.round(speW / totW * bst)) + 10;
+ }
+ // Check for something we can't store
+ if (hp > 255 || attack > 255 || defense > 255 || spatk > 255 || spdef > 255 || speed > 255) {
+ // re roll
+ randomizeStatsWithinBST(random);
+ }
+ }
+ public void copyRandomizedStatsUpEvolution(Pokemon evolvesFrom) {
+ double ourBST = bst();
+ double theirBST = evolvesFrom.bst();
+ double bstRatio = ourBST / theirBST;
+ hp = (int) Math.min(255, Math.max(1, Math.round(evolvesFrom.hp * bstRatio)));
+ attack = (int) Math.min(255, Math.max(1, Math.round(evolvesFrom.attack * bstRatio)));
+ defense = (int) Math.min(255, Math.max(1, Math.round(evolvesFrom.defense * bstRatio)));
+ speed = (int) Math.min(255, Math.max(1, Math.round(evolvesFrom.speed * bstRatio)));
+ spatk = (int) Math.min(255, Math.max(1, Math.round(evolvesFrom.spatk * bstRatio)));
+ spdef = (int) Math.min(255, Math.max(1, Math.round(evolvesFrom.spdef * bstRatio)));
+ }
+ public void assignNewStatsForEvolution(Pokemon evolvesFrom, Random random) {
+ double ourBST = bst();
+ double theirBST = evolvesFrom.bst();
+ double bstDiff = ourBST - theirBST;
+ // Make weightings
+ double hpW = random.nextDouble(), atkW = random.nextDouble(), defW = random.nextDouble();
+ double spaW = random.nextDouble(), spdW = random.nextDouble(), speW = random.nextDouble();
+ double totW = hpW + atkW + defW + spaW + spdW + speW;
+ double hpDiff = Math.round((hpW / totW) * bstDiff);
+ double atkDiff = Math.round((atkW / totW) * bstDiff);
+ double defDiff = Math.round((defW / totW) * bstDiff);
+ double spaDiff = Math.round((spaW / totW) * bstDiff);
+ double spdDiff = Math.round((spdW / totW) * bstDiff);
+ double speDiff = Math.round((speW / totW) * bstDiff);
+ hp = (int) Math.min(255, Math.max(1, evolvesFrom.hp + hpDiff));
+ attack = (int) Math.min(255, Math.max(1, evolvesFrom.attack + atkDiff));
+ defense = (int) Math.min(255, Math.max(1, evolvesFrom.defense + defDiff));
+ speed = (int) Math.min(255, Math.max(1, evolvesFrom.speed + speDiff));
+ spatk = (int) Math.min(255, Math.max(1, evolvesFrom.spatk + spaDiff));
+ spdef = (int) Math.min(255, Math.max(1, evolvesFrom.spdef + spdDiff));
+ }
+ protected int bst() {
+ return hp + attack + defense + spatk + spdef + speed;
+ }
+ public int bstForPowerLevels() {
+ // Take into account Shedinja's purposefully nerfed HP
+ if (number == Species.shedinja) {
+ return (attack + defense + spatk + spdef + speed) * 6 / 5;
+ } else {
+ return hp + attack + defense + spatk + spdef + speed;
+ }
+ }
+ public double getAttackSpecialAttackRatio() {
+ return (double)attack / ((double)attack + (double)spatk);
+ }
+ public int getBaseNumber() {
+ Pokemon base = this;
+ while (base.baseForme != null) {
+ base = base.baseForme;
+ }
+ return base.number;
+ }
+ public void copyBaseFormeBaseStats(Pokemon baseForme) {
+ hp = baseForme.hp;
+ attack = baseForme.attack;
+ defense = baseForme.defense;
+ speed = baseForme.speed;
+ spatk = baseForme.spatk;
+ spdef = baseForme.spdef;
+ }
+ public void copyBaseFormeAbilities(Pokemon baseForme) {
+ ability1 = baseForme.ability1;
+ ability2 = baseForme.ability2;
+ ability3 = baseForme.ability3;
+ }
+ public void copyBaseFormeEvolutions(Pokemon baseForme) {
+ evolutionsFrom = baseForme.evolutionsFrom;
+ }
+ public int getSpriteIndex() {
+ return formeNumber == 0 ? number : formeSpriteIndex + formeNumber - 1;
+ }
+ public String fullName() {
+ return name + formeSuffix;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "Pokemon [name=" + name + formeSuffix + ", number=" + number + ", primaryType=" + primaryType
+ + ", secondaryType=" + secondaryType + ", hp=" + hp + ", attack=" + attack + ", defense=" + defense
+ + ", spatk=" + spatk + ", spdef=" + spdef + ", speed=" + speed + "]";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ final int prime = 31;
+ int result = 1;
+ result = prime * result + number;
+ return result;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(Object obj) {
+ if (this == obj)
+ return true;
+ if (obj == null)
+ return false;
+ if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
+ return false;
+ Pokemon other = (Pokemon) obj;
+ return number == other.number;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int compareTo(Pokemon o) {
+ return number - o.number;
+ }
+ private static final List<Integer> legendaries = Arrays.asList(Species.articuno, Species.zapdos, Species.moltres,
+ Species.mewtwo, Species.mew, Species.raikou, Species.entei, Species.suicune, Species.lugia, Species.hoOh,
+ Species.celebi, Species.regirock, Species.regice, Species.registeel, Species.latias, Species.latios,
+ Species.kyogre, Species.groudon, Species.rayquaza, Species.jirachi, Species.deoxys, Species.uxie,
+ Species.mesprit, Species.azelf, Species.dialga, Species.palkia, Species.heatran, Species.regigigas,
+ Species.giratina, Species.cresselia, Species.phione, Species.manaphy, Species.darkrai, Species.shaymin,
+ Species.arceus, Species.victini, Species.cobalion, Species.terrakion, Species.virizion, Species.tornadus,
+ Species.thundurus, Species.reshiram, Species.zekrom, Species.landorus, Species.kyurem, Species.keldeo,
+ Species.meloetta, Species.genesect, Species.xerneas, Species.yveltal, Species.zygarde, Species.diancie,
+ Species.hoopa, Species.volcanion, Species.typeNull, Species.silvally, Species.tapuKoko, Species.tapuLele,
+ Species.tapuBulu, Species.tapuFini, Species.cosmog, Species.cosmoem, Species.solgaleo, Species.lunala,
+ Species.necrozma, Species.magearna, Species.marshadow, Species.zeraora);
+ private static final List<Integer> strongLegendaries = Arrays.asList(Species.mewtwo, Species.lugia, Species.hoOh,
+ Species.kyogre, Species.groudon, Species.rayquaza, Species.dialga, Species.palkia, Species.regigigas,
+ Species.giratina, Species.arceus, Species.reshiram, Species.zekrom, Species.kyurem, Species.xerneas,
+ Species.yveltal, Species.cosmog, Species.cosmoem, Species.solgaleo, Species.lunala);
+ private static final List<Integer> ultraBeasts = Arrays.asList(Species.nihilego, Species.buzzwole, Species.pheromosa,
+ Species.xurkitree, Species.celesteela, Species.kartana, Species.guzzlord, Species.poipole, Species.naganadel,
+ Species.stakataka, Species.blacephalon);
+ public boolean isLegendary() {
+ return formeNumber == 0 ? legendaries.contains(this.number) : legendaries.contains(this.baseForme.number);
+ }
+ public boolean isStrongLegendary() {
+ return formeNumber == 0 ? strongLegendaries.contains(this.number) : strongLegendaries.contains(this.baseForme.number);
+ }
+ // This method can only be used in contexts where alt formes are NOT involved; otherwise, some alt formes
+ // will be considered as Ultra Beasts in SM.
+ // In contexts where formes are involved, use "if (ultraBeastList.contains(...))" instead,
+ // assuming "checkPokemonRestrictions" has been used at some point beforehand.
+ public boolean isUltraBeast() {
+ return ultraBeasts.contains(this.number);
+ }
+ public int getCosmeticFormNumber(int num) {
+ return realCosmeticFormNumbers.isEmpty() ? num : realCosmeticFormNumbers.get(num);
+ }