path: root/src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/')
1 files changed, 660 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/ b/src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4d2e2c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+package com.pkrandom.romhandlers;
+/*-- - defines the functionality that each randomization --*/
+/*-- handler must implement. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- Part of "Universal Pokemon Randomizer ZX" by the UPR-ZX team --*/
+/*-- Pokemon and any associated names and the like are --*/
+/*-- trademark and (C) Nintendo 1996-2020. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- The custom code written here is licensed under the terms of the GPL: --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --*/
+/*-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --*/
+/*-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --*/
+/*-- (at your option) any later version. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --*/
+/*-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --*/
+/*-- GNU General Public License for more details. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --*/
+/*-- along with this program. If not, see <>. --*/
+import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.Set;
+import com.pkrandom.MiscTweak;
+import com.pkrandom.Settings;
+import com.pkrandom.pokemon.*;
+public interface RomHandler {
+ abstract class Factory {
+ public RomHandler create(Random random) {
+ return create(random, null);
+ }
+ public abstract RomHandler create(Random random, PrintStream log);
+ public abstract boolean isLoadable(String filename);
+ }
+ // =======================
+ // Basic load/save methods
+ // =======================
+ boolean loadRom(String filename);
+ boolean saveRomFile(String filename, long seed);
+ boolean saveRomDirectory(String filename);
+ String loadedFilename();
+ // =============================================================
+ // Methods relating to game updates for the 3DS and Switch games
+ // =============================================================
+ boolean hasGameUpdateLoaded();
+ boolean loadGameUpdate(String filename);
+ void removeGameUpdate();
+ String getGameUpdateVersion();
+ // ===========
+ // Log methods
+ // ===========
+ void setLog(PrintStream logStream);
+ void printRomDiagnostics(PrintStream logStream);
+ boolean isRomValid();
+ // ======================================================
+ // Methods for retrieving a list of Pokemon objects.
+ // Note that for many of these lists, index 0 is null.
+ // Instead, you use index on the species' National Dex ID
+ // ======================================================
+ List<Pokemon> getPokemon();
+ List<Pokemon> getPokemonInclFormes();
+ List<Pokemon> getAltFormes();
+ List<MegaEvolution> getMegaEvolutions();
+ Pokemon getAltFormeOfPokemon(Pokemon pk, int forme);
+ List<Pokemon> getIrregularFormes();
+ // ==================================
+ // Methods to set up Gen Restrictions
+ // ==================================
+ void setPokemonPool(Settings settings);
+ void removeEvosForPokemonPool();
+ // ===============
+ // Starter Pokemon
+ // ===============
+ List<Pokemon> getStarters();
+ boolean setStarters(List<Pokemon> newStarters);
+ boolean hasStarterAltFormes();
+ int starterCount();
+ void customStarters(Settings settings);
+ void randomizeStarters(Settings settings);
+ void randomizeBasicTwoEvosStarters(Settings settings);
+ List<Pokemon> getPickedStarters();
+ boolean supportsStarterHeldItems();
+ List<Integer> getStarterHeldItems();
+ void setStarterHeldItems(List<Integer> items);
+ void randomizeStarterHeldItems(Settings settings);
+ // =======================
+ // Pokemon Base Statistics
+ // =======================
+ // Run the stats shuffler on each Pokemon.
+ void shufflePokemonStats(Settings settings);
+ // Randomize stats following evolutions for proportions or not (see
+ // tooltips)
+ void randomizePokemonStats(Settings settings);
+ // Update base stats to specified generation
+ void updatePokemonStats(Settings settings);
+ Map<Integer,StatChange> getUpdatedPokemonStats(int generation);
+ void standardizeEXPCurves(Settings settings);
+ // ====================================
+ // Methods for selecting random Pokemon
+ // ====================================
+ // Give a random Pokemon who's in this game
+ Pokemon randomPokemon();
+ Pokemon randomPokemonInclFormes();
+ // Give a random non-legendary Pokemon who's in this game
+ // Business rules for who's legendary are in Pokemon class
+ Pokemon randomNonLegendaryPokemon();
+ // Give a random legendary Pokemon who's in this game
+ // Business rules for who's legendary are in Pokemon class
+ Pokemon randomLegendaryPokemon();
+ // Give a random Pokemon who has 2 evolution stages
+ // Should make a good starter Pokemon
+ Pokemon random2EvosPokemon(boolean allowAltFormes);
+ // =============
+ // Pokemon Types
+ // =============
+ // return a random type valid in this game.
+ Type randomType();
+ boolean typeInGame(Type type);
+ // randomize Pokemon types, with a switch on whether evolutions
+ // should follow the same types or not.
+ // some evolutions dont anyway, e.g. Eeveelutions, Hitmons
+ void randomizePokemonTypes(Settings settings);
+ // =================
+ // Pokemon Abilities
+ // =================
+ int abilitiesPerPokemon();
+ int highestAbilityIndex();
+ String abilityName(int number);
+ void randomizeAbilities(Settings settings);
+ Map<Integer,List<Integer>> getAbilityVariations();
+ List<Integer> getUselessAbilities();
+ int getAbilityForTrainerPokemon(TrainerPokemon tp);
+ boolean hasMegaEvolutions();
+ // ============
+ // Wild Pokemon
+ // ============
+ List<EncounterSet> getEncounters(boolean useTimeOfDay);
+ void setEncounters(boolean useTimeOfDay, List<EncounterSet> encounters);
+ void randomEncounters(Settings settings);
+ void area1to1Encounters(Settings settings);
+ void game1to1Encounters(Settings settings);
+ void onlyChangeWildLevels(Settings settings);
+ boolean hasTimeBasedEncounters();
+ boolean hasWildAltFormes();
+ List<Pokemon> bannedForWildEncounters();
+ void randomizeWildHeldItems(Settings settings);
+ void changeCatchRates(Settings settings);
+ void minimumCatchRate(int rateNonLegendary, int rateLegendary);
+ void enableGuaranteedPokemonCatching();
+ // ===============
+ // Trainer Pokemon
+ // ===============
+ List<Trainer> getTrainers();
+ List<Integer> getMainPlaythroughTrainers();
+ List<Integer> getEliteFourTrainers(boolean isChallengeMode);
+ void setTrainers(List<Trainer> trainerData, boolean doubleBattleMode);
+ void randomizeTrainerPokes(Settings settings);
+ void randomizeTrainerHeldItems(Settings settings);
+ List<Integer> getSensibleHeldItemsFor(TrainerPokemon tp, boolean consumableOnly, List<Move> moves, int[] pokeMoves);
+ List<Integer> getAllConsumableHeldItems();
+ List<Integer> getAllHeldItems();
+ void rivalCarriesStarter();
+ boolean hasRivalFinalBattle();
+ void forceFullyEvolvedTrainerPokes(Settings settings);
+ void onlyChangeTrainerLevels(Settings settings);
+ void addTrainerPokemon(Settings settings);
+ void doubleBattleMode();
+ List<Move> getMoveSelectionPoolAtLevel(TrainerPokemon tp, boolean cyclicEvolutions);
+ void pickTrainerMovesets(Settings settings);
+ // =========
+ // Move Data
+ // =========
+ void randomizeMovePowers();
+ void randomizeMovePPs();
+ void randomizeMoveAccuracies();
+ void randomizeMoveTypes();
+ boolean hasPhysicalSpecialSplit();
+ void randomizeMoveCategory();
+ void updateMoves(Settings settings);
+ // stuff for printing move changes
+ void initMoveUpdates();
+ Map<Integer, boolean[]> getMoveUpdates();
+ // return all the moves valid in this game.
+ List<Move> getMoves();
+ // ================
+ // Pokemon Movesets
+ // ================
+ Map<Integer, List<MoveLearnt>> getMovesLearnt();
+ void setMovesLearnt(Map<Integer, List<MoveLearnt>> movesets);
+ List<Integer> getMovesBannedFromLevelup();
+ Map<Integer, List<Integer>> getEggMoves();
+ void setEggMoves(Map<Integer, List<Integer>> eggMoves);
+ void randomizeMovesLearnt(Settings settings);
+ void randomizeEggMoves(Settings settings);
+ void orderDamagingMovesByDamage();
+ void metronomeOnlyMode();
+ boolean supportsFourStartingMoves();
+ // ==============
+ // Static Pokemon
+ // ==============
+ List<StaticEncounter> getStaticPokemon();
+ boolean setStaticPokemon(List<StaticEncounter> staticPokemon);
+ void randomizeStaticPokemon(Settings settings);
+ boolean canChangeStaticPokemon();
+ boolean hasStaticAltFormes();
+ List<Pokemon> bannedForStaticPokemon();
+ boolean forceSwapStaticMegaEvos();
+ void onlyChangeStaticLevels(Settings settings);
+ boolean hasMainGameLegendaries();
+ List<Integer> getMainGameLegendaries();
+ List<Integer> getSpecialMusicStatics();
+ void applyCorrectStaticMusic(Map<Integer,Integer> specialMusicStaticChanges);
+ boolean hasStaticMusicFix();
+ // =============
+ // Totem Pokemon
+ // =============
+ List<TotemPokemon> getTotemPokemon();
+ void setTotemPokemon(List<TotemPokemon> totemPokemon);
+ void randomizeTotemPokemon(Settings settings);
+ // =========
+ // TMs & HMs
+ // =========
+ List<Integer> getTMMoves();
+ List<Integer> getHMMoves();
+ void setTMMoves(List<Integer> moveIndexes);
+ void randomizeTMMoves(Settings settings);
+ int getTMCount();
+ int getHMCount();
+ /**
+ * Get TM/HM compatibility data from this rom. The result should contain a
+ * boolean array for each Pokemon indexed as such:
+ *
+ * 0: blank (false) / 1 - (getTMCount()) : TM compatibility /
+ * (getTMCount()+1) - (getTMCount()+getHMCount()) - HM compatibility
+ *
+ * @return Map of TM/HM compatibility
+ */
+ Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> getTMHMCompatibility();
+ void setTMHMCompatibility(Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> compatData);
+ void randomizeTMHMCompatibility(Settings settings);
+ void fullTMHMCompatibility();
+ void ensureTMCompatSanity();
+ void ensureTMEvolutionSanity();
+ void fullHMCompatibility();
+ // ===========
+ // Move Tutors
+ // ===========
+ void copyTMCompatibilityToCosmeticFormes();
+ boolean hasMoveTutors();
+ List<Integer> getMoveTutorMoves();
+ void setMoveTutorMoves(List<Integer> moves);
+ void randomizeMoveTutorMoves(Settings settings);
+ Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> getMoveTutorCompatibility();
+ void setMoveTutorCompatibility(Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> compatData);
+ void randomizeMoveTutorCompatibility(Settings settings);
+ void fullMoveTutorCompatibility();
+ void ensureMoveTutorCompatSanity();
+ void ensureMoveTutorEvolutionSanity();
+ // =============
+ // Trainer Names
+ // =============
+ void copyMoveTutorCompatibilityToCosmeticFormes();
+ boolean canChangeTrainerText();
+ List<String> getTrainerNames();
+ void setTrainerNames(List<String> trainerNames);
+ enum TrainerNameMode {
+ }
+ TrainerNameMode trainerNameMode();
+ // Returns this with or without the class
+ int maxTrainerNameLength();
+ // Only relevant for gen2, which has fluid trainer name length but
+ // only a certain amount of space in the ROM bank.
+ int maxSumOfTrainerNameLengths();
+ // Only needed if above mode is "MAX LENGTH WITH CLASS"
+ List<Integer> getTCNameLengthsByTrainer();
+ void randomizeTrainerNames(Settings settings);
+ // ===============
+ // Trainer Classes
+ // ===============
+ List<String> getTrainerClassNames();
+ void setTrainerClassNames(List<String> trainerClassNames);
+ boolean fixedTrainerClassNamesLength();
+ int maxTrainerClassNameLength();
+ void randomizeTrainerClassNames(Settings settings);
+ List<Integer> getDoublesTrainerClasses();
+ // =====
+ // Items
+ // =====
+ ItemList getAllowedItems();
+ ItemList getNonBadItems();
+ List<Integer> getEvolutionItems();
+ List<Integer> getXItems();
+ List<Integer> getUniqueNoSellItems();
+ List<Integer> getRegularShopItems();
+ List<Integer> getOPShopItems();
+ String[] getItemNames();
+ // ===========
+ // Field Items
+ // ===========
+ // TMs on the field
+ List<Integer> getRequiredFieldTMs();
+ List<Integer> getCurrentFieldTMs();
+ void setFieldTMs(List<Integer> fieldTMs);
+ // Everything else
+ List<Integer> getRegularFieldItems();
+ void setRegularFieldItems(List<Integer> items);
+ // Randomizer methods
+ void shuffleFieldItems();
+ void randomizeFieldItems(Settings settings);
+ // ============
+ // Special Shops
+ // =============
+ boolean hasShopRandomization();
+ void shuffleShopItems();
+ void randomizeShopItems(Settings settings);
+ Map<Integer, Shop> getShopItems();
+ void setShopItems(Map<Integer, Shop> shopItems);
+ void setShopPrices();
+ // ============
+ // Pickup Items
+ // ============
+ List<PickupItem> getPickupItems();
+ void setPickupItems(List<PickupItem> pickupItems);
+ void randomizePickupItems(Settings settings);
+ // ==============
+ // In-Game Trades
+ // ==============
+ List<IngameTrade> getIngameTrades();
+ void setIngameTrades(List<IngameTrade> trades);
+ void randomizeIngameTrades(Settings settings);
+ boolean hasDVs();
+ int maxTradeNicknameLength();
+ int maxTradeOTNameLength();
+ // ==================
+ // Pokemon Evolutions
+ // ==================
+ void removeImpossibleEvolutions(Settings settings);
+ void condenseLevelEvolutions(int maxLevel, int maxIntermediateLevel);
+ void makeEvolutionsEasier(Settings settings);
+ void removeTimeBasedEvolutions();
+ Set<EvolutionUpdate> getImpossibleEvoUpdates();
+ Set<EvolutionUpdate> getEasierEvoUpdates();
+ Set<EvolutionUpdate> getTimeBasedEvoUpdates();
+ void randomizeEvolutions(Settings settings);
+ void randomizeEvolutionsEveryLevel(Settings settings);
+ // In the earlier games, alt formes use the same evolutions as the base forme.
+ // In later games, this was changed so that alt formes can have unique evolutions
+ // compared to the base forme.
+ boolean altFormesCanHaveDifferentEvolutions();
+ // ==================================
+ // (Mostly) unchanging lists of moves
+ // ==================================
+ List<Integer> getGameBreakingMoves();
+ List<Integer> getIllegalMoves();
+ // includes game or gen-specific moves like Secret Power
+ // but NOT healing moves (Softboiled, Milk Drink)
+ List<Integer> getFieldMoves();
+ // any HMs required to obtain 4 badges
+ // (excluding Gameshark codes or early drink in RBY)
+ List<Integer> getEarlyRequiredHMMoves();
+ // ====
+ // Misc
+ // ====
+ boolean isYellow();
+ String getROMName();
+ String getROMCode();
+ String getSupportLevel();
+ String getDefaultExtension();
+ int internalStringLength(String string);
+ void randomizeIntroPokemon();
+ BufferedImage getMascotImage();
+ int generationOfPokemon();
+ void writeCheckValueToROM(int value);
+ // ===========
+ // code tweaks
+ // ===========
+ int miscTweaksAvailable();
+ void applyMiscTweaks(Settings settings);
+ void applyMiscTweak(MiscTweak tweak);
+ boolean isEffectivenessUpdated();
+ void renderPlacementHistory();
+ // ==========================
+ // Misc forme-related methods
+ // ==========================
+ boolean hasFunctionalFormes();
+ List<Pokemon> getAbilityDependentFormes();
+ List<Pokemon> getBannedFormesForPlayerPokemon();
+ List<Pokemon> getBannedFormesForTrainerPokemon();
+} \ No newline at end of file