# My Personal Recommended Game Setting ## Nuzlocke Challenge **The Nuzlocke Challenge** is a set of rules intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games. Many challengers feel that the rules also serve the purpose of encouraging the use of Pokémon the player would not normally choose, and promoting closer bonds with the player's Pokémon. The rules are not an in-game function, but are self-imposed on the part of the player, and thus subject to variation. ### Core Rules 1. Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released or put in the Pokémon Storage System permanently; 2. The player may only catch the first wild Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first wild Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. If the first encounter in the area is a double battle, the player is free to choose which of the two wild Pokémon they would like to catch but may only catch one of them. This restriction does not apply to Pokémon able to be captured during static encounters, nor to Shiny Pokémon. ### Near Universally Rules 1. The player must nickname all of their Pokémon, for the sake of forming stronger emotional bonds; 2. The player may only use Pokémon they have captured themselves, meaning Pokémon acquired through trading, Mystery Gifts, etc., are prohibited *(Due to the randomness applied I generally don't play with this rule, the randomness makes the trading and eggs more fun to play)*; 3. **The player may not voluntarily reset and reload the game whenever things go wrong. Being able to do so would render all of the other rules pointless.** ### For Increased Difficulty 1. The player's Starter Pokémon must be randomly chosen. A common system is if the last digit of the player's Trainer ID number is 1-3, the player must choose the Grass-type starter; if it is 4-6, the Fire-type starter; if it is 7-9, the Water-type starter; if it is 0, free choice. Alternatively, use the Trainer ID modulo 3 for the same purposes; 2. A black out/white out is considered to be a "game over," even if there are usable Pokémon left in the PC, and the player must start over. ### For Decreased Difficulty 1. The core rules are not in effect until the player has gained their first Poké Balls and thus the ability to catch Pokémon; 2. Species/Dupes Clause: The "first wild Pokémon in each area" rule does not apply in an area until a species or evolution line is encountered that has not been caught yet. For example, if the player's first encounter in an area is with a Caterpie and they already own a Caterpie, Metapod or Butterfree, it wouldn't count as their first encounter in that area. This is to allow for increased variety in a player's Pokémon collection; ## Randomizer Settings ### Pokemon Evolutions * Change Impossible Evos ### Starter pokemon * Completly Random * Randomize Held Items ### Trainers Pokemon * Random * Rival carries starter through game * No early Wonder Guard #### Optional * Random Trainer Names * Random Trainer Class Names ### Wild Pokemon * Random * Catch Em All Mode ### Static Pokemon * Random (Legendary <-> Legendary & Normal <-> Normal) ### TMs & HMs * Random * Full HM Compatibility ### In-Game Trades * Randomize both Requested & Given Pokemon ### Field Items * Randomize ### Misc Tweaks * Running Shoes Indoors * Randomize Catching Tutorial * Ban Lucky Egg * Give National Dex at Start