package com.pkrandom.cli; import com.pkrandom.FileFunctions; import com.pkrandom.RandomSource; import com.pkrandom.Randomizer; import com.pkrandom.Settings; import com.pkrandom.romhandlers.*; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.ResourceBundle; public class CliRandomizer { private final static ResourceBundle bundle = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("com/pkrandom/newgui/Bundle"); private static boolean performDirectRandomization(String settingsFilePath, String sourceRomFilePath, String destinationRomFilePath, boolean saveAsDirectory, String updateFilePath, boolean saveLog) { // borrowed directly from NewRandomizerGUI() RomHandler.Factory[] checkHandlers = new RomHandler.Factory[] { new Gen1RomHandler.Factory(), new Gen2RomHandler.Factory(), new Gen3RomHandler.Factory(), new Gen4RomHandler.Factory(), new Gen5RomHandler.Factory(), new Gen6RomHandler.Factory(), new Gen7RomHandler.Factory() }; Settings settings; try { File fh = new File(settingsFilePath); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fh); settings =; // taken from com.pkrandom.newgui.NewRandomizerGUI.saveROM, set distinctly from all other settings settings.setCustomNames(FileFunctions.getCustomNames()); fis.close(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException | IllegalArgumentException | IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return false; } final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream log; try { log = new PrintStream(baos, false, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log = new PrintStream(baos); } final PrintStream verboseLog = log; try { File romFileHandler = new File(sourceRomFilePath); RomHandler romHandler; for (RomHandler.Factory rhf : checkHandlers) { if (rhf.isLoadable(romFileHandler.getAbsolutePath())) { romHandler = rhf.create(RandomSource.instance()); romHandler.loadRom(romFileHandler.getAbsolutePath()); if (updateFilePath != null && (romHandler.generationOfPokemon() == 6 || romHandler.generationOfPokemon() == 7)) { romHandler.loadGameUpdate(updateFilePath); if (!saveAsDirectory) { printWarning("Forcing save as directory since a game update was supplied."); } saveAsDirectory = true; } if (saveAsDirectory && romHandler.generationOfPokemon() != 6 && romHandler.generationOfPokemon() != 7) { saveAsDirectory = false; printWarning("Saving as directory does not make sense for non-3DS games, ignoring \"-d\" flag..."); } CliRandomizer.displaySettingsWarnings(settings, romHandler); File fh = new File(destinationRomFilePath); if (!saveAsDirectory) { List extensions = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("sgb", "gbc", "gba", "nds", "cxi")); extensions.remove(romHandler.getDefaultExtension()); fh = FileFunctions.fixFilename(fh, romHandler.getDefaultExtension(), extensions); if (romHandler instanceof AbstractDSRomHandler || romHandler instanceof Abstract3DSRomHandler) { String currentFN = romHandler.loadedFilename(); if (currentFN.equals(fh.getAbsolutePath())) { printError(bundle.getString("GUI.cantOverwriteDS")); return false; } } } String filename = fh.getAbsolutePath(); Randomizer randomizer = new Randomizer(settings, romHandler, bundle, saveAsDirectory); randomizer.randomize(filename, verboseLog); verboseLog.close(); byte[] out = baos.toByteArray(); if (saveLog) { try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename + ".log"); fos.write(0xEF); fos.write(0xBB); fos.write(0xBF); fos.write(out); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { printWarning("Could not write log."); } } System.out.println("Randomized successfully!"); // this is the only successful exit, everything else will return false at the end of the function return true; } } // if we get here it means no rom handlers matched the ROM file System.err.printf(bundle.getString("GUI.unsupportedRom") + "%n", romFileHandler.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } private static void displaySettingsWarnings(Settings settings, RomHandler romHandler) { Settings.TweakForROMFeedback feedback = settings.tweakForRom(romHandler); if (feedback.isChangedStarter() && settings.getStartersMod() == Settings.StartersMod.CUSTOM) { printWarning(bundle.getString("GUI.starterUnavailable")); } if (settings.isUpdatedFromOldVersion()) { printWarning(bundle.getString("GUI.settingsFileOlder")); } } public static int invoke(String[] args) { String settingsFilePath = null; String sourceRomFilePath = null; String outputRomFilePath = null; boolean saveAsDirectory = false; String updateFilePath = null; boolean saveLog = false; List allowedFlags = Arrays.asList("-i", "-o", "-s", "-d", "-u", "-l", "--help"); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (allowedFlags.contains(args[i])) { switch(args[i]) { case "-i": sourceRomFilePath = args[i + 1]; break; case "-o": outputRomFilePath = args[i + 1]; break; case "-s": settingsFilePath = args[i + 1]; break; case "-d": saveAsDirectory = true; break; case "-u": updateFilePath = args[i+1]; break; case "-l": saveLog = true; break; case "--help": printUsage(); return 0; default: break; } } } if (settingsFilePath == null || sourceRomFilePath == null || outputRomFilePath == null) { printError("Missing required argument"); CliRandomizer.printUsage(); return 1; } // now we know we have the right number of args... if (!new File(settingsFilePath).exists()) { printError("Could not read settings file"); CliRandomizer.printUsage(); return 1; } // check that everything is readable/writable as appropriate if (!new File(sourceRomFilePath).exists()) { printError("Could not read source ROM file"); CliRandomizer.printUsage(); return 1; } // java will return false for a non-existent file, have to check the parent directory if (!new File(outputRomFilePath).getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile().canWrite()) { printError("Destination ROM path not writable"); CliRandomizer.printUsage(); return 1; } boolean processResult = CliRandomizer.performDirectRandomization( settingsFilePath, sourceRomFilePath, outputRomFilePath, saveAsDirectory, updateFilePath, saveLog ); if (!processResult) { printError("Randomization failed"); CliRandomizer.printUsage(); return 1; } return 0; } private static void printError(String text) { System.err.println("ERROR: " + text); } private static void printWarning(String text) { System.err.println("WARNING: " + text); } private static void printUsage() { System.err.println("Usage: java [-Xmx4096M] -jar PokeRandoZX.jar cli -s " + "-i -o [-d][-u ][-l]"); System.err.println("-d: Save 3DS game as directory (LayeredFS)"); } }