package com.pkrandom.constants;
/*-- - Constants for Red/Green/Blue/Yellow --*/
/*-- --*/
/*-- Part of "Universal Pokemon Randomizer ZX" by the UPR-ZX team --*/
/*-- Pokemon and any associated names and the like are --*/
/*-- trademark and (C) Nintendo 1996-2020. --*/
/*-- --*/
/*-- The custom code written here is licensed under the terms of the GPL: --*/
/*-- --*/
/*-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --*/
/*-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --*/
/*-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --*/
/*-- (at your option) any later version. --*/
/*-- --*/
/*-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --*/
/*-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --*/
/*-- GNU General Public License for more details. --*/
/*-- --*/
/*-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --*/
/*-- along with this program. If not, see . --*/
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import com.pkrandom.pokemon.ItemList;
import com.pkrandom.pokemon.Trainer;
import com.pkrandom.pokemon.Type;
public class Gen1Constants {
public static final int baseStatsEntrySize = 0x1C;
public static final int bsHPOffset = 1, bsAttackOffset = 2, bsDefenseOffset = 3, bsSpeedOffset = 4,
bsSpecialOffset = 5, bsPrimaryTypeOffset = 6, bsSecondaryTypeOffset = 7, bsCatchRateOffset = 8,
bsExpYieldOffset = 9, bsFrontSpriteOffset = 11, bsLevel1MovesOffset = 15, bsGrowthCurveOffset = 19,
bsTMHMCompatOffset = 20;
public static final int encounterTableEnd = 0xFFFF, encounterTableSize = 10, yellowSuperRodTableSize = 4;
public static final int trainerClassCount = 47;
public static final int champRivalOffsetFromGymLeaderMoves = 0x44;
public static final int tmCount = 50, hmCount = 5;
public static final int[] gymLeaderTMs = new int[] { 34, 11, 24, 21, 6, 46, 38, 27 };
public static final int[] tclassesCounts = new int[] { 21, 47 };
public static final List singularTrainers = Arrays.asList(28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 45, 46);
public static final List bannedMovesWithXAccBanned = Arrays.asList(
Moves.sonicBoom, Moves.dragonRage, Moves.spore);
public static final List bannedMovesWithoutXAccBanned = Arrays.asList(
Moves.sonicBoom, Moves.dragonRage, Moves.spore, Moves.hornDrill, Moves.fissure, Moves.guillotine);
// ban transform because of Transform assumption glitch
public static final List bannedLevelupMoves = Collections.singletonList(Moves.transform);
public static final List fieldMoves = Arrays.asList(
Moves.cut,,, Moves.strength, Moves.flash, Moves.dig, Moves.teleport);
public static final int damagePoison20PercentEffect = 2, damageAbsorbEffect = 3, damageBurn10PercentEffect = 4,
damageFreeze10PercentEffect = 5, damageParalyze10PercentEffect = 6, dreamEaterEffect = 8,
noDamageAtkPlusOneEffect = 10, noDamageDefPlusOneEffect = 11, noDamageSpecialPlusOneEffect = 13,
noDamageEvasionPlusOneEffect = 15, noDamageAtkMinusOneEffect = 18, noDamageDefMinusOneEffect = 19,
noDamageSpeMinusOneEffect = 20, noDamageAccuracyMinusOneEffect = 22, flinch10PercentEffect = 31,
noDamageSleepEffect = 32, damagePoison40PercentEffect = 33, damageBurn30PercentEffect = 34,
damageFreeze30PercentEffect = 35, damageParalyze30PercentEffect = 36, flinch30PercentEffect = 37,
chargeEffect = 39, flyEffect = 43, damageRecoilEffect = 48, noDamageConfusionEffect = 49,
noDamageAtkPlusTwoEffect = 50, noDamageDefPlusTwoEffect = 51, noDamageSpePlusTwoEffect = 52,
noDamageSpecialPlusTwoEffect = 53, noDamageDefMinusTwoEffect = 59, noDamagePoisonEffect = 66,
noDamageParalyzeEffect = 67, damageAtkMinusOneEffect = 68, damageDefMinusOneEffect = 69,
damageSpeMinusOneEffect = 70, damageSpecialMinusOneEffect = 71, damageConfusionEffect = 76,
twineedleEffect = 77, hyperBeamEffect = 80;
// Taken from critical_hit_moves.asm; we could read this from the ROM, but it's easier to hardcode it.
public static final List increasedCritMoves = Arrays.asList(Moves.karateChop, Moves.razorLeaf, Moves.crabhammer, Moves.slash);
public static final List earlyRequiredHMs = Collections.singletonList(Moves.cut);
public static final int hmsStartIndex = Gen1Items.hm01, tmsStartIndex = Gen1Items.tm01;
public static final List requiredFieldTMs = Arrays.asList(3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20,
22, 25, 26, 30, 40, 43, 44, 45, 47);
public static final int towerMapsStartIndex = 0x90, towerMapsEndIndex = 0x94;
public static final String guaranteedCatchPrefix = "CF7EFE01";
public static final Type[] typeTable = constructTypeTable();
private static Type[] constructTypeTable() {
Type[] table = new Type[0x20];
table[0x00] = Type.NORMAL;
table[0x01] = Type.FIGHTING;
table[0x02] = Type.FLYING;
table[0x03] = Type.POISON;
table[0x04] = Type.GROUND;
table[0x05] = Type.ROCK;
table[0x07] = Type.BUG;
table[0x08] = Type.GHOST;
table[0x14] = Type.FIRE;
table[0x15] = Type.WATER;
table[0x16] = Type.GRASS;
table[0x17] = Type.ELECTRIC;
table[0x18] = Type.PSYCHIC;
table[0x19] = Type.ICE;
table[0x1A] = Type.DRAGON;
return table;
public static byte typeToByte(Type type) {
for (int i = 0; i < typeTable.length; i++) {
if (typeTable[i] == type) {
return (byte) i;
return (byte) 0;
public static final ItemList allowedItems = setupAllowedItems();
private static ItemList setupAllowedItems() {
ItemList allowedItems = new ItemList(Gen1Items.tm50); // 251-255 are junk TMs
// Assorted key items & junk
// 23/01/2014: ban fake PP Up
allowedItems.banSingles(Gen1Items.townMap, Gen1Items.bicycle, Gen1Items.questionMark7,
Gen1Items.safariBall, Gen1Items.pokedex, Gen1Items.oldAmber, Gen1Items.cardKey, Gen1Items.ppUpGlitch,
Gen1Items.coin, Gen1Items.ssTicket, Gen1Items.goldTeeth);
allowedItems.banRange(Gen1Items.boulderBadge, 8);
allowedItems.banRange(Gen1Items.domeFossil, 5);
allowedItems.banRange(Gen1Items.coinCase, 10);
// Unused
allowedItems.banRange(Gen1Items.unused84, 112);
// HMs
allowedItems.banRange(hmsStartIndex, hmCount);
// Real TMs
allowedItems.tmRange(tmsStartIndex, tmCount);
return allowedItems;
public static void tagTrainersUniversal(List trs) {
// Gym Leaders
tbc(trs, 34, 0, "GYM1");
tbc(trs, 35, 0, "GYM2");
tbc(trs, 36, 0, "GYM3");
tbc(trs, 37, 0, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 38, 0, "GYM5");
tbc(trs, 40, 0, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 39, 0, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 29, 2, "GYM8");
// Other giovanni teams
tbc(trs, 29, 0, "GIO1");
tbc(trs, 29, 1, "GIO2");
// Elite 4
tbc(trs, 44, 0, "ELITE1");
tbc(trs, 33, 0, "ELITE2");
tbc(trs, 46, 0, "ELITE3");
tbc(trs, 47, 0, "ELITE4");
public static void tagTrainersRB(List trs) {
// Gary Battles
tbc(trs, 25, 0, "RIVAL1-0");
tbc(trs, 25, 1, "RIVAL1-1");
tbc(trs, 25, 2, "RIVAL1-2");
tbc(trs, 25, 3, "RIVAL2-0");
tbc(trs, 25, 4, "RIVAL2-1");
tbc(trs, 25, 5, "RIVAL2-2");
tbc(trs, 25, 6, "RIVAL3-0");
tbc(trs, 25, 7, "RIVAL3-1");
tbc(trs, 25, 8, "RIVAL3-2");
tbc(trs, 42, 0, "RIVAL4-0");
tbc(trs, 42, 1, "RIVAL4-1");
tbc(trs, 42, 2, "RIVAL4-2");
tbc(trs, 42, 3, "RIVAL5-0");
tbc(trs, 42, 4, "RIVAL5-1");
tbc(trs, 42, 5, "RIVAL5-2");
tbc(trs, 42, 6, "RIVAL6-0");
tbc(trs, 42, 7, "RIVAL6-1");
tbc(trs, 42, 8, "RIVAL6-2");
tbc(trs, 42, 9, "RIVAL7-0");
tbc(trs, 42, 10, "RIVAL7-1");
tbc(trs, 42, 11, "RIVAL7-2");
tbc(trs, 43, 0, "RIVAL8-0");
tbc(trs, 43, 1, "RIVAL8-1");
tbc(trs, 43, 2, "RIVAL8-2");
// Gym Trainers
tbc(trs, 5, 0, "GYM1");
tbc(trs, 15, 0, "GYM2");
tbc(trs, 6, 0, "GYM2");
tbc(trs, 4, 7, "GYM3");
tbc(trs, 20, 0, "GYM3");
tbc(trs, 41, 2, "GYM3");
tbc(trs, 3, 16, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 3, 17, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 6, 10, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 18, 0, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 18, 1, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 18, 2, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 32, 0, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 21, 2, "GYM5");
tbc(trs, 21, 3, "GYM5");
tbc(trs, 21, 6, "GYM5");
tbc(trs, 21, 7, "GYM5");
tbc(trs, 22, 0, "GYM5");
tbc(trs, 22, 1, "GYM5");
tbc(trs, 19, 0, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 19, 1, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 19, 2, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 19, 3, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 45, 21, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 45, 22, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 45, 23, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 8, 8, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 8, 9, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 8, 10, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 8, 11, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 11, 3, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 11, 4, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 11, 5, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 22, 2, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 22, 3, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 24, 5, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 24, 6, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 24, 7, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 31, 0, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 31, 8, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 31, 9, "GYM8");
public static void tagTrainersYellow(List trs) {
// Rival Battles
tbc(trs, 25, 0, "IRIVAL");
tbc(trs, 25, 1, "RIVAL1-0");
tbc(trs, 25, 2, "RIVAL2-0");
tbc(trs, 42, 0, "RIVAL3-0");
tbc(trs, 42, 1, "RIVAL4-0");
tbc(trs, 42, 2, "RIVAL4-1");
tbc(trs, 42, 3, "RIVAL4-2");
tbc(trs, 42, 4, "RIVAL5-0");
tbc(trs, 42, 5, "RIVAL5-1");
tbc(trs, 42, 6, "RIVAL5-2");
tbc(trs, 42, 7, "RIVAL6-0");
tbc(trs, 42, 8, "RIVAL6-1");
tbc(trs, 42, 9, "RIVAL6-2");
tbc(trs, 43, 0, "RIVAL7-0");
tbc(trs, 43, 1, "RIVAL7-1");
tbc(trs, 43, 2, "RIVAL7-2");
// Rocket Jessie & James
tbc(trs, 30, 41, "THEMED:JESSIE&JAMES");
tbc(trs, 30, 42, "THEMED:JESSIE&JAMES");
tbc(trs, 30, 43, "THEMED:JESSIE&JAMES");
tbc(trs, 30, 44, "THEMED:JESSIE&JAMES");
// Gym Trainers
tbc(trs, 5, 0, "GYM1");
tbc(trs, 6, 0, "GYM2");
tbc(trs, 15, 0, "GYM2");
tbc(trs, 4, 7, "GYM3");
tbc(trs, 20, 0, "GYM3");
tbc(trs, 41, 2, "GYM3");
tbc(trs, 3, 16, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 3, 17, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 6, 10, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 18, 0, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 18, 1, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 18, 2, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 32, 0, "GYM4");
tbc(trs, 21, 2, "GYM5");
tbc(trs, 21, 3, "GYM5");
tbc(trs, 21, 6, "GYM5");
tbc(trs, 21, 7, "GYM5");
tbc(trs, 22, 0, "GYM5");
tbc(trs, 22, 1, "GYM5");
tbc(trs, 19, 0, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 19, 1, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 19, 2, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 19, 3, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 45, 21, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 45, 22, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 45, 23, "GYM6");
tbc(trs, 8, 8, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 8, 9, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 8, 10, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 8, 11, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 11, 3, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 11, 4, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 11, 5, "GYM7");
tbc(trs, 22, 2, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 22, 3, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 24, 5, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 24, 6, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 24, 7, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 31, 0, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 31, 8, "GYM8");
tbc(trs, 31, 9, "GYM8");
private static void tbc(List allTrainers, int classNum, int number, String tag) {
int currnum = -1;
for (Trainer t : allTrainers) {
if (t.trainerclass == classNum) {
if (currnum == number) {
t.tag = tag;