package com.sneed.pkrandom; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-- - contains functions useful throughout the program. --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- Part of "Universal Pokemon Randomizer ZX" by the UPR-ZX team --*/ /*-- Originally part of "Universal Pokemon Randomizer" by sneed --*/ /*-- Pokemon and any associated names and the like are --*/ /*-- trademark and (C) Nintendo 1996-2020. --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- The custom code written here is licensed under the terms of the GPL: --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --*/ /*-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --*/ /*-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --*/ /*-- (at your option) any later version. --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --*/ /*-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --*/ /*-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --*/ /*-- GNU General Public License for more details. --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --*/ /*-- along with this program. If not, see . --*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import com.sneed.pkrandom.pokemon.Evolution; import com.sneed.pkrandom.pokemon.MoveLearnt; import com.sneed.pkrandom.pokemon.Pokemon; import com.sneed.pkrandom.romhandlers.RomHandler; public class RomFunctions { public static Set getBasicPokemon(RomHandler baseRom) { List allPokes = baseRom.getPokemonInclFormes(); Set basicPokes = new TreeSet<>(); for (Pokemon pkmn : allPokes) { if (pkmn != null) { if (pkmn.evolutionsTo.size() < 1) { basicPokes.add(pkmn); } } } return basicPokes; } public static Set getSplitEvolutions(RomHandler baseRom) { List allPokes = baseRom.getPokemonInclFormes(); Set splitEvos = new TreeSet<>(); for (Pokemon pkmn : allPokes) { if (pkmn != null) { if (pkmn.evolutionsTo.size() > 0) { Evolution onlyEvo = pkmn.evolutionsTo.get(0); if (!onlyEvo.carryStats) { splitEvos.add(pkmn); } } } } return splitEvos; } public static Set getMiddleEvolutions(RomHandler baseRom, boolean includeSplitEvos) { List allPokes = baseRom.getPokemon(); Set middleEvolutions = new TreeSet<>(); for (Pokemon pkmn : allPokes) { if (pkmn != null) { if (pkmn.evolutionsTo.size() == 1 && pkmn.evolutionsFrom.size() > 0) { Evolution onlyEvo = pkmn.evolutionsTo.get(0); if (onlyEvo.carryStats || includeSplitEvos) { middleEvolutions.add(pkmn); } } } } return middleEvolutions; } public static Set getFinalEvolutions(RomHandler baseRom, boolean includeSplitEvos) { List allPokes = baseRom.getPokemon(); Set finalEvolutions = new TreeSet<>(); for (Pokemon pkmn : allPokes) { if (pkmn != null) { if (pkmn.evolutionsTo.size() == 1 && pkmn.evolutionsFrom.size() == 0) { Evolution onlyEvo = pkmn.evolutionsTo.get(0); if (onlyEvo.carryStats || includeSplitEvos) { finalEvolutions.add(pkmn); } } } } return finalEvolutions; } /** * Get the 4 moves known by a Pokemon at a particular level. * * @param pkmn Pokemon index to get moves for. * @param movesets Map of Pokemon indices mapped to movesets. * @param level Level to get at. * @return Array with move indices. */ public static int[] getMovesAtLevel(int pkmn, Map> movesets, int level) { return getMovesAtLevel(pkmn, movesets, level, 0); } public static int[] getMovesAtLevel(int pkmn, Map> movesets, int level, int emptyValue) { int[] curMoves = new int[4]; if (emptyValue != 0) { Arrays.fill(curMoves, emptyValue); } int moveCount = 0; List movepool = movesets.get(pkmn); for (MoveLearnt ml : movepool) { if (ml.level > level) { // we're done break; } boolean alreadyKnownMove = false; for (int i = 0; i < moveCount; i++) { if (curMoves[i] == ml.move) { alreadyKnownMove = true; break; } } if (!alreadyKnownMove) { // add this move to the moveset if (moveCount == 4) { // shift moves up and add to last slot System.arraycopy(curMoves, 1, curMoves, 0, 3); curMoves[3] = ml.move; } else { // add to next available slot curMoves[moveCount++] = ml.move; } } } return curMoves; } public static String camelCase(String original) { char[] string = original.toLowerCase().toCharArray(); boolean docap = true; for (int j = 0; j < string.length; j++) { char current = string[j]; if (docap && Character.isLetter(current)) { string[j] = Character.toUpperCase(current); docap = false; } else { if (!docap && !Character.isLetter(current) && current != '\'' && current != '’') { docap = true; } } } return new String(string); } public static int freeSpaceFinder(byte[] rom, byte freeSpace, int amount, int offset) { // by default align to 4 bytes to make sure things don't break return freeSpaceFinder(rom, freeSpace, amount, offset, true); } public static int freeSpaceFinder(byte[] rom, byte freeSpace, int amount, int offset, boolean longAligned) { if (!longAligned) { // Find 2 more than necessary and return 2 into it, // to preserve stuff like FF terminators for strings // 161: and FFFF terminators for movesets byte[] searchNeedle = new byte[amount + 2]; for (int i = 0; i < amount + 2; i++) { searchNeedle[i] = freeSpace; } return searchForFirst(rom, offset, searchNeedle) + 2; } else { // Find 5 more than necessary and return into it as necessary for // 4-alignment, // to preserve stuff like FF terminators for strings // 161: and FFFF terminators for movesets byte[] searchNeedle = new byte[amount + 5]; for (int i = 0; i < amount + 5; i++) { searchNeedle[i] = freeSpace; } return (searchForFirst(rom, offset, searchNeedle) + 5) & ~3; } } public static List search(byte[] haystack, byte[] needle) { return search(haystack, 0, haystack.length, needle); } public static List search(byte[] haystack, int beginOffset, byte[] needle) { return search(haystack, beginOffset, haystack.length, needle); } public static List search(byte[] haystack, int beginOffset, int endOffset, byte[] needle) { int currentMatchStart = beginOffset; int currentCharacterPosition = 0; int needleSize = needle.length; int[] toFillTable = buildKMPSearchTable(needle); List results = new ArrayList<>(); while ((currentMatchStart + currentCharacterPosition) < endOffset) { if (needle[currentCharacterPosition] == (haystack[currentCharacterPosition + currentMatchStart])) { currentCharacterPosition = currentCharacterPosition + 1; if (currentCharacterPosition == (needleSize)) { results.add(currentMatchStart); currentCharacterPosition = 0; currentMatchStart = currentMatchStart + needleSize; } } else { currentMatchStart = currentMatchStart + currentCharacterPosition - toFillTable[currentCharacterPosition]; if (toFillTable[currentCharacterPosition] > -1) { currentCharacterPosition = toFillTable[currentCharacterPosition]; } else { currentCharacterPosition = 0; } } } return results; } private static int searchForFirst(byte[] haystack, int beginOffset, byte[] needle) { int currentMatchStart = beginOffset; int currentCharacterPosition = 0; int docSize = haystack.length; int needleSize = needle.length; int[] toFillTable = buildKMPSearchTable(needle); while ((currentMatchStart + currentCharacterPosition) < docSize) { if (needle[currentCharacterPosition] == (haystack[currentCharacterPosition + currentMatchStart])) { currentCharacterPosition = currentCharacterPosition + 1; if (currentCharacterPosition == (needleSize)) { return currentMatchStart; } } else { currentMatchStart = currentMatchStart + currentCharacterPosition - toFillTable[currentCharacterPosition]; if (toFillTable[currentCharacterPosition] > -1) { currentCharacterPosition = toFillTable[currentCharacterPosition]; } else { currentCharacterPosition = 0; } } } return -1; } private static int[] buildKMPSearchTable(byte[] needle) { int[] stable = new int[needle.length]; int pos = 2; int j = 0; stable[0] = -1; stable[1] = 0; while (pos < needle.length) { if (needle[pos - 1] == needle[j]) { stable[pos] = j + 1; pos++; j++; } else if (j > 0) { j = stable[j]; } else { stable[pos] = 0; pos++; } } return stable; } public static String rewriteDescriptionForNewLineSize(String moveDesc, String newline, int lineSize, StringSizeDeterminer ssd) { // We rewrite the description we're given based on some new chars per // line. moveDesc = moveDesc.replace("-" + newline, "").replace(newline, " "); // Keep spatk/spdef as one word on one line moveDesc = moveDesc.replace("Sp. Atk", "Sp__Atk"); moveDesc = moveDesc.replace("Sp. Def", "Sp__Def"); moveDesc = moveDesc.replace("SP. ATK", "SP__ATK"); moveDesc = moveDesc.replace("SP. DEF", "SP__DEF"); String[] words = moveDesc.split(" "); StringBuilder fullDesc = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder thisLine = new StringBuilder(); int currLineWC = 0; int currLineCC = 0; int linesWritten = 0; for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { // Reverse the spatk/spdef preservation from above words[i] = words[i].replace("SP__", "SP. "); words[i] = words[i].replace("Sp__", "Sp. "); int reqLength = ssd.lengthFor(words[i]); if (currLineWC > 0) { reqLength++; } if (currLineCC + reqLength <= lineSize) { // add to current line if (currLineWC > 0) { thisLine.append(' '); } thisLine.append(words[i]); currLineWC++; currLineCC += reqLength; } else { // Save current line, if applicable if (currLineWC > 0) { if (linesWritten > 0) { fullDesc.append(newline); } fullDesc.append(thisLine.toString()); linesWritten++; thisLine = new StringBuilder(); } // Start the new line thisLine.append(words[i]); currLineWC = 1; currLineCC = ssd.lengthFor(words[i]); } } // If the last line has anything add it if (currLineWC > 0) { if (linesWritten > 0) { fullDesc.append(newline); } fullDesc.append(thisLine.toString()); } return fullDesc.toString(); } public static String formatTextWithReplacements(String text, Map replacements, String newline, String extraline, String newpara, int maxLineLength, StringSizeDeterminer ssd) { // Ends with a paragraph indicator? boolean endsWithPara = false; if (text.endsWith(newpara)) { endsWithPara = true; text = text.substring(0, text.length() - newpara.length()); } // Replace current line endings with spaces text = text.replace(newline, " ").replace(extraline, " "); // Replace words if replacements are set // do it in two stages so the rules don't conflict if (replacements != null) { int index = 0; for (Map.Entry toReplace : replacements.entrySet()) { index++; text = text.replace(toReplace.getKey(), ""); } index = 0; for (Map.Entry toReplace : replacements.entrySet()) { index++; text = text.replace("", toReplace.getValue()); } } // Split on paragraphs and deal with each one individually String[] oldParagraphs = text.split(newpara.replace("\\", "\\\\")); StringBuilder finalResult = new StringBuilder(); int sentenceNewLineSize = Math.max(10, maxLineLength / 2); for (int para = 0; para < oldParagraphs.length; para++) { String[] words = oldParagraphs[para].split(" "); StringBuilder fullPara = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder thisLine = new StringBuilder(); int currLineWC = 0; int currLineCC = 0; int linesWritten = 0; char currLineLastChar = 0; for (String word : words) { int reqLength = ssd.lengthFor(word); if (currLineWC > 0) { reqLength++; } if ((currLineCC + reqLength > maxLineLength) || (currLineCC >= sentenceNewLineSize && (currLineLastChar == '.' || currLineLastChar == '?' || currLineLastChar == '!' || currLineLastChar == '…' || currLineLastChar == ','))) { // new line // Save current line, if applicable if (currLineWC > 0) { if (linesWritten > 1) { fullPara.append(extraline); } else if (linesWritten == 1) { fullPara.append(newline); } fullPara.append(thisLine.toString()); linesWritten++; thisLine = new StringBuilder(); } // Start the new line thisLine.append(word); currLineWC = 1; currLineCC = ssd.lengthFor(word); if (word.length() == 0) { currLineLastChar = 0; } else { currLineLastChar = word.charAt(word.length() - 1); } } else { // add to current line if (currLineWC > 0) { thisLine.append(' '); } thisLine.append(word); currLineWC++; currLineCC += reqLength; if (word.length() == 0) { currLineLastChar = 0; } else { currLineLastChar = word.charAt(word.length() - 1); } } } // If the last line has anything add it if (currLineWC > 0) { if (linesWritten > 1) { fullPara.append(extraline); } else if (linesWritten == 1) { fullPara.append(newline); } fullPara.append(thisLine.toString()); } if (para > 0) { finalResult.append(newpara); } finalResult.append(fullPara.toString()); } if (endsWithPara) { finalResult.append(newpara); } return finalResult.toString(); } public interface StringSizeDeterminer { int lengthFor(String encodedText); } public static class StringLengthSD implements StringSizeDeterminer { @Override public int lengthFor(String encodedText) { return encodedText.length(); } } }