package com.sneed.pkrandom.constants; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-- - Constants for Gold/Silver/Crystal --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- Part of "Universal Pokemon Randomizer ZX" by the UPR-ZX team --*/ /*-- Originally part of "Universal Pokemon Randomizer" by sneed --*/ /*-- Pokemon and any associated names and the like are --*/ /*-- trademark and (C) Nintendo 1996-2020. --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- The custom code written here is licensed under the terms of the GPL: --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --*/ /*-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --*/ /*-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --*/ /*-- (at your option) any later version. --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --*/ /*-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --*/ /*-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --*/ /*-- GNU General Public License for more details. --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --*/ /*-- along with this program. If not, see . --*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import com.sneed.pkrandom.pokemon.ItemList; import com.sneed.pkrandom.pokemon.Trainer; import com.sneed.pkrandom.pokemon.Type; public class Gen2Constants { public static final int vietCrystalCheckOffset = 0x63; public static final byte vietCrystalCheckValue = (byte) 0xF5; public static final String vietCrystalROMName = "Pokemon VietCrystal"; public static final int pokemonCount = 251, moveCount = 251; public static final int baseStatsEntrySize = 0x20; public static final Type[] typeTable = constructTypeTable(); public static final int bsHPOffset = 1, bsAttackOffset = 2, bsDefenseOffset = 3, bsSpeedOffset = 4, bsSpAtkOffset = 5, bsSpDefOffset = 6, bsPrimaryTypeOffset = 7, bsSecondaryTypeOffset = 8, bsCatchRateOffset = 9, bsCommonHeldItemOffset = 11, bsRareHeldItemOffset = 12, bsPicDimensionsOffset = 17, bsGrowthCurveOffset = 22, bsTMHMCompatOffset = 24, bsMTCompatOffset = 31; public static final String[] starterNames = new String[] { "CYNDAQUIL", "TOTODILE", "CHIKORITA" }; public static final int fishingGroupCount = 12, pokesPerFishingGroup = 11, fishingGroupEntryLength = 3, timeSpecificFishingGroupCount = 11, pokesPerTSFishingGroup = 4; public static final int landEncounterSlots = 7, seaEncounterSlots = 3; public static final int oddEggPokemonCount = 14; public static final int tmCount = 50, hmCount = 7; public static final String mtMenuCancelString = "CANCEL"; public static final byte mtMenuInitByte = (byte) 0x80; public static final int maxTrainerNameLength = 17; public static final int fleeingSetTwoOffset = 0xE, fleeingSetThreeOffset = 0x17; public static final int mapGroupCount = 26, mapsInLastGroup = 11; public static final int noDamageSleepEffect = 1, damagePoisonEffect = 2, damageAbsorbEffect = 3, damageBurnEffect = 4, damageFreezeEffect = 5, damageParalyzeEffect = 6, dreamEaterEffect = 8, noDamageAtkPlusOneEffect = 10, noDamageDefPlusOneEffect = 11, noDamageSpAtkPlusOneEffect = 13, noDamageEvasionPlusOneEffect = 16, noDamageAtkMinusOneEffect = 18, noDamageDefMinusOneEffect = 19, noDamageSpeMinusOneEffect = 20, noDamageAccuracyMinusOneEffect = 23, noDamageEvasionMinusOneEffect = 24, flinchEffect = 31, toxicEffect = 33, damageRecoilEffect = 48, noDamageConfusionEffect = 49, noDamageAtkPlusTwoEffect = 50, noDamageDefPlusTwoEffect = 51, noDamageSpePlusTwoEffect = 52, noDamageSpDefPlusTwoEffect = 54, noDamageAtkMinusTwoEffect = 58, noDamageDefMinusTwoEffect = 59, noDamageSpeMinusTwoEffect = 60, noDamageSpDefMinusTwoEffect = 62, noDamagePoisonEffect = 66, noDamageParalyzeEffect = 67, damageAtkMinusOneEffect = 68, damageDefMinusOneEffect = 69, damageSpeMinusOneEffect = 70, damageSpDefMinusOneEffect = 72, damageAccuracyMinusOneEffect = 73, damageConfusionEffect = 76, twineedleEffect = 77, snoreEffect = 92, swaggerEffect = 118, damageBurnAndThawUserEffect = 125, damageUserDefPlusOneEffect = 138, damageUserAtkPlusOneEffect = 139, damageUserAllPlusOneEffect = 140, twisterEffect = 146, stompEffect = 150, thunderEffect = 152, defenseCurlEffect = 156; public static final List requiredFieldTMs = Arrays.asList(4, 20, 22, 26, 28, 34, 35, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46); public static final List fieldMoves = Arrays.asList( Moves.cut,,, Moves.strength, Moves.flash, Moves.dig, Moves.teleport, Moves.whirlpool, Moves.waterfall, Moves.rockSmash, Moves.headbutt, Moves.sweetScent); public static final List earlyRequiredHMMoves = Collections.singletonList(Moves.cut); // ban thief because trainers are broken with it (items are not returned). // ban transform because of Transform assumption glitch public static final List bannedLevelupMoves = Arrays.asList(Moves.transform, Moves.thief); public static final List brokenMoves = Arrays.asList( Moves.sonicBoom, Moves.dragonRage, Moves.hornDrill, Moves.fissure, Moves.guillotine); public static final List illegalVietCrystalMoves = Arrays.asList( Moves.protect,, Moves.spikeCannon, Moves.detect); public static final int tmBlockOneIndex = Gen2Items.tm01, tmBlockOneSize = 4, tmBlockTwoIndex = Gen2Items.tm05, tmBlockTwoSize = 24, tmBlockThreeIndex = Gen2Items.tm29, tmBlockThreeSize = 22; public static final int priorityHitEffectIndex = 0x67, protectEffectIndex = 0x6F, endureEffectIndex = 0x74, forceSwitchEffectIndex = 0x1C,counterEffectIndex = 0x59, mirrorCoatEffectIndex = 0x90; private static Type[] constructTypeTable() { Type[] table = new Type[256]; table[0x00] = Type.NORMAL; table[0x01] = Type.FIGHTING; table[0x02] = Type.FLYING; table[0x03] = Type.POISON; table[0x04] = Type.GROUND; table[0x05] = Type.ROCK; table[0x07] = Type.BUG; table[0x08] = Type.GHOST; table[0x09] = Type.STEEL; table[0x14] = Type.FIRE; table[0x15] = Type.WATER; table[0x16] = Type.GRASS; table[0x17] = Type.ELECTRIC; table[0x18] = Type.PSYCHIC; table[0x19] = Type.ICE; table[0x1A] = Type.DRAGON; table[0x1B] = Type.DARK; return table; } public static byte typeToByte(Type type) { if (type == null) { return 0x13; // ???-type } switch (type) { case NORMAL: return 0x00; case FIGHTING: return 0x01; case FLYING: return 0x02; case POISON: return 0x03; case GROUND: return 0x04; case ROCK: return 0x05; case BUG: return 0x07; case GHOST: return 0x08; case FIRE: return 0x14; case WATER: return 0x15; case GRASS: return 0x16; case ELECTRIC: return 0x17; case PSYCHIC: return 0x18; case ICE: return 0x19; case DRAGON: return 0x1A; case STEEL: return 0x09; case DARK: return 0x1B; default: return 0; // normal by default } } public static ItemList allowedItems; public static ItemList nonBadItems; static { setupAllowedItems(); } private static void setupAllowedItems() { allowedItems = new ItemList(Gen2Items.hm07); // 250-255 are junk and cancel // Assorted key items allowedItems.banSingles(Gen2Items.bicycle, Gen2Items.coinCase, Gen2Items.itemfinder, Gen2Items.oldRod, Gen2Items.goodRod, Gen2Items.superRod, Gen2Items.gsBall, Gen2Items.blueCard, Gen2Items.basementKey, Gen2Items.pass, Gen2Items.squirtBottle, Gen2Items.rainbowWing); allowedItems.banRange(Gen2Items.redScale, 6); allowedItems.banRange(Gen2Items.cardKey, 4); // HMs allowedItems.banRange(Gen2Items.hm01, 7); // Unused items (Teru-Samas and dummy TMs) allowedItems.banSingles(Gen2Items.terusama6, Gen2Items.terusama25, Gen2Items.terusama45, Gen2Items.terusama50, Gen2Items.terusama56, Gen2Items.terusama90, Gen2Items.terusama100, Gen2Items.terusama120, Gen2Items.terusama135, Gen2Items.terusama136, Gen2Items.terusama137, Gen2Items.terusama141, Gen2Items.terusama142, Gen2Items.terusama145, Gen2Items.terusama147, Gen2Items.terusama148, Gen2Items.terusama149, Gen2Items.terusama153, Gen2Items.terusama154, Gen2Items.terusama155, Gen2Items.terusama162, Gen2Items.terusama171, Gen2Items.terusama176, Gen2Items.terusama179, Gen2Items.terusama190, Gen2Items.tm04Unused, Gen2Items.tm28Unused); // Real TMs allowedItems.tmRange(tmBlockOneIndex, tmBlockOneSize); allowedItems.tmRange(tmBlockTwoIndex, tmBlockTwoSize); allowedItems.tmRange(tmBlockThreeIndex, tmBlockThreeSize); // non-bad items // ban specific pokemon hold items, berries, apricorns, mail nonBadItems = allowedItems.copy(); nonBadItems.banSingles(Gen2Items.luckyPunch, Gen2Items.metalPowder, Gen2Items.silverLeaf, Gen2Items.goldLeaf, Gen2Items.redApricorn, Gen2Items.bluApricorn, Gen2Items.whtApricorn, Gen2Items.blkApricorn, Gen2Items.pnkApricorn, Gen2Items.stick, Gen2Items.thickClub, Gen2Items.flowerMail, Gen2Items.lightBall, Gen2Items.berry, Gen2Items.brickPiece); nonBadItems.banRange(Gen2Items.ylwApricorn, 2); nonBadItems.banRange(Gen2Items.normalBox, 2); nonBadItems.banRange(Gen2Items.surfMail, 9); } public static void universalTrainerTags(List allTrainers) { // Gym Leaders tbc(allTrainers, 1, 0, "GYM1"); tbc(allTrainers, 3, 0, "GYM2"); tbc(allTrainers, 2, 0, "GYM3"); tbc(allTrainers, 4, 0, "GYM4"); tbc(allTrainers, 7, 0, "GYM5"); tbc(allTrainers, 6, 0, "GYM6"); tbc(allTrainers, 5, 0, "GYM7"); tbc(allTrainers, 8, 0, "GYM8"); tbc(allTrainers, 17, 0, "GYM9"); tbc(allTrainers, 18, 0, "GYM10"); tbc(allTrainers, 19, 0, "GYM11"); tbc(allTrainers, 21, 0, "GYM12"); tbc(allTrainers, 26, 0, "GYM13"); tbc(allTrainers, 35, 0, "GYM14"); tbc(allTrainers, 46, 0, "GYM15"); tbc(allTrainers, 64, 0, "GYM16"); // Elite 4 & Red tbc(allTrainers, 11, 0, "ELITE1"); tbc(allTrainers, 15, 0, "ELITE2"); tbc(allTrainers, 13, 0, "ELITE3"); tbc(allTrainers, 14, 0, "ELITE4"); tbc(allTrainers, 16, 0, "CHAMPION"); tbc(allTrainers, 63, 0, "UBER"); // Silver // Order in rom is BAYLEEF, QUILAVA, CROCONAW teams // Starters go CYNDA, TOTO, CHIKO // So we want 0=CROCONAW/FERALI, 1=BAYLEEF/MEGAN, 2=QUILAVA/TYPHLO tbc(allTrainers, 9, 0, "RIVAL1-1"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 1, "RIVAL1-2"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 2, "RIVAL1-0"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 3, "RIVAL2-1"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 4, "RIVAL2-2"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 5, "RIVAL2-0"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 6, "RIVAL3-1"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 7, "RIVAL3-2"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 8, "RIVAL3-0"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 9, "RIVAL4-1"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 10, "RIVAL4-2"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 11, "RIVAL4-0"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 12, "RIVAL5-1"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 13, "RIVAL5-2"); tbc(allTrainers, 9, 14, "RIVAL5-0"); tbc(allTrainers, 42, 0, "RIVAL6-1"); tbc(allTrainers, 42, 1, "RIVAL6-2"); tbc(allTrainers, 42, 2, "RIVAL6-0"); tbc(allTrainers, 42, 3, "RIVAL7-1"); tbc(allTrainers, 42, 4, "RIVAL7-2"); tbc(allTrainers, 42, 5, "RIVAL7-0"); // Female Rocket Executive (Ariana) tbc(allTrainers, 55, 0, "THEMED:ARIANA"); tbc(allTrainers, 55, 1, "THEMED:ARIANA"); // others (unlabeled in this game, using HGSS names) tbc(allTrainers, 51, 2, "THEMED:PETREL"); tbc(allTrainers, 51, 3, "THEMED:PETREL"); tbc(allTrainers, 51, 1, "THEMED:PROTON"); tbc(allTrainers, 31, 0, "THEMED:PROTON"); // Sprout Tower tbc(allTrainers, 56, 0, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER"); tbc(allTrainers, 56, 1, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER"); tbc(allTrainers, 56, 2, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER"); tbc(allTrainers, 56, 3, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER"); tbc(allTrainers, 56, 6, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER"); tbc(allTrainers, 56, 7, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER"); tbc(allTrainers, 56, 8, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER"); } public static void goldSilverTags(List allTrainers) { tbc(allTrainers, 24, 0, "GYM1"); tbc(allTrainers, 24, 1, "GYM1"); tbc(allTrainers, 36, 4, "GYM2"); tbc(allTrainers, 36, 5, "GYM2"); tbc(allTrainers, 36, 6, "GYM2"); tbc(allTrainers, 61, 0, "GYM2"); tbc(allTrainers, 61, 3, "GYM2"); tbc(allTrainers, 25, 0, "GYM3"); tbc(allTrainers, 25, 1, "GYM3"); tbc(allTrainers, 29, 0, "GYM3"); tbc(allTrainers, 29, 1, "GYM3"); tbc(allTrainers, 56, 4, "GYM4"); tbc(allTrainers, 56, 5, "GYM4"); tbc(allTrainers, 57, 0, "GYM4"); tbc(allTrainers, 57, 1, "GYM4"); tbc(allTrainers, 50, 1, "GYM5"); tbc(allTrainers, 50, 3, "GYM5"); tbc(allTrainers, 50, 4, "GYM5"); tbc(allTrainers, 50, 6, "GYM5"); tbc(allTrainers, 58, 0, "GYM7"); tbc(allTrainers, 58, 1, "GYM7"); tbc(allTrainers, 58, 2, "GYM7"); tbc(allTrainers, 33, 0, "GYM7"); tbc(allTrainers, 33, 1, "GYM7"); tbc(allTrainers, 27, 2, "GYM8"); tbc(allTrainers, 27, 4, "GYM8"); tbc(allTrainers, 27, 3, "GYM8"); tbc(allTrainers, 28, 2, "GYM8"); tbc(allTrainers, 28, 3, "GYM8"); tbc(allTrainers, 54, 17, "GYM9"); tbc(allTrainers, 38, 20, "GYM10"); tbc(allTrainers, 39, 17, "GYM10"); tbc(allTrainers, 39, 18, "GYM10"); tbc(allTrainers, 49, 2, "GYM11"); tbc(allTrainers, 43, 1, "GYM11"); tbc(allTrainers, 32, 2, "GYM11"); tbc(allTrainers, 61, 4, "GYM12"); tbc(allTrainers, 61, 5, "GYM12"); tbc(allTrainers, 25, 8, "GYM12"); tbc(allTrainers, 53, 18, "GYM12"); tbc(allTrainers, 29, 13, "GYM12"); tbc(allTrainers, 25, 2, "GYM13"); tbc(allTrainers, 25, 5, "GYM13"); tbc(allTrainers, 53, 4, "GYM13"); tbc(allTrainers, 54, 4, "GYM13"); tbc(allTrainers, 57, 5, "GYM14"); tbc(allTrainers, 57, 6, "GYM14"); tbc(allTrainers, 52, 1, "GYM14"); tbc(allTrainers, 52, 10, "GYM14"); } public static void crystalTags(List allTrainers) { tbc(allTrainers, 24, 0, "GYM1"); tbc(allTrainers, 24, 1, "GYM1"); tbc(allTrainers, 36, 4, "GYM2"); tbc(allTrainers, 36, 5, "GYM2"); tbc(allTrainers, 36, 6, "GYM2"); tbc(allTrainers, 61, 0, "GYM2"); tbc(allTrainers, 61, 3, "GYM2"); tbc(allTrainers, 25, 0, "GYM3"); tbc(allTrainers, 25, 1, "GYM3"); tbc(allTrainers, 29, 0, "GYM3"); tbc(allTrainers, 29, 1, "GYM3"); tbc(allTrainers, 56, 4, "GYM4"); tbc(allTrainers, 56, 5, "GYM4"); tbc(allTrainers, 57, 0, "GYM4"); tbc(allTrainers, 57, 1, "GYM4"); tbc(allTrainers, 50, 1, "GYM5"); tbc(allTrainers, 50, 3, "GYM5"); tbc(allTrainers, 50, 4, "GYM5"); tbc(allTrainers, 50, 6, "GYM5"); tbc(allTrainers, 58, 0, "GYM7"); tbc(allTrainers, 58, 1, "GYM7"); tbc(allTrainers, 58, 2, "GYM7"); tbc(allTrainers, 33, 0, "GYM7"); tbc(allTrainers, 33, 1, "GYM7"); tbc(allTrainers, 27, 2, "GYM8"); tbc(allTrainers, 27, 4, "GYM8"); tbc(allTrainers, 27, 3, "GYM8"); tbc(allTrainers, 28, 2, "GYM8"); tbc(allTrainers, 28, 3, "GYM8"); tbc(allTrainers, 54, 17, "GYM9"); tbc(allTrainers, 38, 20, "GYM10"); tbc(allTrainers, 39, 17, "GYM10"); tbc(allTrainers, 39, 18, "GYM10"); tbc(allTrainers, 49, 2, "GYM11"); tbc(allTrainers, 43, 1, "GYM11"); tbc(allTrainers, 32, 2, "GYM11"); tbc(allTrainers, 61, 4, "GYM12"); tbc(allTrainers, 61, 5, "GYM12"); tbc(allTrainers, 25, 8, "GYM12"); tbc(allTrainers, 53, 18, "GYM12"); tbc(allTrainers, 29, 13, "GYM12"); tbc(allTrainers, 25, 2, "GYM13"); tbc(allTrainers, 25, 5, "GYM13"); tbc(allTrainers, 53, 4, "GYM13"); tbc(allTrainers, 54, 4, "GYM13"); tbc(allTrainers, 57, 5, "GYM14"); tbc(allTrainers, 57, 6, "GYM14"); tbc(allTrainers, 52, 1, "GYM14"); tbc(allTrainers, 52, 10, "GYM14"); } private static void tbc(List allTrainers, int classNum, int number, String tag) { int currnum = -1; for (Trainer t : allTrainers) { // adjusted to not change the above but use 0-indexing properly if (t.trainerclass == classNum - 1) { currnum++; if (currnum == number) { t.tag = tag; return; } } } } }