package com.sneed.pkrandom.constants; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-- - Constants for DPPt and HGSS --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- Part of "Universal Pokemon Randomizer ZX" by the UPR-ZX team --*/ /*-- Originally part of "Universal Pokemon Randomizer" by sneed --*/ /*-- Pokemon and any associated names and the like are --*/ /*-- trademark and (C) Nintendo 1996-2020. --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- The custom code written here is licensed under the terms of the GPL: --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --*/ /*-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --*/ /*-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --*/ /*-- (at your option) any later version. --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --*/ /*-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --*/ /*-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --*/ /*-- GNU General Public License for more details. --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --*/ /*-- along with this program. If not, see . --*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import java.util.*; import; import; import; import com.sneed.pkrandom.pokemon.*; public class Gen4Constants { public static final int Type_DP = 0; public static final int Type_Plat = 1; public static final int Type_HGSS = 2; public static final int arm9Offset = 0x02000000; public static final int pokemonCount = 493, moveCount = 467; private static final int dpFormeCount = 5, platHgSsFormeCount = 12; public static final int formeOffset = 2; public static final int bsHPOffset = 0, bsAttackOffset = 1, bsDefenseOffset = 2, bsSpeedOffset = 3, bsSpAtkOffset = 4, bsSpDefOffset = 5, bsPrimaryTypeOffset = 6, bsSecondaryTypeOffset = 7, bsCatchRateOffset = 8, bsCommonHeldItemOffset = 12, bsRareHeldItemOffset = 14, bsGenderRatioOffset = 16, bsGrowthCurveOffset = 19, bsAbility1Offset = 22, bsAbility2Offset = 23, bsTMHMCompatOffset = 28; public static final String starterCriesPrefix = "0004000C10BD0000000000000000000000E000000000000000E0000000000200"; public static final byte[] hgssStarterCodeSuffix = { 0x03, 0x03, 0x1A, 0x12, 0x1, 0x23, 0x0, 0x0 }; public static final int[] hgssFilesWithRivalScript = { 7, 23, 96, 110, 819, 850, 866 }; public static final byte[] hgssRivalScriptMagic = { (byte) 0xCE, 0x00, 0x0C, (byte) 0x80, 0x11, 0x00, 0x0C, (byte) 0x80, (byte) 152, 0, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x05 }; public static final int[] ptFilesWithRivalScript = { 31, 36, 112, 123, 186, 427, 429, 1096 }; public static final int[] dpFilesWithRivalScript = { 34, 90, 118, 180, 195, 394 }; public static final byte[] dpptRivalScriptMagic = { (byte) 0xDE, 0x00, 0x0C, (byte) 0x80, 0x11, 0x00, 0x0C, (byte) 0x80, (byte) 0x83, 0x01, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x01 }; public static final byte[] dpptTagBattleScriptMagic1 = { (byte) 0xDE, 0x00, 0x0C, (byte) 0x80, 0x28, 0x00, 0x04, (byte) 0x80 }; public static final byte[] dpptTagBattleScriptMagic2 = { 0x11, 0x00, 0x0C, (byte) 0x80, (byte) 0x86, 0x01, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x01 }; public static final int[] ptFilesWithTagScript = { 2, 136, 201, 236 }; public static final int[] dpFilesWithTagScript = { 2, 131, 230 }; public static final int dpStarterStringIndex = 19, ptStarterStringIndex = 36; public static final int fossilCount = 7; public static final String dpptTMDataPrefix = "D100D200D300D400", hgssTMDataPrefix = "1E003200"; public static final int tmCount = 92, hmCount = 8; public static final int tmItemOffset = Items.tm01; private static final int dpptTextCharsPerLine = 38, hgssTextCharsPerLine = 36; public static final String dpItemPalettesPrefix = "8D018E01210132018D018F0122013301", pthgssItemPalettesPrefix = "8D018E01210133018D018F0122013401"; public static final int ptSpearPillarPortalScriptFile = 237; public static final int evolutionMethodCount = 26; public static final int highestAbilityIndex = Abilities.badDreams; public static final List consumableHeldItems = Arrays.asList( Items.cheriBerry, Items.chestoBerry, Items.pechaBerry, Items.rawstBerry, Items.aspearBerry, Items.leppaBerry, Items.oranBerry, Items.persimBerry, Items.lumBerry, Items.sitrusBerry, Items.figyBerry, Items.wikiBerry, Items.magoBerry, Items.aguavBerry, Items.iapapaBerry, Items.occaBerry, Items.passhoBerry, Items.wacanBerry, Items.rindoBerry, Items.yacheBerry, Items.chopleBerry, Items.kebiaBerry, Items.shucaBerry, Items.cobaBerry, Items.payapaBerry, Items.tangaBerry, Items.chartiBerry, Items.kasibBerry, Items.habanBerry, Items.colburBerry, Items.babiriBerry, Items.chilanBerry, Items.liechiBerry, Items.ganlonBerry, Items.salacBerry, Items.petayaBerry, Items.apicotBerry, Items.lansatBerry, Items.starfBerry, Items.enigmaBerry, Items.micleBerry, Items.custapBerry, Items.jabocaBerry, Items.rowapBerry, Items.berryJuice, Items.whiteHerb, Items.mentalHerb, Items.powerHerb, Items.focusSash); public static final List allHeldItems = setupAllHeldItems(); private static List setupAllHeldItems() { List list = new ArrayList<>(); list.addAll(Arrays.asList(Items.brightPowder, Items.quickClaw, Items.choiceBand, Items.kingsRock, Items.silverPowder, Items.focusBand, Items.scopeLens, Items.metalCoat, Items.leftovers, Items.softSand, Items.hardStone, Items.miracleSeed, Items.blackGlasses, Items.blackBelt, Items.magnet, Items.mysticWater, Items.sharpBeak, Items.poisonBarb, Items.neverMeltIce, Items.spellTag, Items.twistedSpoon, Items.charcoal, Items.dragonFang, Items.silkScarf, Items.shellBell, Items.seaIncense, Items.laxIncense, Items.wideLens, Items.muscleBand, Items.wiseGlasses, Items.expertBelt, Items.lightClay, Items.lifeOrb, Items.toxicOrb, Items.flameOrb, Items.zoomLens, Items.metronome, Items.ironBall, Items.laggingTail, Items.destinyKnot, Items.blackSludge, Items.icyRock, Items.smoothRock, Items.heatRock, Items.dampRock, Items.gripClaw, Items.choiceScarf, Items.stickyBarb, Items.shedShell, Items.bigRoot, Items.choiceSpecs, Items.flamePlate, Items.splashPlate, Items.zapPlate, Items.meadowPlate, Items.iciclePlate, Items.fistPlate, Items.toxicPlate, Items.earthPlate, Items.skyPlate, Items.mindPlate, Items.insectPlate, Items.stonePlate, Items.spookyPlate, Items.dracoPlate, Items.dreadPlate, Items.ironPlate, Items.oddIncense, Items.rockIncense, Items.fullIncense, Items.waveIncense, Items.roseIncense, Items.razorClaw, Items.razorFang)); list.addAll(consumableHeldItems); return list; } public static final List generalPurposeConsumableItems = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList( Items.cheriBerry, Items.chestoBerry, Items.pechaBerry, Items.rawstBerry, Items.aspearBerry, Items.leppaBerry, Items.oranBerry, Items.persimBerry, Items.lumBerry, Items.sitrusBerry, Items.ganlonBerry, Items.salacBerry, // An NPC pokemon's nature is generated randomly with IVs during gameplay. Therefore, we do not include // the flavor berries because, prior to Gen 7, they aren't worth the risk. Items.apicotBerry, Items.lansatBerry, Items.starfBerry, Items.enigmaBerry, Items.micleBerry, Items.custapBerry, Items.jabocaBerry, Items.rowapBerry, Items.berryJuice, Items.whiteHerb, Items.mentalHerb, Items.focusSash)); public static final List generalPurposeItems = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList( Items.brightPowder, Items.quickClaw, Items.kingsRock, Items.focusBand, Items.scopeLens, Items.leftovers, Items.shellBell, Items.laxIncense, Items.wideLens, Items.expertBelt, Items.lifeOrb, Items.zoomLens, Items.destinyKnot, Items.shedShell, Items.razorClaw, Items.razorFang)); public static final Map> typeBoostingItems = initializeTypeBoostingItems(); private static Map> initializeTypeBoostingItems() { Map> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(Type.BUG, Arrays.asList(Items.silverPowder, Items.insectPlate)); map.put(Type.DARK, Arrays.asList(Items.blackGlasses, Items.dreadPlate)); map.put(Type.DRAGON, Arrays.asList(Items.dragonFang, Items.dracoPlate)); map.put(Type.ELECTRIC, Arrays.asList(Items.magnet, Items.zapPlate)); map.put(Type.FIGHTING, Arrays.asList(Items.blackBelt, Items.fistPlate)); map.put(Type.FIRE, Arrays.asList(Items.charcoal, Items.flamePlate)); map.put(Type.FLYING, Arrays.asList(Items.sharpBeak, Items.skyPlate)); map.put(Type.GHOST, Arrays.asList(Items.spellTag, Items.spookyPlate)); map.put(Type.GRASS, Arrays.asList(Items.miracleSeed, Items.meadowPlate, Items.roseIncense)); map.put(Type.GROUND, Arrays.asList(Items.softSand, Items.earthPlate)); map.put(Type.ICE, Arrays.asList(Items.neverMeltIce, Items.iciclePlate)); map.put(Type.NORMAL, Arrays.asList(Items.silkScarf)); map.put(Type.POISON, Arrays.asList(Items.poisonBarb, Items.toxicPlate)); map.put(Type.PSYCHIC, Arrays.asList(Items.twistedSpoon, Items.mindPlate, Items.oddIncense)); map.put(Type.ROCK, Arrays.asList(Items.hardStone, Items.stonePlate, Items.rockIncense)); map.put(Type.STEEL, Arrays.asList(Items.metalCoat, Items.ironPlate)); map.put(Type.WATER, Arrays.asList(Items.mysticWater, Items.seaIncense, Items.splashPlate, Items.waveIncense)); map.put(null, Collections.emptyList()); // ??? type return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } public static final Map> moveBoostingItems = initializeMoveBoostingItems(); private static Map> initializeMoveBoostingItems() { Map> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(Moves.bounce, Arrays.asList(Items.powerHerb)); map.put(Moves.dig, Arrays.asList(Items.powerHerb)); map.put(Moves.dive, Arrays.asList(Items.powerHerb)); map.put(, Arrays.asList(Items.powerHerb)); map.put(Moves.razorWind, Arrays.asList(Items.powerHerb)); map.put(Moves.skullBash, Arrays.asList(Items.powerHerb)); map.put(Moves.skyAttack, Arrays.asList(Items.powerHerb)); map.put(Moves.solarBeam, Arrays.asList(Items.powerHerb)); map.put(Moves.fling, Arrays.asList(Items.toxicOrb, Items.flameOrb, Items.ironBall)); map.put(Moves.trick, Arrays.asList(Items.toxicOrb, Items.flameOrb, Items.fullIncense, Items.laggingTail)); map.put(Moves.switcheroo, Arrays.asList(Items.toxicOrb, Items.flameOrb, Items.fullIncense, Items.laggingTail)); map.put(Moves.trickRoom, Arrays.asList(Items.ironBall)); map.put(Moves.facade, Arrays.asList(Items.toxicOrb, Items.flameOrb)); map.put(Moves.psychoShift, Arrays.asList(Items.toxicOrb, Items.flameOrb)); map.put(Moves.lightScreen, Arrays.asList(Items.lightClay)); map.put(Moves.reflect, Arrays.asList(Items.lightClay)); map.put(Moves.hail, Arrays.asList(Items.icyRock)); map.put(Moves.sandstorm, Arrays.asList(Items.smoothRock)); map.put(Moves.sunnyDay, Arrays.asList(Items.heatRock)); map.put(Moves.rainDance, Arrays.asList(Items.dampRock)); map.put(Moves.bind, Arrays.asList(Items.gripClaw)); map.put(Moves.clamp, Arrays.asList(Items.gripClaw)); map.put(Moves.fireSpin, Arrays.asList(Items.gripClaw)); map.put(Moves.magmaStorm, Arrays.asList(Items.gripClaw)); map.put(Moves.outrage, Arrays.asList(Items.gripClaw)); map.put(Moves.sandTomb, Arrays.asList(Items.gripClaw)); map.put(Moves.uproar, Arrays.asList(Items.gripClaw)); map.put(Moves.whirlpool, Arrays.asList(Items.gripClaw)); map.put(Moves.wrap, Arrays.asList(Items.gripClaw)); map.put(Moves.absorb, Arrays.asList(Items.bigRoot)); map.put(Moves.aquaRing, Arrays.asList(Items.bigRoot)); map.put(Moves.drainPunch, Arrays.asList(Items.bigRoot)); map.put(Moves.dreamEater, Arrays.asList(Items.bigRoot)); map.put(Moves.gigaDrain, Arrays.asList(Items.bigRoot)); map.put(Moves.ingrain, Arrays.asList(Items.bigRoot)); map.put(Moves.leechLife, Arrays.asList(Items.bigRoot)); map.put(Moves.leechSeed, Arrays.asList(Items.bigRoot)); map.put(Moves.megaDrain, Arrays.asList(Items.bigRoot)); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } public static final Map weaknessReducingBerries = initializeWeaknessReducingBerries(); private static Map initializeWeaknessReducingBerries() { Map map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(Type.FIRE, Items.occaBerry); map.put(Type.WATER, Items.passhoBerry); map.put(Type.ELECTRIC, Items.wacanBerry); map.put(Type.GRASS, Items.rindoBerry); map.put(Type.ICE, Items.yacheBerry); map.put(Type.FIGHTING, Items.chopleBerry); map.put(Type.POISON, Items.kebiaBerry); map.put(Type.GROUND, Items.shucaBerry); map.put(Type.FLYING, Items.cobaBerry); map.put(Type.PSYCHIC, Items.payapaBerry); map.put(Type.BUG, Items.tangaBerry); map.put(Type.ROCK, Items.chartiBerry); map.put(Type.GHOST, Items.kasibBerry); map.put(Type.DRAGON, Items.habanBerry); map.put(Type.DARK, Items.colburBerry); map.put(Type.STEEL, Items.babiriBerry); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } public static final Map> speciesBoostingItems = initializeSpeciesBoostingItems(); private static Map> initializeSpeciesBoostingItems() { Map> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(Species.dialga, Arrays.asList(Items.adamantOrb)); map.put(Species.palkia, Arrays.asList(Items.lustrousOrb)); map.put(Species.latias, Arrays.asList(Items.soulDew)); map.put(Species.latios, Arrays.asList(Items.soulDew)); map.put(Species.clamperl, Arrays.asList(Items.deepSeaTooth, Items.deepSeaScale)); map.put(Species.pikachu, Arrays.asList(Items.lightBall)); map.put(Species.chansey, Arrays.asList(Items.luckyPunch)); map.put(Species.ditto, Arrays.asList(Items.metalPowder, Items.quickPowder)); map.put(Species.cubone, Arrays.asList(Items.thickClub)); map.put(Species.marowak, Arrays.asList(Items.thickClub)); map.put(Species.farfetchd, Arrays.asList(Items.leek)); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } public static final Map> abilityBoostingItems = initializeAbilityBoostingItems(); private static Map> initializeAbilityBoostingItems() { Map> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(Abilities.guts, Arrays.asList(Items.flameOrb, Items.toxicOrb)); map.put(Abilities.magicGuard, Arrays.asList(Items.stickyBarb, Items.lifeOrb)); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } public static final Map> abilityVariations = setupAbilityVariations(); private static Map> setupAbilityVariations() { Map> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(Abilities.insomnia, Arrays.asList(Abilities.insomnia, Abilities.vitalSpirit)); map.put(Abilities.clearBody, Arrays.asList(Abilities.clearBody, Abilities.whiteSmoke)); map.put(Abilities.hugePower, Arrays.asList(Abilities.hugePower, Abilities.purePower)); map.put(Abilities.battleArmor, Arrays.asList(Abilities.battleArmor, Abilities.shellArmor)); map.put(Abilities.cloudNine, Arrays.asList(Abilities.cloudNine, Abilities.airLock)); map.put(Abilities.filter, Arrays.asList(Abilities.filter, Abilities.solidRock)); return map; } // Note: Flower Gift is NOT useless in this generation; it is in this list solely for consistency with future generations. public static final List uselessAbilities = Arrays.asList(Abilities.forecast, Abilities.multitype, Abilities.flowerGift); public static final int dpptSetVarScript = 0x28, hgssSetVarScript = 0x29; public static final int scriptListTerminator = 0xFD13; public static final int itemScriptVariable = 0x8008; private static List dpShopNames = Arrays.asList( "Sunyshore Secondary", "Jubilife Secondary", "Floaroma Secondary", "Oreburgh Secondary", "Eterna Secondary", "Eterna Herbs", "Snowpoint Secondary", "Solaceon Secondary", "Pastoria Secondary", "Celestic Secondary", "Hearthome Secondary", "Canalave Secondary", "Veilstone Department Store Secret Base Decorations 1", "Veilstone Department Store Secret Base Decorations 2", "Veilstone Department Store Vitamins", "Veilstone Department Store TMs 1", "Sunyshore Market Seals 1", "Sunyshore Market Seals 2", "Sunyshore Market Seals 3", "Sunyshore Market Seals 4", "Veilstone Department Store TMs 2", "Sunyshore Market Seals 5", "Sunyshore Market Seals 6", "Sunyshore Market Seals 7", "Pokemon League Secondary", "Veilstone Department Store X Items", "Veilstone Department Store Healing", "Veilstone Department Store Balls Etc.", "Progressive Shops" ); private static List ptShopNames = Arrays.asList( "Jubilife Secondary", "Sunyshore Secondary", "Floaroma Secondary", "Oreburgh Secondary", "Eterna Herbs", "Canalave Secondary", "Pastoria Secondary", "Celestic Secondary", "Snowpoint Secondary", "Solaceon Secondary", "Eterna Secondary", "Hearthome Secondary", "Veilstone Department Store B1 Berries", "Veilstone Department Store Secret Base Decorations 1", "Veilstone Department Store Vitamins", "Veilstone Department Store Secret Base Decorations 2", "Veilstone Department Store TMs 1", "Sunyshore Market Seals 1", "Sunyshore Market Seals 2", "Sunyshore Market Seals 3", "Sunyshore Market Seals 4", "Veilstone Department Store TMs 2", "Sunyshore Market Seals 5", "Sunyshore Market Seals 6", "Sunyshore Market Seals 7", "Pokemon League Secondary", "Veilstone Department Store X Items", "Veilstone Department Store Healing", "Veilstone Department Store Balls Etc.", "Progressive Shops" ); private static List hgssShopNames = Arrays.asList( "Cherrygrove Secondary", "Cerulean Secondary", "Ecruteak Secondary", "Celadon Department Store Mail", "Saffron Secondary", "Violet Secondary", "Blackthorn Secondary", "Olivine Secondary", "Fuchsia Secondary", "Lavender Secondary", "Pewter Secondary", "Viridian Secondary", "Azalea Secondary", "Mahogany Before Hideout", "Safari Zone Gate Southwest", "Goldenrod Herb Shop", "Cianwood Pharmacy", "Veilstone Department Store Secret Base Decorations 1", "Veilstone Department Store Secret Base Decorations 2", "Goldenrod Department Store Vitamins", "Celadon Department Store Vitamins", "Mt. Moon Square", "Sunyshore Market Seals 1", "Sunyshore Market Seals 2", "Sunyshore Market Seals 3", "Sunyshore Market Seals 4", "Sunyshore Market Seals 5", "Sunyshore Market Seals 6", "Unused Secondary", "Sunyshore Market Seals 7", "Pokeathlon Dome Data Card Shop 25-27", "Goldenrod Department Store X Items", "Celadon Department Store X Items", "Mahogany After Hideout", "Goldenrod Department Store Healing", "Celadon Department Store Healing", "Goldenrod Department Store Balls Etc.", "Goldenrod TMs", "Celadon Department Store Balls Etc.", "Celadon TMs", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Sunday (Pre-National Dex)", "Pokeathlon Dome Data Card Shop 19-24", "Pokeathlon Dome Data Card Shop 1-6", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Monday (Pre-National Dex)", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Tuesday (Pre-National Dex)", "Pokeathlon Dome Data Card Shop 7-12", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Wednesday (Pre-National Dex)", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Thursday (Pre-National Dex)", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Friday (Pre-National Dex)", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Saturday (Pre-National Dex)", "Pokeathlon Dome Data Card Shop 13-18", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Sunday (Post-National Dex)", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Monday (Post-National Dex)", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Tuesday (Post-National Dex)", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Wednesday (Post-National Dex)", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Thursday (Post-National Dex)", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Friday (Post-National Dex)", "Pokeathlon Dome Athlete Shop Saturday (Post-National Dex)", "Progressive Shops" ); public static List getShopNames(int romType) { if (romType == Type_DP) { return dpShopNames; } else if (romType == Type_Plat) { return ptShopNames; } else if (romType == Type_HGSS) { return hgssShopNames; } return null; } public static final List evolutionItems = Arrays.asList(Items.sunStone, Items.moonStone, Items.fireStone, Items.thunderStone, Items.waterStone, Items.leafStone, Items.shinyStone, Items.duskStone, Items.dawnStone, Items.ovalStone, Items.kingsRock, Items.deepSeaTooth, Items.deepSeaScale, Items.metalCoat, Items.dragonScale, Items.upgrade, Items.protector, Items.electirizer, Items.magmarizer, Items.dubiousDisc, Items.reaperCloth, Items.razorClaw, Items.razorFang); public static final Map formeSuffixes = setupFormeSuffixes(); public static final Map formeMappings = setupFormeMappings(); public static final Map cosmeticForms = setupCosmeticForms(); private static final Map> formeSuffixesByBaseForme = setupFormeSuffixesByBaseForme(); private static final Map dummyFormeSuffixes = setupDummyFormeSuffixes(); private static final Map> absolutePokeNumsByBaseForme = setupAbsolutePokeNumsByBaseForme(); private static final Map dummyAbsolutePokeNums = setupDummyAbsolutePokeNums(); public static String getFormeSuffixByBaseForme(int baseForme, int formNum) { return formeSuffixesByBaseForme.getOrDefault(baseForme,dummyFormeSuffixes).getOrDefault(formNum,""); } public static Integer getAbsolutePokeNumByBaseForme(int baseForme, int formNum) { return absolutePokeNumsByBaseForme.getOrDefault(baseForme,dummyAbsolutePokeNums).getOrDefault(formNum,baseForme); } public static final String lyraEthanMarillSpritePrefix = "274E0604C301274E0704E101274E0804"; public static final List hgssBigOverworldPokemon = Arrays.asList( 536, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_STEELIX 537, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_STEELIX_F 579, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_LUGIA 580, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_HO_OH 651, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_WAILORD 712, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_KYOGRE 713, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_GROUDON 714, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_RAYQUAZA 833, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_DIALGA 834, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_PALKIA 836, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_REGIGIGAS 837, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_GIRATINA 838, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_GIRATINA_ORIGIN 845, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_NORMAL 846, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_FIGHTING 847, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_FLYING 848, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_POISON 849, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_GROUND 850, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_ROCK 851, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_BUG 852, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_GHOST 853, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_STEEL 854, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_MYSTERY 855, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_FIRE 856, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_WATER 857, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_GRASS 858, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_ELECTRIC 859, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_PSYCHIC 860, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_ICE 861, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_DRAGON 862 // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_DARK ); public static final List hgssBannedOverworldPokemon = Arrays.asList( // Unown alts (to avoid 28x chance of getting Unown) // Arcues alts (to avoid 18x chance of getting Arceus) 502, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_B 503, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_C 504, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_D 505, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_E 506, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_F 507, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_G 508, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_H 509, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_I 510, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_J 511, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_K 512, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_L 513, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_M 514, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_N 515, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_O 516, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_P 517, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_Q 518, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_R 519, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_S 520, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_T 521, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_U 522, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_V 523, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_W 524, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_X 525, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_Y 526, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_Z 527, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_QMARK 528, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_UNOWN_EXCL 846, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_FIGHTING 847, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_FLYING 848, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_POISON 849, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_GROUND 850, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_ROCK 851, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_BUG 852, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_GHOST 853, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_STEEL 854, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_MYSTERY 855, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_FIRE 856, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_WATER 857, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_GRASS 858, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_ELECTRIC 859, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_PSYCHIC 860, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_ICE 861, // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_DRAGON 862 // MMODEL_FOLLOWER_MON_ARCEUS_DARK ); public static final int convertOverworldSpriteToSpecies(int overworldSpriteID) { int speciesID = overworldSpriteID - 296; // Venusaur if (overworldSpriteID >= 300) { speciesID -= 1; } // Pikachu if (overworldSpriteID >= 323) { speciesID -= 1; } // Meganium if (overworldSpriteID >= 453) { speciesID -= 1; } // Pichu if (overworldSpriteID >= 472) { speciesID -= 1; } // Unown if (overworldSpriteID >= 528) { speciesID -= 27; } else if (overworldSpriteID > 501) { speciesID -= (overworldSpriteID - 501); } // Wobbuffet if (overworldSpriteID >= 530) { speciesID -= 1; } // Steelix if (overworldSpriteID >= 537) { speciesID -= 1; } // Heracross if (overworldSpriteID >= 544) { speciesID -= 1; } // Deoxys if (overworldSpriteID >= 719) { speciesID -= 3; } else if (overworldSpriteID > 716) { speciesID -= (overworldSpriteID - 716); } // Burmy if (overworldSpriteID >= 747) { speciesID -= 2; } else if (overworldSpriteID > 745) { speciesID -= (overworldSpriteID - 745); } // Wormadam if (overworldSpriteID >= 750) { speciesID -= 2; } else if (overworldSpriteID > 748) { speciesID -= (overworldSpriteID - 748); } // Combee if (overworldSpriteID >= 753) { speciesID -= 1; } // Shellos if (overworldSpriteID >= 761) { speciesID -= 1; } // Gastrodon if (overworldSpriteID >= 763) { speciesID -= 1; } // Gible if (overworldSpriteID >= 784) { speciesID -= 1; } // Gabite if (overworldSpriteID >= 786) { speciesID -= 1; } // Garchomp if (overworldSpriteID >= 788) { speciesID -= 1; } // Hippopotas if (overworldSpriteID >= 793) { speciesID -= 1; } // Hippowdon if (overworldSpriteID >= 795) { speciesID -= 1; } // Rotom if (overworldSpriteID >= 829) { speciesID -= 5; } else if (overworldSpriteID > 824) { speciesID -= (overworldSpriteID - 824); } // Giratina if (overworldSpriteID >= 838) { speciesID -= 1; } // Arceus if (overworldSpriteID > 845) { speciesID -= (overworldSpriteID - 845); } return speciesID; } // The original slot each of the 20 "alternate" slots is mapped to // swarmx2, dayx2, nightx2, pokeradarx4, GBAx10 // NOTE: in the game data there are 6 fillers between pokeradar and GBA public static final int[] dpptAlternateSlots = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9 }; public static final String[] dpptWaterSlotSetNames = new String[] { "Surfing", "Filler", "Old Rod", "Good Rod", "Super Rod" }; public static final String[] hgssTimeOfDayNames = new String[] { "Morning", "Day", "Night" }; public static final String[] hgssNonGrassSetNames = new String[] { "", "Surfing", "Rock Smash", "Old Rod", "Good Rod", "Super Rod" }; public static final int hgssGoodRodReplacementIndex = 3, hgssSuperRodReplacementIndex = 1; public static final MoveCategory[] moveCategoryIndices = { MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, MoveCategory.SPECIAL, MoveCategory.STATUS }; public static byte moveCategoryToByte(MoveCategory cat) { switch (cat) { case PHYSICAL: return 0; case SPECIAL: return 1; case STATUS: default: return 2; } } public static final int noDamageSleepEffect = 1, damagePoisonEffect = 2, damageAbsorbEffect = 3, damageBurnEffect = 4, damageFreezeEffect = 5, damageParalyzeEffect = 6, dreamEaterEffect = 8, noDamageAtkPlusOneEffect = 10, noDamageDefPlusOneEffect = 11, noDamageSpAtkPlusOneEffect = 13, noDamageEvasionPlusOneEffect = 16, noDamageAtkMinusOneEffect = 18, noDamageDefMinusOneEffect = 19, noDamageSpeMinusOneEffect = 20, noDamageAccuracyMinusOneEffect = 23, noDamageEvasionMinusOneEffect = 24, flinchEffect = 31, toxicEffect = 33, razorWindEffect = 39, bindingEffect = 42, increasedCritEffect = 43, damageRecoil25PercentEffect = 48, noDamageConfusionEffect = 49, noDamageAtkPlusTwoEffect = 50, noDamageDefPlusTwoEffect = 51, noDamageSpePlusTwoEffect = 52, noDamageSpAtkPlusTwoEffect = 53, noDamageSpDefPlusTwoEffect = 54, noDamageAtkMinusTwoEffect = 58, noDamageDefMinusTwoEffect = 59, noDamageSpeMinusTwoEffect = 60, noDamageSpDefMinusTwoEffect = 62, noDamagePoisonEffect = 66, noDamageParalyzeEffect = 67, damageAtkMinusOneEffect = 68, damageDefMinusOneEffect = 69, damageSpeMinusOneEffect = 70, damageSpAtkMinusOneEffect = 71, damageSpDefMinusOneEffect = 72, damageAccuracyMinusOneEffect = 73, skyAttackEffect = 75, damageConfusionEffect = 76, twineedleEffect = 77, rechargeEffect = 80, snoreEffect = 92, trappingEffect = 106, minimizeEffect = 108, swaggerEffect = 118, damageBurnAndThawUserEffect = 125, damageUserDefPlusOneEffect = 138, damageUserAtkPlusOneEffect = 139, damageUserAllPlusOneEffect = 140, skullBashEffect = 145, twisterEffect = 146, futureSightAndDoomDesireEffect = 148, stompEffect = 150, solarbeamEffect = 151, thunderEffect = 152, flyEffect = 155, defenseCurlEffect = 156, fakeOutEffect = 158, flatterEffect = 166, noDamageBurnEffect = 167, chargeEffect = 174, damageUserAtkAndDefMinusOneEffect = 182, damageRecoil33PercentEffect = 198, teeterDanceEffect = 199, blazeKickEffect = 200, poisonFangEffect = 202, damageUserSpAtkMinusTwoEffect = 204, noDamageAtkAndDefMinusOneEffect = 205, noDamageDefAndSpDefPlusOneEffect = 206, noDamageAtkAndDefPlusOneEffect = 208, damagePoisonWithIncreasedCritEffect = 209, noDamageSpAtkAndSpDefPlusOneEffect = 211, noDamageAtkAndSpePlusOneEffect = 212, damageUserSpeMinusOneEffect = 218, damageUserDefAndSpDefMinusOneEffect = 229, flareBlitzEffect = 253, diveEffect = 255, digEffect = 256, blizzardEffect = 260, voltTackleEffect = 262, bounceEffect = 263, noDamageSpAtkMinusTwoEffect = 265, chatterEffect = 267, damageRecoil50PercentEffect = 269, damageSpDefMinusTwoEffect = 271, shadowForceEffect = 272, fireFangEffect = 273, iceFangEffect = 274, thunderFangEffect = 275, damageUserSpAtkPlusOneEffect = 276; public static final List soundMoves = Arrays.asList(Moves.growl, Moves.roar, Moves.sing, Moves.supersonic, Moves.screech, Moves.snore, Moves.uproar, Moves.metalSound, Moves.grassWhistle, Moves.hyperVoice, Moves.bugBuzz, Moves.chatter, Moves.perishSong, Moves.healBell); public static final List punchMoves = Arrays.asList(Moves.icePunch, Moves.firePunch, Moves.thunderPunch, Moves.machPunch, Moves.focusPunch, Moves.dizzyPunch, Moves.dynamicPunch, Moves.hammerArm, Moves.megaPunch, Moves.cometPunch, Moves.meteorMash, Moves.shadowPunch, Moves.drainPunch, Moves.bulletPunch, Moves.skyUppercut); public static final List dpRequiredFieldTMs = Arrays.asList(2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 19, 23, 28, 34, 39, 41, 43, 46, 47, 49, 50, 62, 69, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85, 87); public static final List ptRequiredFieldTMs = Arrays.asList(2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 18, 19, 23, 28, 34, 37, 39, 41, 43, 46, 47, 49, 50, 62, 69, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85, 87); public static final List dpptFieldMoves = Arrays.asList( Moves.cut,,, Moves.strength, Moves.flash, Moves.dig, Moves.teleport, Moves.waterfall, Moves.rockSmash, Moves.sweetScent, Moves.defog, Moves.rockClimb); public static final List hgssFieldMoves = Arrays.asList( Moves.cut,,, Moves.strength, Moves.flash, Moves.dig, Moves.teleport, Moves.whirlpool, Moves.waterfall, Moves.rockSmash, Moves.headbutt, Moves.sweetScent, Moves.rockClimb); public static final List dpptEarlyRequiredHMMoves = Arrays.asList(Moves.rockSmash, Moves.cut); public static final List hgssEarlyRequiredHMMoves = Collections.singletonList(Moves.cut); public static ItemList allowedItems, nonBadItems; public static List regularShopItems, opShopItems; public static final String shedinjaSpeciesLocator = "492080000090281C0521"; public static final int ilexForestScriptFile = 92, ilexForestStringsFile = 115; public static final List headbuttTutorScriptOffsets = Arrays.asList(0xF55, 0xFC5, 0x100A, 0x104C); private static final String doubleBattleFixPrefixDP = "022912D90221214201", doubleBattleFixPrefixPt = "022919D90221214205", doubleBattleFixPrefixHGSS = "2C2815D00221214201"; public static final String feebasLevelPrefixDPPt = "019813B0F0BD", honeyTreeLevelPrefixDPPt = "F0BDF0B589B0051C0C1C"; private static final String runningShoesCheckPrefixDPPt = "281C0C24", runningShoesCheckPrefixHGSS = "301C0C24"; public static final String distortionWorldGroundCheckPrefix = "23D849187944C988090409148F44"; public static final List dpptIntroPrefixes = Arrays.asList("381CF8BDC046", "08B0F8BD"); public static final String hpBarSpeedPrefix = "0CD106200090", expBarSpeedPrefix = "011C00D101212E6C", bothBarsSpeedPrefix = "70BD90421DDA"; public static final String dpptEggMoveTablePrefix = "40016601"; public static final String typeEffectivenessTableLocator = "000505000805"; private static final int trophyGardenGrassEncounterIndexDP = 304, trophyGardenGrassEncounterIndexPt = 308; private static final List marshGrassEncounterIndicesDP = Arrays.asList(76, 82, 88, 94, 100, 102), marshGrassEncounterIndicesPt = Arrays.asList(76, 82, 88, 94, 100, 106); public static final String pickupTableLocator = "110012001A000300", rarePickupTableLocator = "19005C00DD00"; public static final int numberOfCommonPickupItems = 18, numberOfRarePickupItems = 11; public static final String friendshipValueForEvoLocator = "DC286AD3"; public static final String perfectOddsBranchLocator = "FF2901D30425"; public static final int[] dpptOverworldDexMaps = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -1, -1, 6, -1, 7, // 0-9 (cities, pkmn league, wind/ironworks) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 10-19 (all mt coronet) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 20-29 (mt coronet, great marsh, solaceon ruins) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 30-39 (all solaceon ruins) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 40-49 (solaceon ruins/v.road) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1, // 50-59 (v.road, stark mountain outer then inner, sendoff spring) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 60-69 (unknown, turnback cave) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 70-79 (all turnback cave) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 80-89 (all unknown) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 90-99 (all unknown) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 100-109 (unknown, snowpoint temple) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 9, -1, // 110-119 (various dungeons, iron island outer/inner) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 120-129 (rest of iron island inner, old chateau) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10, 11, // 130-139 (old chateau, inner lakes, lakefronts) 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, // 140-149 (first few routes) 22, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 23, 24, 25, 26, // 150-159 (route 209 + lost tower, more routes) 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, // 160-169 (routes; 220 is skipped until later) 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, // 170-179 (last few land routes, towns, resort area, first sea route) 47, 48, 49, // 180-182 (other sea routes) }; public static final int[] dpptDungeonDexMaps = new int[] { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 2, -1, // 0-9 (cities, pkmn league, wind/ironworks, mine/forest) 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, // 10-19 (all mt coronet) 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, // 20-29 (mt coronet, great marsh, solaceon ruins) 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, // 30-39 (all solaceon ruins) 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, // 40-49 (solaceon ruins/v.road) 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, -1, 9, 9, 10, // 50-59 (v.road, stark mountain outer then inner, sendoff spring) -1, -1, -1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, // 60-69 (unknown, turnback cave) 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, // 70-79 (all turnback cave) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 80-89 (all unknown) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 90-99 (all unknown) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 11, 11, 11, 11, // 100-109 (unknown, snowpoint temple) 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, -1, 15, // 110-119 (various dungeons, iron island outer/inner) 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, // 120-129 (rest of iron island inner, old chateau) 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 19, -1, -1, // 130-139 (old chateau, inner lakes, lakefronts) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 140-149 (first few routes) -1, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 150-159 (route 209 + lost tower, more routes) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 160-169 (routes; 220 is skipped until later) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 170-179 (last few land routes, towns, resort area, first sea route) -1, -1, -1, // 180-182 (other sea routes) }; public static final int[] hgssOverworldDexMaps = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, -1, -1, 7, -1, // 0-9 (first few cities/routes, sprout tower + alph) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, // 10-19 (more alph, union cave, r33, slowpoke) -1, 9, 10, -1, -1, 11, 12, 13, -1, -1, // 20-29 (ilex, routes, natpark, routes, burned) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 14, 15, // 30-39 (bell tower, routes) 16, 17, 18, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 40-49 (olivine, routes, whirl islands, missing slots) -1, 19, 20, -1, -1, -1, -1, 21, 22, 23, // 50-59 (missing, cianwood, routes, mortar) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 24, -1, 25, 26, -1, // 60-69 (ice path, missing, blackthorn, dragons, routes, dark) -1, 27, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 70-79 (dark, route 47, moon, seafoam, silver cave) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 28, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 80-89 (more silver cave, cliff stuff, random bell tower) -1, -1, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, // 90-99 (missing, saf zone, kanto routes/cities) 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 100-109 (more cities, some routes, more moon, RT) -1, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, // 110-119 (vroad, routes 1-9) 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, // 120-129 (routes 10-21) 62, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, 64, -1, -1, -1, // 130-139 (last 2 routes, tohjo, DC, VR, route 2 north, VF, CC) -1, -1, // 140-141 (cerulean cave) }; public static final int[] hgssDungeonDexMaps = new int[] { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 2, // 0-9 (first few cities/routes, sprout tower + alph) 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, -1, 4, 4, // 10-19 (more alph, union cave, r33, slowpoke) 5, -1, -1, 6, -1, -1, -1, -1, 7, 7, // 20-29 (ilex, routes, natpark, routes, burned) 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, -1, -1, // 30-39 (bell tower, routes) -1, -1, -1, 9, 9, -1, 9, -1, 9, -1, // 40-49 (olivine, routes, whirl islands, missing slots) -1, -1, -1, 10, 10, 10, 10, -1, -1, -1, // 50-59 (missing, cianwood, routes, mortar) 11, 11, 11, 11, -1, -1, 12, -1, -1, 13, // 60-69 (ice path, missing, blackthorn, dragons, routes, dark) 13, -1, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, // 70-79 (dark, route 47, moon, seafoam, silver cave) 16, 16, 17, 18, 8, -1, 16, 16, 16, 16, // 80-89 (more silver cave, cliff stuff, random bell tower) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 90-99 (missing, saf zone, kanto routes/cities) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 14, 14, 20, 20, // 100-109 (more cities, some routes, more moon, RT) 21, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 110-119 (vroad, routes 1-9) -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 120-129 (routes 10-21) -1, -1, 22, 23, 21, 21, -1, 24, -1, 25, // 130-139 (last 2 routes, tohjo, DC, VR, route 2 north, VF, CC) 25, 25, // 140-141 (cerulean cave) }; public static final int[] hgssHeadbuttOverworldDexMaps = new int[] { 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 29, // Routes 1-12, skipping 9 and 10 54, 55, 56, 59, 61, 63, 40, 41, 42, 2, // Routes 13-15, Route 18, Route 22, Routes 25-29 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, // Routes 30-39 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 32, 33, 65, 34, 35, // Routes 42-46, first five Kanto cities 36, 37, 1, 3, 6, 66, 13, 22, 28, 60, // Remaining Kanto cities, Johto cities, Lake of Rage, Mt Silver, Route 21 -1, -1, -1, 27, 39, 67, 64, 57, -1, // National Park, Ilex/Viridian Forest, Routes 47-48, Safari Zone Gate, Routes 2 (north) and 16, Mt Silver Cave }; public static final int[] hgssHeadbuttDungeonDexMaps = new int[] { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // Routes 1-12, skipping 9 and 10 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // Routes 13-15, Route 18, Route 22, Routes 25-29 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // Routes 30-39 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // Routes 42-46, first five Kanto cities -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // Remaining Kanto cities, Johto cities, Lake of Rage, Mt Silver, Route 21 6, 5, 24, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 16, // National Park, Ilex/Viridian Forest, Routes 47-48, Safari Zone Gate, Routes 2 (north) and 16, Mt Silver Cave }; public static final int pokedexAreaDataSize = 495; public static final int dpptMtCoronetDexIndex = 3, dpptGreatMarshDexIndex = 4, dpptTrophyGardenDexIndex = 14, dpptFloaromaMeadowDexIndex = 21; public static final List dpptOverworldHoneyTreeDexIndicies = Arrays.asList(6, 7, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 36, 37, 50); public static final List partnerTrainerIndices = Arrays.asList(608, 609, 610, 611, 612); static { setupAllowedItems(); } private static void setupAllowedItems() { allowedItems = new ItemList(Items.enigmaStone); // Key items + version exclusives allowedItems.banRange(Items.explorerKit, 109); // Unknown blank items or version exclusives allowedItems.banRange(Items.griseousOrb, 23); // HMs allowedItems.banRange(Items.hm01, 8); // TMs allowedItems.tmRange(Items.tm01, 92); // non-bad items // ban specific pokemon hold items, berries, apricorns, mail nonBadItems = allowedItems.copy(); nonBadItems.banSingles(Items.oddKeystone, Items.griseousOrb, Items.soulDew, Items.lightBall, Items.oranBerry, Items.quickPowder); nonBadItems.banRange(Items.shoalSalt,2); nonBadItems.banRange(Items.growthMulch, 4); // mulch nonBadItems.banRange(Items.adamantOrb, 2); // orbs nonBadItems.banRange(Items.mail1, 12); // mails nonBadItems.banRange(Items.figyBerry, 25); // berries without useful battle effects nonBadItems.banRange(Items.luckyPunch, 4); // pokemon specific nonBadItems.banRange(Items.redScarf, 5); // contest scarves regularShopItems = new ArrayList<>(); regularShopItems.addAll(IntStream.rangeClosed(Items.ultraBall, Items.pokeBall).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList())); regularShopItems.addAll(IntStream.rangeClosed(Items.potion, Items.revive).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList())); regularShopItems.addAll(IntStream.rangeClosed(Items.superRepel, Items.repel).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList())); opShopItems = new ArrayList<>(); // "Money items" etc opShopItems.add(Items.rareCandy); opShopItems.addAll(IntStream.rangeClosed(Items.tinyMushroom, Items.nugget).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList())); opShopItems.add(Items.rareBone); opShopItems.add(Items.luckyEgg); } public static String getDoubleBattleFixPrefix(int romType) { if (romType == Gen4Constants.Type_DP) { return doubleBattleFixPrefixDP; } else if (romType == Gen4Constants.Type_Plat) { return doubleBattleFixPrefixPt; } else { return doubleBattleFixPrefixHGSS; } } public static String getRunWithoutRunningShoesPrefix(int romType) { if (romType == Gen4Constants.Type_DP || romType == Gen4Constants.Type_Plat) { return runningShoesCheckPrefixDPPt; } else { return runningShoesCheckPrefixHGSS; } } public static int getTrophyGardenGrassEncounterIndex(int romType) { if (romType == Gen4Constants.Type_DP) { return trophyGardenGrassEncounterIndexDP; } else { return trophyGardenGrassEncounterIndexPt; } } public static List getMarshGrassEncounterIndices(int romType) { if (romType == Gen4Constants.Type_DP) { return marshGrassEncounterIndicesDP; } else { return marshGrassEncounterIndicesPt; } } public static int getTextCharsPerLine(int romType) { if (romType == Gen4Constants.Type_HGSS) { return hgssTextCharsPerLine; } else { return dpptTextCharsPerLine; } } public static final Map balancedItemPrices = Stream.of(new Integer[][] { // Skip item index 0. All prices divided by 10 {Items.masterBall, 300}, {Items.ultraBall, 120}, {Items.greatBall, 60}, {Items.pokeBall, 20}, {Items.safariBall, 50}, {Items.netBall, 100}, {Items.diveBall, 100}, {Items.nestBall, 100}, {Items.repeatBall, 100}, {Items.timerBall, 100}, {Items.luxuryBall, 100}, {Items.premierBall, 20}, {Items.duskBall, 100}, {Items.healBall, 30}, {Items.quickBall, 100}, {Items.cherishBall, 20}, {Items.potion, 30}, {Items.antidote, 10}, {Items.burnHeal, 25}, {Items.iceHeal, 25}, {Items.awakening, 25}, {Items.paralyzeHeal, 20}, {Items.fullRestore, 300}, {Items.maxPotion, 250}, {Items.hyperPotion, 120}, {Items.superPotion, 70}, {Items.fullHeal, 60}, {Items.revive, 150}, {Items.maxRevive, 400}, {Items.freshWater, 40}, {Items.sodaPop, 60}, {Items.lemonade, 70}, {Items.moomooMilk, 80}, {Items.energyPowder, 40}, {Items.energyRoot, 110}, {Items.healPowder, 45}, {Items.revivalHerb, 280}, {Items.ether, 300}, {Items.maxEther, 450}, {Items.elixir, 1500}, {Items.maxElixir, 1800}, {Items.lavaCookie, 45}, {Items.berryJuice, 10}, {Items.sacredAsh, 1000}, {Items.hpUp, 980}, {Items.protein, 980}, {Items.iron, 980}, {Items.carbos, 980}, {Items.calcium, 980}, {Items.rareCandy, 1000}, {Items.ppUp, 980}, {Items.zinc, 980}, {Items.ppMax, 2490}, {Items.oldGateau, 45}, {Items.guardSpec, 70}, {Items.direHit, 65}, {Items.xAttack, 50}, {Items.xDefense, 55}, {Items.xSpeed, 35}, {Items.xAccuracy, 95}, {Items.xSpAtk, 35}, {Items.xSpDef, 35}, {Items.pokeDoll, 100}, {Items.fluffyTail, 100}, {Items.blueFlute, 2}, {Items.yellowFlute, 2}, {Items.redFlute, 2}, {Items.blackFlute, 2}, {Items.whiteFlute, 2}, {Items.shoalSalt, 2}, {Items.shoalShell, 2}, {Items.redShard, 40}, {Items.blueShard, 40}, {Items.yellowShard, 40}, {Items.greenShard, 40}, {Items.superRepel, 50}, {Items.maxRepel, 70}, {Items.escapeRope, 55}, {Items.repel, 35}, {Items.sunStone, 300}, {Items.moonStone, 300}, {Items.fireStone, 300}, {Items.thunderStone, 300}, {Items.waterStone, 300}, {Items.leafStone, 300}, {Items.tinyMushroom, 50}, {Items.bigMushroom, 500}, {Items.pearl, 140}, {Items.bigPearl, 750}, {Items.stardust, 200}, {Items.starPiece, 980}, {Items.nugget, 1000}, {Items.heartScale, 500}, {Items.honey, 50}, {Items.growthMulch, 20}, {Items.dampMulch, 20}, {Items.stableMulch, 20}, {Items.gooeyMulch, 20}, {Items.rootFossil, 500}, {Items.clawFossil, 500}, {Items.helixFossil, 500}, {Items.domeFossil, 500}, {Items.oldAmber, 800}, {Items.armorFossil, 500}, {Items.skullFossil, 500}, {Items.rareBone, 1000}, {Items.shinyStone, 300}, {Items.duskStone, 300}, {Items.dawnStone, 300}, {Items.ovalStone, 300}, {Items.oddKeystone, 210}, {Items.griseousOrb, 1000}, {Items.tea, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.unused114, 0}, {Items.autograph, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.douseDrive, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.shockDrive, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.burnDrive, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.chillDrive, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.unused120, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.pokemonBox, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.medicinePocket, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.tmCase, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.candyJar, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.powerUpPocket, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.clothingTrunk, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.catchingPocket, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.battlePocket, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.unused129, 0}, {Items.unused130, 0}, {Items.unused131, 0}, {Items.unused132, 0}, {Items.unused133, 0}, {Items.sweetHeart, 0}, // unused in Gen 4 {Items.adamantOrb, 1000}, {Items.lustrousOrb, 1000}, {Items.mail1, 5}, {Items.mail2, 5}, {Items.mail3, 5}, {Items.mail4, 5}, {Items.mail5, 5}, {Items.mail6, 5}, {Items.mail7, 5}, {Items.mail8, 5}, {Items.mail9, 5}, {Items.mail10, 5}, {Items.mail11, 5}, {Items.mail12, 5}, {Items.cheriBerry, 20}, {Items.chestoBerry, 25}, {Items.pechaBerry, 10}, {Items.rawstBerry, 25}, {Items.aspearBerry, 25}, {Items.leppaBerry, 300}, {Items.oranBerry, 5}, {Items.persimBerry, 20}, {Items.lumBerry, 50}, {Items.sitrusBerry, 50}, {Items.figyBerry, 10}, {Items.wikiBerry, 10}, {Items.magoBerry, 10}, {Items.aguavBerry, 10}, {Items.iapapaBerry, 10}, {Items.razzBerry, 50}, {Items.blukBerry, 50}, {Items.nanabBerry, 50}, {Items.wepearBerry, 50}, {Items.pinapBerry, 50}, {Items.pomegBerry, 50}, {Items.kelpsyBerry, 50}, {Items.qualotBerry, 50}, {Items.hondewBerry, 50}, {Items.grepaBerry, 50}, {Items.tamatoBerry, 50}, {Items.cornnBerry, 50}, {Items.magostBerry, 50}, {Items.rabutaBerry, 50}, {Items.nomelBerry, 50}, {Items.spelonBerry, 50}, {Items.pamtreBerry, 50}, {Items.watmelBerry, 50}, {Items.durinBerry, 50}, {Items.belueBerry, 50}, {Items.occaBerry, 100}, {Items.passhoBerry, 100}, {Items.wacanBerry, 100}, {Items.rindoBerry, 100}, {Items.yacheBerry, 100}, {Items.chopleBerry, 100}, {Items.kebiaBerry, 100}, {Items.shucaBerry, 100}, {Items.cobaBerry, 100}, {Items.payapaBerry, 100}, {Items.tangaBerry, 100}, {Items.chartiBerry, 100}, {Items.kasibBerry, 100}, {Items.habanBerry, 100}, {Items.colburBerry, 100}, {Items.babiriBerry, 100}, {Items.chilanBerry, 100}, {Items.liechiBerry, 100}, {Items.ganlonBerry, 100}, {Items.salacBerry, 100}, {Items.petayaBerry, 100}, {Items.apicotBerry, 100}, {Items.lansatBerry, 100}, {Items.starfBerry, 100}, {Items.enigmaBerry, 100}, {Items.micleBerry, 100}, {Items.custapBerry, 100}, {Items.jabocaBerry, 100}, {Items.rowapBerry, 100}, {Items.brightPowder, 300}, {Items.whiteHerb, 100}, {Items.machoBrace, 300}, {Items.expShare, 600}, {Items.quickClaw, 450}, {Items.sootheBell, 100}, {Items.mentalHerb, 100}, {Items.choiceBand, 1000}, {Items.kingsRock, 500}, {Items.silverPowder, 200}, {Items.amuletCoin, 1500}, {Items.cleanseTag, 100}, {Items.soulDew, 20}, {Items.deepSeaTooth, 300}, {Items.deepSeaScale, 300}, {Items.smokeBall, 20}, {Items.everstone, 20}, {Items.focusBand, 300}, {Items.luckyEgg, 1000}, {Items.scopeLens, 500}, {Items.metalCoat, 300}, {Items.leftovers, 1000}, {Items.dragonScale, 300}, {Items.lightBall, 10}, {Items.softSand, 200}, {Items.hardStone, 200}, {Items.miracleSeed, 200}, {Items.blackGlasses, 200}, {Items.blackBelt, 200}, {Items.magnet, 200}, {Items.mysticWater, 200}, {Items.sharpBeak, 200}, {Items.poisonBarb, 200}, {Items.neverMeltIce, 200}, {Items.spellTag, 200}, {Items.twistedSpoon, 200}, {Items.charcoal, 200}, {Items.dragonFang, 200}, {Items.silkScarf, 200}, {Items.upgrade, 300}, {Items.shellBell, 600}, {Items.seaIncense, 200}, {Items.laxIncense, 300}, {Items.luckyPunch, 1}, {Items.metalPowder, 1}, {Items.thickClub, 50}, {Items.leek, 20}, {Items.redScarf, 10}, {Items.blueScarf, 10}, {Items.pinkScarf, 10}, {Items.greenScarf, 10}, {Items.yellowScarf, 10}, {Items.wideLens, 150}, {Items.muscleBand, 200}, {Items.wiseGlasses, 200}, {Items.expertBelt, 600}, {Items.lightClay, 150}, {Items.lifeOrb, 1000}, {Items.powerHerb, 100}, {Items.toxicOrb, 150}, {Items.flameOrb, 150}, {Items.quickPowder, 1}, {Items.focusSash, 200}, {Items.zoomLens, 150}, {Items.metronome, 300}, {Items.ironBall, 100}, {Items.laggingTail, 100}, {Items.destinyKnot, 150}, {Items.blackSludge, 500}, {Items.icyRock, 20}, {Items.smoothRock, 20}, {Items.heatRock, 20}, {Items.dampRock, 20}, {Items.gripClaw, 150}, {Items.choiceScarf, 1000}, {Items.stickyBarb, 150}, {Items.powerBracer, 300}, {Items.powerBelt, 300}, {Items.powerLens, 300}, {Items.powerBand, 300}, {Items.powerAnklet, 300}, {Items.powerWeight, 300}, {Items.shedShell, 50}, {Items.bigRoot, 150}, {Items.choiceSpecs, 1000}, {Items.flamePlate, 200}, {Items.splashPlate, 200}, {Items.zapPlate, 200}, {Items.meadowPlate, 200}, {Items.iciclePlate, 200}, {Items.fistPlate, 200}, {Items.toxicPlate, 200}, {Items.earthPlate, 200}, {Items.skyPlate, 200}, {Items.mindPlate, 200}, {Items.insectPlate, 200}, {Items.stonePlate, 200}, {Items.spookyPlate, 200}, {Items.dracoPlate, 200}, {Items.dreadPlate, 200}, {Items.ironPlate, 200}, {Items.oddIncense, 200}, {Items.rockIncense, 200}, {Items.fullIncense, 100}, {Items.waveIncense, 200}, {Items.roseIncense, 200}, {Items.luckIncense, 1500}, {Items.pureIncense, 100}, {Items.protector, 300}, {Items.electirizer, 300}, {Items.magmarizer, 300}, {Items.dubiousDisc, 300}, {Items.reaperCloth, 300}, {Items.razorClaw, 500}, {Items.razorFang, 500}, {Items.tm01, 300}, {Items.tm02, 300}, {Items.tm03, 300}, {Items.tm04, 150}, {Items.tm05, 100}, {Items.tm06, 300}, {Items.tm07, 200}, {Items.tm08, 150}, {Items.tm09, 200}, {Items.tm10, 200}, {Items.tm11, 200}, {Items.tm12, 150}, {Items.tm13, 300}, {Items.tm14, 550}, {Items.tm15, 750}, {Items.tm16, 200}, {Items.tm17, 200}, {Items.tm18, 200}, {Items.tm19, 300}, {Items.tm20, 200}, {Items.tm21, 100}, {Items.tm22, 300}, {Items.tm23, 300}, {Items.tm24, 300}, {Items.tm25, 550}, {Items.tm26, 300}, {Items.tm27, 100}, {Items.tm28, 200}, {Items.tm29, 300}, {Items.tm30, 300}, {Items.tm31, 300}, {Items.tm32, 100}, {Items.tm33, 200}, {Items.tm34, 300}, {Items.tm35, 300}, {Items.tm36, 300}, {Items.tm37, 200}, {Items.tm38, 550}, {Items.tm39, 200}, {Items.tm40, 300}, {Items.tm41, 150}, {Items.tm42, 300}, {Items.tm43, 200}, {Items.tm44, 300}, {Items.tm45, 300}, {Items.tm46, 200}, {Items.tm47, 300}, {Items.tm48, 300}, {Items.tm49, 150}, {Items.tm50, 550}, {Items.tm51, 200}, {Items.tm52, 550}, {Items.tm53, 300}, {Items.tm54, 200}, {Items.tm55, 300}, {Items.tm56, 200}, {Items.tm57, 300}, {Items.tm58, 200}, {Items.tm59, 300}, {Items.tm60, 300}, {Items.tm61, 200}, {Items.tm62, 300}, {Items.tm63, 200}, {Items.tm64, 750}, {Items.tm65, 300}, {Items.tm66, 300}, {Items.tm67, 100}, {Items.tm68, 750}, {Items.tm69, 150}, {Items.tm70, 100}, {Items.tm71, 300}, {Items.tm72, 300}, {Items.tm73, 200}, {Items.tm74, 300}, {Items.tm75, 150}, {Items.tm76, 200}, {Items.tm77, 150}, {Items.tm78, 150}, {Items.tm79, 300}, {Items.tm80, 300}, {Items.tm81, 300}, {Items.tm82, 100}, {Items.tm83, 200}, {Items.tm84, 300}, {Items.tm85, 300}, {Items.tm86, 300}, {Items.tm87, 150}, {Items.tm88, 300}, {Items.tm89, 300}, {Items.tm90, 200}, {Items.tm91, 300}, {Items.tm92, 550}, {Items.hm01, 0}, {Items.hm02, 0}, {Items.hm03, 0}, {Items.hm04, 0}, {Items.hm05, 0}, {Items.hm06, 0}, {Items.hm07, 0}, {Items.hm08, 0}, {Items.explorerKit, 0}, {Items.lootSack, 0}, {Items.ruleBook, 0}, {Items.pokeRadar, 0}, {Items.pointCard, 0}, {Items.journal, 0}, {Items.sealCase, 0}, {Items.fashionCase, 0}, {Items.sealBag, 0}, {Items.palPad, 0}, {Items.worksKey, 0}, {Items.oldCharm, 0}, {Items.galacticKey, 0}, {Items.redChain, 0}, {Items.townMap, 0}, {Items.vsSeeker, 0}, {Items.coinCase, 0}, {Items.oldRod, 0}, {Items.goodRod, 0}, {Items.superRod, 0}, {Items.sprayduck, 0}, {Items.poffinCase, 0}, {, 0}, {Items.suiteKey, 0}, {Items.oaksLetter, 0}, {Items.lunarWing, 0}, {Items.memberCard, 0}, {Items.azureFlute, 0}, {Items.ssTicketJohto, 0}, {Items.contestPass, 0}, {Items.magmaStone, 0}, {Items.parcelSinnoh, 0}, {Items.coupon1, 0}, {Items.coupon2, 0}, {Items.coupon3, 0}, {Items.storageKeySinnoh, 0}, {Items.secretPotion, 0}, {Items.vsRecorder, 0}, {Items.gracidea, 0}, {Items.secretKeySinnoh, 0}, {Items.apricornBox, 0}, {Items.unownReport, 0}, {Items.berryPots, 0}, {Items.dowsingMachine, 0}, {Items.blueCard, 0}, {Items.slowpokeTail, 0}, {Items.clearBell, 0}, {Items.cardKeyJohto, 0}, {Items.basementKeyJohto, 0}, {Items.squirtBottle, 0}, {Items.redScale, 0}, {Items.lostItem, 0}, {Items.pass, 0}, {Items.machinePart, 0}, {Items.silverWing, 0}, {Items.rainbowWing, 0}, {Items.mysteryEgg, 0}, {Items.redApricorn, 2}, {Items.blueApricorn, 2}, {Items.yellowApricorn, 2}, {Items.greenApricorn, 2}, {Items.pinkApricorn, 2}, {Items.whiteApricorn, 2}, {Items.blackApricorn, 2}, {Items.fastBall, 30}, {Items.levelBall, 30}, {Items.lureBall, 30}, {Items.heavyBall, 30}, {Items.loveBall, 30}, {Items.friendBall, 30}, {Items.moonBall, 30}, {Items.sportBall, 30}, {Items.parkBall, 0}, {Items.photoAlbum, 0}, {Items.gbSounds, 0}, {Items.tidalBell, 0}, {Items.rageCandyBar, 0}, {Items.dataCard01, 0}, {Items.dataCard02, 0}, {Items.dataCard03, 0}, {Items.dataCard04, 0}, {Items.dataCard05, 0}, {Items.dataCard06, 0}, {Items.dataCard07, 0}, {Items.dataCard08, 0}, {Items.dataCard09, 0}, {Items.dataCard10, 0}, {Items.dataCard11, 0}, {Items.dataCard12, 0}, {Items.dataCard13, 0}, {Items.dataCard14, 0}, {Items.dataCard15, 0}, {Items.dataCard16, 0}, {Items.dataCard17, 0}, {Items.dataCard18, 0}, {Items.dataCard19, 0}, {Items.dataCard20, 0}, {Items.dataCard21, 0}, {Items.dataCard22, 0}, {Items.dataCard23, 0}, {Items.dataCard24, 0}, {Items.dataCard25, 0}, {Items.dataCard26, 0}, {Items.dataCard27, 0}, {Items.jadeOrb, 0}, {Items.lockCapsule, 0}, {Items.redOrb, 0}, {Items.blueOrb, 0}, {Items.enigmaStone, 0}, }).collect(Collectors.toMap(kv -> kv[0], kv -> kv[1])); public static final Type[] typeTable = constructTypeTable(); private static Type[] constructTypeTable() { Type[] table = new Type[256]; table[0x00] = Type.NORMAL; table[0x01] = Type.FIGHTING; table[0x02] = Type.FLYING; table[0x03] = Type.POISON; table[0x04] = Type.GROUND; table[0x05] = Type.ROCK; table[0x06] = Type.BUG; table[0x07] = Type.GHOST; table[0x08] = Type.STEEL; table[0x0A] = Type.FIRE; table[0x0B] = Type.WATER; table[0x0C] = Type.GRASS; table[0x0D] = Type.ELECTRIC; table[0x0E] = Type.PSYCHIC; table[0x0F] = Type.ICE; table[0x10] = Type.DRAGON; table[0x11] = Type.DARK; return table; } public static byte typeToByte(Type type) { if (type == null) { return 0x09; // ???-type } switch (type) { case NORMAL: return 0x00; case FIGHTING: return 0x01; case FLYING: return 0x02; case POISON: return 0x03; case GROUND: return 0x04; case ROCK: return 0x05; case BUG: return 0x06; case GHOST: return 0x07; case FIRE: return 0x0A; case WATER: return 0x0B; case GRASS: return 0x0C; case ELECTRIC: return 0x0D; case PSYCHIC: return 0x0E; case ICE: return 0x0F; case DRAGON: return 0x10; case STEEL: return 0x08; case DARK: return 0x11; default: return 0; // normal by default } } public static int getFormeCount(int romType) { if (romType == Type_DP) { return dpFormeCount; } else if (romType == Type_Plat || romType == Type_HGSS) { return platHgSsFormeCount; } return 0; } private static Map setupFormeSuffixes() { Map formeSuffixes = new HashMap<>(); formeSuffixes.put(Species.Gen4Formes.deoxysA + formeOffset,"-A"); formeSuffixes.put(Species.Gen4Formes.deoxysD + formeOffset,"-D"); formeSuffixes.put(Species.Gen4Formes.deoxysS + formeOffset,"-S"); formeSuffixes.put(Species.Gen4Formes.wormadamS + formeOffset,"-S"); formeSuffixes.put(Species.Gen4Formes.wormadamT + formeOffset,"-T"); formeSuffixes.put(Species.Gen4Formes.giratinaO + formeOffset,"-O"); formeSuffixes.put(Species.Gen4Formes.shayminS + formeOffset,"-S"); formeSuffixes.put(Species.Gen4Formes.rotomH + formeOffset,"-H"); formeSuffixes.put(Species.Gen4Formes.rotomW + formeOffset,"-W"); formeSuffixes.put(Species.Gen4Formes.rotomFr + formeOffset,"-Fr"); formeSuffixes.put(Species.Gen4Formes.rotomFa + formeOffset,"-Fa"); formeSuffixes.put(Species.Gen4Formes.rotomM + formeOffset,"-M"); return formeSuffixes; } private static Map setupFormeMappings() { Map formeMappings = new TreeMap<>(); formeMappings.put(Species.Gen4Formes.deoxysA + formeOffset,new FormeInfo(Species.deoxys,1, 0)); formeMappings.put(Species.Gen4Formes.deoxysD + formeOffset,new FormeInfo(Species.deoxys,2, 0)); formeMappings.put(Species.Gen4Formes.deoxysS + formeOffset,new FormeInfo(Species.deoxys,3, 0)); formeMappings.put(Species.Gen4Formes.wormadamS + formeOffset,new FormeInfo(Species.wormadam,1, 0)); formeMappings.put(Species.Gen4Formes.wormadamT + formeOffset,new FormeInfo(Species.wormadam,2, 0)); formeMappings.put(Species.Gen4Formes.giratinaO + formeOffset,new FormeInfo(Species.giratina,1, 0)); formeMappings.put(Species.Gen4Formes.shayminS + formeOffset,new FormeInfo(Species.shaymin,1, 0)); formeMappings.put(Species.Gen4Formes.rotomH + formeOffset,new FormeInfo(Species.rotom,1, 0)); formeMappings.put(Species.Gen4Formes.rotomW + formeOffset,new FormeInfo(Species.rotom,2, 0)); formeMappings.put(Species.Gen4Formes.rotomFr + formeOffset,new FormeInfo(Species.rotom,3, 0)); formeMappings.put(Species.Gen4Formes.rotomFa + formeOffset,new FormeInfo(Species.rotom,4, 0)); formeMappings.put(Species.Gen4Formes.rotomM + formeOffset,new FormeInfo(Species.rotom,5, 0)); return formeMappings; } private static Map setupCosmeticForms() { Map cosmeticForms = new TreeMap<>(); cosmeticForms.put(Species.unown, 28); cosmeticForms.put(Species.burmy, 3); cosmeticForms.put(Species.shellos, 2); cosmeticForms.put(Species.gastrodon, 2); return cosmeticForms; } private static Map> setupFormeSuffixesByBaseForme() { Map> map = new HashMap<>(); Map deoxysMap = new HashMap<>(); deoxysMap.put(1,"-A"); deoxysMap.put(2,"-D"); deoxysMap.put(3,"-S"); map.put(Species.deoxys,deoxysMap); Map wormadamMap = new HashMap<>(); wormadamMap.put(1,"-S"); wormadamMap.put(2,"-T"); map.put(Species.wormadam,wormadamMap); Map shayminMap = new HashMap<>(); shayminMap.put(1,"-S"); map.put(Species.shaymin,shayminMap); Map giratinaMap = new HashMap<>(); giratinaMap.put(1,"-O"); map.put(Species.giratina,giratinaMap); Map rotomMap = new HashMap<>(); rotomMap.put(1,"-H"); rotomMap.put(2,"-W"); rotomMap.put(3,"-Fr"); rotomMap.put(4,"-Fa"); rotomMap.put(5,"-M"); map.put(Species.rotom,rotomMap); return map; } private static Map setupDummyFormeSuffixes() { Map m = new HashMap<>(); m.put(0,""); return m; } private static Map> setupAbsolutePokeNumsByBaseForme() { Map> map = new HashMap<>(); Map deoxysMap = new HashMap<>(); deoxysMap.put(1,Species.Gen4Formes.deoxysA); deoxysMap.put(2,Species.Gen4Formes.deoxysD); deoxysMap.put(3,Species.Gen4Formes.deoxysS); map.put(Species.deoxys, deoxysMap); Map wormadamMap = new HashMap<>(); wormadamMap.put(1,Species.Gen4Formes.wormadamS); wormadamMap.put(2,Species.Gen4Formes.wormadamT); map.put(Species.wormadam, wormadamMap); Map giratinaMap = new HashMap<>(); giratinaMap.put(1,Species.Gen4Formes.giratinaO); map.put(Species.giratina, giratinaMap); Map shayminMap = new HashMap<>(); shayminMap.put(1,Species.Gen4Formes.shayminS); map.put(Species.shaymin, shayminMap); Map rotomMap = new HashMap<>(); rotomMap.put(1,Species.Gen4Formes.rotomH); rotomMap.put(2,Species.Gen4Formes.rotomW); rotomMap.put(3,Species.Gen4Formes.rotomFr); rotomMap.put(4,Species.Gen4Formes.rotomFa); rotomMap.put(5,Species.Gen4Formes.rotomM); map.put(Species.rotom, rotomMap); return map; } private static Map setupDummyAbsolutePokeNums() { Map m = new HashMap<>(); m.put(255,0); return m; } public static void tagTrainersDP(List trs) { // Gym Trainers tag(trs, "GYM1", 0xf4, 0xf5); tag(trs, "GYM2", 0x144, 0x103, 0x104, 0x15C); tag(trs, "GYM3", 0x135, 0x136, 0x137, 0x138); tag(trs, "GYM4", 0x1f1, 0x1f2, 0x191, 0x153, 0x125, 0x1E3); tag(trs, "GYM5", 0x165, 0x145, 0x10a, 0x14a, 0x154, 0x157, 0x118, 0x11c); tag(trs, "GYM6", 0x13a, 0x100, 0x101, 0x117, 0x16f, 0xe8, 0x11b); tag(trs, "GYM7", 0x10c, 0x10d, 0x10e, 0x10f, 0x33b, 0x33c); tag(trs, "GYM8", 0x158, 0x155, 0x12d, 0x12e, 0x12f, 0x11d, 0x119); // Gym Leaders tag(trs, 0xf6, "GYM1-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x13b, "GYM2-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x13d, "GYM3-LEADER"); // Maylene tag(trs, 0x13c, "GYM4-LEADER"); // Wake tag(trs, 0x13e, "GYM5-LEADER"); // Fantina tag(trs, 0xfa, "GYM6-LEADER"); // Byron tag(trs, 0x13f, "GYM7-LEADER"); // Candice tag(trs, 0x140, "GYM8-LEADER"); // Volkner // Elite 4 tag(trs, 0x105, "ELITE1"); tag(trs, 0x106, "ELITE2"); tag(trs, 0x107, "ELITE3"); tag(trs, 0x108, "ELITE4"); tag(trs, 0x10b, "CHAMPION"); // Rival battles (8) tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL1", 0xf8); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL2", 0x1d7); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL3", 0x1da); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL4", 0x1dd); // Tag battle is not following ze usual format tag(trs, 0x26b, "RIVAL5-0"); tag(trs, 0x26c, "RIVAL5-1"); tag(trs, 0x25f, "RIVAL5-2"); // Back to normal tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL6", 0x1e0); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL7", 0x346); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL8", 0x349); // Themed tag(trs, "THEMED:CYRUS-LEADER", 0x193, 0x194); tag(trs, "THEMED:MARS-STRONG", 0x127, 0x195, 0x210); tag(trs, "THEMED:JUPITER-STRONG", 0x196, 0x197); tag(trs, "THEMED:SATURN-STRONG", 0x198, 0x199); // Lucas & Dawn tag battles tagFriendConsecutive(trs, "FRIEND1", 0x265); tagFriendConsecutive(trs, "FRIEND1", 0x268); tagFriendConsecutive2(trs, "FRIEND2", 0x26D); tagFriendConsecutive2(trs, "FRIEND2", 0x270); } public static void tagTrainersPt(List trs) { // Gym Trainers tag(trs, "GYM1", 0xf4, 0xf5); tag(trs, "GYM2", 0x144, 0x103, 0x104, 0x15C); tag(trs, "GYM3", 0x165, 0x145, 0x154, 0x157, 0x118, 0x11c); tag(trs, "GYM4", 0x135, 0x136, 0x137, 0x138); tag(trs, "GYM5", 0x1f1, 0x1f2, 0x191, 0x153, 0x125, 0x1E3); tag(trs, "GYM6", 0x13a, 0x100, 0x101, 0x117, 0x16f, 0xe8, 0x11b); tag(trs, "GYM7", 0x10c, 0x10d, 0x10e, 0x10f, 0x33b, 0x33c); tag(trs, "GYM8", 0x158, 0x155, 0x12d, 0x12e, 0x12f, 0x11d, 0x119, 0x14b); // Gym Leaders tag(trs, 0xf6, "GYM1-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x13b, "GYM2-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x13e, "GYM3-LEADER"); // Fantina tag(trs, 0x13d, "GYM4-LEADER"); // Maylene tag(trs, 0x13c, "GYM5-LEADER"); // Wake tag(trs, 0xfa, "GYM6-LEADER"); // Byron tag(trs, 0x13f, "GYM7-LEADER"); // Candice tag(trs, 0x140, "GYM8-LEADER"); // Volkner // Elite 4 tag(trs, 0x105, "ELITE1"); tag(trs, 0x106, "ELITE2"); tag(trs, 0x107, "ELITE3"); tag(trs, 0x108, "ELITE4"); tag(trs, 0x10b, "CHAMPION"); // Rival battles (10) tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL1", 0x353); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL2", 0xf8); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL3", 0x1d7); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL4", 0x1da); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL5", 0x1dd); // Tag battle is not following ze usual format tag(trs, 0x26b, "RIVAL6-0"); tag(trs, 0x26c, "RIVAL6-1"); tag(trs, 0x25f, "RIVAL6-2"); // Back to normal tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL7", 0x1e0); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL8", 0x346); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL9", 0x349); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL10", 0x368); // Battleground Gym Leaders tag(trs, 0x35A, "GYM1"); tag(trs, 0x359, "GYM2"); tag(trs, 0x35C, "GYM3"); tag(trs, 0x356, "GYM4"); tag(trs, 0x35B, "GYM5"); tag(trs, 0x358, "GYM6"); tag(trs, 0x355, "GYM7"); tag(trs, 0x357, "GYM8"); // Match vs Volkner and Flint in Battle Frontier tag(trs, 0x399, "GYM8"); tag(trs, 0x39A, "ELITE3"); // E4 rematch tag(trs, 0x362, "ELITE1"); tag(trs, 0x363, "ELITE2"); tag(trs, 0x364, "ELITE3"); tag(trs, 0x365, "ELITE4"); tag(trs, 0x366, "CHAMPION"); // Themed tag(trs, "THEMED:CYRUS-LEADER", 0x391, 0x193, 0x194); tag(trs, "THEMED:MARS-STRONG", 0x127, 0x195, 0x210, 0x39e); tag(trs, "THEMED:JUPITER-STRONG", 0x196, 0x197, 0x39f); tag(trs, "THEMED:SATURN-STRONG", 0x198, 0x199); // Lucas & Dawn tag battles tagFriendConsecutive(trs, "FRIEND1", 0x265); tagFriendConsecutive(trs, "FRIEND1", 0x268); tagFriendConsecutive2(trs, "FRIEND2", 0x26D); tagFriendConsecutive2(trs, "FRIEND2", 0x270); } public static void tagTrainersHGSS(List trs) { // Gym Trainers tag(trs, "GYM1", 0x32, 0x1D); tag(trs, "GYM2", 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x0a); tag(trs, "GYM3", 0x05, 0x46, 0x47, 0x16); tag(trs, "GYM4", 0x1ed, 0x1ee, 0x59, 0x2e); tag(trs, "GYM5", 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9f, 0xfb); tag(trs, "GYM7", 0x1e0, 0x1e1, 0x1e2, 0x1e3, 0x1e4); tag(trs, "GYM8", 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x75, 0x77); tag(trs, "GYM9", 0x134, 0x2ad); tag(trs, "GYM10", 0x2a4, 0x2a5, 0x2a6, 0x129, 0x12a); tag(trs, "GYM11", 0x18c, 0xe8, 0x151); tag(trs, "GYM12", 0x150, 0x146, 0x164, 0x15a); tag(trs, "GYM13", 0x53, 0x54, 0xb7, 0x88); tag(trs, "GYM14", 0x170, 0x171, 0xe6, 0x19f); tag(trs, "GYM15", 0x2b1, 0x2b2, 0x2b3, 0x2b4, 0x2b5, 0x2b6); tag(trs, "GYM16", 0x2a9, 0x2aa, 0x2ab, 0x2ac); // Gym Leaders tag(trs, 0x14, "GYM1-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x15, "GYM2-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x1e, "GYM3-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x1f, "GYM4-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x22, "GYM5-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x21, "GYM6-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x20, "GYM7-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x23, "GYM8-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0xFD, "GYM9-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0xFE, "GYM10-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0xFF, "GYM11-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x100, "GYM12-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x101, "GYM13-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x102, "GYM14-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x103, "GYM15-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x105, "GYM16-LEADER"); // Elite 4 tag(trs, 0xf5, "ELITE1"); tag(trs, 0xf7, "ELITE2"); tag(trs, 0x1a2, "ELITE3"); tag(trs, 0xf6, "ELITE4"); tag(trs, 0xf4, "CHAMPION"); // Red tag(trs, 0x104, "UBER"); // Gym Rematches tag(trs, 0x2c8, "GYM1-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2c9, "GYM2-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2ca, "GYM3-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2cb, "GYM4-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2ce, "GYM5-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2cd, "GYM6-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2cc, "GYM7-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2cf, "GYM8-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2d0, "GYM9-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2d1, "GYM10-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2d2, "GYM11-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2d3, "GYM12-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2d4, "GYM13-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2d5, "GYM14-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2d6, "GYM15-LEADER"); tag(trs, 0x2d7, "GYM16-LEADER"); // Elite 4 Rematch tag(trs, 0x2be, "ELITE1"); tag(trs, 0x2bf, "ELITE2"); tag(trs, 0x2c0, "ELITE3"); tag(trs, 0x2c1, "ELITE4"); tag(trs, 0x2bd, "CHAMPION"); // Rival Battles tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL1", 0x1F0); tag(trs, 0x10a, "RIVAL2-0"); tag(trs, 0x10d, "RIVAL2-1"); tag(trs, 0x1, "RIVAL2-2"); tag(trs, 0x10B, "RIVAL3-0"); tag(trs, 0x10E, "RIVAL3-1"); tag(trs, 0x107, "RIVAL3-2"); tag(trs, 0x121, "RIVAL4-0"); tag(trs, 0x10f, "RIVAL4-1"); tag(trs, 0x120, "RIVAL4-2"); tag(trs, 0x10C, "RIVAL5-0"); tag(trs, 0x110, "RIVAL5-1"); tag(trs, 0x108, "RIVAL5-2"); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL6", 0x11e); tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL7", 0x2e0); // dragons den tag battle tagRivalConsecutive(trs, "RIVAL8", 0x1EA); // Clair & Lance match in Dragons Den tag(trs, 0x2DE, "GYM8"); tag(trs, 0x2DD, "CHAMPION"); tag(trs, 0xa0, "KIMONO1-STRONG"); tag(trs, 0xa1, "KIMONO2-STRONG"); tag(trs, 0xa2, "KIMONO3-STRONG"); tag(trs, 0xa3, "KIMONO4-STRONG"); tag(trs, 0xa4, "KIMONO5-STRONG"); // Themed tag(trs, "THEMED:ARIANA-STRONG", 0x1df, 0x1de); tag(trs, "THEMED:PETREL-STRONG", 0x1e8, 0x1e7); tag(trs, "THEMED:PROTON-STRONG", 0x1e6, 0x2c2); tag(trs, "THEMED:SPROUTTOWER", 0x2b, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x122); tag(trs,"LEADER",485); // Archer } private static void tag(List allTrainers, int number, String tag) { allTrainers.get(number - 1).tag = tag; } private static void tag(List allTrainers, String tag, int... numbers) { for (int num : numbers) { allTrainers.get(num - 1).tag = tag; } } private static void tagRivalConsecutive(List allTrainers, String tag, int offsetFire) { allTrainers.get(offsetFire - 1).tag = tag + "-0"; allTrainers.get(offsetFire).tag = tag + "-1"; allTrainers.get(offsetFire - 2).tag = tag + "-2"; } private static void tagFriendConsecutive(List allTrainers, String tag, int offsetGrass) { allTrainers.get(offsetGrass - 1).tag = tag + "-1"; allTrainers.get(offsetGrass).tag = tag + "-2"; allTrainers.get(offsetGrass + 1).tag = tag + "-0"; } private static void tagFriendConsecutive2(List allTrainers, String tag, int offsetWater) { allTrainers.get(offsetWater - 1).tag = tag + "-0"; allTrainers.get(offsetWater).tag = tag + "-1"; allTrainers.get(offsetWater + 1).tag = tag + "-2"; } public static void setMultiBattleStatusDP(List trs) { // 407 + 528: Commander Mars and Commander Jupiter Multi Battle on Spear Pillar // 414 + 415: Galactic Grunts in Jubilife City // 419 + 426: Galactic Grunts in Lake Verity // 420 + 427: Galactic Grunts in Lake Verity // 521 + 527: Galactic Grunts on Spear Pillar // 561 + 590: Double Battle with Dragon Tamer Drake and Black Belt Jarrett // 835 + 836: Galactic Grunts in Iron Island // 848 + 849: Galactic Grunts in Veilstone City setMultiBattleStatus(trs, Trainer.MultiBattleStatus.ALWAYS, 414, 415, 419, 420, 426, 427, 521, 527, 528, 561, 590, 835, 836, 848, 849 ); // 34 + 35: Potential Double Battle with Camper Anthony and Picnicker Lauren // 82 + 83: Potential Double Battle with Rich Boy Jason and Lady Melissa // 84 + 85: Potential Double Battle with Gentleman Jeremy and Socialite Reina // 95 + 96: Potential Double Battle with PKMN Ranger Jeffrey and PKMN Ranger Allison // 104 + 106: Potential Double Battle with Swimmer Evan and Swimmer Mary // 160 + 494: Potential Double Battle with Swimmer Erik and Swimmer Claire // 186 + 191: Potential Double Battle with Swimmer Colton and Swimmer Paige // 201 + 204: Potential Double Battle with Bug Catcher Jack and Lass Briana // 202 + 203: Potential Double Battle with Bug Catcher Phillip and Bug Catcher Donald // 205 + 206: Potential Double Battle with Psychic Elijah and Psychic Lindsey // 278 + 287: Potential Double Battle with Ace Trainer Maya and Ace Trainer Dennis // 337 + 359: Potential Double Battle with Sailor Marc and Tuber Conner // 358 + 360: Potential Double Battle with Tuber Trenton and Tuber Mariel // 372 + 445: Potential Double Battle with Battle Girl Tyler and Black Belt Kendal // 373 + 386: Potential Double Battle with Bird Keeper Autumn and Dragon Tamer Joe // 379 + 459: Potential Double Battle with Camper Diego and Picnicker Ana // 383 + 443: Potential Double Battle with Collector Terry and Ruin Maniac Gerald // 388 + 392: Potential Double Battle with Ace Trainer Jonah and Ace Trainer Brenda // 389 + 393: Potential Double Battle with Ace Trainer Micah and Ace Trainer Brandi // 390 + 394: Potential Double Battle with Ace Trainer Arthur and Ace Trainer Clarice // 395 + 398: Potential Double Battle with Psychic Kody and Psychic Rachael // 396 + 399: Potential Double Battle with Psychic Landon and Psychic Desiree // 397 + 400: Potential Double Battle with Psychic Deandre and Psychic Kendra // 446 + 499: Potential Double Battle with Black Belt Eddie and Veteran Terrell // 447 + 500: Potential Double Battle with Black Belt Willie and Veteran Brenden // 450 + 496: Potential Double Battle with Lass Cassidy and Youngster Wayne // 452 + 453: Potential Double Battle with Hiker Damon and Hiker Maurice // 454 + 455: Potential Double Battle with Hiker Reginald and Hiker Lorenzo // 505 + 506: Potential Double Battle with Worker Brendon and Worker Quentin // 555 + 560: Potential Double Battle with Bird Keeper Geneva and Dragon Tamer Stanley // 556 + 589: Potential Double Battle with Bird Keeper Krystal and Black Belt Ray // 562 + 606: Potential Double Battle with Dragon Tamer Kenny and Veteran Harlan // 566 + 575: Potential Double Battle with Ace Trainer Felix and Ace Trainer Dana // 569 + 579: Potential Double Battle with Ace Trainer Keenan and Ace Trainer Kassandra // 570 + 580: Potential Double Battle with Ace Trainer Stefan and Ace Trainer Jasmin // 571 + 581: Potential Double Battle with Ace Trainer Skylar and Ace Trainer Natasha // 572 + 582: Potential Double Battle with Ace Trainer Abel and Ace Trainer Monique // 584 + 586: Potential Double Battle with Psychic Sterling and Psychic Chelsey // 591 + 596: Potential Double Battle with PKMN Ranger Kyler and PKMN Ranger Krista // 594 + 554/585: Potential Double Battle with PKMN Ranger Ashlee and either Bird Keeper Audrey or Psychic Daisy // 599 + 602: Potential Double Battle with Swimmer Sam and Swimmer Sophia setMultiBattleStatus(trs, Trainer.MultiBattleStatus.POTENTIAL, 34, 35, 82, 83, 84, 85, 95, 96, 104, 106, 160, 186, 191, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 278, 287, 337, 358, 359, 360, 372, 373, 379, 383, 386, 388, 389, 390, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 443, 445, 446, 447, 450, 452, 453, 454, 455, 459, 494, 496, 499, 500, 505, 506, 554, 555, 556, 560, 562, 566, 569, 570, 571, 572, 575, 579, 580, 581, 582, 584, 585, 586, 589, 591, 594, 596, 599, 602, 606 ); } public static void setMultiBattleStatusPt(List trs) { // In addition to every single trainer listed in setCouldBeMultiBattleDP... // 921 + 922: Elite Four Flint and Leader Volkner Multi Battle in the Fight Area setMultiBattleStatus(trs, Trainer.MultiBattleStatus.ALWAYS, 414, 415, 419, 420, 426, 427, 521, 527, 528, 561, 590, 835, 836, 848, 849, 921, 922 ); setMultiBattleStatus(trs, Trainer.MultiBattleStatus.POTENTIAL, 34, 35, 82, 83, 84, 85, 95, 96, 104, 106, 160, 186, 191, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 278, 287, 337, 358, 359, 360, 372, 373, 379, 383, 386, 388, 389, 390, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 443, 445, 446, 447, 450, 452, 453, 454, 455, 459, 494, 496, 499, 500, 505, 506, 554, 555, 556, 560, 562, 566, 569, 570, 571, 572, 575, 579, 580, 581, 582, 584, 585, 586, 589, 591, 594, 596, 599, 602, 606 ); } public static void setMultiBattleStatusHGSS(List trs) { // 120 + 417: Double Battle with Ace Trainer Irene and Ace Trainer Jenn // 354 + 355: Double Battle with Lass Laura and Lass Shannon // 479 + 499: Multi Battle with Executive Ariana and Team Rocket Grunt in Team Rocket HQ // 679 + 680: Double Battle with Beauty Callie and Beauty Kassandra // 733 + 734: Multi Battle with Champion Lance and Leader Clair in the Dragon's Den setMultiBattleStatus(trs, Trainer.MultiBattleStatus.ALWAYS, 120, 354, 355, 417, 479, 499, 679, 680, 733, 734); // 147 + 151: Potential Double Battle with Camper Ted and Picnicker Erin // 423: Potential Double Battle with Pokéfan Jeremy. His potential teammate (Pokéfan Georgia) has more than // three Pokemon in the vanilla game, so we leave her be. // 564 + 567: Potential Double Battle with Teacher Clarice and School Kid Torin // 575 + 576: Potential Double Battle with Biker Dan and Biker Theron // 577 + 579: Potential Double Battle with Biker Markey and Biker Teddy setMultiBattleStatus(trs, Trainer.MultiBattleStatus.POTENTIAL, 147, 151, 423, 564, 567, 575, 576, 577, 579); } private static void setMultiBattleStatus(List allTrainers, Trainer.MultiBattleStatus status, int... numbers) { for (int num : numbers) { if (allTrainers.size() > (num - 1)) { allTrainers.get(num - 1).multiBattleStatus = status; } } } }