package cuecompressors; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.Arrays; import com.rafa_99.pkrandom.FileFunctions; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-- - Bottom LZ coding for Nintendo GBA/DS/3DS --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- Contains code based on "pk3DS", copyright (C) Kaphotics --*/ /*-- Contains code based on "pokemon-x-y-icons", copyright (C) CatTrinket --*/ /*-- Contains code based on "blz.c", copyright (C) 2011 CUE --*/ /*-- Above-listed code ported to Java by rafa_99 and UPR-ZX team under --*/ /*-- the terms of the GPL: --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --*/ /*-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --*/ /*-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --*/ /*-- (at your option) any later version. --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --*/ /*-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --*/ /*-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --*/ /*-- GNU General Public License for more details. --*/ /*-- --*/ /*-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --*/ /*-- along with this program. If not, see . --*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public class BLZCoder { public static void main(String[] args) { new BLZCoder(args); } private static final int CMD_DECODE = 0; private static final int CMD_ENCODE = 1; private static final int BLZ_NORMAL = 0; private static final int BLZ_BEST = 1; private static final int BLZ_SHIFT = 1; private static final int BLZ_MASK = 0x80; private static final int BLZ_THRESHOLD = 2; private static final int BLZ_N = 0x1002; private static final int BLZ_F = 0x12; private static final int RAW_MAXIM = 0x00FFFFFF; private static final int BLZ_MAXIM = 0x01400000; private boolean arm9; public BLZCoder(String[] args) { int cmd, mode = 0, arg; if (args == null) { // going to be used internally return; } Title(); if (args.length < 1) { Usage(); } if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("-d")) { cmd = CMD_DECODE; } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("-en") || args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("-en9")) { cmd = CMD_ENCODE; mode = BLZ_NORMAL; } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("-eo") || args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("-eo9")) { cmd = CMD_ENCODE; mode = BLZ_BEST; } else { EXIT("Command not supported\n"); return; } if (args.length < 2) { EXIT("Filename not specified\n"); } switch (cmd) { case CMD_DECODE: for (arg = 1; arg < args.length; arg++) BLZ_Decode(args[arg]); break; case CMD_ENCODE: arm9 = (args[0].length() > 3 && args[0].charAt(3) == '9'); for (arg = 1; arg < args.length; arg++) BLZ_Encode(args[arg], mode); break; } System.out.print("\nDone\n"); } private void Usage() { EXIT("Usage: BLZ command filename [filename [...]]\n" + "\n" + "command:\n" + " -d ....... decode 'filename'\n" + " -en[9] ... encode 'filename', normal mode\n" + " -eo[9] ... encode 'filename', optimal mode (LZ-CUE)\n" + "\n" + "* '9' compress an ARM9 file with 0x4000 bytes decoded\n" + "* multiple filenames and wildcards are permitted\n" + "* the original file is overwritten with the new file\n" + "* this codification is used in the DS overlay files\n"); } private void Title() { System.out.print("\n"); System.out.print("BLZ - (c) CUE 2011\n"); System.out.print("Bottom LZ coding for Nintendo GBA/DS\n"); System.out.print("\n"); } private void EXIT(String text) { System.out.print(text); System.exit(0); } private void Save(String filename, int[] buffer, int length) { try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename); byte[] write = new byte[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { write[i] = (byte) buffer[i]; } fos.write(write); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { EXIT("\nFile write error\n"); } } private void BLZ_Decode(String filename) { try { System.out.printf("- decoding '%s'", filename); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); byte[] buf = FileFunctions.readFileFullyIntoBuffer(filename); BLZResult result = BLZ_Decode(buf); if (result != null) Save(filename, result.buffer, result.length); System.out.print(" - done, time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); System.out.print("\n"); } catch (IOException e) { EXIT("\nFile read error\n"); } } public byte[] BLZ_DecodePub(byte[] data, String reference) { if (reference.equals("GARC")) { return LZSS_Decode(data); } else { BLZResult result = BLZ_Decode(data); if (result != null) { byte[] retbuf = new byte[result.length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { retbuf[i] = (byte) result.buffer[i]; } return retbuf; } else { return null; } } } private BLZResult BLZ_Decode(byte[] data) { int[] pak_buffer, raw_buffer; int pak, raw, pak_end, raw_end; int pak_len, raw_len, len, pos, inc_len, hdr_len, enc_len, dec_len; int flags = 0, mask; pak_buffer = prepareData(data); pak_len = pak_buffer.length - 3; inc_len = readUnsigned(pak_buffer, pak_len - 4); if (inc_len < 1) { System.out.print(", WARNING: not coded file!"); enc_len = 0; dec_len = pak_len; pak_len = 0; raw_len = dec_len; } else { if (pak_len < 8) { EXIT("\nFile has a bad header\n"); return null; } hdr_len = pak_buffer[pak_len - 5]; if (hdr_len < 8 || hdr_len > 0xB) { EXIT("\nBad header length\n"); return null; } if (pak_len <= hdr_len) { EXIT("\nBad length\n"); return null; } enc_len = readUnsigned(pak_buffer, pak_len - 8) & 0x00FFFFFF; dec_len = pak_len - enc_len; pak_len = enc_len - hdr_len; raw_len = dec_len + enc_len + inc_len; if (raw_len > RAW_MAXIM) { EXIT("\nBad decoded length\n"); return null; } } raw_buffer = new int[raw_len]; pak = 0; raw = 0; pak_end = dec_len + pak_len; raw_end = raw_len; for (len = 0; len < dec_len; len++) { raw_buffer[raw++] = pak_buffer[pak++]; } BLZ_Invert(pak_buffer, dec_len, pak_len); mask = 0; while (raw < raw_end) { if ((mask = (mask >>> BLZ_SHIFT)) == 0) { if (pak == pak_end) { break; } flags = pak_buffer[pak++]; mask = BLZ_MASK; } if ((flags & mask) == 0) { if (pak == pak_end) { break; } raw_buffer[raw++] = pak_buffer[pak++]; } else { if ((pak + 1) >= pak_end) { break; } pos = pak_buffer[pak++] << 8; pos |= pak_buffer[pak++]; len = (pos >>> 12) + BLZ_THRESHOLD + 1; if (raw + len > raw_end) { System.out.print(", WARNING: wrong decoded length!"); len = raw_end - raw; } pos = (pos & 0xFFF) + 3; while ((len--) > 0) { int charHere = raw_buffer[raw - pos]; raw_buffer[raw++] = charHere; } } } BLZ_Invert(raw_buffer, dec_len, raw_len - dec_len); raw_len = raw; if (raw != raw_end) { System.out.print(", WARNING: unexpected end of encoded file!"); } return new BLZResult(raw_buffer, raw_len); } // LZSS Decoding ported to Java (based on pk3DS by Kaphotics and pokemon-x-y-icons by CatTrinket) private byte[] LZSS_Decode(byte[] data) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); if (buf.get(0) != 0x11) { System.err.println("Not a valid LZSS compressed file"); return null; } int decSize = buf.getInt() >>> 8; if (decSize == 0) { decSize = buf.getInt(); } ByteBuffer outBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(decSize); byte flags = 0; int mask = 1; while (outBuf.position() < decSize) { if (mask == 1) { if (buf.position() >= data.length) { System.err.println("Not enough data"); return null; } flags = buf.get(); mask = 0x80; } else { mask >>>= 1; } if ((flags & mask) > 0) { if (buf.position() >= data.length) { System.err.println("Not enough data"); return null; } byte byte1 = buf.get(); int length = byte1 >> 4; int disp; if (length == 0) { if (buf.position() + 1 >= data.length) { System.err.println("Not enough data"); return null; } byte byte2 = buf.get(); byte byte3 = buf.get(); length = (((byte1 & 0x0F) << 4) | ((byte2 & 0xFF) >>> 4)) + 0x11; disp = (((byte2 & 0x0F) << 8) | (byte3 & 0xFF)) + 0x1; } else if (length == 1) { if (buf.position() + 2 >= data.length) { System.err.println("Not enough data"); return null; } byte byte2 = buf.get(); byte byte3 = buf.get(); byte byte4 = buf.get(); length = (((byte1 & 0x0F) << 12) | ((byte2 & 0xFF) << 4) | ((byte3 & 0xFF) >>> 4)) + 0x111; disp = (((byte3 & 0x0F) << 8) | (byte4 & 0xFF)) + 0x1; } else { if (buf.position() > data.length) { System.err.println("Not enough data"); return null; } byte byte2 = buf.get(); length = ((byte1 & 0xF0) >>> 4) + 0x1; disp = (((byte1 & 0x0F) << 8) | (byte2 & 0xFF)) + 0x1; } if (disp > outBuf.position()) { System.err.println("oops"); return null; } int bufIndex = outBuf.position() - disp; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { byte next = outBuf.get(bufIndex); bufIndex++; outBuf.put(next); } } else { if (buf.position() > data.length) { System.err.println("Not enough data"); return null; } byte next = buf.get(); outBuf.put(next); } } if ((buf.position() ^ (buf.position() & 0x3)) + 4 < data.length) { System.err.println("Too much input"); return null; } outBuf.flip(); return outBuf.array(); } private int[] prepareData(byte[] data) { int fs = data.length; int[] fb = new int[fs + 3]; for (int i = 0; i < fs; i++) { fb[i] = data[i] & 0xFF; } return fb; } private int readUnsigned(int[] buffer, int offset) { return buffer[offset] | (buffer[offset + 1] << 8) | (buffer[offset + 2] << 16) | ((buffer[offset + 3] & 0x7F) << 24); } private void writeUnsigned(int[] buffer, int offset, int value) { buffer[offset] = value & 0xFF; buffer[offset + 1] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF; buffer[offset + 2] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF; buffer[offset + 3] = (value >> 24) & 0x7F; } private int new_len; private void BLZ_Encode(String filename, int mode) { try { System.out.printf("- encoding '%s'", filename); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); byte[] buf = FileFunctions.readFileFullyIntoBuffer(filename); BLZResult result = BLZ_Encode(buf, mode); if (result != null) Save(filename, result.buffer, result.length); System.out.print(" - done, time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); System.out.print("\n"); } catch (IOException e) { EXIT("\nFile read error\n"); } } public byte[] BLZ_EncodePub(byte[] data, boolean arm9, boolean best, String reference) { int mode = best ? BLZ_BEST : BLZ_NORMAL; this.arm9 = arm9; if (reference.equals("GARC")) { return LZSS_Encode(data); } else { System.out.printf("- encoding '%s' (memory)", reference); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); BLZResult result = BLZ_Encode(data, mode); System.out.print(" - done, time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); System.out.print("\n"); if (result != null) { byte[] retbuf = new byte[result.length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { retbuf[i] = (byte) result.buffer[i]; } return retbuf; } else { return null; } } } private BLZResult BLZ_Encode(byte[] data, int mode) { int[] raw_buffer, pak_buffer, new_buffer; int raw_len, pak_len; new_len = 0; raw_buffer = prepareData(data); raw_len = raw_buffer.length - 3; pak_buffer = null; pak_len = BLZ_MAXIM + 1; new_buffer = BLZ_Code(raw_buffer, raw_len, mode); if (new_len < pak_len) { pak_buffer = new_buffer; pak_len = new_len; } return new BLZResult(pak_buffer, pak_len); } private int[] BLZ_Code(int[] raw_buffer, int raw_len, int best) { int[] pak_buffer, tmp; int pak, raw, raw_end, flg = 0; int pak_len, inc_len, hdr_len, enc_len, len; int len_best, pos_best = 0, len_next, pos_next = 0, len_post, pos_post = 0; int pak_tmp, raw_tmp, raw_new; int mask; pak_tmp = 0; raw_tmp = raw_len; pak_len = raw_len + ((raw_len + 7) / 8) + 11; pak_buffer = new int[pak_len]; raw_new = raw_len; if (arm9) { // We don't do any of the checks here // Presume that we actually are using an arm9 raw_new -= 0x4000; } BLZ_Invert(raw_buffer, 0, raw_len); pak = 0; raw = 0; raw_end = raw_new; mask = 0; while (raw < raw_end) { if ((mask = (mask >>> BLZ_SHIFT)) == 0) { pak_buffer[(flg = pak++)] = 0; mask = BLZ_MASK; } SearchPair sl1 = SEARCH(pos_best, raw_buffer, raw, raw_end); len_best = sl1.l; pos_best = sl1.p; // LZ-CUE optimization start if (best == BLZ_BEST) { if (len_best > BLZ_THRESHOLD) { if (raw + len_best < raw_end) { raw += len_best; SearchPair sl2 = SEARCH(pos_next, raw_buffer, raw, raw_end); len_next = sl2.l; pos_next = sl2.p; raw -= (len_best - 1); SearchPair sl3 = SEARCH(pos_post, raw_buffer, raw, raw_end); len_post = sl3.l; pos_post = sl3.p; raw--; if (len_next <= BLZ_THRESHOLD) { len_next = 1; } if (len_post <= BLZ_THRESHOLD) { len_post = 1; } if ((len_best + len_next) <= (1 + len_post)) { len_best = 1; } } } } // LZ-CUE optimization end pak_buffer[flg] = (pak_buffer[flg] << 1); if (len_best > BLZ_THRESHOLD) { raw += len_best; pak_buffer[flg] |= 1; pak_buffer[pak++] = ((len_best - (BLZ_THRESHOLD + 1)) << 4) | ((pos_best - 3) >>> 8); pak_buffer[pak++] = (pos_best - 3) & 0xFF; } else { pak_buffer[pak++] = raw_buffer[raw++]; } if (pak + raw_len - raw < pak_tmp + raw_tmp) { pak_tmp = pak; raw_tmp = raw_len - raw; } } while ((mask > 0) && (mask != 1)) { mask = (mask >>> BLZ_SHIFT); pak_buffer[flg] = pak_buffer[flg] << 1; } pak_len = pak; BLZ_Invert(raw_buffer, 0, raw_len); BLZ_Invert(pak_buffer, 0, pak_len); if (pak_tmp == 0 || (raw_len + 4 < ((pak_tmp + raw_tmp + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC) + 8)) { pak = 0; raw = 0; raw_end = raw_len; while (raw < raw_end) { pak_buffer[pak] = raw_buffer[raw]; } while ((pak & 3) > 0) { pak_buffer[pak++] = 0; } pak_buffer[pak++] = 0; pak_buffer[pak++] = 0; pak_buffer[pak++] = 0; pak_buffer[pak++] = 0; } else { tmp = new int[raw_tmp + pak_tmp + 11]; for (len = 0; len < raw_tmp; len++) { tmp[len] = raw_buffer[len]; } for (len = 0; len < pak_tmp; len++) { tmp[raw_tmp + len] = pak_buffer[len + pak_len - pak_tmp]; } pak_buffer = tmp; pak = raw_tmp + pak_tmp; enc_len = pak_tmp; hdr_len = 8; inc_len = raw_len - pak_tmp - raw_tmp; while ((pak & 3) > 0) { pak_buffer[pak++] = 0xFF; hdr_len++; } writeUnsigned(pak_buffer, pak, enc_len + hdr_len); pak += 3; pak_buffer[pak++] = hdr_len; writeUnsigned(pak_buffer, pak, inc_len - hdr_len); pak += 4; } new_len = pak; return pak_buffer; } // LZSS Encoding ported to Java (based on pk3DS by Kaphotics) private byte[] LZSS_Encode(byte[] data) { if (data.length > 0xFFFFFF) { System.err.println("Encoding: Too much data"); return null; } ByteBuffer inBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); ByteBuffer outBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(data.length + 8); outBuf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); outBuf.put((byte)0x11); outBuf.putInt(data.length); outBuf.position(outBuf.position()-1); // Go back one byte since length should only be 3 bytes if (data.length == 0) { outBuf.putInt(0); return Arrays.copyOfRange(outBuf.array(),0,outBuf.position()); } ByteBuffer blockBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate((8 * 4) + 1); blockBuf.put((byte)0); int bufferedBlocks = 0; while (inBuf.position() < data.length) { if (bufferedBlocks == 8) { outBuf.put(Arrays.copyOfRange(blockBuf.array(),0,blockBuf.position())); blockBuf.rewind(); blockBuf.put((byte)0); bufferedBlocks = 0; } int oldLength = Math.min(inBuf.position(),0x1000); LengthDispPair pair = getOccurrenceLength( inBuf, inBuf.position(), Math.min(data.length - inBuf.position(), 0x10110), inBuf.position() - oldLength, oldLength); int length = pair.length; int disp = pair.disp; if (length < 3) { blockBuf.put(inBuf.get()); } else { inBuf.position(inBuf.position() + length); byte compFlag = (byte)(blockBuf.get(0) | (1 << (7 - bufferedBlocks))); blockBuf.put(0,compFlag); if (length > 0x110) { blockBuf.put((byte)(0x10 | (((length - 0x111) >>> 12) & 0x0F))); // Dangerous blockBuf.put((byte)(((length - 0x111) >>> 4) & 0xFF)); blockBuf.put((byte)(((length - 0x111) << 4) & 0xF0)); blockBuf.position(blockBuf.position()-1); } else if (length > 0x10) { blockBuf.put((byte)(((length - 0x111) >>> 4) & 0x0F)); blockBuf.put((byte)(((length - 0x111) << 4) & 0xF0)); blockBuf.position(blockBuf.position()-1); } else { blockBuf.put((byte)(((length - 1) << 4) & 0xF0)); blockBuf.position(blockBuf.position()-1); } byte dispPart1 = (byte)(blockBuf.get(blockBuf.position()) | (byte)(((disp - 1) >>> 8) & 0x0F)); blockBuf.put(dispPart1); blockBuf.put((byte)((disp - 1) & 0xFF)); } bufferedBlocks++; } if (bufferedBlocks > 0) { outBuf.put(Arrays.copyOfRange(blockBuf.array(),0,blockBuf.position())); } return Arrays.copyOfRange(outBuf.array(),0,outBuf.position()); } private LengthDispPair getOccurrenceLength(ByteBuffer buf, int newIndex, int newLength, int oldIndex, int oldLength) { int disp = 0; if (newLength == 0) { return new LengthDispPair(0,0); } int maxLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < oldLength - 1; i++) { int currentOldStart = oldIndex + i; int currentLength = 0; for (int j = 0; j < newLength; j++) { if (buf.get(currentOldStart + j) != buf.get(newIndex + j)) break; currentLength++; } if (currentLength > maxLength) { maxLength = currentLength; disp = oldLength - i; if (maxLength == newLength) { break; } } } return new LengthDispPair(maxLength,disp); } private class LengthDispPair { int length; int disp; LengthDispPair(int length, int disp) { this.length = length; this.disp = disp; } } private static class SearchPair { public int l; public int p; public SearchPair(int l, int p) { this.l = l; this.p = p; } } private SearchPair SEARCH(int p, int[] raw_buffer, int raw, int raw_end) { int l = BLZ_THRESHOLD; int max = (raw >= BLZ_N) ? BLZ_N : raw; for (int pos = 3; pos <= max; pos++) { int len; for (len = 0; len < BLZ_F; len++) { if (raw + len == raw_end) { break; } if (len >= pos) { break; } if (raw_buffer[raw + len] != raw_buffer[raw + len - pos]) { break; } } if (len > l) { p = pos; if ((l = len) == BLZ_F) { break; } } } return new SearchPair(l, p); } private class BLZResult { public BLZResult(int[] raw_buffer, int raw_len) { this.buffer = raw_buffer; this.length = raw_len; } int[] buffer; int length; } private void BLZ_Invert(int[] buffer, int offset, int length) { int bottom, ch; bottom = offset + length - 1; while (offset < bottom) { ch = buffer[offset]; buffer[offset++] = buffer[bottom]; buffer[bottom--] = ch; } } }