import argparse, sys, os def main(): try: with open(sys.argv[1],"rb") as f: word = while word != b'BTAF': word = table_length = read_word(f) file_count = read_word(f) file_offsets = [] for i in range(file_count): file_offsets.append(read_word(f)),os.SEEK_CUR) print(str(i) + ": ",end='') print_hex_word(file_offsets[i]),os.SEEK_CUR) file_offsets.append(read_word(f)) word = while word != b'GMIF': word = file_table_length = read_word(f) file_table_offset = f.tell() print("File table length: ",end='') print_hex_word(file_table_length) print("File table offset: ",end='') print_hex_word(file_table_offset) readline = "" print("Ready to search. Enter help for list of commands") while readline != "quit": readline = input('Enter command: ') args = readline.split() if args[0] == "help": list_commands() elif args[0] == "sr": # Search if len(args) < 2: print("Usage: sr x") print("x should be a hexadecimal number") else: if args[1][:2] == "0x": target = int(args[1][2:],16) else: target = int(args[1],16) upper_byte = 0 if target % 2**32 > 2**8: upper_byte = target >> 8 target = target & 0xFF for i in range(file_count): + file_offsets[i]) local_offset_in_file = read_word(f) first_global_offset = f.tell() + local_offset_in_file while local_offset_in_file & 0xFFFF != 0xFD13 and f.tell() - 4 < first_global_offset: offset_in_file = f.tell() + local_offset_in_file return_position = f.tell() data = 0 while data != 0x02002F and f.tell() < file_table_offset + file_offsets[i+1]: data = read_byte(f) if data == target: if upper_byte == 0: print("Found target value in file " + str(i) + " at offset ",end='') print_hex_word(f.tell()) else: data = read_byte(f),os.SEEK_CUR) if data == upper_byte: print("Found target value in file " + str(i) + " at offset ",end='') print_hex_word(f.tell()) if data == 0x2F:,os.SEEK_CUR) data = read_word(f) if data != 0x02002F:,os.SEEK_CUR) local_offset_in_file = read_word(f) elif args[0] == "msr": # Multiple search if len(args) < 2: print("Usage: msr x [y z ...]") print("x, y, z ... should be hexadecimal numbers") else: target = [] upper_byte = [] for i in range(1,len(args)): if args[i][:2] == "0x": target.append(int(args[i][2:],16)) else: target.append(int(args[i],16)) if target[i-1] % 2**32 > 2**8: upper_byte.append(target[i-1] >> 8) target[i-1] = target[i-1] & 0xFF else: upper_byte.append(0) for i in range(file_count): found_in_file = [] + file_offsets[i]) local_offset_in_file = read_word(f) first_global_offset = f.tell() + local_offset_in_file while local_offset_in_file & 0xFFFF != 0xFD13 and f.tell() - 4 < first_global_offset: offset_in_file = f.tell() + local_offset_in_file return_position = f.tell() data = 0 while data != 0x02002F and f.tell() < file_table_offset + file_offsets[i+1]: data = read_byte(f) for j,t in enumerate(target): if data == t: if upper_byte[j] == 0: found_in_file.append((t,f.tell())) else: data = read_byte(f),os.SEEK_CUR) if data == upper_byte[j]: found_in_file.append((t + (upper_byte[j] << 8),f.tell()-1)) if data == 0x2F:,os.SEEK_CUR) data = read_word(f) if data != 0x02002F:,os.SEEK_CUR) local_offset_in_file = read_word(f) if len(found_in_file) >= 1: target_copy = target.copy() for (val,_) in found_in_file: for j,t in enumerate(target_copy): if val == t + (upper_byte[j] << 8): target_copy.remove(t) if len(target_copy) == 0: print("Found in file " + str(i) + ": ") for (val,offset) in found_in_file: print_hex(val,'') print(" at offset ",end='') print_hex_word(offset) elif args[0] == "rsr": # Raw search if len(args) < 2: print("Usage: rsr x") print("x should be a hexadecimal number") else: if args[1][:2] == "0x": target = int(args[1][2:],16) else: target = int(args[1],16) upper_byte = 0 if target % 2**32 > 2**8: upper_byte = target >> 8 target = target & 0xFF for i in range(file_count): + file_offsets[i]) while f.tell() < file_table_offset + file_offsets[i+1]: data = read_byte(f) if data == target: if upper_byte == 0: print("Found target value in file " + str(i) + " at offset ",end='') print_hex_word(f.tell()) else: data = read_byte(f),os.SEEK_CUR) if data == upper_byte: print("Found target value in file " + str(i) + " at offset ",end='') print_hex_word(f.tell()) elif args[0] == "rmsr": # Raw multiple search if len(args) < 2: print("Usage: rmsr x [y z ...]") print("x, y, z ... should be hexadecimal numbers") else: target = [] upper_byte = [] for i in range(1,len(args)): if args[i][:2] == "0x": target.append(int(args[i][2:],16)) else: target.append(int(args[i],16)) if target[i-1] % 2**32 > 2**8: upper_byte.append(target[i-1] >> 8) target[i-1] = target[i-1] & 0xFF else: upper_byte.append(0) for i in range(file_count): found_in_file = [] + file_offsets[i]) while f.tell() < file_table_offset + file_offsets[i+1]: data = read_byte(f) for j,t in enumerate(target): if data == t: if upper_byte[j] == 0: found_in_file.append((t,f.tell())) else: data = read_byte(f),os.SEEK_CUR) if data == upper_byte[j]: found_in_file.append((t + (upper_byte[j] << 8),f.tell()-1)) if len(found_in_file) >= 1: target_copy = target.copy() for (val,_) in found_in_file: for j,t in enumerate(target_copy): if val == t + (upper_byte[j] << 8): target_copy.remove(t) if len(target_copy) == 0: print("Found in file " + str(i) + ": ") for (val,offset) in found_in_file: print_hex(val,'') print(" at offset ",end='') print_hex_word(offset) elif args[0] == "lsf": # List file if len(args) < 2: print("Usage: lsf fileno") else: print("Searching file " + args[1] + "!") + file_offsets[int(args[1])]) local_offset_in_file = read_word(f) first_global_offset = f.tell() + local_offset_in_file while local_offset_in_file & 0xFFFF != 0xFD13 and f.tell() - 4 < first_global_offset: offset_in_file = f.tell() + local_offset_in_file print("Relative offset: 0x" + '%X' % local_offset_in_file + " read at 0x" + '%X' % (f.tell() - 4),end='') print(", global offset: 0x" + '%X' % offset_in_file) return_position = f.tell() data = 0 while data != 0x02002F and f.tell() < file_table_offset + file_offsets[int(args[1])+1]: data = read_byte(f) print_hex_byte(data,'','') print(' ',end='') if data == 0x2F:,os.SEEK_CUR) data = read_word(f) if data == 0x02002F: print_hex_byte(0x00,'','') print(' ',end='') print_hex_byte(0x02,'','') print(' ',end='') print_hex_byte(0x00,'','') print(' ',end='') else: print_hex_byte(0x2F,'','') print(' ',end=''),os.SEEK_CUR) print("\n") local_offset_in_file = read_word(f) elif args[0] == "fof": # File offset if len(args) < 2: print("Usage: fof fileno") else: print("Offset for file " + args[1] + ": 0x" + '%X' % (file_table_offset + file_offsets[int(args[1])])) elif args[0] == "srs": # Search static if len(args) < 2: print("Usage: srs index") else: if args[1][:2] == "0x": target = int(args[1][2:],16) else: target = int(args[1],16) for i in range(file_count): + file_offsets[i]) local_offset_in_file = read_word(f) first_global_offset = f.tell() + local_offset_in_file while local_offset_in_file & 0xFFFF != 0xFD13 and f.tell() - 4 < first_global_offset: offset_in_file = f.tell() + local_offset_in_file return_position = f.tell() data = 0 while data != 0x02002F and f.tell() < file_table_offset + file_offsets[i+1]: data = read_byte(f) if data == 0x2A:,os.SEEK_CUR) data = read_word(f) if data == 0x8000002A: item = read_halfword(f) if item == target: print("Found item in file " + str(i) + " at offset 0x" + '%X' % (f.tell() - 2)) else:,os.SEEK_CUR) if data == 0x2F:,os.SEEK_CUR) data = read_word(f) if data != 0x02002F:,os.SEEK_CUR) local_offset_in_file = read_word(f) elif args[0] == "lsai": # List all items if len(args) == 3: range_start = int(args[1],16) range_end = int(args[2],16) # 6A1564C else: range_start = 0 range_end = file_count with open("itemprices.txt","w") as it: for i in range(range_start, range_end): + file_offsets[i]) it.write("{" + str(i) + ", " + str(int.from_bytes(,byteorder='little')) + "},\n") #print("Item 0x" + '%X' % i + " price: " + str(int.from_bytes(,byteorder='little') * 10)) except IndexError: print("Error: No file specified") sys.exit(2) except IOError: print("Error: File does not exist") sys.exit(2) def list_commands(): print("") print("List of commands:") print(" help: You are here") print(" sr: Search for a single hex value") print(" msr: Search for multiple hex values, separated by spaces") print(" rsr: Search for a single hex value, ignoring file structure") print(" rmsr: Search for multiple hex values, separated by spaces, ignoring file structure") print(" srs: Search for a static item (hex value). As a side effect, also lists hidden items") print(" lsf: Search for a specific file (decimal value) and list its contents") print(" fof: Show the base offset for a file") print(" quit: Exit the program") print("") def print_hex(hex_value,endsymbol='\n',prefix='0x'): print(prefix + "{:X}".format(hex_value),end=endsymbol) def print_hex_byte(hex_value,endsymbol='\n',prefix='0x'): print(prefix + "{:0>2X}".format(hex_value),end=endsymbol) def print_hex_word(hex_value,endsymbol='\n',prefix='0x'): print(prefix + "{:0>8X}".format(hex_value),end=endsymbol) def read_byte(file): return int.from_bytes(,byteorder='little') def read_halfword(file): return int.from_bytes(,byteorder='little') def read_word(file): return int.from_bytes(,byteorder='little') if __name__ == "__main__": main()