path: root/src/render/Renderer.h
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-06-24fix new rendereraap
2021-01-05first version of new rendereraap
2020-11-22finished cullzonesaap
2020-05-05Remove GTA_TRAIN, GTA_BRIDGE, GTA_ZONECULLSergeanur
2020-05-05implemented most of streamed collisions and big buildingsaap
2020-04-15Many fixes and cleanuperay orçunus
2020-04-13CFileLoader last funcs and Frontend cleanuperay orçunus
2019-11-12Frontend, Peds & logic and overflow fixeseray orçunus
2019-11-03Renderer fixeseray orçunus
2019-07-19implemented col line renderingaap
2019-07-14started making frontend accurate to gameaap
2019-07-06misc classes finishedaap
2019-06-27yet more CStreamingaap
2019-06-12implemented CutsceneObject; little fixesaap
2019-05-31more high level functionsaap
2019-05-15first commitaap