path: root/tools/4/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/4/')
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/4/ b/tools/4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa86cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/4/
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+# Copyright 2018 Caio Oliveira
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# PS3Xploit ReSign BASH Script for act.dat, PKG and RAP
+# Thanks to @CaptainCPS-X for script to build a proper PKG using Python
+function ps3xploit_resign() {
+ # Usage: ps3xploit_resign (Resign for act.dat, PKG and RAP)
+ echo;
+ echo "ps3xploit_resign: PS3Xploit ReSign BASH Script for act.dat, PKG and RAP";
+ echo;
+ ###
+ ### Variables
+ ###
+ # Main Exports
+ # Save Current Working Dir and Create a TEMPorary DIR
+ cwd=$(pwd);
+ # Main tools
+ ps3py_tools_dir="${cwd}/source/tools/ps3py";
+ ps3xploit_resign_source_dir="${cwd}/source/src";
+ ps3xploit_precompiled_dir="${cwd}/source/pre-compiled/linux";
+ # Output dirs
+ output_pkgs_dir="${cwd}/output/pkgs";
+ # Input files
+ input_act_dat="${cwd}/input/act_dat/act.dat";
+ input_idps_hex="${cwd}/input/idps_hex/idps.hex";
+ # Input dirs
+ input_raps_dir="${cwd}/input/raps"
+ input_pkgs_dir="${cwd}/input/pkgs"
+ # RIF Package ContentID and Name
+ rif_pkg_contentid="RIF000-INSTALLER_00-0000000000000000";
+ rif_pkg_name="${output_pkgs_dir}/PKG_RIF-INSTALLER.pkg";
+ ###
+ ### Check
+ ###
+ # Search for *.rap files
+ input_raps_files=($(find "${input_raps_dir}/" -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -iname \*.rap -o -iname \*.RAP \)));
+ input_raps_size="${#input_raps_files[@]}";
+ if [ "${input_raps_size}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo;
+ echo "ps3xploit_resign: No '*.rap' files found on '.${input_raps_dir##${cwd}}'";
+ echo;
+ fi;
+ # Check 'act.dat' and 'idps.hex' only when resign RAP files
+ if [ "${input_raps_size}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ for IFC in ${input_act_dat} ${input_idps_hex}; do
+ if [ ! -e "${IFC}" ]; then
+ echo;
+ echo "ps3xploit_resign: '.${IFC##${cwd}}' not found, exiting...";
+ echo;
+ return;
+ fi;
+ done;
+ fi;
+ # Search for *.pkg files
+ input_pkgs_files=($(find "${input_pkgs_dir}/" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.pkg"));
+ input_pkgs_size="${#input_pkgs_files[@]}";
+ if [ "${input_pkgs_size}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo;
+ echo "ps3xploit_resign: No '*.pkg' files found on '.${input_pkgs_dir##${cwd}}'";
+ echo;
+ fi;
+ # Nothing to do, just exit
+ if [ "${input_raps_size}" -eq 0 -a "${input_pkgs_size}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ return;
+ fi;
+ # Check source files of resign
+ if [ -f "${ps3xploit_resign_source_dir}" ]; then
+ echo;
+ echo "ps3xploit_resign: Resign Dir '.${ps3xploit_resign_source_dir##${cwd}}' not found, exiting...";
+ echo;
+ return;
+ fi;
+ ###
+ ### Prepare Common
+ ###
+ # Cleanup
+ rm -rf "${ps3xploit_precompiled_dir}/ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresign";
+ # Message Output
+ echo;
+ echo "ps3xploit_resign: Building 'ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresign'";
+ echo;
+ # Go to src dir
+ cd "${ps3xploit_resign_source_dir}";
+ # Clean old builds
+ make clean;
+ # Make 'ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresign'
+ make;
+ # Return back to current dir
+ cd "${cwd}";
+ # Check if ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresing exists
+ PS3XPLOIT_RESIGNER_BINARY=$(readlink -e "${ps3xploit_resign_source_dir}/ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresign");
+ if [ -z "${PS3XPLOIT_RESIGNER_BINARY}" ]; then
+ echo;
+ echo "ps3xploit_resign: 'ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresign' not found, exiting...";
+ echo;
+ return;
+ fi;
+ # Copy new binary to precompiled dir
+ cp "${PS3XPLOIT_RESIGNER_BINARY}" "${ps3xploit_precompiled_dir}/";
+ # Go to src dir
+ cd "${ps3xploit_resign_source_dir}";
+ # Clean build
+ make clean;
+ # Return back to current dir
+ cd "${cwd}";
+ # Check Resigner binary file
+ PS3XPLOIT_RESIGNER_BINARY=$(readlink -e "${ps3xploit_precompiled_dir}/ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresign");
+ # Check 'Build ReSign for Linux'
+ if [ -z "${PS3XPLOIT_RESIGNER_BINARY}" ]; then
+ echo;
+ echo "ps3xploit_resign: 'ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresign' not found, exiting...";
+ echo;
+ return;
+ fi;
+ ###
+ ### Start - RIF
+ ###
+ # Use only when resign RAP files
+ if [ "${input_raps_size}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ # Check ''
+ PS3XPLOIT_PKGPY_BINARY=$(readlink -e "${ps3py_tools_dir}/");
+ if [ -z "${PS3XPLOIT_PKGPY_BINARY}" ]; then
+ echo "ps3xploit_resign: '' not found, exiting...";
+ return;
+ fi;
+ # Cleanup
+ rm -rf "${ps3py_tools_dir}/build" "${ps3py_tools_dir}/";
+ # Check if the Python2.7 is installed
+ PS3XPLOIT_PYTHON_BINARY=$(which python2.7);
+ if [ -z "${PS3XPLOIT_PYTHON_BINARY}" ]; then
+ echo;
+ echo "ps3xploit_ps3py_all: 'python2.7' not is installed, exiting...";
+ echo " To continue install 'python2.7'";
+ echo;
+ return;
+ fi;
+ # Check if python-dev is installed
+ python_headers=$(dpkg-query -l python-dev >/dev/null 2>&1; echo "${?}");
+ if [ "${python_headers}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo;
+ echo "ps3xploit_ps3py_all: 'python-dev' not is installed, exiting...";
+ echo " To continue install 'python-dev'";
+ echo;
+ return;
+ fi;
+ # Message output
+ echo;
+ echo "ps3xploit_ps3py_all: Preparing 'ps3py' tools";
+ echo;
+ # Go to src dir
+ cd "${ps3py_tools_dir}";
+ # Setup to ''
+ ${PS3XPLOIT_PYTHON_BINARY} '' 'build';
+ # Return back to current dir
+ cd "${cwd}";
+ # Check if the 'pkgcrypt' is builded
+ ps3py_lib=$(readlink -e "${ps3py_tools_dir}/build/lib."*"/");
+ if [ -z "${ps3py_lib}" ]; then
+ echo;
+ echo "ps3xploit_ps3py_all: '' building failed, exiting...";
+ echo;
+ return;
+ fi;
+ # Copy new library
+ cp "${ps3py_lib}" "${ps3py_tools_dir}/";
+ # Cleanup
+ rm -rf "${rif_pkg_name:?}" "${rif_pkg_name:?}_signed.pkg";
+ # Create a TEMPorary DIR
+ temp_dir=$(mktemp -d);
+ # Copy 'act.dat' and 'idps.hex'
+ for IFC in ${input_act_dat} ${input_idps_hex}; do
+ cp "${IFC}" "${temp_dir}/";
+ done;
+ # Sign RIF files
+ for ((srap=0; srap<input_raps_size; srap++)); do
+ # Copy Input RAP file to temp_dir
+ cp "${input_raps_files[${srap}]}" "${temp_dir}/";
+ # Remove input_raps_dir
+ output_rifs_files["${srap}"]="${input_raps_files[${srap}]##${input_raps_dir}/}";
+ # Extract file extension
+ output_rifs_extension["${srap}"]=${output_rifs_files[${srap}]##*.}
+ # Go to temp dir
+ cd "${temp_dir}";
+ # Sign the RIF file
+ ${PS3XPLOIT_RESIGNER_BINARY} "${temp_dir}/${output_rifs_files[${srap}]}" <<< echo -e '\n\n';
+ # Return back to current dir
+ cd "${cwd}";
+ # Remove RAP file
+ rm -rf "${temp_dir}/${output_rifs_files[${srap}]:?}";
+ # Change variable from .rap to .rif extension
+ output_rifs_files["${srap}"]="${output_rifs_files[${srap}]%.${output_rifs_extension}}.rif";
+ done;
+ # Remove 'act.dat'/'idps.hex' and move 'signed_act.dat' to 'act.dat'
+ rm -rf "${temp_dir}/act.dat" "${temp_dir}/idps.hex";
+ mv "${temp_dir}/signed_act.dat" "${temp_dir}/act.dat";
+ # Make PKG with all RIF files and ReSigned 'act.dat'
+ ${PS3XPLOIT_PYTHON_BINARY} "${PS3XPLOIT_PKGPY_BINARY}" --contentid "${rif_pkg_contentid}" "${temp_dir}/" "${rif_pkg_name}";
+ # Resign the new RIF PKG [HACK: Send 2 lines to PKG RESIGNER]
+ ${PS3XPLOIT_RESIGNER_BINARY} "${rif_pkg_name}" <<< echo -e '\n\n';
+ # Cleanup
+ rm -rf "${rif_pkg_name}" "${temp_dir:?}/";
+ # Update variable
+ rif_pkg_name="${rif_pkg_name}_signed.pkg";
+ fi;
+ ###
+ ### Start PKG
+ ###
+ # Sign PKG files
+ for ((spkg=0; spkg<input_pkgs_size; spkg++)); do
+ # Sign the PKG file
+ ${PS3XPLOIT_RESIGNER_BINARY} "${input_pkgs_files[${spkg}]}" <<< echo -e '\n\n';
+ # Remove input_pkgs_dir
+ output_pkgs_files["${spkg}"]="${input_pkgs_files[${spkg}]##${input_pkgs_dir}/}_signed.pkg";
+ # Copy Input RAP file to output_pkgs_dir
+ mv "${input_pkgs_dir}/${output_pkgs_files[${spkg}]}" "${output_pkgs_dir}/";
+ done;
+ ###
+ ### End
+ ###
+ # Output something
+ echo;
+ echo 'ps3xploit_resign: Output files:';
+ # Use only when resign RAP files
+ if [ "${input_raps_size}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo;
+ echo " RIF PKG:";
+ echo " .${rif_pkg_name##${cwd}}";
+ echo;
+ fi;
+ # Use only when resign PKG files
+ if [ "${input_pkgs_size}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo " PKGS:";
+ for ((spkg=0; spkg<input_pkgs_size; spkg++)); do
+ echo " .${output_pkgs_dir##${cwd}}/${output_pkgs_files[${spkg}]}";
+ done;
+ echo;
+ fi;
+# Execute it!