diff options
authorrafa_99 <>2020-08-05 10:20:31 +0100
committerrafa_99 <>2020-08-05 10:20:31 +0100
commitb43775c4c826e8b92389156bebdb76428fe71f19 (patch)
parentffa7f1fdbb5ff112dc427b4dbecaefe14e2adfa3 (diff)
Finishing OpenBSD Support
2 files changed, 24 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/.zprofile b/.zprofile
index a5a0e6c..7c40fc1 100755
--- a/.zprofile
+++ b/.zprofile
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
# Profile file. Runs on login. Environmental variables are set here.
-# Grabs the current distro
-DISTRO="$(grep ^ID= /etc/os-release | sed s:ID=::g | sed s:\"::g)"
# Adds ~/.local/bin to $PATH
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ export GNUPGHOME="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/gnupg
export WINEPREFIX="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/wine/default
# Default Vars
-export WALLPAPER="$HOME"/.config/wallpaper/wallpaper.png
+export WALLPAPER="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/wallpaper/wallpaper.png
#Session Selection Menu
export SESSION=dwm
diff --git a/install b/install
index 7006b3b..761894e 100755
--- a/install
+++ b/install
@@ -12,19 +12,24 @@ arch()
echo "| for Arch Linux |"
echo "**********************"
+ # Setting system distro
+ sed -i s:REPLACEME:arch:g .zprofile
# Installing opendoas
sudo pacman -Syu --needed opendoas
# Updated doas permissions
sudo cp -rf ".local/etc/doas.conf" "/etc/"
doas cp -rf ".local/etc/hosts" "/etc/"
# Installing Deps
- doas pacman -Rns vim
+ doas pacman -Rnsc vim
doas pacman --needed -Syu screenfetch zsh youtube-dl engrampa nmap ncmpcpp xwallpaper newsboat vifm zathura tk maim ffmpeg texlive-most pcmanfm lxappearance ntp redshift numlockx htop xclip imagemagick transmission-gtk neovim mpv mpd mpc sxiv zathura-pdf-mupdf zathura-ps python-pywal r pandoc-citeproc qutebrowser python python-pip python2 python2-pip ccache automake lzop bison gperf zip curl python-networkx squashfs-tools libxml2 pngcrush schedtool make bc android-tools jdk8-openjdk java8-openjfx gimp audacity kdenlive frei0r-plugins breeze-icons vlc inkscape unzip unarchiver arandr shellcheck arc-gtk-theme linux-firmware atom ctags unoconv picom nodejs yarn p7zip gzip tar xz papirus-icon-theme neomutt isync uncrustify lsd valgrind doxygen gdb light
# Install Computer Science Programs
printf "Do yo want to install Computer Science Programs? [Y/n]" && read -r CS
if [ "$CS" != "N" ] && [ "$CS" != "n" ]; then
- doas pacman --needed --noconfirm -S jdk11-openjdk java11-openjfx intellij-idea-community-edition valgrind doxygen gdb mysql-workbench octave && clear
+ doas pacman --needed --noconfirm -Syu jdk11-openjdk java11-openjfx intellij-idea-community-edition valgrind doxygen gdb mysql-workbench octave && clear
# Install Extra AUR packages
@@ -47,7 +52,9 @@ gentoo()
# Checking if is root
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
- echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
+ # Setting system distro
+ sed -i s:REPLACEME:gentoo:g .zprofile
+ echo "This script now, must be run as root" 1>&2
exit 1
@@ -66,6 +73,13 @@ gentoo()
+ echo "######################"
+ echo "# dotfiles Installer #"
+ echo "######################"
+ echo "| for OpenBSD |"
+ echo "**********************"
+ sed -i s:REPLACEME:openbsd:g .zprofile
pkg_add neovim git neofetch firefox gimp zsh newsboat zathura ffmpeg maim xwallpaper xclip redshift mpv ncmpcpp ImageMagick gdb valgrind doxygen unoconv sxiv mpc ccache ntp htop zip numlockx shellcheck unzip mc node
@@ -77,6 +91,9 @@ void()
echo "| for Void Linux |"
echo "**********************"
+ # Setting system distro
+ sed -i s:REPLACEME:void:g .zprofile
# Installing opendoas
sudo xbps-install opendoas
@@ -115,6 +132,7 @@ baseInstall(){
mkdir -p ~/Documents/Markdown
mkdir -p ~/Documents/Disks
mkdir -p ~/Documents/Archives
+ mkdir -p ~/Downloads
mkdir -p ~/Pictures/Screenshots
mkdir -p ~/Pictures/GIMP
mkdir -p ~/Videos/Recordings
@@ -132,6 +150,7 @@ baseInstall(){
# Fixing Java Programs on Window Managers
doas sh -c 'echo "export _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1" >>/etc/profile.d/'
# Changing default shell to zsh
chsh -s /bin/zsh