diff options
author | rafa_99 <rafa99@protonmail.com> | 2020-10-10 22:56:00 +0100 |
committer | rafa_99 <rafa99@protonmail.com> | 2020-10-10 22:56:00 +0100 |
commit | fd1f1013e3335bdddb6aed705c6819f9dc010fad (patch) | |
tree | 6f39fe30aeae3128e5ed78d39f2d9bdd54b46b45 /misc/.config | |
parent | c3a2aadbc427ddeaf18dd3ce5b4e00f718025f13 (diff) |
Dots Upgrade to use GNU Stow Organization
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/.config')
-rw-r--r-- | misc/.config/misc/aliasrc | 31 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | misc/.config/misc/glyphsrc | 6938 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | misc/.config/misc/neovimb.h | 62 |
3 files changed, 7031 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/.config/misc/aliasrc b/misc/.config/misc/aliasrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc72302 --- /dev/null +++ b/misc/.config/misc/aliasrc @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#!bin/sh + +alias ls='lsd' \ + grep='grep --color=auto -i' \ + xr='xrdb ~/.Xresources' \ + clone='git clone' \ + add='git add' \ + stat='git status' \ + check='git checkout' \ + commit='git commit -m' \ + revert='git revert' \ + cherry='git cherry-pick' \ + push='git push origin' \ + fonts='fc-cache -fv' \ + ytmp3='youtube-dl -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0' \ + ytmp4='youtube-dl -f "bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/mp4"' \ + patchd='patch -p1 <' \ + mkdiff='diff -u' \ + del='rm -rf' \ + copy='cp -rf' \ + encrypt='openssl aes-256-cbc -a -salt' \ + decrypt='openssl aes-256-cbc -d -a' \ + clip='xclip -selection clipboard' \ + webget='wget --no-clobber --convert-links --random-wait -r -p -E -e robots=off -U mozilla' \ + trim='convert -trim' \ + trans='convert -transparent -fuzz' \ + synclock='doas ntpdate pt.pool.ntp.org && doas hwclock --systohc' \ + wget='wget --hsts-file="$XDG_CACHE_HOME/wget-hsts"' \ + x='extract' \ + e='$EDITOR' \ + g='sxiv -t *' diff --git a/misc/.config/misc/glyphsrc b/misc/.config/misc/glyphsrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c73623 --- /dev/null +++ b/misc/.config/misc/glyphsrc @@ -0,0 +1,6938 @@ + c + cpp + electron + elixir + elm + folder + folder_config + folder_git + folder_git_branch + folder_github + folder_npm + folder_open + go + msdos + vim + windows + android + angular + appcelerator + apple + appstore + aptana + asterisk + atlassian + atom + aws + backbone + bing_small + bintray + bitbucket + blackberry + bootstrap + bower + brackets + bugsense + celluloid + chart + chrome + cisco + clojure + clojure_alt + cloud9 + coda + code + code_badge + codeigniter + codepen + codrops + coffeescript + compass + composer + creativecommons + creativecommons_badge + css3 + css3_full + css_tricks + cssdeck + dart + database + debian + digital_ocean + django + dlang + docker + doctrine + dojo + dotnet + dreamweaver + dropbox + drupal + eclipse + ember + envato + erlang + extjs + firebase + firefox + fsharp + ghost + ghost_small + git + git_branch + git_commit + git_compare + git_merge + git_pull_request + github + github_alt + github_badge + github_full + gnu + go + google_cloud_platform + google_drive + grails + groovy + grunt + gulp + hackernews + haskell + heroku + html5 + html5_3d_effects + html5_connectivity + html5_device_access + html5_multimedia + ie + illustrator + intellij + ionic + java + javascript + javascript_badge + javascript_shield + jekyll_small + jenkins + jira + joomla + jquery + jquery_ui + komodo + krakenjs + krakenjs_badge + laravel + less + linux + magento + mailchimp + markdown + materializecss + meteor + meteorfull + mitlicence + modernizr + mongodb + mootools + mootools_badge + mozilla + msql_server + mysql + nancy + netbeans + netmagazine + nginx + nodejs + nodejs_small + npm + onedrive + openshift + opensource + opera + perl + phonegap + photoshop + php + postgresql + prolog + python + rackspace + raphael + rasberry_pi + react + redhat + redis + requirejs + responsive + ruby + ruby_on_rails + ruby_rough + rust + safari + sass + scala + scriptcs + scrum + senchatouch + sizzlejs + smashing_magazine + snap_svg + sqllite + stackoverflow + streamline + stylus + sublime + swift + symfony + symfony_badge + techcrunch + terminal + terminal_badge + travis + trello + typo3 + ubuntu + uikit + unity_small + vim + visualstudio + w3c + webplatform + windows + wordpress + yahoo + yahoo_small + yeoman + yii + zend + 500px + address_book + address_book_o + address_card + address_card_o + adjust + adn + align_center + align_justify + align_left + align_right + amazon + ambulance + american_sign_language_interpreting + anchor + android + angellist + angle_double_down + angle_double_left + angle_double_right + angle_double_up + angle_down + angle_left + angle_right + angle_up + apple + archive + area_chart + arrow_circle_down + arrow_circle_left + arrow_circle_o_down + arrow_circle_o_left + arrow_circle_o_right + arrow_circle_o_up + arrow_circle_right + arrow_circle_up + arrow_down + arrow_left + arrow_right + arrow_up + arrows + arrows_alt + arrows_h + arrows_v + asl_interpreting + assistive_listening_systems + asterisk + at + audio_description + automobile + backward + balance_scale + ban + bandcamp + bank + bar_chart + bar_chart_o + barcode + bars + bath + bathtub + battery + battery_0 + battery_1 + battery_2 + battery_3 + battery_4 + battery_empty + battery_full + battery_half + battery_quarter + battery_three_quarters + bed + beer + behance + behance_square + bell + bell_o + bell_slash + bell_slash_o + bicycle + binoculars + birthday_cake + bitbucket + bitbucket_square + bitcoin + black_tie + blind + bluetooth + bluetooth_b + bold + bolt + bomb + book + bookmark + bookmark_o + braille + briefcase + btc + bug + building + building_o + bullhorn + bullseye + bus + buysellads + cab + calculator + calendar + calendar_check_o + calendar_minus_o + calendar_o + calendar_plus_o + calendar_times_o + camera + camera_retro + car + caret_down + caret_left + caret_right + caret_square_o_down + caret_square_o_left + caret_square_o_right + caret_square_o_up + caret_up + cart_arrow_down + cart_plus + cc + cc_amex + cc_diners_club + cc_discover + cc_jcb + cc_mastercard + cc_paypal + cc_stripe + cc_visa + certificate + chain + chain_broken + check + check_circle + check_circle_o + check_square + check_square_o + chevron_circle_down + chevron_circle_left + chevron_circle_right + chevron_circle_up + chevron_down + chevron_left + chevron_right + chevron_up + child + chrome + circle + circle_o + circle_o_notch + circle_thin + clipboard + clock_o + clone + close + cloud + cloud_download + cloud_upload + cny + code + code_fork + codepen + codiepie + coffee + cog + cogs + columns + comment + comment_o + commenting + commenting_o + comments + comments_o + compass + compress + connectdevelop + contao + copy + copyright + creative_commons + credit_card + credit_card_alt + crop + crosshairs + css3 + cube + cubes + cut + cutlery + dashboard + dashcube + database + deaf + deafness + dedent + delicious + desktop + deviantart + diamond + digg + dollar + dot_circle_o + download + dribbble + drivers_license + drivers_license_o + dropbox + drupal + edge + edit + eercast + eject + ellipsis_h + ellipsis_v + empire + envelope + envelope_o + envelope_open + envelope_open_o + envelope_square + envira + eraser + etsy + eur + euro + exchange + exclamation + exclamation_circle + exclamation_triangle + expand + expeditedssl + external_link + external_link_square + eye + eye_slash + eyedropper + fa + facebook + facebook_f + facebook_official + facebook_square + fast_backward + fast_forward + fax + feed + female + fighter_jet + file + file_archive_o + file_audio_o + file_code_o + file_excel_o + file_image_o + file_movie_o + file_o + file_pdf_o + file_photo_o + file_picture_o + file_powerpoint_o + file_sound_o + file_text + file_text_o + file_video_o + file_word_o + file_zip_o + files_o + film + filter + fire + fire_extinguisher + firefox + first_order + flag + flag_checkered + flag_o + flash + flask + flickr + floppy_o + folder + folder_o + folder_open + folder_open_o + font + font_awesome + fonticons + fort_awesome + forumbee + forward + foursquare + free_code_camp + frown_o + futbol_o + gamepad + gavel + gbp + ge + gear + gears + genderless + get_pocket + gg + gg_circle + gift + git + git_square + github + github_alt + github_square + gitlab + gittip + glass + glide + glide_g + globe + google + google_plus + google_plus_circle + google_plus_official + google_plus_square + google_wallet + graduation_cap + gratipay + grav + group + h_square + hacker_news + hand_grab_o + hand_lizard_o + hand_o_down + hand_o_left + hand_o_right + hand_o_up + hand_paper_o + hand_peace_o + hand_pointer_o + hand_rock_o + hand_scissors_o + hand_spock_o + hand_stop_o + handshake_o + hard_of_hearing + hashtag + hdd_o + header + headphones + heart + heart_o + heartbeat + history + home + hospital_o + hotel + hourglass + hourglass_1 + hourglass_2 + hourglass_3 + hourglass_end + hourglass_half + hourglass_o + hourglass_start + houzz + html5 + i_cursor + id_badge + id_card + id_card_o + ils + image + imdb + inbox + indent + industry + info + info_circle + inr + instagram + institution + internet_explorer + intersex + ioxhost + italic + joomla + jpy + jsfiddle + key + keyboard_o + krw + language + laptop + lastfm + lastfm_square + leaf + leanpub + legal + lemon_o + level_down + level_up + life_bouy + life_buoy + life_ring + life_saver + lightbulb_o + line_chart + link + linkedin + linkedin_square + linode + linux + list + list_alt + list_ol + list_ul + location_arrow + lock + long_arrow_down + long_arrow_left + long_arrow_right + long_arrow_up + low_vision + magic + magnet + mail_forward + mail_reply + mail_reply_all + male + map + map_marker + map_o + map_pin + map_signs + mars + mars_double + mars_stroke + mars_stroke_h + mars_stroke_v + maxcdn + meanpath + medium + medkit + meetup + meh_o + mercury + microchip + microphone + microphone_slash + minus + minus_circle + minus_square + minus_square_o + mixcloud + mobile + mobile_phone + modx + money + moon_o + mortar_board + motorcycle + mouse_pointer + music + navicon + neuter + newspaper_o + object_group + object_ungroup + odnoklassniki + odnoklassniki_square + opencart + openid + opera + optin_monster + outdent + pagelines + paint_brush + paper_plane + paper_plane_o + paperclip + paragraph + paste + pause + pause_circle + pause_circle_o + paw + paypal + pencil + pencil_square + pencil_square_o + percent + phone + phone_square + photo + picture_o + pie_chart + pied_piper + pied_piper_alt + pied_piper_pp + pinterest + pinterest_p + pinterest_square + plane + play + play_circle + play_circle_o + plug + plus + plus_circle + plus_square + plus_square_o + podcast + power_off + print + product_hunt + puzzle_piece + qq + qrcode + question + question_circle + question_circle_o + quora + quote_left + quote_right + ra + random + ravelry + rebel + recycle + reddit + reddit_alien + reddit_square + refresh + registered + remove + renren + reorder + repeat + reply + reply_all + resistance + retweet + rmb + road + rocket + rotate_left + rotate_right + rouble + rss + rss_square + rub + ruble + rupee + s15 + safari + save + scissors + scribd + search + search_minus + search_plus + sellsy + send + send_o + server + share + share_alt + share_alt_square + share_square + share_square_o + shekel + sheqel + shield + ship + shirtsinbulk + shopping_bag + shopping_basket + shopping_cart + shower + sign_in + sign_language + sign_out + signal + signing + simplybuilt + sitemap + skyatlas + skype + slack + sliders + slideshare + smile_o + snapchat + snapchat_ghost + snapchat_square + snowflake_o + soccer_ball_o + sort + sort_alpha_asc + sort_alpha_desc + sort_amount_asc + sort_amount_desc + sort_asc + sort_desc + sort_down + sort_numeric_asc + sort_numeric_desc + sort_up + soundcloud + space_shuttle + spinner + spoon + spotify + square + square_o + stack_exchange + stack_overflow + star + star_half + star_half_empty + star_half_full + star_half_o + star_o + steam + steam_square + step_backward + step_forward + stethoscope + sticky_note + sticky_note_o + stop + stop_circle + stop_circle_o + street_view + strikethrough + stumbleupon + stumbleupon_circle + subscript + subway + suitcase + sun_o + superpowers + superscript + support + table + tablet + tachometer + tag + tags + tasks + taxi + telegram + television + tencent_weibo + terminal + text_height + text_width + th + th_large + th_list + themeisle + thermometer + thermometer_0 + thermometer_1 + thermometer_2 + thermometer_3 + thermometer_4 + thermometer_empty + thermometer_full + thermometer_half + thermometer_quarter + thermometer_three_quarters + thumb_tack + thumbs_down + thumbs_o_down + thumbs_o_up + thumbs_up + ticket + times + times_circle + times_circle_o + times_rectangle + times_rectangle_o + tint + toggle_down + toggle_left + toggle_off + toggle_on + toggle_right + toggle_up + trademark + train + transgender + transgender_alt + trash + trash_o + tree + trello + tripadvisor + trophy + truck + try + tty + tumblr + tumblr_square + turkish_lira + tv + twitch + twitter + twitter_square + umbrella + underline + undo + universal_access + university + unlink + unlock + unlock_alt + unsorted + upload + usb + usd + user + user_circle + user_circle_o + user_md + user_o + user_plus + user_secret + user_times + users + vcard + vcard_o + venus + venus_double + venus_mars + viacoin + viadeo + viadeo_square + video_camera + vimeo + vimeo_square + vine + vk + volume_control_phone + volume_down + volume_off + volume_up + warning + wechat + weibo + weixin + whatsapp + wheelchair + wheelchair_alt + wifi + wikipedia_w + window_close + window_close_o + window_maximize + window_minimize + window_restore + windows + won + wordpress + wpbeginner + wpexplorer + wpforms + wrench + xing + xing_square + y_combinator + y_combinator_square + yahoo + yc + yc_square + yelp + yen + yoast + youtube + youtube_play + youtube_square + apple_fruit + atom + bacteria + banana + bath + bed + benzene + bigger + biohazard + blogger_circle + blogger_square + bones + book_open + book_open_o + brain + bread + butterfly + carot + cc_by + cc_cc + cc_nc + cc_nc_eu + cc_nc_jp + cc_nd + cc_remix + cc_sa + cc_share + cc_zero + checklist_o + cherry + chess_bishop + chess_horse + chess_king + chess_pawn + chess_queen + chess_tower + chesse + chicken_thigh + chilli + chip + cicling + cloud + cockroach + coffe_beans + coins + comb + comet + crown + cup_coffe + dice + disco + dna + donut + dress + drop + ello + envelope_open + envelope_open_o + equal + equal_bigger + feedly + file_export + file_import + fingerprint + floppy + footprint + freecodecamp + galaxy + galery + gift_card + glass + google_drive + google_play + gps + grav + guitar + gut + halter + hamburger + hat + hexagon + high_heel + hotdog + ice_cream + id_card + imdb + infinity + injection + isle + java + layers + lips + lipstick + liver + lollipop + loyalty_card + lung + makeup_brushes + maximize + meat + medicine + microscope + milk_bottle + minimize + molecule + moon_cloud + mountains + mushroom + mustache + mysql + nintendo + orange + palette_color + peach + pear + pi + pizza + planet + plant + playstation + poison + popcorn + popsicle + pulse + python + quora_circle + quora_square + radioactive + raining + real_heart + refrigerator + restore + ring + ruby + ruby_o + ruler + shirt + slash + smaller + snowing + soda + sofa + soup + spermatozoon + spin_double + stomach + storm + sun_cloud + sushi + tacos + telegram + telegram_circle + telescope + thermometer + thermometer_high + thermometer_low + thin_close + toilet + tools + tooth + tree + triangle_ruler + umbrella + uterus + virus + w3c + walking + wallet + wind + xbox +⏻ power +⭘ power_off +⏽ power_on +⏾ sleep_mode +⏼ toggle_power + dotted_guide + line + line + alpine + aosc + apple + archlinux + centos + coreos + debian + devuan + docker + elementary + fedora + fedora_inverse + freebsd + gentoo + linuxmint + linuxmint_inverse + mageia + mandriva + manjaro + nixos + opensuse + raspberry_pi + redhat + sabayon + slackware + slackware_inverse + tux + ubuntu + ubuntu_inverse + access_point + access_point_network + account + account_alert + account_box + account_box_outline +𣏕 account_card_details + account_check + account_circle + account_convert +﮺ account_edit + account_key + account_location + account_minus + account_multiple +㮝 account_multiple_minus + account_multiple_outline + account_multiple_plus +ﳾ account_multiple_plus_outline + account_network + account_off + account_outline + account_plus +ﳿ account_plus_outline + account_remove + account_search +אָ account_settings +אּ account_settings_variant + account_star + account_switch + adjust + air_conditioner + airballoon + airplane +䀘 airplane_landing + airplane_off +䀹 airplane_takeoff + airplay + alarm +ﲌ alarm_bell + alarm_check +ﲍ alarm_light + alarm_multiple + alarm_off + alarm_plus +ﮌ alarm_snooze + album + alert + alert_box + alert_circle +𥉉 alert_circle_outline +﮻ alert_decagram + alert_octagon +ﱥ alert_octagram + alert_outline +﮼ all_inclusive +ﴀ allo + alpha + alphabetical +𥳐 altimeter + amazon + amazon_clouddrive + ambulance + amplifier + anchor + android + android_debug_bridge +ﲎ android_head + android_studio +ﮰ angular +﮽ angularjs +𧻓 animation + apple + apple_finder + apple_ios +בּ apple_keyboard_caps +גּ apple_keyboard_command +דּ apple_keyboard_control +הּ apple_keyboard_option +וּ apple_keyboard_shift + apple_mobileme + apple_safari +ﬓ application +ﲏ approval + apps + archive + arrange_bring_forward + arrange_bring_to_front + arrange_send_backward + arrange_send_to_back + arrow_all + arrow_bottom_left + arrow_bottom_right +ﬔ arrow_collapse + arrow_collapse_all +ﲐ arrow_collapse_down +ﲑ arrow_collapse_left +ﲒ arrow_collapse_right +ﲓ arrow_collapse_up + arrow_down +ﰬ arrow_down_bold +ﰭ arrow_down_bold_box +ﰮ arrow_down_bold_box_outline + arrow_down_bold_circle + arrow_down_bold_circle_outline + arrow_down_bold_hexagon_outline +﮾ arrow_down_box + arrow_down_drop_circle + arrow_down_drop_circle_outline + arrow_down_thick +ﬕ arrow_expand + arrow_expand_all +ﲔ arrow_expand_down +ﲕ arrow_expand_left +ﲖ arrow_expand_right +ﲗ arrow_expand_up + arrow_left +ﰯ arrow_left_bold +ﰰ arrow_left_bold_box +ﰱ arrow_left_bold_box_outline + arrow_left_bold_circle + arrow_left_bold_circle_outline + arrow_left_bold_hexagon_outline +﮿ arrow_left_box + arrow_left_drop_circle + arrow_left_drop_circle_outline + arrow_left_thick + arrow_right +ﰲ arrow_right_bold +ﰳ arrow_right_bold_box +ﰴ arrow_right_bold_box_outline + arrow_right_bold_circle + arrow_right_bold_circle_outline + arrow_right_bold_hexagon_outline +﯀ arrow_right_box + arrow_right_drop_circle + arrow_right_drop_circle_outline + arrow_right_thick + arrow_top_left + arrow_top_right + arrow_up +ﰵ arrow_up_bold +ﰶ arrow_up_bold_box +ﰷ arrow_up_bold_box_outline + arrow_up_bold_circle + arrow_up_bold_circle_outline + arrow_up_bold_hexagon_outline +﯁ arrow_up_box + arrow_up_drop_circle + arrow_up_drop_circle_outline + arrow_up_thick +ﴁ artist + assistant +﯂ asterisk + at +ﴂ atlassian +ﱦ atom + attachment + audiobook + auto_fix + auto_upload + autorenew + av_timer +ﴃ azure + baby +ﮍ baby_buggy + backburger + backspace + backup_restore +ﭳ bandcamp + bank + barcode + barcode_scan + barley + barrel + basecamp + basket + basket_fill + basket_unfill +ﴄ basketball + battery + battery_10 + battery_20 + battery_30 + battery_40 + battery_50 + battery_60 + battery_70 + battery_80 + battery_90 + battery_alert + battery_charging + battery_charging_100 + battery_charging_20 + battery_charging_30 + battery_charging_40 + battery_charging_60 + battery_charging_80 + battery_charging_90 +ﴅ battery_charging_wireless +ﴆ battery_charging_wireless_10 +ﴇ battery_charging_wireless_20 +ﴈ battery_charging_wireless_30 +ﴉ battery_charging_wireless_40 +ﴊ battery_charging_wireless_50 +ﴋ battery_charging_wireless_60 +ﴌ battery_charging_wireless_70 +ﴍ battery_charging_wireless_80 +ﴎ battery_charging_wireless_90 +ﴏ battery_charging_wireless_alert +ﴐ battery_charging_wireless_outline + battery_minus + battery_negative + battery_outline + battery_plus + battery_positive + battery_unknown + beach +ﮎ beaker + beats + beer + behance + bell + bell_off + bell_outline + bell_plus + bell_ring + bell_ring_outline + bell_sleep + beta + bible + bike + bing + binoculars + bio + biohazard + bitbucket +ﴑ bitcoin + black_mesa + blackberry + blender + blinds + block_helper + blogger + bluetooth + bluetooth_audio + bluetooth_connect + bluetooth_off + bluetooth_settings + bluetooth_transfer + blur + blur_linear + blur_off + blur_radial +ﮏ bomb + bomb_off + bone + book +齃 book_minus + book_multiple + book_multiple_variant + book_open +龎 book_open_page_variant + book_open_variant + book_plus +ﲘ book_secure +ﲙ book_unsecure + book_variant + bookmark + bookmark_check + bookmark_music + bookmark_outline + bookmark_plus + bookmark_plus_outline + bookmark_remove + boombox + bootstrap + border_all + border_bottom + border_color + border_horizontal + border_inside + border_left + border_none + border_outside + border_right + border_style + border_top + border_vertical +ﭶ bow_tie +ﬖ bowl + bowling + box + box_cutter +זּ box_shadow +ﬗ bridge + briefcase + briefcase_check + briefcase_download +ﴒ briefcase_outline + briefcase_upload + brightness_1 + brightness_2 + brightness_3 + brightness_4 + brightness_5 + brightness_6 + brightness_7 + brightness_auto + broom + brush + buffer + bug + bulletin_board + bullhorn + bullseye + bus +ﲚ bus_articulated_end +ﲛ bus_articulated_front +ﲜ bus_double_decker +ﲝ bus_school +ﲞ bus_side + cached + cake + cake_layered + cake_variant + calculator + calendar + calendar_blank + calendar_check + calendar_clock + calendar_multiple + calendar_multiple_check + calendar_plus +ﮐ calendar_question +ﭷ calendar_range + calendar_remove + calendar_text + calendar_today + call_made + call_merge + call_missed + call_received + call_split + camcorder + camcorder_box + camcorder_box_off + camcorder_off + camera +ﮑ camera_burst + camera_enhance + camera_front + camera_front_variant +ﲟ camera_gopro + camera_iris +ﲠ camera_metering_center +ﲡ camera_metering_matrix +ﲢ camera_metering_partial +ﲣ camera_metering_spot + camera_off + camera_party_mode + camera_rear + camera_rear_variant + camera_switch + camera_timer +ﰸ cancel + candle + candycane +ﲤ cannabis + car + car_battery + car_connected +ﲥ car_convertible +ﲦ car_estate +ﲧ car_hatchback +ﲨ car_pickup +ﲩ car_side +ﲪ car_sports + car_wash +ﲫ caravan + cards +טּ cards_outline +יּ cards_playing_outline + cards_variant + carrot + cart +ﭪ cart_off + cart_outline + cart_plus + case_sensitive_alt + cash + cash_100 + cash_multiple + cash_usd + cast + cast_connected +ﲈ cast_off + castle + cat +ﲬ cctv +ﱧ ceiling_light + cellphone + cellphone_android + cellphone_basic + cellphone_dock + cellphone_iphone + cellphone_link + cellphone_link_off + cellphone_settings +ﴓ cellphone_wireless + certificate + chair_school + chart_arc + chart_areaspline + chart_bar +ﱨ chart_bar_stacked + chart_bubble +ﲭ chart_donut +ﲮ chart_donut_variant +ﭫ chart_gantt + chart_histogram + chart_line +ﱩ chart_line_stacked +ﲯ chart_line_variant + chart_pie +ﭬ chart_scatterplot_hexbin +ﭭ chart_timeline + check + check_all + check_circle + check_circle_outline + checkbox_blank + checkbox_blank_circle + checkbox_blank_circle_outline + checkbox_blank_outline + checkbox_marked + checkbox_marked_circle + checkbox_marked_circle_outline + checkbox_marked_outline + checkbox_multiple_blank +ךּ checkbox_multiple_blank_circle +כּ checkbox_multiple_blank_circle_outline + checkbox_multiple_blank_outline + checkbox_multiple_marked +לּ checkbox_multiple_marked_circle + checkbox_multiple_marked_circle_outline + checkbox_multiple_marked_outline + checkerboard + chemical_weapon + chevron_double_down + chevron_double_left + chevron_double_right + chevron_double_up + chevron_down + chevron_left + chevron_right + chevron_up +ﲰ chili_hot +ﲱ chili_medium +ﲲ chili_mild + chip + church +ﱣ circle +ﱤ circle_outline + cisco_webex + city + clipboard + clipboard_account + clipboard_alert + clipboard_arrow_down + clipboard_arrow_left + clipboard_check + clipboard_flow + clipboard_outline +ﱏ clipboard_plus + clipboard_text + clippy + clock +鬒 clock_alert + clock_end + clock_fast + clock_in + clock_out + clock_start + close + close_box + close_box_outline + close_circle + close_circle_outline + close_network + close_octagon + close_octagon_outline + close_outline + closed_caption + cloud +ﲳ cloud_braces + cloud_check + cloud_circle + cloud_download + cloud_off_outline + cloud_outline + cloud_print + cloud_print_outline +מּ cloud_sync +ﲴ cloud_tags + cloud_upload +ﴔ clover + code_array + code_braces + code_brackets + code_equal + code_greater_than + code_greater_than_or_equal + code_less_than + code_less_than_or_equal + code_not_equal + code_not_equal_variant + code_parentheses + code_string + code_tags +ﮒ code_tags_check + codepen + coffee + coffee_outline + coffee_to_go + coin +ﮓ coins + collage + color_helper + comment + comment_account + comment_account_outline + comment_alert + comment_alert_outline + comment_check + comment_check_outline + comment_multiple_outline + comment_outline + comment_plus_outline + comment_processing + comment_processing_outline +ﴕ comment_question + comment_question_outline + comment_remove + comment_remove_outline + comment_text + comment_text_outline + compare + compass + compass_outline + console +ﲵ console_line + contact_mail + contacts + content_copy + content_cut + content_duplicate + content_paste + content_save + content_save_all +ﴖ content_save_outline + content_save_settings + contrast + contrast_box + contrast_circle + cookie + copyright +ﲶ corn + counter + cow + creation + credit_card + credit_card_multiple + credit_card_off +ﭴ credit_card_plus + credit_card_scan + crop + crop_free + crop_landscape + crop_portrait +ﮔ crop_rotate + crop_square + crosshairs + crosshairs_gps + crown + cube + cube_outline + cube_send + cube_unfolded + cup + cup_off + cup_water + currency_btc +ﲷ currency_chf +ﲸ currency_cny +ﲹ currency_eth + currency_eur + currency_gbp + currency_inr +ﲺ currency_jpy +ﲻ currency_krw + currency_ngn + currency_rub +ﲼ currency_sign + currency_try +ﲽ currency_twd + currency_usd +ﭸ currency_usd_off + cursor_default + cursor_default_outline + cursor_move + cursor_pointer + cursor_text + database + database_minus + database_plus + debug_step_into + debug_step_out + debug_step_over +ﱪ decagram +ﱫ decagram_outline + decimal_decrease + decimal_increase + delete +ﮁ delete_circle + delete_empty + delete_forever +ﴗ delete_restore + delete_sweep + delete_variant + delta + deskphone +ﲾ desktop_classic + desktop_mac + desktop_tower + details +ﮕ developer_board + deviantart + dialpad + diamond + dice_1 + dice_2 + dice_3 + dice_4 + dice_5 + dice_6 +ﱭ dice_d10 + dice_d20 + dice_d4 + dice_d6 + dice_d8 +ﱬ dice_multiple + dictionary +ﲿ dip_switch + directions +נּ directions_fork +ﭮ discord + disk + disk_alert + disqus + disqus_outline + division + division_box +ﮂ dna + dns +ﮖ do_not_disturb +ﮗ do_not_disturb_off +ﮱ dolby + domain +ﳀ donkey +ﴘ door +ﴙ door_closed +ﴚ door_open + dots_horizontal +ﳁ dots_horizontal_circle + dots_vertical +ﳂ dots_vertical_circle +ﮘ douban + download +ﯲ download_network + drag + drag_horizontal + drag_vertical + drawing + drawing_box + dribbble + dribbble_box + drone + dropbox + drupal + duck + dumbbell +ﳃ ear_hearing + earth + earth_box + earth_box_off + earth_off + edge + eject +ﳄ elephant + elevation_decline + elevation_rise + elevator + email + email_alert + email_open + email_open_outline + email_outline + email_secure + email_variant +﮲ emby + emoticon + emoticon_cool +ﮙ emoticon_dead + emoticon_devil +ﮚ emoticon_excited + emoticon_happy + emoticon_neutral + emoticon_poop + emoticon_sad + emoticon_tongue + engine + engine_outline + equal + equal_box + eraser +סּ eraser_variant + escalator + ethernet + ethernet_cable + ethernet_cable_off + etsy + ev_station +ﳅ eventbrite + evernote + exclamation + exit_to_app + export + eye + eye_off + eye_off_outline + eye_outline + eyedropper + eyedropper_variant + face +ףּ face_profile + facebook + facebook_box + facebook_messenger + factory + fan +ﴛ fan_off + fast_forward + fast_forward_outline + fax + feather + ferry + file +ﰹ file_account + file_chart + file_check + file_cloud + file_delimited + file_document + file_document_box + file_excel + file_excel_box + file_export + file_find + file_hidden + file_image + file_import + file_lock + file_multiple + file_music + file_outline + file_pdf + file_pdf_box +ﴜ file_percent +ﱐ file_plus + file_powerpoint + file_powerpoint_box + file_presentation_box +ﭯ file_restore + file_send +פּ file_tree + file_video + file_word + file_word_box + file_xml + film + filmstrip + filmstrip_off + filter + filter_outline + filter_remove + filter_remove_outline + filter_variant +ﴝ finance + find_replace + fingerprint + fire + firefox + fish + flag + flag_checkered + flag_outline + flag_triangle + flag_variant + flag_variant_outline + flash + flash_auto +ﴞ flash_circle + flash_off +ﯓ flash_outline +ﭹ flash_red_eye + flashlight + flashlight_off + flask + flask_empty + flask_empty_outline + flask_outline + flattr + flip_to_back + flip_to_front +ﴟ floor_plan + floppy + flower + folder + folder_account + folder_download + folder_google_drive + folder_image + folder_lock + folder_lock_open + folder_move + folder_multiple + folder_multiple_image + folder_multiple_outline +ﱮ folder_open + folder_outline + folder_plus + folder_remove +ﮛ folder_star + folder_upload + font_awesome + food + food_apple +ﳆ food_croissant + food_fork_drink + food_off + food_variant + football + football_australian + football_helmet +ﳇ forklift +ﱑ format_align_bottom + format_align_center + format_align_justify + format_align_left +ﱒ format_align_middle + format_align_right +ﱓ format_align_top + format_annotation_plus + format_bold + format_clear + format_color_fill +ﮜ format_color_text + format_float_center + format_float_left + format_float_none + format_float_right +ﯔ format_font + format_header_1 + format_header_2 + format_header_3 + format_header_4 + format_header_5 + format_header_6 + format_header_decrease + format_header_equal + format_header_increase + format_header_pound +יִ format_horizontal_align_center +ﬞ format_horizontal_align_left +ײַ format_horizontal_align_right + format_indent_decrease + format_indent_increase + format_italic + format_line_spacing +難 format_line_style +靖 format_line_weight + format_list_bulleted + format_list_bulleted_type +ﱔ format_list_checks + format_list_numbers +ﯕ format_page_break + format_paint + format_paragraph +ﯖ format_pilcrow + format_quote_close +ﱕ format_quote_open +ﮨ format_rotate_90 +ﮝ format_section + format_size + format_strikethrough + format_strikethrough_variant + format_subscript + format_superscript + format_text + format_textdirection_l_to_r + format_textdirection_r_to_l + format_title + format_underline +ﬠ format_vertical_align_bottom +ﬡ format_vertical_align_center +ﬢ format_vertical_align_top + format_wrap_inline + format_wrap_square + format_wrap_tight + format_wrap_top_bottom + forum +ﴠ forum_outline + forward + foursquare + fridge + fridge_filled + fridge_filled_bottom + fridge_filled_top +ﳈ fuel + fullscreen + fullscreen_exit + function + gamepad + gamepad_variant +ﯗ garage +ﯘ garage_open +צּ gas_cylinder + gas_station + gate + gauge + gavel + gender_female + gender_male + gender_male_female + gender_transgender +ﳉ gesture +ﰺ gesture_double_tap +ﰻ gesture_swipe_down +ﰼ gesture_swipe_left +ﰽ gesture_swipe_right +ﰾ gesture_swipe_up +ﰿ gesture_tap +ﱀ gesture_two_double_tap +ﱁ gesture_two_tap + ghost + gift + git + github_box + github_circle +ﯙ github_face + glass_flute + glass_mug + glass_stange + glass_tulip + glassdoor + glasses + gmail + gnome +ﴡ golf +ﮄ gondola + google +ﳊ google_analytics +ﳋ google_assistant + google_cardboard + google_chrome + google_circles + google_circles_communities + google_circles_extended + google_circles_group + google_controller + google_controller_off + google_drive + google_earth + google_glass +ﴢ google_home +ﯚ google_keep + google_maps + google_nearby + google_pages +ﯛ google_photos + google_physical_web + google_play + google_plus + google_plus_box + google_translate + google_wallet +ﮞ gradient +קּ grease_pencil + grid +ﱖ grid_large + grid_off + group +ﱯ guitar_acoustic + guitar_electric + guitar_pick + guitar_pick_outline +ﴣ guy_fawkes_mask +ﬣ hackernews +ﮃ hamburger + hand_pointing_right + hanger + hangouts + harddisk + headphones + headphones_box +ﳌ headphones_off + headphones_settings + headset + headset_dock + headset_off + heart + heart_box + heart_box_outline + heart_broken +ﯝ heart_half +ﯜ heart_half_full +ﯞ heart_half_outline +ﱗ heart_off + heart_outline + heart_pulse + help +ﲉ help_box + help_circle +ﬤ help_circle_outline +ﯳ help_network + hexagon +ﯟ hexagon_multiple + hexagon_outline +ﳍ high_definition + highway + history + hololens + home +ﴤ home_account +ﳎ home_assistant +ﳏ home_automation +ﳐ home_circle +ﴥ home_heart + home_map_marker + home_modern +ﮟ home_outline + home_variant +ﯠ hook +ﯡ hook_off + hops + hospital + hospital_building + hospital_marker +ﴦ hot_tub + hotel + houzz + houzz_box +ﴧ hulu + human + human_child +רּ human_female +שּ human_greeting +תּ human_handsdown +וֹ human_handsup +בֿ human_male + human_male_female +龜 human_pregnant +ﱂ humble_bundle +ﴨ ice_cream + image + image_album + image_area + image_area_close + image_broken + image_broken_variant + image_filter + image_filter_black_white + image_filter_center_focus + image_filter_center_focus_weak + image_filter_drama + image_filter_frames + image_filter_hdr + image_filter_none + image_filter_tilt_shift + image_filter_vintage + image_multiple +ﴩ image_off + import +ﮅ inbox + inbox_arrow_down + inbox_arrow_up + incognito +ﯢ infinity + information + information_outline +כֿ information_variant + instagram + instapaper + internet_explorer + invert_colors +ﭵ itunes + jeepney + jira + jsfiddle +ﬥ json +ﴪ karate + keg + kettle + key + key_change + key_minus + key_plus + key_remove + key_variant + keyboard + keyboard_backspace + keyboard_caps + keyboard_close + keyboard_off + keyboard_return + keyboard_tab + keyboard_variant +ﱃ kickstarter + kodi + label + label_outline +ﴫ ladybug +ﬦ lambda +﮳ lamp + lan + lan_connect + lan_disconnect + lan_pending +ﭰ language_c +ﭱ language_cpp + language_csharp + language_css3 +ﳑ language_go + language_html5 + language_javascript + language_php + language_python + language_python_text +ﳒ language_r +ﯣ language_swift +ﯤ language_typescript + laptop + laptop_chromebook + laptop_mac +ﯥ laptop_off + laptop_windows + lastfm +聾 lastpass + launch +ﳓ lava_lamp + layers + layers_off +פֿ lead_pencil + leaf + led_off + led_on + led_outline +ﳔ led_strip + led_variant_off + led_variant_on + led_variant_outline + library + library_books + library_music + library_plus + lightbulb +ﯦ lightbulb_on +ﯧ lightbulb_on_outline + lightbulb_outline + link + link_off + link_variant + link_variant_off + linkedin + linkedin_box + linux +ﱰ loading + lock + lock_open + lock_open_outline + lock_outline +ﯨ lock_pattern + lock_plus +ﱱ lock_reset +ﳕ locker +ﳖ locker_multiple + login + login_variant + logout + logout_variant + looks +ﯩ loop + loupe + lumx + magnet + magnet_on + magnify + magnify_minus +ﯪ magnify_minus_outline + magnify_plus +ﯫ magnify_plus_outline + mail_ru +ﯬ mailbox + map + map_marker + map_marker_circle +ﭏ map_marker_minus + map_marker_multiple + map_marker_off +ﳗ map_marker_outline +ﭐ map_marker_plus + map_marker_radius + margin + markdown +ﭑ marker + marker_check + martini + material_ui + math_compass +ﬧ matrix + maxcdn +ﯭ medical_bag + medium + memory + menu + menu_down +﮴ menu_down_outline + menu_left + menu_right + menu_up +﮵ menu_up_outline + message + message_alert +ﮠ message_bulleted +ﮡ message_bulleted_off + message_draw + message_image + message_outline +ﭒ message_plus + message_processing + message_reply + message_reply_text +ﯮ message_settings +ﯯ message_settings_variant + message_text + message_text_outline + message_video +ﬨ meteor +ﳘ metronome +ﳙ metronome_tick +ﳚ micro_sd + microphone + microphone_off + microphone_outline + microphone_settings + microphone_variant + microphone_variant_off +ﭓ microscope + microsoft + minecraft + minus + minus_box +ﯰ minus_box_outline + minus_circle + minus_circle_outline + minus_network +﬩ mixcloud +ﳛ mixer + monitor + monitor_multiple + more + motorbike + mouse + mouse_off + mouse_variant + mouse_variant_off +ﭔ move_resize +ﭕ move_resize_variant + movie +ﳜ movie_roll + multiplication + multiplication_box +ﳝ mushroom +ﳞ mushroom_outline +ﱘ music + music_box + music_box_outline + music_circle + music_note + music_note_bluetooth + music_note_bluetooth_off + music_note_eighth + music_note_half + music_note_off + music_note_quarter + music_note_sixteenth + music_note_whole +ﱙ music_off + nature + nature_people + navigation +頻 near_me + needle + nest_protect + nest_thermostat +ﱄ netflix +ﯱ network + new_box + newspaper + nfc + nfc_tap + nfc_variant +ﱲ ninja +ﳟ nintendo_switch + nodejs + note +﮶ note_multiple +﮷ note_multiple_outline + note_outline + note_plus + note_plus_outline + note_text +ﴬ notebook + notification_clear_all +ﯵ npm +ﮢ nuke +ﳠ null + numeric + numeric_0_box + numeric_0_box_multiple_outline + numeric_0_box_outline + numeric_1_box + numeric_1_box_multiple_outline + numeric_1_box_outline + numeric_2_box + numeric_2_box_multiple_outline + numeric_2_box_outline + numeric_3_box + numeric_3_box_multiple_outline + numeric_3_box_outline + numeric_4_box + numeric_4_box_multiple_outline + numeric_4_box_outline + numeric_5_box + numeric_5_box_multiple_outline + numeric_5_box_outline + numeric_6_box + numeric_6_box_multiple_outline + numeric_6_box_outline + numeric_7_box + numeric_7_box_multiple_outline + numeric_7_box_outline + numeric_8_box + numeric_8_box_multiple_outline + numeric_8_box_outline + numeric_9_box + numeric_9_box_multiple_outline + numeric_9_box_outline + numeric_9_plus_box + numeric_9_plus_box_multiple_outline + numeric_9_plus_box_outline +ﯶ nut + nutrition +ﭺ oar + octagon + octagon_outline +ﯷ octagram +ﱳ octagram_outline + odnoklassniki + office + oil + oil_temperature + omega + onedrive +ﱅ onenote +頋 opacity + open_in_app + open_in_new + openid + opera + orbit + ornament + ornament_variant + owl + package + package_down + package_up + package_variant + package_variant_closed + page_first +ff page_last +ﯸ page_layout_body +ﯹ page_layout_footer +ﯺ page_layout_header +ﯻ page_layout_sidebar_left +ﯼ page_layout_sidebar_right + palette + palette_advanced + panda + pandora + panorama + panorama_fisheye + panorama_horizontal + panorama_vertical + panorama_wide_angle + paper_cut_vertical + paperclip + parking +ﳡ passport + pause + pause_circle + pause_circle_outline + pause_octagon + pause_octagon_outline + paw +ﭖ paw_off + pen + pencil + pencil_box + pencil_box_outline +ﯽ pencil_circle +ﱴ pencil_circle_outline + pencil_lock + pencil_off +ﯾ pentagon +ﯿ pentagon_outline + percent +ﳢ periodic_table_co2 +ﱆ periscope + pharmacy + phone + phone_bluetooth +fi phone_classic + phone_forward + phone_hangup + phone_in_talk + phone_incoming + phone_locked + phone_log +ﭗ phone_minus + phone_missed + phone_outgoing + phone_paused +ﭘ phone_plus +ﴭ phone_return + phone_settings + phone_voip + pi + pi_box +ﭻ piano +豈 pig +更 pill +ﰀ pillar +車 pin +賈 pin_off +滑 pine_tree +串 pine_tree_box +句 pinterest +龜 pinterest_box +ﳣ pipe +ﳤ pipe_disconnected +ﰁ pistol +龜 pizza +﮹ plane_shield +契 play +金 play_box_outline +喇 play_circle +奈 play_circle_outline +懶 play_pause +癩 play_protected_content +陼 playlist_check +羅 playlist_minus +蘿 playlist_play +螺 playlist_plus +裸 playlist_remove +邏 playstation +﮸ plex +樂 plus +洛 plus_box +ﰂ plus_box_outline +烙 plus_circle +珞 plus_circle_multiple_outline +落 plus_circle_outline +酪 plus_network +駱 plus_one +ﰃ plus_outline +亂 pocket +卵 pokeball +ﴮ poker_chip +欄 polaroid +爛 poll +蘭 poll_box +鸞 polymer +ſt pool +嵐 popcorn +ﭙ pot +ﭚ pot_mix +濫 pound +藍 pound_box +襤 power +ﮣ power_plug +ﮤ power_plug_off +拉 power_settings +臘 power_socket +ﳥ power_socket_eu +ﳦ power_socket_uk +ﳧ power_socket_us +ﰄ prescription +蠟 presentation +廊 presentation_play +朗 printer +浪 printer_3d +狼 printer_alert +ﰅ printer_settings +fl priority_high +ffi priority_low +郎 professional_hexagon +來 projector +冷 projector_screen +ﮥ publish +勞 pulse +擄 puzzle +ffl qqchat +櫓 qrcode +爐 qrcode_scan +盧 quadcopter +老 quality_high +蘆 quicktime +虜 radar +路 radiator +露 radio +魯 radio_handheld +鷺 radio_tower +碌 radioactive +祿 radiobox_blank +綠 radiobox_marked +菉 raspberrypi +錄 ray_end +鹿 ray_end_arrow +論 ray_start +壟 ray_start_arrow +弄 ray_start_end +籠 ray_vertex +ﰆ react +牢 read +賂 receipt +雷 record +壘 record_rec +屢 recycle +樓 reddit +淚 redo +漏 redo_variant +累 refresh +縷 regex +陋 relative_scale +勒 reload +肋 remote +凜 rename_box +ﮆ reorder_horizontal +ﮇ reorder_vertical +凌 repeat +稜 repeat_off +綾 repeat_once +菱 replay +陵 reply +讀 reply_all +拏 reproduction +樂 resize_bottom_right +諾 responsive +ﰇ restart +ﮦ restore +丹 rewind +ﰈ rewind_outline +ﰉ rhombus +ﰊ rhombus_outline +寧 ribbon +ﳨ rice +ﳩ ring +怒 road +率 road_variant +ﮧ robot +異 rocket +ﰋ roomba +北 rotate_3d +磻 rotate_left +便 rotate_left_variant +復 rotate_right +不 rotate_right_variant +st rounded_corner +泌 router_wireless +數 routes + rowing +索 rss +參 rss_box +塞 ruler +ﰌ run +省 run_fast +葉 sale +ﳪ sass +說 satellite +殺 satellite_variant + saxophone +辰 scale +𢡄 scale_balance +沈 scale_bathroom +ﮩ scanner +拾 school +若 screen_rotation +掠 screen_rotation_lock +略 screwdriver +亮 script +兩 sd +凉 seal +ﰍ search_web +梁 seat_flat +糧 seat_flat_angled +良 seat_individual_suite +諒 seat_legroom_extra +量 seat_legroom_normal +勵 seat_legroom_reduced +呂 seat_recline_extra +女 seat_recline_normal +廬 security +ﮈ security_home +旅 security_network +濾 select +礪 select_all +閭 select_inverse +驪 select_off +麗 selection +ﱵ selection_off +黎 send +ﳫ send_secure +ﭛ serial_port +力 server +曆 server_minus +歷 server_network +轢 server_network_off +年 server_off +憐 server_plus +戀 server_remove +撚 server_security +ﱶ set_all +ﱷ set_center +ﱸ set_center_right +ﱹ set_left +ﱺ set_left_center +ﱻ set_left_right +ﱼ set_none +ﱽ set_right +漣 settings +煉 settings_box +ﴯ shape +ﭜ shape_circle_plus +ﴰ shape_outline +璉 shape_plus +ﭝ shape_polygon_plus +ﭞ shape_rectangle_plus +ﭟ shape_square_plus +秊 share +練 share_variant +聯 shield +ﱾ shield_half_full +輦 shield_outline +ﴱ ship_wheel +蓮 shopping +連 shopping_music +ﰎ shovel +ﰏ shovel_off +鍊 shredder +列 shuffle +劣 shuffle_disabled +咽 shuffle_variant +烈 sigma +שׁ sigma_lower +裂 sign_caution +ﱿ sign_direction +ﲀ sign_text +說 signal +ﰐ signal_2g +ﰑ signal_3g +ﰒ signal_4g +ﰓ signal_hspa +ﰔ signal_hspa_plus +ﲁ signal_off + signal_variant +廉 silverware +念 silverware_fork +捻 silverware_spoon +殮 silverware_variant +簾 sim +獵 sim_alert +令 sim_off +囹 sitemap +寧 skip_backward +嶺 skip_forward +怜 skip_next +ﭠ skip_next_circle +ﭡ skip_next_circle_outline +玲 skip_previous +ﭢ skip_previous_circle +ﭣ skip_previous_circle_outline +ﮊ skull +瑩 skype +羚 skype_business +聆 slack +鈴 sleep +零 sleep_off +靈 smoking +領 smoking_off +例 snapchat +ﰕ snowflake +禮 snowman +醴 soccer +ﴲ soccer_field +隸 sofa +ﮋ solid +惡 sort +了 sort_alphabetical +僚 sort_ascending +寮 sort_descending +尿 sort_numeric +料 sort_variant +樂 soundcloud +שׂ source_branch +ﰖ source_commit +ﰗ source_commit_end +ﰘ source_commit_end_local +ﰙ source_commit_local +ﰚ source_commit_next_local +ﰛ source_commit_start +ﰜ source_commit_start_next_local +燎 source_fork +שּׁ source_merge +療 source_pull +ﳬ soy_sauce +蓼 speaker +遼 speaker_off +ﰝ speaker_wireless +龍 speedometer +暈 spellcheck +阮 spotify +劉 spotlight +杻 spotlight_beam +ﭤ spray +ﱢ square +柳 square_inc +流 square_inc_cash +ﱡ square_outline +ﲂ square_root +溜 stack_overflow + stackexchange +ﰞ stadium +琉 stairs +ﳭ standard_definition +留 star +硫 star_circle +紐 star_half +類 star_off +六 star_outline +戮 steam +陸 steering +倫 step_backward +崙 step_backward_2 +淪 step_forward +輪 step_forward_2 +律 stethoscope +𢡊 sticker +ﲃ sticker_emoji +慄 stocking +栗 stop +ﭥ stop_circle +ﭦ stop_circle_outline +率 store +隆 store_24_hour +利 stove + subdirectory_arrow_left + subdirectory_arrow_right +ﮪ subway +吏 subway_variant +ﲄ summit +履 sunglasses +醙 surround_sound +ﳮ surround_sound_2_0 +ﳯ surround_sound_3_1 +ﳰ surround_sound_5_1 +ﳱ surround_sound_7_1 +ﰟ svg +易 swap_horizontal +李 swap_vertical +梨 swim +泥 switch +理 sword +ﲅ sword_cross +痢 sync +罹 sync_alert +裏 sync_off +裡 tab +ﱚ tab_plus +里 tab_unselected +離 table +ﴳ table_column +匿 table_column_plus_after +溺 table_column_plus_before +吝 table_column_remove +燐 table_column_width +璘 table_edit +藺 table_large +ﴴ table_of_contents +ﴵ table_row +隣 table_row_height +鱗 table_row_plus_after +麟 table_row_plus_before +林 table_row_remove +ﴶ table_settings +淋 tablet +臨 tablet_android +立 tablet_ipad +ﱠ taco +笠 tag +粒 tag_faces +ﮉ tag_heart +狀 tag_multiple +炙 tag_outline +ﰠ tag_plus +ﰡ tag_remove +識 tag_text_outline +什 target +茶 taxi +刺 teamviewer +切 telegram +度 television +ﴷ television_box +ﳲ television_classic +ﴸ television_classic_off +拓 television_guide +ﴹ television_off +糖 temperature_celsius +宅 temperature_fahrenheit +洞 temperature_kelvin +暴 tennis +輻 tent +行 terrain +ﭧ test_tube +ﭨ text_shadow +降 text_to_speech +見 text_to_speech_off + textbox +ﳳ textbox_password +廓 texture +兀 theater +嗀 theme_light_dark +﨎 thermometer +﨏 thermometer_lines +ﳴ thought_bubble +ﳵ thought_bubble_outline +塚 thumb_down +﨑 thumb_down_outline +晴 thumb_up +﨓 thumb_up_outline +﨔 thumbs_up_down +凞 ticket +猪 ticket_account +益 ticket_confirmation +ﰢ ticket_percent +礼 tie +ﰣ tilde +神 timelapse +祥 timer +福 timer_10 +靖 timer_3 +精 timer_off +羽 timer_sand +ﮫ timer_sand_empty +ﲊ timer_sand_full +﨟 timetable +蘒 toggle_switch +﨡 toggle_switch_off +諸 tooltip +﨣 tooltip_edit +﨤 tooltip_image +逸 tooltip_outline +都 tooltip_outline_plus +﨧 tooltip_text +﨨 tooth +﨩 tor +ﭿ tower_beach +ﮀ tower_fire +ﴺ towing +ﳶ trackpad +飯 traffic_light +飼 train +館 tram +鶴 transcribe +郞 transcribe_close +隷 transfer +ﮬ transit_transfer +韛 translate +ﰤ treasure_chest +侮 tree +僧 trello +免 trending_down +勉 trending_neutral +勤 trending_up +卑 triangle +喝 triangle_outline +嘆 trophy +器 trophy_award +塀 trophy_outline +墨 trophy_variant +層 trophy_variant_outline +屮 truck +悔 truck_delivery +ﲆ truck_fast +ﰥ truck_trailer +慨 tshirt_crew +憎 tshirt_v +懲 tumblr +敏 tumblr_reblog +שּׂ tune +ﭩ tune_vertical +既 twitch +暑 twitter +梅 twitter_box +海 twitter_circle +渚 twitter_retweet +ﱇ uber +漢 ubuntu +ﳷ ultra_high_definition +煮 umbraco +爫 umbrella +琢 umbrella_outline +碑 undo +社 undo_variant +祉 unfold_less_horizontal +ﱞ unfold_less_vertical +祈 unfold_more_horizontal +ﱟ unfold_more_vertical +祐 ungroup +ﮭ unity +祖 untappd +ﮮ update +祝 upload +ﴻ upload_multiple +ﯴ upload_network +禍 usb +ﳸ van_passenger +ﳹ van_utility +ﳺ vanish +禎 vector_arrange_above +穀 vector_arrange_below +突 vector_circle +節 vector_circle_variant +練 vector_combine +縉 vector_curve +繁 vector_difference +署 vector_difference_ab +者 vector_difference_ba +臭 vector_intersection +艹 vector_line +艹 vector_point +著 vector_polygon +褐 vector_polyline +ﱈ vector_radius +鉶 vector_rectangle +視 vector_selection + vector_square +謁 vector_triangle +謹 vector_union +勺 venmo +賓 verified +贈 vibrate +辶 video +ﳻ video_3d +ﴼ video_4k_box +ﴽ video_input_antenna +﴾ video_input_component +﴿ video_input_hdmi +﵀ video_input_svideo +逸 video_off +難 video_switch +響 view_agenda +頻 view_array +恵 view_carousel +𤋮 view_column +舘 view_dashboard +﵁ view_dashboard_variant + view_day + view_grid +並 view_headline +况 view_list +全 view_module +ﰦ view_parallel +侀 view_quilt +ﰧ view_sequential +充 view_stream +冀 view_week +勇 vimeo + violin + visualstudio +喝 vk +啕 vk_box +喙 vk_circle +嗢 vlc +響 voice +塚 voicemail +墳 volume_high +奄 volume_low +奔 volume_medium +ﱜ volume_minus +ﱝ volume_mute +婢 volume_off +ﱛ volume_plus +嬨 vpn +﵂ vuejs +廒 walk +ﳼ wall +廙 wallet +彩 wallet_giftcard +徭 wallet_membership +惘 wallet_travel +慎 wan +ﰨ washing_machine +愈 watch +憎 watch_export +慠 watch_import +ﮯ watch_vibrate +懲 water +戴 water_off +揄 water_percent +搜 water_pump + watermark +ﲋ waves +摒 weather_cloudy +敖 weather_fog +晴 weather_hail +朗 weather_lightning +ﭼ weather_lightning_rainy +望 weather_night +杖 weather_partlycloudy +歹 weather_pouring +殺 weather_rainy +流 weather_snowy +ﭽ weather_snowy_rainy +滛 weather_sunny +滋 weather_sunset +漢 weather_sunset_down +瀞 weather_sunset_up +煮 weather_windy +瞧 weather_windy_variant +爵 web +犯 webcam +אַ webhook +ﰩ webpack + wechat +猪 weight +瑱 weight_kilogram +甆 whatsapp +画 wheelchair_accessibility +瘝 white_balance_auto +瘟 white_balance_incandescent +益 white_balance_iridescent +盛 white_balance_sunny +ﰪ widgets +直 wifi +睊 wifi_off +着 wii +ﰫ wiiu +磌 wikipedia +窱 window_close +節 window_closed +类 window_maximize +絛 window_minimize +練 window_open +缾 window_restore +者 windows +荒 wordpress +華 worker +蝹 wrap +襁 wrench +覆 wunderlist +﵃ xamarin +﵄ xamarin_outline +ﭲ xaml +視 xbox +調 xbox_controller +ﱉ xbox_controller_battery_alert +ﱊ xbox_controller_battery_empty +ﱋ xbox_controller_battery_full +ﱌ xbox_controller_battery_low +ﱍ xbox_controller_battery_medium +ﱎ xbox_controller_battery_unknown +諸 xbox_controller_off +請 xda +謁 xing +諾 xing_box +諭 xing_circle +謹 xml +ﳽ xmpp +ﲇ yammer +變 yeast +贈 yelp +ﭾ yin_yang +﵅ youtube_creator_studio +﵆ youtube_gaming +輸 youtube_play +磊 youtube_tv +遲 zip_box + alert + arrow_down + arrow_left + arrow_right + arrow_small_down + arrow_small_left + arrow_small_right + arrow_small_up + arrow_up + beaker + bell + bold + book + bookmark + briefcase + broadcast + browser + bug + calendar + check + checklist + chevron_down + chevron_left + chevron_right + chevron_up + circle_slash + circuit_board + clippy + clock + cloud_download + cloud_upload + code + comment + comment_discussion + credit_card + dash + dashboard + database + desktop_download + device_camera + device_camera_video + device_desktop + device_mobile + diff + diff_added + diff_ignored + diff_modified + diff_removed + diff_renamed + ellipses + ellipsis + eye + file + file_binary + file_code + file_directory + file_media + file_pdf + file_submodule + file_symlink_directory + file_symlink_file + file_text + file_zip + flame + fold + gear + gift + gist + gist_secret + git_branch + git_commit + git_compare + git_merge + git_pull_request + globe + grabber + graph +♥ heart + history + home + horizontal_rule + hubot + inbox + info + issue_closed + issue_opened + issue_reopened + italic + jersey + key + keyboard + law + light_bulb + link + link_external + list_ordered + list_unordered + location + lock + logo_gist + logo_github + mail + mail_read + mail_reply + mark_github + markdown + megaphone + mention + milestone + mirror + mortar_board + mute + no_newline + octoface + organization + package + paintcan + pencil + person + pin + plug + plus + plus_small + primitive_dot + primitive_square + pulse + question + quote + radio_tower + reply + repo + repo_clone + repo_force_push + repo_forked + repo_pull + repo_push + rocket + rss + ruby + search + server + settings + shield + sign_in + sign_out + smiley + squirrel + star + stop + sync + tag + tasklist + telescope + terminal + text_size + three_bars + thumbsdown + thumbsup + tools + trashcan + triangle_down + triangle_left + triangle_right + triangle_up + unfold + unmute + unverified + verified + versions + watch + x +⚡ zap + branch + current_line + hostname + left_hard_divider + left_soft_divider + line_number + readonly + right_hard_divider + right_soft_divider + backslash_separator + backslash_separator_redundant + column_number + current_column + flame_thick + flame_thick_mirrored + flame_thin + flame_thin_mirrored + forwardslash_separator + forwardslash_separator_redundant + honeycomb + honeycomb_outline + ice_waveform + ice_waveform_mirrored + left_half_circle_thick + left_half_circle_thin + lego_block_facing + lego_block_sideways + lego_separator + lego_separator_thin + lower_left_triangle + lower_right_triangle + pixelated_squares_big + pixelated_squares_big_mirrored + pixelated_squares_small + pixelated_squares_small_mirrored + right_half_circle_thick + right_half_circle_thin + trapezoid_top_bottom + trapezoid_top_bottom_mirrored + upper_left_triangle + upper_right_triangle + away + clean_code + external_interruption + internal_interruption + long_pause + pair_programming + pomodoro_done + pomodoro_estimated + pomodoro_squashed + pomodoro_ticking + short_pause + bower + cjsx + coffee + config + css + default + ejs + favicon + folder + go + grunt + gulp + haskell + heroku + home + html + image + javascript + json + julia + karma + less + license + lua + markdown + mustache + npm + php + play_arrow + project + python + rails + react + ruby + sass + stylus + text + twig + typescript + xml + alien + aliens + barometer + celsius + cloud + cloud_down + cloud_refresh + cloud_up + cloudy + cloudy_gusts + cloudy_windy + day_cloudy + day_cloudy_gusts + day_cloudy_high + day_cloudy_windy + day_fog + day_hail + day_haze + day_light_wind + day_lightning + day_rain + day_rain_mix + day_rain_wind + day_showers + day_sleet + day_sleet_storm + day_snow + day_snow_thunderstorm + day_snow_wind + day_sprinkle + day_storm_showers + day_sunny + day_sunny_overcast + day_thunderstorm + day_windy + degrees + direction_down + direction_down_left + direction_down_right + direction_left + direction_right + direction_up + direction_up_left + direction_up_right + dust + earthquake + fahrenheit + fire + flood + fog + gale_warning + hail + horizon + horizon_alt + hot + humidity + hurricane + hurricane_warning + lightning + lunar_eclipse + meteor + moon_alt_first_quarter + moon_alt_full + moon_alt_new + moon_alt_third_quarter + moon_alt_waning_crescent_1 + moon_alt_waning_crescent_2 + moon_alt_waning_crescent_3 + moon_alt_waning_crescent_4 + moon_alt_waning_crescent_5 + moon_alt_waning_crescent_6 + moon_alt_waning_gibbous_1 + moon_alt_waning_gibbous_2 + moon_alt_waning_gibbous_3 + moon_alt_waning_gibbous_4 + moon_alt_waning_gibbous_5 + moon_alt_waning_gibbous_6 + moon_alt_waxing_crescent_1 + moon_alt_waxing_crescent_2 + moon_alt_waxing_crescent_3 + moon_alt_waxing_crescent_4 + moon_alt_waxing_crescent_5 + moon_alt_waxing_crescent_6 + moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_1 + moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_2 + moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_3 + moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_4 + moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_5 + moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_6 + moon_first_quarter + moon_full + moon_new + moon_third_quarter + moon_waning_crescent_1 + moon_waning_crescent_2 + moon_waning_crescent_3 + moon_waning_crescent_4 + moon_waning_crescent_5 + moon_waning_crescent_6 + moon_waning_gibbous_1 + moon_waning_gibbous_2 + moon_waning_gibbous_3 + moon_waning_gibbous_4 + moon_waning_gibbous_5 + moon_waning_gibbous_6 + moon_waxing_crescent_1 + moon_waxing_crescent_2 + moon_waxing_crescent_3 + moon_waxing_crescent_4 + moon_waxing_crescent_5 + moon_waxing_crescent_6 + moon_waxing_gibbous_1 + moon_waxing_gibbous_2 + moon_waxing_gibbous_3 + moon_waxing_gibbous_4 + moon_waxing_gibbous_5 + moon_waxing_gibbous_6 + moonrise + moonset + na + night_alt_cloudy + night_alt_cloudy_gusts + night_alt_cloudy_high + night_alt_cloudy_windy + night_alt_hail + night_alt_lightning + night_alt_partly_cloudy + night_alt_rain + night_alt_rain_mix + night_alt_rain_wind + night_alt_sleet + night_alt_sleet_storm + night_alt_snow + night_alt_snow_thunderstorm + night_alt_snow_wind + night_alt_sprinkle + night_alt_storm_showers + night_alt_thunderstorm + night_clear + night_cloudy + night_cloudy_gusts + night_cloudy_high + night_cloudy_windy + night_fog + night_hail + night_lightning + night_partly_cloudy + night_rain + night_rain_mix + night_rain_wind + night_showers + night_sleet + night_sleet_storm + night_snow + night_snow_thunderstorm + night_snow_wind + night_sprinkle + night_storm_showers + night_thunderstorm + rain + rain_mix + rain_wind + raindrop + raindrops + refresh + refresh_alt + sandstorm + showers + sleet + small_craft_advisory + smog + smoke + snow + snow_wind + snowflake_cold + solar_eclipse + sprinkle + stars + storm_showers + storm_warning + strong_wind + sunrise + sunset + thermometer + thermometer_exterior + thermometer_internal + thunderstorm + time_1 + time_10 + time_11 + time_12 + time_2 + time_3 + time_4 + time_5 + time_6 + time_7 + time_8 + time_9 + tornado + train + tsunami + umbrella + volcano + wind_beaufort_0 + wind_beaufort_1 + wind_beaufort_10 + wind_beaufort_11 + wind_beaufort_12 + wind_beaufort_2 + wind_beaufort_3 + wind_beaufort_4 + wind_beaufort_5 + wind_beaufort_6 + wind_beaufort_7 + wind_beaufort_8 + wind_beaufort_9 + wind_direction + wind_east + wind_north + wind_north_east + wind_north_west + wind_south + wind_south_east + wind_south_west + wind_west + windy +### EMOJIS ### +😀 grinning_face +😃 grinning_face_with_big_eyes +😄 grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes +😁 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes +😆 grinning_squinting_face +😅 grinning_face_with_sweat +🤣 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing +😂 face_with_tears_of_joy +🙂 slightly_smiling_face +🙃 upside_down_face +😉 winking_face +😊 smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes +😇 smiling_face_with_halo +🥰 smiling_face_with_3_hearts +😍 smiling_face_with_heart_eyes +🤩 star_struck +😘 face_blowing_a_kiss +😗 kissing_face +☺ smiling_face +😚 kissing_face_with_closed_eyes +😙 kissing_face_with_smiling_eyes +😋 face_savoring_food +😛 face_with_tongue +😜 winking_face_with_tongue +🤪 zany_face +😝 squinting_face_with_tongue +🤑 money_mouth_face +🤗 hugging_face +🤭 face_with_hand_over_mouth +🤫 shushing_face +🤔 thinking_face +🤐 zipper_mouth_face +🤨 face_with_raised_eyebrow +😐 neutral_face +😑 expressionless_face +😶 face_without_mouth +😏 smirking_face +😒 unamused_face +🙄 face_with_rolling_eyes +😬 grimacing_face +🤥 lying_face +😌 relieved_face +😔 pensive_face +😪 sleepy_face +🤤 drooling_face +😴 sleeping_face +😷 face_with_medical_mask +🤒 face_with_thermometer +🤕 face_with_head_bandage +🤢 auseated_face +🤮 face_vomiting +🤧 sneezing_face +🥵 hot_face +🥶 cold_face +🥴 woozy_face +😵 dizzy_face +🤯 exploding_head +🤠 cowboy_hat_face +🥳 partying_face +😎 smiling_face_with_sunglasses +🤓 nerd_face +🧐 face_with_monocle +😕 confused_face +😟 worried_face +🙁 slightly_frowning_face +☹ frowning_face +😮 face_with_open_mouth +😯 hushed_face +😲 astonished_face +😳 flushed_face +🥺 pleading_face +😦 frowning_face_with_open_mouth +😧 anguished_face +😨 fearful_face +😰 anxious_face_with_sweat +😥 sad_but_relieved_face +😢 crying_face +😭 loudly_crying_face +😱 face_screaming_in_fear +😖 confounded_face +😣 persevering_face +😞 disappointed_face +😓 downcast_face_with_sweat +😩 weary_face +😫 tired_face +😤 face_with_steam_from_nose +😡 pouting_face +😠 angry_face +🤬 face_with_symbols_on_mouth +😈 smiling_face_with_horns +👿 angry_face_with_horns +💀 skull +☠ skull_and_crossbones +💩 pile_of_poo +🤡 clown_face +👹 ogre +👺 goblin +👻 ghost +👽 alien +👾 alien_monster +🤖 robot_face +😺 grinning_cat_face +😸 grinning_cat_face_with_smiling_eyes +😹 cat_face_with_tears_of_joy +😻 smiling_cat_face_with_heart_eyes +😼 cat_face_with_wry_smile +😽 kissing_cat_face +🙀 weary_cat_face +😿 crying_cat_face +😾 pouting_cat_face +🙈 see_no_evil_monkey +🙉 hear_no_evil_monkey +🙊 speak_no_evil_monkey +💋 kiss_mark +💌 love_letter +💘 heart_with_arrow +💝 heart_with_ribbon +💖 sparkling_heart +💗 growing_heart +💓 beating_heart +💞 revolving_hearts +💕 two_hearts +💟 heart_decoration +❣ heavy_heart_exclamation +💔 broken_heart +❤ red_heart +🧡 orange_heart +💛 yellow_heart +💚 green_heart +💙 blue_heart +💜 purple_heart +🖤 black_heart +💯 hundred_points +💢 anger_symbol +💥 collision +💫 dizzy +💦 sweat_droplets +💨 dashing_away +🕳 hole +💣 bomb +💬 speech_balloon +👁️🗨️ eye_in_speech_bubble +🗨 left_speech_bubble +🗯 right_anger_bubble +💭 thought_balloon +💤 zzz +👋 waving_hand +🤚 raised_back_of_hand +🖐 hand_with_fingers_splayed +✋ raised_hand +🖖 vulcan_salute +👌 OK_hand +✌ victory_hand +🤞 crossed_fingers +🤟 love_you_gesture +🤘 sign_of_the_horns +🤙 call_me_hand +👈 backhand_index_pointing_left +👉 backhand_index_pointing_right +👆 backhand_index_pointing_up +🖕 middle_finger +👇 backhand_index_pointing_down +☝ index_pointing_up +👍 thumbs_up +👎 thumbs_down +✊ raised_fist +👊 oncoming_fist +🤛 left_facing_fist +🤜 right_facing_fist +👏 clapping_hands +🙌 raising_hands +👐 open_hands +🤲 palms_up_together +🤝 handshake +🙏 folded_hands +✍ writing_hand +💅 nail_polish +🤳 selfie +💪 flexed_biceps +🦵 leg +🦶 foot +👂 ear +👃 nose +🧠 brain +🦷 tooth +🦴 bone +👀 eyes +👁 eye +👅 tongue +👄 mouth +👶 baby +🧒 child +👦 boy +👧 girl +🧑 person +👱 person:_blond_hair +👨 man +👱♂️ man:_blond_hair +👨🦰 man:_red_hair +👨🦱 man:_curly_hair +👨🦳 man:_white_hair +👨🦲 man:_bald +🧔 man:_beard +👩 woman +👱♀️ woman:_blond_hair +👩🦰 woman:_red_hair +👩🦱 woman:_curly_hair +👩🦳 woman:_white_hair +👩🦲 woman:_bald +🧓 older_person +👴 old_man +👵 old_woman +🙍 person_frowning +🙍♂️ man_frowning +🙍♀️ woman_frowning +🙎 person_pouting +🙎♂️ man_pouting +🙎♀️ woman_pouting +🙅 person_gesturing_NO +🙅♂️ man_gesturing_NO +🙅♀️ woman_gesturing_NO +🙆 person_gesturing_OK +🙆♂️ man_gesturing_OK +🙆♀️ woman_gesturing_OK +💁 person_tipping_hand +💁♂️ man_tipping_hand +💁♀️ woman_tipping_hand +🙋 person_raising_hand +🙋♂️ man_raising_hand +🙋♀️ woman_raising_hand +🙇 person_bowing +🙇♂️ man_bowing +🙇♀️ woman_bowing +🤦 person_facepalming +🤦♂️ man_facepalming +🤦♀️ woman_facepalming +🤷 person_shrugging +🤷♂️ man_shrugging +🤷♀️ woman_shrugging +👨⚕️ man_health_worker +👩⚕️ woman_health_worker +👨🎓 man_student +👩🎓 woman_student +👨🏫 man_teacher +👩🏫 woman_teacher +👨⚖️ man_judge +👩⚖️ woman_judge +👨🌾 man_farmer +👩🌾 woman_farmer +👨🍳 man_cook +👩🍳 woman_cook +👨🔧 man_mechanic +👩🔧 woman_mechanic +👨🏭 man_factory_worker +👩🏭 woman_factory_worker +👨💼 man_office_worker +👩💼 woman_office_worker +👨🔬 man_scientist +👩🔬 woman_scientist +👨💻 man_technologist +👩💻 woman_technologist +👨🎤 man_singer +👩🎤 woman_singer +👨🎨 man_artist +👩🎨 woman_artist +👨✈️ man_pilot +👩✈️ woman_pilot +👨🚀 man_astronaut +👩🚀 woman_astronaut +👨🚒 man_firefighter +👩🚒 woman_firefighter +👮 police_officer +👮♂️ man_police_officer +👮♀️ woman_police_officer +🕵 detective +🕵️♂️ man_detective +🕵️♀️ woman_detective +💂 guard +💂♂️ man_guard +💂♀️ woman_guard +👷 construction_worker +👷♂️ man_construction_worker +👷♀️ woman_construction_worker +🤴 prince +👸 prince +👳 person_wearing_turban +👳♂️ man_wearing_turban +👳♀️ woman_wearing_turban +👲 man_with_Chinese_cap +🧕 woman_with_headscarf +🤵 man_in_tuxedo +👰 bride_with_veil +🤰 pregnant_woman +🤱 breast_feeding +👼 baby_angel +🎅 Santa_Claus +🤶 Mrs._Claus +🦸 superhero +🦸♂️ man_superhero +🦸♀️ woman_superhero +🦹 supervillain +🦹♂️ man_supervillain +🦹♀️ woman_supervillain +🧙 mage +🧙♂️ man_mage +🧙♀️ woman_mage +🧚 fairy +🧚♂️ man_fairy +🧚♀️ woman_fairy +🧛 vampire +🧛♂️ man_vampire +🧛♀️ woman_vampire +🧜 merperson +🧜♂️ merman +🧜♀️ mermaid +🧝 elf +🧝♂️ man_elf +🧝♀️ woman_elf +🧞 genie +🧞♂️ man_genie +🧞♀️ woman_genie +🧟 zombie +🧟♂️ man_zombie +🧟♀️ woman_zombie +💆 person_getting_massage +💆♂️ man_getting_massage +💆♀️ woman_getting_massage +💇 person_getting_haircut +💇♂️ man_getting_haircut +💇♀️ woman_getting_haircut +🚶 person_walking +🚶♂️ man_walking +🚶♀️ woman_walking +🏃 person_running +🏃♂️ man_running +🏃♀️ woman_running +💃 woman_dancing +🕺 man_dancing +🕴 man_in_suit_levitating +👯 people_with_bunny_ears +👯♂️ men_with_bunny_ears +👯♀️ women_with_bunny_ears +🧖 person_in_steamy_room +🧖♂️ man_in_steamy_room +🧖♀️ woman_in_steamy_room +🧗 person_climbing +🧗♂️ man_climbing +🧗♀️ woman_climbing +🤺 person_fencing +🏇 horse_racing +⛷ skier +🏂 snowboarder +🏌 person_golfing +🏌️♂️ man_golfing +🏌️♀️ woman_golfing +🏄 person_surfing +🏄♂️ man_surfing +🏄♀️ woman_surfing +🚣 person_rowing_boat +🚣♂️ man_rowing_boat +🚣♀️ woman_rowing_boat +🏊 person_swimming +🏊♂️ man_swimming +🏊♀️ woman_swimming +⛹ person_bouncing_ball +⛹️♂️ man_bouncing_ball +⛹️♀️ woman_bouncing_ball +🏋 person_lifting_weights +🏋️♂️ man_lifting_weights +🏋️♀️ woman_lifting_weights +🚴 person_biking +🚴♂️ man_biking +🚴♀️ woman_biking +🚵 person_mountain_biking +🚵♂️ man_mountain_biking +🚵♀️ woman_mountain_biking +🤸 person_cartwheeling +🤸♂️ man_cartwheeling +🤸♀️ woman_cartwheeling +🤼 people_wrestling +🤼♂️ men_wrestling +🤼♀️ women_wrestling +🤽 person_playing_water_polo +🤽♂️ man_playing_water_polo +🤽♀️ woman_playing_water_polo +🤾 person_playing_handball +🤾♂️ man_playing_handball +🤾♀️ woman_playing_handball +🤹 person_juggling +🤹♂️ man_juggling +🤹♀️ woman_juggling +🧘 person_in_lotus_position +🧘♂️ man_in_lotus_position +🧘♀️ woman_in_lotus_position +🛀 person_taking_bath +🛌 person_in_bed +👭 women_holding_hands +👫 woman_and_man_holding_hands +👬 men_holding_hands +💏 kiss +👩❤️💋👨 kiss:_woman,_man +👨❤️💋👨 kiss:_man,_man +👩❤️💋👩 kiss:_woman,_woman +💑 couple_with_heart +👩❤️👨 couple_with_heart:_woman,_man +👨❤️👨 couple_with_heart:_man,_man +👩❤️👩 couple_with_heart:_woman,_woman +👪 family +👨👩👦 family:_man,_woman,_boy +👨👩👧 family:_man,_woman,_girl +👨👩👧👦 family:_man,_woman,_girl,_boy +👨👩👦👦 family:_man,_woman,_boy,_boy +👨👩👧👧 family:_man,_woman,_girl,_girl +👨👨👦 family:_man,_man,_boy +👨👨👧 family:_man,_man,_girl +👨👨👧👦 family:_man,_man,_girl,_boy +👨👨👦👦 family:_man,_man,_boy,_boy +👨👨👧👧 family:_man,_man,_girl,_girl +👩👩👦 family:_woman,_woman,_boy +👩👩👧 family:_woman,_woman,_girl +👩👩👧👦 family:_woman,_woman,_girl,_boy +👩👩👦👦 family:_woman,_woman,_boy,_boy +👩👩👧👧 family:_woman,_woman,_girl,_girl +👨👦 family:_man,_boy +👨👦👦 family:_man,_boy,_boy +👨👧 family:_man,_girl +👨👧👦 family:_man,_girl,_boy +👨👧👧 family:_man,_girl,_girl +👩👦 family:_woman,_boy +👩👦👦 family:_woman,_boy,_boy +👩👧 family:_woman,_girl +👩👧👦 family:_woman,_girl,_boy +👩👧👧 family:_woman,_girl,_girl +🗣 speaking_head +👤 bust_in_silhouette +👥 busts_in_silhouette +👣 footprints +🦰 red_hair +🦱 curly_hair +🦳 white_hair +🦲 bald +🐵 monkey_face +🐒 monkey +🦍 gorilla +🐶 dog_face +🐕 dog +🐩 poodle +🐺 wolf_face +🦊 fox_face +🦝 raccoon +🐱 cat_face +🐈 cat +🦁 lion_face +🐯 tiger_face +🐅 tiger +🐆 leopard +🐴 horse_face +🐎 horse +🦄 unicorn_face +🦓 zebra +🦌 deer +🐮 cow_face +🐂 ox +🐃 water_buffalo +🐄 cow +🐷 pig_face +🐖 pig +🐗 boar +🐽 pig_nose +🐏 ram +🐑 ewe +🐐 goat +🐪 camel +🐫 two_hump_camel +🦙 llama +🦒 giraffe +🐘 elephant +🦏 rhinoceros +🦛 hippopotamus +🐭 mouse_face +🐁 mouse +🐀 rat +🐹 hamster_face +🐰 rabbit_face +🐇 rabbit +🐿 chipmunk +🦔 hedgehog +🦇 bat +🐻 bear_face +🐨 koala +🐼 panda_face +🦘 kangaroo +🦡 badger +🐾 paw_prints +🦃 turkey +🐔 chicken +🐓 rooster +🐣 hatching_chick +🐤 baby_chick +🐥 front_facing_baby_chick +🐦 bird +🐧 penguin +🕊 dove +🦅 eagle +🦆 duck +🦢 swan +🦉 owl +🦚 peacock +🦜 parrot +🐸 frog_face +🐊 crocodile +🐢 turtle +🦎 lizard +🐍 snake +🐲 dragon_face +🐉 dragon +🦕 sauropod +🦖 T_Rex +🐳 spouting_whale +🐋 whale +🐬 dolphin +🐟 fish +🐠 tropical_fish +🐡 blowfish +🦈 shark +🐙 octopus +🐚 spiral_shell +🐌 snail +🦋 butterfly +🐛 bug +🐜 ant +🐝 honeybee +🐞 lady_beetle +🦗 cricket +🕷 spider +🕸 spider_web +🦂 scorpion +🦟 mosquito +🦠 microbe +💐 bouquet +🌸 cherry_blossom +💮 white_flower +🏵 rosette +🌹 rose +🥀 wilted_flower +🌺 hibiscus +🌻 sunflower +🌼 blossom +🌷 tulip +🌱 seedling +🌲 evergreen_tree +🌳 deciduous_tree +🌴 palm_tree +🌵 cactus +🌾 sheaf_of_rice +🌿 herb +☘ shamrock +🍀 four_leaf_clover +🍁 maple_leaf +🍂 fallen_leaf +🍃 leaf_fluttering_in_wind +🍇 grapes +🍈 melon +🍉 watermelon +🍊 tangerine +🍋 lemon +🍌 banana +🍍 pineapple +🥭 mango +🍎 red_apple +🍏 green_apple +🍐 pear +🍑 peach +🍒 cherries +🍓 strawberry +🥝 kiwi_fruit +🍅 tomato +🥥 coconut +🥑 avocado +🍆 eggplant +🥔 potato +🥕 carrot +🌽 ear_of_corn +🌶 hot_pepper +🥒 cucumber +🥬 leafy_green +🥦 broccoli +🍄 mushroom +🥜 peanuts +🌰 chestnut +🍞 bread +🥐 croissant +🥖 baguette_bread +🥨 pretzel +🥯 bagel +🥞 pancakes +🧀 cheese_wedge +🍖 meat_on_bone +🍗 poultry_leg +🥩 cut_of_meat +🥓 bacon +🍔 hamburger +🍟 french_fries +🍕 pizza +🌭 hot_dog +🥪 sandwich +🌮 taco +🌯 burrito +🥙 stuffed_flatbread +🥚 egg +🍳 cooking +🥘 shallow_pan_of_food +🍲 pot_of_food +🥣 bowl_with_spoon +🥗 green_salad +🍿 popcorn +🧂 salt +🥫 canned_food +🍱 bento_box +🍘 rice_cracker +🍙 rice_ball +🍚 cooked_rice +🍛 curry_rice +🍜 steaming_bowl +🍝 spaghetti +🍠 roasted_sweet_potato +🍢 oden +🍣 sushi +🍤 fried_shrimp +🍥 fish_cake_with_swirl +🥮 moon_cake +🍡 dango +🥟 dumpling +🥠 fortune_cookie +🥡 takeout_box +🦀 crab +🦞 lobster +🦐 shrimp +🦑 squid +🍦 soft_ice_cream +🍧 shaved_ice +🍨 ice_cream +🍩 doughnut +🍪 cookie +🎂 birthday_cake +🍰 shortcake +🧁 cupcake +🥧 pie +🍫 chocolate_bar +🍬 candy +🍭 lollipop +🍮 custard +🍯 honey_pot +🍼 baby_bottle +🥛 glass_of_milk +☕ hot_beverage +🍵 teacup_without_handle +🍶 sake +🍾 bottle_with_popping_cork +🍷 wine_glass +🍸 cocktail_glass +🍹 tropical_drink +🍺 beer_mug +🍻 clinking_beer_mugs +🥂 clinking_glasses +🥃 tumbler_glass +🥤 cup_with_straw +🥢 chopsticks +🍽 fork_and_knife_with_plate +🍴 fork_and_knife +🥄 spoon +🔪 kitchen_knife +🏺 amphora +🌍 globe_showing_Europe_Africa +🌎 globe_showing_Americas +🌏 globe_showing_Asia_Australia +🌐 globe_with_meridians +🗺 world_map +🗾 map_of_Japan +🧭 compass +🏔 snow_capped_mountain +⛰ mountain +🌋 volcano +🗻 mount_fuji +🏕 camping +🏖 beach_with_umbrella +🏜 desert +🏝 desert_island +🏞 national_park +🏟 stadium +🏛 classical_building +🏗 building_construction +🧱 brick +🏘 houses +🏚 derelict_house +🏠 house +🏡 house_with_garden +🏢 office_building +🏣 Japanese_post_office +🏤 post_office +🏥 hospital +🏦 bank +🏨 hotel +🏩 love_hotel +🏪 convenience_store +🏫 school +🏬 department_store +🏭 factory +🏯 Japanese_castle +🏰 castle +💒 wedding +🗼 Tokyo_tower +🗽 Statue_of_Liberty +⛪ church +🕌 mosque +🕍 synagogue +⛩ shinto_shrine +🕋 kaaba +⛲ fountain +⛺ tent +🌁 foggy +🌃 night_with_stars +🏙 cityscape +🌄 sunrise_over_mountains +🌅 sunrise +🌆 cityscape_at_dusk +🌇 sunset +🌉 bridge_at_night +♨ hot_springs +🌌 milky_way +🎠 carousel_horse +🎡 ferris_wheel +🎢 roller_coaster +💈 barber_pole +🎪 circus_tent +🚂 locomotive +🚃 railway_car +🚄 high_speed_train +🚅 bullet_train +🚆 train +🚇 metro +🚈 light_rail +🚉 station +🚊 tram +🚝 monorail +🚞 mountain_railway +🚋 tram_car +🚌 bus +🚍 oncoming_bus +🚎 trolleybus +🚐 minibus +🚑 ambulance +🚒 fire_engine +🚓 police_car +🚔 oncoming_police_car +🚕 taxi +🚖 oncoming_taxi +🚗 automobile +🚘 oncoming_automobile +🚙 sport_utility_vehicle +🚚 delivery_truck +🚛 articulated_lorry +🚜 tractor +🏎 racing_car +🏍 motorcycle +🛵 motor_scooter +🚲 bicycle +🛴 kick_scooter +🛹 skateboard +🚏 bus_stop +🛣 motorway +🛤 railway_track +🛢 oil_drum +⛽ fuel_pump +🚨 police_car_light +🚥 horizontal_traffic_light +🚦 vertical_traffic_light +🛑 stop_sign +🚧 construction +⚓ anchor +⛵ sailboat +🛶 canoe +🚤 speedboat +🛳 passenger_ship +⛴ ferry +🛥 motor_boat +🚢 ship +✈ airplane +🛩 small_airplane +🛫 airplane_departure +🛬 airplane_arrival +💺 seat +🚁 helicopter +🚟 suspension_railway +🚠 mountain_cableway +🚡 aerial_tramway +🛰 satellite +🚀 rocket +🛸 flying_saucer +🛎 bellhop_bell +🧳 luggage +⌛ hourglass_done +⏳ hourglass_not_done +⌚ watch +⏰ alarm_clock +⏱ stopwatch +⏲ timer_clock +🕰 mantelpiece_clock +🕛 twelve_o’clock +🕧 twelve_thirty +🕐 one_o’clock +🕜 one_thirty +🕑 two_o’clock +🕝 two_thirty +🕒 three_o’clock +🕞 three_thirty +🕓 four_o’clock +🕟 four_thirty +🕔 five_o’clock +🕠 five_thirty +🕕 six_o’clock +🕡 six_thirty +🕖 seven_o’clock +🕢 seven_thirty +🕗 eight_o’clock +🕣 eight_thirty +🕘 nine_o’clock +🕤 nine_thirty +🕙 ten_o’clock +🕥 ten_thirty +🕚 eleven_o’clock +🕦 eleven_thirty +🌑 new_moon +🌒 waxing_crescent_moon +🌓 first_quarter_moon +🌔 waxing_gibbous_moon +🌕 full_moon +🌖 waning_gibbous_moon +🌗 last_quarter_moon +🌘 waning_crescent_moon +🌙 crescent_moon +🌚 new_moon_face +🌛 first_quarter_moon_face +🌜 last_quarter_moon_face +🌡 thermometer +☀ sun +🌝 full_moon_face +🌞 sun_with_face +⭐ star +🌟 glowing_star +🌠 shooting_star +☁ cloud +⛅ sun_behind_cloud +⛈ cloud_with_lightning_and_rain +🌤 sun_behind_small_cloud +🌥 sun_behind_large_cloud +🌦 sun_behind_rain_cloud +🌧 cloud_with_rain +🌨 cloud_with_snow +🌩 cloud_with_lightning +🌪 tornado +🌫 fog +🌬 wind_face +🌀 cyclone +🌈 rainbow +🌂 closed_umbrella +☂ umbrella +☔ umbrella_with_rain_drops +⛱ umbrella_on_ground +⚡ high_voltage +❄ snowflake +☃ snowman +⛄ snowman_without_snow +☄ comet +🔥 fire +💧 droplet +🌊 water_wave +🎃 jack_o_lantern +🎄 Christmas_tree +🎆 fireworks +🎇 sparkler +🧨 firecracker +✨ sparkles +🎈 balloon +🎉 party_popper +🎊 confetti_ball +🎋 tanabata_tree +🎍 pine_decoration +🎎 Japanese_dolls +🎏 carp_streamer +🎐 wind_chime +🎑 moon_viewing_ceremony +🧧 red_envelope +🎀 ribbon +🎁 wrapped_gift +🎗 reminder_ribbon +🎟 admission_tickets +🎫 ticket +🎖 military_medal +🏆 trophy +🏅 sports_medal +1st place_medal +2nd place_medal +3rd place_medal +⚽ soccer_ball +⚾ baseball +🥎 softball +🏀 basketball +🏐 volleyball +🏈 american_football +🏉 rugby_football +🎾 tennis +🥏 flying_disc +🎳 bowling +🏏 cricket_game +🏑 field_hockey +🏒 ice_hockey +🥍 lacrosse +🏓 ping_pong +🏸 badminton +🥊 boxing_glove +🥋 martial_arts_uniform +🥅 goal_net +⛳ flag_in_hole +⛸ ice_skate +🎣 fishing_pole +🎽 running_shirt +🎿 skis +🛷 sled +🥌 curling_stone +🎯 direct_hit +🎱 pool_8_ball +🔮 crystal_ball +🧿 nazar_amulet +🎮 video_game +🕹 joystick +🎰 slot_machine +🎲 game_die +🧩 jigsaw +🧸 teddy_bear +♠ spade_suit +♥ heart_suit +♦ diamond_suit +♣ club_suit +♟ chess_pawn +🃏 joker +🀄 mahjong_red_dragon +🎴 flower_playing_cards +🎭 performing_arts +🖼 framed_picture +🎨 artist_palette +🧵 thread +🧶 yarn +👓 glass +🕶 sunglasses +🥽 goggles +🥼 lab_coat +👔 necktie +👕 t_shirt +👖 jeans +🧣 scarf +🧤 gloves +🧥 coat +🧦 socks +👗 dress +👘 kimono +👙 bikini +👚 woman’s_clothes +👛 purse +👜 handbag +👝 clutch_bag +🛍 shopping_bags +🎒 backpack +👞 man’s_shoe +👟 running_shoe +🥾 hiking_boot +🥿 flat_shoe +👠 high_heeled_shoe +👡 woman’s_sandal +👢 woman’s_boot +👑 crown +👒 woman’s_hat +🎩 top_hat +🎓 graduation_cap +🧢 billed_cap +⛑ rescue_worker’s_helmet +📿 prayer_beads +💄 lipstick +💍 ring +💎 gem_stone +🔇 muted_speaker +🔈 speaker_low_volume +🔉 speaker_medium_volume +🔊 speaker_high_volume +📢 loudspeaker +📣 megaphone +📯 postal_horn +🔔 bell +🔕 bell_with_slash +🎼 musical_score +🎵 musical_note +🎶 musical_notes +🎙 studio_microphone +🎚 level_slider +🎛 control_knobs +🎤 microphone +🎧 headphone +📻 radio +🎷 saxophone +🎸 guitar +🎹 musical_keyboard +🎺 trumpet +🎻 violin +🥁 drum +📱 mobile_phone +📲 mobile_phone_with_arrow +☎ telephone +📞 telephone_receiver +📟 pager +📠 fax_machine +🔋 battery +🔌 electric_plug +💻 laptop_computer +🖥 desktop_computer +🖨 printer +⌨ keyboard +🖱 computer_mouse +🖲 trackball +💽 computer_disk +💾 floppy_disk +💿 optical_disk +📀 dvd +🧮 abacus +🎥 movie_camera +🎞 film_frames +📽 film_projector +🎬 clapper_board +📺 television +📷 camera +📸 camera_with_flash +📹 video_camera +📼 videocassette +🔍 magnifying_glass_tilted_left +🔎 magnifying_glass_tilted_right +🕯 candle +💡 light_bulb +🔦 flashlight +🏮 red_paper_lantern +📔 notebook_with_decorative_cover +📕 closed_book +📖 open_book +📗 green_book +📘 blue_book +📙 orange_book +📚 books +📓 notebook +📒 ledger +📃 page_with_curl +📜 scroll +📄 page_facing_up +📰 newspaper +🗞 rolled_up_newspaper +📑 bookmark_tabs +🔖 bookmark +🏷 label +💰 money_bag +💴 yen_banknote +💵 dollar_banknote +💶 euro_banknote +💷 pound_banknote +💸 money_with_wings +💳 credit_card +🧾 receipt +💹 chart_increasing_with_yen +💱 currency_exchange +💲 heavy_dollar_sign +✉ envelope +📧 e_mail +📨 incoming_envelope +📩 envelope_with_arrow +📤 outbox_tray +📥 inbox_tray +📦 package +📫 closed_mailbox_with_raised_flag +📪 closed_mailbox_with_lowered_flag +📬 open_mailbox_with_raised_flag +📭 open_mailbox_with_lowered_flag +📮 postbox +🗳 ballot_box_with_ballot +✏ pencil +✒ black_nib +🖋 fountain_pen +🖊 pen +🖌 paintbrush +🖍 crayon +📝 memo +💼 briefcase +📁 file_folder +📂 open_file_folder +🗂 card_index_dividers +📅 calendar +📆 tear_off_calendar +🗒 spiral_notepad +🗓 spiral_calendar +📇 card_index +📈 chart_increasing +📉 chart_decreasing +📊 bar_chart +📋 clipboard +📌 pushpin +📍 round_pushpin +📎 paperclip +🖇 linked_paperclips +📏 straight_ruler +📐 triangular_ruler +✂ scissors +🗃 card_file_box +🗄 file_cabinet +🗑 wastebasket +🔒 locked +🔓 unlocked +🔏 locked_with_pen +🔐 locked_with_key +🔑 key +🗝 old_key +🔨 hammer +⛏ pick +⚒ hammer_and_pick +🛠 hammer_and_wrench +🗡 dagger +⚔ crossed_swords +🔫 pistol +🏹 bow_and_arrow +🛡 shield +🔧 wrench +🔩 nut_and_bolt +⚙ gear +🗜 clamp +⚖ balance_scale +🔗 link +⛓ chains +🧰 toolbox +🧲 magnet +⚗ alembic +🧪 test_tube +🧫 petri_dish +🧬 dna +🔬 microscope +🔭 telescope +📡 satellite_antenna +💉 syringe +💊 pill +🚪 door +🛏 bed +🛋 couch_and_lamp +🚽 toilet +🚿 shower +🛁 bathtub +🧴 lotion_bottle +🧷 safety_pin +🧹 broom +🧺 basket +🧻 roll_of_paper +🧼 soap +🧽 sponge +🧯 fire_extinguisher +🛒 shopping_cart +🚬 cigarette +⚰ coffin +⚱ funeral_urn +🗿 moai +🏧 ATM_sign +🚮 litter_in_bin_sign +🚰 potable_water +♿ wheelchair_symbol +🚹 men’s_room +🚺 women’s_room +🚻 restroom +🚼 baby_symbol +🚾 water_closet +🛂 passport_control +🛃 customs +🛄 baggage_claim +🛅 left_luggage +⚠ warning +🚸 children_crossing +⛔ no_entry +🚫 prohibited +🚳 no_bicycles +🚭 no_smoking +🚯 no_littering +🚱 non_potable_water +🚷 no_pedestrians +📵 no_mobile_phones +🔞 no_one_under_eighteen +☢ radioactive +☣ biohazard +⬆ up_arrow +↗ up_right_arrow +➡ right_arrow +↘ down_right_arrow +⬇ down_arrow +↙ down_left_arrow +⬅ left_arrow +↖ up_left_arrow +↕ up_down_arrow +↔ left_right_arrow +↩ right_arrow_curving_left +↪ left_arrow_curving_right +⤴ right_arrow_curving_up +⤵ right_arrow_curving_down +🔃 clockwise_vertical_arrows +🔄 counterclockwise_arrows_button +🔙 BACK_arrow +🔚 END_arrow +🔛 ON!_arrow +🔜 SOON_arrow +🔝 TOP_arrow +🛐 place_of_worship +⚛ atom_symbol +🕉 om +✡ star_of_David +☸ wheel_of_dharma +☯ yin_yang +✝ latin_cross +☦ orthodox_cross +☪ star_and_crescent +☮ peace_symbol +🕎 menorah +🔯 dotted_six_pointed_star +♈ Aries +♉ Taurus +♊ Gemini +♋ Cancer +♌ Leo +♍ Virgo +♎ Libra +♏ Scorpio +♐ Sagittarius +♑ Capricorn +♒ Aquarius +♓ Pisces +⛎ Ophiuchus +🔀 shuffle_tracks_button +🔁 repeat_button +🔂 repeat_single_button +▶ play_button +⏩ fast_forward_button +⏭ next_track_button +⏯ play_or_pause_button +◀ reverse_button +⏪ fast_reverse_button +⏮ last_track_button +🔼 upwards_button +⏫ fast_up_button +🔽 downwards_button +⏬ fast_down_button +⏸ pause_button +⏹ stop_button +⏺ record_button +⏏ eject_button +🎦 cinema +🔅 dim_button +🔆 bright_button +📶 antenna_bars +📳 vibration_mode +📴 mobile_phone_off +♀ female_sign +♂ male_sign +⚕ medical_symbol +♾ infinity +♻ recycling_symbol +⚜ fleur_de_lis +🔱 trident_emblem +📛 name_badge +🔰 Japanese_symbol_for_beginner +⭕ heavy_large_circle +✅ white_heavy_check_mark +☑ ballot_box_with_check +✔ heavy_check_mark +✖ heavy_multiplication_x +❌ cross_mark +❎ cross_mark_button +➕ heavy_plus_sign +➖ heavy_minus_sign +➗ heavy_division_sign +➰ curly_loop +➿ double_curly_loop +〽 part_alternation_mark +✳ eight_spoked_asterisk +✴ eight_pointed_star +❇ sparkle +‼ double_exclamation_mark +⁉ exclamation_question_mark +❓ question_mark +❔ white_question_mark +❕ white_exclamation_mark +❗ exclamation_mark +〰 wavy_dash +© copyright +® registered +™ trade_mark +#️⃣ keycap:_# +*️⃣ keycap:_* +0️⃣ keycap:_0 +1️⃣ keycap:_1 +2️⃣ keycap:_2 +3️⃣ keycap:_3 +4️⃣ keycap:_4 +5️⃣ keycap:_5 +6️⃣ keycap:_6 +7️⃣ keycap:_7 +8️⃣ keycap:_8 +9️⃣ keycap:_9 +🔟 keycap:_10 +🔠 input_latin_uppercase +🔡 input_latin_lowercase +🔢 input_numbers +🔣 input_symbols +🔤 input_latin_letters +🅰 A_button_(blood_type) +🆎 AB_button_(blood_type) +🅱 B_button_(blood_type) +🆑 CL_button +🆒 COOL_button +🆓 FREE_button +ℹ information +🆔 ID_button +Ⓜ circled_M +🆕 NEW_button +🆖 NG_button +🅾 O_button_(blood_type) +🆗 OK_button +🅿 P_button +🆘 SOS_button +🆙 UP!_button +🆚 VS_button +🈁 Japanese_“here”_button +🈂 Japanese_“service_charge”_button +🈷 Japanese_“monthly_amount”_button +🈶 Japanese_“not_free_of_charge”_button +🈯 Japanese_“reserved”_button +🉐 Japanese_“bargain”_button +🈹 Japanese_“discount”_button +🈚 Japanese_“free_of_charge”_button +🈲 Japanese_“prohibited”_button +🉑 Japanese_“acceptable”_button +🈸 Japanese_“application”_button +🈴 Japanese_“passing_grade”_button +🈳 Japanese_“vacancy”_button +㊗ Japanese_“congratulations”_button +㊙ Japanese_“secret”_button +🈺 Japanese_“open_for_business”_button +🈵 Japanese_“no_vacancy”_button +🔴 red_circle +🔵 blue_circle +⚪ white_circle +⚫ black_circle +⬜ white_large_square +⬛ black_large_square +◼ black_medium_square +◻ white_medium_square +◽ white_medium_small_square +◾ black_medium_small_square +▫ white_small_square +▪ black_small_square +🔶 large_orange_diamond +🔷 large_blue_diamond +🔸 small_orange_diamond +🔹 small_blue_diamond +🔺 red_triangle_pointed_up +🔻 red_triangle_pointed_down +💠 diamond_with_a_dot +🔘 radio_button +🔲 black_square_button +🔳 white_square_button +🏁 chequered_flag +🚩 triangular_flag +🎌 crossed_flags +🏴 black_flag +🏳 white_flag +🏳️🌈 rainbow_flag +🏴☠️ pirate_flag +🇦🇨 flag:_Ascension_Island +🇦🇩 flag:_Andorra +🇦🇪 flag:_United_Arab_Emirates +🇦🇫 flag:_Afghanistan +🇦🇬 flag:_Antigua_&_Barbuda +🇦🇮 flag:_Anguilla +🇦🇱 flag:_Albania +🇦🇲 flag:_Armenia +🇦🇴 flag:_Angola +🇦🇶 flag:_Antarctica +🇦🇷 flag:_Argentina +🇦🇸 flag:_American_Samoa +🇦🇹 flag:_Austria +🇦🇺 flag:_Australia +🇦🇼 flag:_Aruba +🇦🇽 flag:_Åland_Islands +🇦🇿 flag:_Azerbaijan +🇧🇦 flag:_Bosnia_&_Herzegovina +🇧🇧 flag:_Barbados +🇧🇩 flag:_Bangladesh +🇧🇪 flag:_Belgium +🇧🇫 flag:_Burkina_Faso +🇧🇬 flag:_Bulgaria +🇧🇭 flag:_Bahrain +🇧🇮 flag:_Burundi +🇧🇯 flag:_Benin +🇧🇱 flag:_St._Barthélemy +🇧🇲 flag:_Bermuda +🇧🇳 flag:_Brunei +🇧🇴 flag:_Bolivia +🇧🇶 flag:_Caribbean_Netherlands +🇧🇷 flag:_Brazil +🇧🇸 flag:_Bahamas +🇧🇹 flag:_Bhutan +🇧🇻 flag:_Bouvet_Island +🇧🇼 flag:_Botswana +🇧🇾 flag:_Belarus +🇧🇿 flag:_Belize +🇨🇦 flag:_Canada +🇨🇨 flag:_Cocos_(Keeling)_Islands +🇨🇩 flag:_Congo___Kinshasa +🇨🇫 flag:_Central_African_Republic +🇨🇬 flag:_Congo___Brazzaville +🇨🇭 flag:_Switzerland +🇨🇮 flag:_Côte_d’Ivoire +🇨🇰 flag:_Cook_Islan +🇨🇱 flag:_Chile +🇨🇲 flag:_Cameroon +🇨🇳 flag:_China +🇨🇴 flag:_Colombia +🇨🇵 flag:_Clipperton_Island +🇨🇷 flag:_Costa_Rica +🇨🇺 flag:_Cuba +🇨🇻 flag:_Cape_Verde +🇨🇼 flag:_Curaçao +🇨🇽 flag:_Christmas_Island +🇨🇾 flag:_Cyprus +🇨🇿 flag:_Czechia +🇩🇪 flag:_Germany +🇩🇬 flag:_Diego_Garcia +🇩🇯 flag:_Djibouti +🇩🇰 flag:_Denmark +🇩🇲 flag:_Dominica +🇩🇴 flag:_Dominican_Republic +🇩🇿 flag:_Algeria +🇪🇦 flag:_Ceuta_&_Melilla +🇪🇨 flag:_Ecuador +🇪🇪 flag:_Estonia +🇪🇬 flag:_Egypt +🇪🇭 flag:_Western_Sahara +🇪🇷 flag:_Eritrea +🇪🇸 flag:_Spain +🇪🇹 flag:_Ethiopia +🇪🇺 flag:_European_Union +🇫🇮 flag:_Finland +🇫🇯 flag:_Fiji +🇫🇰 flag:_Falkland_Islands +🇫🇲 flag:_Micronesia +🇫🇴 flag:_Faroe_Islands +🇫🇷 flag:_Fran +🇬🇦 flag:_Gabon +🇬🇧 flag:_United_Kingdom +🇬🇩 flag:_Grenada +🇬🇪 flag:_Georgia +🇬🇫 flag:_French_Guiana +🇬🇬 flag:_Guernsey +🇬🇭 flag:_Ghana +🇬🇮 flag:_Gibraltar +🇬🇱 flag:_Greenland +🇬🇲 flag:_Gambia +🇬🇳 flag:_Guinea +🇬🇵 flag:_Guadeloupe +🇬🇶 flag:_Equatorial_Guinea +🇬🇷 flag:_Greece +🇬🇸 flag:_South_Georgia_&_South_Sandwich +🇬🇹 flag:_Guatemala +🇬🇺 flag:_Guam +🇬🇼 flag:_Guinea_Bissau +🇬🇾 flag:_Guyana +🇭🇰 flag:_Hong_Kong_SAR_China +🇭🇲 flag:_Heard_&_McDonald_Islands +🇭🇳 flag:_Honduras +🇭🇷 flag:_Croatia +🇭🇹 flag:_Haiti +🇭🇺 flag:_Hungary +🇮🇨 flag:_Canary_Islands +🇮🇩 flag:_Indonesia +🇮🇪 flag:_Ireland +🇮🇱 flag:_Israel +🇮🇲 flag:_Isle_of_Man +🇮🇳 flag:_India +🇮🇴 flag:_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory +🇮🇶 flag:_Iraq +🇮🇷 flag:_Iran +🇮🇸 flag:_Iceland +🇮🇹 flag:_Italy +🇯🇪 flag:_Jersey +🇯🇲 flag:_Jamaica +🇯🇴 flag:_Jordan +🇯🇵 flag:_Japan +🇰🇪 flag:_Kenya +🇰🇬 flag:_Kyrgyzstan +🇰🇭 flag:_Cambodia +🇰🇮 flag:_Kiribati +🇰🇲 flag:_Comoros +🇰🇳 flag:_St._Kitts_&_Nevis +🇰🇵 flag:_North_Korea +🇰🇷 flag:_South_Korea +🇰🇼 flag:_Kuwait +🇰🇾 flag:_Cayman_Islands +🇰🇿 flag:_Kazakhstan +🇱🇦 flag:_Laos +🇱🇧 flag:_Lebanon +🇱🇨 flag:_St._Lucia +🇱🇮 flag:_Liechtenstein +🇱🇰 flag:_Sri_Lanka +🇱🇷 flag:_Liberia +🇱🇸 flag:_Lesotho +🇱🇹 flag:_Lithuania +🇱🇺 flag:_Luxembourg +🇱🇻 flag:_Latvia +🇱🇾 flag:_Libya +🇲🇦 flag:_Morocco +🇲🇨 flag:_Monaco +🇲🇩 flag:_Moldova +🇲🇪 flag:_Montenegro +🇲🇫 flag:_St._Martin +🇲🇬 flag:_Madagascar +🇲🇭 flag:_Marshall_Islands +🇲🇰 flag:_Macedonia +🇲🇱 flag:_Mali +🇲🇲 flag:_Myanmar_(Burma) +🇲🇳 flag:_Mongolia +🇲🇴 flag:_Macau_SAR_China +🇲🇵 flag:_Northern_Mariana_Islands +🇲🇶 flag:_Martinique +🇲🇷 flag:_Mauritania +🇲🇸 flag:_Montserrat +🇲🇹 flag:_Malta +🇲🇺 flag:_Mauritius +🇲🇻 flag:_Maldives +🇲🇼 flag:_Malawi +🇲🇽 flag:_Mexico +🇲🇾 flag:_Malaysia +🇲🇿 flag:_Mozambique +🇳🇦 flag:_Namibia +🇳🇨 flag:_New_Caledonia +🇳🇪 flag:_Niger +🇳🇫 flag:_Norfolk_Island +🇳🇬 flag:_Nigeria +🇳🇮 flag:_Nicaragua +🇳🇱 flag:_Netherlands +🇳🇴 flag:_Norway +🇳🇵 flag:_Nepal +🇳🇷 flag:_Nauru +🇳🇺 flag:_Niue +🇳🇿 flag:_New_Zealand +🇴🇲 flag:_Oman +🇵🇦 flag:_Panama +🇵🇪 flag:_Peru +🇵🇫 flag:_French_Polynesia +🇵🇬 flag:_Papua_New_Guinea +🇵🇭 flag:_Philippines +🇵🇰 flag:_Pakistan +🇵🇱 flag:_Poland +🇵🇲 flag:_St._Pierre_&_Miquelon +🇵🇳 flag:_Pitcairn_Islands +🇵🇷 flag:_Puerto_Rico +🇵🇸 flag:_Palestinian_Territories +🇵🇹 flag:_Portugal +🇵🇼 flag:_Palau +🇵🇾 flag:_Paraguay +🇶🇦 flag:_Qatar +🇷🇪 flag:_Réunion +🇷🇴 flag:_Romania +🇷🇸 flag:_Serbia +🇷🇺 flag:_Russia +🇷🇼 flag:_Rwanda +🇸🇦 flag:_Saudi_Arabia +🇸🇧 flag:_Solomon_Islands +🇸🇨 flag:_Seychelles +🇸🇩 flag:_Sudan +🇸🇪 flag:_Sweden +🇸🇬 flag:_Singapore +🇸🇭 flag:_St._Helena +🇸🇮 flag:_Slovenia +🇸🇯 flag:_Svalbard_&_Jan_Mayen +🇸🇰 flag:_Slovakia +🇸🇱 flag:_Sierra_Leone +🇸🇲 flag:_San_Marino +🇸🇳 flag:_Senegal +🇸🇴 flag:_Somalia +🇸🇷 flag:_Suriname +🇸🇸 flag:_South_Sudan +🇸🇹 flag:_São_Tomé_&_Príncipe +🇸🇻 flag:_El_Salvador +🇸🇽 flag:_Sint_Maarten +🇸🇾 flag:_Syria +🇸🇿 flag:_Swaziland +🇹🇦 flag:_Tristan_da_Cunha +🇹🇨 flag:_Turks_&_Caicos_Islands +🇹🇩 flag:_Chad +🇹🇫 flag:_French_Southern_Territories +🇹🇬 flag:_Togo +🇹🇭 flag:_Thailand +🇹🇯 flag:_Tajikistan +🇹🇰 flag:_Tokelau +🇹🇱 flag:_Timor_Leste +🇹🇲 flag:_Turkmenistan +🇹🇳 flag:_Tunisia +🇹🇴 flag:_Tonga +🇹🇷 flag:_Turkey +🇹🇹 flag:_Trinidad_&_Tobago +🇹🇻 flag:_Tuvalu +🇹🇼 flag:_Taiwan +🇹🇿 flag:_Tanzania +🇺🇦 flag:_Ukraine +🇺🇬 flag:_Uganda +🇺🇲 flag:_U.S._Outlying_Islands +🇺🇳 flag:_United_Nations +🇺🇸 flag:_United_States +🇺🇾 flag:_Uruguay +🇺🇿 flag:_Uzbekistan +🇻🇦 flag:_Vatican_City +🇻🇨 flag:_St._Vincent_&_Grenadines +🇻🇪 flag:_Venezuela +🇻🇬 flag:_British_Virgin_Islands +🇻🇮 flag:_U.S._Virgin_Islands +🇻🇳 flag:_Vietnam +🇻🇺 flag:_Vanuatu +🇼🇫 flag:_Wallis_&_Futuna +🇼🇸 flag:_Samoa +🇽🇰 flag:_Kosovo +🇾🇪 flag:_Yemen +🇾🇹 flag:_Mayotte +🇿🇦 flag:_South_Africa +🇿🇲 flag:_Zambia +🇿🇼 flag:_Zimbabwe +🏴 flag:_England +🏴 flag:_Scotland +🏴 flag:_Wales + fa_ad + fa_address_book + fa_address_card + fa_adjust + fa_air_freshener + fa_align_center + fa_align_justify + fa_align_left + fa_align_right + fa_allergies + fa_ambulance + fa_american_sign_language_interpreting + fa_anchor + fa_angle_double_down + fa_angle_double_left + fa_angle_double_right + fa_angle_double_up + fa_angle_down + fa_angle_left + fa_angle_right + fa_angle_up + fa_angry + fa_ankh + fa_apple_alt + fa_archive + fa_archway + fa_arrow_alt_circle_down + fa_arrow_alt_circle_left + fa_arrow_alt_circle_right + fa_arrow_alt_circle_up + fa_arrow_circle_down + fa_arrow_circle_left + 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fa_broom + fa_brush + fa_bug + fa_building + fa_bullhorn + fa_bullseye + fa_burn + fa_bus + fa_bus_alt + fa_business_time + fa_calculator + fa_calendar + fa_calendar_alt + fa_calendar_check + fa_calendar_day + fa_calendar_minus + fa_calendar_plus + fa_calendar_times + fa_calendar_week + fa_camera + fa_camera_retro + fa_campground + fa_candy_cane + fa_cannabis + fa_capsules + fa_car + fa_car_alt + fa_car_battery + fa_car_crash + fa_car_side + fa_caret_down + fa_caret_left + fa_caret_right + fa_caret_square_down + fa_caret_square_left + fa_caret_square_right + fa_caret_square_up + fa_caret_up + fa_carrot + fa_cart_arrow_down + fa_cart_plus + fa_cash_register + fa_cat + fa_certificate + fa_chair + fa_chalkboard + fa_chalkboard_teacher + fa_charging_station + fa_chart_area + fa_chart_bar + fa_chart_line + fa_chart_pie + fa_check + fa_check_circle + fa_check_double + fa_check_square + fa_chess + fa_chess_bishop + fa_chess_board + fa_chess_king + fa_chess_knight + fa_chess_pawn + 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fa_opencart + fa_openid + fa_opera + fa_optin_monster + fa_osi + fa_page4 + fa_pagelines + fa_palfed + fa_patreon + fa_paypal + fa_penny_arcade + fa_periscope + fa_phabricator + fa_phoenix_framework + fa_phoenix_squadron + fa_php + fa_pied_piper + fa_pied_piper_alt + fa_pied_piper_hat + fa_pied_piper_pp + fa_pinterest + fa_pinterest_p + fa_pinterest_square + fa_playstation + fa_product_hunt + fa_pushed + fa_python + fa_qq + fa_quinscape + fa_quora + fa_r_project + fa_raspberry_pi + fa_ravelry + fa_react + fa_reacteurope + fa_readme + fa_rebel + fa_red_river + fa_reddit + fa_reddit_alien + fa_reddit_square + fa_redhat + fa_renren + fa_replyd + fa_researchgate + fa_resolving + fa_rev + fa_rocketchat + fa_rockrms + fa_safari + fa_sass + fa_schlix + fa_scribd + fa_searchengin + fa_sellcast + fa_sellsy + fa_servicestack + fa_shirtsinbulk + fa_shopware + fa_simplybuilt + fa_sistrix + fa_sith + fa_sketch + fa_skyatlas + fa_skype + fa_slack + fa_slack_hash + fa_slideshare + fa_snapchat + fa_snapchat_ghost + fa_snapchat_square + fa_soundcloud + fa_sourcetree + fa_speakap + fa_spotify + fa_squarespace + fa_stack_exchange + fa_stack_overflow + fa_staylinked + fa_steam + fa_steam_square + fa_steam_symbol + fa_sticker_mule + fa_strava + fa_stripe + fa_stripe_s + fa_studiovinari + fa_stumbleupon + fa_stumbleupon_circle + fa_superpowers + fa_supple + fa_suse + fa_teamspeak + fa_telegram + fa_telegram_plane + fa_tencent_weibo + fa_the_red_yeti + fa_themeco + fa_themeisle + fa_think_peaks + fa_trade_federation + fa_trello + fa_tripadvisor + fa_tumblr + fa_tumblr_square + fa_twitch + fa_twitter + fa_twitter_square + fa_typo3 + fa_uber + fa_ubuntu + fa_uikit + fa_uniregistry + fa_untappd + fa_ups + fa_usb + fa_usps + fa_ussunnah + fa_vaadin + fa_viacoin + fa_viadeo + fa_viadeo_square + fa_viber + fa_vimeo + fa_vimeo_square + fa_vimeo_v + fa_vine + fa_vk + fa_vnv + fa_vuejs + fa_weebly + fa_weibo + fa_weixin + fa_whatsapp + fa_whatsapp_square + fa_whmcs + fa_wikipedia_w + fa_windows + fa_wix + fa_wizards_of_the_coast + fa_wolf_pack_battalion + fa_wordpress + fa_wordpress_simple + fa_wpbeginner + fa_wpexplorer + fa_wpforms + fa_wpressr + fa_xbox + fa_xing + fa_xing_square + fa_y_combinator + fa_yahoo + fa_yandex + fa_yandex_international + fa_yarn + fa_yelp + fa_yoast + fa_youtube + fa_youtube_square + fa_zhihu diff --git a/misc/.config/misc/neovimb.h b/misc/.config/misc/neovimb.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e22fb1d --- /dev/null +++ b/misc/.config/misc/neovimb.h @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/* features */ +/* show wget style progressbar in status bar */ +#define FEATURE_WGET_PROGRESS_BAR +/* show load progress in window title */ +#define FEATURE_TITLE_PROGRESS +/* show page title in url completions */ +#define FEATURE_TITLE_IN_COMPLETION +/* enable the read it later queue */ +#define FEATURE_QUEUE +/* disable X window embedding */ +/* #define FEATURE_NO_XEMBED */ + +#ifdef FEATURE_WGET_PROGRESS_BAR +/* chars to use for the progressbar */ +#define PROGRESS_BAR "=> " +#define PROGRESS_BAR_LEN 20 +#endif + +#define FEATURE_AUTOCMD + +/* time in seconds after that message will be removed from inputbox if the + * message where only temporary */ +#define MESSAGE_TIMEOUT 5 + +/* number of chars to be shown in statusbar for ambiguous commands */ +#define SHOWCMD_LEN 10 +/* css applied to the gui elements regardless of user's settings */ +#define GUI_STYLE_CSS_BASE "#input text{background-color:inherit;color:inherit;caret-color:@color;font:inherit;}" + +/* default font size for fonts in webview */ +#define SETTING_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE 16 +#define SETTING_DEFAULT_MONOSPACE_FONT_SIZE 13 +#define SETTING_GUI_FONT_NORMAL "10pt monospace" +#define SETTING_GUI_FONT_EMPH "bold 10pt monospace" +#define SETTING_HOME_PAGE "https://rafa_99.gitlab.io/" + +#define MAXIMUM_HINTS 500 +/* default window dimensions */ +#define WIN_WIDTH 800 +#define WIN_HEIGHT 600 + +/* if set to 1 neovimb will check if the webextension could be found. */ +#define CHECK_WEBEXTENSION_ON_STARTUP 1 + +/* default download folder */ +#define DLPATH "~/Downloads" + +/* cookies policy + * -> always + * -> origin + * -> never + */ +#define COOKIES "always" + +/* default user agent */ +#define USERAGENT "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:79.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/79.0" + +/* default bar settings */ + +// background color -/- font color +#define BARCOLOR "background-color:#282828;color:#888888;" +#define INPUTBARCOLOR "background-color:#141414;color:#888888;font:" |