path: root/doc/neovimb.1
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authorrafa_99 <>2021-09-25 01:23:25 +0100
committerrafa_99 <>2021-09-25 01:23:25 +0100
commitb1518d7d72421cae4b157943dd07e2030a918289 (patch)
treeb882d71068852d0de1841b70e68a1ed104e640b4 /doc/neovimb.1
parentbc11211ffb6ecc5bed00f144ab03cd8c770035a5 (diff)
Project branch off
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/neovimb.1')
1 files changed, 1604 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/neovimb.1 b/doc/neovimb.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62f102
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+++ b/doc/neovimb.1
@@ -0,0 +1,1604 @@
+.\" vim: ft=groff
+.TH neovimb 1 "DATE" "neovimb/VERSION" "neovimb Manual"
+neovimb - Vim Browser - A modal web browser based on WebKit, inspired by vimb.
+.B neovimb
+.RI [ URI "|" file "|" - ]
+neovimb is a WebKit based web browser that behaves like the Vimperator
+plugin for Firefox and has usage paradigms from the great editor, Vim.
+The goal of neovimb is to build a completely keyboard-driven, efficient
+and pleasurable browsing-experience.
+If no \fIURI\fP or \fIfile\fP is given, neovimb will open the configured
+If \fIURI\fP is '-', neovimb reads the HTML to display from stdin.
+Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
+.BI "\-C, \-\-cmd " "CMD"
+Run \fICMD\fP as ex command line right before the first page is loaded.
+If the flag is used more than one time, the commands are called in order they
+are given.
+You could also pass several ex commands in one \fICMD\fP,
+if they are separated by "|".
+neovimb --cmd "set dark-mode=on|set header=Referer,DNT=1"
+.BI "\-c, \-\-config " "FILE"
+Use custom configuration given as \fIFILE\fP.
+This will also be applied on new spawned instances.
+.BI "\-e, \-\-embed " "WINID"
+of an XEmbed-aware application, that neovimb will use as its parent.
+.B "\-i, \-\-incognito"
+Start an instance with user data read-only (see \fIFILES\fP section).
+.B "\-h, \-\-help"
+Show help options.
+.BI "\-p, \-\-profile " "PROFILE-NAME"
+Create or open specified configuration profile.
+Configuration data for the profile is stored in a directory named
+\fIPROFILE-NAME\fP under default directory for configuration data.
+.B "\-v, \-\-version"
+Print build and version information and then quit.
+.B "\-\-no-maximize"
+Do no attempt to maximize window.
+.B "\-\-bug-info"
+Prints information about used libraries for bug reports and then quit.
+neovimb is modal and has the following main modes:
+.IP "Normal Mode"
+The default mode.
+Pressing Escape always enter normal mode.
+.IP "Input Mode"
+Used for editing text elements in a webpage.
+.IP "Command Mode"
+Execute `ex` commands from the builtin inputbox (commandline).
+.IP "Pass-Through Mode"
+In Pass-Through mode only the `<Esc>` and `<C-[>` keybindings are interpreted
+by neovimb, all other keystrokes are given to the webview to handle them.
+This allows the use of a website's configured keybindings, that might otherwise
+be swallowed by neovimb.
+Some of the Normal Model Commands can have a numeric count to multiply the
+effect of the command.
+If a command supports the count this is shown as [\fBN\fP].
+.SS General
+.B :
+Start Command Mode and print `:' to the input box.
+.B gi
+Set cursor to the first editable element in the page and switch to Input
+.B i
+Set cursor to the last focused element in the page and switch to Input Mode.
+If no element was focused before the first element is focused like with `gi'.
+Switch neovimb into Pass-Through Mode.
+.B gf
+Open the configured editor (`editor-command') with the current page's content.
+.B gF
+Open the Web Inspector for the current page.
+Pass the next key press directly to GTK.
+Quit the browser if there are no running downloads.
+.SS Navigation
+.B o
+Start Command Mode and print `:open ' to the input box.
+.B O
+Start Command Mode and print `:open URI' to the input box.
+.B t
+Start Command Mode and print `:tabopen ' to the input box.
+.B T
+Start Command Mode and print `:tabopen URI' to the input box.
+.B gh
+Open the configured home-page.
+.B gH
+Open the configured home-page in a new window.
+.B u
+Open the last closed page.
+.B U
+Open the last closed page in a new window.
+Open the oldest entry from the read it later queue in the current browser
+.BI [ \(dqx ]p
+Open the URI out of the register \fIx\fP or, if not given, from the clipboard.
+.BI [ \(dqx ]P
+Open the URI out of the register \fIx\fP or, if not given, from the clipboard in a
+new window.
+.BI [ N ]CTRL\-O
+Go back \fIN\fP steps in the browser history.
+.BI [ N ]CTRL\-I
+Go forward \fIN\fP steps in the browser history.
+.BI [ N ]gu
+Go to the \fIN\fPth descendent directory of the current opened URI.
+.B gU
+Go to the domain of the current opened page.
+.B r
+Reload the website.
+.B R
+Reload the website without using caches.
+Stop loading the current page.
+.B CTRL-LeftMouse, MiddleMouse
+Opens the clicket link into new window.
+.B Shift-LeftMouse
+Push the link url under the cursor to the end of the Read It Later queue like
+the `:qpush' command.
+.SS Motion
+.BI [ N ]CTRL\-F
+Scroll \fIN\fP pages down.
+.BI [ N ]CTRL\-B
+Scroll \fIN\fP pages up.
+.BI [ N ]CTRL\-D
+Scroll \fIN\fP half pages down.
+.BI [ N ]CTRL\-U
+Scroll \fIN\fP half pages up.
+.BI [ N ]gg
+Scroll to the top of the current page.
+Or if \fIN\fP is given to \fIN\fP% of the page.
+.BI [ N ]G
+Scroll to the bottom of the current page.
+Or if \fIN\fP is given to \fIN\fP% of the page.
+.B 0, ^
+Scroll to the absolute left of the document.
+Unlike in Vim, 0 and ^ work exactly the same way.
+.B $
+Scroll to the absolute right of the document.
+.BI [ N ]h
+Scroll \fIN\fP steps to the left of page.
+.BI [ N ]l
+Scroll \fIN\fP steps to the right of page.
+.BI [ N ]j
+Scroll page \fIN\fP steps down.
+.BI [ N ]k
+Scroll page \fIN\fP steps up.
+.BI m{ a-z }
+Set a page mark {\fIa-z\fP} at the current position on the page.
+Such set marks are only available on the current page;
+if the page is left, all marks will be removed.
+.BI '{ a-z }
+Jump to the mark {\fIa-z\fP} on the current page.
+.B ''
+Jumps to the position before the latest jump, or where the last "m'" command
+was given.
+.SS Hinting
+Hinting in neovimb is how you accomplish the tasks that you would do with the
+mouse in common mouse-driven browsers: open a URI, yank a URI, save a page and
+so on. When hinting is started, the relevant elements on the page will
+be marked by labels generated from configured `hint-keys'.
+Hints can be selected by using <Tab>, <C-I> or <C-Tab>, <C-O>,
+by typing the chars of the label, or filtering the elements by some text
+that is part of the hinted element (like URI, link text, button label)
+or any combination of these methods.
+If <enter> is pressed, the current active hint will be fired.
+If only one possible hint remains, this will be fired automatically.
+.BR Syntax: " ;{mode}{hint}"
+Start Hints mode.
+Different elements depending on \fImode\fP are highlighted and `numbered'.
+Elements can be selected either by typing their label, or by typing part
+of their text (\fIhint\fP) to narrow down the result.
+When an element has been selected, it is automatically clicked
+or used (depending on \fImode\fP) and hint mode ends.
+The filtering of hints by text splits the query at ' ' and use the single parts
+as separate queries to filter the hints.
+This is useful for hints that have a lot of filterable chars in common
+and many chars are required to make a distinct selection.
+For example ';over tw' will easily select the second hint out of
+{'very long link text one', 'very long link text two'}.
+The following keys have special meanings in Hints modes:
+.PD 0
+.B <CR>
+Selects the first highlighted element, or the current focused.
+.B <Tab>
+Moves the focus to the next hint element.
+.B <S-Tab>
+Moves the focus to the previous hint element.
+.B <Esc>, CTRL\-C, CTRL\-[
+Exits Hints mode without selecting an element.
+.B Hint modes:
+.PD 0
+.B f
+Is an alias for the \fB;o\fP hint mode.
+.B F
+Is an alias for the \fB;t\fP hint mode.
+.B ;o
+Open hint's location in the current window.
+.B ;t
+Open hint's location in a new window.
+.B ;s
+Saves the hint's destination under the configured `download-path'.
+.B ;O
+Generate an `:open' prompt with hint's URI.
+.B ;T
+Generate an `:tabopen' prompt with hint's URI.
+.B ;e
+Open the configured editor (`editor-command') with the hinted form element's
+If the file in editor is saved and the editor is closed, the file
+content will be put back in the form field.
+.B ;i
+Open hinted image in the current window.
+.B ;I
+Open hinted image in a new window.
+.B ;k
+Kill (remove) hinted element from the page.
+.B ;p
+Push the hint's URI to the end of the Read It Later queue like the `:qpush'
+This is only available if neovimb was compiled with the QUEUE feature.
+.B ;P
+Push the hint's URI to the beginning of the Read It Later queue like the
+`:qunshift' command.
+This is only available if neovimb was compiled with the QUEUE feature.
+.B ;x
+Hints like ;o, but instead of opening the hinted URI, the
+`x-hint-command' is run in neovimb.
+.BI [ \(dqx ];y
+Yank hint's destination location into primary and secondary clipboard and into
+the register \fIx\fP.
+.BI [ \(dqx ];Y
+Yank hint's text description or form text into primary and secondary clipboard
+and into the register \fIx\fP.
+.BR Syntax: " g;{mode}{hint}"
+Start an extended hints mode and stay there until <Esc> is pressed.
+Like normal hinting, except that after a hint is selected, hints
+remain visible so that another one can be selected with the same action
+as the first.
+Note that the extended hint mode can only be combined with the following
+hint modes
+.IR "I o p P s t y Y" .
+.B Motion
+Motions commands are like those for normal mode except that CTRL is used as
+But they can not be used together with a count.
+.PD 0
+Scroll one page down.
+Scroll one page up.
+Scroll half page down.
+Scroll half page up.
+Scroll one step down.
+Scroll one step up.
+.SS Searching
+.BI / QUERY ", ?" QUERY
+Start searching for \fIQUERY\fP in the current page.
+\fI/\fP start search forward, \fI?\fP in backward direction.
+.BR * , " #"
+Start searching for the current selected text, or if no text is selected for
+the content of the primary or secondary clipboard.
+\fI*\fP start the search in forward direction and \fI#\fP in backward
+Note that these commands will yank the text selection into the clipboard and
+may remove other content from there!
+.BI [ N ]n
+Search for \fIN\fPnth next search result depending on current search
+.BI [ N ]N
+Search for \fIN\fPnth previous search result depending on current search
+.B <CR>
+Perform a click on element containing the current highlighted search result.
+.SS Zooming
+.BI [ N ]zi
+Zoom-In the text of the page by \fIN\fP steps.
+.BI [ N ]zo
+Zoom-Out the text of the page by \fIN\fP steps.
+.BI [ N ]zI
+Full-Content Zoom-In the page by \fIN\fP steps.
+.BI [ N ]zO
+Full-Content Zoom-Out the page by \fIN\fP steps.
+.B zz
+Reset Zoom.
+.SS Yank
+.BI [ \(dqx ]y
+Yank the URI or current page into register \fIx\fP and clipboard.
+.BI [ \(dqx ]Y
+Yank the current selection into register x and clipboard.
+Commands that are listed below are ex-commands like in Vim, that are typed
+into the inputbox (the command line of neovimb).
+The commands may vary in their syntax or in the parts they allow,
+but in general they follow a simple syntax.
+.BR Syntax: " :[:| ][N]cmd[name][!][ lhs][ rhs]"
+Where \fIlhs\fP (left hand side) must not contain any unescaped space.
+The syntax of the rhs (right hand side) if this is available depends on the
+At the moment the count parts [N] of commands is parsed, but currently there is
+no command that uses the count.
+To avoid this, the commands can be prefixed by one or more additional `:' or
+Multiple commands, separated by a `|' can be given in a single command line
+and will be executed consecutively.
+The pipe can be included as an argument to a command by escaping it with a
+Following commands process the entire command-line string literally.
+These commands will include any `|' as part of their argument string and so
+can not be followed by another command.
+.PD 0
+.IP - 2
+.IP -
+cmap, cnoremap, imap, inoremap, nmap, nnoremap
+.IP -
+.IP -
+.IP -
+open, tabopen
+.IP -
+.SS Command Line Editing
+.B <Esc>, CTRL\-[, CTRL-C
+Ignore all typed content and switch back to normal mode.
+.B <CR>
+Submit the entered `ex` command or search query to run it.
+Deletes the char before the cursor.
+Deletes the last word before the cursor.
+Remove everything between cursor and prompt.
+Moves the cursor directly behind the prompt `:'.
+Moves the cursor after the prompt in inputbox.
+Pass the next key press directly to GTK.
+.B CTRL\-R {a-z"%:/;}
+Insert the content of given register at cursor position.
+See also section about `:reg[ister]' command.
+.SS Command Line History
+.B <Tab>
+Start completion of the content in the inputbox in forward direction.
+.B <S-Tab>
+Start completion of the content in the inputbox in backward direction.
+.B <Up>
+Step backward in the command history.
+.B <Down>
+Step forward in the command history.
+Yank the current selection into register \fIx\fP and clipboard.
+.SS Open
+.BI ":o[pen] [" URI ]
+Open the give \fIURI\fP in the current window.
+If \fIURI\fP is empty, the configured 'home-page' is opened.
+.BI ":t[abopen] [" URI ]
+Open the give \fIURI\fP in a new window.
+If \fIURI\fP is empty, the configured 'home-page' is opened.
+.SS Key Mapping
+Key mappings allow users to alter the actions of key presses.
+Each key mapping is associated with a mode and only has effect
+when the mode is active.
+The following commands allow the user to substitute one sequence
+of key presses by another.
+.BR Syntax: " :{m}map {lhs} {rhs}"
+Note that the \fIlhs\fP ends with the first found space.
+If you want to use space also in the {lhs} you have to escape this
+with a single `\\', as shown in the examples.
+The \fIrhs\fP starts with the first non-space char. If you want a \fIrhs\fP
+that starts with a space, you have to use "<Space>".
+Standard key mapping commands are provided for these modes \fIm\fP:
+.PD 0
+.B n
+Normal mode: when browsing normally.
+.B i
+Insert mode: when interacting with text fields on a website.
+.B c
+Command Line mode: when typing into neovimb's command line.
+Most keys in key sequences are represented simply by the character that you
+see on the screen when you type them.
+However, as a number of these characters have special meanings, and a
+number of keys have no visual representation, a special notation is required.
+As special key names have the format \fI<...>\fP.
+The following special keys can be used: <Left>, <Up>, <Right>, <Down>
+for the cursor keys, <Tab>, <Esc>, <CR>, <Space>, <BS>, <F1>-<F12> and <C-A>-<C-Z>.
+.PD 0
+.BI ":nm[ap] {" lhs "} {" rhs }
+.BI ":im[ap] {" lhs "} {" rhs }
+.BI ":cm[ap] {" lhs "} {" rhs }
+Map the key sequence \fIlhs\fP to \fIrhs\fP for the modes where the map
+command applies.
+The result, including \fIrhs\fP, is then further scanned for mappings.
+This allows for nested and recursive use of mappings.
+.IP ":cmap <C-G>h /home/user/downloads/"
+Adds a keybind to insert a file path into the input box.
+This could be useful for the `:save' command
+that could be used as ":save ^Gh".
+.IP ":nmap <F1> :set scripts=on<CR>:open !glib<Tab><CR>"
+This will enable scripts and lookup the first bookmarked URI with the tag
+`glib' and open it immediately if F1 key is pressed.
+.IP ":nmap \e \e 50G"
+Example which maps two spaces to go to 50% of the page.
+.BI ":nn[oremap] {" lhs "} {" rhs }
+.BI ":ino[remap] {" lhs "} {" rhs }
+.BI ":cno[remap] {" lhs "} {" rhs }
+Map the key sequence \fIlhs\fP to \fIrhs\fP for the mode where the map command
+Disallow mapping of \fIrhs\fP, to avoid nested and recursive mappings.
+Often used to redefine a command.
+.BI ":nu[nmap] {" lhs }
+.BI ":iu[nmap] {" lhs }
+.BI ":cu[nmap] {" lhs }
+Remove the mapping of \fIlhs\fP for the applicable mode.
+.SS Bookmarks
+.BI ":bma [" tags ]
+Save the current opened URI with \fItags\fP to the bookmark file.
+.BI ":bmr [" URI ]
+Removes all bookmarks for given \fIURI\fP or, if not given, the current opened
+.SS Handlers
+Handlers allow specifying external scripts to handle alternative URI methods.
+.BI ":handler-add " "handler" "=" "cmd"
+Adds a handler to direct \fIhandler\fP links to the external \fIcmd\fP.
+The \fIcmd\fP can contain one placeholder `%s` that will be filled by the
+full URI given when the command is called.
+.PD 0
+.IP ":handler-add mailto=urxvt -e mutt %s"
+to start email client for mailto links.
+.IP ":handler-add magnet=xdg-open %s"
+to open magnet links with xdg-open.
+.IP ":handler-add ftp=urxvt -e wget %s -P ~/ftp-downloads"
+to handle ftp downloads via wget.
+.BI ":handler-remove " "handler"
+Remove the handler for the given URI \fIhandler\fP.
+.SS Shortcuts
+Shortcuts allow the opening of an URI built up from a named template with additional
+If a shortcut named 'dd' is defined, you can use it with `:open dd
+list of parameters' to open the generated URI.
+Shortcuts are convenient to use with search engines where the URI is standardised
+and a single parameter is user defined.
+.BI ":shortcut-add " shortcut = URI
+Adds a shortcut with the \fIshortcut\fP and \fIURI\fP template.
+The \fIURI\fP can contain multiple placeholders $0-$9 that will be
+filled by the parameters given when the shortcut is called.
+The parameters given when the shortcut is called will be split
+into as many parameters like the highest used placeholder.
+To use spaces within the parameters, the parameters can be grouped by
+surrounding them with single-or double quotes-as shown in example shortcut
+.PD 0
+.IP ":shortcut-add dl=$0"
+to setup a search engine.
+Can be called by `:open dl my search phrase'.
+.IP ":shortcut-add gh=$0/$1"
+to build URIs from given parameters.
+Can be called `:open gh fanglingsu neovimb'.
+.IP ":shortcut-add map=$0&daddr=$1"
+to search for a route, all but the last parameter must be quoted if they
+contain spaces like `:open map "city hall, London" railway station, London'
+.BI ":shortcut-remove " shortcut
+Remove the search engine to the given \fIshortcut\fP.
+.BI ":shortcut-default " shortcut
+Set the shortcut for given \fIshortcut\fP as the default, that is the shortcut
+to be used if no shortcut is given and the string to open is not an URI. It
+doesn't matter if the \fIshortcut\fP is already in use or not to be able to set
+.SS Settings
+.BI ":se[t] " var = value
+Set configuration values named by \fIvar\fP.
+To set boolean variable you should use 'on', 'off' or 'true' and 'false'.
+Colors are given as hexadecimal value like '#f57700'. Spaces or more equals
+signs in \fIvalue\fP just work without quotes: for example,
+":set sans-serif-font=Some Sans Font".
+.BI ":se[t] " var += value
+Add the \fIvalue\fP to a number option, or append the \fIvalue\fP to a string
+When the option is a comma separated list, a comma is added, unless
+the value was empty.
+.BI ":se[t] " var ^= value
+Multiply the \fIvalue\fP to a number option, or prepend the \fIvalue\fP to a
+string option.
+When the option is a comma separated list, a comma is added,
+unless the value was empty.
+.BI ":se[t] " var -= value
+Subtract the \fIvalue\fP from a number option, or remove the \fIvalue\fP from
+a string option, if it is there.
+When the option is a comma separated list, a
+comma is deleted, unless the option becomes empty.
+.BI ":se[t] " var ?
+Show the current set value of variable.
+.IR VAR .
+.BI ":se[t] " var !
+Toggle the value of boolean variable \fIvar\fP and display the new set value.
+.SS Queue
+The queue allows the marking of URIs for later reading.
+This list is shared between the single instances of neovimb.
+.BI ":qpu[sh] [" URI ]
+Push \fIURI\fP or, if not given, the current URI to the end of the queue.
+.BI ":qun[shift] [" URI ]
+Push \fIURI\fP or, if not given, the current URI to the beginning of the queue.
+.B :qp[op]
+Open the oldest queue entry in the current browser window and remove it from the
+.B :qc[lear]
+Removes all entries from queue.
+.SS Automatic commands
+An autocommand is a command that is executed automatically in response to some
+event, such as a URI being opened.
+Autocommands are very powerful.
+Use them with care and they will help you avoid typing many commands.
+Autocommands are built with following properties.
+.I group
+When the [\fIgroup\fP] argument is not given, neovimb uses the current group as
+defined with ':augroup', otherwise, neovimb uses the group defined with
+Groups are useful to remove multiple grouped autocommands.
+.I event
+You can specify a comma separated list of event names.
+No white space can be used in this list.
+.PD 0
+.B LoadStarting
+Fired before a new page is going to be opened.
+No data has been sent or received yet, the load may still fail for transport issues.
+.B LoadStarted
+Fired if a new page is going to be opened.
+No data has been received yet, the load may still fail for transport issues.
+.B LoadCommitted
+Fired if first data chunk has arrived, meaning that the necessary transport
+requirements are established, and the load is being performed.
+This is the right event to toggle content related setting
+like 'scripts', 'plugins' and such things.
+.B LoadFinished
+Fires when everything that was required to display on the page has been loaded.
+.B DownloadStarted
+Fired right after a download is started.
+.B DownloadFinished
+Fired if a neovimb managed download is finished.
+.B DownloadFailed
+Fired if a neovimb managed download failed.
+.I pat
+Comma separated list of patterns, matches in order to check if a autocommand
+applies to the URI associated to an event.
+To use ',' within the single patterns this must be escaped as '\e,'.
+.PD 0
+.IP "\fB*\fP"
+Matches any sequence of characters.
+This includes also '/' in contrast to shell patterns.
+.IP "\fB?\fP"
+Matches any single character except of '/'.
+.IP "\fB{one,two}\fP"
+Matches 'one' or 'two'.
+Any '{', ',' and '}' within this pattern must be escaped by a '\\'.
+\&'*' and '?' have no special meaning within the curly braces.
+.IP "\fB\e\fP"
+Use backslash to escape the special meaning of '?*{},' in the pattern or
+pattern list.
+.I cmd
+Any `ex` command neovimb understands.
+The leading ':' is not required.
+Multiple commands can be separated by '|'.
+.BI ":au[tocmd] [" group "] {" event "} {" pat "} {" cmd "}"
+Add \fIcmd\fP to the list of commands that neovimb will execute automatically on
+\fIevent\fP for a URI matching \fIpat\fP autocmd-patterns.
+neovimb always adds the \fIcmd\fP after existing autocommands, so that the
+autocommands are executed in the order in which they were given.
+.BI ":au[tocmd]! [" group "] {" event "} {" pat "} {" cmd "}"
+Remove all autocommands associated with \fIevent\fP and which pattern match
+\fIpat\fP, and add the command \fIcmd\fP.
+Note that the pattern is not matches literally to find autocommands
+to remove, like Vim does.
+neovimb matches the autocommand pattern with \fIpat\fP.
+If [\fIgroup\fP] is not given, deletes autocommands in current group,
+as noted above.
+.BI ":au[tocmd]! [" group "] {" event "} {" pat "}"
+Remove all autocommands associated with \fIevent\fP and which pattern matches
+\fIpat\fP in given group (current group by default).
+.BI ":au[tocmd]! [" group "] * {" pat "}"
+Remove all autocommands with patterns matching \fIpat\fP for all events
+in given group (current group by default).
+.BI ":au[tocmd]! [" group "] {" event "}"
+Remove all autocommands for \fIevent\fP in given group (current group
+by default).
+.BI ":au[tocmd]! [" group "]"
+Remove all autocommands in given group (current group by default).
+.BI ":aug[roup] {" name "}"
+Define the autocmd group \fIname\fP for the following ":autocmd" commands.
+The name "end" selects the default group.
+.BI ":aug[roup]! {" name "}"
+Delete the autocmd group \fIname\fP.
+:aug github
+: au LoadCommitted * set scripts=off|set cookie-accept=never
+: au LoadCommitted http{s,}://* set scripts=on
+:aug end
+.SS Misc
+.BI ":cl[eardata] [" dataTypes "] [" timespan "]"
+Asynchronously clears the website data of the given list of \fIdataTypes\fP
+modified in the past \fItimespan\fP.
+Note that the \fIdataTypes\fP must not contain spaces.
+If \fItimespan\fP is not given, all website data will be removed.
+Note that this effects all running instances of neovimb.
+.PD 0
+The \fIdataTypes\fP is a comma separated list of following types.
+.B memory-cache
+Memory cache.
+.B disk-cache
+HTTP disk cache.
+.B offline-cache
+Offline web application cache.
+.B session-storage
+Session storage data.
+.B local-storage
+Local storage data.
+.B indexeddb-databases
+IndexedDB databases.
+.B plugin-data
+Plugin data.
+.B cookies
+Cookies. Note that the cookies are not cleared in case a \fItimespan\fP is
+.B hsts-cache
+HTTP Strict Transport Security cache.
+.B -
+Can be used to clear all known data types in case a \fItimespan\fP is used.
+.PD 0
+The \fItimespan\fP is given as sequence of '[multiplier]\fIunit\fP' tupels
+with following units.
+.B y
+year (365 days)
+.B w
+week (7 days)
+.B d
+.B h
+.B m
+.B s
+.I Example:
+.PD 0
+.IP ":cleardata"
+to clear all known website data types without any timespan restriction.
+.IP ":cleardata - 5m"
+to clear all known website data types modified in the last 5 minutes.
+.IP ":cleardata local-storage,session-storage,cookies"
+to completely clear the cookies, local- and session-storage without time
+.IP ":cleardata disk-cache 2d4h"
+to clear the disk cache that was modified in the past two days and four hours.
+.BI ":sh[ellcmd]! " cmd
+Like :sh[ellcmd] but asynchronous.
+:sh! /bin/sh -c 'echo "`date` $neovimb_URI" >> myhistory.txt'
+.BI ":sh[ellcmd] " cmd
+Runs the given shell \fIcmd\fP syncron and print the output into inputbox.
+The following patterns in \fIcmd\fP are expanded: '~username', '~/', '$VAR'
+and '${VAR}'.
+A '\e' before these patterns disables the expansion.
+.PD 0
+The following environment variables are set for called shell commands.
+.B neovimb_URI
+This variable is set by neovimb everytime a new page is opened to the URI of the
+.B neovimb_SELECTION
+This variable is set to the current selected text on the page.
+.B neovimb_TITLE
+Contains the title of the current opened page.
+.B neovimb_PID
+Contains the pid of the running neovimb instance.
+.B neovimb_WIN_ID
+Holds the X-Window id of the neovimb window.
+.B neovimb_XID
+Holds the X-Window id of the neovimb window or of the embedding window if neovimb is
+compiled with XEMBED and started with the -e option.
+.BI ":sh[ellcmd]! " cmd
+Like :sh[ellcmd] but asynchronous.
+:sh! /bin/sh -c 'echo "`date` $neovimb_URI" >> myhistory.txt'
+.BI ":s[ave] [" path "]"
+Download current opened page into configured download directory.
+If \fIpath\fP is given, download under this file name or path.
+\fIpath\fP is expanded and can therefore contain '~/', '${ENV}'
+and '~user' pattern.
+.BI ":so[urce] [" file "]"
+Read ex commands from \fIfile\fP.
+.B :q[uit]
+Close the browser.
+This will be refused if there are running downloads.
+.B :q[uit]!
+Close the browser independent from an running download.
+.B :reg[ister]
+Display the contents of all registers.
+.PD 0
+.BR \(dqa " \(em " \(dqz
+26 named registers "a to "z.
+neovimb fills these registers only when you say so.
+.B \(dq:
+Last executed `ex` command.
+.B \(dq"
+Last yanked content.
+.B \(dq%
+Curent opened URI.
+.B \(dq/
+Last search phrase.
+.B \(dq;
+Contains the last hinted URL.
+.BI :e[val] " javascript"
+Runs the given \fIjavascript\fP in the current page and display the evaluated
+Example: :eval document.cookie
+.BI :e[val]! " javascript"
+Like :eval, but there is nothing print to the input box.
+.BI ":no[rmal] [" cmds ]
+Execute normal mode commands \fIcmds\fP.
+This makes it possible to execute normal mode commands typed on the input box.
+\fIcmds\fP cannot start with a space.
+Put a count of 1 (one) before it, "1 " is one space.
+Example: :set scripts!|no! R
+.BI ":no[rmal]! [" cmds ]
+Like :normal, but no mapping is applied to \fIcmds\fP.
+.B :ha[rdcopy]
+Print current document.
+Open a GUI dialog where you can select the printer,
+number of copies, orientation, etc.
+.BR <Esc> , " CTRL\-["
+Switch back to normal mode.
+Executes the next command as normal mode command and return to input mode.
+Open configured editor with content of current form field.
+Pass the next key press directly to WebKit.
+Enter the pass-through mode.
+The completions are triggered by pressing `<Tab>` or `<S-Tab>` in the
+activated inputbox.
+Depending of the current inserted content different completions are started.
+The completion takes additional typed chars to filter
+the completion list that is shown.
+.B commands
+The completion for commands are started when at least `:` is shown in the
+If initial chars are passed, the completion will lookup those
+commands that begin with the given chars.
+.B settings
+The setting name completion is started if at least `:set ` is shown in
+inputbox and does also match settings that begins with already typed setting
+.IP ":open foo bar<Tab>"
+will complete only URIs that contain the words foo and bar.
+.B bookmarks
+The bookmark completion is started by `:open \fB!\fP`, `:tabopen \fB!\fP` or
+`:bmr ` and does a prefix search for all given words in the bookmark tags.
+.IP ":open \fB!\fPfoo ba"
+will match all bookmarks that have tags starting with "foo" and "ba".
+If the bookmark does not have any tags set, the URL is split on `.' and `/'
+into tags.
+.IP ":bmr tag"
+will match all bookmarks that have tags starting with "tag".
+.B bookmark tags
+The bookmark tag completion allows the insertion of already used bookmarks for the
+`:bma ` commands.
+.B search
+The search completion allows a filtered list of already done searches.
+This completion starts by `/` or `?` in inputbox and performs a prefix
+comparison for further typed chars.
+All settings listed below can be set with the `:set' command.
+See \fBSettings\fP under \fBCOMMAND MODE\fP for syntax.
+.BR accelerated-2d-canvas (bool)
+Enable or disable accelerated 2D canvas.
+When accelerated 2D canvas is enabled, WebKit may render some 2D canvas
+content using hardware accelerated drawing operations.
+.BR allow-file-access-from-file-urls (bool)
+Indicates whether file access is allowed from file URLs.
+By default, when something is loaded using a file URI, cross origin requests
+to other file resources are not allowed.
+.BR allow-universal-access-from-file-urls (bool)
+Indicates whether or not JavaScript running in the context of a file scheme
+URL should be allowed to access content from any origin.
+By default, when something is loaded in a using a file scheme URL, access to
+the local file system and arbitrary local storage is not allowed.
+.BR caret (bool)
+Whether to enable accessibility enhanced keyboard navigation.
+.B cookie-accept (string)
+Cookie accept policy {`always', `never', `origin' (accept all non-third-party
+.B closed-max-items (int)
+Maximum number of stored last closed URLs.
+If closed-max-items is set to 0, closed URLs will not be stored.
+.B completion-css (string)
+CSS style applied to the inputbox completion list items.
+.B completion-hover-css (string)
+CSS style applied to the inputbox completion list item that is currently
+hovered by the mouse.
+.B completion-selected-css (string)
+CSS style applied to the inputbox completion list item that is currently
+.B cursiv-font (string)
+The font family used as the default for content using cursive font.
+.B dark-mode (bool)
+Whether to enable dark mode. Websites can use the `prefers-color-scheme' media
+query to adjust styles according to this option.
+.B default-charset (string)
+The default text charset used when interpreting content with an unspecified
+.B default-font (string)
+The font family to use as the default for content that does not specify a
+.B default-zoom (int)
+Default Full-Content zoom level in percent. Default is 100.
+.B dns-prefetching (bool)
+Indicates if neovimb prefetches domain names.
+.B download-command (string)
+A command with placeholder '%s' that will be invoked to download a URI in
+case 'download-use-external' is enabled.
+The following additional environment variable are available:
+.PD 0
+.B $neovimb_URI
+The URI of the current opened page, normally the page where the download was
+started from, also known as referer.
+.B $neovimb_DOWNLOAD_PATH
+Setting value of 'download-path' which would be used normally for downloads.
+.PD 0
+.IP ":set download-command=/bin/sh -c ""cd '$neovimb_DOWNLOAD_PATH' \
+&& curl -sLJOC - -e '$neovimb_URI' %s"""
+.B download-path (string)
+Path to the default download directory.
+If no download directory is set, download will be written into current
+The following pattern will be expanded if the download is
+started '~/', '~user', '$VAR' and '${VAR}'.
+.B download-use-external (bool)
+Indicates if the external download tool set as 'download-command' should be
+used to handle downloads.
+If this is disabled neovimb will handle the download.
+.B editor-command (string)
+Command with placeholder '%s' called if form field is opened with $EDITOR to
+spawn the editor-like `x-terminal-emulator -e vim %s'.
+To use Gvim as the editor, it's necessary to call it with `-f' to run it in
+the foreground.
+.B font-size (int)
+The default font size used to display text.
+.B frame-flattening (bool)
+Whether to enable the Frame Flattening.
+With this setting each subframe is expanded to its contents,
+which will flatten all the frames to become one scrollable page.
+.B fullscreen (bool)
+Show the current window full-screen.
+.B hardware-acceleration-policy (string)
+This setting decides how to enable and disable hardware acceleration.
+.PD 0
+.B ondemand
+enables the hardware acceleration when the web contents request it, disabling
+it again when no longer needed.
+.B always
+enforce hardware acceleration to be enabled.
+.B never
+disables it completely.
+Note that disabling hardware acceleration might cause some websites to not
+render correctly or consume more CPU.
+.B header (list)
+Comma separated list of headers that replaces default header sent by WebKit or
+new headers.
+The format for the header list elements is `name[=[value]]'.
+Note that these headers will replace already existing headers.
+If there is no '=' after the header name, then the complete header
+will be removed from the request, if the '=' is present means that
+the header value is set to empty value.
+Note that webkit reused already set headers in case of a reload of a page.
+So if there are headers removed that where previously use to access a certain
+page and the page is reloaded or opened via back/forward history the header
+will still be sent.
+To apply the new header setting properly it's required to request another page
+or to open current page new by `O<Cr>`.
+To use '=' within a header value the value must be quoted like shown in
+Example for the Cookie header.
+.PD 0
+.IP ":set header=DNT=1,User-Agent,Cookie='name=value'"
+Send the 'Do Not Track' header with each request and remove the User-Agent
+Header completely from request.
+.B hint-follow-last (bool)
+If on, neovimb automatically follows the last remaining hint on the page.
+If off hints are fired only if enter is pressed.
+.B hint-keys-same-length (bool)
+If on, all hint labels will have the same length, so no hints will be
+.B hint-timeout (int)
+Timeout before automatically following a non-unique numerical hint.
+To disable auto fire of hints, set this value to 0.
+.B hint-keys (string)
+The keys used to label and select hints.
+With its default value, each hint has a unique label which can be typed
+to select it, while all other characters are used to filter hints based
+on their text.
+With a value such as asdfg;lkjh,
+each hint is `labeled' based on the characters of the home row.
+If the hint-keys string starts with a '0' the keys are considered to follow
+the rules of numeric labeling. So that the ifrst char of the label will never
+start with the '0'.
+Note that the hint matching by label built of hint-keys is case sensitive.
+In this neovimb differs from some other browsers that show hint labels in upper
+case, but match them lowercase.
+To have upper case hint labels, it's possible to add following css to the
+`style.css' file in neovimb's configuration directory.
+"span[neovimbhint="label"] {text-transform: uppercase !important;}"
+.B hint-match-element (bool)
+If this is set to 'true' typed chars that are not part of the set 'hint-keys'
+are used to filter hinted DOM elements by their text value.
+If 'hint-keys' are set to chars instead of numbers it might be useful to
+disable matching of the elements by 'hint-match-element=false'.
+.B home-page (string)
+Homepage that neovimb opens if started without a URI.
+.B html5-database (bool)
+Whether to enable HTML5 client-side SQL database support.
+Client-side SQL database allows web pages to store structured data
+and be able to use SQL to manipulate that data asynchronously.
+.B html5-local-storage (bool)
+Whether to enable HTML5 localStorage support.
+localStorage provides simple synchronous storage access.
+.B hyperlink-auditing (bool)
+Enable or disable support for <a ping>.
+.B images (bool)
+Determines whether images should be automatically loaded or not.
+.B incsearch (bool)
+While typing a search command, show where the pattern typed so far matches.
+.B input-autohide (bool)
+If enabled the inputbox will be hidden whenever it contains no text.
+.B input-css (string)
+CSS style applied to the inputbox in normal state.
+.B input-error-css (string)
+CSS style applied to the inputbox in case of displayed error.
+.B javascript-can-access-clipboard (bool)
+Whether JavaScript can access the clipboard.
+.B javascript-can-open-windows-automatically (bool)
+Whether JavaScript can open popup windows automatically without user
+.B geolocation (string)
+Controls website access to the geolocation API {`always', `never', `ask' (display a prompt each time)}
+.B media-playback-allows-inline (bool)
+Whether media playback is full-screen only or inline playback is allowed.
+Setting it to false allows specifying that media playback should be always
+.B media-playback-requires-user-gesture (bool)
+Whether a user gesture (such as clicking the play button) would be required to
+start media playback or load media.
+Setting it on requires a gesture by the
+user to start playback, or to load the media.
+.B media-stream (bool)
+Enable or disable support for MediaSource on pages.
+MediaSource is an experimental proposal which extends HTMLMediaElement
+to allow JavaScript to generate media streams for playback.
+.B mediasource (bool)
+Enable or disable support for MediaSource on pages.
+MediaSource is an experimental proposal which extends HTMLMediaElement
+to allow JavaScript to generate media streams for playback.
+.B minimum-font-size (int)
+The minimum font size used to display text.
+.B monospace-font (string)
+The font family used as the default for content using monospace font.
+.B monospace-font-size (int)
+Default font size for the monospace font.
+.B notification (string)
+Controls website access to the notification API, that sends notifications via
+dbus. {`always', `never', `ask' (display a prompt each time)}
+.B offline-cache (bool)
+Whether to enable HTML5 offline web application cache support.
+Offline web application cache allows web applications to run even
+when the user is not connected to the network.
+.B print-backgrounds (bool)
+Whether background images should be drawn during printing.
+.B plugins (bool)
+Determines whether or not plugins on the page are enabled.
+.B prevent-newwindow (bool)
+Whether to open links, that would normally open in a new window, in the
+current window.
+This option does not affect links fired by hinting.
+.B sans-serif-font (string)
+The font family used as the default for content using sans-serif font.
+.B scripts (bool)
+Determines whether or not JavaScript executes within a page.
+.B scroll-step (int)
+Number of pixel neovimb scrolls if 'j' or 'k' is used.
+.B scroll-multiplier (int)
+Multiplier to increase the scroll distance if window is scrolled by mouse
+.B serif-font (string)
+The font family used as the default for content using serif font.
+.B show-titlebar (bool)
+Determines whether the titlebar is shown (on systems that provide window
+Defaults to true.
+.B site-specific-quirks (bool)
+Enables the site-specific compatibility workarounds.
+.B smooth-scrolling (bool)
+Enable or disable support for smooth scrolling.
+.B spatial-navigation (bool)
+Whether to enable the Spatial Navigation.
+This feature consists in the ability to navigate between focusable
+elements in a Web page, such as hyperlinks and form controls, by using
+Left, Right, Up and Down arrow keys.
+For example, if a user presses the Right key, heuristics determine whether
+there is an element they might be trying to reach towards the right, and if
+there are multiple elements, which element they probably want.
+.B spell-checking (bool)
+Enable or disable the spell checking feature.
+.B spell-checking-languages (string)
+Set comma separated list of spell checking languages to be used for spell
+The locale string typically is in the form lang_COUNTRY, where lang is an
+ISO-639 language code, and COUNTRY is an ISO-3166 country code. For instance,
+sv_FI for Swedish as written in Finland or pt_BR for Portuguese as written in
+.B status-bar (bool)
+Indicates if the status bar should be shown.
+.B status-css (string)
+CSS style applied to the status bar on none https pages.
+.B status-ssl-css (string)
+CSS style applied to the status bar on https pages with trusted certificate.
+.B status-ssl-invalid-css (string)
+CSS style applied to the status bar on https pages with untrusted certificate.
+.B strict-ssl (bool)
+If 'on', neovimb will not load a untrusted https site.
+.B stylesheet (bool)
+If 'on' the user defined styles-sheet is used.
+.B tabs-to-links (bool)
+Whether the Tab key cycles through elements on the page.
+If true, pressing the Tab key will focus the next element in the web view.
+Otherwise, the web view will interpret Tab key presses as normal key presses.
+If the selected element is editable, the Tab key will cause the insertion
+of a Tab character.
+.B timeoutlen (int)
+The time in milliseconds that is waited for a key code or mapped key sequence
+to complete.
+.B user-agent (string)
+The user-agent string used by WebKit.
+.B user-scripts (bool)
+If 'on' the user scripts are injected into every page.
+.B webaudio (bool)
+Enable or disable support for WebAudio on pages.
+WebAudio is an experimental proposal for allowing web pages
+to generate Audio WAVE data from JavaScript.
+.B webgl (bool)
+Enable or disable support for WebGL on pages.
+.B webinspector (bool)
+Determines whether or not developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, are
+.B x-hint-command (string)
+Command used if hint mode ;x is fired.
+The command can be any neovimb command string.
+Note that the command is run through the mapping mechanism of neovimb so
+it might change the behaviour by adding or changing mappings.
+.PD 0
+.IP ":set x-hint-command=:sh! curl -e <C-R>% <C-R>;"
+This fills the inputbox with the prefilled download command and replaces
+`<C-R>%' with the current URI and `<C-R>;' with the URI of the hinted element.
+.B xss-auditor (bool)
+Whether to enable the XSS auditor.
+This feature filters some kinds of reflective XSS attacks on vulnerable web
+.B javascript-enable-markup (bool)
+Whether JavaScript markup is enabled.
+Disabling can help with some older systems (ppc, ppc64, etc.) that don't have complete JavaScript support to run webpages without crashing.
+Directory for configuration data.
+If executed with \fB-p \fIPROFILE\fR parameter, configuration is read from
+this subdirectory.
+.PD 0
+.I config
+Configuration file to set WebKit setting, some GUI styles and keybindings.
+.I scripts.js
+This file can be used to run user scripts, that are injected into every page
+that is opened.
+.I style.css
+File for userdefined CSS styles.
+These file is used if the config variable `stylesheet' is enabled.
+Directory for runtime data.
+If executed with \fB-p \fIPROFILE\fR parameter, data files are written from
+this subdirectory.
+.PD 0
+.I cookies.db
+Sqlite cookie storage.
+This file will not be touched if option \-\-incognito is set.
+.I closed
+Holds the URIs of last closed browser windows.
+This file will not be touched if option \-\-incognito is set.
+.I bookmark
+This file holds the list of bookmarked URIs with tags.
+.I command
+This file will not be touched if option \-\-incognito is set.
+.I queue
+Holds the read it later queue filled by `qpush'.
+.I search
+This file will not be touched if option \-\-incognito is set.
+.B http_proxy, HTTP_PROXY
+If either environment variable is non-empty, the specified host and
+optional port is used to tunnel requests. For example:
+Report bugs to the main project page on
+or on the mailing list
+Daniel Carl