path: root/src/com/pkrandom/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/pkrandom/')
1 files changed, 2388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/pkrandom/ b/src/com/pkrandom/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb2cf36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/pkrandom/
@@ -0,0 +1,2388 @@
+package com.pkrandom;
+/*-- - encapsulates a configuration of settings used by the --*/
+/*-- randomizer to determine how to randomize the --*/
+/*-- target game. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- Part of "Universal Pokemon Randomizer ZX" by the UPR-ZX team --*/
+/*-- Pokemon and any associated names and the like are --*/
+/*-- trademark and (C) Nintendo 1996-2020. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- The custom code written here is licensed under the terms of the GPL: --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --*/
+/*-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --*/
+/*-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --*/
+/*-- (at your option) any later version. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --*/
+/*-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --*/
+/*-- GNU General Public License for more details. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --*/
+/*-- along with this program. If not, see <>. --*/
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.util.Base64;
+import java.util.List;
+import com.pkrandom.pokemon.ExpCurve;
+import com.pkrandom.pokemon.GenRestrictions;
+import com.pkrandom.pokemon.Pokemon;
+import com.pkrandom.romhandlers.Gen1RomHandler;
+import com.pkrandom.romhandlers.Gen2RomHandler;
+import com.pkrandom.romhandlers.Gen3RomHandler;
+import com.pkrandom.romhandlers.Gen5RomHandler;
+import com.pkrandom.romhandlers.RomHandler;
+public class Settings {
+ public static final int VERSION = Version.VERSION;
+ public static final int LENGTH_OF_SETTINGS_DATA = 51;
+ private CustomNamesSet customNames;
+ private String romName;
+ private boolean updatedFromOldVersion = false;
+ private GenRestrictions currentRestrictions;
+ private int currentMiscTweaks;
+ private boolean changeImpossibleEvolutions;
+ private boolean makeEvolutionsEasier;
+ private boolean removeTimeBasedEvolutions;
+ private boolean raceMode;
+ private boolean blockBrokenMoves;
+ private boolean limitPokemon;
+ private boolean banIrregularAltFormes;
+ private boolean dualTypeOnly;
+ public enum BaseStatisticsMod {
+ }
+ public enum ExpCurveMod {
+ }
+ private BaseStatisticsMod baseStatisticsMod = BaseStatisticsMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean baseStatsFollowEvolutions;
+ private boolean baseStatsFollowMegaEvolutions;
+ private boolean assignEvoStatsRandomly;
+ private boolean updateBaseStats;
+ private int updateBaseStatsToGeneration;
+ private boolean standardizeEXPCurves;
+ private ExpCurve selectedEXPCurve;
+ private ExpCurveMod expCurveMod = ExpCurveMod.LEGENDARIES;
+ public enum AbilitiesMod {
+ }
+ private AbilitiesMod abilitiesMod = AbilitiesMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean allowWonderGuard = true;
+ private boolean abilitiesFollowEvolutions;
+ private boolean abilitiesFollowMegaEvolutions;
+ private boolean banTrappingAbilities;
+ private boolean banNegativeAbilities;
+ private boolean banBadAbilities;
+ private boolean weighDuplicateAbilitiesTogether;
+ private boolean ensureTwoAbilities;
+ public enum StartersMod {
+ }
+ private StartersMod startersMod = StartersMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean allowStarterAltFormes;
+ // index in the rom's list of pokemon
+ // offset from the dropdown index from RandomizerGUI by 1
+ private int[] customStarters = new int[3];
+ private boolean randomizeStartersHeldItems;
+ private boolean limitMainGameLegendaries;
+ private boolean limit600;
+ private boolean banBadRandomStarterHeldItems;
+ public enum TypesMod {
+ }
+ private TypesMod typesMod = TypesMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean typesFollowMegaEvolutions;
+ // Evolutions
+ public enum EvolutionsMod {
+ }
+ private EvolutionsMod evolutionsMod = EvolutionsMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean evosSimilarStrength;
+ private boolean evosSameTyping;
+ private boolean evosMaxThreeStages;
+ private boolean evosForceChange;
+ private boolean evosAllowAltFormes;
+ // Move data
+ private boolean randomizeMovePowers;
+ private boolean randomizeMoveAccuracies;
+ private boolean randomizeMovePPs;
+ private boolean randomizeMoveTypes;
+ private boolean randomizeMoveCategory;
+ private boolean updateMoves;
+ private int updateMovesToGeneration;
+ private boolean updateMovesLegacy;
+ public enum MovesetsMod {
+ }
+ private MovesetsMod movesetsMod = MovesetsMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean startWithGuaranteedMoves;
+ private int guaranteedMoveCount = 2;
+ private boolean reorderDamagingMoves;
+ private boolean movesetsForceGoodDamaging;
+ private int movesetsGoodDamagingPercent = 0;
+ private boolean blockBrokenMovesetMoves;
+ private boolean evolutionMovesForAll;
+ public enum TrainersMod {
+ }
+ private TrainersMod trainersMod = TrainersMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean rivalCarriesStarterThroughout;
+ private boolean trainersUsePokemonOfSimilarStrength;
+ private boolean trainersMatchTypingDistribution;
+ private boolean trainersBlockLegendaries = true;
+ private boolean trainersBlockEarlyWonderGuard = true;
+ private boolean trainersEnforceDistribution;
+ private boolean trainersEnforceMainPlaythrough;
+ private boolean randomizeTrainerNames;
+ private boolean randomizeTrainerClassNames;
+ private boolean trainersForceFullyEvolved;
+ private int trainersForceFullyEvolvedLevel = 30;
+ private boolean trainersLevelModified;
+ private int trainersLevelModifier = 0; // -50 ~ 50
+ private int eliteFourUniquePokemonNumber = 0; // 0 ~ 2
+ private boolean allowTrainerAlternateFormes;
+ private boolean swapTrainerMegaEvos;
+ private int additionalBossTrainerPokemon = 0;
+ private int additionalImportantTrainerPokemon = 0;
+ private int additionalRegularTrainerPokemon = 0;
+ private boolean randomizeHeldItemsForBossTrainerPokemon;
+ private boolean randomizeHeldItemsForImportantTrainerPokemon;
+ private boolean randomizeHeldItemsForRegularTrainerPokemon;
+ private boolean consumableItemsOnlyForTrainerPokemon;
+ private boolean sensibleItemsOnlyForTrainerPokemon;
+ private boolean highestLevelOnlyGetsItemsForTrainerPokemon;
+ private boolean doubleBattleMode;
+ private boolean shinyChance;
+ private boolean betterTrainerMovesets;
+ public enum WildPokemonMod {
+ }
+ public enum WildPokemonRestrictionMod {
+ }
+ private WildPokemonMod wildPokemonMod = WildPokemonMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private WildPokemonRestrictionMod wildPokemonRestrictionMod = WildPokemonRestrictionMod.NONE;
+ private boolean useTimeBasedEncounters;
+ private boolean blockWildLegendaries = true;
+ private boolean useMinimumCatchRate;
+ private int minimumCatchRateLevel = 1;
+ private boolean randomizeWildPokemonHeldItems;
+ private boolean banBadRandomWildPokemonHeldItems;
+ private boolean balanceShakingGrass;
+ private boolean wildLevelsModified;
+ private int wildLevelModifier = 0;
+ private boolean allowWildAltFormes;
+ public enum StaticPokemonMod {
+ }
+ private StaticPokemonMod staticPokemonMod = StaticPokemonMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean allowStaticAltFormes;
+ private boolean swapStaticMegaEvos;
+ private boolean staticLevelModified;
+ private int staticLevelModifier = 0; // -50 ~ 50
+ private boolean correctStaticMusic;
+ public enum TotemPokemonMod {
+ }
+ public enum AllyPokemonMod {
+ }
+ public enum AuraMod {
+ }
+ private TotemPokemonMod totemPokemonMod = TotemPokemonMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private AllyPokemonMod allyPokemonMod = AllyPokemonMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private AuraMod auraMod = AuraMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean randomizeTotemHeldItems;
+ private boolean totemLevelsModified;
+ private int totemLevelModifier = 0;
+ private boolean allowTotemAltFormes;
+ public enum TMsMod {
+ }
+ private TMsMod tmsMod = TMsMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean tmLevelUpMoveSanity;
+ private boolean keepFieldMoveTMs;
+ private boolean fullHMCompat;
+ private boolean tmsForceGoodDamaging;
+ private int tmsGoodDamagingPercent = 0;
+ private boolean blockBrokenTMMoves;
+ private boolean tmsFollowEvolutions;
+ public enum TMsHMsCompatibilityMod {
+ }
+ private TMsHMsCompatibilityMod tmsHmsCompatibilityMod = TMsHMsCompatibilityMod.UNCHANGED;
+ public enum MoveTutorMovesMod {
+ }
+ private MoveTutorMovesMod moveTutorMovesMod = MoveTutorMovesMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean tutorLevelUpMoveSanity;
+ private boolean keepFieldMoveTutors;
+ private boolean tutorsForceGoodDamaging;
+ private int tutorsGoodDamagingPercent = 0;
+ private boolean blockBrokenTutorMoves;
+ private boolean tutorFollowEvolutions;
+ public enum MoveTutorsCompatibilityMod {
+ }
+ private MoveTutorsCompatibilityMod moveTutorsCompatibilityMod = MoveTutorsCompatibilityMod.UNCHANGED;
+ public enum InGameTradesMod {
+ }
+ private InGameTradesMod inGameTradesMod = InGameTradesMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean randomizeInGameTradesNicknames;
+ private boolean randomizeInGameTradesOTs;
+ private boolean randomizeInGameTradesIVs;
+ private boolean randomizeInGameTradesItems;
+ public enum FieldItemsMod {
+ }
+ private FieldItemsMod fieldItemsMod = FieldItemsMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean banBadRandomFieldItems;
+ public enum ShopItemsMod {
+ }
+ private ShopItemsMod shopItemsMod = ShopItemsMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean banBadRandomShopItems;
+ private boolean banRegularShopItems;
+ private boolean banOPShopItems;
+ private boolean balanceShopPrices;
+ private boolean guaranteeEvolutionItems;
+ private boolean guaranteeXItems;
+ public enum PickupItemsMod {
+ }
+ private PickupItemsMod pickupItemsMod = PickupItemsMod.UNCHANGED;
+ private boolean banBadRandomPickupItems;
+ // to and from strings etc
+ public void write(FileOutputStream out) throws IOException {
+ byte[] settings = toString().getBytes("UTF-8");
+ ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(settings.length + 8);
+ buf.putInt(VERSION);
+ buf.putInt(settings.length);
+ buf.put(settings);
+ out.write(buf.array());
+ }
+ public static Settings read(FileInputStream in) throws IOException, UnsupportedOperationException {
+ byte[] versionBytes = new byte[4];
+ byte[] lengthBytes = new byte[4];
+ int nread =;
+ if (nread < 4) {
+ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Error reading version number from settings string.");
+ }
+ int version = ByteBuffer.wrap(versionBytes).getInt();
+ if (((version >> 24) & 0xFF) > 0 && ((version >> 24) & 0xFF) <= 172) {
+ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The settings file is too old to update. Please download v4.0.2 of the randomizer (or earlier) to update it.");
+ }
+ if (version > VERSION) {
+ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot read settings from a newer version of the randomizer.");
+ }
+ nread =;
+ if (nread < 4) {
+ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Error reading settings length from settings string.");
+ }
+ int length = ByteBuffer.wrap(lengthBytes).getInt();
+ byte[] buffer = FileFunctions.readFullyIntoBuffer(in, length);
+ String settings = new String(buffer, "UTF-8");
+ boolean oldUpdate = false;
+ if (version < VERSION) {
+ oldUpdate = true;
+ settings = new SettingsUpdater().update(version, settings);
+ }
+ Settings settingsObj = fromString(settings);
+ settingsObj.setUpdatedFromOldVersion(oldUpdate);
+ return settingsObj;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ // 0: general options #1 + trainer/class names
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(changeImpossibleEvolutions, updateMoves, updateMovesLegacy, randomizeTrainerNames,
+ randomizeTrainerClassNames, makeEvolutionsEasier, removeTimeBasedEvolutions));
+ // 1: pokemon base stats & abilities
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(baseStatsFollowEvolutions, baseStatisticsMod == BaseStatisticsMod.RANDOM,
+ baseStatisticsMod == BaseStatisticsMod.SHUFFLE, baseStatisticsMod == BaseStatisticsMod.UNCHANGED,
+ standardizeEXPCurves, updateBaseStats, baseStatsFollowMegaEvolutions, assignEvoStatsRandomly));
+ // 2: pokemon types & more general options
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(typesMod == TypesMod.RANDOM_FOLLOW_EVOLUTIONS,
+ typesMod == TypesMod.COMPLETELY_RANDOM, typesMod == TypesMod.UNCHANGED, raceMode, blockBrokenMoves,
+ limitPokemon, typesFollowMegaEvolutions, dualTypeOnly));
+ // 3: v171: changed to the abilities byte
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(abilitiesMod == AbilitiesMod.UNCHANGED, abilitiesMod == AbilitiesMod.RANDOMIZE,
+ allowWonderGuard, abilitiesFollowEvolutions, banTrappingAbilities, banNegativeAbilities, banBadAbilities,
+ abilitiesFollowMegaEvolutions));
+ // 4: starter pokemon stuff
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(startersMod == StartersMod.CUSTOM, startersMod == StartersMod.COMPLETELY_RANDOM,
+ startersMod == StartersMod.UNCHANGED, startersMod == StartersMod.RANDOM_WITH_TWO_EVOLUTIONS,
+ randomizeStartersHeldItems, banBadRandomStarterHeldItems, allowStarterAltFormes));
+ // 5 - 10: dropdowns
+ write2ByteInt(out, customStarters[0] - 1);
+ write2ByteInt(out, customStarters[1] - 1);
+ write2ByteInt(out, customStarters[2] - 1);
+ // 11 movesets
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(movesetsMod == MovesetsMod.COMPLETELY_RANDOM,
+ movesetsMod == MovesetsMod.RANDOM_PREFER_SAME_TYPE, movesetsMod == MovesetsMod.UNCHANGED,
+ movesetsMod == MovesetsMod.METRONOME_ONLY, startWithGuaranteedMoves, reorderDamagingMoves)
+ | ((guaranteedMoveCount - 2) << 6));
+ // 12 movesets good damaging
+ out.write((movesetsForceGoodDamaging ? 0x80 : 0) | movesetsGoodDamagingPercent);
+ // 13 trainer pokemon
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(trainersMod == TrainersMod.UNCHANGED,
+ trainersMod == TrainersMod.RANDOM,
+ trainersMod == TrainersMod.DISTRIBUTED,
+ trainersMod == TrainersMod.MAINPLAYTHROUGH,
+ trainersMod == TrainersMod.TYPE_THEMED,
+ trainersMod == TrainersMod.TYPE_THEMED_ELITE4_GYMS));
+ // 14 trainer pokemon force evolutions
+ out.write((trainersForceFullyEvolved ? 0x80 : 0) | trainersForceFullyEvolvedLevel);
+ // 15 wild pokemon
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(wildPokemonRestrictionMod == WildPokemonRestrictionMod.CATCH_EM_ALL,
+ wildPokemonMod == WildPokemonMod.AREA_MAPPING,
+ wildPokemonRestrictionMod == WildPokemonRestrictionMod.NONE,
+ wildPokemonRestrictionMod == WildPokemonRestrictionMod.TYPE_THEME_AREAS,
+ wildPokemonMod == WildPokemonMod.GLOBAL_MAPPING, wildPokemonMod == WildPokemonMod.RANDOM,
+ wildPokemonMod == WildPokemonMod.UNCHANGED, useTimeBasedEncounters));
+ // 16 wild pokemon 2
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(useMinimumCatchRate, blockWildLegendaries,
+ wildPokemonRestrictionMod == WildPokemonRestrictionMod.SIMILAR_STRENGTH, randomizeWildPokemonHeldItems,
+ banBadRandomWildPokemonHeldItems, false, false, balanceShakingGrass));
+ // 17 static pokemon
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(staticPokemonMod == StaticPokemonMod.UNCHANGED,
+ staticPokemonMod == StaticPokemonMod.RANDOM_MATCHING,
+ staticPokemonMod == StaticPokemonMod.COMPLETELY_RANDOM,
+ staticPokemonMod == StaticPokemonMod.SIMILAR_STRENGTH,
+ limitMainGameLegendaries, limit600, allowStaticAltFormes, swapStaticMegaEvos));
+ // 18 tm randomization
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(tmsHmsCompatibilityMod == TMsHMsCompatibilityMod.COMPLETELY_RANDOM,
+ tmsHmsCompatibilityMod == TMsHMsCompatibilityMod.RANDOM_PREFER_TYPE,
+ tmsHmsCompatibilityMod == TMsHMsCompatibilityMod.UNCHANGED, tmsMod == TMsMod.RANDOM,
+ tmsMod == TMsMod.UNCHANGED, tmLevelUpMoveSanity, keepFieldMoveTMs,
+ tmsHmsCompatibilityMod == TMsHMsCompatibilityMod.FULL));
+ // 19 tms part 2
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(fullHMCompat, tmsFollowEvolutions, tutorFollowEvolutions));
+ // 20 tms good damaging
+ out.write((tmsForceGoodDamaging ? 0x80 : 0) | tmsGoodDamagingPercent);
+ // 21 move tutor randomization
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(moveTutorsCompatibilityMod == MoveTutorsCompatibilityMod.COMPLETELY_RANDOM,
+ moveTutorsCompatibilityMod == MoveTutorsCompatibilityMod.RANDOM_PREFER_TYPE,
+ moveTutorsCompatibilityMod == MoveTutorsCompatibilityMod.UNCHANGED,
+ moveTutorMovesMod == MoveTutorMovesMod.RANDOM, moveTutorMovesMod == MoveTutorMovesMod.UNCHANGED,
+ tutorLevelUpMoveSanity, keepFieldMoveTutors,
+ moveTutorsCompatibilityMod == MoveTutorsCompatibilityMod.FULL));
+ // 22 tutors good damaging
+ out.write((tutorsForceGoodDamaging ? 0x80 : 0) | tutorsGoodDamagingPercent);
+ // 23 in game trades
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(inGameTradesMod == InGameTradesMod.RANDOMIZE_GIVEN_AND_REQUESTED,
+ inGameTradesMod == InGameTradesMod.RANDOMIZE_GIVEN, randomizeInGameTradesItems,
+ randomizeInGameTradesIVs, randomizeInGameTradesNicknames, randomizeInGameTradesOTs,
+ inGameTradesMod == InGameTradesMod.UNCHANGED));
+ // 24 field items
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(fieldItemsMod == FieldItemsMod.RANDOM, fieldItemsMod == FieldItemsMod.SHUFFLE,
+ fieldItemsMod == FieldItemsMod.UNCHANGED, banBadRandomFieldItems, fieldItemsMod == FieldItemsMod.RANDOM_EVEN));
+ // 25 move randomizers
+ // + static music
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(randomizeMovePowers, randomizeMoveAccuracies, randomizeMovePPs, randomizeMoveTypes,
+ randomizeMoveCategory, correctStaticMusic));
+ // 26 evolutions
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(evolutionsMod == EvolutionsMod.UNCHANGED, evolutionsMod == EvolutionsMod.RANDOM,
+ evosSimilarStrength, evosSameTyping, evosMaxThreeStages, evosForceChange, evosAllowAltFormes,
+ evolutionsMod == EvolutionsMod.RANDOM_EVERY_LEVEL));
+ // 27 pokemon trainer misc
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(trainersUsePokemonOfSimilarStrength,
+ rivalCarriesStarterThroughout,
+ trainersMatchTypingDistribution,
+ trainersBlockLegendaries,
+ trainersBlockEarlyWonderGuard,
+ swapTrainerMegaEvos,
+ shinyChance,
+ betterTrainerMovesets));
+ // 28 - 31: pokemon restrictions
+ try {
+ if (currentRestrictions != null) {
+ writeFullInt(out, currentRestrictions.toInt());
+ } else {
+ writeFullInt(out, 0);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace(); // better than nothing
+ }
+ // 32 - 35: misc tweaks
+ try {
+ writeFullInt(out, currentMiscTweaks);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace(); // better than nothing
+ }
+ // 36 trainer pokemon level modifier
+ out.write((trainersLevelModified ? 0x80 : 0) | (trainersLevelModifier+50));
+ // 37 shop items
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(shopItemsMod == ShopItemsMod.RANDOM, shopItemsMod == ShopItemsMod.SHUFFLE,
+ shopItemsMod == ShopItemsMod.UNCHANGED, banBadRandomShopItems, banRegularShopItems, banOPShopItems,
+ balanceShopPrices, guaranteeEvolutionItems));
+ // 38 wild level modifier
+ out.write((wildLevelsModified ? 0x80 : 0) | (wildLevelModifier+50));
+ // 39 EXP curve mod, block broken moves, alt forme stuff
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(
+ expCurveMod == ExpCurveMod.LEGENDARIES,
+ expCurveMod == ExpCurveMod.STRONG_LEGENDARIES,
+ expCurveMod == ExpCurveMod.ALL,
+ blockBrokenMovesetMoves,
+ blockBrokenTMMoves,
+ blockBrokenTutorMoves,
+ allowTrainerAlternateFormes,
+ allowWildAltFormes));
+ // 40 Double Battle Mode, Additional Boss/Important Trainer Pokemon, Weigh Duplicate Abilities
+ out.write((doubleBattleMode ? 0x1 : 0) |
+ (additionalBossTrainerPokemon << 1) |
+ (additionalImportantTrainerPokemon << 4) |
+ (weighDuplicateAbilitiesTogether ? 0x80 : 0));
+ // 41 Additional Regular Trainer Pokemon, Aura modification, evolution moves, guarantee X items
+ out.write(additionalRegularTrainerPokemon |
+ ((auraMod == AuraMod.UNCHANGED) ? 0x8 : 0) |
+ ((auraMod == AuraMod.RANDOM) ? 0x10 : 0) |
+ ((auraMod == AuraMod.SAME_STRENGTH) ? 0x20 : 0) |
+ (evolutionMovesForAll ? 0x40 : 0) |
+ (guaranteeXItems ? 0x80 : 0));
+ // 42 Totem Pokemon settings
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(
+ totemPokemonMod == TotemPokemonMod.UNCHANGED,
+ totemPokemonMod == TotemPokemonMod.RANDOM,
+ totemPokemonMod == TotemPokemonMod.SIMILAR_STRENGTH,
+ allyPokemonMod == AllyPokemonMod.UNCHANGED,
+ allyPokemonMod == AllyPokemonMod.RANDOM,
+ allyPokemonMod == AllyPokemonMod.SIMILAR_STRENGTH,
+ randomizeTotemHeldItems,
+ allowTotemAltFormes));
+ // 43 Totem level modifier
+ out.write((totemLevelsModified ? 0x80 : 0) | (totemLevelModifier+50));
+ // 44 - 45: These two get a byte each for future proofing
+ out.write(updateBaseStatsToGeneration);
+ out.write(updateMovesToGeneration);
+ // 46 Selected EXP curve
+ out.write(selectedEXPCurve.toByte());
+ // 47 Static level modifier
+ out.write((staticLevelModified ? 0x80 : 0) | (staticLevelModifier+50));
+ // 48 trainer pokemon held items / pokemon ensure two abilities
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(randomizeHeldItemsForBossTrainerPokemon,
+ randomizeHeldItemsForImportantTrainerPokemon,
+ randomizeHeldItemsForRegularTrainerPokemon,
+ consumableItemsOnlyForTrainerPokemon,
+ sensibleItemsOnlyForTrainerPokemon,
+ highestLevelOnlyGetsItemsForTrainerPokemon,
+ ensureTwoAbilities));
+ // 49 pickup item randomization
+ out.write(makeByteSelected(pickupItemsMod == PickupItemsMod.RANDOM,
+ pickupItemsMod == PickupItemsMod.UNCHANGED, banBadRandomPickupItems,
+ banIrregularAltFormes));
+ // 50 elite four unique pokemon (3 bits) + catch rate level (3 bits)
+ out.write(eliteFourUniquePokemonNumber | ((minimumCatchRateLevel - 1) << 3));
+ try {
+ byte[] romName = this.romName.getBytes("US-ASCII");
+ out.write(romName.length);
+ out.write(romName);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ out.write(0);
+ }
+ byte[] current = out.toByteArray();
+ CRC32 checksum = new CRC32();
+ checksum.update(current);
+ try {
+ writeFullInt(out, (int) checksum.getValue());
+ writeFullInt(out, FileFunctions.getFileChecksum(SysConstants.customNamesFile));
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace(); // better than nothing
+ }
+ return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(out.toByteArray());
+ }
+ public static Settings fromString(String settingsString) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IllegalArgumentException {
+ byte[] data = Base64.getDecoder().decode(settingsString);
+ checkChecksum(data);
+ Settings settings = new Settings();
+ // Restore the actual controls
+ settings.setChangeImpossibleEvolutions(restoreState(data[0], 0));
+ settings.setUpdateMoves(restoreState(data[0], 1));
+ settings.setUpdateMovesLegacy(restoreState(data[0], 2));
+ settings.setRandomizeTrainerNames(restoreState(data[0], 3));
+ settings.setRandomizeTrainerClassNames(restoreState(data[0], 4));
+ settings.setMakeEvolutionsEasier(restoreState(data[0], 5));
+ settings.setRemoveTimeBasedEvolutions(restoreState(data[0], 6));
+ settings.setBaseStatisticsMod(restoreEnum(BaseStatisticsMod.class, data[1], 3, // UNCHANGED
+ 2, // SHUFFLE
+ 1 // RANDOM
+ ));
+ settings.setStandardizeEXPCurves(restoreState(data[1], 4));
+ settings.setBaseStatsFollowEvolutions(restoreState(data[1], 0));
+ settings.setUpdateBaseStats(restoreState(data[1], 5));
+ settings.setBaseStatsFollowMegaEvolutions(restoreState(data[1],6));
+ settings.setAssignEvoStatsRandomly(restoreState(data[1],7));
+ settings.setTypesMod(restoreEnum(TypesMod.class, data[2], 2, // UNCHANGED
+ ));
+ settings.setRaceMode(restoreState(data[2], 3));
+ settings.setBlockBrokenMoves(restoreState(data[2], 4));
+ settings.setLimitPokemon(restoreState(data[2], 5));
+ settings.setTypesFollowMegaEvolutions(restoreState(data[2],6));
+ settings.setDualTypeOnly(restoreState(data[2], 7));
+ settings.setAbilitiesMod(restoreEnum(AbilitiesMod.class, data[3], 0, // UNCHANGED
+ ));
+ settings.setAllowWonderGuard(restoreState(data[3], 2));
+ settings.setAbilitiesFollowEvolutions(restoreState(data[3], 3));
+ settings.setBanTrappingAbilities(restoreState(data[3], 4));
+ settings.setBanNegativeAbilities(restoreState(data[3], 5));
+ settings.setBanBadAbilities(restoreState(data[3], 6));
+ settings.setAbilitiesFollowMegaEvolutions(restoreState(data[3],7));
+ settings.setStartersMod(restoreEnum(StartersMod.class, data[4], 2, // UNCHANGED
+ 0, // CUSTOM
+ ));
+ settings.setRandomizeStartersHeldItems(restoreState(data[4], 4));
+ settings.setBanBadRandomStarterHeldItems(restoreState(data[4], 5));
+ settings.setAllowStarterAltFormes(restoreState(data[4],6));
+ settings.setCustomStarters(new int[] { FileFunctions.read2ByteInt(data, 5) + 1,
+ FileFunctions.read2ByteInt(data, 7) + 1, FileFunctions.read2ByteInt(data, 9) + 1 });
+ settings.setMovesetsMod(restoreEnum(MovesetsMod.class, data[11], 2, // UNCHANGED
+ ));
+ settings.setStartWithGuaranteedMoves(restoreState(data[11], 4));
+ settings.setReorderDamagingMoves(restoreState(data[11], 5));
+ settings.setGuaranteedMoveCount(((data[11] & 0xC0) >> 6) + 2);
+ settings.setMovesetsForceGoodDamaging(restoreState(data[12], 7));
+ settings.setMovesetsGoodDamagingPercent(data[12] & 0x7F);
+ // changed 160
+ settings.setTrainersMod(restoreEnum(TrainersMod.class, data[13], 0, // UNCHANGED
+ 1, // RANDOM
+ ));
+ settings.setTrainersForceFullyEvolved(restoreState(data[14], 7));
+ settings.setTrainersForceFullyEvolvedLevel(data[14] & 0x7F);
+ settings.setWildPokemonMod(restoreEnum(WildPokemonMod.class, data[15], 6, // UNCHANGED
+ 5, // RANDOM
+ ));
+ settings.setWildPokemonRestrictionMod(getEnum(WildPokemonRestrictionMod.class, restoreState(data[15], 2), // NONE
+ restoreState(data[16], 2), // SIMILAR_STRENGTH
+ restoreState(data[15], 0), // CATCH_EM_ALL
+ restoreState(data[15], 3) // TYPE_THEME_AREAS
+ ));
+ settings.setUseTimeBasedEncounters(restoreState(data[15], 7));
+ settings.setUseMinimumCatchRate(restoreState(data[16], 0));
+ settings.setBlockWildLegendaries(restoreState(data[16], 1));
+ settings.setRandomizeWildPokemonHeldItems(restoreState(data[16], 3));
+ settings.setBanBadRandomWildPokemonHeldItems(restoreState(data[16], 4));
+ settings.setBalanceShakingGrass(restoreState(data[16], 7));
+ settings.setStaticPokemonMod(restoreEnum(StaticPokemonMod.class, data[17], 0, // UNCHANGED
+ ));
+ settings.setLimitMainGameLegendaries(restoreState(data[17], 4));
+ settings.setLimit600(restoreState(data[17], 5));
+ settings.setAllowStaticAltFormes(restoreState(data[17], 6));
+ settings.setSwapStaticMegaEvos(restoreState(data[17], 7));
+ settings.setTmsMod(restoreEnum(TMsMod.class, data[18], 4, // UNCHANGED
+ 3 // RANDOM
+ ));
+ settings.setTmsHmsCompatibilityMod(restoreEnum(TMsHMsCompatibilityMod.class, data[18], 2, // UNCHANGED
+ 7 // FULL
+ ));
+ settings.setTmLevelUpMoveSanity(restoreState(data[18], 5));
+ settings.setKeepFieldMoveTMs(restoreState(data[18], 6));
+ settings.setFullHMCompat(restoreState(data[19], 0));
+ settings.setTmsFollowEvolutions(restoreState(data[19], 1));
+ settings.setTutorFollowEvolutions(restoreState(data[19], 2));
+ settings.setTmsForceGoodDamaging(restoreState(data[20], 7));
+ settings.setTmsGoodDamagingPercent(data[20] & 0x7F);
+ settings.setMoveTutorMovesMod(restoreEnum(MoveTutorMovesMod.class, data[21], 4, // UNCHANGED
+ 3 // RANDOM
+ ));
+ settings.setMoveTutorsCompatibilityMod(restoreEnum(MoveTutorsCompatibilityMod.class, data[21], 2, // UNCHANGED
+ 7 // FULL
+ ));
+ settings.setTutorLevelUpMoveSanity(restoreState(data[21], 5));
+ settings.setKeepFieldMoveTutors(restoreState(data[21], 6));
+ settings.setTutorsForceGoodDamaging(restoreState(data[22], 7));
+ settings.setTutorsGoodDamagingPercent(data[22] & 0x7F);
+ // new 150
+ settings.setInGameTradesMod(restoreEnum(InGameTradesMod.class, data[23], 6, // UNCHANGED
+ ));
+ settings.setRandomizeInGameTradesItems(restoreState(data[23], 2));
+ settings.setRandomizeInGameTradesIVs(restoreState(data[23], 3));
+ settings.setRandomizeInGameTradesNicknames(restoreState(data[23], 4));
+ settings.setRandomizeInGameTradesOTs(restoreState(data[23], 5));
+ settings.setFieldItemsMod(restoreEnum(FieldItemsMod.class, data[24],
+ 1, // SHUFFLE
+ 0, // RANDOM
+ ));
+ settings.setBanBadRandomFieldItems(restoreState(data[24], 3));
+ // new 170
+ settings.setRandomizeMovePowers(restoreState(data[25], 0));
+ settings.setRandomizeMoveAccuracies(restoreState(data[25], 1));
+ settings.setRandomizeMovePPs(restoreState(data[25], 2));
+ settings.setRandomizeMoveTypes(restoreState(data[25], 3));
+ settings.setRandomizeMoveCategory(restoreState(data[25], 4));
+ settings.setCorrectStaticMusic(restoreState(data[25], 5));
+ settings.setEvolutionsMod(restoreEnum(EvolutionsMod.class, data[26], 0, // UNCHANGED
+ 1, // RANDOM
+ ));
+ settings.setEvosSimilarStrength(restoreState(data[26], 2));
+ settings.setEvosSameTyping(restoreState(data[26], 3));
+ settings.setEvosMaxThreeStages(restoreState(data[26], 4));
+ settings.setEvosForceChange(restoreState(data[26], 5));
+ settings.setEvosAllowAltFormes(restoreState(data[26],6));
+ // new pokemon trainer misc
+ settings.setTrainersUsePokemonOfSimilarStrength(restoreState(data[27], 0));
+ settings.setRivalCarriesStarterThroughout(restoreState(data[27], 1));
+ settings.setTrainersMatchTypingDistribution(restoreState(data[27], 2));
+ settings.setTrainersBlockLegendaries(restoreState(data[27], 3));
+ settings.setTrainersBlockEarlyWonderGuard(restoreState(data[27], 4));
+ settings.setSwapTrainerMegaEvos(restoreState(data[27], 5));
+ settings.setShinyChance(restoreState(data[27], 6));
+ settings.setBetterTrainerMovesets(restoreState(data[27], 7));
+ // gen restrictions
+ int genLimit = FileFunctions.readFullIntBigEndian(data, 28);
+ GenRestrictions restrictions = null;
+ if (genLimit != 0) {
+ restrictions = new GenRestrictions(genLimit);
+ }
+ settings.setCurrentRestrictions(restrictions);
+ int codeTweaks = FileFunctions.readFullIntBigEndian(data, 32);
+ settings.setCurrentMiscTweaks(codeTweaks);
+ settings.setTrainersLevelModified(restoreState(data[36], 7));
+ settings.setTrainersLevelModifier((data[36] & 0x7F) - 50);
+ //settings.setTrainersLevelModifier((data[36] & 0x7F));
+ settings.setShopItemsMod(restoreEnum(ShopItemsMod.class,data[37],
+ 2,
+ 1,
+ 0));
+ settings.setBanBadRandomShopItems(restoreState(data[37],3));
+ settings.setBanRegularShopItems(restoreState(data[37],4));
+ settings.setBanOPShopItems(restoreState(data[37],5));
+ settings.setBalanceShopPrices(restoreState(data[37],6));
+ settings.setGuaranteeEvolutionItems(restoreState(data[37],7));
+ settings.setWildLevelsModified(restoreState(data[38],7));
+ settings.setWildLevelModifier((data[38] & 0x7F) - 50);
+ settings.setExpCurveMod(restoreEnum(ExpCurveMod.class,data[39],0,1,2));
+ settings.setBlockBrokenMovesetMoves(restoreState(data[39],3));
+ settings.setBlockBrokenTMMoves(restoreState(data[39],4));
+ settings.setBlockBrokenTutorMoves(restoreState(data[39],5));
+ settings.setAllowTrainerAlternateFormes(restoreState(data[39],6));
+ settings.setAllowWildAltFormes(restoreState(data[39],7));
+ settings.setDoubleBattleMode(restoreState(data[40], 0));
+ settings.setAdditionalBossTrainerPokemon((data[40] & 0xE) >> 1);
+ settings.setAdditionalImportantTrainerPokemon((data[40] & 0x70) >> 4);
+ settings.setWeighDuplicateAbilitiesTogether(restoreState(data[40], 7));
+ settings.setAdditionalRegularTrainerPokemon((data[41] & 0x7));
+ settings.setAuraMod(restoreEnum(AuraMod.class,data[41],3,4,5));
+ settings.setEvolutionMovesForAll(restoreState(data[41],6));
+ settings.setGuaranteeXItems(restoreState(data[41],7));
+ settings.setTotemPokemonMod(restoreEnum(TotemPokemonMod.class,data[42],0,1,2));
+ settings.setAllyPokemonMod(restoreEnum(AllyPokemonMod.class,data[42],3,4,5));
+ settings.setRandomizeTotemHeldItems(restoreState(data[42],6));
+ settings.setAllowTotemAltFormes(restoreState(data[42],7));
+ settings.setTotemLevelsModified(restoreState(data[43],7));
+ settings.setTotemLevelModifier((data[43] & 0x7F) - 50);
+ settings.setUpdateBaseStatsToGeneration(data[44]);
+ settings.setUpdateMovesToGeneration(data[45]);
+ settings.setSelectedEXPCurve(ExpCurve.fromByte(data[46]));
+ settings.setStaticLevelModified(restoreState(data[47],7));
+ settings.setStaticLevelModifier((data[47] & 0x7F) - 50);
+ settings.setRandomizeHeldItemsForBossTrainerPokemon(restoreState(data[48], 0));
+ settings.setRandomizeHeldItemsForImportantTrainerPokemon(restoreState(data[48], 1));
+ settings.setRandomizeHeldItemsForRegularTrainerPokemon(restoreState(data[48], 2));
+ settings.setConsumableItemsOnlyForTrainers(restoreState(data[48], 3));
+ settings.setSensibleItemsOnlyForTrainers(restoreState(data[48], 4));
+ settings.setHighestLevelGetsItemsForTrainers(restoreState(data[48], 5));
+ settings.setEnsureTwoAbilities(restoreState(data[48], 6));
+ settings.setPickupItemsMod(restoreEnum(PickupItemsMod.class, data[49],
+ 0)); // RANDOMIZE
+ settings.setBanBadRandomPickupItems(restoreState(data[49], 2));
+ settings.setBanIrregularAltFormes(restoreState(data[49], 3));
+ settings.setEliteFourUniquePokemonNumber(data[50] & 0x7);
+ settings.setMinimumCatchRateLevel(((data[50] & 0x38) >> 3) + 1);
+ int romNameLength = data[LENGTH_OF_SETTINGS_DATA] & 0xFF;
+ String romName = new String(data, LENGTH_OF_SETTINGS_DATA + 1, romNameLength, "US-ASCII");
+ settings.setRomName(romName);
+ return settings;
+ }
+ public static class TweakForROMFeedback {
+ private boolean changedStarter;
+ private boolean removedCodeTweaks;
+ public boolean isChangedStarter() {
+ return changedStarter;
+ }
+ public TweakForROMFeedback setChangedStarter(boolean changedStarter) {
+ this.changedStarter = changedStarter;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public boolean isRemovedCodeTweaks() {
+ return removedCodeTweaks;
+ }
+ public TweakForROMFeedback setRemovedCodeTweaks(boolean removedCodeTweaks) {
+ this.removedCodeTweaks = removedCodeTweaks;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ public TweakForROMFeedback tweakForRom(RomHandler rh) {
+ TweakForROMFeedback feedback = new TweakForROMFeedback();
+ // move update check
+ if (this.isUpdateMovesLegacy() && rh instanceof Gen5RomHandler) {
+ // don't actually update moves
+ this.setUpdateMovesLegacy(false);
+ this.setUpdateMoves(false);
+ }
+ // starters
+ List<Pokemon> romPokemon;
+ if (rh.hasStarterAltFormes()) {
+ romPokemon = rh.getPokemonInclFormes();
+ } else {
+ romPokemon = rh.getPokemon();
+ }
+ List<Pokemon> romStarters = rh.getStarters();
+ for (int starter = 0; starter < 3; starter++) {
+ if (this.customStarters[starter] < 0 || this.customStarters[starter] >= romPokemon.size()) {
+ // invalid starter for this game
+ feedback.setChangedStarter(true);
+ if (starter >= romStarters.size()) {
+ this.customStarters[starter] = 1;
+ } else {
+ this.customStarters[starter] = romPokemon.indexOf(romStarters.get(starter));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // gen restrictions
+ if (rh instanceof Gen1RomHandler || (rh instanceof Gen3RomHandler && !rh.isRomValid())) {
+ this.currentRestrictions = null;
+ this.setLimitPokemon(false);
+ } else if (this.currentRestrictions != null) {
+ this.currentRestrictions.limitToGen(rh.generationOfPokemon());
+ }
+ // gen 5 exclusive stuff
+ if (rh.generationOfPokemon() != 5) {
+ if (trainersMod == TrainersMod.MAINPLAYTHROUGH) {
+ trainersMod = TrainersMod.RANDOM;
+ }
+ }
+ // misc tweaks
+ int oldMiscTweaks = this.currentMiscTweaks;
+ this.currentMiscTweaks &= rh.miscTweaksAvailable();
+ if (oldMiscTweaks != this.currentMiscTweaks) {
+ feedback.setRemovedCodeTweaks(true);
+ }
+ if (rh.abilitiesPerPokemon() == 0) {
+ this.setAbilitiesMod(AbilitiesMod.UNCHANGED);
+ this.setAllowWonderGuard(false);
+ }
+ if (!rh.supportsStarterHeldItems()) {
+ // starter held items don't exist
+ this.setRandomizeStartersHeldItems(false);
+ this.setBanBadRandomStarterHeldItems(false);
+ }
+ if (!rh.supportsFourStartingMoves()) {
+ this.setStartWithGuaranteedMoves(false);
+ }
+ if (rh instanceof Gen1RomHandler || rh instanceof Gen2RomHandler) {
+ this.setTrainersBlockEarlyWonderGuard(false);
+ }
+ if (!rh.hasTimeBasedEncounters()) {
+ this.setUseTimeBasedEncounters(false);
+ }
+ if (rh instanceof Gen1RomHandler) {
+ this.setRandomizeWildPokemonHeldItems(false);
+ this.setBanBadRandomWildPokemonHeldItems(false);
+ }
+ if (!rh.canChangeStaticPokemon()) {
+ this.setStaticPokemonMod(StaticPokemonMod.UNCHANGED);
+ }
+ if (!rh.hasMoveTutors()) {
+ this.setMoveTutorMovesMod(MoveTutorMovesMod.UNCHANGED);
+ this.setMoveTutorsCompatibilityMod(MoveTutorsCompatibilityMod.UNCHANGED);
+ this.setTutorLevelUpMoveSanity(false);
+ this.setKeepFieldMoveTutors(false);
+ }
+ if (rh instanceof Gen1RomHandler) {
+ // missing some ingame trade fields
+ this.setRandomizeInGameTradesItems(false);
+ this.setRandomizeInGameTradesIVs(false);
+ this.setRandomizeInGameTradesOTs(false);
+ }
+ if (!rh.hasPhysicalSpecialSplit()) {
+ this.setRandomizeMoveCategory(false);
+ }
+ if (!rh.hasShopRandomization()) {
+ this.setShopItemsMod(ShopItemsMod.UNCHANGED);
+ }
+ // done
+ return feedback;
+ }
+ // getters and setters
+ public CustomNamesSet getCustomNames() {
+ return customNames;
+ }
+ public Settings setCustomNames(CustomNamesSet customNames) {
+ this.customNames = customNames;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public String getRomName() {
+ return romName;
+ }
+ public void setRomName(String romName) {
+ this.romName = romName;
+ }
+ public boolean isUpdatedFromOldVersion() {
+ return updatedFromOldVersion;
+ }
+ private void setUpdatedFromOldVersion(boolean updatedFromOldVersion) {
+ this.updatedFromOldVersion = updatedFromOldVersion;
+ }
+ public GenRestrictions getCurrentRestrictions() {
+ return currentRestrictions;
+ }
+ public void setCurrentRestrictions(GenRestrictions currentRestrictions) {
+ this.currentRestrictions = currentRestrictions;
+ }
+ public int getCurrentMiscTweaks() {
+ return currentMiscTweaks;
+ }
+ public void setCurrentMiscTweaks(int currentMiscTweaks) {
+ this.currentMiscTweaks = currentMiscTweaks;
+ }
+ public boolean isUpdateMoves() {
+ return updateMoves;
+ }
+ public void setUpdateMoves(boolean updateMoves) {
+ this.updateMoves = updateMoves;
+ }
+ public boolean isUpdateMovesLegacy() {
+ return updateMovesLegacy;
+ }
+ public void setUpdateMovesLegacy(boolean updateMovesLegacy) {
+ this.updateMovesLegacy = updateMovesLegacy;
+ }
+ public int getUpdateMovesToGeneration() {
+ return updateMovesToGeneration;
+ }
+ public void setUpdateMovesToGeneration(int generation) {
+ updateMovesToGeneration = generation;
+ }
+ public boolean isChangeImpossibleEvolutions() {
+ return changeImpossibleEvolutions;
+ }
+ public boolean isDualTypeOnly(){
+ return dualTypeOnly;
+ }
+ public void setDualTypeOnly(boolean dualTypeOnly){
+ this.dualTypeOnly = dualTypeOnly;
+ }
+ public void setChangeImpossibleEvolutions(boolean changeImpossibleEvolutions) {
+ this.changeImpossibleEvolutions = changeImpossibleEvolutions;
+ }
+ public boolean isMakeEvolutionsEasier() {
+ return makeEvolutionsEasier;
+ }
+ public void setMakeEvolutionsEasier(boolean makeEvolutionsEasier) {
+ this.makeEvolutionsEasier = makeEvolutionsEasier;
+ }
+ public boolean isRemoveTimeBasedEvolutions() {
+ return removeTimeBasedEvolutions;
+ }
+ public void setRemoveTimeBasedEvolutions(boolean removeTimeBasedEvolutions) {
+ this.removeTimeBasedEvolutions = removeTimeBasedEvolutions;
+ }
+ public boolean isEvosAllowAltFormes() {
+ return evosAllowAltFormes;
+ }
+ public void setEvosAllowAltFormes(boolean evosAllowAltFormes) {
+ this.evosAllowAltFormes = evosAllowAltFormes;
+ }
+ public boolean isRaceMode() {
+ return raceMode;
+ }
+ public void setRaceMode(boolean raceMode) {
+ this.raceMode = raceMode;
+ }
+ public boolean isBanIrregularAltFormes() {
+ return banIrregularAltFormes;
+ }
+ public void setBanIrregularAltFormes(boolean banIrregularAltFormes) {
+ this.banIrregularAltFormes = banIrregularAltFormes;
+ }
+ public boolean doBlockBrokenMoves() {
+ return blockBrokenMoves;
+ }
+ public void setBlockBrokenMoves(boolean blockBrokenMoves) {
+ blockBrokenMovesetMoves = blockBrokenMoves;
+ blockBrokenTMMoves = blockBrokenMoves;
+ blockBrokenTutorMoves = blockBrokenMoves;
+ }
+ public boolean isLimitPokemon() {
+ return limitPokemon;
+ }
+ public void setLimitPokemon(boolean limitPokemon) {
+ this.limitPokemon = limitPokemon;
+ }
+ public BaseStatisticsMod getBaseStatisticsMod() {
+ return baseStatisticsMod;
+ }
+ public void setBaseStatisticsMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setBaseStatisticsMod(getEnum(BaseStatisticsMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setBaseStatisticsMod(BaseStatisticsMod baseStatisticsMod) {
+ this.baseStatisticsMod = baseStatisticsMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isBaseStatsFollowEvolutions() {
+ return baseStatsFollowEvolutions;
+ }
+ public void setBaseStatsFollowEvolutions(boolean baseStatsFollowEvolutions) {
+ this.baseStatsFollowEvolutions = baseStatsFollowEvolutions;
+ }
+ public boolean isBaseStatsFollowMegaEvolutions() {
+ return baseStatsFollowMegaEvolutions;
+ }
+ public void setBaseStatsFollowMegaEvolutions(boolean baseStatsFollowMegaEvolutions) {
+ this.baseStatsFollowMegaEvolutions = baseStatsFollowMegaEvolutions;
+ }
+ public boolean isAssignEvoStatsRandomly() {
+ return assignEvoStatsRandomly;
+ }
+ public void setAssignEvoStatsRandomly(boolean assignEvoStatsRandomly) {
+ this.assignEvoStatsRandomly = assignEvoStatsRandomly;
+ }
+ public boolean isStandardizeEXPCurves() {
+ return standardizeEXPCurves;
+ }
+ public void setStandardizeEXPCurves(boolean standardizeEXPCurves) {
+ this.standardizeEXPCurves = standardizeEXPCurves;
+ }
+ public ExpCurveMod getExpCurveMod() {
+ return expCurveMod;
+ }
+ public void setExpCurveMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setExpCurveMod(getEnum(ExpCurveMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setExpCurveMod(ExpCurveMod expCurveMod) {
+ this.expCurveMod = expCurveMod;
+ }
+ public ExpCurve getSelectedEXPCurve() {
+ return selectedEXPCurve;
+ }
+ public void setSelectedEXPCurve(ExpCurve expCurve) {
+ this.selectedEXPCurve = expCurve;
+ }
+ public boolean isUpdateBaseStats() {
+ return updateBaseStats;
+ }
+ public void setUpdateBaseStats(boolean updateBaseStats) {
+ this.updateBaseStats = updateBaseStats;
+ }
+ public int getUpdateBaseStatsToGeneration() {
+ return updateBaseStatsToGeneration;
+ }
+ public void setUpdateBaseStatsToGeneration(int generation) {
+ this.updateBaseStatsToGeneration = generation;
+ }
+ public AbilitiesMod getAbilitiesMod() {
+ return abilitiesMod;
+ }
+ public void setAbilitiesMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setAbilitiesMod(getEnum(AbilitiesMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setAbilitiesMod(AbilitiesMod abilitiesMod) {
+ this.abilitiesMod = abilitiesMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isAllowWonderGuard() {
+ return allowWonderGuard;
+ }
+ public void setAllowWonderGuard(boolean allowWonderGuard) {
+ this.allowWonderGuard = allowWonderGuard;
+ }
+ public boolean isAbilitiesFollowEvolutions() {
+ return abilitiesFollowEvolutions;
+ }
+ public void setAbilitiesFollowEvolutions(boolean abilitiesFollowEvolutions) {
+ this.abilitiesFollowEvolutions = abilitiesFollowEvolutions;
+ }
+ public boolean isAbilitiesFollowMegaEvolutions() {
+ return abilitiesFollowMegaEvolutions;
+ }
+ public void setAbilitiesFollowMegaEvolutions(boolean abilitiesFollowMegaEvolutions) {
+ this.abilitiesFollowMegaEvolutions = abilitiesFollowMegaEvolutions;
+ }
+ public boolean isBanTrappingAbilities() {
+ return banTrappingAbilities;
+ }
+ public void setBanTrappingAbilities(boolean banTrappingAbilities) {
+ this.banTrappingAbilities = banTrappingAbilities;
+ }
+ public boolean isBanNegativeAbilities() {
+ return banNegativeAbilities;
+ }
+ public void setBanNegativeAbilities(boolean banNegativeAbilities) {
+ this.banNegativeAbilities = banNegativeAbilities;
+ }
+ public boolean isBanBadAbilities() {
+ return banBadAbilities;
+ }
+ public void setBanBadAbilities(boolean banBadAbilities) {
+ this.banBadAbilities = banBadAbilities;
+ }
+ public boolean isWeighDuplicateAbilitiesTogether() {
+ return weighDuplicateAbilitiesTogether;
+ }
+ public void setWeighDuplicateAbilitiesTogether(boolean weighDuplicateAbilitiesTogether) {
+ this.weighDuplicateAbilitiesTogether = weighDuplicateAbilitiesTogether;
+ }
+ public boolean isEnsureTwoAbilities() { return ensureTwoAbilities; }
+ public void setEnsureTwoAbilities(boolean ensureTwoAbilities) {
+ this.ensureTwoAbilities = ensureTwoAbilities;
+ }
+ public StartersMod getStartersMod() {
+ return startersMod;
+ }
+ public void setStartersMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setStartersMod(getEnum(StartersMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setStartersMod(StartersMod startersMod) {
+ this.startersMod = startersMod;
+ }
+ public int[] getCustomStarters() {
+ return customStarters;
+ }
+ public void setCustomStarters(int[] customStarters) {
+ this.customStarters = customStarters;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeStartersHeldItems() {
+ return randomizeStartersHeldItems;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeStartersHeldItems(boolean randomizeStartersHeldItems) {
+ this.randomizeStartersHeldItems = randomizeStartersHeldItems;
+ }
+ public boolean isBanBadRandomStarterHeldItems() {
+ return banBadRandomStarterHeldItems;
+ }
+ public void setBanBadRandomStarterHeldItems(boolean banBadRandomStarterHeldItems) {
+ this.banBadRandomStarterHeldItems = banBadRandomStarterHeldItems;
+ }
+ public boolean isAllowStarterAltFormes() {
+ return allowStarterAltFormes;
+ }
+ public void setAllowStarterAltFormes(boolean allowStarterAltFormes) {
+ this.allowStarterAltFormes = allowStarterAltFormes;
+ }
+ public TypesMod getTypesMod() {
+ return typesMod;
+ }
+ public void setTypesMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setTypesMod(getEnum(TypesMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setTypesMod(TypesMod typesMod) {
+ this.typesMod = typesMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isTypesFollowMegaEvolutions() {
+ return typesFollowMegaEvolutions;
+ }
+ public void setTypesFollowMegaEvolutions(boolean typesFollowMegaEvolutions) {
+ this.typesFollowMegaEvolutions = typesFollowMegaEvolutions;
+ }
+ public EvolutionsMod getEvolutionsMod() {
+ return evolutionsMod;
+ }
+ public void setEvolutionsMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setEvolutionsMod(getEnum(EvolutionsMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setEvolutionsMod(EvolutionsMod evolutionsMod) {
+ this.evolutionsMod = evolutionsMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isEvosSimilarStrength() {
+ return evosSimilarStrength;
+ }
+ public void setEvosSimilarStrength(boolean evosSimilarStrength) {
+ this.evosSimilarStrength = evosSimilarStrength;
+ }
+ public boolean isEvosSameTyping() {
+ return evosSameTyping;
+ }
+ public void setEvosSameTyping(boolean evosSameTyping) {
+ this.evosSameTyping = evosSameTyping;
+ }
+ public boolean isEvosMaxThreeStages() {
+ return evosMaxThreeStages;
+ }
+ public void setEvosMaxThreeStages(boolean evosMaxThreeStages) {
+ this.evosMaxThreeStages = evosMaxThreeStages;
+ }
+ public boolean isEvosForceChange() {
+ return evosForceChange;
+ }
+ public void setEvosForceChange(boolean evosForceChange) {
+ this.evosForceChange = evosForceChange;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeMovePowers() {
+ return randomizeMovePowers;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeMovePowers(boolean randomizeMovePowers) {
+ this.randomizeMovePowers = randomizeMovePowers;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeMoveAccuracies() {
+ return randomizeMoveAccuracies;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeMoveAccuracies(boolean randomizeMoveAccuracies) {
+ this.randomizeMoveAccuracies = randomizeMoveAccuracies;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeMovePPs() {
+ return randomizeMovePPs;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeMovePPs(boolean randomizeMovePPs) {
+ this.randomizeMovePPs = randomizeMovePPs;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeMoveTypes() {
+ return randomizeMoveTypes;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeMoveTypes(boolean randomizeMoveTypes) {
+ this.randomizeMoveTypes = randomizeMoveTypes;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeMoveCategory() {
+ return randomizeMoveCategory;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeMoveCategory(boolean randomizeMoveCategory) {
+ this.randomizeMoveCategory = randomizeMoveCategory;
+ }
+ public MovesetsMod getMovesetsMod() {
+ return movesetsMod;
+ }
+ public void setMovesetsMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setMovesetsMod(getEnum(MovesetsMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setMovesetsMod(MovesetsMod movesetsMod) {
+ this.movesetsMod = movesetsMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isStartWithGuaranteedMoves() {
+ return startWithGuaranteedMoves;
+ }
+ public void setStartWithGuaranteedMoves(boolean startWithGuaranteedMoves) {
+ this.startWithGuaranteedMoves = startWithGuaranteedMoves;
+ }
+ public int getGuaranteedMoveCount() {
+ return guaranteedMoveCount;
+ }
+ public void setGuaranteedMoveCount(int guaranteedMoveCount) {
+ this.guaranteedMoveCount = guaranteedMoveCount;
+ }
+ public boolean isReorderDamagingMoves() {
+ return reorderDamagingMoves;
+ }
+ public void setReorderDamagingMoves(boolean reorderDamagingMoves) {
+ this.reorderDamagingMoves = reorderDamagingMoves;
+ }
+ public boolean isMovesetsForceGoodDamaging() {
+ return movesetsForceGoodDamaging;
+ }
+ public void setMovesetsForceGoodDamaging(boolean movesetsForceGoodDamaging) {
+ this.movesetsForceGoodDamaging = movesetsForceGoodDamaging;
+ }
+ public int getMovesetsGoodDamagingPercent() {
+ return movesetsGoodDamagingPercent;
+ }
+ public void setMovesetsGoodDamagingPercent(int movesetsGoodDamagingPercent) {
+ this.movesetsGoodDamagingPercent = movesetsGoodDamagingPercent;
+ }
+ public boolean isBlockBrokenMovesetMoves() {
+ return blockBrokenMovesetMoves;
+ }
+ public void setBlockBrokenMovesetMoves(boolean blockBrokenMovesetMoves) {
+ this.blockBrokenMovesetMoves = blockBrokenMovesetMoves;
+ }
+ public boolean isEvolutionMovesForAll() {
+ return evolutionMovesForAll;
+ }
+ public void setEvolutionMovesForAll(boolean evolutionMovesForAll) {
+ this.evolutionMovesForAll = evolutionMovesForAll;
+ }
+ public TrainersMod getTrainersMod() {
+ return trainersMod;
+ }
+ public void setTrainersMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setTrainersMod(getEnum(TrainersMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setTrainersMod(TrainersMod trainersMod) {
+ this.trainersMod = trainersMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isRivalCarriesStarterThroughout() {
+ return rivalCarriesStarterThroughout;
+ }
+ public void setRivalCarriesStarterThroughout(boolean rivalCarriesStarterThroughout) {
+ this.rivalCarriesStarterThroughout = rivalCarriesStarterThroughout;
+ }
+ public boolean isTrainersUsePokemonOfSimilarStrength() {
+ return trainersUsePokemonOfSimilarStrength;
+ }
+ public void setTrainersUsePokemonOfSimilarStrength(boolean trainersUsePokemonOfSimilarStrength) {
+ this.trainersUsePokemonOfSimilarStrength = trainersUsePokemonOfSimilarStrength;
+ }
+ public boolean isTrainersMatchTypingDistribution() {
+ return trainersMatchTypingDistribution;
+ }
+ public void setTrainersMatchTypingDistribution(boolean trainersMatchTypingDistribution) {
+ this.trainersMatchTypingDistribution = trainersMatchTypingDistribution;
+ }
+ public boolean isTrainersBlockLegendaries() {
+ return trainersBlockLegendaries;
+ }
+ public void setTrainersBlockLegendaries(boolean trainersBlockLegendaries) {
+ this.trainersBlockLegendaries = trainersBlockLegendaries;
+ }
+ public boolean isTrainersEnforceDistribution() {
+ return trainersEnforceDistribution;
+ }
+ public Settings setTrainersEnforceDistribution(boolean trainersEnforceDistribution) {
+ this.trainersEnforceDistribution = trainersEnforceDistribution;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public boolean isTrainersEnforceMainPlaythrough() {
+ return trainersEnforceMainPlaythrough;
+ }
+ public Settings setTrainersEnforceMainPlaythrough(boolean trainersEnforceMainPlaythrough) {
+ this.trainersEnforceMainPlaythrough = trainersEnforceMainPlaythrough;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public boolean isTrainersBlockEarlyWonderGuard() {
+ return trainersBlockEarlyWonderGuard;
+ }
+ public void setTrainersBlockEarlyWonderGuard(boolean trainersBlockEarlyWonderGuard) {
+ this.trainersBlockEarlyWonderGuard = trainersBlockEarlyWonderGuard;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeTrainerNames() {
+ return randomizeTrainerNames;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeTrainerNames(boolean randomizeTrainerNames) {
+ this.randomizeTrainerNames = randomizeTrainerNames;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeTrainerClassNames() {
+ return randomizeTrainerClassNames;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeTrainerClassNames(boolean randomizeTrainerClassNames) {
+ this.randomizeTrainerClassNames = randomizeTrainerClassNames;
+ }
+ public boolean isTrainersForceFullyEvolved() {
+ return trainersForceFullyEvolved;
+ }
+ public void setTrainersForceFullyEvolved(boolean trainersForceFullyEvolved) {
+ this.trainersForceFullyEvolved = trainersForceFullyEvolved;
+ }
+ public int getTrainersForceFullyEvolvedLevel() {
+ return trainersForceFullyEvolvedLevel;
+ }
+ public void setTrainersForceFullyEvolvedLevel(int trainersForceFullyEvolvedLevel) {
+ this.trainersForceFullyEvolvedLevel = trainersForceFullyEvolvedLevel;
+ }
+ public boolean isTrainersLevelModified() {
+ return trainersLevelModified;
+ }
+ public void setTrainersLevelModified(boolean trainersLevelModified) {
+ this.trainersLevelModified = trainersLevelModified;
+ }
+ public int getTrainersLevelModifier() {
+ return trainersLevelModifier;
+ }
+ public void setTrainersLevelModifier(int trainersLevelModifier) {
+ this.trainersLevelModifier = trainersLevelModifier;
+ }
+ public int getEliteFourUniquePokemonNumber() {
+ return eliteFourUniquePokemonNumber;
+ }
+ public void setEliteFourUniquePokemonNumber(int eliteFourUniquePokemonNumber) {
+ this.eliteFourUniquePokemonNumber = eliteFourUniquePokemonNumber;
+ }
+ public boolean isAllowTrainerAlternateFormes() {
+ return allowTrainerAlternateFormes;
+ }
+ public void setAllowTrainerAlternateFormes(boolean allowTrainerAlternateFormes) {
+ this.allowTrainerAlternateFormes = allowTrainerAlternateFormes;
+ }
+ public boolean isSwapTrainerMegaEvos() {
+ return swapTrainerMegaEvos;
+ }
+ public void setSwapTrainerMegaEvos(boolean swapTrainerMegaEvos) {
+ this.swapTrainerMegaEvos = swapTrainerMegaEvos;
+ }
+ public int getAdditionalBossTrainerPokemon() {
+ return additionalBossTrainerPokemon;
+ }
+ public void setAdditionalBossTrainerPokemon(int additional) {
+ this.additionalBossTrainerPokemon = additional;
+ }
+ public int getAdditionalImportantTrainerPokemon() {
+ return additionalImportantTrainerPokemon;
+ }
+ public void setAdditionalImportantTrainerPokemon(int additional) {
+ this.additionalImportantTrainerPokemon = additional;
+ }
+ public int getAdditionalRegularTrainerPokemon() {
+ return additionalRegularTrainerPokemon;
+ }
+ public void setAdditionalRegularTrainerPokemon(int additional) {
+ this.additionalRegularTrainerPokemon = additional;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeHeldItemsForBossTrainerPokemon() {
+ return randomizeHeldItemsForBossTrainerPokemon;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeHeldItemsForBossTrainerPokemon(boolean bossTrainers) {
+ this.randomizeHeldItemsForBossTrainerPokemon = bossTrainers;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeHeldItemsForImportantTrainerPokemon() {
+ return randomizeHeldItemsForImportantTrainerPokemon;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeHeldItemsForImportantTrainerPokemon(boolean importantTrainers) {
+ this.randomizeHeldItemsForImportantTrainerPokemon = importantTrainers;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeHeldItemsForRegularTrainerPokemon() {
+ return randomizeHeldItemsForRegularTrainerPokemon;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeHeldItemsForRegularTrainerPokemon(boolean regularTrainers) {
+ this.randomizeHeldItemsForRegularTrainerPokemon = regularTrainers;
+ }
+ public boolean isConsumableItemsOnlyForTrainers() {
+ return consumableItemsOnlyForTrainerPokemon;
+ }
+ public void setConsumableItemsOnlyForTrainers(boolean consumableOnly) {
+ this.consumableItemsOnlyForTrainerPokemon = consumableOnly;
+ }
+ public boolean isSensibleItemsOnlyForTrainers() {
+ return sensibleItemsOnlyForTrainerPokemon;
+ }
+ public void setSensibleItemsOnlyForTrainers(boolean sensibleOnly) {
+ this.sensibleItemsOnlyForTrainerPokemon = sensibleOnly;
+ }
+ public boolean isHighestLevelGetsItemsForTrainers() {
+ return highestLevelOnlyGetsItemsForTrainerPokemon;
+ }
+ public void setHighestLevelGetsItemsForTrainers(boolean highestOnly) {
+ this.highestLevelOnlyGetsItemsForTrainerPokemon = highestOnly;
+ }
+ public boolean isDoubleBattleMode() {
+ return doubleBattleMode;
+ }
+ public void setDoubleBattleMode(boolean doubleBattleMode) {
+ this.doubleBattleMode = doubleBattleMode;
+ }
+ public boolean isShinyChance() {
+ return shinyChance;
+ }
+ public void setShinyChance(boolean shinyChance) {
+ this.shinyChance = shinyChance;
+ }
+ public boolean isBetterTrainerMovesets() {
+ return betterTrainerMovesets;
+ }
+ public void setBetterTrainerMovesets(boolean betterTrainerMovesets) {
+ this.betterTrainerMovesets = betterTrainerMovesets;
+ }
+ public WildPokemonMod getWildPokemonMod() {
+ return wildPokemonMod;
+ }
+ public void setWildPokemonMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setWildPokemonMod(getEnum(WildPokemonMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setWildPokemonMod(WildPokemonMod wildPokemonMod) {
+ this.wildPokemonMod = wildPokemonMod;
+ }
+ public WildPokemonRestrictionMod getWildPokemonRestrictionMod() {
+ return wildPokemonRestrictionMod;
+ }
+ public void setWildPokemonRestrictionMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setWildPokemonRestrictionMod(getEnum(WildPokemonRestrictionMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setWildPokemonRestrictionMod(WildPokemonRestrictionMod wildPokemonRestrictionMod) {
+ this.wildPokemonRestrictionMod = wildPokemonRestrictionMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isUseTimeBasedEncounters() {
+ return useTimeBasedEncounters;
+ }
+ public void setUseTimeBasedEncounters(boolean useTimeBasedEncounters) {
+ this.useTimeBasedEncounters = useTimeBasedEncounters;
+ }
+ public boolean isBlockWildLegendaries() {
+ return blockWildLegendaries;
+ }
+ public void setBlockWildLegendaries(boolean blockWildLegendaries) {
+ this.blockWildLegendaries = blockWildLegendaries;
+ }
+ public boolean isUseMinimumCatchRate() {
+ return useMinimumCatchRate;
+ }
+ public void setUseMinimumCatchRate(boolean useMinimumCatchRate) {
+ this.useMinimumCatchRate = useMinimumCatchRate;
+ }
+ public int getMinimumCatchRateLevel() {
+ return minimumCatchRateLevel;
+ }
+ public void setMinimumCatchRateLevel(int minimumCatchRateLevel) {
+ this.minimumCatchRateLevel = minimumCatchRateLevel;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeWildPokemonHeldItems() {
+ return randomizeWildPokemonHeldItems;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeWildPokemonHeldItems(boolean randomizeWildPokemonHeldItems) {
+ this.randomizeWildPokemonHeldItems = randomizeWildPokemonHeldItems;
+ }
+ public boolean isBanBadRandomWildPokemonHeldItems() {
+ return banBadRandomWildPokemonHeldItems;
+ }
+ public void setBanBadRandomWildPokemonHeldItems(boolean banBadRandomWildPokemonHeldItems) {
+ this.banBadRandomWildPokemonHeldItems = banBadRandomWildPokemonHeldItems;
+ }
+ public boolean isBalanceShakingGrass() {
+ return balanceShakingGrass;
+ }
+ public void setBalanceShakingGrass(boolean balanceShakingGrass) {
+ this.balanceShakingGrass = balanceShakingGrass;
+ }
+ public boolean isWildLevelsModified() {
+ return wildLevelsModified;
+ }
+ public void setWildLevelsModified(boolean wildLevelsModified) {
+ this.wildLevelsModified = wildLevelsModified;
+ }
+ public int getWildLevelModifier() {
+ return wildLevelModifier;
+ }
+ public void setWildLevelModifier(int wildLevelModifier) {
+ this.wildLevelModifier = wildLevelModifier;
+ }
+ public boolean isAllowWildAltFormes() {
+ return allowWildAltFormes;
+ }
+ public void setAllowWildAltFormes(boolean allowWildAltFormes) {
+ this.allowWildAltFormes = allowWildAltFormes;
+ }
+ public StaticPokemonMod getStaticPokemonMod() {
+ return staticPokemonMod;
+ }
+ public void setStaticPokemonMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setStaticPokemonMod(getEnum(StaticPokemonMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setStaticPokemonMod(StaticPokemonMod staticPokemonMod) {
+ this.staticPokemonMod = staticPokemonMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isLimitMainGameLegendaries() {
+ return limitMainGameLegendaries;
+ }
+ public void setLimitMainGameLegendaries(boolean limitMainGameLegendaries) {
+ this.limitMainGameLegendaries = limitMainGameLegendaries;
+ }
+ public boolean isLimit600() {
+ return limit600;
+ }
+ public void setLimit600(boolean limit600) {
+ this.limit600 = limit600;
+ }
+ public boolean isAllowStaticAltFormes() {
+ return allowStaticAltFormes;
+ }
+ public void setAllowStaticAltFormes(boolean allowStaticAltFormes) {
+ this.allowStaticAltFormes = allowStaticAltFormes;
+ }
+ public boolean isSwapStaticMegaEvos() {
+ return swapStaticMegaEvos;
+ }
+ public void setSwapStaticMegaEvos(boolean swapStaticMegaEvos) {
+ this.swapStaticMegaEvos = swapStaticMegaEvos;
+ }
+ public boolean isStaticLevelModified() {
+ return staticLevelModified;
+ }
+ public void setStaticLevelModified(boolean staticLevelModified) {
+ this.staticLevelModified = staticLevelModified;
+ }
+ public int getStaticLevelModifier() {
+ return staticLevelModifier;
+ }
+ public void setStaticLevelModifier(int staticLevelModifier) {
+ this.staticLevelModifier = staticLevelModifier;
+ }
+ public boolean isCorrectStaticMusic() {
+ return correctStaticMusic;
+ }
+ public void setCorrectStaticMusic(boolean correctStaticMusic) {
+ this.correctStaticMusic = correctStaticMusic;
+ }
+ public TotemPokemonMod getTotemPokemonMod() {
+ return totemPokemonMod;
+ }
+ public void setTotemPokemonMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setTotemPokemonMod(getEnum(TotemPokemonMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setTotemPokemonMod(TotemPokemonMod totemPokemonMod) {
+ this.totemPokemonMod = totemPokemonMod;
+ }
+ public AllyPokemonMod getAllyPokemonMod() {
+ return allyPokemonMod;
+ }
+ public void setAllyPokemonMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setAllyPokemonMod(getEnum(AllyPokemonMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setAllyPokemonMod(AllyPokemonMod allyPokemonMod) {
+ this.allyPokemonMod = allyPokemonMod;
+ }
+ public AuraMod getAuraMod() {
+ return auraMod;
+ }
+ public void setAuraMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setAuraMod(getEnum(AuraMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setAuraMod(AuraMod auraMod) {
+ this.auraMod = auraMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeTotemHeldItems() {
+ return randomizeTotemHeldItems;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeTotemHeldItems(boolean randomizeTotemHeldItems) {
+ this.randomizeTotemHeldItems = randomizeTotemHeldItems;
+ }
+ public boolean isTotemLevelsModified() {
+ return totemLevelsModified;
+ }
+ public void setTotemLevelsModified(boolean totemLevelsModified) {
+ this.totemLevelsModified = totemLevelsModified;
+ }
+ public int getTotemLevelModifier() {
+ return totemLevelModifier;
+ }
+ public void setTotemLevelModifier(int totemLevelModifier) {
+ this.totemLevelModifier = totemLevelModifier;
+ }
+ public boolean isAllowTotemAltFormes() {
+ return allowTotemAltFormes;
+ }
+ public void setAllowTotemAltFormes(boolean allowTotemAltFormes) {
+ this.allowTotemAltFormes = allowTotemAltFormes;
+ }
+ public TMsMod getTmsMod() {
+ return tmsMod;
+ }
+ public void setTmsMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setTmsMod(getEnum(TMsMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setTmsMod(TMsMod tmsMod) {
+ this.tmsMod = tmsMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isTmLevelUpMoveSanity() {
+ return tmLevelUpMoveSanity;
+ }
+ public void setTmLevelUpMoveSanity(boolean tmLevelUpMoveSanity) {
+ this.tmLevelUpMoveSanity = tmLevelUpMoveSanity;
+ }
+ public boolean isKeepFieldMoveTMs() {
+ return keepFieldMoveTMs;
+ }
+ public void setKeepFieldMoveTMs(boolean keepFieldMoveTMs) {
+ this.keepFieldMoveTMs = keepFieldMoveTMs;
+ }
+ public boolean isFullHMCompat() {
+ return fullHMCompat;
+ }
+ public void setFullHMCompat(boolean fullHMCompat) {
+ this.fullHMCompat = fullHMCompat;
+ }
+ public boolean isTmsForceGoodDamaging() {
+ return tmsForceGoodDamaging;
+ }
+ public void setTmsForceGoodDamaging(boolean tmsForceGoodDamaging) {
+ this.tmsForceGoodDamaging = tmsForceGoodDamaging;
+ }
+ public int getTmsGoodDamagingPercent() {
+ return tmsGoodDamagingPercent;
+ }
+ public void setTmsGoodDamagingPercent(int tmsGoodDamagingPercent) {
+ this.tmsGoodDamagingPercent = tmsGoodDamagingPercent;
+ }
+ public boolean isBlockBrokenTMMoves() {
+ return blockBrokenTMMoves;
+ }
+ public void setBlockBrokenTMMoves(boolean blockBrokenTMMoves) {
+ this.blockBrokenTMMoves = blockBrokenTMMoves;
+ }
+ public TMsHMsCompatibilityMod getTmsHmsCompatibilityMod() {
+ return tmsHmsCompatibilityMod;
+ }
+ public void setTmsHmsCompatibilityMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setTmsHmsCompatibilityMod(getEnum(TMsHMsCompatibilityMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setTmsHmsCompatibilityMod(TMsHMsCompatibilityMod tmsHmsCompatibilityMod) {
+ this.tmsHmsCompatibilityMod = tmsHmsCompatibilityMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isTmsFollowEvolutions() {
+ return tmsFollowEvolutions;
+ }
+ public void setTmsFollowEvolutions(boolean tmsFollowEvolutions) {
+ this.tmsFollowEvolutions = tmsFollowEvolutions;
+ }
+ public MoveTutorMovesMod getMoveTutorMovesMod() {
+ return moveTutorMovesMod;
+ }
+ public void setMoveTutorMovesMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setMoveTutorMovesMod(getEnum(MoveTutorMovesMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setMoveTutorMovesMod(MoveTutorMovesMod moveTutorMovesMod) {
+ this.moveTutorMovesMod = moveTutorMovesMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isTutorLevelUpMoveSanity() {
+ return tutorLevelUpMoveSanity;
+ }
+ public void setTutorLevelUpMoveSanity(boolean tutorLevelUpMoveSanity) {
+ this.tutorLevelUpMoveSanity = tutorLevelUpMoveSanity;
+ }
+ public boolean isKeepFieldMoveTutors() {
+ return keepFieldMoveTutors;
+ }
+ public void setKeepFieldMoveTutors(boolean keepFieldMoveTutors) {
+ this.keepFieldMoveTutors = keepFieldMoveTutors;
+ }
+ public boolean isTutorsForceGoodDamaging() {
+ return tutorsForceGoodDamaging;
+ }
+ public void setTutorsForceGoodDamaging(boolean tutorsForceGoodDamaging) {
+ this.tutorsForceGoodDamaging = tutorsForceGoodDamaging;
+ }
+ public int getTutorsGoodDamagingPercent() {
+ return tutorsGoodDamagingPercent;
+ }
+ public void setTutorsGoodDamagingPercent(int tutorsGoodDamagingPercent) {
+ this.tutorsGoodDamagingPercent = tutorsGoodDamagingPercent;
+ }
+ public boolean isBlockBrokenTutorMoves() {
+ return blockBrokenTutorMoves;
+ }
+ public void setBlockBrokenTutorMoves(boolean blockBrokenTutorMoves) {
+ this.blockBrokenTutorMoves = blockBrokenTutorMoves;
+ }
+ public MoveTutorsCompatibilityMod getMoveTutorsCompatibilityMod() {
+ return moveTutorsCompatibilityMod;
+ }
+ public void setMoveTutorsCompatibilityMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setMoveTutorsCompatibilityMod(getEnum(MoveTutorsCompatibilityMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setMoveTutorsCompatibilityMod(MoveTutorsCompatibilityMod moveTutorsCompatibilityMod) {
+ this.moveTutorsCompatibilityMod = moveTutorsCompatibilityMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isTutorFollowEvolutions() {
+ return tutorFollowEvolutions;
+ }
+ public void setTutorFollowEvolutions(boolean tutorFollowEvolutions) {
+ this.tutorFollowEvolutions = tutorFollowEvolutions;
+ }
+ public InGameTradesMod getInGameTradesMod() {
+ return inGameTradesMod;
+ }
+ public void setInGameTradesMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setInGameTradesMod(getEnum(InGameTradesMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setInGameTradesMod(InGameTradesMod inGameTradesMod) {
+ this.inGameTradesMod = inGameTradesMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeInGameTradesNicknames() {
+ return randomizeInGameTradesNicknames;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeInGameTradesNicknames(boolean randomizeInGameTradesNicknames) {
+ this.randomizeInGameTradesNicknames = randomizeInGameTradesNicknames;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeInGameTradesOTs() {
+ return randomizeInGameTradesOTs;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeInGameTradesOTs(boolean randomizeInGameTradesOTs) {
+ this.randomizeInGameTradesOTs = randomizeInGameTradesOTs;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeInGameTradesIVs() {
+ return randomizeInGameTradesIVs;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeInGameTradesIVs(boolean randomizeInGameTradesIVs) {
+ this.randomizeInGameTradesIVs = randomizeInGameTradesIVs;
+ }
+ public boolean isRandomizeInGameTradesItems() {
+ return randomizeInGameTradesItems;
+ }
+ public void setRandomizeInGameTradesItems(boolean randomizeInGameTradesItems) {
+ this.randomizeInGameTradesItems = randomizeInGameTradesItems;
+ }
+ public FieldItemsMod getFieldItemsMod() {
+ return fieldItemsMod;
+ }
+ public void setFieldItemsMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setFieldItemsMod(getEnum(FieldItemsMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setFieldItemsMod(FieldItemsMod fieldItemsMod) {
+ this.fieldItemsMod = fieldItemsMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isBanBadRandomFieldItems() {
+ return banBadRandomFieldItems;
+ }
+ public void setBanBadRandomFieldItems(boolean banBadRandomFieldItems) {
+ this.banBadRandomFieldItems = banBadRandomFieldItems;
+ }
+ public ShopItemsMod getShopItemsMod() {
+ return shopItemsMod;
+ }
+ public void setShopItemsMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setShopItemsMod(getEnum(ShopItemsMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setShopItemsMod(ShopItemsMod shopItemsMod) {
+ this.shopItemsMod = shopItemsMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isBanBadRandomShopItems() {
+ return banBadRandomShopItems;
+ }
+ public void setBanBadRandomShopItems(boolean banBadRandomShopItems) {
+ this.banBadRandomShopItems = banBadRandomShopItems;
+ }
+ public boolean isBanRegularShopItems() {
+ return banRegularShopItems;
+ }
+ public void setBanRegularShopItems(boolean banRegularShopItems) {
+ this.banRegularShopItems = banRegularShopItems;
+ }
+ public boolean isBanOPShopItems() {
+ return banOPShopItems;
+ }
+ public void setBanOPShopItems(boolean banOPShopItems) {
+ this.banOPShopItems = banOPShopItems;
+ }
+ public boolean isBalanceShopPrices() {
+ return balanceShopPrices;
+ }
+ public void setBalanceShopPrices(boolean balanceShopPrices) {
+ this.balanceShopPrices = balanceShopPrices;
+ }
+ public boolean isGuaranteeEvolutionItems() {
+ return guaranteeEvolutionItems;
+ }
+ public void setGuaranteeEvolutionItems(boolean guaranteeEvolutionItems) {
+ this.guaranteeEvolutionItems = guaranteeEvolutionItems;
+ }
+ public boolean isGuaranteeXItems() {
+ return guaranteeXItems;
+ }
+ public void setGuaranteeXItems(boolean guaranteeXItems) {
+ this.guaranteeXItems = guaranteeXItems;
+ }
+ public PickupItemsMod getPickupItemsMod() {
+ return pickupItemsMod;
+ }
+ public void setPickupItemsMod(boolean... bools) {
+ setPickupItemsMod(getEnum(PickupItemsMod.class, bools));
+ }
+ private void setPickupItemsMod(PickupItemsMod pickupItemsMod) {
+ this.pickupItemsMod = pickupItemsMod;
+ }
+ public boolean isBanBadRandomPickupItems() {
+ return banBadRandomPickupItems;
+ }
+ public void setBanBadRandomPickupItems(boolean banBadRandomPickupItems) {
+ this.banBadRandomPickupItems = banBadRandomPickupItems;
+ }
+ private static int makeByteSelected(boolean... bools) {
+ if (bools.length > 8) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't set more than 8 bits in a byte!");
+ }
+ int initial = 0;
+ int state = 1;
+ for (boolean b : bools) {
+ initial |= b ? state : 0;
+ state *= 2;
+ }
+ return initial;
+ }
+ private static boolean restoreState(byte b, int index) {
+ if (index >= 8) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't read more than 8 bits from a byte!");
+ }
+ int value = b & 0xFF;
+ return ((value >> index) & 0x01) == 0x01;
+ }
+ private static void writeFullInt(ByteArrayOutputStream out, int value) throws IOException {
+ byte[] crc = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(value).array();
+ out.write(crc);
+ }
+ private static void write2ByteInt(ByteArrayOutputStream out, int value) {
+ out.write(value & 0xFF);
+ out.write((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ }
+ private static <E extends Enum<E>> E restoreEnum(Class<E> clazz, byte b, int... indices) {
+ boolean[] bools = new boolean[indices.length];
+ int i = 0;
+ for (int idx : indices) {
+ bools[i] = restoreState(b, idx);
+ i++;
+ }
+ return getEnum(clazz, bools);
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ private static <E extends Enum<E>> E getEnum(Class<E> clazz, boolean... bools) {
+ int index = getSetEnum(clazz.getSimpleName(), bools);
+ try {
+ return ((E[]) clazz.getMethod("values").invoke(null))[index];
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unable to parse enum of type %s", clazz.getSimpleName()),
+ e);
+ }
+ }
+ private static int getSetEnum(String type, boolean... bools) {
+ int index = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < bools.length; i++) {
+ if (bools[i]) {
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Only one value for %s may be chosen!", type));
+ }
+ index = i;
+ }
+ }
+ // We have to return something, so return the default
+ return index >= 0 ? index : 0;
+ }
+ private static void checkChecksum(byte[] data) {
+ // Check the checksum
+ ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).put(data, data.length - 8, 4);
+ buf.rewind();
+ int crc = buf.getInt();
+ CRC32 checksum = new CRC32();
+ checksum.update(data, 0, data.length - 8);
+ if ((int) checksum.getValue() != crc) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed input string");
+ }
+ }