path: root/src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/')
1 files changed, 4473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/ b/src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..838315d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/
@@ -0,0 +1,4473 @@
+package com.pkrandom.romhandlers;
+/*-- - randomizer handler for R/S/E/FR/LG. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- Part of "Universal Pokemon Randomizer ZX" by the UPR-ZX team --*/
+/*-- Pokemon and any associated names and the like are --*/
+/*-- trademark and (C) Nintendo 1996-2020. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- The custom code written here is licensed under the terms of the GPL: --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --*/
+/*-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --*/
+/*-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --*/
+/*-- (at your option) any later version. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --*/
+/*-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --*/
+/*-- GNU General Public License for more details. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --*/
+/*-- along with this program. If not, see <>. --*/
+import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.regex.Matcher;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import com.pkrandom.*;
+import com.pkrandom.constants.*;
+import com.pkrandom.exceptions.RandomizationException;
+import com.pkrandom.exceptions.RandomizerIOException;
+import com.pkrandom.pokemon.*;
+import compressors.DSDecmp;
+public class Gen3RomHandler extends AbstractGBRomHandler {
+ public static class Factory extends RomHandler.Factory {
+ @Override
+ public Gen3RomHandler create(Random random, PrintStream logStream) {
+ return new Gen3RomHandler(random, logStream);
+ }
+ public boolean isLoadable(String filename) {
+ long fileLength = new File(filename).length();
+ if (fileLength > 32 * 1024 * 1024) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ byte[] loaded = loadFilePartial(filename, 0x100000);
+ // nope
+ return loaded.length != 0 && detectRomInner(loaded, (int) fileLength);
+ }
+ }
+ public Gen3RomHandler(Random random) {
+ super(random, null);
+ }
+ public Gen3RomHandler(Random random, PrintStream logStream) {
+ super(random, logStream);
+ }
+ private static class RomEntry {
+ private String name;
+ private String romCode;
+ private String tableFile;
+ private int version;
+ private int romType;
+ private boolean copyStaticPokemon;
+ private Map<String, Integer> entries = new HashMap<>();
+ private Map<String, int[]> arrayEntries = new HashMap<>();
+ private Map<String, String> strings = new HashMap<>();
+ private List<StaticPokemon> staticPokemon = new ArrayList<>();
+ private List<StaticPokemon> roamingPokemon = new ArrayList<>();
+ private List<TMOrMTTextEntry> tmmtTexts = new ArrayList<>();
+ private Map<String, String> codeTweaks = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ private long expectedCRC32 = -1;
+ public RomEntry() {
+ }
+ public RomEntry(RomEntry toCopy) {
+ =;
+ this.romCode = toCopy.romCode;
+ this.tableFile = toCopy.tableFile;
+ this.version = toCopy.version;
+ this.romType = toCopy.romType;
+ this.copyStaticPokemon = toCopy.copyStaticPokemon;
+ this.entries.putAll(toCopy.entries);
+ this.arrayEntries.putAll(toCopy.arrayEntries);
+ this.strings.putAll(toCopy.strings);
+ this.staticPokemon.addAll(toCopy.staticPokemon);
+ this.roamingPokemon.addAll(toCopy.roamingPokemon);
+ this.tmmtTexts.addAll(toCopy.tmmtTexts);
+ this.codeTweaks.putAll(toCopy.codeTweaks);
+ this.expectedCRC32 = toCopy.expectedCRC32;
+ }
+ private int getValue(String key) {
+ if (!entries.containsKey(key)) {
+ entries.put(key, 0);
+ }
+ return entries.get(key);
+ }
+ private String getString(String key) {
+ if (!strings.containsKey(key)) {
+ strings.put(key, "");
+ }
+ return strings.get(key);
+ }
+ }
+ private static class TMOrMTTextEntry {
+ private int number;
+ private int mapBank, mapNumber;
+ private int personNum;
+ private int offsetInScript;
+ private int actualOffset;
+ private String template;
+ private boolean isMoveTutor;
+ }
+ private static List<RomEntry> roms;
+ static {
+ loadROMInfo();
+ }
+ private static void loadROMInfo() {
+ roms = new ArrayList<>();
+ RomEntry current = null;
+ try {
+ Scanner sc = new Scanner(FileFunctions.openConfig("gen3_offsets.ini"), "UTF-8");
+ while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
+ String q = sc.nextLine().trim();
+ if (q.contains("//")) {
+ q = q.substring(0, q.indexOf("//")).trim();
+ }
+ if (!q.isEmpty()) {
+ if (q.startsWith("[") && q.endsWith("]")) {
+ // New rom
+ current = new RomEntry();
+ = q.substring(1, q.length() - 1);
+ roms.add(current);
+ } else {
+ String[] r = q.split("=", 2);
+ if (r.length == 1) {
+ System.err.println("invalid entry " + q);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (r[1].endsWith("\r\n")) {
+ r[1] = r[1].substring(0, r[1].length() - 2);
+ }
+ r[1] = r[1].trim();
+ // Static Pokemon?
+ if (r[0].equals("StaticPokemon{}")) {
+ current.staticPokemon.add(parseStaticPokemon(r[1]));
+ } else if (r[0].equals("RoamingPokemon{}")) {
+ current.roamingPokemon.add(parseStaticPokemon(r[1]));
+ } else if (r[0].equals("TMText[]")) {
+ if (r[1].startsWith("[") && r[1].endsWith("]")) {
+ String[] parts = r[1].substring(1, r[1].length() - 1).split(",", 6);
+ TMOrMTTextEntry tte = new TMOrMTTextEntry();
+ tte.number = parseRIInt(parts[0]);
+ tte.mapBank = parseRIInt(parts[1]);
+ tte.mapNumber = parseRIInt(parts[2]);
+ tte.personNum = parseRIInt(parts[3]);
+ tte.offsetInScript = parseRIInt(parts[4]);
+ tte.template = parts[5];
+ tte.isMoveTutor = false;
+ current.tmmtTexts.add(tte);
+ }
+ } else if (r[0].equals("MoveTutorText[]")) {
+ if (r[1].startsWith("[") && r[1].endsWith("]")) {
+ String[] parts = r[1].substring(1, r[1].length() - 1).split(",", 6);
+ TMOrMTTextEntry tte = new TMOrMTTextEntry();
+ tte.number = parseRIInt(parts[0]);
+ tte.mapBank = parseRIInt(parts[1]);
+ tte.mapNumber = parseRIInt(parts[2]);
+ tte.personNum = parseRIInt(parts[3]);
+ tte.offsetInScript = parseRIInt(parts[4]);
+ tte.template = parts[5];
+ tte.isMoveTutor = true;
+ current.tmmtTexts.add(tte);
+ }
+ } else if (r[0].equals("Game")) {
+ current.romCode = r[1];
+ } else if (r[0].equals("Version")) {
+ current.version = parseRIInt(r[1]);
+ } else if (r[0].equals("Type")) {
+ if (r[1].equalsIgnoreCase("Ruby")) {
+ current.romType = Gen3Constants.RomType_Ruby;
+ } else if (r[1].equalsIgnoreCase("Sapp")) {
+ current.romType = Gen3Constants.RomType_Sapp;
+ } else if (r[1].equalsIgnoreCase("Em")) {
+ current.romType = Gen3Constants.RomType_Em;
+ } else if (r[1].equalsIgnoreCase("FRLG")) {
+ current.romType = Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG;
+ } else {
+ System.err.println("unrecognised rom type: " + r[1]);
+ }
+ } else if (r[0].equals("TableFile")) {
+ current.tableFile = r[1];
+ } else if (r[0].equals("CopyStaticPokemon")) {
+ int csp = parseRIInt(r[1]);
+ current.copyStaticPokemon = (csp > 0);
+ } else if (r[0].equals("CRC32")) {
+ current.expectedCRC32 = parseRILong("0x" + r[1]);
+ } else if (r[0].endsWith("Tweak")) {
+ current.codeTweaks.put(r[0], r[1]);
+ } else if (r[0].equals("CopyFrom")) {
+ for (RomEntry otherEntry : roms) {
+ if (r[1].equalsIgnoreCase( {
+ // copy from here
+ current.arrayEntries.putAll(otherEntry.arrayEntries);
+ current.entries.putAll(otherEntry.entries);
+ current.strings.putAll(otherEntry.strings);
+ boolean cTT = (current.getValue("CopyTMText") == 1);
+ if (current.copyStaticPokemon) {
+ current.staticPokemon.addAll(otherEntry.staticPokemon);
+ current.roamingPokemon.addAll(otherEntry.roamingPokemon);
+ current.entries.put("StaticPokemonSupport", 1);
+ } else {
+ current.entries.put("StaticPokemonSupport", 0);
+ }
+ if (cTT) {
+ current.tmmtTexts.addAll(otherEntry.tmmtTexts);
+ }
+ current.tableFile = otherEntry.tableFile;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (r[0].endsWith("Locator") || r[0].endsWith("Prefix")) {
+ current.strings.put(r[0], r[1]);
+ } else {
+ if (r[1].startsWith("[") && r[1].endsWith("]")) {
+ String[] offsets = r[1].substring(1, r[1].length() - 1).split(",");
+ if (offsets.length == 1 && offsets[0].trim().isEmpty()) {
+ current.arrayEntries.put(r[0], new int[0]);
+ } else {
+ int[] offs = new int[offsets.length];
+ int c = 0;
+ for (String off : offsets) {
+ offs[c++] = parseRIInt(off);
+ }
+ current.arrayEntries.put(r[0], offs);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int offs = parseRIInt(r[1]);
+ current.entries.put(r[0], offs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sc.close();
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ System.err.println("File not found!");
+ }
+ }
+ private static int parseRIInt(String off) {
+ int radix = 10;
+ off = off.trim().toLowerCase();
+ if (off.startsWith("0x") || off.startsWith("&h")) {
+ radix = 16;
+ off = off.substring(2);
+ }
+ try {
+ return Integer.parseInt(off, radix);
+ } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
+ System.err.println("invalid base " + radix + "number " + off);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ private static long parseRILong(String off) {
+ int radix = 10;
+ off = off.trim().toLowerCase();
+ if (off.startsWith("0x") || off.startsWith("&h")) {
+ radix = 16;
+ off = off.substring(2);
+ }
+ try {
+ return Long.parseLong(off, radix);
+ } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
+ System.err.println("invalid base " + radix + "number " + off);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ private static StaticPokemon parseStaticPokemon(String staticPokemonString) {
+ StaticPokemon sp = new StaticPokemon();
+ String pattern = "[A-z]+=\\[(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+,?\\s?)+]";
+ Pattern r = Pattern.compile(pattern);
+ Matcher m = r.matcher(staticPokemonString);
+ while (m.find()) {
+ String[] segments ="=");
+ String[] romOffsets = segments[1].substring(1, segments[1].length() - 1).split(",");
+ int[] offsets = new int [romOffsets.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) {
+ offsets[i] = parseRIInt(romOffsets[i]);
+ }
+ switch (segments[0]) {
+ case "Species":
+ sp.speciesOffsets = offsets;
+ break;
+ case "Level":
+ sp.levelOffsets = offsets;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return sp;
+ }
+ private void loadTextTable(String filename) {
+ try {
+ Scanner sc = new Scanner(FileFunctions.openConfig(filename + ".tbl"), "UTF-8");
+ while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
+ String q = sc.nextLine();
+ if (!q.trim().isEmpty()) {
+ String[] r = q.split("=", 2);
+ if (r[1].endsWith("\r\n")) {
+ r[1] = r[1].substring(0, r[1].length() - 2);
+ }
+ tb[Integer.parseInt(r[0], 16)] = r[1];
+ d.put(r[1], (byte) Integer.parseInt(r[0], 16));
+ }
+ }
+ sc.close();
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ System.err.println("File not found!");
+ }
+ }
+ // This ROM's data
+ private Pokemon[] pokes, pokesInternal;
+ private List<Pokemon> pokemonList;
+ private int numRealPokemon;
+ private Move[] moves;
+ private boolean jamboMovesetHack;
+ private RomEntry romEntry;
+ private boolean havePatchedObedience;
+ private String[] tb;
+ public Map<String, Byte> d;
+ private String[] abilityNames;
+ private String[] itemNames;
+ private boolean mapLoadingDone;
+ private List<Integer> itemOffs;
+ private String[][] mapNames;
+ private boolean isRomHack;
+ private int[] internalToPokedex, pokedexToInternal;
+ private int pokedexCount;
+ private String[] pokeNames;
+ private ItemList allowedItems, nonBadItems;
+ private int pickupItemsTableOffset;
+ private long actualCRC32;
+ private boolean effectivenessUpdated;
+ @Override
+ public boolean detectRom(byte[] rom) {
+ return detectRomInner(rom, rom.length);
+ }
+ private static boolean detectRomInner(byte[] rom, int romSize) {
+ if (romSize != Gen3Constants.size8M && romSize != Gen3Constants.size16M && romSize != Gen3Constants.size32M) {
+ return false; // size check
+ }
+ // Special case for Emerald unofficial translation
+ if (romName(rom, Gen3Constants.unofficialEmeraldROMName)) {
+ // give it a rom code so it can be detected
+ rom[Gen3Constants.romCodeOffset] = 'B';
+ rom[Gen3Constants.romCodeOffset + 1] = 'P';
+ rom[Gen3Constants.romCodeOffset + 2] = 'E';
+ rom[Gen3Constants.romCodeOffset + 3] = 'T';
+ rom[Gen3Constants.headerChecksumOffset] = 0x66;
+ }
+ // Wild Pokemon header
+ if (find(rom, Gen3Constants.wildPokemonPointerPrefix) == -1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Map Banks header
+ if (find(rom, Gen3Constants.mapBanksPointerPrefix) == -1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Pokedex Order header
+ if (findMultiple(rom, Gen3Constants.pokedexOrderPointerPrefix).size() != 3) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (RomEntry re : roms) {
+ if (romCode(rom, re.romCode) && (rom[Gen3Constants.romVersionOffset] & 0xFF) == re.version) {
+ return true; // match
+ }
+ }
+ return false; // GBA rom we don't support yet
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void loadedRom() {
+ for (RomEntry re : roms) {
+ if (romCode(rom, re.romCode) && (rom[0xBC] & 0xFF) == re.version) {
+ romEntry = new RomEntry(re); // clone so we can modify
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ tb = new String[256];
+ d = new HashMap<>();
+ isRomHack = false;
+ jamboMovesetHack = false;
+ // Pokemon count stuff, needs to be available first
+ List<Integer> pokedexOrderPrefixes = findMultiple(rom, Gen3Constants.pokedexOrderPointerPrefix);
+ romEntry.entries.put("PokedexOrder", readPointer(pokedexOrderPrefixes.get(1) + 16));
+ // Pokemon names offset
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Ruby || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Sapp) {
+ int baseNomOffset = find(rom, Gen3Constants.rsPokemonNamesPointerSuffix);
+ romEntry.entries.put("PokemonNames", readPointer(baseNomOffset - 4));
+ romEntry.entries.put(
+ "FrontSprites",
+ readPointer(findPointerPrefixAndSuffix(Gen3Constants.rsFrontSpritesPointerPrefix,
+ Gen3Constants.rsFrontSpritesPointerSuffix)));
+ romEntry.entries.put(
+ "PokemonPalettes",
+ readPointer(findPointerPrefixAndSuffix(Gen3Constants.rsPokemonPalettesPointerPrefix,
+ Gen3Constants.rsPokemonPalettesPointerSuffix)));
+ } else {
+ romEntry.entries.put("PokemonNames", readPointer(Gen3Constants.efrlgPokemonNamesPointer));
+ romEntry.entries.put("MoveNames", readPointer(Gen3Constants.efrlgMoveNamesPointer));
+ romEntry.entries.put("AbilityNames", readPointer(Gen3Constants.efrlgAbilityNamesPointer));
+ romEntry.entries.put("ItemData", readPointer(Gen3Constants.efrlgItemDataPointer));
+ romEntry.entries.put("MoveData", readPointer(Gen3Constants.efrlgMoveDataPointer));
+ romEntry.entries.put("PokemonStats", readPointer(Gen3Constants.efrlgPokemonStatsPointer));
+ romEntry.entries.put("FrontSprites", readPointer(Gen3Constants.efrlgFrontSpritesPointer));
+ romEntry.entries.put("PokemonPalettes", readPointer(Gen3Constants.efrlgPokemonPalettesPointer));
+ romEntry.entries.put("MoveTutorCompatibility",
+ romEntry.getValue("MoveTutorData") + romEntry.getValue("MoveTutorMoves") * 2);
+ }
+ loadTextTable(romEntry.tableFile);
+ if (romEntry.romCode.equals("BPRE") && romEntry.version == 0) {
+ basicBPRE10HackSupport();
+ }
+ loadPokemonNames();
+ loadPokedex();
+ loadPokemonStats();
+ constructPokemonList();
+ populateEvolutions();
+ loadMoves();
+ // Get wild Pokemon offset
+ int baseWPOffset = findMultiple(rom, Gen3Constants.wildPokemonPointerPrefix).get(0);
+ romEntry.entries.put("WildPokemon", readPointer(baseWPOffset + 12));
+ // map banks
+ int baseMapsOffset = findMultiple(rom, Gen3Constants.mapBanksPointerPrefix).get(0);
+ romEntry.entries.put("MapHeaders", readPointer(baseMapsOffset + 12));
+ this.determineMapBankSizes();
+ // map labels
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ int baseMLOffset = find(rom, Gen3Constants.frlgMapLabelsPointerPrefix);
+ romEntry.entries.put("MapLabels", readPointer(baseMLOffset + 12));
+ } else {
+ int baseMLOffset = find(rom, Gen3Constants.rseMapLabelsPointerPrefix);
+ romEntry.entries.put("MapLabels", readPointer(baseMLOffset + 12));
+ }
+ mapLoadingDone = false;
+ loadAbilityNames();
+ loadItemNames();
+ allowedItems = Gen3Constants.allowedItems.copy();
+ nonBadItems = Gen3Constants.getNonBadItems(romEntry.romType).copy();
+ actualCRC32 = FileFunctions.getCRC32(rom);
+ }
+ private int findPointerPrefixAndSuffix(String prefix, String suffix) {
+ if (prefix.length() % 2 != 0 || suffix.length() % 2 != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ byte[] searchPref = new byte[prefix.length() / 2];
+ for (int i = 0; i < searchPref.length; i++) {
+ searchPref[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(prefix.substring(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), 16);
+ }
+ byte[] searchSuff = new byte[suffix.length() / 2];
+ for (int i = 0; i < searchSuff.length; i++) {
+ searchSuff[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(suffix.substring(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), 16);
+ }
+ if (searchPref.length >= searchSuff.length) {
+ // Prefix first
+ List<Integer> offsets =, searchPref);
+ if (offsets.size() == 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (int prefOffset : offsets) {
+ if (prefOffset + 4 + searchSuff.length > rom.length) {
+ continue; // not enough room for this to be valid
+ }
+ int ptrOffset = prefOffset + searchPref.length;
+ int pointerValue = readPointer(ptrOffset);
+ if (pointerValue < 0 || pointerValue >= rom.length) {
+ // Not a valid pointer
+ continue;
+ }
+ boolean suffixMatch = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < searchSuff.length; i++) {
+ if (rom[ptrOffset + 4 + i] != searchSuff[i]) {
+ suffixMatch = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (suffixMatch) {
+ return ptrOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1; // No match
+ } else {
+ // Suffix first
+ List<Integer> offsets =, searchSuff);
+ if (offsets.size() == 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (int suffOffset : offsets) {
+ if (suffOffset - 4 - searchPref.length < 0) {
+ continue; // not enough room for this to be valid
+ }
+ int ptrOffset = suffOffset - 4;
+ int pointerValue = readPointer(ptrOffset);
+ if (pointerValue < 0 || pointerValue >= rom.length) {
+ // Not a valid pointer
+ continue;
+ }
+ boolean prefixMatch = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < searchPref.length; i++) {
+ if (rom[ptrOffset - searchPref.length + i] != searchPref[i]) {
+ prefixMatch = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (prefixMatch) {
+ return ptrOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1; // No match
+ }
+ }
+ private void basicBPRE10HackSupport() {
+ if (basicBPRE10HackDetection()) {
+ this.isRomHack = true;
+ // this is the most annoying bit
+ // we'll try to get it from the pokemon names,
+ // and sanity check it using other things
+ // this of course means we can't support
+ // any hack with extended length names
+ int iPokemonCount = 0;
+ int namesOffset = romEntry.getValue("PokemonNames");
+ int nameLen = romEntry.getValue("PokemonNameLength");
+ while (true) {
+ int nameOffset = namesOffset + (iPokemonCount + 1) * nameLen;
+ int nameStrLen = lengthOfStringAt(nameOffset);
+ if (nameStrLen > 0 && nameStrLen < nameLen && rom[nameOffset] != 0) {
+ iPokemonCount++;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Is there an unused egg slot at the end?
+ String lastName = readVariableLengthString(namesOffset + iPokemonCount * nameLen);
+ if (lastName.equals("?") || lastName.equals("-")) {
+ iPokemonCount--;
+ }
+ // Jambo's Moves Learnt table hack?
+ // need to check this before using moveset pointers
+ int movesetsTable;
+ if (readLong(0x3EB20) == 0x47084918) {
+ // Hack applied, adjust accordingly
+ int firstRoutinePtr = readPointer(0x3EB84);
+ movesetsTable = readPointer(firstRoutinePtr + 75);
+ jamboMovesetHack = true;
+ } else {
+ movesetsTable = readPointer(0x3EA7C);
+ jamboMovesetHack = false;
+ }
+ // secondary check: moveset pointers
+ // if a slot has an invalid moveset pointer, it's not a real slot
+ // Before that, grab the moveset table from a known pointer to it.
+ romEntry.entries.put("PokemonMovesets", movesetsTable);
+ while (iPokemonCount >= 0) {
+ int movesetPtr = readPointer(movesetsTable + iPokemonCount * 4);
+ if (movesetPtr < 0 || movesetPtr >= rom.length) {
+ iPokemonCount--;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // sanity check: pokedex order
+ // pokedex entries have to be within 0-1023
+ // even after extending the dex
+ // (at least with conventional methods)
+ // so if we run into an invalid one
+ // then we can cut off the count
+ int pdOffset = romEntry.getValue("PokedexOrder");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= iPokemonCount; i++) {
+ int pdEntry = readWord(pdOffset + (i - 1) * 2);
+ if (pdEntry > 1023) {
+ iPokemonCount = i - 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // write new pokemon count
+ romEntry.entries.put("PokemonCount", iPokemonCount);
+ // update some key offsets from known pointers
+ romEntry.entries.put("PokemonTMHMCompat", readPointer(0x43C68));
+ romEntry.entries.put("PokemonEvolutions", readPointer(0x42F6C));
+ romEntry.entries.put("MoveTutorCompatibility", readPointer(0x120C30));
+ int descsTable = readPointer(0xE5440);
+ romEntry.entries.put("MoveDescriptions", descsTable);
+ int trainersTable = readPointer(0xFC00);
+ romEntry.entries.put("TrainerData", trainersTable);
+ // try to detect number of moves using the descriptions
+ int moveCount = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ int descPointer = readPointer(descsTable + (moveCount) * 4);
+ if (descPointer >= 0 && descPointer < rom.length) {
+ int descStrLen = lengthOfStringAt(descPointer);
+ if (descStrLen > 0 && descStrLen < 100) {
+ // okay, this does seem fine
+ moveCount++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ romEntry.entries.put("MoveCount", moveCount);
+ // attempt to detect number of trainers using various tells
+ int trainerCount = 1;
+ int tEntryLen = romEntry.getValue("TrainerEntrySize");
+ int tNameLen = romEntry.getValue("TrainerNameLength");
+ while (true) {
+ int trOffset = trainersTable + tEntryLen * trainerCount;
+ int pokeDataType = rom[trOffset] & 0xFF;
+ if (pokeDataType >= 4) {
+ // only allowed 0-3
+ break;
+ }
+ int numPokes = rom[trOffset + (tEntryLen - 8)] & 0xFF;
+ if (numPokes == 0 || numPokes > 6) {
+ break;
+ }
+ int pointerToPokes = readPointer(trOffset + (tEntryLen - 4));
+ if (pointerToPokes < 0 || pointerToPokes >= rom.length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ int nameLength = lengthOfStringAt(trOffset + 4);
+ if (nameLength >= tNameLen) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // found a valid trainer entry, recognize it
+ trainerCount++;
+ }
+ romEntry.entries.put("TrainerCount", trainerCount);
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean basicBPRE10HackDetection() {
+ if (rom.length != Gen3Constants.size16M) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ long csum = FileFunctions.getCRC32(rom);
+ return csum != 3716707868L;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void savingRom() {
+ savePokemonStats();
+ saveMoves();
+ }
+ private void loadPokedex() {
+ int pdOffset = romEntry.getValue("PokedexOrder");
+ int numInternalPokes = romEntry.getValue("PokemonCount");
+ int maxPokedex = 0;
+ internalToPokedex = new int[numInternalPokes + 1];
+ pokedexToInternal = new int[numInternalPokes + 1];
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numInternalPokes; i++) {
+ int dexEntry = readWord(rom, pdOffset + (i - 1) * 2);
+ if (dexEntry != 0) {
+ internalToPokedex[i] = dexEntry;
+ // take the first pokemon only for each dex entry
+ if (pokedexToInternal[dexEntry] == 0) {
+ pokedexToInternal[dexEntry] = i;
+ }
+ maxPokedex = Math.max(maxPokedex, dexEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ if (maxPokedex == Gen3Constants.unhackedMaxPokedex) {
+ // see if the slots between johto and hoenn are in use
+ // old rom hacks use them instead of expanding pokes
+ int offs = romEntry.getValue("PokemonStats");
+ int usedSlots = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Gen3Constants.unhackedMaxPokedex - Gen3Constants.unhackedRealPokedex; i++) {
+ int pokeSlot = Gen3Constants.hoennPokesStart + i;
+ int pokeOffs = offs + pokeSlot * Gen3Constants.baseStatsEntrySize;
+ String lowerName = pokeNames[pokeSlot].toLowerCase();
+ if (!this.matches(rom, pokeOffs, Gen3Constants.emptyPokemonSig) && !lowerName.contains("unused")
+ && !lowerName.equals("?") && !lowerName.equals("-")) {
+ usedSlots++;
+ pokedexToInternal[Gen3Constants.unhackedRealPokedex + usedSlots] = pokeSlot;
+ internalToPokedex[pokeSlot] = Gen3Constants.unhackedRealPokedex + usedSlots;
+ } else {
+ internalToPokedex[pokeSlot] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // remove the fake extra slots
+ for (int i = usedSlots + 1; i <= Gen3Constants.unhackedMaxPokedex - Gen3Constants.unhackedRealPokedex; i++) {
+ pokedexToInternal[Gen3Constants.unhackedRealPokedex + i] = 0;
+ }
+ // if any slots were used at all, this is a rom hack
+ if (usedSlots > 0) {
+ this.isRomHack = true;
+ }
+ this.pokedexCount = Gen3Constants.unhackedRealPokedex + usedSlots;
+ } else {
+ this.isRomHack = true;
+ this.pokedexCount = maxPokedex;
+ }
+ }
+ private void constructPokemonList() {
+ if (!this.isRomHack) {
+ // simple behavior: all pokes in the dex are valid
+ pokemonList = Arrays.asList(pokes);
+ } else {
+ // only include "valid" pokes
+ pokemonList = new ArrayList<>();
+ pokemonList.add(null);
+ for (int i = 1; i < pokes.length; i++) {
+ Pokemon pk = pokes[i];
+ if (pk != null) {
+ String lowerName =;
+ if (!lowerName.contains("unused") && !lowerName.equals("?")) {
+ pokemonList.add(pk);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ numRealPokemon = pokemonList.size() - 1;
+ }
+ private void loadPokemonStats() {
+ pokes = new Pokemon[this.pokedexCount + 1];
+ int numInternalPokes = romEntry.getValue("PokemonCount");
+ pokesInternal = new Pokemon[numInternalPokes + 1];
+ int offs = romEntry.getValue("PokemonStats");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numInternalPokes; i++) {
+ Pokemon pk = new Pokemon();
+ = pokeNames[i];
+ pk.number = internalToPokedex[i];
+ if (pk.number != 0) {
+ pokes[pk.number] = pk;
+ }
+ pokesInternal[i] = pk;
+ int pkoffs = offs + i * Gen3Constants.baseStatsEntrySize;
+ loadBasicPokeStats(pk, pkoffs);
+ }
+ // In these games, the alternate formes of Deoxys have hardcoded stats that are used 99% of the time;
+ // the only times these hardcoded stats are ignored are during Link Battles. Since not many people
+ // are using the randomizer to battle against others, let's just always use these stats.
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Em) {
+ String deoxysStatPrefix = romEntry.strings.get("DeoxysStatPrefix");
+ int offset = find(deoxysStatPrefix);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ offset += deoxysStatPrefix.length() / 2; // because it was a prefix
+ Pokemon deoxys = pokes[Species.deoxys];
+ deoxys.hp = readWord(offset);
+ deoxys.attack = readWord(offset + 2);
+ deoxys.defense = readWord(offset + 4);
+ deoxys.speed = readWord(offset + 6);
+ deoxys.spatk = readWord(offset + 8);
+ deoxys.spdef = readWord(offset + 10);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void savePokemonStats() {
+ // Write pokemon names & stats
+ int offs = romEntry.getValue("PokemonNames");
+ int nameLen = romEntry.getValue("PokemonNameLength");
+ int offs2 = romEntry.getValue("PokemonStats");
+ int numInternalPokes = romEntry.getValue("PokemonCount");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numInternalPokes; i++) {
+ Pokemon pk = pokesInternal[i];
+ int stringOffset = offs + i * nameLen;
+ writeFixedLengthString(, stringOffset, nameLen);
+ saveBasicPokeStats(pk, offs2 + i * Gen3Constants.baseStatsEntrySize);
+ }
+ // Make sure to write to the hardcoded Deoxys stat location, since otherwise it will just have vanilla
+ // stats no matter what settings the user selected.
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Em) {
+ String deoxysStatPrefix = romEntry.strings.get("DeoxysStatPrefix");
+ int offset = find(deoxysStatPrefix);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ offset += deoxysStatPrefix.length() / 2; // because it was a prefix
+ Pokemon deoxys = pokes[Species.deoxys];
+ writeWord(offset, deoxys.hp);
+ writeWord(offset + 2, deoxys.attack);
+ writeWord(offset + 4, deoxys.defense);
+ writeWord(offset + 6, deoxys.speed);
+ writeWord(offset + 8, deoxys.spatk);
+ writeWord(offset + 10, deoxys.spdef);
+ }
+ }
+ writeEvolutions();
+ }
+ private void loadMoves() {
+ int moveCount = romEntry.getValue("MoveCount");
+ moves = new Move[moveCount + 1];
+ int offs = romEntry.getValue("MoveData");
+ int nameoffs = romEntry.getValue("MoveNames");
+ int namelen = romEntry.getValue("MoveNameLength");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= moveCount; i++) {
+ moves[i] = new Move();
+ moves[i].name = readFixedLengthString(nameoffs + i * namelen, namelen);
+ moves[i].number = i;
+ moves[i].internalId = i;
+ moves[i].effectIndex = rom[offs + i * 0xC] & 0xFF;
+ moves[i].hitratio = ((rom[offs + i * 0xC + 3] & 0xFF));
+ moves[i].power = rom[offs + i * 0xC + 1] & 0xFF;
+ moves[i].pp = rom[offs + i * 0xC + 4] & 0xFF;
+ moves[i].type = Gen3Constants.typeTable[rom[offs + i * 0xC + 2]];
+ moves[i].target = rom[offs + i * 0xC + 6] & 0xFF;
+ moves[i].category = GBConstants.physicalTypes.contains(moves[i].type) ? MoveCategory.PHYSICAL : MoveCategory.SPECIAL;
+ if (moves[i].power == 0 && !GlobalConstants.noPowerNonStatusMoves.contains(i)) {
+ moves[i].category = MoveCategory.STATUS;
+ }
+ moves[i].priority = rom[offs + i * 0xC + 7];
+ int flags = rom[offs + i * 0xC + 8] & 0xFF;
+ moves[i].makesContact = (flags & 1) != 0;
+ moves[i].isSoundMove = Gen3Constants.soundMoves.contains(moves[i].number);
+ if (i == Moves.swift) {
+ perfectAccuracy = (int)moves[i].hitratio;
+ }
+ if (GlobalConstants.normalMultihitMoves.contains(i)) {
+ moves[i].hitCount = 3;
+ } else if (GlobalConstants.doubleHitMoves.contains(i)) {
+ moves[i].hitCount = 2;
+ } else if (i == Moves.tripleKick) {
+ moves[i].hitCount = 2.71; // this assumes the first hit lands
+ }
+ int secondaryEffectChance = rom[offs + i * 0xC + 5] & 0xFF;
+ loadStatChangesFromEffect(moves[i], secondaryEffectChance);
+ loadStatusFromEffect(moves[i], secondaryEffectChance);
+ loadMiscMoveInfoFromEffect(moves[i], secondaryEffectChance);
+ }
+ }
+ private void loadStatChangesFromEffect(Move move, int secondaryEffectChance) {
+ switch (move.effectIndex) {
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageDefPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpAtkPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageEvasionPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageDefMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpeMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAccuracyMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageEvasionMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkPlusTwoEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageDefPlusTwoEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpePlusTwoEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpAtkPlusTwoEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpDefPlusTwoEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkMinusTwoEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageDefMinusTwoEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpeMinusTwoEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpDefMinusTwoEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.minimizeEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.swaggerEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.defenseCurlEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.flatterEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.chargeEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkAndDefMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageDefAndSpDefPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkAndDefPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpAtkAndSpDefPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkAndSpePlusOneEffect:
+ if ( == 16) {
+ move.statChangeMoveType = StatChangeMoveType.NO_DAMAGE_USER;
+ } else {
+ move.statChangeMoveType = StatChangeMoveType.NO_DAMAGE_TARGET;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damageAtkMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageDefMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageSpeMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageSpAtkMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageSpDefMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageAccuracyMinusOneEffect:
+ move.statChangeMoveType = StatChangeMoveType.DAMAGE_TARGET;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damageUserDefPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageUserAtkPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageUserAllPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageUserAtkAndDefMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageUserSpAtkMinusTwoEffect:
+ move.statChangeMoveType = StatChangeMoveType.DAMAGE_USER;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Move does not have a stat-changing effect
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (move.effectIndex) {
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageUserAtkPlusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.ATTACK;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageDefPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageUserDefPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.defenseCurlEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.DEFENSE;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpAtkPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.flatterEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.SPECIAL_ATTACK;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageEvasionPlusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.minimizeEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.EVASION;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageAtkMinusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.ATTACK;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = -1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageDefMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageDefMinusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.DEFENSE;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = -1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpeMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageSpeMinusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.SPEED;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = -1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAccuracyMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageAccuracyMinusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.ACCURACY;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = -1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageEvasionMinusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.EVASION;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = -1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkPlusTwoEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.swaggerEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.ATTACK;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 2;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageDefPlusTwoEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.DEFENSE;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 2;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpePlusTwoEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.SPEED;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 2;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpAtkPlusTwoEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.SPECIAL_ATTACK;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 2;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpDefPlusTwoEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.SPECIAL_DEFENSE;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 2;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkMinusTwoEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.ATTACK;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = -2;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageDefMinusTwoEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.DEFENSE;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = -2;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpeMinusTwoEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.SPEED;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = -2;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpDefMinusTwoEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.SPECIAL_DEFENSE;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = -2;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damageSpAtkMinusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.SPECIAL_ATTACK;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = -1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damageSpDefMinusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.SPECIAL_DEFENSE;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = -1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damageUserAllPlusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.ALL;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.chargeEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.SPECIAL_DEFENSE;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damageUserAtkAndDefMinusOneEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkAndDefMinusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.ATTACK;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = -1;
+ move.statChanges[1].type = StatChangeType.DEFENSE;
+ move.statChanges[1].stages = -1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damageUserSpAtkMinusTwoEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.SPECIAL_ATTACK;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = -2;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageDefAndSpDefPlusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.DEFENSE;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 1;
+ move.statChanges[1].type = StatChangeType.SPECIAL_DEFENSE;
+ move.statChanges[1].stages = 1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkAndDefPlusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.ATTACK;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 1;
+ move.statChanges[1].type = StatChangeType.DEFENSE;
+ move.statChanges[1].stages = 1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSpAtkAndSpDefPlusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.SPECIAL_ATTACK;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 1;
+ move.statChanges[1].type = StatChangeType.SPECIAL_DEFENSE;
+ move.statChanges[1].stages = 1;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageAtkAndSpePlusOneEffect:
+ move.statChanges[0].type = StatChangeType.ATTACK;
+ move.statChanges[0].stages = 1;
+ move.statChanges[1].type = StatChangeType.SPEED;
+ move.statChanges[1].stages = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (move.statChangeMoveType == StatChangeMoveType.DAMAGE_TARGET || move.statChangeMoveType == StatChangeMoveType.DAMAGE_USER) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < move.statChanges.length; i++) {
+ if (move.statChanges[i].type != StatChangeType.NONE) {
+ move.statChanges[i].percentChance = secondaryEffectChance;
+ if (move.statChanges[i].percentChance == 0.0) {
+ move.statChanges[i].percentChance = 100.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void loadStatusFromEffect(Move move, int secondaryEffectChance) {
+ if (move.number == Moves.bounce) {
+ // GF hardcoded this, so we have to as well
+ move.statusMoveType = StatusMoveType.DAMAGE;
+ move.statusType = StatusType.PARALYZE;
+ move.statusPercentChance = secondaryEffectChance;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (move.effectIndex) {
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSleepEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.toxicEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageConfusionEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamagePoisonEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageParalyzeEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageBurnEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.swaggerEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.flatterEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.teeterDanceEffect:
+ move.statusMoveType = StatusMoveType.NO_DAMAGE;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damagePoisonEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageBurnEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageFreezeEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageParalyzeEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageConfusionEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.twineedleEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageBurnAndThawUserEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.thunderEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.blazeKickEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.poisonFangEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.poisonTailEffect:
+ move.statusMoveType = StatusMoveType.DAMAGE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Move does not have a status effect
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (move.effectIndex) {
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageSleepEffect:
+ move.statusType = StatusType.SLEEP;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damagePoisonEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamagePoisonEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.twineedleEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.poisonTailEffect:
+ move.statusType = StatusType.POISON;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damageBurnEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageBurnAndThawUserEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageBurnEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.blazeKickEffect:
+ move.statusType = StatusType.BURN;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damageFreezeEffect:
+ move.statusType = StatusType.FREEZE;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damageParalyzeEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageParalyzeEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.thunderEffect:
+ move.statusType = StatusType.PARALYZE;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.toxicEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.poisonFangEffect:
+ move.statusType = StatusType.TOXIC_POISON;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.noDamageConfusionEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.damageConfusionEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.swaggerEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.flatterEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.teeterDanceEffect:
+ move.statusType = StatusType.CONFUSION;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (move.statusMoveType == StatusMoveType.DAMAGE) {
+ move.statusPercentChance = secondaryEffectChance;
+ if (move.statusPercentChance == 0.0) {
+ move.statusPercentChance = 100.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void loadMiscMoveInfoFromEffect(Move move, int secondaryEffectChance) {
+ switch (move.effectIndex) {
+ case Gen3Constants.increasedCritEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.blazeKickEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.poisonTailEffect:
+ move.criticalChance = CriticalChance.INCREASED;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.futureSightAndDoomDesireEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.spitUpEffect:
+ move.criticalChance = CriticalChance.NONE;
+ case Gen3Constants.flinchEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.snoreEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.twisterEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.flinchWithMinimizeBonusEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.fakeOutEffect:
+ move.flinchPercentChance = secondaryEffectChance;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damageAbsorbEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.dreamEaterEffect:
+ move.absorbPercent = 50;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damageRecoil25PercentEffect:
+ move.recoilPercent = 25;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.damageRecoil33PercentEffect:
+ move.recoilPercent = 33;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.bindingEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.trappingEffect:
+ move.isTrapMove = true;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.razorWindEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.skullBashEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.solarbeamEffect:
+ case Gen3Constants.semiInvulnerableEffect:
+ move.isChargeMove = true;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.rechargeEffect:
+ move.isRechargeMove = true;
+ break;
+ case Gen3Constants.skyAttackEffect:
+ move.criticalChance = CriticalChance.INCREASED;
+ move.flinchPercentChance = secondaryEffectChance;
+ move.isChargeMove = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void saveMoves() {
+ int moveCount = romEntry.getValue("MoveCount");
+ int offs = romEntry.getValue("MoveData");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= moveCount; i++) {
+ rom[offs + i * 0xC] = (byte) moves[i].effectIndex;
+ rom[offs + i * 0xC + 1] = (byte) moves[i].power;
+ rom[offs + i * 0xC + 2] = Gen3Constants.typeToByte(moves[i].type);
+ int hitratio = (int) Math.round(moves[i].hitratio);
+ if (hitratio < 0) {
+ hitratio = 0;
+ }
+ if (hitratio > 100) {
+ hitratio = 100;
+ }
+ rom[offs + i * 0xC + 3] = (byte) hitratio;
+ rom[offs + i * 0xC + 4] = (byte) moves[i].pp;
+ }
+ }
+ public List<Move> getMoves() {
+ return Arrays.asList(moves);
+ }
+ private void loadBasicPokeStats(Pokemon pkmn, int offset) {
+ pkmn.hp = rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsHPOffset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.attack = rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsAttackOffset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.defense = rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsDefenseOffset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.speed = rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsSpeedOffset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.spatk = rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsSpAtkOffset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.spdef = rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsSpDefOffset] & 0xFF;
+ // Type
+ pkmn.primaryType = Gen3Constants.typeTable[rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsPrimaryTypeOffset] & 0xFF];
+ pkmn.secondaryType = Gen3Constants.typeTable[rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsSecondaryTypeOffset] & 0xFF];
+ // Only one type?
+ if (pkmn.secondaryType == pkmn.primaryType) {
+ pkmn.secondaryType = null;
+ }
+ pkmn.catchRate = rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsCatchRateOffset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.growthCurve = ExpCurve.fromByte(rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsGrowthCurveOffset]);
+ // Abilities
+ pkmn.ability1 = rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsAbility1Offset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.ability2 = rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsAbility2Offset] & 0xFF;
+ // Held Items?
+ int item1 = readWord(offset + Gen3Constants.bsCommonHeldItemOffset);
+ int item2 = readWord(offset + Gen3Constants.bsRareHeldItemOffset);
+ if (item1 == item2) {
+ // guaranteed
+ pkmn.guaranteedHeldItem = item1;
+ pkmn.commonHeldItem = 0;
+ pkmn.rareHeldItem = 0;
+ } else {
+ pkmn.guaranteedHeldItem = 0;
+ pkmn.commonHeldItem = item1;
+ pkmn.rareHeldItem = item2;
+ }
+ pkmn.darkGrassHeldItem = -1;
+ pkmn.genderRatio = rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsGenderRatioOffset] & 0xFF;
+ }
+ private void saveBasicPokeStats(Pokemon pkmn, int offset) {
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsHPOffset] = (byte) pkmn.hp;
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsAttackOffset] = (byte) pkmn.attack;
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsDefenseOffset] = (byte) pkmn.defense;
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsSpeedOffset] = (byte) pkmn.speed;
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsSpAtkOffset] = (byte) pkmn.spatk;
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsSpDefOffset] = (byte) pkmn.spdef;
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsPrimaryTypeOffset] = Gen3Constants.typeToByte(pkmn.primaryType);
+ if (pkmn.secondaryType == null) {
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsSecondaryTypeOffset] = rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsPrimaryTypeOffset];
+ } else {
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsSecondaryTypeOffset] = Gen3Constants.typeToByte(pkmn.secondaryType);
+ }
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsCatchRateOffset] = (byte) pkmn.catchRate;
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsGrowthCurveOffset] = pkmn.growthCurve.toByte();
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsAbility1Offset] = (byte) pkmn.ability1;
+ if (pkmn.ability2 == 0) {
+ // required to not break evos with random ability
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsAbility2Offset] = (byte) pkmn.ability1;
+ } else {
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsAbility2Offset] = (byte) pkmn.ability2;
+ }
+ // Held items
+ if (pkmn.guaranteedHeldItem > 0) {
+ writeWord(offset + Gen3Constants.bsCommonHeldItemOffset, pkmn.guaranteedHeldItem);
+ writeWord(offset + Gen3Constants.bsRareHeldItemOffset, pkmn.guaranteedHeldItem);
+ } else {
+ writeWord(offset + Gen3Constants.bsCommonHeldItemOffset, pkmn.commonHeldItem);
+ writeWord(offset + Gen3Constants.bsRareHeldItemOffset, pkmn.rareHeldItem);
+ }
+ rom[offset + Gen3Constants.bsGenderRatioOffset] = (byte) pkmn.genderRatio;
+ }
+ private void loadPokemonNames() {
+ int offs = romEntry.getValue("PokemonNames");
+ int nameLen = romEntry.getValue("PokemonNameLength");
+ int numInternalPokes = romEntry.getValue("PokemonCount");
+ pokeNames = new String[numInternalPokes + 1];
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numInternalPokes; i++) {
+ pokeNames[i] = readFixedLengthString(offs + i * nameLen, nameLen);
+ }
+ }
+ private String readString(int offset, int maxLength) {
+ StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder();
+ for (int c = 0; c < maxLength; c++) {
+ int currChar = rom[offset + c] & 0xFF;
+ if (tb[currChar] != null) {
+ string.append(tb[currChar]);
+ } else {
+ if (currChar == Gen3Constants.textTerminator) {
+ break;
+ } else if (currChar == Gen3Constants.textVariable) {
+ int nextChar = rom[offset + c + 1] & 0xFF;
+ string.append("\\v").append(String.format("%02X", nextChar));
+ c++;
+ } else {
+ string.append("\\x").append(String.format("%02X", currChar));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return string.toString();
+ }
+ private byte[] translateString(String text) {
+ List<Byte> data = new ArrayList<>();
+ while (text.length() != 0) {
+ int i = Math.max(0, 4 - text.length());
+ if (text.charAt(0) == '\\' && text.charAt(1) == 'x') {
+ data.add((byte) Integer.parseInt(text.substring(2, 4), 16));
+ text = text.substring(4);
+ } else if (text.charAt(0) == '\\' && text.charAt(1) == 'v') {
+ data.add((byte) Gen3Constants.textVariable);
+ data.add((byte) Integer.parseInt(text.substring(2, 4), 16));
+ text = text.substring(4);
+ } else {
+ while (!(d.containsKey(text.substring(0, 4 - i)) || (i == 4))) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i == 4) {
+ text = text.substring(1);
+ } else {
+ data.add(d.get(text.substring(0, 4 - i)));
+ text = text.substring(4 - i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ byte[] ret = new byte[data.size()];
+ for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
+ ret[i] = data.get(i);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private String readFixedLengthString(int offset, int length) {
+ return readString(offset, length);
+ }
+ private String readVariableLengthString(int offset) {
+ return readString(offset, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ }
+ private void writeFixedLengthString(String str, int offset, int length) {
+ byte[] translated = translateString(str);
+ int len = Math.min(translated.length, length);
+ System.arraycopy(translated, 0, rom, offset, len);
+ if (len < length) {
+ rom[offset + len] = (byte) Gen3Constants.textTerminator;
+ len++;
+ }
+ while (len < length) {
+ rom[offset + len] = 0;
+ len++;
+ }
+ }
+ private void writeVariableLengthString(String str, int offset) {
+ byte[] translated = translateString(str);
+ System.arraycopy(translated, 0, rom, offset, translated.length);
+ rom[offset + translated.length] = (byte) 0xFF;
+ }
+ private int lengthOfStringAt(int offset) {
+ int len = 0;
+ while ((rom[offset + (len++)] & 0xFF) != 0xFF) {
+ }
+ return len - 1;
+ }
+ private static boolean romName(byte[] rom, String name) {
+ try {
+ int sigOffset = Gen3Constants.romNameOffset;
+ byte[] sigBytes = name.getBytes("US-ASCII");
+ for (int i = 0; i < sigBytes.length; i++) {
+ if (rom[sigOffset + i] != sigBytes[i]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ private static boolean romCode(byte[] rom, String codeToCheck) {
+ try {
+ int sigOffset = Gen3Constants.romCodeOffset;
+ byte[] sigBytes = codeToCheck.getBytes("US-ASCII");
+ for (int i = 0; i < sigBytes.length; i++) {
+ if (rom[sigOffset + i] != sigBytes[i]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ private int readPointer(int offset) {
+ return readLong(offset) - 0x8000000;
+ }
+ private int readLong(int offset) {
+ return (rom[offset] & 0xFF) + ((rom[offset + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((rom[offset + 2] & 0xFF) << 16)
+ + (((rom[offset + 3] & 0xFF)) << 24);
+ }
+ private void writePointer(int offset, int pointer) {
+ writeLong(offset, pointer + 0x8000000);
+ }
+ private void writeLong(int offset, int value) {
+ rom[offset] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);
+ rom[offset + 1] = (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ rom[offset + 2] = (byte) ((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ rom[offset + 3] = (byte) (((value >> 24) & 0xFF));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Pokemon> getStarters() {
+ List<Pokemon> starters = new ArrayList<>();
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("StarterPokemon");
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Ruby || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Sapp
+ || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Em) {
+ // do something
+ Pokemon starter1 = pokesInternal[readWord(baseOffset)];
+ Pokemon starter2 = pokesInternal[readWord(baseOffset + Gen3Constants.rseStarter2Offset)];
+ Pokemon starter3 = pokesInternal[readWord(baseOffset + Gen3Constants.rseStarter3Offset)];
+ starters.add(starter1);
+ starters.add(starter2);
+ starters.add(starter3);
+ } else {
+ // do something else
+ Pokemon starter1 = pokesInternal[readWord(baseOffset)];
+ Pokemon starter2 = pokesInternal[readWord(baseOffset + Gen3Constants.frlgStarter2Offset)];
+ Pokemon starter3 = pokesInternal[readWord(baseOffset + Gen3Constants.frlgStarter3Offset)];
+ starters.add(starter1);
+ starters.add(starter2);
+ starters.add(starter3);
+ }
+ return starters;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean setStarters(List<Pokemon> newStarters) {
+ if (newStarters.size() != 3) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Support Deoxys/Mew starters in E/FR/LG
+ attemptObedienceEvolutionPatches();
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("StarterPokemon");
+ int starter0 = pokedexToInternal[newStarters.get(0).number];
+ int starter1 = pokedexToInternal[newStarters.get(1).number];
+ int starter2 = pokedexToInternal[newStarters.get(2).number];
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Ruby || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Sapp
+ || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Em) {
+ // US
+ // order: 0, 1, 2
+ writeWord(baseOffset, starter0);
+ writeWord(baseOffset + Gen3Constants.rseStarter2Offset, starter1);
+ writeWord(baseOffset + Gen3Constants.rseStarter3Offset, starter2);
+ } else {
+ // frlg:
+ // order: 0, 1, 2
+ writeWord(baseOffset, starter0);
+ writeWord(baseOffset + Gen3Constants.frlgStarterRepeatOffset, starter1);
+ writeWord(baseOffset + Gen3Constants.frlgStarter2Offset, starter1);
+ writeWord(baseOffset + Gen3Constants.frlgStarter2Offset + Gen3Constants.frlgStarterRepeatOffset, starter2);
+ writeWord(baseOffset + Gen3Constants.frlgStarter3Offset, starter2);
+ writeWord(baseOffset + Gen3Constants.frlgStarter3Offset + Gen3Constants.frlgStarterRepeatOffset, starter0);
+ if (romEntry.romCode.charAt(3) != 'J' && romEntry.romCode.charAt(3) != 'B') {
+ // Update PROF. Oak's descriptions for each starter
+ // First result for each STARTERNAME is the text we need
+ List<Integer> bulbasaurFoundTexts =, translateString(pokes[Gen3Constants.frlgBaseStarter1].name.toUpperCase()));
+ List<Integer> charmanderFoundTexts =, translateString(pokes[Gen3Constants.frlgBaseStarter2].name.toUpperCase()));
+ List<Integer> squirtleFoundTexts =, translateString(pokes[Gen3Constants.frlgBaseStarter3].name.toUpperCase()));
+ writeFRLGStarterText(bulbasaurFoundTexts, newStarters.get(0), "you want to go with\\nthe ");
+ writeFRLGStarterText(charmanderFoundTexts, newStarters.get(1), "you’re claiming the\\n");
+ writeFRLGStarterText(squirtleFoundTexts, newStarters.get(2), "you’ve decided on the\\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasStarterAltFormes() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int starterCount() {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Integer, StatChange> getUpdatedPokemonStats(int generation) {
+ return GlobalConstants.getStatChanges(generation);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean supportsStarterHeldItems() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getStarterHeldItems() {
+ List<Integer> sHeldItems = new ArrayList<>();
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ // offset from normal starter offset as a word
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("StarterPokemon");
+ sHeldItems.add(readWord(baseOffset + Gen3Constants.frlgStarterItemsOffset));
+ } else {
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("StarterItems");
+ int i1 = rom[baseOffset] & 0xFF;
+ int i2 = rom[baseOffset + 2] & 0xFF;
+ if (i2 == 0) {
+ sHeldItems.add(i1);
+ } else {
+ sHeldItems.add(i2 + 0xFF);
+ }
+ }
+ return sHeldItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setStarterHeldItems(List<Integer> items) {
+ if (items.size() != 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int item = items.get(0);
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ // offset from normal starter offset as a word
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("StarterPokemon");
+ writeWord(baseOffset + Gen3Constants.frlgStarterItemsOffset, item);
+ } else {
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("StarterItems");
+ if (item <= 0xFF) {
+ rom[baseOffset] = (byte) item;
+ rom[baseOffset + 2] = 0;
+ rom[baseOffset + 3] = Gen3Constants.gbaAddRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR2;
+ } else {
+ rom[baseOffset] = (byte) 0xFF;
+ rom[baseOffset + 2] = (byte) (item - 0xFF);
+ rom[baseOffset + 3] = Gen3Constants.gbaAddRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void writeFRLGStarterText(List<Integer> foundTexts, Pokemon pkmn, String oakText) {
+ if (foundTexts.size() > 0) {
+ int offset = foundTexts.get(0);
+ String pokeName =;
+ String pokeType = pkmn.primaryType == null ? "???" : pkmn.primaryType.toString();
+ if (pokeType.equals("NORMAL") && pkmn.secondaryType != null) {
+ pokeType = pkmn.secondaryType.toString();
+ }
+ String speech = pokeName + " is your choice.\\pSo, \\v01, " + oakText + pokeType + " POKéMON " + pokeName
+ + "?";
+ writeFixedLengthString(speech, offset, lengthOfStringAt(offset) + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<EncounterSet> getEncounters(boolean useTimeOfDay) {
+ if (!mapLoadingDone) {
+ preprocessMaps();
+ mapLoadingDone = true;
+ }
+ int startOffs = romEntry.getValue("WildPokemon");
+ List<EncounterSet> encounterAreas = new ArrayList<>();
+ Set<Integer> seenOffsets = new TreeSet<>();
+ int offs = startOffs;
+ while (true) {
+ // Read pointers
+ int bank = rom[offs] & 0xFF;
+ int map = rom[offs + 1] & 0xFF;
+ if (bank == 0xFF && map == 0xFF) {
+ break;
+ }
+ String mapName = mapNames[bank][map];
+ int grassPokes = readPointer(offs + 4);
+ int waterPokes = readPointer(offs + 8);
+ int treePokes = readPointer(offs + 12);
+ int fishPokes = readPointer(offs + 16);
+ // Add pokemanz
+ if (grassPokes >= 0 && grassPokes < rom.length && rom[grassPokes] != 0
+ && !seenOffsets.contains(readPointer(grassPokes + 4))) {
+ encounterAreas.add(readWildArea(grassPokes, Gen3Constants.grassSlots, mapName + " Grass/Cave"));
+ seenOffsets.add(readPointer(grassPokes + 4));
+ }
+ if (waterPokes >= 0 && waterPokes < rom.length && rom[waterPokes] != 0
+ && !seenOffsets.contains(readPointer(waterPokes + 4))) {
+ encounterAreas.add(readWildArea(waterPokes, Gen3Constants.surfingSlots, mapName + " Surfing"));
+ seenOffsets.add(readPointer(waterPokes + 4));
+ }
+ if (treePokes >= 0 && treePokes < rom.length && rom[treePokes] != 0
+ && !seenOffsets.contains(readPointer(treePokes + 4))) {
+ encounterAreas.add(readWildArea(treePokes, Gen3Constants.rockSmashSlots, mapName + " Rock Smash"));
+ seenOffsets.add(readPointer(treePokes + 4));
+ }
+ if (fishPokes >= 0 && fishPokes < rom.length && rom[fishPokes] != 0
+ && !seenOffsets.contains(readPointer(fishPokes + 4))) {
+ encounterAreas.add(readWildArea(fishPokes, Gen3Constants.fishingSlots, mapName + " Fishing"));
+ seenOffsets.add(readPointer(fishPokes + 4));
+ }
+ offs += 20;
+ }
+ if (romEntry.arrayEntries.containsKey("BattleTrappersBanned")) {
+ // Some encounter sets aren't allowed to have Pokemon
+ // with Arena Trap, Shadow Tag etc.
+ int[] bannedAreas = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("BattleTrappersBanned");
+ Set<Pokemon> battleTrappers = new HashSet<>();
+ for (Pokemon pk : getPokemon()) {
+ if (hasBattleTrappingAbility(pk)) {
+ battleTrappers.add(pk);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int areaIdx : bannedAreas) {
+ encounterAreas.get(areaIdx).bannedPokemon.addAll(battleTrappers);
+ }
+ }
+ return encounterAreas;
+ }
+ private boolean hasBattleTrappingAbility(Pokemon pokemon) {
+ return pokemon != null
+ && (GlobalConstants.battleTrappingAbilities.contains(pokemon.ability1) || GlobalConstants.battleTrappingAbilities
+ .contains(pokemon.ability2));
+ }
+ private EncounterSet readWildArea(int offset, int numOfEntries, String setName) {
+ EncounterSet thisSet = new EncounterSet();
+ thisSet.rate = rom[offset];
+ thisSet.displayName = setName;
+ // Grab the *real* pointer to data
+ int dataOffset = readPointer(offset + 4);
+ // Read the entries
+ for (int i = 0; i < numOfEntries; i++) {
+ // min, max, species, species
+ Encounter enc = new Encounter();
+ enc.level = rom[dataOffset + i * 4];
+ enc.maxLevel = rom[dataOffset + i * 4 + 1];
+ try {
+ enc.pokemon = pokesInternal[readWord(dataOffset + i * 4 + 2)];
+ } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
+ throw ex;
+ }
+ thisSet.encounters.add(enc);
+ }
+ return thisSet;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setEncounters(boolean useTimeOfDay, List<EncounterSet> encounters) {
+ // Support Deoxys/Mew catches in E/FR/LG
+ attemptObedienceEvolutionPatches();
+ int startOffs = romEntry.getValue("WildPokemon");
+ Iterator<EncounterSet> encounterAreas = encounters.iterator();
+ Set<Integer> seenOffsets = new TreeSet<>();
+ int offs = startOffs;
+ while (true) {
+ // Read pointers
+ int bank = rom[offs] & 0xFF;
+ int map = rom[offs + 1] & 0xFF;
+ if (bank == 0xFF && map == 0xFF) {
+ break;
+ }
+ int grassPokes = readPointer(offs + 4);
+ int waterPokes = readPointer(offs + 8);
+ int treePokes = readPointer(offs + 12);
+ int fishPokes = readPointer(offs + 16);
+ // Add pokemanz
+ if (grassPokes >= 0 && grassPokes < rom.length && rom[grassPokes] != 0
+ && !seenOffsets.contains(readPointer(grassPokes + 4))) {
+ writeWildArea(grassPokes, Gen3Constants.grassSlots,;
+ seenOffsets.add(readPointer(grassPokes + 4));
+ }
+ if (waterPokes >= 0 && waterPokes < rom.length && rom[waterPokes] != 0
+ && !seenOffsets.contains(readPointer(waterPokes + 4))) {
+ writeWildArea(waterPokes, Gen3Constants.surfingSlots,;
+ seenOffsets.add(readPointer(waterPokes + 4));
+ }
+ if (treePokes >= 0 && treePokes < rom.length && rom[treePokes] != 0
+ && !seenOffsets.contains(readPointer(treePokes + 4))) {
+ writeWildArea(treePokes, Gen3Constants.rockSmashSlots,;
+ seenOffsets.add(readPointer(treePokes + 4));
+ }
+ if (fishPokes >= 0 && fishPokes < rom.length && rom[fishPokes] != 0
+ && !seenOffsets.contains(readPointer(fishPokes + 4))) {
+ writeWildArea(fishPokes, Gen3Constants.fishingSlots,;
+ seenOffsets.add(readPointer(fishPokes + 4));
+ }
+ offs += 20;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasWildAltFormes() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Pokemon> bannedForWildEncounters() {
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ // Ban Unown in FRLG because the game crashes if it is encountered outside of Tanoby Ruins.
+ // See GenerateWildMon in wild_encounter.c in pokefirered
+ return new ArrayList<>(Collections.singletonList(pokes[Species.unown]));
+ }
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Trainer> getTrainers() {
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("TrainerData");
+ int amount = romEntry.getValue("TrainerCount");
+ int entryLen = romEntry.getValue("TrainerEntrySize");
+ List<Trainer> theTrainers = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<String> tcnames = this.getTrainerClassNames();
+ for (int i = 1; i < amount; i++) {
+ // Trainer entries are 40 bytes
+ // Team flags; 1 byte; 0x01 = custom moves, 0x02 = held item
+ // Class; 1 byte
+ // Encounter Music and gender; 1 byte
+ // Battle Sprite; 1 byte
+ // Name; 12 bytes; 0xff terminated
+ // Items; 2 bytes each, 4 item slots
+ // Battle Mode; 1 byte; 0 means single, 1 means double.
+ // 3 bytes not used
+ // AI Flags; 1 byte
+ // 3 bytes not used
+ // Number of pokemon in team; 1 byte
+ // 3 bytes not used
+ // Pointer to pokemon; 4 bytes
+ //
+ int trOffset = baseOffset + i * entryLen;
+ Trainer tr = new Trainer();
+ tr.offset = trOffset;
+ tr.index = i;
+ int trainerclass = rom[trOffset + 1] & 0xFF;
+ tr.trainerclass = (rom[trOffset + 2] & 0x80) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ int pokeDataType = rom[trOffset] & 0xFF;
+ boolean doubleBattle = rom[trOffset + (entryLen - 16)] == 0x01;
+ int numPokes = rom[trOffset + (entryLen - 8)] & 0xFF;
+ int pointerToPokes = readPointer(trOffset + (entryLen - 4));
+ tr.poketype = pokeDataType;
+ = this.readVariableLengthString(trOffset + 4);
+ tr.fullDisplayName = tcnames.get(trainerclass) + " " +;
+ // Pokemon structure data is like
+ // (HI HI)
+ // (M1 M1 M2 M2 M3 M3 M4 M4)
+ // IV is a "difficulty" level between 0 and 255 to represent 0 to 31 IVs.
+ // These IVs affect all attributes. For the vanilla games, the majority
+ // of trainers have 0 IVs; Elite Four members will have 31 IVs.
+ //
+ if (pokeDataType == 0) {
+ // blocks of 8 bytes
+ for (int poke = 0; poke < numPokes; poke++) {
+ TrainerPokemon thisPoke = new TrainerPokemon();
+ thisPoke.IVs = ((readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 8) & 0xFF) * 31) / 255;
+ thisPoke.level = readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 8 + 2);
+ thisPoke.pokemon = pokesInternal[readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 8 + 4)];
+ tr.pokemon.add(thisPoke);
+ }
+ } else if (pokeDataType == 2) {
+ // blocks of 8 bytes
+ for (int poke = 0; poke < numPokes; poke++) {
+ TrainerPokemon thisPoke = new TrainerPokemon();
+ thisPoke.IVs = ((readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 8) & 0xFF) * 31) / 255;
+ thisPoke.level = readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 8 + 2);
+ thisPoke.pokemon = pokesInternal[readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 8 + 4)];
+ thisPoke.heldItem = readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 8 + 6);
+ tr.pokemon.add(thisPoke);
+ }
+ } else if (pokeDataType == 1) {
+ // blocks of 16 bytes
+ for (int poke = 0; poke < numPokes; poke++) {
+ TrainerPokemon thisPoke = new TrainerPokemon();
+ thisPoke.IVs = ((readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16) & 0xFF) * 31) / 255;
+ thisPoke.level = readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + 2);
+ thisPoke.pokemon = pokesInternal[readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + 4)];
+ for (int move = 0; move < 4; move++) {
+ thisPoke.moves[move] = readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + 6 + (move*2));
+ }
+ tr.pokemon.add(thisPoke);
+ }
+ } else if (pokeDataType == 3) {
+ // blocks of 16 bytes
+ for (int poke = 0; poke < numPokes; poke++) {
+ TrainerPokemon thisPoke = new TrainerPokemon();
+ thisPoke.IVs = ((readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16) & 0xFF) * 31) / 255;
+ thisPoke.level = readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + 2);
+ thisPoke.pokemon = pokesInternal[readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + 4)];
+ thisPoke.heldItem = readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + 6);
+ for (int move = 0; move < 4; move++) {
+ thisPoke.moves[move] = readWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + 8 + (move*2));
+ }
+ tr.pokemon.add(thisPoke);
+ }
+ }
+ theTrainers.add(tr);
+ }
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Em) {
+ int mossdeepStevenOffset = romEntry.getValue("MossdeepStevenTeamOffset");
+ Trainer mossdeepSteven = new Trainer();
+ mossdeepSteven.offset = mossdeepStevenOffset;
+ mossdeepSteven.index = amount;
+ mossdeepSteven.poketype = 1; // Custom moves, but no held items
+ // This is literally how the game does it too, lol. Have to subtract one because the
+ // trainers internally are one-indexed, but then theTrainers is zero-indexed.
+ Trainer meteorFallsSteven = theTrainers.get(Gen3Constants.emMeteorFallsStevenIndex - 1);
+ mossdeepSteven.trainerclass = meteorFallsSteven.trainerclass;
+ =;
+ mossdeepSteven.fullDisplayName = meteorFallsSteven.fullDisplayName;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ int currentOffset = mossdeepStevenOffset + (i * 20);
+ TrainerPokemon thisPoke = new TrainerPokemon();
+ thisPoke.pokemon = pokesInternal[readWord(currentOffset)];
+ thisPoke.IVs = rom[currentOffset + 2];
+ thisPoke.level = rom[currentOffset + 3];
+ for (int move = 0; move < 4; move++) {
+ thisPoke.moves[move] = readWord(currentOffset + 12 + (move * 2));
+ }
+ mossdeepSteven.pokemon.add(thisPoke);
+ }
+ theTrainers.add(mossdeepSteven);
+ }
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Ruby || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Sapp) {
+ Gen3Constants.trainerTagsRS(theTrainers, romEntry.romType);
+ } else if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Em) {
+ Gen3Constants.trainerTagsE(theTrainers);
+ Gen3Constants.setMultiBattleStatusEm(theTrainers);
+ } else {
+ Gen3Constants.trainerTagsFRLG(theTrainers);
+ }
+ return theTrainers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getEvolutionItems() {
+ return Gen3Constants.evolutionItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getXItems() {
+ return Gen3Constants.xItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getMainPlaythroughTrainers() {
+ return new ArrayList<>(); // Not implemented
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getEliteFourTrainers(boolean isChallengeMode) {
+ return"EliteFourIndices")).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setTrainers(List<Trainer> trainerData, boolean doubleBattleMode) {
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("TrainerData");
+ int amount = romEntry.getValue("TrainerCount");
+ int entryLen = romEntry.getValue("TrainerEntrySize");
+ Iterator<Trainer> theTrainers = trainerData.iterator();
+ int fso = romEntry.getValue("FreeSpace");
+ // Get current movesets in case we need to reset them for certain
+ // trainer mons.
+ Map<Integer, List<MoveLearnt>> movesets = this.getMovesLearnt();
+ for (int i = 1; i < amount; i++) {
+ int trOffset = baseOffset + i * entryLen;
+ Trainer tr =;
+ // Do we need to repoint this trainer's data?
+ int oldPokeType = rom[trOffset] & 0xFF;
+ int oldPokeCount = rom[trOffset + (entryLen - 8)] & 0xFF;
+ int newPokeCount = tr.pokemon.size();
+ int newDataSize = newPokeCount * ((tr.poketype & 1) == 1 ? 16 : 8);
+ int oldDataSize = oldPokeCount * ((oldPokeType & 1) == 1 ? 16 : 8);
+ // write out new data first...
+ rom[trOffset] = (byte) tr.poketype;
+ rom[trOffset + (entryLen - 8)] = (byte) newPokeCount;
+ if (doubleBattleMode) {
+ if (!tr.skipImportant()) {
+ rom[trOffset + (entryLen - 16)] = 0x01;
+ }
+ }
+ // now, do we need to repoint?
+ int pointerToPokes;
+ if (newDataSize > oldDataSize) {
+ int writeSpace = RomFunctions.freeSpaceFinder(rom, Gen3Constants.freeSpaceByte, newDataSize, fso, true);
+ if (writeSpace < fso) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException("ROM is full");
+ }
+ writePointer(trOffset + (entryLen - 4), writeSpace);
+ pointerToPokes = writeSpace;
+ } else {
+ pointerToPokes = readPointer(trOffset + (entryLen - 4));
+ }
+ Iterator<TrainerPokemon> pokes = tr.pokemon.iterator();
+ // Write out Pokemon data!
+ if (tr.pokemonHaveCustomMoves()) {
+ // custom moves, blocks of 16 bytes
+ for (int poke = 0; poke < newPokeCount; poke++) {
+ TrainerPokemon tp =;
+ // Add 1 to offset integer division truncation
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16, Math.min(255, 1 + (tp.IVs * 255) / 31));
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + 2, tp.level);
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + 4, pokedexToInternal[tp.pokemon.number]);
+ int movesStart;
+ if (tr.pokemonHaveItems()) {
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + 6, tp.heldItem);
+ movesStart = 8;
+ } else {
+ movesStart = 6;
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + 14, 0);
+ }
+ if (tp.resetMoves) {
+ int[] pokeMoves = RomFunctions.getMovesAtLevel(tp.pokemon.number, movesets, tp.level);
+ for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++) {
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + movesStart + m * 2, pokeMoves[m]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + movesStart, tp.moves[0]);
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + movesStart + 2, tp.moves[1]);
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + movesStart + 4, tp.moves[2]);
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 16 + movesStart + 6, tp.moves[3]);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // no moves, blocks of 8 bytes
+ for (int poke = 0; poke < newPokeCount; poke++) {
+ TrainerPokemon tp =;
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 8, Math.min(255, 1 + (tp.IVs * 255) / 31));
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 8 + 2, tp.level);
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 8 + 4, pokedexToInternal[tp.pokemon.number]);
+ if (tr.pokemonHaveItems()) {
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 8 + 6, tp.heldItem);
+ } else {
+ writeWord(pointerToPokes + poke * 8 + 6, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Em) {
+ int mossdeepStevenOffset = romEntry.getValue("MossdeepStevenTeamOffset");
+ Trainer mossdeepSteven = trainerData.get(amount - 1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ int currentOffset = mossdeepStevenOffset + (i * 20);
+ TrainerPokemon tp = mossdeepSteven.pokemon.get(i);
+ writeWord(currentOffset, pokedexToInternal[tp.pokemon.number]);
+ rom[currentOffset + 2] = (byte)tp.IVs;
+ rom[currentOffset + 3] = (byte)tp.level;
+ for (int move = 0; move < 4; move++) {
+ writeWord(currentOffset + 12 + (move * 2), tp.moves[move]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void writeWildArea(int offset, int numOfEntries, EncounterSet encounters) {
+ // Grab the *real* pointer to data
+ int dataOffset = readPointer(offset + 4);
+ // Write the entries
+ for (int i = 0; i < numOfEntries; i++) {
+ Encounter enc = encounters.encounters.get(i);
+ // min, max, species, species
+ int levels = enc.level | (enc.maxLevel << 8);
+ writeWord(dataOffset + i * 4, levels);
+ writeWord(dataOffset + i * 4 + 2, pokedexToInternal[enc.pokemon.number]);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Pokemon> getPokemon() {
+ return pokemonList;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Pokemon> getPokemonInclFormes() {
+ return pokemonList; // No alt formes for now, should include Deoxys formes in the future
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Pokemon> getAltFormes() {
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<MegaEvolution> getMegaEvolutions() {
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Pokemon getAltFormeOfPokemon(Pokemon pk, int forme) {
+ return pk;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Pokemon> getIrregularFormes() {
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasFunctionalFormes() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Integer, List<MoveLearnt>> getMovesLearnt() {
+ Map<Integer, List<MoveLearnt>> movesets = new TreeMap<>();
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("PokemonMovesets");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numRealPokemon; i++) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokemonList.get(i);
+ int offsToPtr = baseOffset + (pokedexToInternal[pkmn.number]) * 4;
+ int moveDataLoc = readPointer(offsToPtr);
+ List<MoveLearnt> moves = new ArrayList<>();
+ if (jamboMovesetHack) {
+ while ((rom[moveDataLoc] & 0xFF) != 0x00 || (rom[moveDataLoc + 1] & 0xFF) != 0x00
+ || (rom[moveDataLoc + 2] & 0xFF) != 0xFF) {
+ MoveLearnt ml = new MoveLearnt();
+ ml.level = rom[moveDataLoc + 2] & 0xFF;
+ ml.move = readWord(moveDataLoc);
+ moves.add(ml);
+ moveDataLoc += 3;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while ((rom[moveDataLoc] & 0xFF) != 0xFF || (rom[moveDataLoc + 1] & 0xFF) != 0xFF) {
+ int move = (rom[moveDataLoc] & 0xFF);
+ int level = (rom[moveDataLoc + 1] & 0xFE) >> 1;
+ if ((rom[moveDataLoc + 1] & 0x01) == 0x01) {
+ move += 0x100;
+ }
+ MoveLearnt ml = new MoveLearnt();
+ ml.level = level;
+ ml.move = move;
+ moves.add(ml);
+ moveDataLoc += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ movesets.put(pkmn.number, moves);
+ }
+ return movesets;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setMovesLearnt(Map<Integer, List<MoveLearnt>> movesets) {
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("PokemonMovesets");
+ int fso = romEntry.getValue("FreeSpace");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numRealPokemon; i++) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokemonList.get(i);
+ int offsToPtr = baseOffset + (pokedexToInternal[pkmn.number]) * 4;
+ int moveDataLoc = readPointer(offsToPtr);
+ List<MoveLearnt> moves = movesets.get(pkmn.number);
+ int newMoveCount = moves.size();
+ int mloc = moveDataLoc;
+ int entrySize;
+ if (jamboMovesetHack) {
+ while ((rom[mloc] & 0xFF) != 0x00 || (rom[mloc + 1] & 0xFF) != 0x00 || (rom[mloc + 2] & 0xFF) != 0xFF) {
+ mloc += 3;
+ }
+ entrySize = 3;
+ } else {
+ while ((rom[mloc] & 0xFF) != 0xFF || (rom[mloc + 1] & 0xFF) != 0xFF) {
+ mloc += 2;
+ }
+ entrySize = 2;
+ }
+ int currentMoveCount = (mloc - moveDataLoc) / entrySize;
+ if (newMoveCount > currentMoveCount) {
+ // Repoint for more space
+ int newBytesNeeded = newMoveCount * entrySize + entrySize * 2;
+ int writeSpace = RomFunctions.freeSpaceFinder(rom, Gen3Constants.freeSpaceByte, newBytesNeeded, fso);
+ if (writeSpace < fso) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException("ROM is full");
+ }
+ writePointer(offsToPtr, writeSpace);
+ moveDataLoc = writeSpace;
+ }
+ // Write new moveset now that space is ensured.
+ for (MoveLearnt ml : moves) {
+ moveDataLoc += writeMLToOffset(moveDataLoc, ml);
+ }
+ // If move count changed, new terminator is required
+ // In the repoint enough space was reserved to add some padding to
+ // make sure the terminator isn't detected as free space.
+ // If no repoint, the padding goes over the old moves/terminator.
+ if (newMoveCount != currentMoveCount) {
+ if (jamboMovesetHack) {
+ rom[moveDataLoc] = 0x00;
+ rom[moveDataLoc + 1] = 0x00;
+ rom[moveDataLoc + 2] = (byte) 0xFF;
+ rom[moveDataLoc + 3] = 0x00;
+ rom[moveDataLoc + 4] = 0x00;
+ rom[moveDataLoc + 5] = 0x00;
+ } else {
+ rom[moveDataLoc] = (byte) 0xFF;
+ rom[moveDataLoc + 1] = (byte) 0xFF;
+ rom[moveDataLoc + 2] = 0x00;
+ rom[moveDataLoc + 3] = 0x00;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private int writeMLToOffset(int offset, MoveLearnt ml) {
+ if (jamboMovesetHack) {
+ writeWord(offset, ml.move);
+ rom[offset + 2] = (byte) ml.level;
+ return 3;
+ } else {
+ rom[offset] = (byte) (ml.move & 0xFF);
+ int levelPart = (ml.level << 1) & 0xFE;
+ if (ml.move > 255) {
+ levelPart++;
+ }
+ rom[offset + 1] = (byte) levelPart;
+ return 2;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Integer, List<Integer>> getEggMoves() {
+ Map<Integer, List<Integer>> eggMoves = new TreeMap<>();
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("EggMoves");
+ int currentOffset = baseOffset;
+ int currentSpecies = 0;
+ List<Integer> currentMoves = new ArrayList<>();
+ int val = FileFunctions.read2ByteInt(rom, currentOffset);
+ // Check egg_moves.h in the Gen 3 decomps for more info on how this algorithm works.
+ while (val != 0xFFFF) {
+ if (val > 20000) {
+ int species = val - 20000;
+ if (currentMoves.size() > 0) {
+ eggMoves.put(internalToPokedex[currentSpecies], currentMoves);
+ }
+ currentSpecies = species;
+ currentMoves = new ArrayList<>();
+ } else {
+ currentMoves.add(val);
+ }
+ currentOffset += 2;
+ val = FileFunctions.read2ByteInt(rom, currentOffset);
+ }
+ // Need to make sure the last entry gets recorded too
+ if (currentMoves.size() > 0) {
+ eggMoves.put(internalToPokedex[currentSpecies], currentMoves);
+ }
+ return eggMoves;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setEggMoves(Map<Integer, List<Integer>> eggMoves) {
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("EggMoves");
+ int currentOffset = baseOffset;
+ for (int species : eggMoves.keySet()) {
+ FileFunctions.write2ByteInt(rom, currentOffset, pokedexToInternal[species] + 20000);
+ currentOffset += 2;
+ for (int move : eggMoves.get(species)) {
+ FileFunctions.write2ByteInt(rom, currentOffset, move);
+ currentOffset += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static class StaticPokemon {
+ private int[] speciesOffsets;
+ private int[] levelOffsets;
+ public StaticPokemon() {
+ this.speciesOffsets = new int[0];
+ this.levelOffsets = new int[0];
+ }
+ public Pokemon getPokemon(Gen3RomHandler parent) {
+ return parent.pokesInternal[parent.readWord(speciesOffsets[0])];
+ }
+ public void setPokemon(Gen3RomHandler parent, Pokemon pkmn) {
+ int value = parent.pokedexToInternal[pkmn.number];
+ for (int offset : speciesOffsets) {
+ parent.writeWord(offset, value);
+ }
+ }
+ public int getLevel(byte[] rom, int i) {
+ if (levelOffsets.length <= i) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return rom[levelOffsets[i]];
+ }
+ public void setLevel(byte[] rom, int level, int i) {
+ if (levelOffsets.length > i) { // Might not have a level entry e.g., it's an egg
+ rom[levelOffsets[i]] = (byte) level;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<StaticEncounter> getStaticPokemon() {
+ List<StaticEncounter> statics = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<StaticPokemon> staticsHere = romEntry.staticPokemon;
+ int[] staticEggOffsets = new int[0];
+ if (romEntry.arrayEntries.containsKey("StaticEggPokemonOffsets")) {
+ staticEggOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("StaticEggPokemonOffsets");
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < staticsHere.size(); i++) {
+ int currentOffset = i;
+ StaticPokemon staticPK = staticsHere.get(i);
+ StaticEncounter se = new StaticEncounter();
+ se.pkmn = staticPK.getPokemon(this);
+ se.level = staticPK.getLevel(rom, 0);
+ se.isEgg => x == currentOffset);
+ statics.add(se);
+ }
+ if (romEntry.codeTweaks.get("StaticFirstBattleTweak") != null) {
+ // Read in and randomize the static starting Poochyena/Zigzagoon fight in RSE
+ int startingSpeciesOffset = romEntry.getValue("StaticFirstBattleSpeciesOffset");
+ int species = readWord(startingSpeciesOffset);
+ if (species == 0xFFFF) {
+ // Patch hasn't been applied, so apply it first
+ try {
+ FileFunctions.applyPatch(rom, romEntry.codeTweaks.get("StaticFirstBattleTweak"));
+ species = readWord(startingSpeciesOffset);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokesInternal[species];
+ int startingLevelOffset = romEntry.getValue("StaticFirstBattleLevelOffset");
+ int level = rom[startingLevelOffset];
+ StaticEncounter se = new StaticEncounter();
+ se.pkmn = pkmn;
+ se.level = level;
+ statics.add(se);
+ } else if (romEntry.codeTweaks.get("GhostMarowakTweak") != null) {
+ // Read in and randomize the static Ghost Marowak fight in FRLG
+ int[] ghostMarowakOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("GhostMarowakSpeciesOffsets");
+ int species = readWord(ghostMarowakOffsets[0]);
+ if (species == 0xFFFF) {
+ // Patch hasn't been applied, so apply it first
+ try {
+ FileFunctions.applyPatch(rom, romEntry.codeTweaks.get("GhostMarowakTweak"));
+ species = readWord(ghostMarowakOffsets[0]);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokesInternal[species];
+ int[] startingLevelOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("GhostMarowakLevelOffsets");
+ int level = rom[startingLevelOffsets[0]];
+ StaticEncounter se = new StaticEncounter();
+ se.pkmn = pkmn;
+ se.level = level;
+ statics.add(se);
+ }
+ try {
+ getRoamers(statics);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ return statics;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean setStaticPokemon(List<StaticEncounter> staticPokemon) {
+ // Support Deoxys/Mew gifts/catches in E/FR/LG
+ attemptObedienceEvolutionPatches();
+ List<StaticPokemon> staticsHere = romEntry.staticPokemon;
+ int roamerSize = romEntry.roamingPokemon.size();
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Em) {
+ // Emerald roamers are set as linkedEncounters to their respective
+ // Southern Island statics and thus don't count.
+ roamerSize = 0;
+ }
+ int hardcodedStaticSize = 0;
+ if (romEntry.codeTweaks.get("StaticFirstBattleTweak") != null || romEntry.codeTweaks.get("GhostMarowakTweak") != null) {
+ hardcodedStaticSize = 1;
+ }
+ if (staticPokemon.size() != staticsHere.size() + hardcodedStaticSize + roamerSize) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < staticsHere.size(); i++) {
+ staticsHere.get(i).setPokemon(this, staticPokemon.get(i).pkmn);
+ staticsHere.get(i).setLevel(rom, staticPokemon.get(i).level, 0);
+ }
+ if (romEntry.codeTweaks.get("StaticFirstBattleTweak") != null) {
+ StaticEncounter startingFirstBattle = staticPokemon.get(romEntry.getValue("StaticFirstBattleOffset"));
+ int startingSpeciesOffset = romEntry.getValue("StaticFirstBattleSpeciesOffset");
+ writeWord(startingSpeciesOffset, pokedexToInternal[startingFirstBattle.pkmn.number]);
+ int startingLevelOffset = romEntry.getValue("StaticFirstBattleLevelOffset");
+ rom[startingLevelOffset] = (byte) startingFirstBattle.level;
+ } else if (romEntry.codeTweaks.get("GhostMarowakTweak") != null) {
+ StaticEncounter ghostMarowak = staticPokemon.get(romEntry.getValue("GhostMarowakOffset"));
+ int[] ghostMarowakSpeciesOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("GhostMarowakSpeciesOffsets");
+ for (int i = 0; i < ghostMarowakSpeciesOffsets.length; i++) {
+ writeWord(ghostMarowakSpeciesOffsets[i], pokedexToInternal[ghostMarowak.pkmn.number]);
+ }
+ int[] ghostMarowakLevelOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("GhostMarowakLevelOffsets");
+ for (int i = 0; i < ghostMarowakLevelOffsets.length; i++) {
+ rom[ghostMarowakLevelOffsets[i]] = (byte) ghostMarowak.level;
+ }
+ // The code for creating Ghost Marowak tries to ensure the Pokemon is female. If the Pokemon
+ // cannot be female (because they are always male or an indeterminate gender), then the game
+ // will infinite loop trying and failing to make the Pokemon female. For Pokemon that cannot
+ // be female, change the specified gender to something that actually works.
+ int ghostMarowakGenderOffset = romEntry.getValue("GhostMarowakGenderOffset");
+ if (ghostMarowak.pkmn.genderRatio == 0 || ghostMarowak.pkmn.genderRatio == 0xFF) {
+ // 0x00 is 100% male, and 0xFF is indeterminate gender
+ rom[ghostMarowakGenderOffset] = (byte) ghostMarowak.pkmn.genderRatio;
+ }
+ }
+ setRoamers(staticPokemon);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void getRoamers(List<StaticEncounter> statics) throws IOException {
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Ruby) {
+ int firstSpecies = readWord(rom, romEntry.roamingPokemon.get(0).speciesOffsets[0]);
+ if (firstSpecies == 0) {
+ // Before applying the patch, the first species offset will be pointing to
+ // the lower bytes of 0x2000000, so when it reads a word, it will be 0.
+ applyRubyRoamerPatch();
+ }
+ StaticPokemon roamer = romEntry.roamingPokemon.get(0);
+ StaticEncounter se = new StaticEncounter();
+ se.pkmn = roamer.getPokemon(this);
+ se.level = roamer.getLevel(rom, 0);
+ statics.add(se);
+ } else if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Sapp) {
+ StaticPokemon roamer = romEntry.roamingPokemon.get(0);
+ StaticEncounter se = new StaticEncounter();
+ se.pkmn = roamer.getPokemon(this);
+ se.level = roamer.getLevel(rom, 0);
+ statics.add(se);
+ } else if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG && romEntry.codeTweaks.get("RoamingPokemonTweak") != null) {
+ int firstSpecies = readWord(rom, romEntry.roamingPokemon.get(0).speciesOffsets[0]);
+ if (firstSpecies == 0xFFFF) {
+ // This means that the IPS patch hasn't been applied yet, since the first species
+ // ID location is free space.
+ FileFunctions.applyPatch(rom, romEntry.codeTweaks.get("RoamingPokemonTweak"));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < romEntry.roamingPokemon.size(); i++) {
+ StaticPokemon roamer = romEntry.roamingPokemon.get(i);
+ StaticEncounter se = new StaticEncounter();
+ se.pkmn = roamer.getPokemon(this);
+ se.level = roamer.getLevel(rom, 0);
+ statics.add(se);
+ }
+ } else if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Em) {
+ int firstSpecies = readWord(rom, romEntry.roamingPokemon.get(0).speciesOffsets[0]);
+ if (firstSpecies >= pokesInternal.length) {
+ // Before applying the patch, the first species offset is a pointer with a huge value.
+ // Thus, this check is a good indicator that the patch needs to be applied.
+ applyEmeraldRoamerPatch();
+ }
+ int[] southernIslandOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("StaticSouthernIslandOffsets");
+ for (int i = 0; i < romEntry.roamingPokemon.size(); i++) {
+ StaticPokemon roamer = romEntry.roamingPokemon.get(i);
+ StaticEncounter se = new StaticEncounter();
+ se.pkmn = roamer.getPokemon(this);
+ se.level = roamer.getLevel(rom, 0);
+ // Link each roamer to their respective Southern Island static encounter so that
+ // they randomize to the same species.
+ StaticEncounter southernIslandEncounter = statics.get(southernIslandOffsets[i]);
+ southernIslandEncounter.linkedEncounters.add(se);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void setRoamers(List<StaticEncounter> statics) {
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Ruby || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Sapp) {
+ StaticEncounter roamerEncounter = statics.get(statics.size() - 1);
+ StaticPokemon roamer = romEntry.roamingPokemon.get(0);
+ roamer.setPokemon(this, roamerEncounter.pkmn);
+ for (int i = 0; i < roamer.levelOffsets.length; i++) {
+ roamer.setLevel(rom, roamerEncounter.level, i);
+ }
+ } else if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG && romEntry.codeTweaks.get("RoamingPokemonTweak") != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < romEntry.roamingPokemon.size(); i++) {
+ int offsetInStaticList = statics.size() - 3 + i;
+ StaticEncounter roamerEncounter = statics.get(offsetInStaticList);
+ StaticPokemon roamer = romEntry.roamingPokemon.get(i);
+ roamer.setPokemon(this, roamerEncounter.pkmn);
+ for (int j = 0; j < roamer.levelOffsets.length; j++) {
+ roamer.setLevel(rom, roamerEncounter.level, j);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Em) {
+ int[] southernIslandOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("StaticSouthernIslandOffsets");
+ for (int i = 0; i < romEntry.roamingPokemon.size(); i++) {
+ StaticEncounter southernIslandEncounter = statics.get(southernIslandOffsets[i]);
+ StaticEncounter roamerEncounter = southernIslandEncounter.linkedEncounters.get(0);
+ StaticPokemon roamer = romEntry.roamingPokemon.get(i);
+ roamer.setPokemon(this, roamerEncounter.pkmn);
+ for (int j = 0; j < roamer.levelOffsets.length; j++) {
+ roamer.setLevel(rom, roamerEncounter.level, j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void applyRubyRoamerPatch() {
+ int offset = romEntry.getValue("FindMapsWithMonFunctionStartOffset");
+ // The constant 0x2000000 is actually in the function twice, so we'll replace the first instance
+ // with Latios's ID. First, change the "ldr r2, [pc, #0x68]" near the start of the function to
+ // "ldr r2, [pc, #0x15C]" so it points to the second usage of 0x2000000
+ rom[offset + 22] = 0x57;
+ // In the space formerly occupied by the first 0x2000000, write Latios's ID
+ FileFunctions.writeFullInt(rom, offset + 128, pokedexToInternal[Species.latios]);
+ // Where the original function computes Latios's ID by setting r0 to 0xCC << 1, just pc-relative
+ // load our constant. We have four bytes of space to play with, and we need to make sure the offset
+ // from the pc is 4-byte aligned; we need to nop for alignment and then perform the load.
+ rom[offset + 12] = 0x00;
+ rom[offset + 13] = 0x00;
+ rom[offset + 14] = 0x1C;
+ rom[offset + 15] = 0x48;
+ offset = romEntry.getValue("CreateInitialRoamerMonFunctionStartOffset");
+ // At the very end of the function, the game pops the lr from the stack and stores it in r0, then
+ // it does "bx r0" to jump back to the caller, and then it has two bytes of padding afterwards. For
+ // some reason, Ruby very rarely does "pop { pc }" even though that seemingly works fine. By doing
+ // that, we only need one instruction to return to the caller, giving us four bytes to write
+ // Latios's species ID.
+ rom[offset + 182] = 0x00;
+ rom[offset + 183] = (byte) 0xBD;
+ FileFunctions.writeFullInt(rom, offset + 184, pokedexToInternal[Species.latios]);
+ // Now write a pc-relative load to this new species ID constant over the original move and lsl. Similar
+ // to before, we need to write a nop first for alignment, then pc-relative load into r6.
+ rom[offset + 10] = 0x00;
+ rom[offset + 11] = 0x00;
+ rom[offset + 12] = 0x2A;
+ rom[offset + 13] = 0x4E;
+ }
+ private void applyEmeraldRoamerPatch() {
+ int offset = romEntry.getValue("CreateInitialRoamerMonFunctionStartOffset");
+ // Latias's species ID is already a pc-relative loaded constant, but Latios's isn't. We need to make
+ // some room for it; the constant 0x03005D8C is actually in the function twice, so we'll replace the first
+ // instance with Latios's ID. First, change the "ldr r0, [pc, #0xC]" at the start of the function to
+ // "ldr r0, [pc, #0x104]", so it points to the second usage of 0x03005D8C
+ rom[offset + 14] = 0x41;
+ // In the space formerly occupied by the first 0x03005D8C, write Latios's ID
+ FileFunctions.writeFullInt(rom, offset + 28, pokedexToInternal[Species.latios]);
+ // In the original function, we "lsl r0, r0, #0x10" then compare r0 to 0. The thing is, this left
+ // shift doesn't actually matter, because 0 << 0x10 = 0, and [non-zero] << 0x10 = [non-zero].
+ // Let's move the compare up to take its place and then load Latios's ID into r3 for use in another
+ // branch later.
+ rom[offset + 8] = 0x00;
+ rom[offset + 9] = 0x28;
+ rom[offset + 10] = 0x04;
+ rom[offset + 11] = 0x4B;
+ // Lastly, in the branch that normally does r2 = 0xCC << 0x1 to compute Latios's ID, just mov r3
+ // into r2, since it was loaded with his ID with the above code.
+ rom[offset + 48] = 0x1A;
+ rom[offset + 49] = 0x46;
+ rom[offset + 50] = 0x00;
+ rom[offset + 51] = 0x00;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getTMMoves() {
+ List<Integer> tms = new ArrayList<>();
+ int offset = romEntry.getValue("TmMoves");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen3Constants.tmCount; i++) {
+ tms.add(readWord(offset + (i - 1) * 2));
+ }
+ return tms;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getHMMoves() {
+ return Gen3Constants.hmMoves;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setTMMoves(List<Integer> moveIndexes) {
+ if (!mapLoadingDone) {
+ preprocessMaps();
+ mapLoadingDone = true;
+ }
+ int offset = romEntry.getValue("TmMoves");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen3Constants.tmCount; i++) {
+ writeWord(offset + (i - 1) * 2, moveIndexes.get(i - 1));
+ }
+ int otherOffset = romEntry.getValue("TmMovesDuplicate");
+ if (otherOffset > 0) {
+ // Emerald/FR/LG have *two* TM tables
+ System.arraycopy(rom, offset, rom, otherOffset, Gen3Constants.tmCount * 2);
+ }
+ int iiOffset = romEntry.getValue("ItemImages");
+ if (iiOffset > 0) {
+ int[] pals = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("TmPals");
+ // Update the item image palettes
+ // Gen3 TMs are 289-338
+ for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
+ Move mv = moves[moveIndexes.get(i)];
+ int typeID = Gen3Constants.typeToByte(mv.type);
+ writePointer(iiOffset + (Gen3Constants.tmItemOffset + i) * 8 + 4, pals[typeID]);
+ }
+ }
+ int fsOffset = romEntry.getValue("FreeSpace");
+ // Item descriptions
+ if (romEntry.getValue("MoveDescriptions") > 0) {
+ // JP blocked for now - uses different item structure anyway
+ int idOffset = romEntry.getValue("ItemData");
+ int mdOffset = romEntry.getValue("MoveDescriptions");
+ int entrySize = romEntry.getValue("ItemEntrySize");
+ int limitPerLine = (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) ? Gen3Constants.frlgItemDescCharsPerLine
+ : Gen3Constants.rseItemDescCharsPerLine;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Gen3Constants.tmCount; i++) {
+ int itemBaseOffset = idOffset + (i + Gen3Constants.tmItemOffset) * entrySize;
+ int moveBaseOffset = mdOffset + (moveIndexes.get(i) - 1) * 4;
+ int moveTextPointer = readPointer(moveBaseOffset);
+ String moveDesc = readVariableLengthString(moveTextPointer);
+ String newItemDesc = RomFunctions.rewriteDescriptionForNewLineSize(moveDesc, "\\n", limitPerLine, ssd);
+ // Find freespace
+ int fsBytesNeeded = translateString(newItemDesc).length + 1;
+ int newItemDescOffset = RomFunctions.freeSpaceFinder(rom, Gen3Constants.freeSpaceByte, fsBytesNeeded,
+ fsOffset);
+ if (newItemDescOffset < fsOffset) {
+ String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
+ log("Couldn't insert new item description." + nl);
+ return;
+ }
+ writeVariableLengthString(newItemDesc, newItemDescOffset);
+ writePointer(itemBaseOffset + Gen3Constants.itemDataDescriptionOffset, newItemDescOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ // TM Text?
+ for (TMOrMTTextEntry tte : romEntry.tmmtTexts) {
+ if (tte.actualOffset > 0 && !tte.isMoveTutor) {
+ // create the new TM text
+ int oldPointer = readPointer(tte.actualOffset);
+ if (oldPointer < 0 || oldPointer >= rom.length) {
+ String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
+ log("Couldn't insert new TM text. Skipping remaining TM text updates." + nl);
+ return;
+ }
+ String moveName = this.moves[moveIndexes.get(tte.number - 1)].name;
+ // temporarily use underscores to stop the move name being split
+ String tmpMoveName = moveName.replace(' ', '_');
+ String unformatted = tte.template.replace("[move]", tmpMoveName);
+ String newText = RomFunctions.formatTextWithReplacements(unformatted, null, "\\n", "\\l", "\\p",
+ Gen3Constants.regularTextboxCharsPerLine, ssd);
+ // get rid of the underscores
+ newText = newText.replace(tmpMoveName, moveName);
+ // insert the new text into free space
+ int fsBytesNeeded = translateString(newText).length + 1;
+ int newOffset = RomFunctions.freeSpaceFinder(rom, (byte) 0xFF, fsBytesNeeded, fsOffset);
+ if (newOffset < fsOffset) {
+ String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
+ log("Couldn't insert new TM text." + nl);
+ return;
+ }
+ writeVariableLengthString(newText, newOffset);
+ // search for copies of the pointer:
+ // make a needle of the pointer
+ byte[] searchNeedle = new byte[4];
+ System.arraycopy(rom, tte.actualOffset, searchNeedle, 0, 4);
+ // find copies within 500 bytes either way of actualOffset
+ int minOffset = Math.max(0, tte.actualOffset - Gen3Constants.pointerSearchRadius);
+ int maxOffset = Math.min(rom.length, tte.actualOffset + Gen3Constants.pointerSearchRadius);
+ List<Integer> pointerLocs =, minOffset, maxOffset, searchNeedle);
+ for (int pointerLoc : pointerLocs) {
+ // write the new pointer
+ writePointer(pointerLoc, newOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private RomFunctions.StringSizeDeterminer ssd = encodedText -> translateString(encodedText).length;
+ @Override
+ public int getTMCount() {
+ return Gen3Constants.tmCount;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getHMCount() {
+ return Gen3Constants.hmCount;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> getTMHMCompatibility() {
+ Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> compat = new TreeMap<>();
+ int offset = romEntry.getValue("PokemonTMHMCompat");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numRealPokemon; i++) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokemonList.get(i);
+ int compatOffset = offset + (pokedexToInternal[pkmn.number]) * 8;
+ boolean[] flags = new boolean[Gen3Constants.tmCount + Gen3Constants.hmCount + 1];
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ readByteIntoFlags(flags, j * 8 + 1, compatOffset + j);
+ }
+ compat.put(pkmn, flags);
+ }
+ return compat;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setTMHMCompatibility(Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> compatData) {
+ int offset = romEntry.getValue("PokemonTMHMCompat");
+ for (Map.Entry<Pokemon, boolean[]> compatEntry : compatData.entrySet()) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = compatEntry.getKey();
+ boolean[] flags = compatEntry.getValue();
+ int compatOffset = offset + (pokedexToInternal[pkmn.number]) * 8;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ rom[compatOffset + j] = getByteFromFlags(flags, j * 8 + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasMoveTutors() {
+ return (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Em || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getMoveTutorMoves() {
+ if (!hasMoveTutors()) {
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ List<Integer> mts = new ArrayList<>();
+ int moveCount = romEntry.getValue("MoveTutorMoves");
+ int offset = romEntry.getValue("MoveTutorData");
+ for (int i = 0; i < moveCount; i++) {
+ mts.add(readWord(offset + i * 2));
+ }
+ return mts;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setMoveTutorMoves(List<Integer> moves) {
+ if (!hasMoveTutors()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int moveCount = romEntry.getValue("MoveTutorMoves");
+ int offset = romEntry.getValue("MoveTutorData");
+ if (moveCount != moves.size()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < moveCount; i++) {
+ writeWord(offset + i * 2, moves.get(i));
+ }
+ int fsOffset = romEntry.getValue("FreeSpace");
+ // Move Tutor Text?
+ for (TMOrMTTextEntry tte : romEntry.tmmtTexts) {
+ if (tte.actualOffset > 0 && tte.isMoveTutor) {
+ // create the new MT text
+ int oldPointer = readPointer(tte.actualOffset);
+ if (oldPointer < 0 || oldPointer >= rom.length) {
+ throw new RandomizationException(
+ "Move Tutor Text update failed: couldn't read a move tutor text pointer.");
+ }
+ String moveName = this.moves[moves.get(tte.number)].name;
+ // temporarily use underscores to stop the move name being split
+ String tmpMoveName = moveName.replace(' ', '_');
+ String unformatted = tte.template.replace("[move]", tmpMoveName);
+ String newText = RomFunctions.formatTextWithReplacements(unformatted, null, "\\n", "\\l", "\\p",
+ Gen3Constants.regularTextboxCharsPerLine, ssd);
+ // get rid of the underscores
+ newText = newText.replace(tmpMoveName, moveName);
+ // insert the new text into free space
+ int fsBytesNeeded = translateString(newText).length + 1;
+ int newOffset = RomFunctions.freeSpaceFinder(rom, Gen3Constants.freeSpaceByte, fsBytesNeeded, fsOffset);
+ if (newOffset < fsOffset) {
+ String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
+ log("Couldn't insert new Move Tutor text." + nl);
+ return;
+ }
+ writeVariableLengthString(newText, newOffset);
+ // search for copies of the pointer:
+ // make a needle of the pointer
+ byte[] searchNeedle = new byte[4];
+ System.arraycopy(rom, tte.actualOffset, searchNeedle, 0, 4);
+ // find copies within 500 bytes either way of actualOffset
+ int minOffset = Math.max(0, tte.actualOffset - Gen3Constants.pointerSearchRadius);
+ int maxOffset = Math.min(rom.length, tte.actualOffset + Gen3Constants.pointerSearchRadius);
+ List<Integer> pointerLocs =, minOffset, maxOffset, searchNeedle);
+ for (int pointerLoc : pointerLocs) {
+ // write the new pointer
+ writePointer(pointerLoc, newOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> getMoveTutorCompatibility() {
+ if (!hasMoveTutors()) {
+ return new TreeMap<>();
+ }
+ Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> compat = new TreeMap<>();
+ int moveCount = romEntry.getValue("MoveTutorMoves");
+ int offset = romEntry.getValue("MoveTutorCompatibility");
+ int bytesRequired = ((moveCount + 7) & ~7) / 8;
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numRealPokemon; i++) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokemonList.get(i);
+ int compatOffset = offset + pokedexToInternal[pkmn.number] * bytesRequired;
+ boolean[] flags = new boolean[moveCount + 1];
+ for (int j = 0; j < bytesRequired; j++) {
+ readByteIntoFlags(flags, j * 8 + 1, compatOffset + j);
+ }
+ compat.put(pkmn, flags);
+ }
+ return compat;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setMoveTutorCompatibility(Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> compatData) {
+ if (!hasMoveTutors()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int moveCount = romEntry.getValue("MoveTutorMoves");
+ int offset = romEntry.getValue("MoveTutorCompatibility");
+ int bytesRequired = ((moveCount + 7) & ~7) / 8;
+ for (Map.Entry<Pokemon, boolean[]> compatEntry : compatData.entrySet()) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = compatEntry.getKey();
+ boolean[] flags = compatEntry.getValue();
+ int compatOffset = offset + pokedexToInternal[pkmn.number] * bytesRequired;
+ for (int j = 0; j < bytesRequired; j++) {
+ rom[compatOffset + j] = getByteFromFlags(flags, j * 8 + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getROMName() {
+ return;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getROMCode() {
+ return romEntry.romCode;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getSupportLevel() {
+ return (romEntry.getValue("StaticPokemonSupport") > 0) ? "Complete" : "No Static Pokemon";
+ }
+ // For dynamic offsets later
+ private int find(String hexString) {
+ return find(rom, hexString);
+ }
+ private static int find(byte[] haystack, String hexString) {
+ if (hexString.length() % 2 != 0) {
+ return -3; // error
+ }
+ byte[] searchFor = new byte[hexString.length() / 2];
+ for (int i = 0; i < searchFor.length; i++) {
+ searchFor[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(hexString.substring(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), 16);
+ }
+ List<Integer> found =, searchFor);
+ if (found.size() == 0) {
+ return -1; // not found
+ } else if (found.size() > 1) {
+ return -2; // not unique
+ } else {
+ return found.get(0);
+ }
+ }
+ private List<Integer> findMultiple(String hexString) {
+ return findMultiple(rom, hexString);
+ }
+ private static List<Integer> findMultiple(byte[] haystack, String hexString) {
+ if (hexString.length() % 2 != 0) {
+ return new ArrayList<>(); // error
+ }
+ byte[] searchFor = new byte[hexString.length() / 2];
+ for (int i = 0; i < searchFor.length; i++) {
+ searchFor[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(hexString.substring(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), 16);
+ }
+ return, searchFor);
+ }
+ private void writeHexString(String hexString, int offset) {
+ if (hexString.length() % 2 != 0) {
+ return; // error
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < hexString.length() / 2; i++) {
+ rom[offset + i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(hexString.substring(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), 16);
+ }
+ }
+ private void attemptObedienceEvolutionPatches() {
+ if (havePatchedObedience) {
+ return;
+ }
+ havePatchedObedience = true;
+ // This routine *appears* to only exist in E/FR/LG...
+ // Look for the deoxys part which is
+ // MOVS R1, 0x19A
+ // CMP R0, R1
+ // BEQ <mew/deoxys case>
+ // Hex is CD214900 8842 0FD0
+ int deoxysObOffset = find(Gen3Constants.deoxysObeyCode);
+ if (deoxysObOffset > 0) {
+ // We found the deoxys check...
+ // Replacing it with MOVS R1, 0x0 would work fine.
+ // This would make it so species 0x0 (glitch only) would disobey.
+ // But MOVS R1, 0x0 (the version I know) is 2-byte
+ // So we just use it twice...
+ // the equivalent of nop'ing the second time.
+ rom[deoxysObOffset] = 0x00;
+ rom[deoxysObOffset + 1] = Gen3Constants.gbaSetRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR1;
+ rom[deoxysObOffset + 2] = 0x00;
+ rom[deoxysObOffset + 3] = Gen3Constants.gbaSetRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR1;
+ // Look for the mew check too... it's 0x16 ahead
+ if (readWord(deoxysObOffset + Gen3Constants.mewObeyOffsetFromDeoxysObey) == (((Gen3Constants.gbaCmpRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR0) << 8) | (Species.mew))) {
+ // Bingo, thats CMP R0, 0x97
+ // change to CMP R0, 0x0
+ writeWord(deoxysObOffset + Gen3Constants.mewObeyOffsetFromDeoxysObey,
+ (((Gen3Constants.gbaCmpRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR0) << 8) | (0)));
+ }
+ }
+ // Look for evolutions too
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ int evoJumpOffset = find(Gen3Constants.levelEvoKantoDexCheckCode);
+ if (evoJumpOffset > 0) {
+ // This currently compares species to 0x97 and then allows
+ // evolution if it's <= that.
+ // Allow it regardless by using an unconditional jump instead
+ writeWord(evoJumpOffset, Gen3Constants.gbaNopOpcode);
+ writeWord(evoJumpOffset + 2,
+ ((Gen3Constants.gbaUnconditionalJumpOpcode << 8) | (Gen3Constants.levelEvoKantoDexJumpAmount)));
+ }
+ int stoneJumpOffset = find(Gen3Constants.stoneEvoKantoDexCheckCode);
+ if (stoneJumpOffset > 0) {
+ // same as the above, but for stone evos
+ writeWord(stoneJumpOffset, Gen3Constants.gbaNopOpcode);
+ writeWord(stoneJumpOffset + 2,
+ ((Gen3Constants.gbaUnconditionalJumpOpcode << 8) | (Gen3Constants.stoneEvoKantoDexJumpAmount)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void patchForNationalDex() {
+ log("--Patching for National Dex at Start of Game--");
+ String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator");
+ int fso = romEntry.getValue("FreeSpace");
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Ruby || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Sapp) {
+ // Find the original pokedex script
+ int pkDexOffset = find(Gen3Constants.rsPokedexScriptIdentifier);
+ if (pkDexOffset < 0) {
+ log("Patch unsuccessful." + nl);
+ return;
+ }
+ int textPointer = readPointer(pkDexOffset - 4);
+ int realScriptLocation = pkDexOffset - 8;
+ int pointerLocToScript = find(pointerToHexString(realScriptLocation));
+ if (pointerLocToScript < 0) {
+ log("Patch unsuccessful." + nl);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find free space for our new routine
+ int writeSpace = RomFunctions.freeSpaceFinder(rom, Gen3Constants.freeSpaceByte, 44, fso);
+ if (writeSpace < fso) {
+ log("Patch unsuccessful." + nl);
+ // Somehow this ROM is full
+ return;
+ }
+ writePointer(pointerLocToScript, writeSpace);
+ writeHexString(Gen3Constants.rsNatDexScriptPart1, writeSpace);
+ writePointer(writeSpace + 4, textPointer);
+ writeHexString(Gen3Constants.rsNatDexScriptPart2, writeSpace + 8);
+ } else if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ // Find the original pokedex script
+ int pkDexOffset = find(Gen3Constants.frlgPokedexScriptIdentifier);
+ if (pkDexOffset < 0) {
+ log("Patch unsuccessful." + nl);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find free space for our new routine
+ int writeSpace = RomFunctions.freeSpaceFinder(rom, Gen3Constants.freeSpaceByte, 10, fso);
+ if (writeSpace < fso) {
+ // Somehow this ROM is full
+ log("Patch unsuccessful." + nl);
+ return;
+ }
+ rom[pkDexOffset] = 4;
+ writePointer(pkDexOffset + 1, writeSpace);
+ rom[pkDexOffset + 5] = 0; // NOP
+ // Now write our new routine
+ writeHexString(Gen3Constants.frlgNatDexScript, writeSpace);
+ // Fix people using the national dex flag
+ List<Integer> ndexChecks = findMultiple(Gen3Constants.frlgNatDexFlagChecker);
+ for (int ndexCheckOffset : ndexChecks) {
+ // change to a flag-check
+ // 82C = "beaten e4/gary once"
+ writeHexString(Gen3Constants.frlgE4FlagChecker, ndexCheckOffset);
+ }
+ // Fix oak in his lab
+ int oakLabCheckOffs = find(Gen3Constants.frlgOaksLabKantoDexChecker);
+ if (oakLabCheckOffs > 0) {
+ // replace it
+ writeHexString(Gen3Constants.frlgOaksLabFix, oakLabCheckOffs);
+ }
+ // Fix oak outside your house
+ int oakHouseCheckOffs = find(Gen3Constants.frlgOakOutsideHouseCheck);
+ if (oakHouseCheckOffs > 0) {
+ // fix him to use ndex count
+ writeHexString(Gen3Constants.frlgOakOutsideHouseFix, oakHouseCheckOffs);
+ }
+ // Fix Oak's aides so they look for your National Dex seen/caught,
+ // not your Kanto Dex seen/caught
+ int oakAideCheckOffs = find(Gen3Constants.frlgOakAideCheckPrefix);
+ if (oakAideCheckOffs > 0) {
+ oakAideCheckOffs += Gen3Constants.frlgOakAideCheckPrefix.length() / 2; // because it was a prefix
+ // Change the bne instruction to an unconditional branch to always use National Dex
+ rom[oakAideCheckOffs + 1] = (byte) 0xE0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Find the original pokedex script
+ int pkDexOffset = find(Gen3Constants.ePokedexScriptIdentifier);
+ if (pkDexOffset < 0) {
+ log("Patch unsuccessful." + nl);
+ return;
+ }
+ int textPointer = readPointer(pkDexOffset - 4);
+ int realScriptLocation = pkDexOffset - 8;
+ int pointerLocToScript = find(pointerToHexString(realScriptLocation));
+ if (pointerLocToScript < 0) {
+ log("Patch unsuccessful." + nl);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find free space for our new routine
+ int writeSpace = RomFunctions.freeSpaceFinder(rom, Gen3Constants.freeSpaceByte, 27, fso);
+ if (writeSpace < fso) {
+ // Somehow this ROM is full
+ log("Patch unsuccessful." + nl);
+ return;
+ }
+ writePointer(pointerLocToScript, writeSpace);
+ writeHexString(Gen3Constants.eNatDexScriptPart1, writeSpace);
+ writePointer(writeSpace + 4, textPointer);
+ writeHexString(Gen3Constants.eNatDexScriptPart2, writeSpace + 8);
+ }
+ log("Patch successful!" + nl);
+ }
+ private String pointerToHexString(int pointer) {
+ String hex = String.format("%08X", pointer + 0x08000000);
+ return new String(new char[] { hex.charAt(6), hex.charAt(7), hex.charAt(4), hex.charAt(5), hex.charAt(2),
+ hex.charAt(3), hex.charAt(0), hex.charAt(1) });
+ }
+ private void populateEvolutions() {
+ for (Pokemon pkmn : pokes) {
+ if (pkmn != null) {
+ pkmn.evolutionsFrom.clear();
+ pkmn.evolutionsTo.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("PokemonEvolutions");
+ int numInternalPokes = romEntry.getValue("PokemonCount");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numRealPokemon; i++) {
+ Pokemon pk = pokemonList.get(i);
+ int idx = pokedexToInternal[pk.number];
+ int evoOffset = baseOffset + (idx) * 0x28;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
+ int method = readWord(evoOffset + j * 8);
+ int evolvingTo = readWord(evoOffset + j * 8 + 4);
+ if (method >= 1 && method <= Gen3Constants.evolutionMethodCount && evolvingTo >= 1
+ && evolvingTo <= numInternalPokes) {
+ int extraInfo = readWord(evoOffset + j * 8 + 2);
+ EvolutionType et = EvolutionType.fromIndex(3, method);
+ Evolution evo = new Evolution(pk, pokesInternal[evolvingTo], true, et, extraInfo);
+ if (!pk.evolutionsFrom.contains(evo)) {
+ pk.evolutionsFrom.add(evo);
+ pokesInternal[evolvingTo].evolutionsTo.add(evo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Split evos shouldn't carry stats unless the evo is Nincada's
+ // In that case, we should have Ninjask carry stats
+ if (pk.evolutionsFrom.size() > 1) {
+ for (Evolution e : pk.evolutionsFrom) {
+ if (e.type != EvolutionType.LEVEL_CREATE_EXTRA) {
+ e.carryStats = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void writeEvolutions() {
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("PokemonEvolutions");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numRealPokemon; i++) {
+ Pokemon pk = pokemonList.get(i);
+ int idx = pokedexToInternal[pk.number];
+ int evoOffset = baseOffset + (idx) * 0x28;
+ int evosWritten = 0;
+ for (Evolution evo : pk.evolutionsFrom) {
+ writeWord(evoOffset, evo.type.toIndex(3));
+ writeWord(evoOffset + 2, evo.extraInfo);
+ writeWord(evoOffset + 4, pokedexToInternal[]);
+ writeWord(evoOffset + 6, 0);
+ evoOffset += 8;
+ evosWritten++;
+ if (evosWritten == 5) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (evosWritten < 5) {
+ writeWord(evoOffset, 0);
+ writeWord(evoOffset + 2, 0);
+ writeWord(evoOffset + 4, 0);
+ writeWord(evoOffset + 6, 0);
+ evoOffset += 8;
+ evosWritten++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void removeImpossibleEvolutions(Settings settings) {
+ attemptObedienceEvolutionPatches();
+ // no move evos, so no need to check for those
+ for (Pokemon pkmn : pokes) {
+ if (pkmn != null) {
+ for (Evolution evo : pkmn.evolutionsFrom) {
+ // Not trades, but impossible without trading
+ if (evo.type == EvolutionType.HAPPINESS_DAY && romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ // happiness day change to Sun Stone
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.STONE;
+ evo.extraInfo = Gen3Items.sunStone;
+ addEvoUpdateStone(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo, itemNames[Gen3Items.sunStone]);
+ }
+ if (evo.type == EvolutionType.HAPPINESS_NIGHT && romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ // happiness night change to Moon Stone
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.STONE;
+ evo.extraInfo = Gen3Items.moonStone;
+ addEvoUpdateStone(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo, itemNames[Gen3Items.moonStone]);
+ }
+ if (evo.type == EvolutionType.LEVEL_HIGH_BEAUTY && romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ // beauty change to level 35
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.LEVEL;
+ evo.extraInfo = 35;
+ addEvoUpdateLevel(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo);
+ }
+ // Pure Trade
+ if (evo.type == EvolutionType.TRADE) {
+ // Haunter, Machoke, Kadabra, Graveler
+ // Make it into level 37, we're done.
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.LEVEL;
+ evo.extraInfo = 37;
+ addEvoUpdateLevel(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo);
+ }
+ // Trade w/ Held Item
+ if (evo.type == EvolutionType.TRADE_ITEM) {
+ if (evo.from.number == Species.poliwhirl) {
+ // Poliwhirl: Lv 37
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.LEVEL;
+ evo.extraInfo = 37;
+ addEvoUpdateLevel(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo);
+ } else if (evo.from.number == Species.slowpoke) {
+ // Slowpoke: Water Stone
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.STONE;
+ evo.extraInfo = Gen3Items.waterStone;
+ addEvoUpdateStone(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo, itemNames[Gen3Items.waterStone]);
+ } else if (evo.from.number == Species.seadra) {
+ // Seadra: Lv 40
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.LEVEL;
+ evo.extraInfo = 40;
+ addEvoUpdateLevel(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo);
+ } else if (evo.from.number == Species.clamperl
+ && evo.extraInfo == Gen3Items.deepSeaTooth) {
+ // Clamperl -> Huntail: Lv30
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.LEVEL;
+ evo.extraInfo = 30;
+ addEvoUpdateLevel(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo);
+ } else if (evo.from.number == Species.clamperl
+ && evo.extraInfo == Gen3Items.deepSeaScale) {
+ // Clamperl -> Gorebyss: Water Stone
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.STONE;
+ evo.extraInfo = Gen3Items.waterStone;
+ addEvoUpdateStone(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo, itemNames[Gen3Items.waterStone]);
+ } else {
+ // Onix, Scyther or Porygon: Lv30
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.LEVEL;
+ evo.extraInfo = 30;
+ addEvoUpdateLevel(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void makeEvolutionsEasier(Settings settings) {
+ // Reduce the amount of happiness required to evolve.
+ int offset = find(rom, Gen3Constants.friendshipValueForEvoLocator);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ // Amount of required happiness for HAPPINESS evolutions.
+ if (rom[offset] == (byte)219) {
+ rom[offset] = (byte)159;
+ }
+ // FRLG doesn't have code to handle time-based evolutions.
+ if (romEntry.romType != Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ // Amount of required happiness for HAPPINESS_DAY evolutions.
+ if (rom[offset + 38] == (byte)219) {
+ rom[offset + 38] = (byte)159;
+ }
+ // Amount of required happiness for HAPPINESS_NIGHT evolutions.
+ if (rom[offset + 66] == (byte)219) {
+ rom[offset + 66] = (byte)159;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void removeTimeBasedEvolutions() {
+ for (Pokemon pkmn : pokes) {
+ if (pkmn != null) {
+ for (Evolution evol : pkmn.evolutionsFrom) {
+ // In Gen 3, only Eevee has a time-based evolution.
+ if (evol.type == EvolutionType.HAPPINESS_DAY) {
+ // Eevee: Make sun stone => Espeon
+ evol.type = EvolutionType.STONE;
+ evol.extraInfo = Gen3Items.sunStone;
+ addEvoUpdateStone(timeBasedEvolutionUpdates, evol, itemNames[evol.extraInfo]);
+ } else if (evol.type == EvolutionType.HAPPINESS_NIGHT) {
+ // Eevee: Make moon stone => Umbreon
+ evol.type = EvolutionType.STONE;
+ evol.extraInfo = Gen3Items.moonStone;
+ addEvoUpdateStone(timeBasedEvolutionUpdates, evol, itemNames[evol.extraInfo]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasShopRandomization() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Integer, Shop> getShopItems() {
+ List<String> shopNames = Gen3Constants.getShopNames(romEntry.romType);
+ List<Integer> mainGameShops ="MainGameShops")).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
+ List<Integer> skipShops ="SkipShops")).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
+ Map<Integer, Shop> shopItemsMap = new TreeMap<>();
+ int[] shopItemOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("ShopItemOffsets");
+ for (int i = 0; i < shopItemOffsets.length; i++) {
+ if (!skipShops.contains(i)) {
+ int offset = shopItemOffsets[i];
+ List<Integer> items = new ArrayList<>();
+ int val = FileFunctions.read2ByteInt(rom, offset);
+ while (val != 0x0000) {
+ items.add(val);
+ offset += 2;
+ val = FileFunctions.read2ByteInt(rom, offset);
+ }
+ Shop shop = new Shop();
+ shop.items = items;
+ = shopNames.get(i);
+ shop.isMainGame = mainGameShops.contains(i);
+ shopItemsMap.put(i, shop);
+ }
+ }
+ return shopItemsMap;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setShopItems(Map<Integer, Shop> shopItems) {
+ int[] shopItemOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("ShopItemOffsets");
+ for (int i = 0; i < shopItemOffsets.length; i++) {
+ Shop thisShop = shopItems.get(i);
+ if (thisShop != null && thisShop.items != null) {
+ int offset = shopItemOffsets[i];
+ Iterator<Integer> iterItems = thisShop.items.iterator();
+ while (iterItems.hasNext()) {
+ FileFunctions.write2ByteInt(rom, offset,;
+ offset += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setShopPrices() {
+ int itemDataOffset = romEntry.getValue("ItemData");
+ int entrySize = romEntry.getValue("ItemEntrySize");
+ int itemCount = romEntry.getValue("ItemCount");
+ for (int i = 1; i < itemCount; i++) {
+ int balancedPrice = Gen3Constants.balancedItemPrices.get(i) * 10;
+ int offset = itemDataOffset + (i * entrySize) + 16;
+ FileFunctions.write2ByteInt(rom, offset, balancedPrice);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<PickupItem> getPickupItems() {
+ List<PickupItem> pickupItems = new ArrayList<>();
+ int pickupItemCount = romEntry.getValue("PickupItemCount");
+ int sizeOfPickupEntry = romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Em ? 2 : 4;
+ // If we haven't found the pickup table for this ROM already, find it.
+ if (pickupItemsTableOffset == 0) {
+ String pickupTableStartLocator = romEntry.getString("PickupTableStartLocator");
+ int offset = find(pickupTableStartLocator);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ pickupItemsTableOffset = offset;
+ }
+ }
+ // Assuming we've found the pickup table, extract the items out of it.
+ if (pickupItemsTableOffset > 0) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < pickupItemCount; i++) {
+ int itemOffset = pickupItemsTableOffset + (sizeOfPickupEntry * i);
+ int item = FileFunctions.read2ByteInt(rom, itemOffset);
+ PickupItem pickupItem = new PickupItem(item);
+ pickupItems.add(pickupItem);
+ }
+ }
+ // Assuming we got the items from the last step, fill out the probabilities based on the game.
+ if (pickupItems.size() > 0) {
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Ruby || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Sapp) {
+ for (int levelRange = 0; levelRange < 10; levelRange++) {
+ pickupItems.get(0).probabilities[levelRange] = 30;
+ pickupItems.get(7).probabilities[levelRange] = 5;
+ pickupItems.get(8).probabilities[levelRange] = 4;
+ pickupItems.get(9).probabilities[levelRange] = 1;
+ for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
+ pickupItems.get(i).probabilities[levelRange] = 10;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ for (int levelRange = 0; levelRange < 10; levelRange++) {
+ pickupItems.get(0).probabilities[levelRange] = 15;
+ for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
+ pickupItems.get(i).probabilities[levelRange] = 10;
+ }
+ for (int i = 7; i < 11; i++) {
+ pickupItems.get(i).probabilities[levelRange] = 5;
+ }
+ for (int i = 11; i < 16; i++) {
+ pickupItems.get(i).probabilities[levelRange] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int levelRange = 0; levelRange < 10; levelRange++) {
+ int startingCommonItemOffset = levelRange;
+ int startingRareItemOffset = 18 + levelRange;
+ pickupItems.get(startingCommonItemOffset).probabilities[levelRange] = 30;
+ for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
+ pickupItems.get(startingCommonItemOffset + i).probabilities[levelRange] = 10;
+ }
+ pickupItems.get(startingCommonItemOffset + 7).probabilities[levelRange] = 4;
+ pickupItems.get(startingCommonItemOffset + 8).probabilities[levelRange] = 4;
+ pickupItems.get(startingRareItemOffset).probabilities[levelRange] = 1;
+ pickupItems.get(startingRareItemOffset + 1).probabilities[levelRange] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return pickupItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setPickupItems(List<PickupItem> pickupItems) {
+ int sizeOfPickupEntry = romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Em ? 2 : 4;
+ if (pickupItemsTableOffset > 0) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < pickupItems.size(); i++) {
+ int itemOffset = pickupItemsTableOffset + (sizeOfPickupEntry * i);
+ FileFunctions.write2ByteInt(rom, itemOffset, pickupItems.get(i).item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean canChangeTrainerText() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getTrainerNames() {
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("TrainerData");
+ int amount = romEntry.getValue("TrainerCount");
+ int entryLen = romEntry.getValue("TrainerEntrySize");
+ List<String> theTrainers = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = 1; i < amount; i++) {
+ theTrainers.add(readVariableLengthString(baseOffset + i * entryLen + 4));
+ }
+ return theTrainers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setTrainerNames(List<String> trainerNames) {
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("TrainerData");
+ int amount = romEntry.getValue("TrainerCount");
+ int entryLen = romEntry.getValue("TrainerEntrySize");
+ int nameLen = romEntry.getValue("TrainerNameLength");
+ Iterator<String> theTrainers = trainerNames.iterator();
+ for (int i = 1; i < amount; i++) {
+ String newName =;
+ writeFixedLengthString(newName, baseOffset + i * entryLen + 4, nameLen);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public TrainerNameMode trainerNameMode() {
+ return TrainerNameMode.MAX_LENGTH;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getTCNameLengthsByTrainer() {
+ // not needed
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int maxTrainerNameLength() {
+ return romEntry.getValue("TrainerNameLength") - 1;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getTrainerClassNames() {
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("TrainerClassNames");
+ int amount = romEntry.getValue("TrainerClassCount");
+ int length = romEntry.getValue("TrainerClassNameLength");
+ List<String> trainerClasses = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
+ trainerClasses.add(readVariableLengthString(baseOffset + i * length));
+ }
+ return trainerClasses;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setTrainerClassNames(List<String> trainerClassNames) {
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getValue("TrainerClassNames");
+ int amount = romEntry.getValue("TrainerClassCount");
+ int length = romEntry.getValue("TrainerClassNameLength");
+ Iterator<String> trainerClasses = trainerClassNames.iterator();
+ for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
+ writeFixedLengthString(, baseOffset + i * length, length);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int maxTrainerClassNameLength() {
+ return romEntry.getValue("TrainerClassNameLength") - 1;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean fixedTrainerClassNamesLength() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getDoublesTrainerClasses() {
+ int[] doublesClasses = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("DoublesTrainerClasses");
+ List<Integer> doubles = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int tClass : doublesClasses) {
+ doubles.add(tClass);
+ }
+ return doubles;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean canChangeStaticPokemon() {
+ return (romEntry.getValue("StaticPokemonSupport") > 0);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasStaticAltFormes() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasMainGameLegendaries() {
+ return romEntry.arrayEntries.get("MainGameLegendaries") != null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getMainGameLegendaries() {
+ if (this.hasMainGameLegendaries()) {
+ return"MainGameLegendaries")).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
+ }
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getSpecialMusicStatics() {
+ return"SpecialMusicStatics")).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void applyCorrectStaticMusic(Map<Integer, Integer> specialMusicStaticChanges) {
+ List<Integer> replaced = new ArrayList<>();
+ int newIndexToMusicPoolOffset;
+ if (romEntry.codeTweaks.get("NewIndexToMusicTweak") != null) {
+ try {
+ FileFunctions.applyPatch(rom, romEntry.codeTweaks.get("NewIndexToMusicTweak"));
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ newIndexToMusicPoolOffset = romEntry.getValue("NewIndexToMusicPoolOffset");
+ if (newIndexToMusicPoolOffset > 0) {
+ for (int oldStatic: specialMusicStaticChanges.keySet()) {
+ int i = newIndexToMusicPoolOffset;
+ int index = internalToPokedex[readWord(rom, i)];
+ while (index != oldStatic || replaced.contains(i)) {
+ i += 4;
+ index = internalToPokedex[readWord(rom, i)];
+ }
+ writeWord(rom, i, pokedexToInternal[specialMusicStaticChanges.get(oldStatic)]);
+ replaced.add(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasStaticMusicFix() {
+ return romEntry.codeTweaks.get("NewIndexToMusicTweak") != null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<TotemPokemon> getTotemPokemon() {
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setTotemPokemon(List<TotemPokemon> totemPokemon) {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getDefaultExtension() {
+ return "gba";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int abilitiesPerPokemon() {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int highestAbilityIndex() {
+ return Gen3Constants.highestAbilityIndex;
+ }
+ private void loadAbilityNames() {
+ int nameoffs = romEntry.getValue("AbilityNames");
+ int namelen = romEntry.getValue("AbilityNameLength");
+ abilityNames = new String[Gen3Constants.highestAbilityIndex + 1];
+ for (int i = 0; i <= Gen3Constants.highestAbilityIndex; i++) {
+ abilityNames[i] = readFixedLengthString(nameoffs + namelen * i, namelen);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String abilityName(int number) {
+ return abilityNames[number];
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Integer, List<Integer>> getAbilityVariations() {
+ return Gen3Constants.abilityVariations;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getUselessAbilities() {
+ return new ArrayList<>(Gen3Constants.uselessAbilities);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getAbilityForTrainerPokemon(TrainerPokemon tp) {
+ // In Gen 3, Trainer Pokemon *always* use the first Ability, no matter what
+ return tp.pokemon.ability1;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasMegaEvolutions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int internalStringLength(String string) {
+ return translateString(string).length;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void randomizeIntroPokemon() {
+ // FRLG
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ // intro sprites : first 255 only due to size
+ Pokemon introPk = randomPokemonLimited(255, false);
+ if (introPk == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int introPokemon = pokedexToInternal[introPk.number];
+ int frontSprites = romEntry.getValue("FrontSprites");
+ int palettes = romEntry.getValue("PokemonPalettes");
+ rom[romEntry.getValue("IntroCryOffset")] = (byte) introPokemon;
+ rom[romEntry.getValue("IntroOtherOffset")] = (byte) introPokemon;
+ int spriteBase = romEntry.getValue("IntroSpriteOffset");
+ writePointer(spriteBase, frontSprites + introPokemon * 8);
+ writePointer(spriteBase + 4, palettes + introPokemon * 8);
+ } else if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Ruby || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Sapp) {
+ // intro sprites : any pokemon in the range 0-510 except bulbasaur
+ int introPokemon = pokedexToInternal[randomPokemon().number];
+ while (introPokemon == 1 || introPokemon > 510) {
+ introPokemon = pokedexToInternal[randomPokemon().number];
+ }
+ int frontSprites = romEntry.getValue("PokemonFrontSprites");
+ int palettes = romEntry.getValue("PokemonNormalPalettes");
+ int cryCommand = romEntry.getValue("IntroCryOffset");
+ int otherCommand = romEntry.getValue("IntroOtherOffset");
+ if (introPokemon > 255) {
+ rom[cryCommand] = (byte) 0xFF;
+ rom[cryCommand + 1] = Gen3Constants.gbaSetRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR0;
+ rom[cryCommand + 2] = (byte) (introPokemon - 0xFF);
+ rom[cryCommand + 3] = Gen3Constants.gbaAddRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR0;
+ rom[otherCommand] = (byte) 0xFF;
+ rom[otherCommand + 1] = Gen3Constants.gbaSetRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR4;
+ rom[otherCommand + 2] = (byte) (introPokemon - 0xFF);
+ rom[otherCommand + 3] = Gen3Constants.gbaAddRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR4;
+ } else {
+ rom[cryCommand] = (byte) introPokemon;
+ rom[cryCommand + 1] = Gen3Constants.gbaSetRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR0;
+ writeWord(cryCommand + 2, Gen3Constants.gbaNopOpcode);
+ rom[otherCommand] = (byte) introPokemon;
+ rom[otherCommand + 1] = Gen3Constants.gbaSetRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR4;
+ writeWord(otherCommand + 2, Gen3Constants.gbaNopOpcode);
+ }
+ writePointer(romEntry.getValue("IntroSpriteOffset"), frontSprites + introPokemon * 8);
+ writePointer(romEntry.getValue("IntroPaletteOffset"), palettes + introPokemon * 8);
+ } else {
+ // Emerald, intro sprite: any Pokemon.
+ int introPokemon = pokedexToInternal[randomPokemon().number];
+ writeWord(romEntry.getValue("IntroSpriteOffset"), introPokemon);
+ writeWord(romEntry.getValue("IntroCryOffset"), introPokemon);
+ }
+ }
+ private Pokemon randomPokemonLimited(int maxValue, boolean blockNonMales) {
+ checkPokemonRestrictions();
+ List<Pokemon> validPokemon = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (Pokemon pk : this.mainPokemonList) {
+ if (pokedexToInternal[pk.number] <= maxValue && (!blockNonMales || pk.genderRatio <= 0xFD)) {
+ validPokemon.add(pk);
+ }
+ }
+ if (validPokemon.size() == 0) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ return validPokemon.get(random.nextInt(validPokemon.size()));
+ }
+ }
+ private void determineMapBankSizes() {
+ int mbpsOffset = romEntry.getValue("MapHeaders");
+ List<Integer> mapBankOffsets = new ArrayList<>();
+ int offset = mbpsOffset;
+ // find map banks
+ while (true) {
+ boolean valid = true;
+ for (int mbOffset : mapBankOffsets) {
+ if (mbpsOffset < mbOffset && offset >= mbOffset) {
+ valid = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!valid) {
+ break;
+ }
+ int newMBOffset = readPointer(offset);
+ if (newMBOffset < 0 || newMBOffset >= rom.length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ mapBankOffsets.add(newMBOffset);
+ offset += 4;
+ }
+ int bankCount = mapBankOffsets.size();
+ int[] bankMapCounts = new int[bankCount];
+ for (int bank = 0; bank < bankCount; bank++) {
+ int baseBankOffset = mapBankOffsets.get(bank);
+ int count = 0;
+ offset = baseBankOffset;
+ while (true) {
+ boolean valid = true;
+ for (int mbOffset : mapBankOffsets) {
+ if (baseBankOffset < mbOffset && offset >= mbOffset) {
+ valid = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!valid) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (baseBankOffset < mbpsOffset && offset >= mbpsOffset) {
+ break;
+ }
+ int newMapOffset = readPointer(offset);
+ if (newMapOffset < 0 || newMapOffset >= rom.length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ count++;
+ offset += 4;
+ }
+ bankMapCounts[bank] = count;
+ }
+ romEntry.entries.put("MapBankCount", bankCount);
+ romEntry.arrayEntries.put("MapBankSizes", bankMapCounts);
+ }
+ private void preprocessMaps() {
+ itemOffs = new ArrayList<>();
+ int bankCount = romEntry.getValue("MapBankCount");
+ int[] bankMapCounts = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("MapBankSizes");
+ int itemBall = romEntry.getValue("ItemBallPic");
+ mapNames = new String[bankCount][];
+ int mbpsOffset = romEntry.getValue("MapHeaders");
+ int mapLabels = romEntry.getValue("MapLabels");
+ Map<Integer, String> mapLabelsM = new HashMap<>();
+ for (int bank = 0; bank < bankCount; bank++) {
+ int bankOffset = readPointer(mbpsOffset + bank * 4);
+ mapNames[bank] = new String[bankMapCounts[bank]];
+ for (int map = 0; map < bankMapCounts[bank]; map++) {
+ int mhOffset = readPointer(bankOffset + map * 4);
+ // map name
+ int mapLabel = rom[mhOffset + 0x14] & 0xFF;
+ if (mapLabelsM.containsKey(mapLabel)) {
+ mapNames[bank][map] = mapLabelsM.get(mapLabel);
+ } else {
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ mapNames[bank][map] = readVariableLengthString(readPointer(mapLabels
+ + (mapLabel - Gen3Constants.frlgMapLabelsStart) * 4));
+ } else {
+ mapNames[bank][map] = readVariableLengthString(readPointer(mapLabels + mapLabel * 8 + 4));
+ }
+ mapLabelsM.put(mapLabel, mapNames[bank][map]);
+ }
+ // events
+ int eventOffset = readPointer(mhOffset + 4);
+ if (eventOffset >= 0 && eventOffset < rom.length) {
+ int pCount = rom[eventOffset] & 0xFF;
+ int spCount = rom[eventOffset + 3] & 0xFF;
+ if (pCount > 0) {
+ int peopleOffset = readPointer(eventOffset + 4);
+ for (int p = 0; p < pCount; p++) {
+ int pSprite = rom[peopleOffset + p * 24 + 1];
+ if (pSprite == itemBall && readPointer(peopleOffset + p * 24 + 16) >= 0) {
+ // Get script and look inside
+ int scriptOffset = readPointer(peopleOffset + p * 24 + 16);
+ if (rom[scriptOffset] == 0x1A && rom[scriptOffset + 1] == 0x00
+ && (rom[scriptOffset + 2] & 0xFF) == 0x80 && rom[scriptOffset + 5] == 0x1A
+ && rom[scriptOffset + 6] == 0x01 && (rom[scriptOffset + 7] & 0xFF) == 0x80
+ && rom[scriptOffset + 10] == 0x09
+ && (rom[scriptOffset + 11] == 0x00 || rom[scriptOffset + 11] == 0x01)) {
+ // item ball script
+ itemOffs.add(scriptOffset + 3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TM Text?
+ for (TMOrMTTextEntry tte : romEntry.tmmtTexts) {
+ if (tte.mapBank == bank && tte.mapNumber == map) {
+ // process this one
+ int scriptOffset = readPointer(peopleOffset + (tte.personNum - 1) * 24 + 16);
+ if (scriptOffset >= 0) {
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG && tte.isMoveTutor
+ && (tte.number == 5 || (tte.number >= 8 && tte.number <= 11))) {
+ scriptOffset = readPointer(scriptOffset + 1);
+ } else if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG && tte.isMoveTutor
+ && tte.number == 7) {
+ scriptOffset = readPointer(scriptOffset + 0x1F);
+ }
+ int lookAt = scriptOffset + tte.offsetInScript;
+ // make sure this actually looks like a text
+ // pointer
+ if (lookAt >= 0 && lookAt < rom.length - 2) {
+ if (rom[lookAt + 3] == 0x08 || rom[lookAt + 3] == 0x09) {
+ // okay, it passes the basic test
+ tte.actualOffset = lookAt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (spCount > 0) {
+ int signpostsOffset = readPointer(eventOffset + 16);
+ for (int sp = 0; sp < spCount; sp++) {
+ int spType = rom[signpostsOffset + sp * 12 + 5];
+ if (spType >= 5 && spType <= 7) {
+ // hidden item
+ int itemHere = readWord(signpostsOffset + sp * 12 + 8);
+ if (itemHere != 0) {
+ // itemid 0 is coins
+ itemOffs.add(signpostsOffset + sp * 12 + 8);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ItemList getAllowedItems() {
+ return allowedItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ItemList getNonBadItems() {
+ return nonBadItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getUniqueNoSellItems() {
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getRegularShopItems() {
+ return Gen3Constants.regularShopItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getOPShopItems() {
+ return Gen3Constants.opShopItems;
+ }
+ private void loadItemNames() {
+ int nameoffs = romEntry.getValue("ItemData");
+ int structlen = romEntry.getValue("ItemEntrySize");
+ int maxcount = romEntry.getValue("ItemCount");
+ itemNames = new String[maxcount + 1];
+ for (int i = 0; i <= maxcount; i++) {
+ itemNames[i] = readVariableLengthString(nameoffs + structlen * i);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] getItemNames() {
+ return itemNames;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getRequiredFieldTMs() {
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ return Gen3Constants.frlgRequiredFieldTMs;
+ } else if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Ruby || romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_Sapp) {
+ return Gen3Constants.rsRequiredFieldTMs;
+ } else {
+ // emerald has a few TMs from pickup
+ return Gen3Constants.eRequiredFieldTMs;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getCurrentFieldTMs() {
+ if (!mapLoadingDone) {
+ preprocessMaps();
+ mapLoadingDone = true;
+ }
+ List<Integer> fieldTMs = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int offset : itemOffs) {
+ int itemHere = readWord(offset);
+ if (Gen3Constants.allowedItems.isTM(itemHere)) {
+ int thisTM = itemHere - Gen3Constants.tmItemOffset + 1;
+ // hack for repeat TMs
+ if (!fieldTMs.contains(thisTM)) {
+ fieldTMs.add(thisTM);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return fieldTMs;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setFieldTMs(List<Integer> fieldTMs) {
+ if (!mapLoadingDone) {
+ preprocessMaps();
+ mapLoadingDone = true;
+ }
+ Iterator<Integer> iterTMs = fieldTMs.iterator();
+ int[] givenTMs = new int[512];
+ for (int offset : itemOffs) {
+ int itemHere = readWord(offset);
+ if (Gen3Constants.allowedItems.isTM(itemHere)) {
+ // Cache replaced TMs to duplicate repeats
+ if (givenTMs[itemHere] != 0) {
+ rom[offset] = (byte) givenTMs[itemHere];
+ } else {
+ // Replace this with a TM from the list
+ int tm =;
+ tm += Gen3Constants.tmItemOffset - 1;
+ givenTMs[itemHere] = tm;
+ writeWord(offset, tm);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getRegularFieldItems() {
+ if (!mapLoadingDone) {
+ preprocessMaps();
+ mapLoadingDone = true;
+ }
+ List<Integer> fieldItems = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int offset : itemOffs) {
+ int itemHere = readWord(offset);
+ if (Gen3Constants.allowedItems.isAllowed(itemHere) && !(Gen3Constants.allowedItems.isTM(itemHere))) {
+ fieldItems.add(itemHere);
+ }
+ }
+ return fieldItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setRegularFieldItems(List<Integer> items) {
+ if (!mapLoadingDone) {
+ preprocessMaps();
+ mapLoadingDone = true;
+ }
+ Iterator<Integer> iterItems = items.iterator();
+ for (int offset : itemOffs) {
+ int itemHere = readWord(offset);
+ if (Gen3Constants.allowedItems.isAllowed(itemHere) && !(Gen3Constants.allowedItems.isTM(itemHere))) {
+ // Replace it
+ writeWord(offset,;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<IngameTrade> getIngameTrades() {
+ List<IngameTrade> trades = new ArrayList<>();
+ // info
+ int tableOffset = romEntry.getValue("TradeTableOffset");
+ int tableSize = romEntry.getValue("TradeTableSize");
+ int[] unused = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("TradesUnused");
+ int unusedOffset = 0;
+ int entryLength = 60;
+ for (int entry = 0; entry < tableSize; entry++) {
+ if (unusedOffset < unused.length && unused[unusedOffset] == entry) {
+ unusedOffset++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ IngameTrade trade = new IngameTrade();
+ int entryOffset = tableOffset + entry * entryLength;
+ trade.nickname = readVariableLengthString(entryOffset);
+ trade.givenPokemon = pokesInternal[readWord(entryOffset + 12)];
+ trade.ivs = new int[6];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ trade.ivs[i] = rom[entryOffset + 14 + i] & 0xFF;
+ }
+ trade.otId = readWord(entryOffset + 24);
+ trade.item = readWord(entryOffset + 40);
+ trade.otName = readVariableLengthString(entryOffset + 43);
+ trade.requestedPokemon = pokesInternal[readWord(entryOffset + 56)];
+ trades.add(trade);
+ }
+ return trades;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setIngameTrades(List<IngameTrade> trades) {
+ // info
+ int tableOffset = romEntry.getValue("TradeTableOffset");
+ int tableSize = romEntry.getValue("TradeTableSize");
+ int[] unused = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("TradesUnused");
+ int unusedOffset = 0;
+ int entryLength = 60;
+ int tradeOffset = 0;
+ for (int entry = 0; entry < tableSize; entry++) {
+ if (unusedOffset < unused.length && unused[unusedOffset] == entry) {
+ unusedOffset++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ IngameTrade trade = trades.get(tradeOffset++);
+ int entryOffset = tableOffset + entry * entryLength;
+ writeFixedLengthString(trade.nickname, entryOffset, 12);
+ writeWord(entryOffset + 12, pokedexToInternal[trade.givenPokemon.number]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ rom[entryOffset + 14 + i] = (byte) trade.ivs[i];
+ }
+ writeWord(entryOffset + 24, trade.otId);
+ writeWord(entryOffset + 40, trade.item);
+ writeFixedLengthString(trade.otName, entryOffset + 43, 11);
+ writeWord(entryOffset + 56, pokedexToInternal[trade.requestedPokemon.number]);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasDVs() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int generationOfPokemon() {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void removeEvosForPokemonPool() {
+ List<Pokemon> pokemonIncluded = this.mainPokemonList;
+ Set<Evolution> keepEvos = new HashSet<>();
+ for (Pokemon pk : pokes) {
+ if (pk != null) {
+ keepEvos.clear();
+ for (Evolution evol : pk.evolutionsFrom) {
+ if (pokemonIncluded.contains(evol.from) && pokemonIncluded.contains( {
+ keepEvos.add(evol);
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ pk.evolutionsFrom.retainAll(keepEvos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean supportsFourStartingMoves() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getFieldMoves() {
+ // cut, fly, surf, strength, flash,
+ // dig, teleport, waterfall,
+ // rock smash, sweet scent
+ // not softboiled or milk drink
+ // dive and secret power in RSE only
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ return Gen3Constants.frlgFieldMoves;
+ } else {
+ return Gen3Constants.rseFieldMoves;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getEarlyRequiredHMMoves() {
+ // RSE: rock smash
+ // FRLG: cut
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ return Gen3Constants.frlgEarlyRequiredHMMoves;
+ } else {
+ return Gen3Constants.rseEarlyRequiredHMMoves;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int miscTweaksAvailable() {
+ int available = MiscTweak.LOWER_CASE_POKEMON_NAMES.getValue();
+ available |= MiscTweak.NATIONAL_DEX_AT_START.getValue();
+ available |= MiscTweak.UPDATE_TYPE_EFFECTIVENESS.getValue();
+ if (romEntry.getValue("RunIndoorsTweakOffset") > 0) {
+ available |= MiscTweak.RUNNING_SHOES_INDOORS.getValue();
+ }
+ if (romEntry.getValue("TextSpeedValuesOffset") > 0 || romEntry.codeTweaks.get("InstantTextTweak") != null) {
+ available |= MiscTweak.FASTEST_TEXT.getValue();
+ }
+ if (romEntry.getValue("CatchingTutorialOpponentMonOffset") > 0
+ || romEntry.getValue("CatchingTutorialPlayerMonOffset") > 0) {
+ available |= MiscTweak.RANDOMIZE_CATCHING_TUTORIAL.getValue();
+ }
+ if (romEntry.getValue("PCPotionOffset") != 0) {
+ available |= MiscTweak.RANDOMIZE_PC_POTION.getValue();
+ }
+ available |= MiscTweak.BAN_LUCKY_EGG.getValue();
+ available |= MiscTweak.RUN_WITHOUT_RUNNING_SHOES.getValue();
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ available |= MiscTweak.BALANCE_STATIC_LEVELS.getValue();
+ }
+ return available;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void applyMiscTweak(MiscTweak tweak) {
+ if (tweak == MiscTweak.RUNNING_SHOES_INDOORS) {
+ applyRunningShoesIndoorsPatch();
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.FASTEST_TEXT) {
+ applyFastestTextPatch();
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.LOWER_CASE_POKEMON_NAMES) {
+ applyCamelCaseNames();
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.NATIONAL_DEX_AT_START) {
+ patchForNationalDex();
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.RANDOMIZE_CATCHING_TUTORIAL) {
+ randomizeCatchingTutorial();
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.BAN_LUCKY_EGG) {
+ allowedItems.banSingles(Gen3Items.luckyEgg);
+ nonBadItems.banSingles(Gen3Items.luckyEgg);
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.RANDOMIZE_PC_POTION) {
+ randomizePCPotion();
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.RUN_WITHOUT_RUNNING_SHOES) {
+ applyRunWithoutRunningShoesPatch();
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.BALANCE_STATIC_LEVELS) {
+ int[] fossilLevelOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("FossilLevelOffsets");
+ for (int fossilLevelOffset : fossilLevelOffsets) {
+ writeWord(rom, fossilLevelOffset, 30);
+ }
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.UPDATE_TYPE_EFFECTIVENESS) {
+ updateTypeEffectiveness();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isEffectivenessUpdated() {
+ return effectivenessUpdated;
+ }
+ private void randomizeCatchingTutorial() {
+ if (romEntry.getValue("CatchingTutorialOpponentMonOffset") > 0) {
+ int oppOffset = romEntry.getValue("CatchingTutorialOpponentMonOffset");
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG) {
+ Pokemon opponent = randomPokemonLimited(255, true);
+ if (opponent != null) {
+ int oppValue = pokedexToInternal[opponent.number];
+ rom[oppOffset] = (byte) oppValue;
+ rom[oppOffset + 1] = Gen3Constants.gbaSetRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Pokemon opponent = randomPokemonLimited(510, true);
+ if (opponent != null) {
+ int oppValue = pokedexToInternal[opponent.number];
+ if (oppValue > 255) {
+ rom[oppOffset] = (byte) 0xFF;
+ rom[oppOffset + 1] = Gen3Constants.gbaSetRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR1;
+ rom[oppOffset + 2] = (byte) (oppValue - 0xFF);
+ rom[oppOffset + 3] = Gen3Constants.gbaAddRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR1;
+ } else {
+ rom[oppOffset] = (byte) oppValue;
+ rom[oppOffset + 1] = Gen3Constants.gbaSetRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR1;
+ writeWord(oppOffset + 2, Gen3Constants.gbaNopOpcode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (romEntry.getValue("CatchingTutorialPlayerMonOffset") > 0) {
+ int playerOffset = romEntry.getValue("CatchingTutorialPlayerMonOffset");
+ Pokemon playerMon = randomPokemonLimited(510, false);
+ if (playerMon != null) {
+ int plyValue = pokedexToInternal[playerMon.number];
+ if (plyValue > 255) {
+ rom[playerOffset] = (byte) 0xFF;
+ rom[playerOffset + 1] = Gen3Constants.gbaSetRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR1;
+ rom[playerOffset + 2] = (byte) (plyValue - 0xFF);
+ rom[playerOffset + 3] = Gen3Constants.gbaAddRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR1;
+ } else {
+ rom[playerOffset] = (byte) plyValue;
+ rom[playerOffset + 1] = Gen3Constants.gbaSetRxOpcode | Gen3Constants.gbaR1;
+ writeWord(playerOffset + 2, Gen3Constants.gbaNopOpcode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void applyRunningShoesIndoorsPatch() {
+ if (romEntry.getValue("RunIndoorsTweakOffset") != 0) {
+ rom[romEntry.getValue("RunIndoorsTweakOffset")] = 0x00;
+ }
+ }
+ private void applyFastestTextPatch() {
+ if(romEntry.codeTweaks.get("InstantTextTweak") != null) {
+ try {
+ FileFunctions.applyPatch(rom, romEntry.codeTweaks.get("InstantTextTweak"));
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ } else if (romEntry.getValue("TextSpeedValuesOffset") > 0) {
+ int tsvOffset = romEntry.getValue("TextSpeedValuesOffset");
+ rom[tsvOffset] = 4; // slow = medium
+ rom[tsvOffset + 1] = 1; // medium = fast
+ rom[tsvOffset + 2] = 0; // fast = instant
+ }
+ }
+ private void randomizePCPotion() {
+ if (romEntry.getValue("PCPotionOffset") != 0) {
+ writeWord(romEntry.getValue("PCPotionOffset"), this.getNonBadItems().randomNonTM(this.random));
+ }
+ }
+ private void applyRunWithoutRunningShoesPatch() {
+ String prefix = Gen3Constants.getRunningShoesCheckPrefix(romEntry.romType);
+ int offset = find(prefix);
+ if (offset != 0) {
+ // The prefix starts 0x12 bytes from what we want to patch because what comes
+ // between is region and revision dependent. To start running, the game checks:
+ // 1. That you're not underwater (RSE only)
+ // 2. That you're holding the B button
+ // 3. That the FLAG_SYS_B_DASH flag is set (aka, you've acquired Running Shoes)
+ // 4. That you're allowed to run in this location
+ // For #3, if the flag is unset, it jumps to a different part of the
+ // code to make you walk instead. This simply nops out this jump so the
+ // game stops caring about the FLAG_SYS_B_DASH flag entirely.
+ writeWord(offset + 0x12, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ private void updateTypeEffectiveness() {
+ List<TypeRelationship> typeEffectivenessTable = readTypeEffectivenessTable();
+ log("--Updating Type Effectiveness--");
+ for (TypeRelationship relationship : typeEffectivenessTable) {
+ // Change Ghost 0.5x against Steel to Ghost 1x to Steel
+ if (relationship.attacker == Type.GHOST && relationship.defender == Type.STEEL) {
+ relationship.effectiveness = Effectiveness.NEUTRAL;
+ log("Replaced: Ghost not very effective vs Steel => Ghost neutral vs Steel");
+ }
+ // Change Dark 0.5x against Steel to Dark 1x to Steel
+ else if (relationship.attacker == Type.DARK && relationship.defender == Type.STEEL) {
+ relationship.effectiveness = Effectiveness.NEUTRAL;
+ log("Replaced: Dark not very effective vs Steel => Dark neutral vs Steel");
+ }
+ }
+ logBlankLine();
+ writeTypeEffectivenessTable(typeEffectivenessTable);
+ effectivenessUpdated = true;
+ }
+ private List<TypeRelationship> readTypeEffectivenessTable() {
+ List<TypeRelationship> typeEffectivenessTable = new ArrayList<>();
+ int currentOffset = romEntry.getValue("TypeEffectivenessOffset");
+ int attackingType = rom[currentOffset];
+ // 0xFE marks the end of the table *not* affected by Foresight, while 0xFF marks
+ // the actual end of the table. Since we don't care about Ghost immunities at all,
+ // just stop once we reach the Foresight section.
+ while (attackingType != (byte) 0xFE) {
+ int defendingType = rom[currentOffset + 1];
+ int effectivenessInternal = rom[currentOffset + 2];
+ Type attacking = Gen3Constants.typeTable[attackingType];
+ Type defending = Gen3Constants.typeTable[defendingType];
+ Effectiveness effectiveness = null;
+ switch (effectivenessInternal) {
+ case 20:
+ effectiveness = Effectiveness.DOUBLE;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ effectiveness = Effectiveness.NEUTRAL;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ effectiveness = Effectiveness.HALF;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ effectiveness = Effectiveness.ZERO;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (effectiveness != null) {
+ TypeRelationship relationship = new TypeRelationship(attacking, defending, effectiveness);
+ typeEffectivenessTable.add(relationship);
+ }
+ currentOffset += 3;
+ attackingType = rom[currentOffset];
+ }
+ return typeEffectivenessTable;
+ }
+ private void writeTypeEffectivenessTable(List<TypeRelationship> typeEffectivenessTable) {
+ int currentOffset = romEntry.getValue("TypeEffectivenessOffset");
+ for (TypeRelationship relationship : typeEffectivenessTable) {
+ rom[currentOffset] = Gen3Constants.typeToByte(relationship.attacker);
+ rom[currentOffset + 1] = Gen3Constants.typeToByte(relationship.defender);
+ byte effectivenessInternal = 0;
+ switch (relationship.effectiveness) {
+ case DOUBLE:
+ effectivenessInternal = 20;
+ break;
+ case NEUTRAL:
+ effectivenessInternal = 10;
+ break;
+ case HALF:
+ effectivenessInternal = 5;
+ break;
+ case ZERO:
+ effectivenessInternal = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ rom[currentOffset + 2] = effectivenessInternal;
+ currentOffset += 3;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void enableGuaranteedPokemonCatching() {
+ int offset = find(rom, Gen3Constants.perfectOddsBranchLocator);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ // In Cmd_handleballthrow, the middle of the function checks if the odds of catching a Pokemon
+ // is greater than 254; if it is, then the Pokemon is automatically caught. In ASM, this is
+ // represented by:
+ // cmp r6, #0xFE
+ // bls oddsLessThanOrEqualTo254
+ // The below code just nops these two instructions so that we *always* act like our odds are 255,
+ // and Pokemon are automatically caught no matter what.
+ rom[offset] = 0x00;
+ rom[offset + 1] = 0x00;
+ rom[offset + 2] = 0x00;
+ rom[offset + 3] = 0x00;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isRomValid() {
+ return romEntry.expectedCRC32 == actualCRC32;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public BufferedImage getMascotImage() {
+ Pokemon mascotPk = randomPokemon();
+ int mascotPokemon = pokedexToInternal[mascotPk.number];
+ int frontSprites = romEntry.getValue("FrontSprites");
+ int palettes = romEntry.getValue("PokemonPalettes");
+ int fsOffset = readPointer(frontSprites + mascotPokemon * 8);
+ int palOffset = readPointer(palettes + mascotPokemon * 8);
+ byte[] trueFrontSprite = DSDecmp.Decompress(rom, fsOffset);
+ byte[] truePalette = DSDecmp.Decompress(rom, palOffset);
+ // Convert palette into RGB
+ int[] convPalette = new int[16];
+ // Leave palette[0] as 00000000 for transparency
+ for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
+ int palValue = readWord(truePalette, i * 2 + 2);
+ convPalette[i + 1] = GFXFunctions.conv16BitColorToARGB(palValue);
+ }
+ // Make image, 4bpp
+ return GFXFunctions.drawTiledImage(trueFrontSprite, convPalette, 64, 64, 4);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getAllHeldItems() {
+ return Gen3Constants.allHeldItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasRivalFinalBattle() {
+ return romEntry.romType == Gen3Constants.RomType_FRLG;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getAllConsumableHeldItems() {
+ return Gen3Constants.consumableHeldItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getSensibleHeldItemsFor(TrainerPokemon tp, boolean consumableOnly, List<Move> moves, int[] pokeMoves) {
+ List<Integer> items = new ArrayList<>();
+ items.addAll(Gen3Constants.generalPurposeConsumableItems);
+ if (!consumableOnly) {
+ items.addAll(Gen3Constants.generalPurposeItems);
+ }
+ for (int moveIdx : pokeMoves) {
+ Move move = moves.get(moveIdx);
+ if (move == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (GBConstants.physicalTypes.contains(move.type) && move.power > 0) {
+ items.add(Gen3Items.liechiBerry);
+ if (!consumableOnly) {
+ items.addAll(Gen3Constants.typeBoostingItems.get(move.type));
+ items.add(Gen3Items.choiceBand);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!GBConstants.physicalTypes.contains(move.type) && move.power > 0) {
+ items.add(Gen3Items.petayaBerry);
+ if (!consumableOnly) {
+ items.addAll(Gen3Constants.typeBoostingItems.get(move.type));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!consumableOnly) {
+ List<Integer> speciesItems = Gen3Constants.speciesBoostingItems.get(tp.pokemon.number);
+ if (speciesItems != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // Increase the likelihood of using species specific items.
+ items.addAll(speciesItems);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return items;
+ }