path: root/src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/')
1 files changed, 4343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/ b/src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..02010e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/pkrandom/romhandlers/
@@ -0,0 +1,4343 @@
+package com.pkrandom.romhandlers;
+/*-- - randomizer handler for B/W/B2/W2. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- Part of "Universal Pokemon Randomizer ZX" by the UPR-ZX team --*/
+/*-- Pokemon and any associated names and the like are --*/
+/*-- trademark and (C) Nintendo 1996-2020. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- The custom code written here is licensed under the terms of the GPL: --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify --*/
+/*-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --*/
+/*-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or --*/
+/*-- (at your option) any later version. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --*/
+/*-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --*/
+/*-- GNU General Public License for more details. --*/
+/*-- --*/
+/*-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --*/
+/*-- along with this program. If not, see <>. --*/
+import java.awt.Graphics;
+import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.regex.Matcher;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import com.pkrandom.*;
+import com.pkrandom.constants.*;
+import com.pkrandom.exceptions.RandomizationException;
+import com.pkrandom.pokemon.*;
+import pptxt.PPTxtHandler;
+import com.pkrandom.exceptions.RandomizerIOException;
+import com.pkrandom.newnds.NARCArchive;
+import compressors.DSDecmp;
+public class Gen5RomHandler extends AbstractDSRomHandler {
+ public static class Factory extends RomHandler.Factory {
+ @Override
+ public Gen5RomHandler create(Random random, PrintStream logStream) {
+ return new Gen5RomHandler(random, logStream);
+ }
+ public boolean isLoadable(String filename) {
+ return detectNDSRomInner(getROMCodeFromFile(filename), getVersionFromFile(filename));
+ }
+ }
+ public Gen5RomHandler(Random random) {
+ super(random, null);
+ }
+ public Gen5RomHandler(Random random, PrintStream logStream) {
+ super(random, logStream);
+ }
+ private static class OffsetWithinEntry {
+ private int entry;
+ private int offset;
+ }
+ private static class RomFileEntry {
+ public String path;
+ public long expectedCRC32;
+ }
+ private static class RomEntry {
+ private String name;
+ private String romCode;
+ private byte version;
+ private int romType;
+ private long arm9ExpectedCRC32;
+ private boolean staticPokemonSupport = false, copyStaticPokemon = false, copyRoamingPokemon = false,
+ copyTradeScripts = false, isBlack = false;
+ private Map<String, String> strings = new HashMap<>();
+ private Map<String, Integer> numbers = new HashMap<>();
+ private Map<String, String> tweakFiles = new HashMap<>();
+ private Map<String, int[]> arrayEntries = new HashMap<>();
+ private Map<String, OffsetWithinEntry[]> offsetArrayEntries = new HashMap<>();
+ private Map<String, RomFileEntry> files = new HashMap<>();
+ private Map<Integer, Long> overlayExpectedCRC32s = new HashMap<>();
+ private List<StaticPokemon> staticPokemon = new ArrayList<>();
+ private List<StaticPokemon> staticPokemonFakeBall = new ArrayList<>();
+ private List<RoamingPokemon> roamingPokemon = new ArrayList<>();
+ private List<TradeScript> tradeScripts = new ArrayList<>();
+ private int getInt(String key) {
+ if (!numbers.containsKey(key)) {
+ numbers.put(key, 0);
+ }
+ return numbers.get(key);
+ }
+ private String getString(String key) {
+ if (!strings.containsKey(key)) {
+ strings.put(key, "");
+ }
+ return strings.get(key);
+ }
+ private String getFile(String key) {
+ if (!files.containsKey(key)) {
+ files.put(key, new RomFileEntry());
+ }
+ return files.get(key).path;
+ }
+ }
+ private static List<RomEntry> roms;
+ static {
+ loadROMInfo();
+ }
+ private static void loadROMInfo() {
+ roms = new ArrayList<>();
+ RomEntry current = null;
+ try {
+ Scanner sc = new Scanner(FileFunctions.openConfig("gen5_offsets.ini"), "UTF-8");
+ while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
+ String q = sc.nextLine().trim();
+ if (q.contains("//")) {
+ q = q.substring(0, q.indexOf("//")).trim();
+ }
+ if (!q.isEmpty()) {
+ if (q.startsWith("[") && q.endsWith("]")) {
+ // New rom
+ current = new RomEntry();
+ = q.substring(1, q.length() - 1);
+ roms.add(current);
+ } else {
+ String[] r = q.split("=", 2);
+ if (r.length == 1) {
+ System.err.println("invalid entry " + q);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (r[1].endsWith("\r\n")) {
+ r[1] = r[1].substring(0, r[1].length() - 2);
+ }
+ r[1] = r[1].trim();
+ if (r[0].equals("Game")) {
+ current.romCode = r[1];
+ } else if (r[0].equals("Version")) {
+ current.version = Byte.parseByte(r[1]);
+ } else if (r[0].equals("Type")) {
+ if (r[1].equalsIgnoreCase("BW2")) {
+ current.romType = Gen5Constants.Type_BW2;
+ } else {
+ current.romType = Gen5Constants.Type_BW;
+ }
+ } else if (r[0].equals("CopyFrom")) {
+ for (RomEntry otherEntry : roms) {
+ if (r[1].equalsIgnoreCase(otherEntry.romCode)) {
+ // copy from here
+ current.arrayEntries.putAll(otherEntry.arrayEntries);
+ current.numbers.putAll(otherEntry.numbers);
+ current.strings.putAll(otherEntry.strings);
+ current.offsetArrayEntries.putAll(otherEntry.offsetArrayEntries);
+ current.files.putAll(otherEntry.files);
+ if (current.copyStaticPokemon) {
+ current.staticPokemon.addAll(otherEntry.staticPokemon);
+ current.staticPokemonFakeBall.addAll(otherEntry.staticPokemonFakeBall);
+ current.staticPokemonSupport = true;
+ } else {
+ current.staticPokemonSupport = false;
+ }
+ if (current.copyTradeScripts) {
+ current.tradeScripts.addAll(otherEntry.tradeScripts);
+ }
+ if (current.copyRoamingPokemon) {
+ current.roamingPokemon.addAll(otherEntry.roamingPokemon);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (r[0].startsWith("File<")) {
+ String key = r[0].split("<")[1].split(">")[0];
+ String[] values = r[1].substring(1, r[1].length() - 1).split(",");
+ RomFileEntry entry = new RomFileEntry();
+ entry.path = values[0].trim();
+ entry.expectedCRC32 = parseRILong("0x" + values[1].trim());
+ current.files.put(key, entry);
+ } else if (r[0].equals("Arm9CRC32")) {
+ current.arm9ExpectedCRC32 = parseRILong("0x" + r[1]);
+ } else if (r[0].startsWith("OverlayCRC32<")) {
+ String keyString = r[0].split("<")[1].split(">")[0];
+ int key = parseRIInt(keyString);
+ long value = parseRILong("0x" + r[1]);
+ current.overlayExpectedCRC32s.put(key, value);
+ } else if (r[0].equals("StaticPokemon{}")) {
+ current.staticPokemon.add(parseStaticPokemon(r[1]));
+ } else if (r[0].equals("StaticPokemonFakeBall{}")) {
+ current.staticPokemonFakeBall.add(parseStaticPokemon(r[1]));
+ } else if (r[0].equals("RoamingPokemon{}")) {
+ current.roamingPokemon.add(parseRoamingPokemon(r[1]));
+ } else if (r[0].equals("TradeScript[]")) {
+ String[] offsets = r[1].substring(1, r[1].length() - 1).split(",");
+ int[] reqOffs = new int[offsets.length];
+ int[] givOffs = new int[offsets.length];
+ int file = 0;
+ int c = 0;
+ for (String off : offsets) {
+ String[] parts = off.split(":");
+ file = parseRIInt(parts[0]);
+ reqOffs[c] = parseRIInt(parts[1]);
+ givOffs[c++] = parseRIInt(parts[2]);
+ }
+ TradeScript ts = new TradeScript();
+ ts.fileNum = file;
+ ts.requestedOffsets = reqOffs;
+ ts.givenOffsets = givOffs;
+ current.tradeScripts.add(ts);
+ } else if (r[0].equals("StaticPokemonSupport")) {
+ int spsupport = parseRIInt(r[1]);
+ current.staticPokemonSupport = (spsupport > 0);
+ } else if (r[0].equals("CopyStaticPokemon")) {
+ int csp = parseRIInt(r[1]);
+ current.copyStaticPokemon = (csp > 0);
+ } else if (r[0].equals("CopyRoamingPokemon")) {
+ int crp = parseRIInt(r[1]);
+ current.copyRoamingPokemon = (crp > 0);
+ } else if (r[0].equals("CopyTradeScripts")) {
+ int cts = parseRIInt(r[1]);
+ current.copyTradeScripts = (cts > 0);
+ } else if (r[0].startsWith("StarterOffsets")) {
+ String[] offsets = r[1].substring(1, r[1].length() - 1).split(",");
+ OffsetWithinEntry[] offs = new OffsetWithinEntry[offsets.length];
+ int c = 0;
+ for (String off : offsets) {
+ String[] parts = off.split(":");
+ OffsetWithinEntry owe = new OffsetWithinEntry();
+ owe.entry = parseRIInt(parts[0]);
+ owe.offset = parseRIInt(parts[1]);
+ offs[c++] = owe;
+ }
+ current.offsetArrayEntries.put(r[0], offs);
+ } else if (r[0].endsWith("Tweak")) {
+ current.tweakFiles.put(r[0], r[1]);
+ } else if (r[0].equals("IsBlack")) {
+ int isBlack = parseRIInt(r[1]);
+ current.isBlack = (isBlack > 0);
+ } else {
+ if (r[1].startsWith("[") && r[1].endsWith("]")) {
+ String[] offsets = r[1].substring(1, r[1].length() - 1).split(",");
+ if (offsets.length == 1 && offsets[0].trim().isEmpty()) {
+ current.arrayEntries.put(r[0], new int[0]);
+ } else {
+ int[] offs = new int[offsets.length];
+ int c = 0;
+ for (String off : offsets) {
+ offs[c++] = parseRIInt(off);
+ }
+ current.arrayEntries.put(r[0], offs);
+ }
+ } else if (r[0].endsWith("Offset") || r[0].endsWith("Count") || r[0].endsWith("Number")
+ || r[0].endsWith("Size") || r[0].endsWith("Index")) {
+ int offs = parseRIInt(r[1]);
+ current.numbers.put(r[0], offs);
+ } else {
+ current.strings.put(r[0], r[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sc.close();
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ System.err.println("File not found!");
+ }
+ }
+ private static int parseRIInt(String off) {
+ int radix = 10;
+ off = off.trim().toLowerCase();
+ if (off.startsWith("0x") || off.startsWith("&h")) {
+ radix = 16;
+ off = off.substring(2);
+ }
+ try {
+ return Integer.parseInt(off, radix);
+ } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
+ System.err.println("invalid base " + radix + "number " + off);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ private static long parseRILong(String off) {
+ int radix = 10;
+ off = off.trim().toLowerCase();
+ if (off.startsWith("0x") || off.startsWith("&h")) {
+ radix = 16;
+ off = off.substring(2);
+ }
+ try {
+ return Long.parseLong(off, radix);
+ } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
+ System.err.println("invalid base " + radix + "number " + off);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ private static StaticPokemon parseStaticPokemon(String staticPokemonString) {
+ StaticPokemon sp = new StaticPokemon();
+ String pattern = "[A-z]+=\\[([0-9]+:0x[0-9a-fA-F]+,?\\s?)+]";
+ Pattern r = Pattern.compile(pattern);
+ Matcher m = r.matcher(staticPokemonString);
+ while (m.find()) {
+ String[] segments ="=");
+ String[] offsets = segments[1].substring(1, segments[1].length() - 1).split(",");
+ FileEntry[] entries = new FileEntry[offsets.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ String[] parts = offsets[i].split(":");
+ entries[i] = new FileEntry(parseRIInt(parts[0]), parseRIInt(parts[1]));
+ }
+ switch (segments[0]) {
+ case "Species":
+ sp.speciesEntries = entries;
+ break;
+ case "Level":
+ sp.levelEntries = entries;
+ break;
+ case "Forme":
+ sp.formeEntries = entries;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return sp;
+ }
+ private static RoamingPokemon parseRoamingPokemon(String roamingPokemonString) {
+ RoamingPokemon rp = new RoamingPokemon();
+ String pattern = "[A-z]+=\\[(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+,?\\s?)+]|[A-z]+=\\[([0-9]+:0x[0-9a-fA-F]+,?\\s?)+]";
+ Pattern r = Pattern.compile(pattern);
+ Matcher m = r.matcher(roamingPokemonString);
+ while (m.find()) {
+ String[] segments ="=");
+ String[] offsets = segments[1].substring(1, segments[1].length() - 1).split(",");
+ switch (segments[0]) {
+ case "Species":
+ int[] speciesOverlayOffsets = new int[offsets.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < speciesOverlayOffsets.length; i++) {
+ speciesOverlayOffsets[i] = parseRIInt(offsets[i]);
+ }
+ rp.speciesOverlayOffsets = speciesOverlayOffsets;
+ break;
+ case "Level":
+ int[] levelOverlayOffsets = new int[offsets.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < levelOverlayOffsets.length; i++) {
+ levelOverlayOffsets[i] = parseRIInt(offsets[i]);
+ }
+ rp.levelOverlayOffsets = levelOverlayOffsets;
+ break;
+ case "Script":
+ FileEntry[] entries = new FileEntry[offsets.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ String[] parts = offsets[i].split(":");
+ entries[i] = new FileEntry(parseRIInt(parts[0]), parseRIInt(parts[1]));
+ }
+ rp.speciesScriptOffsets = entries;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return rp;
+ }
+ // This ROM
+ private Pokemon[] pokes;
+ private Map<Integer,FormeInfo> formeMappings = new TreeMap<>();
+ private List<Pokemon> pokemonList;
+ private List<Pokemon> pokemonListInclFormes;
+ private Move[] moves;
+ private RomEntry romEntry;
+ private byte[] arm9;
+ private List<String> abilityNames;
+ private List<String> itemNames;
+ private List<String> shopNames;
+ private boolean loadedWildMapNames;
+ private Map<Integer, String> wildMapNames;
+ private ItemList allowedItems, nonBadItems;
+ private List<Integer> regularShopItems;
+ private List<Integer> opShopItems;
+ private int hiddenHollowCount = 0;
+ private boolean hiddenHollowCounted = false;
+ private List<Integer> originalDoubleTrainers = new ArrayList<>();
+ private boolean effectivenessUpdated;
+ private int pickupItemsTableOffset;
+ private long actualArm9CRC32;
+ private Map<Integer, Long> actualOverlayCRC32s;
+ private Map<String, Long> actualFileCRC32s;
+ private NARCArchive pokeNarc, moveNarc, stringsNarc, storyTextNarc, scriptNarc, shopNarc;
+ @Override
+ protected boolean detectNDSRom(String ndsCode, byte version) {
+ return detectNDSRomInner(ndsCode, version);
+ }
+ private static boolean detectNDSRomInner(String ndsCode, byte version) {
+ return entryFor(ndsCode, version) != null;
+ }
+ private static RomEntry entryFor(String ndsCode, byte version) {
+ if (ndsCode == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ for (RomEntry re : roms) {
+ if (ndsCode.equals(re.romCode) && re.version == version) {
+ return re;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void loadedROM(String romCode, byte version) {
+ this.romEntry = entryFor(romCode, version);
+ try {
+ arm9 = readARM9();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ try {
+ stringsNarc = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("TextStrings"));
+ storyTextNarc = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("TextStory"));
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ try {
+ scriptNarc = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("Scripts"));
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ try {
+ shopNarc = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("ShopItems"));
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ loadPokemonStats();
+ pokemonListInclFormes = Arrays.asList(pokes);
+ pokemonList = Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOfRange(pokes,0,Gen5Constants.pokemonCount + 1));
+ loadMoves();
+ abilityNames = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("AbilityNamesTextOffset"));
+ itemNames = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("ItemNamesTextOffset"));
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW) {
+ shopNames = Gen5Constants.bw1ShopNames;
+ }
+ else if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ shopNames = Gen5Constants.bw2ShopNames;
+ }
+ loadedWildMapNames = false;
+ allowedItems = Gen5Constants.allowedItems.copy();
+ nonBadItems = Gen5Constants.getNonBadItems(romEntry.romType).copy();
+ regularShopItems = Gen5Constants.regularShopItems;
+ opShopItems = Gen5Constants.opShopItems;
+ try {
+ computeCRC32sForRom();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ // If there are tweaks for expanding the ARM9, do it here to keep it simple.
+ boolean shouldExtendARM9 = romEntry.tweakFiles.containsKey("ShedinjaEvolutionTweak") || romEntry.tweakFiles.containsKey("NewIndexToMusicTweak");
+ if (shouldExtendARM9) {
+ int extendBy = romEntry.getInt("Arm9ExtensionSize");
+ arm9 = extendARM9(arm9, extendBy, romEntry.getString("TCMCopyingPrefix"), Gen5Constants.arm9Offset);
+ }
+ }
+ private void loadPokemonStats() {
+ try {
+ pokeNarc = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("PokemonStats"));
+ String[] pokeNames = readPokemonNames();
+ int formeCount = Gen5Constants.getFormeCount(romEntry.romType);
+ pokes = new Pokemon[Gen5Constants.pokemonCount + formeCount + 1];
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.pokemonCount; i++) {
+ pokes[i] = new Pokemon();
+ pokes[i].number = i;
+ loadBasicPokeStats(pokes[i], pokeNarc.files.get(i), formeMappings);
+ // Name?
+ pokes[i].name = pokeNames[i];
+ }
+ int i = Gen5Constants.pokemonCount + 1;
+ for (int k: formeMappings.keySet()) {
+ pokes[i] = new Pokemon();
+ pokes[i].number = i;
+ loadBasicPokeStats(pokes[i], pokeNarc.files.get(k), formeMappings);
+ FormeInfo fi = formeMappings.get(k);
+ pokes[i].name = pokeNames[fi.baseForme];
+ pokes[i].baseForme = pokes[fi.baseForme];
+ pokes[i].formeNumber = fi.formeNumber;
+ pokes[i].formeSpriteIndex = fi.formeSpriteOffset + Gen5Constants.pokemonCount + Gen5Constants.getNonPokemonBattleSpriteCount(romEntry.romType);
+ pokes[i].formeSuffix = Gen5Constants.getFormeSuffix(k,romEntry.romType);
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ populateEvolutions();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void loadMoves() {
+ try {
+ moveNarc = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("MoveData"));
+ moves = new Move[Gen5Constants.moveCount + 1];
+ List<String> moveNames = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("MoveNamesTextOffset"));
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.moveCount; i++) {
+ byte[] moveData = moveNarc.files.get(i);
+ moves[i] = new Move();
+ moves[i].name = moveNames.get(i);
+ moves[i].number = i;
+ moves[i].internalId = i;
+ moves[i].effectIndex = readWord(moveData, 16);
+ moves[i].hitratio = (moveData[4] & 0xFF);
+ moves[i].power = moveData[3] & 0xFF;
+ moves[i].pp = moveData[5] & 0xFF;
+ moves[i].type = Gen5Constants.typeTable[moveData[0] & 0xFF];
+ moves[i].flinchPercentChance = moveData[15] & 0xFF;
+ moves[i].target = moveData[20] & 0xFF;
+ moves[i].category = Gen5Constants.moveCategoryIndices[moveData[2] & 0xFF];
+ moves[i].priority = moveData[6];
+ int critStages = moveData[14] & 0xFF;
+ if (critStages == 6) {
+ moves[i].criticalChance = CriticalChance.GUARANTEED;
+ } else if (critStages > 0) {
+ moves[i].criticalChance = CriticalChance.INCREASED;
+ }
+ int internalStatusType = readWord(moveData, 8);
+ int flags = FileFunctions.readFullInt(moveData, 32);
+ moves[i].makesContact = (flags & 0x001) != 0;
+ moves[i].isChargeMove = (flags & 0x002) != 0;
+ moves[i].isRechargeMove = (flags & 0x004) != 0;
+ moves[i].isPunchMove = (flags & 0x080) != 0;
+ moves[i].isSoundMove = (flags & 0x100) != 0;
+ moves[i].isTrapMove = (moves[i].effectIndex == Gen5Constants.trappingEffect || internalStatusType == 8);
+ int qualities = moveData[1];
+ int recoilOrAbsorbPercent = moveData[18];
+ if (qualities == Gen5Constants.damageAbsorbQuality) {
+ moves[i].absorbPercent = recoilOrAbsorbPercent;
+ } else {
+ moves[i].recoilPercent = -recoilOrAbsorbPercent;
+ }
+ if (i == Moves.swift) {
+ perfectAccuracy = (int)moves[i].hitratio;
+ }
+ if (GlobalConstants.normalMultihitMoves.contains(i)) {
+ moves[i].hitCount = 19 / 6.0;
+ } else if (GlobalConstants.doubleHitMoves.contains(i)) {
+ moves[i].hitCount = 2;
+ } else if (i == Moves.tripleKick) {
+ moves[i].hitCount = 2.71; // this assumes the first hit lands
+ }
+ switch (qualities) {
+ case Gen5Constants.noDamageStatChangeQuality:
+ case Gen5Constants.noDamageStatusAndStatChangeQuality:
+ // All Allies or Self
+ if (moves[i].target == 6 || moves[i].target == 7) {
+ moves[i].statChangeMoveType = StatChangeMoveType.NO_DAMAGE_USER;
+ } else {
+ moves[i].statChangeMoveType = StatChangeMoveType.NO_DAMAGE_TARGET;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Gen5Constants.damageTargetDebuffQuality:
+ moves[i].statChangeMoveType = StatChangeMoveType.DAMAGE_TARGET;
+ break;
+ case Gen5Constants.damageUserBuffQuality:
+ moves[i].statChangeMoveType = StatChangeMoveType.DAMAGE_USER;
+ break;
+ default:
+ moves[i].statChangeMoveType = StatChangeMoveType.NONE_OR_UNKNOWN;
+ break;
+ }
+ for (int statChange = 0; statChange < 3; statChange++) {
+ moves[i].statChanges[statChange].type = StatChangeType.values()[moveData[21 + statChange]];
+ moves[i].statChanges[statChange].stages = moveData[24 + statChange];
+ moves[i].statChanges[statChange].percentChance = moveData[27 + statChange];
+ }
+ // Exclude status types that aren't in the StatusType enum.
+ if (internalStatusType < 7) {
+ moves[i].statusType = StatusType.values()[internalStatusType];
+ if (moves[i].statusType == StatusType.POISON && (i == Moves.toxic || i == Moves.poisonFang)) {
+ moves[i].statusType = StatusType.TOXIC_POISON;
+ }
+ moves[i].statusPercentChance = moveData[10] & 0xFF;
+ if (moves[i].number == Moves.chatter) {
+ moves[i].statusPercentChance = 1.0;
+ }
+ switch (qualities) {
+ case Gen5Constants.noDamageStatusQuality:
+ case Gen5Constants.noDamageStatusAndStatChangeQuality:
+ moves[i].statusMoveType = StatusMoveType.NO_DAMAGE;
+ break;
+ case Gen5Constants.damageStatusQuality:
+ moves[i].statusMoveType = StatusMoveType.DAMAGE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void loadBasicPokeStats(Pokemon pkmn, byte[] stats, Map<Integer,FormeInfo> altFormes) {
+ pkmn.hp = stats[Gen5Constants.bsHPOffset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.attack = stats[Gen5Constants.bsAttackOffset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.defense = stats[Gen5Constants.bsDefenseOffset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.speed = stats[Gen5Constants.bsSpeedOffset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.spatk = stats[Gen5Constants.bsSpAtkOffset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.spdef = stats[Gen5Constants.bsSpDefOffset] & 0xFF;
+ // Type
+ pkmn.primaryType = Gen5Constants.typeTable[stats[Gen5Constants.bsPrimaryTypeOffset] & 0xFF];
+ pkmn.secondaryType = Gen5Constants.typeTable[stats[Gen5Constants.bsSecondaryTypeOffset] & 0xFF];
+ // Only one type?
+ if (pkmn.secondaryType == pkmn.primaryType) {
+ pkmn.secondaryType = null;
+ }
+ pkmn.catchRate = stats[Gen5Constants.bsCatchRateOffset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.growthCurve = ExpCurve.fromByte(stats[Gen5Constants.bsGrowthCurveOffset]);
+ pkmn.ability1 = stats[Gen5Constants.bsAbility1Offset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.ability2 = stats[Gen5Constants.bsAbility2Offset] & 0xFF;
+ pkmn.ability3 = stats[Gen5Constants.bsAbility3Offset] & 0xFF;
+ // Held Items?
+ int item1 = readWord(stats, Gen5Constants.bsCommonHeldItemOffset);
+ int item2 = readWord(stats, Gen5Constants.bsRareHeldItemOffset);
+ if (item1 == item2) {
+ // guaranteed
+ pkmn.guaranteedHeldItem = item1;
+ pkmn.commonHeldItem = 0;
+ pkmn.rareHeldItem = 0;
+ pkmn.darkGrassHeldItem = 0;
+ } else {
+ pkmn.guaranteedHeldItem = 0;
+ pkmn.commonHeldItem = item1;
+ pkmn.rareHeldItem = item2;
+ pkmn.darkGrassHeldItem = readWord(stats, Gen5Constants.bsDarkGrassHeldItemOffset);
+ }
+ int formeCount = stats[Gen5Constants.bsFormeCountOffset] & 0xFF;
+ if (formeCount > 1) {
+ int firstFormeOffset = readWord(stats, Gen5Constants.bsFormeOffset);
+ if (firstFormeOffset != 0) {
+ for (int i = 1; i < formeCount; i++) {
+ altFormes.put(firstFormeOffset + i - 1,new FormeInfo(pkmn.number,i,readWord(stats,Gen5Constants.bsFormeSpriteOffset))); // Assumes that formes are in memory in the same order as their numbers
+ if (pkmn.number == Species.keldeo) {
+ pkmn.cosmeticForms = formeCount;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (pkmn.number != Species.cherrim && pkmn.number != Species.arceus && pkmn.number != Species.deerling && pkmn.number != Species.sawsbuck && pkmn.number < Species.genesect) {
+ // Reason for exclusions:
+ // Cherrim/Arceus/Genesect: to avoid confusion
+ // Deerling/Sawsbuck: handled automatically in gen 5
+ pkmn.cosmeticForms = formeCount;
+ }
+ if (pkmn.number == Species.Gen5Formes.keldeoCosmetic1) {
+ pkmn.actuallyCosmetic = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private String[] readPokemonNames() {
+ String[] pokeNames = new String[Gen5Constants.pokemonCount + 1];
+ List<String> nameList = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("PokemonNamesTextOffset"));
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.pokemonCount; i++) {
+ pokeNames[i] = nameList.get(i);
+ }
+ return pokeNames;
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void savingROM() {
+ savePokemonStats();
+ saveMoves();
+ try {
+ writeARM9(arm9);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ try {
+ writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("TextStrings"), stringsNarc);
+ writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("TextStory"), storyTextNarc);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ try {
+ writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("Scripts"), scriptNarc);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void saveMoves() {
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.moveCount; i++) {
+ byte[] data = moveNarc.files.get(i);
+ data[2] = Gen5Constants.moveCategoryToByte(moves[i].category);
+ data[3] = (byte) moves[i].power;
+ data[0] = Gen5Constants.typeToByte(moves[i].type);
+ int hitratio = (int) Math.round(moves[i].hitratio);
+ if (hitratio < 0) {
+ hitratio = 0;
+ }
+ if (hitratio > 101) {
+ hitratio = 100;
+ }
+ data[4] = (byte) hitratio;
+ data[5] = (byte) moves[i].pp;
+ }
+ try {
+ this.writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("MoveData"), moveNarc);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void savePokemonStats() {
+ List<String> nameList = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("PokemonNamesTextOffset"));
+ int formeCount = Gen5Constants.getFormeCount(romEntry.romType);
+ int formeOffset = Gen5Constants.getFormeOffset(romEntry.romType);
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.pokemonCount + formeCount; i++) {
+ if (i > Gen5Constants.pokemonCount) {
+ saveBasicPokeStats(pokes[i], pokeNarc.files.get(i + formeOffset));
+ continue;
+ }
+ saveBasicPokeStats(pokes[i], pokeNarc.files.get(i));
+ nameList.set(i, pokes[i].name);
+ }
+ setStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("PokemonNamesTextOffset"), nameList);
+ try {
+ this.writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("PokemonStats"), pokeNarc);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ writeEvolutions();
+ }
+ private void saveBasicPokeStats(Pokemon pkmn, byte[] stats) {
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsHPOffset] = (byte) pkmn.hp;
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsAttackOffset] = (byte) pkmn.attack;
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsDefenseOffset] = (byte) pkmn.defense;
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsSpeedOffset] = (byte) pkmn.speed;
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsSpAtkOffset] = (byte) pkmn.spatk;
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsSpDefOffset] = (byte) pkmn.spdef;
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsPrimaryTypeOffset] = Gen5Constants.typeToByte(pkmn.primaryType);
+ if (pkmn.secondaryType == null) {
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsSecondaryTypeOffset] = stats[Gen5Constants.bsPrimaryTypeOffset];
+ } else {
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsSecondaryTypeOffset] = Gen5Constants.typeToByte(pkmn.secondaryType);
+ }
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsCatchRateOffset] = (byte) pkmn.catchRate;
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsGrowthCurveOffset] = pkmn.growthCurve.toByte();
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsAbility1Offset] = (byte) pkmn.ability1;
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsAbility2Offset] = (byte) pkmn.ability2;
+ stats[Gen5Constants.bsAbility3Offset] = (byte) pkmn.ability3;
+ // Held items
+ if (pkmn.guaranteedHeldItem > 0) {
+ writeWord(stats, Gen5Constants.bsCommonHeldItemOffset, pkmn.guaranteedHeldItem);
+ writeWord(stats, Gen5Constants.bsRareHeldItemOffset, pkmn.guaranteedHeldItem);
+ writeWord(stats, Gen5Constants.bsDarkGrassHeldItemOffset, 0);
+ } else {
+ writeWord(stats, Gen5Constants.bsCommonHeldItemOffset, pkmn.commonHeldItem);
+ writeWord(stats, Gen5Constants.bsRareHeldItemOffset, pkmn.rareHeldItem);
+ writeWord(stats, Gen5Constants.bsDarkGrassHeldItemOffset, pkmn.darkGrassHeldItem);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Pokemon> getPokemon() {
+ return pokemonList;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Pokemon> getPokemonInclFormes() {
+ return pokemonListInclFormes;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Pokemon> getAltFormes() {
+ int formeCount = Gen5Constants.getFormeCount(romEntry.romType);
+ return pokemonListInclFormes.subList(Gen5Constants.pokemonCount + 1, Gen5Constants.pokemonCount + formeCount + 1);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<MegaEvolution> getMegaEvolutions() {
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Pokemon getAltFormeOfPokemon(Pokemon pk, int forme) {
+ int pokeNum = Gen5Constants.getAbsolutePokeNumByBaseForme(pk.number,forme);
+ return pokeNum != 0 ? pokes[pokeNum] : pk;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Pokemon> getIrregularFormes() {
+ return Gen5Constants.getIrregularFormes(romEntry.romType).stream().map(i -> pokes[i]).collect(Collectors.toList());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasFunctionalFormes() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Pokemon> getStarters() {
+ NARCArchive scriptNARC = scriptNarc;
+ List<Pokemon> starters = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ OffsetWithinEntry[] thisStarter = romEntry.offsetArrayEntries.get("StarterOffsets" + (i + 1));
+ starters.add(pokes[readWord(scriptNARC.files.get(thisStarter[0].entry), thisStarter[0].offset)]);
+ }
+ return starters;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean setStarters(List<Pokemon> newStarters) {
+ if (newStarters.size() != 3) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Fix up starter offsets
+ try {
+ NARCArchive scriptNARC = scriptNarc;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ int starter = newStarters.get(i).number;
+ OffsetWithinEntry[] thisStarter = romEntry.offsetArrayEntries.get("StarterOffsets" + (i + 1));
+ for (OffsetWithinEntry entry : thisStarter) {
+ writeWord(scriptNARC.files.get(entry.entry), entry.offset, starter);
+ }
+ }
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ byte[] newScript = Gen5Constants.bw2NewStarterScript;
+ byte[] oldFile = scriptNARC.files.get(romEntry.getInt("PokedexGivenFileOffset"));
+ byte[] newFile = new byte[oldFile.length + newScript.length];
+ int offset = find(oldFile, Gen5Constants.bw2StarterScriptMagic);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ System.arraycopy(oldFile, 0, newFile, 0, oldFile.length);
+ System.arraycopy(newScript, 0, newFile, oldFile.length, newScript.length);
+ if (romEntry.romCode.charAt(3) == 'J') {
+ newFile[oldFile.length + 0x6] -= 4;
+ }
+ newFile[offset++] = 0x1E;
+ newFile[offset++] = 0x0;
+ writeRelativePointer(newFile, offset, oldFile.length);
+ scriptNARC.files.set(romEntry.getInt("PokedexGivenFileOffset"), newFile);
+ }
+ } else {
+ byte[] newScript = Gen5Constants.bw1NewStarterScript;
+ byte[] oldFile = scriptNARC.files.get(romEntry.getInt("PokedexGivenFileOffset"));
+ byte[] newFile = new byte[oldFile.length + newScript.length];
+ int offset = find(oldFile, Gen5Constants.bw1StarterScriptMagic);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ System.arraycopy(oldFile, 0, newFile, 0, oldFile.length);
+ System.arraycopy(newScript, 0, newFile, oldFile.length, newScript.length);
+ if (romEntry.romCode.charAt(3) == 'J') {
+ newFile[oldFile.length + 0x4] -= 4;
+ newFile[oldFile.length + 0x8] -= 4;
+ }
+ newFile[offset++] = 0x04;
+ newFile[offset++] = 0x0;
+ writeRelativePointer(newFile, offset, oldFile.length);
+ scriptNARC.files.set(romEntry.getInt("PokedexGivenFileOffset"), newFile);
+ }
+ }
+ // Starter sprites
+ NARCArchive starterNARC = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("StarterGraphics"));
+ NARCArchive pokespritesNARC = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("PokemonGraphics"));
+ replaceStarterFiles(starterNARC, pokespritesNARC, 0, newStarters.get(0).number);
+ replaceStarterFiles(starterNARC, pokespritesNARC, 1, newStarters.get(1).number);
+ replaceStarterFiles(starterNARC, pokespritesNARC, 2, newStarters.get(2).number);
+ writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("StarterGraphics"), starterNARC);
+ // Starter cries
+ byte[] starterCryOverlay = this.readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("StarterCryOvlNumber"));
+ String starterCryTablePrefix = romEntry.getString("StarterCryTablePrefix");
+ int offset = find(starterCryOverlay, starterCryTablePrefix);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ offset += starterCryTablePrefix.length() / 2; // because it was a prefix
+ for (Pokemon newStarter : newStarters) {
+ writeWord(starterCryOverlay, offset, newStarter.number);
+ offset += 2;
+ }
+ this.writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("StarterCryOvlNumber"), starterCryOverlay);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(ex);
+ }
+ // Fix text depending on version
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW) {
+ List<String> yourHouseStrings = getStrings(true, romEntry.getInt("StarterLocationTextOffset"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ yourHouseStrings.set(Gen5Constants.bw1StarterTextOffset - i,
+ "\\xF000\\xBD02\\x0000The " + newStarters.get(i).primaryType.camelCase()
+ + "-type Pok\\x00E9mon\\xFFFE\\xF000\\xBD02\\x0000" + newStarters.get(i).name);
+ }
+ // Update what the friends say
+ yourHouseStrings
+ .set(Gen5Constants.bw1CherenText1Offset,
+ "Cheren: Hey, how come you get to pick\\xFFFEout my Pok\\x00E9mon?"
+ + "\\xF000\\xBE01\\x0000\\xFFFEOh, never mind. I wanted this one\\xFFFEfrom the start, anyway."
+ + "\\xF000\\xBE01\\x0000");
+ yourHouseStrings.set(Gen5Constants.bw1CherenText2Offset,
+ "It's decided. You'll be my opponent...\\xFFFEin our first Pok\\x00E9mon battle!"
+ + "\\xF000\\xBE01\\x0000\\xFFFELet's see what you can do, \\xFFFEmy Pok\\x00E9mon!"
+ + "\\xF000\\xBE01\\x0000");
+ // rewrite
+ setStrings(true, romEntry.getInt("StarterLocationTextOffset"), yourHouseStrings);
+ } else {
+ List<String> starterTownStrings = getStrings(true, romEntry.getInt("StarterLocationTextOffset"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ starterTownStrings.set(Gen5Constants.bw2StarterTextOffset - i, "\\xF000\\xBD02\\x0000The "
+ + newStarters.get(i).primaryType.camelCase()
+ + "-type Pok\\x00E9mon\\xFFFE\\xF000\\xBD02\\x0000" + newStarters.get(i).name);
+ }
+ // Update what the rival says
+ starterTownStrings.set(Gen5Constants.bw2RivalTextOffset,
+ "\\xF000\\x0100\\x0001\\x0001: Let's see how good\\xFFFEa Trainer you are!"
+ + "\\xF000\\xBE01\\x0000\\xFFFEI'll use my Pok\\x00E9mon"
+ + "\\xFFFEthat I raised from an Egg!\\xF000\\xBE01\\x0000");
+ // rewrite
+ setStrings(true, romEntry.getInt("StarterLocationTextOffset"), starterTownStrings);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasStarterAltFormes() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int starterCount() {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Integer, StatChange> getUpdatedPokemonStats(int generation) {
+ return GlobalConstants.getStatChanges(generation);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean supportsStarterHeldItems() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getStarterHeldItems() {
+ // do nothing
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setStarterHeldItems(List<Integer> items) {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ private void replaceStarterFiles(NARCArchive starterNARC, NARCArchive pokespritesNARC, int starterIndex,
+ int pokeNumber) {
+ starterNARC.files.set(starterIndex * 2, pokespritesNARC.files.get(pokeNumber * 20 + 18));
+ // Get the picture...
+ byte[] compressedPic = pokespritesNARC.files.get(pokeNumber * 20);
+ // Decompress it with JavaDSDecmp
+ byte[] uncompressedPic = DSDecmp.Decompress(compressedPic);
+ starterNARC.files.set(12 + starterIndex, uncompressedPic);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Move> getMoves() {
+ return Arrays.asList(moves);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<EncounterSet> getEncounters(boolean useTimeOfDay) {
+ if (!loadedWildMapNames) {
+ loadWildMapNames();
+ }
+ try {
+ NARCArchive encounterNARC = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("WildPokemon"));
+ List<EncounterSet> encounters = new ArrayList<>();
+ int idx = -1;
+ for (byte[] entry : encounterNARC.files) {
+ idx++;
+ if (entry.length > Gen5Constants.perSeasonEncounterDataLength && useTimeOfDay) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ processEncounterEntry(encounters, entry, i * Gen5Constants.perSeasonEncounterDataLength, idx);
+ }
+ } else {
+ processEncounterEntry(encounters, entry, 0, idx);
+ }
+ }
+ return encounters;
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void processEncounterEntry(List<EncounterSet> encounters, byte[] entry, int startOffset, int idx) {
+ if (!wildMapNames.containsKey(idx)) {
+ wildMapNames.put(idx, "? Unknown ?");
+ }
+ String mapName = wildMapNames.get(idx);
+ int[] amounts = Gen5Constants.encountersOfEachType;
+ int offset = 8;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ int rate = entry[startOffset + i] & 0xFF;
+ if (rate != 0) {
+ List<Encounter> encs = readEncounters(entry, startOffset + offset, amounts[i]);
+ EncounterSet area = new EncounterSet();
+ area.rate = rate;
+ area.encounters = encs;
+ area.offset = idx;
+ area.displayName = mapName + " " + Gen5Constants.encounterTypeNames[i];
+ encounters.add(area);
+ }
+ offset += amounts[i] * 4;
+ }
+ }
+ private List<Encounter> readEncounters(byte[] data, int offset, int number) {
+ List<Encounter> encs = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
+ Encounter enc1 = new Encounter();
+ int species = readWord(data, offset + i * 4) & 0x7FF;
+ int forme = readWord(data, offset + i * 4) >> 11;
+ Pokemon baseForme = pokes[species];
+ if (forme <= baseForme.cosmeticForms || forme == 30 || forme == 31) {
+ enc1.pokemon = pokes[species];
+ } else {
+ int speciesWithForme = Gen5Constants.getAbsolutePokeNumByBaseForme(species,forme);
+ if (speciesWithForme == 0) {
+ enc1.pokemon = pokes[species]; // Failsafe
+ } else {
+ enc1.pokemon = pokes[speciesWithForme];
+ }
+ }
+ enc1.formeNumber = forme;
+ enc1.level = data[offset + 2 + i * 4] & 0xFF;
+ enc1.maxLevel = data[offset + 3 + i * 4] & 0xFF;
+ encs.add(enc1);
+ }
+ return encs;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setEncounters(boolean useTimeOfDay, List<EncounterSet> encountersList) {
+ try {
+ NARCArchive encounterNARC = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("WildPokemon"));
+ Iterator<EncounterSet> encounters = encountersList.iterator();
+ for (byte[] entry : encounterNARC.files) {
+ writeEncounterEntry(encounters, entry, 0);
+ if (entry.length > 232) {
+ if (useTimeOfDay) {
+ for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
+ writeEncounterEntry(encounters, entry, i * 232);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // copy for other 3 seasons
+ System.arraycopy(entry, 0, entry, 232, 232);
+ System.arraycopy(entry, 0, entry, 464, 232);
+ System.arraycopy(entry, 0, entry, 696, 232);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Save
+ writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("WildPokemon"), encounterNARC);
+ this.updatePokedexAreaData(encounterNARC);
+ // Habitat List
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ // disabled: habitat list changes cause a crash if too many
+ // entries for now.
+ // NARCArchive habitatNARC = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("HabitatList"));
+ // for (int i = 0; i < habitatNARC.files.size(); i++) {
+ // byte[] oldEntry = habitatNARC.files.get(i);
+ // int[] encounterFiles = habitatListEntries[i];
+ // Map<Pokemon, byte[]> pokemonHere = new TreeMap<Pokemon,
+ // byte[]>();
+ // for (int encFile : encounterFiles) {
+ // byte[] encEntry = encounterNARC.files.get(encFile);
+ // if (encEntry.length > 232) {
+ // for (int s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
+ // addHabitats(encEntry, s * 232, pokemonHere, s);
+ // }
+ // } else {
+ // for (int s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
+ // addHabitats(encEntry, 0, pokemonHere, s);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // // Make the new file
+ // byte[] habitatEntry = new byte[10 + pokemonHere.size() * 28];
+ // System.arraycopy(oldEntry, 0, habitatEntry, 0, 10);
+ // habitatEntry[8] = (byte) pokemonHere.size();
+ // // 28-byte entries for each pokemon
+ // int num = -1;
+ // for (Pokemon pkmn : pokemonHere.keySet()) {
+ // num++;
+ // writeWord(habitatEntry, 10 + num * 28, pkmn.number);
+ // byte[] slots = pokemonHere.get(pkmn);
+ // System.arraycopy(slots, 0, habitatEntry, 12 + num * 28,
+ // 12);
+ // }
+ // // Save
+ // habitatNARC.files.set(i, habitatEntry);
+ // }
+ // // Save habitat
+ // this.writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("HabitatList"),
+ // habitatNARC);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void updatePokedexAreaData(NARCArchive encounterNARC) throws IOException {
+ NARCArchive areaNARC = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("PokedexAreaData"));
+ int areaDataEntryLength = Gen5Constants.getAreaDataEntryLength(romEntry.romType);
+ int encounterAreaCount = Gen5Constants.getEncounterAreaCount(romEntry.romType);
+ List<byte[]> newFiles = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < Gen5Constants.pokemonCount; i++) {
+ byte[] nf = new byte[areaDataEntryLength];
+ newFiles.add(nf);
+ }
+ // Get data now
+ for (int i = 0; i < encounterNARC.files.size(); i++) {
+ byte[] encEntry = encounterNARC.files.get(i);
+ if (encEntry.length > Gen5Constants.perSeasonEncounterDataLength) {
+ for (int season = 0; season < 4; season++) {
+ updateAreaDataFromEncounterEntry(encEntry, season * Gen5Constants.perSeasonEncounterDataLength, newFiles, season, i);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int season = 0; season < 4; season++) {
+ updateAreaDataFromEncounterEntry(encEntry, 0, newFiles, season, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now update unobtainables, check for seasonal-dependent entries, & save
+ for (int i = 0; i < Gen5Constants.pokemonCount; i++) {
+ byte[] file = newFiles.get(i);
+ for (int season = 0; season < 4; season++) {
+ boolean unobtainable = true;
+ for (int enc = 0; enc < encounterAreaCount; enc++) {
+ if (file[season * (encounterAreaCount + 1) + enc + 2] != 0) {
+ unobtainable = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unobtainable) {
+ file[season * (encounterAreaCount + 1) + 1] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean seasonalDependent = false;
+ for (int enc = 0; enc < encounterAreaCount; enc++) {
+ byte springEnc = file[enc + 2];
+ byte summerEnc = file[(encounterAreaCount + 1) + enc + 2];
+ byte autumnEnc = file[2 * (encounterAreaCount + 1) + enc + 2];
+ byte winterEnc = file[3 * (encounterAreaCount + 1) + enc + 2];
+ boolean allSeasonsAreTheSame = springEnc == summerEnc && springEnc == autumnEnc && springEnc == winterEnc;
+ if (!allSeasonsAreTheSame) {
+ seasonalDependent = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!seasonalDependent) {
+ file[0] = 1;
+ }
+ areaNARC.files.set(i, file);
+ }
+ // Save
+ this.writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("PokedexAreaData"), areaNARC);
+ }
+ private void updateAreaDataFromEncounterEntry(byte[] entry, int startOffset, List<byte[]> areaData, int season, int fileNumber) {
+ int[] amounts = Gen5Constants.encountersOfEachType;
+ int encounterAreaCount = Gen5Constants.getEncounterAreaCount(romEntry.romType);
+ int[] wildFileToAreaMap = Gen5Constants.getWildFileToAreaMap(romEntry.romType);
+ int offset = 8;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ int rate = entry[startOffset + i] & 0xFF;
+ if (rate != 0) {
+ for (int e = 0; e < amounts[i]; e++) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokes[((entry[startOffset + offset + e * 4] & 0xFF) + ((entry[startOffset + offset
+ + 1 + e * 4] & 0x03) << 8))];
+ byte[] pokeFile = areaData.get(pkmn.getBaseNumber() - 1);
+ int areaIndex = wildFileToAreaMap[fileNumber];
+ // Route 4?
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2 && areaIndex == Gen5Constants.bw2Route4AreaIndex) {
+ if ((fileNumber == Gen5Constants.b2Route4EncounterFile && romEntry.romCode.charAt(2) == 'D')
+ || (fileNumber == Gen5Constants.w2Route4EncounterFile && romEntry.romCode.charAt(2) == 'E')) {
+ areaIndex = -1; // wrong version
+ }
+ }
+ // Victory Road?
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2 && areaIndex == Gen5Constants.bw2VictoryRoadAreaIndex) {
+ if (romEntry.romCode.charAt(2) == 'D') {
+ // White 2
+ if (fileNumber == Gen5Constants.b2VRExclusiveRoom1
+ || fileNumber == Gen5Constants.b2VRExclusiveRoom2) {
+ areaIndex = -1; // wrong version
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Black 2
+ if (fileNumber == Gen5Constants.w2VRExclusiveRoom1
+ || fileNumber == Gen5Constants.w2VRExclusiveRoom2) {
+ areaIndex = -1; // wrong version
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Reversal Mountain?
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2 && areaIndex == Gen5Constants.bw2ReversalMountainAreaIndex) {
+ if (romEntry.romCode.charAt(2) == 'D') {
+ // White 2
+ if (fileNumber >= Gen5Constants.b2ReversalMountainStart
+ && fileNumber <= Gen5Constants.b2ReversalMountainEnd) {
+ areaIndex = -1; // wrong version
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Black 2
+ if (fileNumber >= Gen5Constants.w2ReversalMountainStart
+ && fileNumber <= Gen5Constants.w2ReversalMountainEnd) {
+ areaIndex = -1; // wrong version
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Skip stuff that isn't on the map or is wrong version
+ if (areaIndex != -1) {
+ pokeFile[season * (encounterAreaCount + 1) + 2 + areaIndex] |= (1 << i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ offset += amounts[i] * 4;
+ }
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private void addHabitats(byte[] entry, int startOffset, Map<Pokemon, byte[]> pokemonHere, int season) {
+ int[] amounts = Gen5Constants.encountersOfEachType;
+ int[] type = Gen5Constants.habitatClassificationOfEachType;
+ int offset = 8;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ int rate = entry[startOffset + i] & 0xFF;
+ if (rate != 0) {
+ for (int e = 0; e < amounts[i]; e++) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokes[((entry[startOffset + offset + e * 4] & 0xFF) + ((entry[startOffset + offset
+ + 1 + e * 4] & 0x03) << 8))];
+ if (pokemonHere.containsKey(pkmn)) {
+ pokemonHere.get(pkmn)[type[i] + season * 3] = 1;
+ } else {
+ byte[] locs = new byte[12];
+ locs[type[i] + season * 3] = 1;
+ pokemonHere.put(pkmn, locs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ offset += amounts[i] * 4;
+ }
+ }
+ private void writeEncounterEntry(Iterator<EncounterSet> encounters, byte[] entry, int startOffset) {
+ int[] amounts = Gen5Constants.encountersOfEachType;
+ int offset = 8;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ int rate = entry[startOffset + i] & 0xFF;
+ if (rate != 0) {
+ EncounterSet area =;
+ for (int j = 0; j < amounts[i]; j++) {
+ Encounter enc = area.encounters.get(j);
+ int speciesAndFormeData = (enc.formeNumber << 11) + enc.pokemon.getBaseNumber();
+ writeWord(entry, startOffset + offset + j * 4, speciesAndFormeData);
+ entry[startOffset + offset + j * 4 + 2] = (byte) enc.level;
+ entry[startOffset + offset + j * 4 + 3] = (byte) enc.maxLevel;
+ }
+ }
+ offset += amounts[i] * 4;
+ }
+ }
+ private void loadWildMapNames() {
+ try {
+ wildMapNames = new HashMap<>();
+ byte[] mapHeaderData = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("MapTableFile")).files.get(0);
+ int numMapHeaders = mapHeaderData.length / 48;
+ List<String> allMapNames = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("MapNamesTextOffset"));
+ for (int map = 0; map < numMapHeaders; map++) {
+ int baseOffset = map * 48;
+ int mapNameIndex = mapHeaderData[baseOffset + 26] & 0xFF;
+ String mapName = allMapNames.get(mapNameIndex);
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ int wildSet = mapHeaderData[baseOffset + 20] & 0xFF;
+ if (wildSet != 255) {
+ wildMapNames.put(wildSet, mapName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int wildSet = readWord(mapHeaderData, baseOffset + 20);
+ if (wildSet != 65535) {
+ wildMapNames.put(wildSet, mapName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ loadedWildMapNames = true;
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Trainer> getTrainers() {
+ List<Trainer> allTrainers = new ArrayList<>();
+ try {
+ NARCArchive trainers = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("TrainerData"));
+ NARCArchive trpokes = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("TrainerPokemon"));
+ int trainernum = trainers.files.size();
+ List<String> tclasses = this.getTrainerClassNames();
+ List<String> tnames = this.getTrainerNames();
+ for (int i = 1; i < trainernum; i++) {
+ // Trainer entries are 20 bytes
+ // Team flags; 1 byte; 0x01 = custom moves, 0x02 = held item
+ // Class; 1 byte
+ // Battle Mode; 1 byte; 0=single, 1=double, 2=triple, 3=rotation
+ // Number of pokemon in team; 1 byte
+ // Items; 2 bytes each, 4 item slots
+ // AI Flags; 2 byte
+ // 2 bytes not used
+ // Healer; 1 byte; 0x01 means they will heal player's pokes after defeat.
+ // Victory Money; 1 byte; The money given out after defeat =
+ // 4 * this value * highest level poke in party
+ // Victory Item; 2 bytes; The item given out after defeat (e.g. berries)
+ byte[] trainer = trainers.files.get(i);
+ byte[] trpoke = trpokes.files.get(i);
+ Trainer tr = new Trainer();
+ tr.poketype = trainer[0] & 0xFF;
+ tr.index = i;
+ tr.trainerclass = trainer[1] & 0xFF;
+ int numPokes = trainer[3] & 0xFF;
+ int pokeOffs = 0;
+ tr.fullDisplayName = tclasses.get(tr.trainerclass) + " " + tnames.get(i - 1);
+ if (trainer[2] == 1) {
+ originalDoubleTrainers.add(i);
+ }
+ for (int poke = 0; poke < numPokes; poke++) {
+ // Structure is
+ // (HI HI)
+ // (M1 M1 M2 M2 M3 M3 M4 M4)
+ // where SB = 0 0 Ab Ab 0 0 Fm Ml
+ // IV is a "difficulty" level between 0 and 255 to represent 0 to 31 IVs.
+ // These IVs affect all attributes. For the vanilla games, the
+ // vast majority of trainers have 0 IVs; Elite Four members will
+ // have 30 IVs.
+ // Ab Ab = ability number, 0 for random
+ // Fm = 1 for forced female
+ // Ml = 1 for forced male
+ // There's also a trainer flag to force gender, but
+ // this allows fixed teams with mixed genders.
+ int difficulty = trpoke[pokeOffs] & 0xFF;
+ int level = readWord(trpoke, pokeOffs + 2);
+ int species = readWord(trpoke, pokeOffs + 4);
+ int formnum = readWord(trpoke, pokeOffs + 6);
+ TrainerPokemon tpk = new TrainerPokemon();
+ tpk.level = level;
+ tpk.pokemon = pokes[species];
+ tpk.IVs = (difficulty) * 31 / 255;
+ int abilityAndFlag = trpoke[pokeOffs + 1];
+ tpk.abilitySlot = (abilityAndFlag >>> 4) & 0xF;
+ tpk.forcedGenderFlag = (abilityAndFlag & 0xF);
+ tpk.forme = formnum;
+ tpk.formeSuffix = Gen5Constants.getFormeSuffixByBaseForme(species,formnum);
+ pokeOffs += 8;
+ if (tr.pokemonHaveItems()) {
+ tpk.heldItem = readWord(trpoke, pokeOffs);
+ pokeOffs += 2;
+ }
+ if (tr.pokemonHaveCustomMoves()) {
+ for (int move = 0; move < 4; move++) {
+ tpk.moves[move] = readWord(trpoke, pokeOffs + (move*2));
+ }
+ pokeOffs += 8;
+ }
+ tr.pokemon.add(tpk);
+ }
+ allTrainers.add(tr);
+ }
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW) {
+ Gen5Constants.tagTrainersBW(allTrainers);
+ Gen5Constants.setMultiBattleStatusBW(allTrainers);
+ } else {
+ if (!romEntry.getFile("DriftveilPokemon").isEmpty()) {
+ NARCArchive driftveil = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("DriftveilPokemon"));
+ int currentFile = 1;
+ for (int trno = 0; trno < 17; trno++) {
+ Trainer tr = new Trainer();
+ tr.poketype = 3; // have held items and custom moves
+ int nameAndClassIndex = Gen5Constants.bw2DriftveilTrainerOffsets.get(trno);
+ tr.fullDisplayName = tclasses.get(Gen5Constants.normalTrainerClassLength + nameAndClassIndex) + " " + tnames.get(Gen5Constants.normalTrainerNameLength + nameAndClassIndex);
+ tr.requiresUniqueHeldItems = true;
+ int pokemonNum = 6;
+ if (trno < 2) {
+ pokemonNum = 3;
+ }
+ for (int poke = 0; poke < pokemonNum; poke++) {
+ byte[] pkmndata = driftveil.files.get(currentFile);
+ int species = readWord(pkmndata, 0);
+ TrainerPokemon tpk = new TrainerPokemon();
+ tpk.level = 25;
+ tpk.pokemon = pokes[species];
+ tpk.IVs = 31;
+ tpk.heldItem = readWord(pkmndata, 12);
+ for (int move = 0; move < 4; move++) {
+ tpk.moves[move] = readWord(pkmndata, 2 + (move*2));
+ }
+ tr.pokemon.add(tpk);
+ currentFile++;
+ }
+ allTrainers.add(tr);
+ }
+ }
+ boolean isBlack2 = romEntry.romCode.startsWith("IRE");
+ Gen5Constants.tagTrainersBW2(allTrainers);
+ Gen5Constants.setMultiBattleStatusBW2(allTrainers, isBlack2);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(ex);
+ }
+ return allTrainers;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getMainPlaythroughTrainers() {
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW) { // BW1
+ return Gen5Constants.bw1MainPlaythroughTrainers;
+ }
+ else if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) { // BW2
+ return Gen5Constants.bw2MainPlaythroughTrainers;
+ }
+ else {
+ return Gen5Constants.emptyPlaythroughTrainers;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getEliteFourTrainers(boolean isChallengeMode) {
+ if (isChallengeMode) {
+ return"ChallengeModeEliteFourIndices")).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
+ } else {
+ return"EliteFourIndices")).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getEvolutionItems() {
+ return Gen5Constants.evolutionItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setTrainers(List<Trainer> trainerData, boolean doubleBattleMode) {
+ Iterator<Trainer> allTrainers = trainerData.iterator();
+ try {
+ NARCArchive trainers = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("TrainerData"));
+ NARCArchive trpokes = new NARCArchive();
+ // Get current movesets in case we need to reset them for certain
+ // trainer mons.
+ Map<Integer, List<MoveLearnt>> movesets = this.getMovesLearnt();
+ // empty entry
+ trpokes.files.add(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
+ int trainernum = trainers.files.size();
+ for (int i = 1; i < trainernum; i++) {
+ byte[] trainer = trainers.files.get(i);
+ Trainer tr =;
+ // preserve original poketype for held item & moves
+ trainer[0] = (byte) tr.poketype;
+ int numPokes = tr.pokemon.size();
+ trainer[3] = (byte) numPokes;
+ if (doubleBattleMode) {
+ if (!tr.skipImportant()) {
+ if (trainer[2] == 0) {
+ trainer[2] = 1;
+ trainer[12] |= 0x80; // Flag that needs to be set for trainers not to attack their own pokes
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int bytesNeeded = 8 * numPokes;
+ if (tr.pokemonHaveCustomMoves()) {
+ bytesNeeded += 8 * numPokes;
+ }
+ if (tr.pokemonHaveItems()) {
+ bytesNeeded += 2 * numPokes;
+ }
+ byte[] trpoke = new byte[bytesNeeded];
+ int pokeOffs = 0;
+ Iterator<TrainerPokemon> tpokes = tr.pokemon.iterator();
+ for (int poke = 0; poke < numPokes; poke++) {
+ TrainerPokemon tp =;
+ // Add 1 to offset integer division truncation
+ int difficulty = Math.min(255, 1 + (tp.IVs * 255) / 31);
+ byte abilityAndFlag = (byte)((tp.abilitySlot << 4) | tp.forcedGenderFlag);
+ writeWord(trpoke, pokeOffs, difficulty | abilityAndFlag << 8);
+ writeWord(trpoke, pokeOffs + 2, tp.level);
+ writeWord(trpoke, pokeOffs + 4, tp.pokemon.number);
+ writeWord(trpoke, pokeOffs + 6, tp.forme);
+ // no form info, so no byte 6/7
+ pokeOffs += 8;
+ if (tr.pokemonHaveItems()) {
+ writeWord(trpoke, pokeOffs, tp.heldItem);
+ pokeOffs += 2;
+ }
+ if (tr.pokemonHaveCustomMoves()) {
+ if (tp.resetMoves) {
+ int[] pokeMoves = RomFunctions.getMovesAtLevel(getAltFormeOfPokemon(tp.pokemon, tp.forme).number, movesets, tp.level);
+ for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++) {
+ writeWord(trpoke, pokeOffs + m * 2, pokeMoves[m]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ writeWord(trpoke, pokeOffs, tp.moves[0]);
+ writeWord(trpoke, pokeOffs + 2, tp.moves[1]);
+ writeWord(trpoke, pokeOffs + 4, tp.moves[2]);
+ writeWord(trpoke, pokeOffs + 6, tp.moves[3]);
+ }
+ pokeOffs += 8;
+ }
+ }
+ trpokes.files.add(trpoke);
+ }
+ this.writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("TrainerData"), trainers);
+ this.writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("TrainerPokemon"), trpokes);
+ if (doubleBattleMode) {
+ NARCArchive trainerTextBoxes = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("TrainerTextBoxes"));
+ byte[] data = trainerTextBoxes.files.get(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) {
+ int trainerIndex = readWord(data, i);
+ if (originalDoubleTrainers.contains(trainerIndex)) {
+ int textBoxIndex = readWord(data, i+2);
+ if (textBoxIndex == 3) {
+ writeWord(data, i+2, 0);
+ } else if (textBoxIndex == 5) {
+ writeWord(data, i+2, 2);
+ } else if (textBoxIndex == 6) {
+ writeWord(data, i+2, 0x18);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ trainerTextBoxes.files.set(0, data);
+ writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("TrainerTextBoxes"), trainerTextBoxes);
+ try {
+ byte[] fieldOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("FieldOvlNumber"));
+ String trainerOverworldTextBoxPrefix = romEntry.getString("TrainerOverworldTextBoxPrefix");
+ int offset = find(fieldOverlay, trainerOverworldTextBoxPrefix);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ offset += trainerOverworldTextBoxPrefix.length() / 2; // because it was a prefix
+ // Overwrite text box values for trainer 1 in a doubles pair to use the same as a single trainer
+ fieldOverlay[offset-2] = 0;
+ fieldOverlay[offset] = 2;
+ fieldOverlay[offset+2] = 0x18;
+ } else {
+ throw new RandomizationException("Double Battle Mode not supported for this game");
+ }
+ String doubleBattleLimitPrefix = romEntry.getString("DoubleBattleLimitPrefix");
+ offset = find(fieldOverlay, doubleBattleLimitPrefix);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ offset += trainerOverworldTextBoxPrefix.length() / 2; // because it was a prefix
+ // No limit for doubles trainers, i.e. they will spot you even if you have a single Pokemon
+ writeWord(fieldOverlay, offset, 0x46C0); // nop
+ writeWord(fieldOverlay, offset+2, 0x46C0); // nop
+ } else {
+ throw new RandomizationException("Double Battle Mode not supported for this game");
+ }
+ String doubleBattleGetPointerPrefix = romEntry.getString("DoubleBattleGetPointerPrefix");
+ int beqToSingleTrainer = romEntry.getInt("BeqToSingleTrainerNumber");
+ offset = find(fieldOverlay, doubleBattleGetPointerPrefix);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ offset += trainerOverworldTextBoxPrefix.length() / 2; // because it was a prefix
+ // Move some instructions up
+ writeWord(fieldOverlay, offset + 0x10, readWord(fieldOverlay, offset + 0xE));
+ writeWord(fieldOverlay, offset + 0xE, readWord(fieldOverlay, offset + 0xC));
+ writeWord(fieldOverlay, offset + 0xC, readWord(fieldOverlay, offset + 0xA));
+ // Add a beq and cmp to go to the "single trainer" case if a certain pointer is 0
+ writeWord(fieldOverlay, offset + 0xA, beqToSingleTrainer);
+ writeWord(fieldOverlay, offset + 8, 0x2800);
+ } else {
+ throw new RandomizationException("Double Battle Mode not supported for this game");
+ }
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("FieldOvlNumber"), fieldOverlay);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ String textBoxChoicePrefix = romEntry.getString("TextBoxChoicePrefix");
+ int offset = find(arm9,textBoxChoicePrefix);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ // Change a branch destination in order to only check the relevant trainer instead of checking
+ // every trainer in the game (will result in incorrect text boxes when being spotted by doubles
+ // pairs, but this is better than the game freezing for half a second and getting a blank text box)
+ offset += textBoxChoicePrefix.length() / 2;
+ arm9[offset-4] = 2;
+ } else {
+ throw new RandomizationException("Double Battle Mode not supported for this game");
+ }
+ }
+ // Deal with PWT
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2 && !romEntry.getFile("DriftveilPokemon").isEmpty()) {
+ NARCArchive driftveil = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("DriftveilPokemon"));
+ int currentFile = 1;
+ for (int trno = 0; trno < 17; trno++) {
+ Trainer tr =;
+ Iterator<TrainerPokemon> tpks = tr.pokemon.iterator();
+ int pokemonNum = 6;
+ if (trno < 2) {
+ pokemonNum = 3;
+ }
+ for (int poke = 0; poke < pokemonNum; poke++) {
+ byte[] pkmndata = driftveil.files.get(currentFile);
+ TrainerPokemon tp =;
+ // pokemon and held item
+ writeWord(pkmndata, 0, tp.pokemon.number);
+ writeWord(pkmndata, 12, tp.heldItem);
+ // handle moves
+ if (tp.resetMoves) {
+ int[] pokeMoves = RomFunctions.getMovesAtLevel(tp.pokemon.number, movesets, tp.level);
+ for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++) {
+ writeWord(pkmndata, 2 + m * 2, pokeMoves[m]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ writeWord(pkmndata, 2, tp.moves[0]);
+ writeWord(pkmndata, 4, tp.moves[1]);
+ writeWord(pkmndata, 6, tp.moves[2]);
+ writeWord(pkmndata, 8, tp.moves[3]);
+ }
+ currentFile++;
+ }
+ }
+ this.writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("DriftveilPokemon"), driftveil);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Integer, List<MoveLearnt>> getMovesLearnt() {
+ Map<Integer, List<MoveLearnt>> movesets = new TreeMap<>();
+ try {
+ NARCArchive movesLearnt = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("PokemonMovesets"));
+ int formeCount = Gen5Constants.getFormeCount(romEntry.romType);
+ int formeOffset = Gen5Constants.getFormeOffset(romEntry.romType);
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.pokemonCount + formeCount; i++) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokes[i];
+ byte[] movedata;
+ if (i > Gen5Constants.pokemonCount) {
+ movedata = movesLearnt.files.get(i + formeOffset);
+ } else {
+ movedata = movesLearnt.files.get(i);
+ }
+ int moveDataLoc = 0;
+ List<MoveLearnt> learnt = new ArrayList<>();
+ while (readWord(movedata, moveDataLoc) != 0xFFFF || readWord(movedata, moveDataLoc + 2) != 0xFFFF) {
+ int move = readWord(movedata, moveDataLoc);
+ int level = readWord(movedata, moveDataLoc + 2);
+ MoveLearnt ml = new MoveLearnt();
+ ml.level = level;
+ ml.move = move;
+ learnt.add(ml);
+ moveDataLoc += 4;
+ }
+ movesets.put(pkmn.number, learnt);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ return movesets;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setMovesLearnt(Map<Integer, List<MoveLearnt>> movesets) {
+ try {
+ NARCArchive movesLearnt = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("PokemonMovesets"));
+ int formeCount = Gen5Constants.getFormeCount(romEntry.romType);
+ int formeOffset = Gen5Constants.getFormeOffset(romEntry.romType);
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.pokemonCount + formeCount; i++) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokes[i];
+ List<MoveLearnt> learnt = movesets.get(pkmn.number);
+ int sizeNeeded = learnt.size() * 4 + 4;
+ byte[] moveset = new byte[sizeNeeded];
+ int j = 0;
+ for (; j < learnt.size(); j++) {
+ MoveLearnt ml = learnt.get(j);
+ writeWord(moveset, j * 4, ml.move);
+ writeWord(moveset, j * 4 + 2, ml.level);
+ }
+ writeWord(moveset, j * 4, 0xFFFF);
+ writeWord(moveset, j * 4 + 2, 0xFFFF);
+ if (i > Gen5Constants.pokemonCount) {
+ movesLearnt.files.set(i + formeOffset, moveset);
+ } else {
+ movesLearnt.files.set(i, moveset);
+ }
+ }
+ // Save
+ this.writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("PokemonMovesets"), movesLearnt);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Integer, List<Integer>> getEggMoves() {
+ Map<Integer, List<Integer>> eggMoves = new TreeMap<>();
+ try {
+ NARCArchive eggMovesNarc = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("EggMoves"));
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.pokemonCount; i++) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokes[i];
+ byte[] movedata = eggMovesNarc.files.get(i);
+ int numberOfEggMoves = readWord(movedata, 0);
+ List<Integer> moves = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int j = 0; j < numberOfEggMoves; j++) {
+ int move = readWord(movedata, 2 + (j * 2));
+ moves.add(move);
+ }
+ eggMoves.put(pkmn.number, moves);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ return eggMoves;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setEggMoves(Map<Integer, List<Integer>> eggMoves) {
+ try {
+ NARCArchive eggMovesNarc = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("EggMoves"));
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.pokemonCount; i++) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokes[i];
+ byte[] movedata = eggMovesNarc.files.get(i);
+ List<Integer> moves = eggMoves.get(pkmn.number);
+ for (int j = 0; j < moves.size(); j++) {
+ writeWord(movedata, 2 + (j * 2), moves.get(j));
+ }
+ }
+ // Save
+ this.writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("EggMoves"), eggMovesNarc);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private static class FileEntry {
+ private int file;
+ private int offset;
+ public FileEntry(int file, int offset) {
+ this.file = file;
+ this.offset = offset;
+ }
+ }
+ private static class StaticPokemon {
+ private FileEntry[] speciesEntries;
+ private FileEntry[] formeEntries;
+ private FileEntry[] levelEntries;
+ public StaticPokemon() {
+ this.speciesEntries = new FileEntry[0];
+ this.formeEntries = new FileEntry[0];
+ this.levelEntries = new FileEntry[0];
+ }
+ public Pokemon getPokemon(Gen5RomHandler parent, NARCArchive scriptNARC) {
+ return parent.pokes[parent.readWord(scriptNARC.files.get(speciesEntries[0].file), speciesEntries[0].offset)];
+ }
+ public void setPokemon(Gen5RomHandler parent, NARCArchive scriptNARC, Pokemon pkmn) {
+ int value = pkmn.number;
+ for (int i = 0; i < speciesEntries.length; i++) {
+ byte[] file = scriptNARC.files.get(speciesEntries[i].file);
+ parent.writeWord(file, speciesEntries[i].offset, value);
+ }
+ }
+ public int getForme(NARCArchive scriptNARC) {
+ if (formeEntries.length == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ byte[] file = scriptNARC.files.get(formeEntries[0].file);
+ return file[formeEntries[0].offset];
+ }
+ public void setForme(NARCArchive scriptNARC, int forme) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < formeEntries.length; i++) {
+ byte[] file = scriptNARC.files.get(formeEntries[i].file);
+ file[formeEntries[i].offset] = (byte) forme;
+ }
+ }
+ public int getLevelCount() {
+ return levelEntries.length;
+ }
+ public int getLevel(NARCArchive scriptOrMapNARC, int i) {
+ if (levelEntries.length <= i) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ byte[] file = scriptOrMapNARC.files.get(levelEntries[i].file);
+ return file[levelEntries[i].offset];
+ }
+ public void setLevel(NARCArchive scriptOrMapNARC, int level, int i) {
+ if (levelEntries.length > i) { // Might not have a level entry e.g., it's an egg
+ byte[] file = scriptOrMapNARC.files.get(levelEntries[i].file);
+ file[levelEntries[i].offset] = (byte) level;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static class RoamingPokemon {
+ private int[] speciesOverlayOffsets;
+ private int[] levelOverlayOffsets;
+ private FileEntry[] speciesScriptOffsets;
+ public RoamingPokemon() {
+ this.speciesOverlayOffsets = new int[0];
+ this.levelOverlayOffsets = new int[0];
+ this.speciesScriptOffsets = new FileEntry[0];
+ }
+ public Pokemon getPokemon(Gen5RomHandler parent) throws IOException {
+ byte[] overlay = parent.readOverlay(parent.romEntry.getInt("RoamerOvlNumber"));
+ int species = parent.readWord(overlay, speciesOverlayOffsets[0]);
+ return parent.pokes[species];
+ }
+ public void setPokemon(Gen5RomHandler parent, NARCArchive scriptNARC, Pokemon pkmn) throws IOException {
+ int value = pkmn.number;
+ byte[] overlay = parent.readOverlay(parent.romEntry.getInt("RoamerOvlNumber"));
+ for (int speciesOverlayOffset : speciesOverlayOffsets) {
+ parent.writeWord(overlay, speciesOverlayOffset, value);
+ }
+ parent.writeOverlay(parent.romEntry.getInt("RoamerOvlNumber"), overlay);
+ for (FileEntry speciesScriptOffset : speciesScriptOffsets) {
+ byte[] file = scriptNARC.files.get(speciesScriptOffset.file);
+ parent.writeWord(file, speciesScriptOffset.offset, value);
+ }
+ }
+ public int getLevel(Gen5RomHandler parent) throws IOException {
+ if (levelOverlayOffsets.length == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ byte[] overlay = parent.readOverlay(parent.romEntry.getInt("RoamerOvlNumber"));
+ return overlay[levelOverlayOffsets[0]];
+ }
+ public void setLevel(Gen5RomHandler parent, int level) throws IOException {
+ byte[] overlay = parent.readOverlay(parent.romEntry.getInt("RoamerOvlNumber"));
+ for (int levelOverlayOffset : levelOverlayOffsets) {
+ overlay[levelOverlayOffset] = (byte) level;
+ }
+ parent.writeOverlay(parent.romEntry.getInt("RoamerOvlNumber"), overlay);
+ }
+ }
+ private static class TradeScript {
+ private int fileNum;
+ private int[] requestedOffsets;
+ private int[] givenOffsets;
+ public void setPokemon(Gen5RomHandler parent, NARCArchive scriptNARC, Pokemon requested, Pokemon given) {
+ int req = requested.number;
+ int giv = given.number;
+ for (int i = 0; i < requestedOffsets.length; i++) {
+ byte[] file = scriptNARC.files.get(fileNum);
+ parent.writeWord(file, requestedOffsets[i], req);
+ parent.writeWord(file, givenOffsets[i], giv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean canChangeStaticPokemon() {
+ return romEntry.staticPokemonSupport;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasStaticAltFormes() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasMainGameLegendaries() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getMainGameLegendaries() {
+ return"MainGameLegendaries")).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getSpecialMusicStatics() {
+ return"SpecialMusicStatics")).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void applyCorrectStaticMusic(Map<Integer, Integer> specialMusicStaticChanges) {
+ try {
+ byte[] fieldOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("FieldOvlNumber"));
+ genericIPSPatch(fieldOverlay, "NewIndexToMusicOvlTweak");
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("FieldOvlNumber"), fieldOverlay);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ // Relies on arm9 already being extended, which it *should* have been in loadedROM
+ genericIPSPatch(arm9, "NewIndexToMusicTweak");
+ String newIndexToMusicPrefix = romEntry.getString("NewIndexToMusicPrefix");
+ int newIndexToMusicPoolOffset = find(arm9, newIndexToMusicPrefix);
+ newIndexToMusicPoolOffset += newIndexToMusicPrefix.length() / 2;
+ List<Integer> replaced = new ArrayList<>();
+ int iMax = -1;
+ switch(romEntry.romType) {
+ case Gen5Constants.Type_BW:
+ for (int oldStatic: specialMusicStaticChanges.keySet()) {
+ int i = newIndexToMusicPoolOffset;
+ int index = readWord(arm9, i);
+ while (index != oldStatic || replaced.contains(i)) {
+ i += 4;
+ index = readWord(arm9, i);
+ }
+ writeWord(arm9, i, specialMusicStaticChanges.get(oldStatic));
+ replaced.add(i);
+ if (i > iMax) iMax = i;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Gen5Constants.Type_BW2:
+ for (int oldStatic: specialMusicStaticChanges.keySet()) {
+ int i = newIndexToMusicPoolOffset;
+ int index = readWord(arm9, i);
+ while (index != oldStatic || replaced.contains(i)) {
+ i += 4;
+ index = readWord(arm9, i);
+ }
+ // Special Kyurem-B/W handling
+ if (index > Gen5Constants.pokemonCount) {
+ writeWord(arm9, i - 0xFE, 0);
+ writeWord(arm9, i - 0xFC, 0);
+ writeWord(arm9, i - 0xFA, 0);
+ writeWord(arm9, i - 0xF8, 0x4290);
+ }
+ writeWord(arm9, i, specialMusicStaticChanges.get(oldStatic));
+ replaced.add(i);
+ if (i > iMax) iMax = i;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ List<Integer> specialMusicStatics = getSpecialMusicStatics();
+ for (int i = newIndexToMusicPoolOffset; i <= iMax; i+= 4) {
+ if (!replaced.contains(i)) {
+ int pkID = readWord(arm9, i);
+ // If a Pokemon is a "special music static" but the music hasn't been replaced, leave as is
+ // Otherwise zero it out, because the original static encounter doesn't exist
+ if (!specialMusicStatics.contains(pkID)) {
+ writeWord(arm9, i, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasStaticMusicFix() {
+ return romEntry.tweakFiles.get("NewIndexToMusicTweak") != null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<TotemPokemon> getTotemPokemon() {
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setTotemPokemon(List<TotemPokemon> totemPokemon) {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<StaticEncounter> getStaticPokemon() {
+ List<StaticEncounter> sp = new ArrayList<>();
+ if (!romEntry.staticPokemonSupport) {
+ return sp;
+ }
+ int[] staticEggOffsets = new int[0];
+ if (romEntry.arrayEntries.containsKey("StaticEggPokemonOffsets")) {
+ staticEggOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("StaticEggPokemonOffsets");
+ }
+ // Regular static encounters
+ NARCArchive scriptNARC = scriptNarc;
+ for (int i = 0; i < romEntry.staticPokemon.size(); i++) {
+ int currentOffset = i;
+ StaticPokemon statP = romEntry.staticPokemon.get(i);
+ StaticEncounter se = new StaticEncounter();
+ Pokemon newPK = statP.getPokemon(this, scriptNARC);
+ newPK = getAltFormeOfPokemon(newPK, statP.getForme(scriptNARC));
+ se.pkmn = newPK;
+ se.level = statP.getLevel(scriptNARC, 0);
+ se.isEgg => x == currentOffset);
+ for (int levelEntry = 1; levelEntry < statP.getLevelCount(); levelEntry++) {
+ StaticEncounter linkedStatic = new StaticEncounter();
+ linkedStatic.pkmn = newPK;
+ linkedStatic.level = statP.getLevel(scriptNARC, levelEntry);
+ se.linkedEncounters.add(linkedStatic);
+ }
+ sp.add(se);
+ }
+ // Foongus/Amoongus fake ball encounters
+ try {
+ NARCArchive mapNARC = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("MapFiles"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < romEntry.staticPokemonFakeBall.size(); i++) {
+ StaticPokemon statP = romEntry.staticPokemonFakeBall.get(i);
+ StaticEncounter se = new StaticEncounter();
+ Pokemon newPK = statP.getPokemon(this, scriptNARC);
+ se.pkmn = newPK;
+ se.level = statP.getLevel(mapNARC, 0);
+ for (int levelEntry = 1; levelEntry < statP.getLevelCount(); levelEntry++) {
+ StaticEncounter linkedStatic = new StaticEncounter();
+ linkedStatic.pkmn = newPK;
+ linkedStatic.level = statP.getLevel(mapNARC, levelEntry);
+ se.linkedEncounters.add(linkedStatic);
+ }
+ sp.add(se);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ // BW2 hidden grotto encounters
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ List<Pokemon> allowedHiddenHollowPokemon = new ArrayList<>();
+ allowedHiddenHollowPokemon.addAll(Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOfRange(pokes,1,494)));
+ allowedHiddenHollowPokemon.addAll(
+ -> pokes[i]).collect(Collectors.toList()));
+ try {
+ NARCArchive hhNARC = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("HiddenHollows"));
+ for (byte[] hhEntry : hhNARC.files) {
+ for (int version = 0; version < 2; version++) {
+ if (version != romEntry.getInt("HiddenHollowIndex")) continue;
+ for (int raritySlot = 0; raritySlot < 3; raritySlot++) {
+ List<StaticEncounter> encountersInGroup = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int group = 0; group < 4; group++) {
+ StaticEncounter se = new StaticEncounter();
+ Pokemon newPK = pokes[readWord(hhEntry, version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + group * 2)];
+ newPK = getAltFormeOfPokemon(newPK, hhEntry[version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + 20 + group]);
+ se.pkmn = newPK;
+ se.level = hhEntry[version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + 12 + group];
+ se.maxLevel = hhEntry[version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + 8 + group];
+ se.isEgg = false;
+ se.restrictedPool = true;
+ se.restrictedList = allowedHiddenHollowPokemon;
+ boolean originalEncounter = true;
+ for (StaticEncounter encounterInGroup: encountersInGroup) {
+ if (encounterInGroup.pkmn.equals(se.pkmn)) {
+ encounterInGroup.linkedEncounters.add(se);
+ originalEncounter = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (originalEncounter) {
+ encountersInGroup.add(se);
+ sp.add(se);
+ if (!hiddenHollowCounted) {
+ hiddenHollowCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ hiddenHollowCounted = true;
+ // Roaming encounters
+ if (romEntry.roamingPokemon.size() > 0) {
+ try {
+ int firstSpeciesOffset = romEntry.roamingPokemon.get(0).speciesOverlayOffsets[0];
+ byte[] overlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("RoamerOvlNumber"));
+ if (readWord(overlay, firstSpeciesOffset) > pokes.length) {
+ // In the original code, this is "mov r0, #0x2", which read as a word is
+ // 0x2002, much larger than the number of species in the game.
+ applyBlackWhiteRoamerPatch();
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < romEntry.roamingPokemon.size(); i++) {
+ RoamingPokemon roamer = romEntry.roamingPokemon.get(i);
+ StaticEncounter se = new StaticEncounter();
+ se.pkmn = roamer.getPokemon(this);
+ se.level = roamer.getLevel(this);
+ sp.add(se);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ return sp;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean setStaticPokemon(List<StaticEncounter> staticPokemon) {
+ if (!romEntry.staticPokemonSupport) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (staticPokemon.size() != (romEntry.staticPokemon.size() + romEntry.staticPokemonFakeBall.size() + hiddenHollowCount + romEntry.roamingPokemon.size())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Iterator<StaticEncounter> statics = staticPokemon.iterator();
+ // Regular static encounters
+ NARCArchive scriptNARC = scriptNarc;
+ for (StaticPokemon statP : romEntry.staticPokemon) {
+ StaticEncounter se =;
+ statP.setPokemon(this, scriptNARC, se.pkmn);
+ statP.setForme(scriptNARC, se.pkmn.formeNumber);
+ statP.setLevel(scriptNARC, se.level, 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < se.linkedEncounters.size(); i++) {
+ StaticEncounter linkedStatic = se.linkedEncounters.get(i);
+ statP.setLevel(scriptNARC, linkedStatic.level, i + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Foongus/Amoongus fake ball encounters
+ try {
+ NARCArchive mapNARC = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("MapFiles"));
+ for (StaticPokemon statP : romEntry.staticPokemonFakeBall) {
+ StaticEncounter se =;
+ statP.setPokemon(this, scriptNARC, se.pkmn);
+ statP.setLevel(mapNARC, se.level, 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < se.linkedEncounters.size(); i++) {
+ StaticEncounter linkedStatic = se.linkedEncounters.get(i);
+ statP.setLevel(mapNARC, linkedStatic.level, i + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ this.writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("MapFiles"), mapNARC);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ // BW2 hidden grotto encounters
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ try {
+ NARCArchive hhNARC = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("HiddenHollows"));
+ for (byte[] hhEntry : hhNARC.files) {
+ for (int version = 0; version < 2; version++) {
+ if (version != romEntry.getInt("HiddenHollowIndex")) continue;
+ for (int raritySlot = 0; raritySlot < 3; raritySlot++) {
+ for (int group = 0; group < 4; group++) {
+ StaticEncounter se =;
+ writeWord(hhEntry, version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + group * 2, se.pkmn.number);
+ int genderRatio = this.random.nextInt(101);
+ hhEntry[version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + 16 + group] = (byte) genderRatio;
+ hhEntry[version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + 20 + group] = (byte) se.forme; // forme
+ hhEntry[version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + 12 + group] = (byte) se.level;
+ hhEntry[version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + 8 + group] = (byte) se.maxLevel;
+ for (int i = 0; i < se.linkedEncounters.size(); i++) {
+ StaticEncounter linkedStatic = se.linkedEncounters.get(i);
+ group++;
+ writeWord(hhEntry, version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + group * 2, linkedStatic.pkmn.number);
+ hhEntry[version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + 16 + group] = (byte) genderRatio;
+ hhEntry[version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + 20 + group] = (byte) linkedStatic.forme; // forme
+ hhEntry[version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + 12 + group] = (byte) linkedStatic.level;
+ hhEntry[version * 78 + raritySlot * 26 + 8 + group] = (byte) linkedStatic.maxLevel;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("HiddenHollows"), hhNARC);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ // Roaming encounters
+ try {
+ for (int i = 0; i < romEntry.roamingPokemon.size(); i++) {
+ RoamingPokemon roamer = romEntry.roamingPokemon.get(i);
+ StaticEncounter roamerEncounter =;
+ roamer.setPokemon(this, scriptNarc, roamerEncounter.pkmn);
+ roamer.setLevel(this, roamerEncounter.level);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ // In Black/White, the game has multiple hardcoded checks for Reshiram/Zekrom's species
+ // ID in order to properly move it out of a box and into the first slot of the player's
+ // party. We need to replace these checks with the species ID of whatever occupies
+ // Reshiram/Zekrom's static encounter for the game to still function properly.
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW) {
+ int boxLegendaryIndex = romEntry.getInt("BoxLegendaryOffset");
+ try {
+ int boxLegendarySpecies = staticPokemon.get(boxLegendaryIndex).pkmn.number;
+ fixBoxLegendaryBW1(boxLegendarySpecies);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void fixBoxLegendaryBW1(int boxLegendarySpecies) throws IOException {
+ byte[] boxLegendaryOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("FieldOvlNumber"));
+ if (romEntry.isBlack) {
+ // In Black, Reshiram's species ID is always retrieved via a pc-relative
+ // load to some constant. All we need to is replace these constants with
+ // the new species ID.
+ int firstConstantOffset = find(boxLegendaryOverlay, Gen5Constants.blackBoxLegendaryCheckPrefix1);
+ if (firstConstantOffset > 0) {
+ firstConstantOffset += Gen5Constants.blackBoxLegendaryCheckPrefix1.length() / 2; // because it was a prefix
+ FileFunctions.writeFullInt(boxLegendaryOverlay, firstConstantOffset, boxLegendarySpecies);
+ }
+ int secondConstantOffset = find(boxLegendaryOverlay, Gen5Constants.blackBoxLegendaryCheckPrefix2);
+ if (secondConstantOffset > 0) {
+ secondConstantOffset += Gen5Constants.blackBoxLegendaryCheckPrefix2.length() / 2; // because it was a prefix
+ FileFunctions.writeFullInt(boxLegendaryOverlay, secondConstantOffset, boxLegendarySpecies);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // In White, Zekrom's species ID is always loaded by loading 161 into a register
+ // and then shifting left by 2. Thus, we need to be more clever with how we
+ // modify code in order to set up some pc-relative loads.
+ int firstFunctionOffset = find(boxLegendaryOverlay, Gen5Constants.whiteBoxLegendaryCheckPrefix1);
+ if (firstFunctionOffset > 0) {
+ firstFunctionOffset += Gen5Constants.whiteBoxLegendaryCheckPrefix1.length() / 2; // because it was a prefix
+ // First, nop the instruction that loads a pointer to the string
+ // "scrcmd_pokemon_fld.c" into a register; this has seemingly no
+ // effect on the game and was probably used strictly for debugging.
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[firstFunctionOffset + 66] = 0x00;
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[firstFunctionOffset + 67] = 0x00;
+ // In the space that used to hold the address of the "scrcmd_pokemon_fld.c"
+ // string, we're going to instead store the species ID of the box legendary
+ // so that we can do a pc-relative load to it.
+ FileFunctions.writeFullInt(boxLegendaryOverlay, firstFunctionOffset + 320, boxLegendarySpecies);
+ // Zekrom's species ID is originally loaded by doing a mov into r1 and then a shift
+ // on that same register four instructions later. This nops out the first instruction
+ // and replaces the left shift with a pc-relative load to the constant we stored above.
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[firstFunctionOffset + 18] = 0x00;
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[firstFunctionOffset + 19] = 0x00;
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[firstFunctionOffset + 26] = 0x49;
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[firstFunctionOffset + 27] = 0x49;
+ }
+ int secondFunctionOffset = find(boxLegendaryOverlay, Gen5Constants.whiteBoxLegendaryCheckPrefix2);
+ if (secondFunctionOffset > 0) {
+ secondFunctionOffset += Gen5Constants.whiteBoxLegendaryCheckPrefix2.length() / 2; // because it was a prefix
+ // A completely unrelated function below this one decides to pc-relative load 0x00000000 into r4
+ // instead of just doing a mov. We can replace it with a simple "mov r4, #0x0", but we have to be
+ // careful about where we put it. The original code calls a function, performs an "add r6, r0, #0x0",
+ // then does the load into r4. This means that whether or not the Z bit is set depends on the result
+ // of the function call. If we naively replace the load with our mov, we'll be forcibly setting the Z
+ // bit to 1, which will cause the subsequent beq to potentially take us to the wrong place. To get
+ // around this, we reorder the code so the "mov r4, #0x0" occurs *before* the "add r6, r0, #0x0".
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[secondFunctionOffset + 502] = 0x00;
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[secondFunctionOffset + 503] = 0x24;
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[secondFunctionOffset + 504] = 0x06;
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[secondFunctionOffset + 505] = 0x1C;
+ // Now replace the 0x00000000 constant with the species ID
+ FileFunctions.writeFullInt(boxLegendaryOverlay, secondFunctionOffset + 556, boxLegendarySpecies);
+ // Lastly, replace the mov and lsl that originally puts Zekrom's species ID into r1
+ // with a pc-relative of the above constant and a nop.
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[secondFunctionOffset + 78] = 0x77;
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[secondFunctionOffset + 79] = 0x49;
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[secondFunctionOffset + 80] = 0x00;
+ boxLegendaryOverlay[secondFunctionOffset + 81] = 0x00;
+ }
+ }
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("FieldOvlNumber"), boxLegendaryOverlay);
+ }
+ private void applyBlackWhiteRoamerPatch() throws IOException {
+ int offset = romEntry.getInt("GetRoamerFlagOffsetStartOffset");
+ byte[] overlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("RoamerOvlNumber"));
+ // This function returns 0 for Thundurus, 1 for Tornadus, and 2 for any other species.
+ // In testing, this 2 case is never used, so we can use the space for it to pc-relative
+ // load Thundurus's ID. The original code compares to Tornadus and Thundurus then does
+ // "bne #0xA" to the default case. Change it to "bne #0x4", which will just make this
+ // case immediately return.
+ overlay[offset + 10] = 0x00;
+ // Now in the space that used to do "mov r0, #0x2" and return, write Thundurus's ID
+ FileFunctions.writeFullInt(overlay, offset + 20, Species.thundurus);
+ // Lastly, instead of computing Thundurus's ID as TornadusID + 1, pc-relative load it
+ // from what we wrote earlier.
+ overlay[offset + 6] = 0x03;
+ overlay[offset + 7] = 0x49;
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("RoamerOvlNumber"), overlay);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int miscTweaksAvailable() {
+ int available = 0;
+ if (romEntry.tweakFiles.get("FastestTextTweak") != null) {
+ available |= MiscTweak.FASTEST_TEXT.getValue();
+ }
+ available |= MiscTweak.BAN_LUCKY_EGG.getValue();
+ available |= MiscTweak.NO_FREE_LUCKY_EGG.getValue();
+ available |= MiscTweak.BAN_BIG_MANIAC_ITEMS.getValue();
+ available |= MiscTweak.UPDATE_TYPE_EFFECTIVENESS.getValue();
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW) {
+ available |= MiscTweak.BALANCE_STATIC_LEVELS.getValue();
+ }
+ if (romEntry.tweakFiles.get("NationalDexAtStartTweak") != null) {
+ available |= MiscTweak.NATIONAL_DEX_AT_START.getValue();
+ }
+ available |= MiscTweak.RUN_WITHOUT_RUNNING_SHOES.getValue();
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ available |= MiscTweak.FORCE_CHALLENGE_MODE.getValue();
+ }
+ available |= MiscTweak.DISABLE_LOW_HP_MUSIC.getValue();
+ return available;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void applyMiscTweak(MiscTweak tweak) {
+ if (tweak == MiscTweak.FASTEST_TEXT) {
+ applyFastestText();
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.BAN_LUCKY_EGG) {
+ allowedItems.banSingles(Items.luckyEgg);
+ nonBadItems.banSingles(Items.luckyEgg);
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.NO_FREE_LUCKY_EGG) {
+ removeFreeLuckyEgg();
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.BAN_BIG_MANIAC_ITEMS) {
+ // BalmMushroom, Big Nugget, Pearl String, Comet Shard
+ allowedItems.banRange(Items.balmMushroom, 4);
+ nonBadItems.banRange(Items.balmMushroom, 4);
+ // Relics
+ allowedItems.banRange(Items.relicVase, 4);
+ nonBadItems.banRange(Items.relicVase, 4);
+ // Rare berries
+ allowedItems.banRange(Items.lansatBerry, 7);
+ nonBadItems.banRange(Items.lansatBerry, 7);
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.BALANCE_STATIC_LEVELS) {
+ byte[] fossilFile = scriptNarc.files.get(Gen5Constants.fossilPokemonFile);
+ writeWord(fossilFile,Gen5Constants.fossilPokemonLevelOffset,20);
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.NATIONAL_DEX_AT_START) {
+ patchForNationalDex();
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.RUN_WITHOUT_RUNNING_SHOES) {
+ applyRunWithoutRunningShoesPatch();
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.UPDATE_TYPE_EFFECTIVENESS) {
+ updateTypeEffectiveness();
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.FORCE_CHALLENGE_MODE) {
+ forceChallengeMode();
+ } else if (tweak == MiscTweak.DISABLE_LOW_HP_MUSIC) {
+ disableLowHpMusic();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isEffectivenessUpdated() {
+ return effectivenessUpdated;
+ }
+ // Removes the free lucky egg you receive from Professor Juniper and replaces it with a gooey mulch.
+ private void removeFreeLuckyEgg() {
+ int scriptFileGifts = romEntry.getInt("LuckyEggScriptOffset");
+ int setVarGift = Gen5Constants.hiddenItemSetVarCommand;
+ int mulchIndex = this.random.nextInt(4);
+ byte[] itemScripts = scriptNarc.files.get(scriptFileGifts);
+ int offset = 0;
+ int lookingForEggs = romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW ? 1 : 2;
+ while (lookingForEggs > 0) {
+ int part1 = readWord(itemScripts, offset);
+ if (part1 == Gen5Constants.scriptListTerminator) {
+ // done
+ break;
+ }
+ int offsetInFile = readRelativePointer(itemScripts, offset);
+ offset += 4;
+ if (offsetInFile > itemScripts.length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ offsetInFile++;
+ // Gift items are not necessarily word aligned, so need to read one byte at a time
+ int b = readByte(itemScripts, offsetInFile);
+ if (b == setVarGift) {
+ int command = readWord(itemScripts, offsetInFile);
+ int variable = readWord(itemScripts,offsetInFile + 2);
+ int item = readWord(itemScripts, offsetInFile + 4);
+ if (command == setVarGift && variable == Gen5Constants.hiddenItemVarSet && item == Items.luckyEgg) {
+ writeWord(itemScripts, offsetInFile + 4, Gen5Constants.mulchIndices[mulchIndex]);
+ lookingForEggs--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (b == 0x2E) { // Beginning of a new block in the file
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void applyFastestText() {
+ genericIPSPatch(arm9, "FastestTextTweak");
+ }
+ private void patchForNationalDex() {
+ byte[] pokedexScript = scriptNarc.files.get(romEntry.getInt("NationalDexScriptOffset"));
+ // Our patcher breaks if the output file is larger than the input file. In our case, we want
+ // to expand the script by four bytes to add an instruction to enable the national dex. Thus,
+ // the IPS patch was created with us adding four 0x00 bytes to the end of the script in mind.
+ byte[] expandedPokedexScript = new byte[pokedexScript.length + 4];
+ System.arraycopy(pokedexScript, 0, expandedPokedexScript, 0, pokedexScript.length);
+ genericIPSPatch(expandedPokedexScript, "NationalDexAtStartTweak");
+ scriptNarc.files.set(romEntry.getInt("NationalDexScriptOffset"), expandedPokedexScript);
+ }
+ private void applyRunWithoutRunningShoesPatch() {
+ try {
+ // In the overlay that handles field movement, there's a very simple function
+ // that checks if the player has the Running Shoes by checking if flag 2403 is
+ // set on the save file. If it isn't, the code branches to a separate code path
+ // where the function returns 0. The below code simply nops this branch so that
+ // this function always returns 1, regardless of the status of flag 2403.
+ byte[] fieldOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("FieldOvlNumber"));
+ String prefix = Gen5Constants.runningShoesPrefix;
+ int offset = find(fieldOverlay, prefix);
+ if (offset != 0) {
+ writeWord(fieldOverlay, offset, 0);
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("FieldOvlNumber"), fieldOverlay);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void updateTypeEffectiveness() {
+ try {
+ byte[] battleOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("BattleOvlNumber"));
+ int typeEffectivenessTableOffset = find(battleOverlay, Gen5Constants.typeEffectivenessTableLocator);
+ if (typeEffectivenessTableOffset > 0) {
+ Effectiveness[][] typeEffectivenessTable = readTypeEffectivenessTable(battleOverlay, typeEffectivenessTableOffset);
+ log("--Updating Type Effectiveness--");
+ int steel = Gen5Constants.typeToByte(Type.STEEL);
+ int dark = Gen5Constants.typeToByte(Type.DARK);
+ int ghost = Gen5Constants.typeToByte(Type.GHOST);
+ typeEffectivenessTable[ghost][steel] = Effectiveness.NEUTRAL;
+ log("Replaced: Ghost not very effective vs Steel => Ghost neutral vs Steel");
+ typeEffectivenessTable[dark][steel] = Effectiveness.NEUTRAL;
+ log("Replaced: Dark not very effective vs Steel => Dark neutral vs Steel");
+ logBlankLine();
+ writeTypeEffectivenessTable(typeEffectivenessTable, battleOverlay, typeEffectivenessTableOffset);
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("BattleOvlNumber"), battleOverlay);
+ effectivenessUpdated = true;
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private Effectiveness[][] readTypeEffectivenessTable(byte[] battleOverlay, int typeEffectivenessTableOffset) {
+ Effectiveness[][] effectivenessTable = new Effectiveness[Type.DARK.ordinal() + 1][Type.DARK.ordinal() + 1];
+ for (int attacker = Type.NORMAL.ordinal(); attacker <= Type.DARK.ordinal(); attacker++) {
+ for (int defender = Type.NORMAL.ordinal(); defender <= Type.DARK.ordinal(); defender++) {
+ int offset = typeEffectivenessTableOffset + (attacker * (Type.DARK.ordinal() + 1)) + defender;
+ int effectivenessInternal = battleOverlay[offset];
+ Effectiveness effectiveness = null;
+ switch (effectivenessInternal) {
+ case 8:
+ effectiveness = Effectiveness.DOUBLE;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ effectiveness = Effectiveness.NEUTRAL;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ effectiveness = Effectiveness.HALF;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ effectiveness = Effectiveness.ZERO;
+ break;
+ }
+ effectivenessTable[attacker][defender] = effectiveness;
+ }
+ }
+ return effectivenessTable;
+ }
+ private void writeTypeEffectivenessTable(Effectiveness[][] typeEffectivenessTable, byte[] battleOverlay,
+ int typeEffectivenessTableOffset) {
+ for (int attacker = Type.NORMAL.ordinal(); attacker <= Type.DARK.ordinal(); attacker++) {
+ for (int defender = Type.NORMAL.ordinal(); defender <= Type.DARK.ordinal(); defender++) {
+ Effectiveness effectiveness = typeEffectivenessTable[attacker][defender];
+ int offset = typeEffectivenessTableOffset + (attacker * (Type.DARK.ordinal() + 1)) + defender;
+ byte effectivenessInternal = 0;
+ switch (effectiveness) {
+ case DOUBLE:
+ effectivenessInternal = 8;
+ break;
+ case NEUTRAL:
+ effectivenessInternal = 4;
+ break;
+ case HALF:
+ effectivenessInternal = 2;
+ break;
+ case ZERO:
+ effectivenessInternal = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ battleOverlay[offset] = effectivenessInternal;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void forceChallengeMode() {
+ int offset = find(arm9, Gen5Constants.forceChallengeModeLocator);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ // offset is now pointing at the start of sub_2010528, which is the function that
+ // determines which difficulty the player currently has enabled. It returns 0 for
+ // Easy Mode, 1 for Normal Mode, and 2 for Challenge Mode. Since we're just trying
+ // to force Challenge Mode, all we need to do is:
+ // mov r0, #0x2
+ // bx lr
+ arm9[offset] = 0x02;
+ arm9[offset + 1] = 0x20;
+ arm9[offset + 2] = 0x70;
+ arm9[offset + 3] = 0x47;
+ }
+ }
+ private void disableLowHpMusic() {
+ try {
+ byte[] lowHealthMusicOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("LowHealthMusicOvlNumber"));
+ int offset = find(lowHealthMusicOverlay, Gen5Constants.lowHealthMusicLocator);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ // The game calls a function that returns 2 if the Pokemon has low HP. The ASM looks like this:
+ // bl funcThatReturns2IfThePokemonHasLowHp
+ // cmp r0, #0x2
+ // bne pokemonDoesNotHaveLowHp
+ // mov r7, #0x1
+ // The offset variable is currently pointing at the bne instruction. If we change that bne to an unconditional
+ // branch, the game will never think the player's Pokemon has low HP (for the purposes of changing the music).
+ lowHealthMusicOverlay[offset + 1] = (byte)0xE0;
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("LowHealthMusicOvlNumber"), lowHealthMusicOverlay);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void enableGuaranteedPokemonCatching() {
+ try {
+ byte[] battleOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("BattleOvlNumber"));
+ int offset = find(battleOverlay, Gen5Constants.perfectOddsBranchLocator);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ // The game checks to see if your odds are greater then or equal to 255 using the following
+ // code. Note that they compare to 0xFF000 instead of 0xFF; it looks like all catching code
+ // probabilities are shifted like this?
+ // mov r0, #0xFF
+ // lsl r0, r0, #0xC
+ // cmp r7, r0
+ // blt oddsLessThanOrEqualTo254
+ // The below code just nops the branch out so it always acts like our odds are 255, and
+ // Pokemon are automatically caught no matter what.
+ battleOverlay[offset] = 0x00;
+ battleOverlay[offset + 1] = 0x00;
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("BattleOvlNumber"), battleOverlay);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean genericIPSPatch(byte[] data, String ctName) {
+ String patchName = romEntry.tweakFiles.get(ctName);
+ if (patchName == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ try {
+ FileFunctions.applyPatch(data, patchName);
+ return true;
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getTMMoves() {
+ String tmDataPrefix = Gen5Constants.tmDataPrefix;
+ int offset = find(arm9, tmDataPrefix);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ offset += Gen5Constants.tmDataPrefix.length() / 2; // because it was
+ // a prefix
+ List<Integer> tms = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount; i++) {
+ tms.add(readWord(arm9, offset + i * 2));
+ }
+ // Skip past first 92 TMs and 6 HMs
+ offset += (Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount + Gen5Constants.hmCount) * 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < (Gen5Constants.tmCount - Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount); i++) {
+ tms.add(readWord(arm9, offset + i * 2));
+ }
+ return tms;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getHMMoves() {
+ String tmDataPrefix = Gen5Constants.tmDataPrefix;
+ int offset = find(arm9, tmDataPrefix);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ offset += Gen5Constants.tmDataPrefix.length() / 2; // because it was
+ // a prefix
+ offset += Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount * 2; // TM data
+ List<Integer> hms = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < Gen5Constants.hmCount; i++) {
+ hms.add(readWord(arm9, offset + i * 2));
+ }
+ return hms;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setTMMoves(List<Integer> moveIndexes) {
+ String tmDataPrefix = Gen5Constants.tmDataPrefix;
+ int offset = find(arm9, tmDataPrefix);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ offset += Gen5Constants.tmDataPrefix.length() / 2; // because it was
+ // a prefix
+ for (int i = 0; i < Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount; i++) {
+ writeWord(arm9, offset + i * 2, moveIndexes.get(i));
+ }
+ // Skip past those 92 TMs and 6 HMs
+ offset += (Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount + Gen5Constants.hmCount) * 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < (Gen5Constants.tmCount - Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount); i++) {
+ writeWord(arm9, offset + i * 2, moveIndexes.get(i + Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount));
+ }
+ // Update TM item descriptions
+ List<String> itemDescriptions = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("ItemDescriptionsTextOffset"));
+ List<String> moveDescriptions = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("MoveDescriptionsTextOffset"));
+ // TM01 is item 328 and so on
+ for (int i = 0; i < Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount; i++) {
+ itemDescriptions.set(i + Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneOffset, moveDescriptions.get(moveIndexes.get(i)));
+ }
+ // TM93-95 are 618-620
+ for (int i = 0; i < (Gen5Constants.tmCount - Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount); i++) {
+ itemDescriptions.set(i + Gen5Constants.tmBlockTwoOffset,
+ moveDescriptions.get(moveIndexes.get(i + Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount)));
+ }
+ // Save the new item descriptions
+ setStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("ItemDescriptionsTextOffset"), itemDescriptions);
+ // Palettes
+ String baseOfPalettes;
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW) {
+ baseOfPalettes = Gen5Constants.bw1ItemPalettesPrefix;
+ } else {
+ baseOfPalettes = Gen5Constants.bw2ItemPalettesPrefix;
+ }
+ int offsPals = find(arm9, baseOfPalettes);
+ if (offsPals > 0) {
+ // Write pals
+ for (int i = 0; i < Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount; i++) {
+ int itmNum = Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneOffset + i;
+ Move m = this.moves[moveIndexes.get(i)];
+ int pal = this.typeTMPaletteNumber(m.type);
+ writeWord(arm9, offsPals + itmNum * 4 + 2, pal);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < (Gen5Constants.tmCount - Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount); i++) {
+ int itmNum = Gen5Constants.tmBlockTwoOffset + i;
+ Move m = this.moves[moveIndexes.get(i + Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount)];
+ int pal = this.typeTMPaletteNumber(m.type);
+ writeWord(arm9, offsPals + itmNum * 4 + 2, pal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static RomFunctions.StringSizeDeterminer ssd = encodedText -> {
+ int offs = 0;
+ int len = encodedText.length();
+ while (encodedText.indexOf("\\x", offs) != -1) {
+ len -= 5;
+ offs = encodedText.indexOf("\\x", offs) + 1;
+ }
+ return len;
+ };
+ @Override
+ public int getTMCount() {
+ return Gen5Constants.tmCount;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getHMCount() {
+ return Gen5Constants.hmCount;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> getTMHMCompatibility() {
+ Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> compat = new TreeMap<>();
+ int formeCount = Gen5Constants.getFormeCount(romEntry.romType);
+ int formeOffset = Gen5Constants.getFormeOffset(romEntry.romType);
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.pokemonCount + formeCount; i++) {
+ byte[] data;
+ if (i > Gen5Constants.pokemonCount) {
+ data = pokeNarc.files.get(i + formeOffset);
+ } else {
+ data = pokeNarc.files.get(i);
+ }
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokes[i];
+ boolean[] flags = new boolean[Gen5Constants.tmCount + Gen5Constants.hmCount + 1];
+ for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) {
+ readByteIntoFlags(data, flags, j * 8 + 1, Gen5Constants.bsTMHMCompatOffset + j);
+ }
+ compat.put(pkmn, flags);
+ }
+ return compat;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setTMHMCompatibility(Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> compatData) {
+ int formeOffset = Gen5Constants.getFormeOffset(romEntry.romType);
+ for (Map.Entry<Pokemon, boolean[]> compatEntry : compatData.entrySet()) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = compatEntry.getKey();
+ boolean[] flags = compatEntry.getValue();
+ int number = pkmn.number;
+ if (number > Gen5Constants.pokemonCount) {
+ number += formeOffset;
+ }
+ byte[] data = pokeNarc.files.get(number);
+ for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++) {
+ data[Gen5Constants.bsTMHMCompatOffset + j] = getByteFromFlags(flags, j * 8 + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasMoveTutors() {
+ return romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getMoveTutorMoves() {
+ if (!hasMoveTutors()) {
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getInt("MoveTutorDataOffset");
+ int amount = Gen5Constants.bw2MoveTutorCount;
+ int bytesPer = Gen5Constants.bw2MoveTutorBytesPerEntry;
+ List<Integer> mtMoves = new ArrayList<>();
+ try {
+ byte[] mtFile = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("MoveTutorOvlNumber"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
+ mtMoves.add(readWord(mtFile, baseOffset + i * bytesPer));
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ return mtMoves;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setMoveTutorMoves(List<Integer> moves) {
+ if (!hasMoveTutors()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int baseOffset = romEntry.getInt("MoveTutorDataOffset");
+ int amount = Gen5Constants.bw2MoveTutorCount;
+ int bytesPer = Gen5Constants.bw2MoveTutorBytesPerEntry;
+ if (moves.size() != amount) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ byte[] mtFile = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("MoveTutorOvlNumber"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
+ writeWord(mtFile, baseOffset + i * bytesPer, moves.get(i));
+ }
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("MoveTutorOvlNumber"), mtFile);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> getMoveTutorCompatibility() {
+ if (!hasMoveTutors()) {
+ return new TreeMap<>();
+ }
+ Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> compat = new TreeMap<>();
+ int[] countsPersonalOrder = new int[] { 15, 17, 13, 15 };
+ int[] countsMoveOrder = new int[] { 13, 15, 15, 17 };
+ int[] personalToMoveOrder = new int[] { 1, 3, 0, 2 };
+ int formeCount = Gen5Constants.getFormeCount(romEntry.romType);
+ int formeOffset = Gen5Constants.getFormeOffset(romEntry.romType);
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.pokemonCount + formeCount; i++) {
+ byte[] data;
+ if (i > Gen5Constants.pokemonCount) {
+ data = pokeNarc.files.get(i + formeOffset);
+ } else {
+ data = pokeNarc.files.get(i);
+ }
+ Pokemon pkmn = pokes[i];
+ boolean[] flags = new boolean[Gen5Constants.bw2MoveTutorCount + 1];
+ for (int mt = 0; mt < 4; mt++) {
+ boolean[] mtflags = new boolean[countsPersonalOrder[mt] + 1];
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+ readByteIntoFlags(data, mtflags, j * 8 + 1, Gen5Constants.bsMTCompatOffset + mt * 4 + j);
+ }
+ int offsetOfThisData = 0;
+ for (int cmoIndex = 0; cmoIndex < personalToMoveOrder[mt]; cmoIndex++) {
+ offsetOfThisData += countsMoveOrder[cmoIndex];
+ }
+ System.arraycopy(mtflags, 1, flags, offsetOfThisData + 1, countsPersonalOrder[mt]);
+ }
+ compat.put(pkmn, flags);
+ }
+ return compat;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setMoveTutorCompatibility(Map<Pokemon, boolean[]> compatData) {
+ if (!hasMoveTutors()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int formeOffset = Gen5Constants.getFormeOffset(romEntry.romType);
+ // BW2 move tutor flags aren't using the same order as the move tutor
+ // move data.
+ // We unscramble them from move data order to personal.narc flag order.
+ int[] countsPersonalOrder = new int[] { 15, 17, 13, 15 };
+ int[] countsMoveOrder = new int[] { 13, 15, 15, 17 };
+ int[] personalToMoveOrder = new int[] { 1, 3, 0, 2 };
+ for (Map.Entry<Pokemon, boolean[]> compatEntry : compatData.entrySet()) {
+ Pokemon pkmn = compatEntry.getKey();
+ boolean[] flags = compatEntry.getValue();
+ int number = pkmn.number;
+ if (number > Gen5Constants.pokemonCount) {
+ number += formeOffset;
+ }
+ byte[] data = pokeNarc.files.get(number);
+ for (int mt = 0; mt < 4; mt++) {
+ int offsetOfThisData = 0;
+ for (int cmoIndex = 0; cmoIndex < personalToMoveOrder[mt]; cmoIndex++) {
+ offsetOfThisData += countsMoveOrder[cmoIndex];
+ }
+ boolean[] mtflags = new boolean[countsPersonalOrder[mt] + 1];
+ System.arraycopy(flags, offsetOfThisData + 1, mtflags, 1, countsPersonalOrder[mt]);
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+ data[Gen5Constants.bsMTCompatOffset + mt * 4 + j] = getByteFromFlags(mtflags, j * 8 + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private int find(byte[] data, String hexString) {
+ if (hexString.length() % 2 != 0) {
+ return -3; // error
+ }
+ byte[] searchFor = new byte[hexString.length() / 2];
+ for (int i = 0; i < searchFor.length; i++) {
+ searchFor[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(hexString.substring(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), 16);
+ }
+ List<Integer> found =, searchFor);
+ if (found.size() == 0) {
+ return -1; // not found
+ } else if (found.size() > 1) {
+ return -2; // not unique
+ } else {
+ return found.get(0);
+ }
+ }
+ private List<String> getStrings(boolean isStoryText, int index) {
+ NARCArchive baseNARC = isStoryText ? storyTextNarc : stringsNarc;
+ byte[] rawFile = baseNARC.files.get(index);
+ return new ArrayList<>(PPTxtHandler.readTexts(rawFile));
+ }
+ private void setStrings(boolean isStoryText, int index, List<String> strings) {
+ NARCArchive baseNARC = isStoryText ? storyTextNarc : stringsNarc;
+ byte[] oldRawFile = baseNARC.files.get(index);
+ byte[] newRawFile = PPTxtHandler.saveEntry(oldRawFile, strings);
+ baseNARC.files.set(index, newRawFile);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getROMName() {
+ return "Pokemon " +;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getROMCode() {
+ return romEntry.romCode;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getSupportLevel() {
+ return romEntry.staticPokemonSupport ? "Complete" : "No Static Pokemon";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasTimeBasedEncounters() {
+ return true; // All BW/BW2 do [seasons]
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasWildAltFormes() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void populateEvolutions() {
+ for (Pokemon pkmn : pokes) {
+ if (pkmn != null) {
+ pkmn.evolutionsFrom.clear();
+ pkmn.evolutionsTo.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ // Read NARC
+ try {
+ NARCArchive evoNARC = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("PokemonEvolutions"));
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.pokemonCount; i++) {
+ Pokemon pk = pokes[i];
+ byte[] evoEntry = evoNARC.files.get(i);
+ for (int evo = 0; evo < 7; evo++) {
+ int method = readWord(evoEntry, evo * 6);
+ int species = readWord(evoEntry, evo * 6 + 4);
+ if (method >= 1 && method <= Gen5Constants.evolutionMethodCount && species >= 1) {
+ EvolutionType et = EvolutionType.fromIndex(5, method);
+ if (et.equals(EvolutionType.LEVEL_HIGH_BEAUTY)) continue; // Remove Feebas "split" evolution
+ int extraInfo = readWord(evoEntry, evo * 6 + 2);
+ Evolution evol = new Evolution(pk, pokes[species], true, et, extraInfo);
+ if (!pk.evolutionsFrom.contains(evol)) {
+ pk.evolutionsFrom.add(evol);
+ pokes[species].evolutionsTo.add(evol);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Split evos shouldn't carry stats unless the evo is Nincada's
+ // In that case, we should have Ninjask carry stats
+ if (pk.evolutionsFrom.size() > 1) {
+ for (Evolution e : pk.evolutionsFrom) {
+ if (e.type != EvolutionType.LEVEL_CREATE_EXTRA) {
+ e.carryStats = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void writeEvolutions() {
+ try {
+ NARCArchive evoNARC = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("PokemonEvolutions"));
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.pokemonCount; i++) {
+ byte[] evoEntry = evoNARC.files.get(i);
+ Pokemon pk = pokes[i];
+ if (pk.number == Species.nincada && romEntry.tweakFiles.containsKey("ShedinjaEvolutionTweak")) {
+ writeShedinjaEvolution();
+ }
+ int evosWritten = 0;
+ for (Evolution evo : pk.evolutionsFrom) {
+ writeWord(evoEntry, evosWritten * 6, evo.type.toIndex(5));
+ writeWord(evoEntry, evosWritten * 6 + 2, evo.extraInfo);
+ writeWord(evoEntry, evosWritten * 6 + 4,;
+ evosWritten++;
+ if (evosWritten == 7) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (evosWritten < 7) {
+ writeWord(evoEntry, evosWritten * 6, 0);
+ writeWord(evoEntry, evosWritten * 6 + 2, 0);
+ writeWord(evoEntry, evosWritten * 6 + 4, 0);
+ evosWritten++;
+ }
+ }
+ writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("PokemonEvolutions"), evoNARC);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void writeShedinjaEvolution() throws IOException {
+ Pokemon nincada = pokes[Species.nincada];
+ // When the "Limit Pokemon" setting is enabled and Gen 3 is disabled, or when
+ // "Random Every Level" evolutions are selected, we end up clearing out Nincada's
+ // vanilla evolutions. In that case, there's no point in even worrying about
+ // Shedinja, so just return.
+ if (nincada.evolutionsFrom.size() < 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Pokemon extraEvolution = nincada.evolutionsFrom.get(1).to;
+ // Update the evolution overlay to point towards our custom code in the expanded arm9.
+ byte[] evolutionOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("EvolutionOvlNumber"));
+ genericIPSPatch(evolutionOverlay, "ShedinjaEvolutionOvlTweak");
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("EvolutionOvlNumber"), evolutionOverlay);
+ // Relies on arm9 already being extended, which it *should* have been in loadedROM
+ genericIPSPatch(arm9, "ShedinjaEvolutionTweak");
+ // After applying the tweak, Shedinja's ID is simply pc-relative loaded, so just
+ // update the constant
+ int offset = romEntry.getInt("ShedinjaSpeciesOffset");
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ FileFunctions.writeFullInt(arm9, offset, extraEvolution.number);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void removeImpossibleEvolutions(Settings settings) {
+ boolean changeMoveEvos = !(settings.getMovesetsMod() == Settings.MovesetsMod.UNCHANGED);
+ Map<Integer, List<MoveLearnt>> movesets = this.getMovesLearnt();
+ Set<Evolution> extraEvolutions = new HashSet<>();
+ for (Pokemon pkmn : pokes) {
+ if (pkmn != null) {
+ extraEvolutions.clear();
+ for (Evolution evo : pkmn.evolutionsFrom) {
+ if (changeMoveEvos && evo.type == EvolutionType.LEVEL_WITH_MOVE) {
+ // read move
+ int move = evo.extraInfo;
+ int levelLearntAt = 1;
+ for (MoveLearnt ml : movesets.get(evo.from.number)) {
+ if (ml.move == move) {
+ levelLearntAt = ml.level;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (levelLearntAt == 1) {
+ // override for piloswine
+ levelLearntAt = 45;
+ }
+ // change to pure level evo
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.LEVEL;
+ evo.extraInfo = levelLearntAt;
+ addEvoUpdateLevel(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo);
+ }
+ // Pure Trade
+ if (evo.type == EvolutionType.TRADE) {
+ // Replace w/ level 37
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.LEVEL;
+ evo.extraInfo = 37;
+ addEvoUpdateLevel(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo);
+ }
+ // Trade w/ Item
+ if (evo.type == EvolutionType.TRADE_ITEM) {
+ // Get the current item & evolution
+ int item = evo.extraInfo;
+ if (evo.from.number == Species.slowpoke) {
+ // Slowpoke is awkward - he already has a level evo
+ // So we can't do Level up w/ Held Item for him
+ // Put Water Stone instead
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.STONE;
+ evo.extraInfo = Items.waterStone;
+ addEvoUpdateStone(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo, itemNames.get(evo.extraInfo));
+ } else {
+ addEvoUpdateHeldItem(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo, itemNames.get(item));
+ // Replace, for this entry, w/
+ // Level up w/ Held Item at Day
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.LEVEL_ITEM_DAY;
+ // now add an extra evo for
+ // Level up w/ Held Item at Night
+ Evolution extraEntry = new Evolution(evo.from,, true,
+ EvolutionType.LEVEL_ITEM_NIGHT, item);
+ extraEvolutions.add(extraEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ if (evo.type == EvolutionType.TRADE_SPECIAL) {
+ // This is the karrablast <-> shelmet trade
+ // Replace it with Level up w/ Other Species in Party
+ // (22)
+ // Based on what species we're currently dealing with
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.LEVEL_WITH_OTHER;
+ evo.extraInfo = (evo.from.number == Species.karrablast ? Species.shelmet : Species.karrablast);
+ addEvoUpdateParty(impossibleEvolutionUpdates, evo, pokes[evo.extraInfo].fullName());
+ }
+ }
+ pkmn.evolutionsFrom.addAll(extraEvolutions);
+ for (Evolution ev : extraEvolutions) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void makeEvolutionsEasier(Settings settings) {
+ boolean wildsRandomized = !settings.getWildPokemonMod().equals(Settings.WildPokemonMod.UNCHANGED);
+ // Reduce the amount of happiness required to evolve.
+ int offset = find(arm9, Gen5Constants.friendshipValueForEvoLocator);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ // Amount of required happiness for HAPPINESS evolutions.
+ if (arm9[offset] == (byte)220) {
+ arm9[offset] = (byte)160;
+ }
+ // Amount of required happiness for HAPPINESS_DAY evolutions.
+ if (arm9[offset + 20] == (byte)220) {
+ arm9[offset + 20] = (byte)160;
+ }
+ // Amount of required happiness for HAPPINESS_NIGHT evolutions.
+ if (arm9[offset + 38] == (byte)220) {
+ arm9[offset + 38] = (byte)160;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wildsRandomized) {
+ for (Pokemon pkmn : pokes) {
+ if (pkmn != null) {
+ for (Evolution evo : pkmn.evolutionsFrom) {
+ if (evo.type == EvolutionType.LEVEL_WITH_OTHER) {
+ // Replace w/ level 35
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.LEVEL;
+ evo.extraInfo = 35;
+ addEvoUpdateCondensed(easierEvolutionUpdates, evo, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void removeTimeBasedEvolutions() {
+ Set<Evolution> extraEvolutions = new HashSet<>();
+ for (Pokemon pkmn : pokes) {
+ if (pkmn != null) {
+ extraEvolutions.clear();
+ for (Evolution evo : pkmn.evolutionsFrom) {
+ if (evo.type == EvolutionType.HAPPINESS_DAY) {
+ if (evo.from.number == Species.eevee) {
+ // We can't set Eevee to evolve into Espeon with happiness at night because that's how
+ // Umbreon works in the original game. Instead, make Eevee: == sun stone => Espeon
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.STONE;
+ evo.extraInfo = Items.sunStone;
+ addEvoUpdateStone(timeBasedEvolutionUpdates, evo, itemNames.get(evo.extraInfo));
+ } else {
+ // Add an extra evo for Happiness at Night
+ addEvoUpdateHappiness(timeBasedEvolutionUpdates, evo);
+ Evolution extraEntry = new Evolution(evo.from,, true,
+ EvolutionType.HAPPINESS_NIGHT, 0);
+ extraEvolutions.add(extraEntry);
+ }
+ } else if (evo.type == EvolutionType.HAPPINESS_NIGHT) {
+ if (evo.from.number == Species.eevee) {
+ // We can't set Eevee to evolve into Umbreon with happiness at day because that's how
+ // Espeon works in the original game. Instead, make Eevee: == moon stone => Umbreon
+ evo.type = EvolutionType.STONE;
+ evo.extraInfo = Items.moonStone;
+ addEvoUpdateStone(timeBasedEvolutionUpdates, evo, itemNames.get(evo.extraInfo));
+ } else {
+ // Add an extra evo for Happiness at Day
+ addEvoUpdateHappiness(timeBasedEvolutionUpdates, evo);
+ Evolution extraEntry = new Evolution(evo.from,, true,
+ EvolutionType.HAPPINESS_DAY, 0);
+ extraEvolutions.add(extraEntry);
+ }
+ } else if (evo.type == EvolutionType.LEVEL_ITEM_DAY) {
+ int item = evo.extraInfo;
+ // Make sure we don't already have an evo for the same item at night (e.g., when using Change Impossible Evos)
+ if ( -> e.type == EvolutionType.LEVEL_ITEM_NIGHT && e.extraInfo == item)) {
+ // Add an extra evo for Level w/ Item During Night
+ addEvoUpdateHeldItem(timeBasedEvolutionUpdates, evo, itemNames.get(item));
+ Evolution extraEntry = new Evolution(evo.from,, true,
+ EvolutionType.LEVEL_ITEM_NIGHT, item);
+ extraEvolutions.add(extraEntry);
+ }
+ } else if (evo.type == EvolutionType.LEVEL_ITEM_NIGHT) {
+ int item = evo.extraInfo;
+ // Make sure we don't already have an evo for the same item at day (e.g., when using Change Impossible Evos)
+ if ( -> e.type == EvolutionType.LEVEL_ITEM_DAY && e.extraInfo == item)) {
+ // Add an extra evo for Level w/ Item During Day
+ addEvoUpdateHeldItem(timeBasedEvolutionUpdates, evo, itemNames.get(item));
+ Evolution extraEntry = new Evolution(evo.from,, true,
+ EvolutionType.LEVEL_ITEM_DAY, item);
+ extraEvolutions.add(extraEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pkmn.evolutionsFrom.addAll(extraEvolutions);
+ for (Evolution ev : extraEvolutions) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasShopRandomization() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean canChangeTrainerText() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getTrainerNames() {
+ List<String> tnames = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("TrainerNamesTextOffset"));
+ tnames.remove(0); // blank one
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ List<String> pwtNames = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("PWTTrainerNamesTextOffset"));
+ tnames.addAll(pwtNames);
+ }
+ // Tack the mugshot names on the end
+ List<String> mnames = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("TrainerMugshotsTextOffset"));
+ for (String mname : mnames) {
+ if (!mname.isEmpty() && (mname.charAt(0) >= 'A' && mname.charAt(0) <= 'Z')) {
+ tnames.add(mname);
+ }
+ }
+ return tnames;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int maxTrainerNameLength() {
+ return 10;// based off the english ROMs
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setTrainerNames(List<String> trainerNames) {
+ List<String> tnames = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("TrainerNamesTextOffset"));
+ // Grab the mugshot names off the back of the list of trainer names
+ // we got back
+ List<String> mnames = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("TrainerMugshotsTextOffset"));
+ int trNamesSize = trainerNames.size();
+ for (int i = mnames.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ String origMName = mnames.get(i);
+ if (!origMName.isEmpty() && (origMName.charAt(0) >= 'A' && origMName.charAt(0) <= 'Z')) {
+ // Grab replacement
+ String replacement = trainerNames.remove(--trNamesSize);
+ mnames.set(i, replacement);
+ }
+ }
+ // Save back mugshot names
+ setStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("TrainerMugshotsTextOffset"), mnames);
+ // Now save the rest of trainer names
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ List<String> pwtNames = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("PWTTrainerNamesTextOffset"));
+ List<String> newTNames = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<String> newPWTNames = new ArrayList<>();
+ newTNames.add(0, tnames.get(0)); // the 0-entry, preserve it
+ for (int i = 1; i < tnames.size() + pwtNames.size(); i++) {
+ if (i < tnames.size()) {
+ newTNames.add(trainerNames.get(i - 1));
+ } else {
+ newPWTNames.add(trainerNames.get(i - 1));
+ }
+ }
+ setStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("TrainerNamesTextOffset"), newTNames);
+ setStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("PWTTrainerNamesTextOffset"), newPWTNames);
+ } else {
+ List<String> newTNames = new ArrayList<>(trainerNames);
+ newTNames.add(0, tnames.get(0)); // the 0-entry, preserve it
+ setStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("TrainerNamesTextOffset"), newTNames);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public TrainerNameMode trainerNameMode() {
+ return TrainerNameMode.MAX_LENGTH;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getTCNameLengthsByTrainer() {
+ // not needed
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getTrainerClassNames() {
+ List<String> classNames = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("TrainerClassesTextOffset"));
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ classNames.addAll(getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("PWTTrainerClassesTextOffset")));
+ }
+ return classNames;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setTrainerClassNames(List<String> trainerClassNames) {
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ List<String> newTClasses = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<String> newPWTClasses = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<String> classNames = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("TrainerClassesTextOffset"));
+ List<String> pwtClassNames = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("PWTTrainerClassesTextOffset"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < classNames.size() + pwtClassNames.size(); i++) {
+ if (i < classNames.size()) {
+ newTClasses.add(trainerClassNames.get(i));
+ } else {
+ newPWTClasses.add(trainerClassNames.get(i));
+ }
+ }
+ setStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("TrainerClassesTextOffset"), newTClasses);
+ setStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("PWTTrainerClassesTextOffset"), newPWTClasses);
+ } else {
+ setStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("TrainerClassesTextOffset"), trainerClassNames);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int maxTrainerClassNameLength() {
+ return 12;// based off the english ROMs
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean fixedTrainerClassNamesLength() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getDoublesTrainerClasses() {
+ int[] doublesClasses = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("DoublesTrainerClasses");
+ List<Integer> doubles = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int tClass : doublesClasses) {
+ doubles.add(tClass);
+ }
+ return doubles;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getDefaultExtension() {
+ return "nds";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int abilitiesPerPokemon() {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int highestAbilityIndex() {
+ return Gen5Constants.highestAbilityIndex;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int internalStringLength(String string) {
+ return ssd.lengthFor(string);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void randomizeIntroPokemon() {
+ try {
+ int introPokemon = randomPokemon().number;
+ byte[] introGraphicOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("IntroGraphicOvlNumber"));
+ int offset = find(introGraphicOverlay, Gen5Constants.introGraphicPrefix);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ offset += Gen5Constants.introGraphicPrefix.length() / 2; // because it was a prefix
+ // offset is now pointing at the species constant that gets pc-relative
+ // loaded to determine what sprite to load.
+ writeWord(introGraphicOverlay, offset, introPokemon);
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("IntroGraphicOvlNumber"), introGraphicOverlay);
+ }
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW) {
+ byte[] introCryOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("IntroCryOvlNumber"));
+ offset = find(introCryOverlay, Gen5Constants.bw1IntroCryPrefix);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ offset += Gen5Constants.bw1IntroCryPrefix.length() / 2; // because it was a prefix
+ // The function starting from the offset looks like this:
+ // mov r0, #0x8f
+ // str r1, [sp, #local_94]
+ // lsl r0, r0, #0x2
+ // mov r2, #0x40
+ // mov r3, #0x0
+ // bl PlayCry
+ // [rest of the function...]
+ // pop { r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, pc }
+ // C0 46 (these are useless padding bytes)
+ // To make this more extensible, we want to pc-relative load a species ID into r0 instead.
+ // Start by moving everything below the left shift up by 2 bytes. We won't need the left
+ // shift later, and it will give us 4 bytes after the pop to use for the ID.
+ for (int i = offset + 6; i < offset + 40; i++) {
+ introCryOverlay[i - 2] = introCryOverlay[i];
+ }
+ // The call to PlayCry needs to be adjusted as well, since it got moved.
+ introCryOverlay[offset + 10]++;
+ // Now write the species ID in the 4 bytes of space now available at the bottom,
+ // and then write a pc-relative load to this species ID at the offset.
+ FileFunctions.writeFullInt(introCryOverlay, offset + 38, introPokemon);
+ introCryOverlay[offset] = 0x9;
+ introCryOverlay[offset + 1] = 0x48;
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("IntroCryOvlNumber"), introCryOverlay);
+ }
+ } else {
+ byte[] introCryOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("IntroCryOvlNumber"));
+ offset = find(introCryOverlay, Gen5Constants.bw2IntroCryLocator);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ // offset is now pointing at the species constant that gets pc-relative
+ // loaded to determine what cry to play.
+ writeWord(introCryOverlay, offset, introPokemon);
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("IntroCryOvlNumber"), introCryOverlay);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ItemList getAllowedItems() {
+ return allowedItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ItemList getNonBadItems() {
+ return nonBadItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getUniqueNoSellItems() {
+ return new ArrayList<>();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getRegularShopItems() {
+ return regularShopItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getOPShopItems() {
+ return opShopItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String[] getItemNames() {
+ return itemNames.toArray(new String[0]);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String abilityName(int number) {
+ return abilityNames.get(number);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Integer, List<Integer>> getAbilityVariations() {
+ return Gen5Constants.abilityVariations;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getUselessAbilities() {
+ return new ArrayList<>(Gen5Constants.uselessAbilities);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getAbilityForTrainerPokemon(TrainerPokemon tp) {
+ // Before randomizing Trainer Pokemon, one possible value for abilitySlot is 0,
+ // which represents "Either Ability 1 or 2". During randomization, we make sure to
+ // to set abilitySlot to some non-zero value, but if you call this method without
+ // randomization, then you'll hit this case.
+ if (tp.abilitySlot < 1 || tp.abilitySlot > 3) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // In Gen 5, alt formes for Trainer Pokemon use the base forme's ability
+ Pokemon pkmn = tp.pokemon;
+ while (pkmn.baseForme != null) {
+ pkmn = pkmn.baseForme;
+ }
+ List<Integer> abilityList = Arrays.asList(pkmn.ability1, pkmn.ability2, pkmn.ability3);
+ return abilityList.get(tp.abilitySlot - 1);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasMegaEvolutions() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ private List<Integer> getFieldItems() {
+ List<Integer> fieldItems = new ArrayList<>();
+ // normal items
+ int scriptFileNormal = romEntry.getInt("ItemBallsScriptOffset");
+ int scriptFileHidden = romEntry.getInt("HiddenItemsScriptOffset");
+ int[] skipTable = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("ItemBallsSkip");
+ int[] skipTableH = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("HiddenItemsSkip");
+ int setVarNormal = Gen5Constants.normalItemSetVarCommand;
+ int setVarHidden = Gen5Constants.hiddenItemSetVarCommand;
+ byte[] itemScripts = scriptNarc.files.get(scriptFileNormal);
+ int offset = 0;
+ int skipTableOffset = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ int part1 = readWord(itemScripts, offset);
+ if (part1 == Gen5Constants.scriptListTerminator) {
+ // done
+ break;
+ }
+ int offsetInFile = readRelativePointer(itemScripts, offset);
+ offset += 4;
+ if (offsetInFile > itemScripts.length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (skipTableOffset < skipTable.length && (skipTable[skipTableOffset] == (offset / 4) - 1)) {
+ skipTableOffset++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ int command = readWord(itemScripts, offsetInFile + 2);
+ int variable = readWord(itemScripts, offsetInFile + 4);
+ if (command == setVarNormal && variable == Gen5Constants.normalItemVarSet) {
+ int item = readWord(itemScripts, offsetInFile + 6);
+ fieldItems.add(item);
+ }
+ }
+ // hidden items
+ byte[] hitemScripts = scriptNarc.files.get(scriptFileHidden);
+ offset = 0;
+ skipTableOffset = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ int part1 = readWord(hitemScripts, offset);
+ if (part1 == Gen5Constants.scriptListTerminator) {
+ // done
+ break;
+ }
+ int offsetInFile = readRelativePointer(hitemScripts, offset);
+ if (offsetInFile > hitemScripts.length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ offset += 4;
+ if (skipTableOffset < skipTable.length && (skipTableH[skipTableOffset] == (offset / 4) - 1)) {
+ skipTableOffset++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ int command = readWord(hitemScripts, offsetInFile + 2);
+ int variable = readWord(hitemScripts, offsetInFile + 4);
+ if (command == setVarHidden && variable == Gen5Constants.hiddenItemVarSet) {
+ int item = readWord(hitemScripts, offsetInFile + 6);
+ fieldItems.add(item);
+ }
+ }
+ return fieldItems;
+ }
+ private void setFieldItems(List<Integer> fieldItems) {
+ Iterator<Integer> iterItems = fieldItems.iterator();
+ // normal items
+ int scriptFileNormal = romEntry.getInt("ItemBallsScriptOffset");
+ int scriptFileHidden = romEntry.getInt("HiddenItemsScriptOffset");
+ int[] skipTable = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("ItemBallsSkip");
+ int[] skipTableH = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("HiddenItemsSkip");
+ int setVarNormal = Gen5Constants.normalItemSetVarCommand;
+ int setVarHidden = Gen5Constants.hiddenItemSetVarCommand;
+ byte[] itemScripts = scriptNarc.files.get(scriptFileNormal);
+ int offset = 0;
+ int skipTableOffset = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ int part1 = readWord(itemScripts, offset);
+ if (part1 == Gen5Constants.scriptListTerminator) {
+ // done
+ break;
+ }
+ int offsetInFile = readRelativePointer(itemScripts, offset);
+ offset += 4;
+ if (offsetInFile > itemScripts.length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (skipTableOffset < skipTable.length && (skipTable[skipTableOffset] == (offset / 4) - 1)) {
+ skipTableOffset++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ int command = readWord(itemScripts, offsetInFile + 2);
+ int variable = readWord(itemScripts, offsetInFile + 4);
+ if (command == setVarNormal && variable == Gen5Constants.normalItemVarSet) {
+ int item =;
+ writeWord(itemScripts, offsetInFile + 6, item);
+ }
+ }
+ // hidden items
+ byte[] hitemScripts = scriptNarc.files.get(scriptFileHidden);
+ offset = 0;
+ skipTableOffset = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ int part1 = readWord(hitemScripts, offset);
+ if (part1 == Gen5Constants.scriptListTerminator) {
+ // done
+ break;
+ }
+ int offsetInFile = readRelativePointer(hitemScripts, offset);
+ offset += 4;
+ if (offsetInFile > hitemScripts.length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (skipTableOffset < skipTable.length && (skipTableH[skipTableOffset] == (offset / 4) - 1)) {
+ skipTableOffset++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ int command = readWord(hitemScripts, offsetInFile + 2);
+ int variable = readWord(hitemScripts, offsetInFile + 4);
+ if (command == setVarHidden && variable == Gen5Constants.hiddenItemVarSet) {
+ int item =;
+ writeWord(hitemScripts, offsetInFile + 6, item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private int tmFromIndex(int index) {
+ if (index >= Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneOffset
+ && index < Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneOffset + Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount) {
+ return index - (Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneOffset - 1);
+ } else {
+ return (index + Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount) - (Gen5Constants.tmBlockTwoOffset - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ private int indexFromTM(int tm) {
+ if (tm >= 1 && tm <= Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount) {
+ return tm + (Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneOffset - 1);
+ } else {
+ return tm + (Gen5Constants.tmBlockTwoOffset - 1 - Gen5Constants.tmBlockOneCount);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getCurrentFieldTMs() {
+ List<Integer> fieldItems = this.getFieldItems();
+ List<Integer> fieldTMs = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int item : fieldItems) {
+ if (Gen5Constants.allowedItems.isTM(item)) {
+ fieldTMs.add(tmFromIndex(item));
+ }
+ }
+ return fieldTMs;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setFieldTMs(List<Integer> fieldTMs) {
+ List<Integer> fieldItems = this.getFieldItems();
+ int fiLength = fieldItems.size();
+ Iterator<Integer> iterTMs = fieldTMs.iterator();
+ for (int i = 0; i < fiLength; i++) {
+ int oldItem = fieldItems.get(i);
+ if (Gen5Constants.allowedItems.isTM(oldItem)) {
+ int newItem = indexFromTM(;
+ fieldItems.set(i, newItem);
+ }
+ }
+ this.setFieldItems(fieldItems);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getRegularFieldItems() {
+ List<Integer> fieldItems = this.getFieldItems();
+ List<Integer> fieldRegItems = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int item : fieldItems) {
+ if (Gen5Constants.allowedItems.isAllowed(item) && !(Gen5Constants.allowedItems.isTM(item))) {
+ fieldRegItems.add(item);
+ }
+ }
+ return fieldRegItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setRegularFieldItems(List<Integer> items) {
+ List<Integer> fieldItems = this.getFieldItems();
+ int fiLength = fieldItems.size();
+ Iterator<Integer> iterNewItems = items.iterator();
+ for (int i = 0; i < fiLength; i++) {
+ int oldItem = fieldItems.get(i);
+ if (!(Gen5Constants.allowedItems.isTM(oldItem)) && Gen5Constants.allowedItems.isAllowed(oldItem)) {
+ int newItem =;
+ fieldItems.set(i, newItem);
+ }
+ }
+ this.setFieldItems(fieldItems);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getRequiredFieldTMs() {
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW) {
+ return Gen5Constants.bw1RequiredFieldTMs;
+ } else {
+ return Gen5Constants.bw2RequiredFieldTMs;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<IngameTrade> getIngameTrades() {
+ List<IngameTrade> trades = new ArrayList<>();
+ try {
+ NARCArchive tradeNARC = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("InGameTrades"));
+ List<String> tradeStrings = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("IngameTradesTextOffset"));
+ int[] unused = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("TradesUnused");
+ int unusedOffset = 0;
+ int tableSize = tradeNARC.files.size();
+ for (int entry = 0; entry < tableSize; entry++) {
+ if (unusedOffset < unused.length && unused[unusedOffset] == entry) {
+ unusedOffset++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ IngameTrade trade = new IngameTrade();
+ byte[] tfile = tradeNARC.files.get(entry);
+ trade.nickname = tradeStrings.get(entry * 2);
+ trade.givenPokemon = pokes[readLong(tfile, 4)];
+ trade.ivs = new int[6];
+ for (int iv = 0; iv < 6; iv++) {
+ trade.ivs[iv] = readLong(tfile, 0x10 + iv * 4);
+ }
+ trade.otId = readWord(tfile, 0x34);
+ trade.item = readLong(tfile, 0x4C);
+ trade.otName = tradeStrings.get(entry * 2 + 1);
+ trade.requestedPokemon = pokes[readLong(tfile, 0x5C)];
+ trades.add(trade);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(ex);
+ }
+ return trades;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setIngameTrades(List<IngameTrade> trades) {
+ // info
+ int tradeOffset = 0;
+ List<IngameTrade> oldTrades = this.getIngameTrades();
+ try {
+ NARCArchive tradeNARC = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("InGameTrades"));
+ List<String> tradeStrings = getStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("IngameTradesTextOffset"));
+ int tradeCount = tradeNARC.files.size();
+ int[] unused = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("TradesUnused");
+ int unusedOffset = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < tradeCount; i++) {
+ if (unusedOffset < unused.length && unused[unusedOffset] == i) {
+ unusedOffset++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ byte[] tfile = tradeNARC.files.get(i);
+ IngameTrade trade = trades.get(tradeOffset++);
+ tradeStrings.set(i * 2, trade.nickname);
+ tradeStrings.set(i * 2 + 1, trade.otName);
+ writeLong(tfile, 4, trade.givenPokemon.number);
+ writeLong(tfile, 8, 0); // disable forme
+ for (int iv = 0; iv < 6; iv++) {
+ writeLong(tfile, 0x10 + iv * 4, trade.ivs[iv]);
+ }
+ writeLong(tfile, 0x2C, 0xFF); // random nature
+ writeWord(tfile, 0x34, trade.otId);
+ writeLong(tfile, 0x4C, trade.item);
+ writeLong(tfile, 0x5C, trade.requestedPokemon.number);
+ if (romEntry.tradeScripts.size() > 0) {
+ romEntry.tradeScripts.get(i - unusedOffset).setPokemon(this,scriptNarc,trade.requestedPokemon,trade.givenPokemon);
+ }
+ }
+ this.writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("InGameTrades"), tradeNARC);
+ this.setStrings(false, romEntry.getInt("IngameTradesTextOffset"), tradeStrings);
+ // update what the people say when they talk to you
+ unusedOffset = 0;
+ if (romEntry.arrayEntries.containsKey("IngameTradePersonTextOffsets")) {
+ int[] textOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("IngameTradePersonTextOffsets");
+ for (int tr = 0; tr < textOffsets.length; tr++) {
+ if (unusedOffset < unused.length && unused[unusedOffset] == tr+24) {
+ unusedOffset++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (textOffsets[tr] > 0) {
+ if (tr+24 >= oldTrades.size() || tr+24 >= trades.size()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ IngameTrade oldTrade = oldTrades.get(tr+24);
+ IngameTrade newTrade = trades.get(tr+24);
+ Map<String, String> replacements = new TreeMap<>();
+ replacements.put(,;
+ if (oldTrade.requestedPokemon != newTrade.requestedPokemon) {
+ replacements.put(,;
+ }
+ replaceAllStringsInEntry(textOffsets[tr], replacements);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ private void replaceAllStringsInEntry(int entry, Map<String, String> replacements) {
+ List<String> thisTradeStrings = this.getStrings(true, entry);
+ int ttsCount = thisTradeStrings.size();
+ for (int strNum = 0; strNum < ttsCount; strNum++) {
+ String newString = thisTradeStrings.get(strNum);
+ for (String old: replacements.keySet()) {
+ newString = newString.replaceAll(old,replacements.get(old));
+ }
+ thisTradeStrings.set(strNum, newString);
+ }
+ this.setStrings(true, entry, thisTradeStrings);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasDVs() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int generationOfPokemon() {
+ return 5;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void removeEvosForPokemonPool() {
+ // slightly more complicated than gen2/3
+ // we have to update a "baby table" too
+ List<Pokemon> pokemonIncluded = this.mainPokemonList;
+ Set<Evolution> keepEvos = new HashSet<>();
+ for (Pokemon pk : pokes) {
+ if (pk != null) {
+ keepEvos.clear();
+ for (Evolution evol : pk.evolutionsFrom) {
+ if (pokemonIncluded.contains(evol.from) && pokemonIncluded.contains( {
+ keepEvos.add(evol);
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ pk.evolutionsFrom.retainAll(keepEvos);
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ NARCArchive babyNARC = readNARC(romEntry.getFile("BabyPokemon"));
+ // baby pokemon
+ for (int i = 1; i <= Gen5Constants.pokemonCount; i++) {
+ Pokemon baby = pokes[i];
+ while (baby.evolutionsTo.size() > 0) {
+ // Grab the first "to evolution" even if there are multiple
+ baby = baby.evolutionsTo.get(0).from;
+ }
+ writeWord(babyNARC.files.get(i), 0, baby.number);
+ }
+ // finish up
+ writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("BabyPokemon"), babyNARC);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean supportsFourStartingMoves() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getFieldMoves() {
+ // cut, fly, surf, strength, flash, dig, teleport, waterfall,
+ // sweet scent, dive
+ return Gen5Constants.fieldMoves;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getEarlyRequiredHMMoves() {
+ // BW1: cut
+ // BW2: none
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ return Gen5Constants.bw2EarlyRequiredHMMoves;
+ } else {
+ return Gen5Constants.bw1EarlyRequiredHMMoves;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Map<Integer, Shop> getShopItems() {
+ int[] tmShops = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("TMShops");
+ int[] regularShops = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("RegularShops");
+ int[] shopItemOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("ShopItemOffsets");
+ int[] shopItemSizes = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("ShopItemSizes");
+ int shopCount = romEntry.getInt("ShopCount");
+ List<Integer> shopItems = new ArrayList<>();
+ Map<Integer, Shop> shopItemsMap = new TreeMap<>();
+ try {
+ byte[] shopItemOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("ShopItemOvlNumber"));
+ IntStream.range(0, shopCount).forEachOrdered(i -> {
+ boolean badShop = false;
+ for (int tmShop : tmShops) {
+ if (i == tmShop) {
+ badShop = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int regularShop : regularShops) {
+ if (badShop) break;
+ if (i == regularShop) {
+ badShop = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!badShop) {
+ List<Integer> items = new ArrayList<>();
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < shopItemSizes[i]; j++) {
+ items.add(readWord(shopItemOverlay, shopItemOffsets[i] + j * 2));
+ }
+ } else if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ byte[] shop = shopNarc.files.get(i);
+ for (int j = 0; j < shop.length; j += 2) {
+ items.add(readWord(shop, j));
+ }
+ }
+ Shop shop = new Shop();
+ shop.items = items;
+ = shopNames.get(i);
+ shop.isMainGame = Gen5Constants.getMainGameShops(romEntry.romType).contains(i);
+ shopItemsMap.put(i, shop);
+ }
+ });
+ return shopItemsMap;
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setShopItems(Map<Integer, Shop> shopItems) {
+ int[] shopItemOffsets = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("ShopItemOffsets");
+ int[] shopItemSizes = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("ShopItemSizes");
+ int[] tmShops = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("TMShops");
+ int[] regularShops = romEntry.arrayEntries.get("RegularShops");
+ int shopCount = romEntry.getInt("ShopCount");
+ try {
+ byte[] shopItemOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("ShopItemOvlNumber"));
+ IntStream.range(0, shopCount).forEachOrdered(i -> {
+ boolean badShop = false;
+ for (int tmShop : tmShops) {
+ if (badShop) break;
+ if (i == tmShop) badShop = true;
+ }
+ for (int regularShop : regularShops) {
+ if (badShop) break;
+ if (i == regularShop) badShop = true;
+ }
+ if (!badShop) {
+ List<Integer> shopContents = shopItems.get(i).items;
+ Iterator<Integer> iterItems = shopContents.iterator();
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < shopItemSizes[i]; j++) {
+ Integer item =;
+ writeWord(shopItemOverlay, shopItemOffsets[i] + j * 2, item);
+ }
+ } else if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ byte[] shop = shopNarc.files.get(i);
+ for (int j = 0; j < shop.length; j += 2) {
+ Integer item =;
+ writeWord(shop, j, item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (romEntry.romType == Gen5Constants.Type_BW2) {
+ writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("ShopItems"), shopNarc);
+ } else {
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("ShopItemOvlNumber"), shopItemOverlay);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setShopPrices() {
+ try {
+ NARCArchive itemPriceNarc = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("ItemData"));
+ for (int i = 1; i < itemPriceNarc.files.size(); i++) {
+ writeWord(itemPriceNarc.files.get(i),0,Gen5Constants.balancedItemPrices.get(i));
+ }
+ writeNARC(romEntry.getFile("ItemData"),itemPriceNarc);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<PickupItem> getPickupItems() {
+ List<PickupItem> pickupItems = new ArrayList<>();
+ try {
+ byte[] battleOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("PickupOvlNumber"));
+ // If we haven't found the pickup table for this ROM already, find it.
+ if (pickupItemsTableOffset == 0) {
+ int offset = find(battleOverlay, Gen5Constants.pickupTableLocator);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ pickupItemsTableOffset = offset;
+ }
+ }
+ // Assuming we've found the pickup table, extract the items out of it.
+ if (pickupItemsTableOffset > 0) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < Gen5Constants.numberOfPickupItems; i++) {
+ int itemOffset = pickupItemsTableOffset + (2 * i);
+ int item = FileFunctions.read2ByteInt(battleOverlay, itemOffset);
+ PickupItem pickupItem = new PickupItem(item);
+ pickupItems.add(pickupItem);
+ }
+ }
+ // Assuming we got the items from the last step, fill out the probabilities.
+ if (pickupItems.size() > 0) {
+ for (int levelRange = 0; levelRange < 10; levelRange++) {
+ int startingRareItemOffset = levelRange;
+ int startingCommonItemOffset = 11 + levelRange;
+ pickupItems.get(startingCommonItemOffset).probabilities[levelRange] = 30;
+ for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
+ pickupItems.get(startingCommonItemOffset + i).probabilities[levelRange] = 10;
+ }
+ pickupItems.get(startingCommonItemOffset + 7).probabilities[levelRange] = 4;
+ pickupItems.get(startingCommonItemOffset + 8).probabilities[levelRange] = 4;
+ pickupItems.get(startingRareItemOffset).probabilities[levelRange] = 1;
+ pickupItems.get(startingRareItemOffset + 1).probabilities[levelRange] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ return pickupItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setPickupItems(List<PickupItem> pickupItems) {
+ try {
+ if (pickupItemsTableOffset > 0) {
+ byte[] battleOverlay = readOverlay(romEntry.getInt("PickupOvlNumber"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < Gen5Constants.numberOfPickupItems; i++) {
+ int itemOffset = pickupItemsTableOffset + (2 * i);
+ int item = pickupItems.get(i).item;
+ FileFunctions.write2ByteInt(battleOverlay, itemOffset, item);
+ }
+ writeOverlay(romEntry.getInt("PickupOvlNumber"), battleOverlay);
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void computeCRC32sForRom() throws IOException {
+ this.actualOverlayCRC32s = new HashMap<>();
+ this.actualFileCRC32s = new HashMap<>();
+ this.actualArm9CRC32 = FileFunctions.getCRC32(arm9);
+ for (int overlayNumber : romEntry.overlayExpectedCRC32s.keySet()) {
+ byte[] overlay = readOverlay(overlayNumber);
+ long crc32 = FileFunctions.getCRC32(overlay);
+ this.actualOverlayCRC32s.put(overlayNumber, crc32);
+ }
+ for (String fileKey : romEntry.files.keySet()) {
+ byte[] file = readFile(romEntry.getFile(fileKey));
+ long crc32 = FileFunctions.getCRC32(file);
+ this.actualFileCRC32s.put(fileKey, crc32);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isRomValid() {
+ if (romEntry.arm9ExpectedCRC32 != actualArm9CRC32) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int overlayNumber : romEntry.overlayExpectedCRC32s.keySet()) {
+ long expectedCRC32 = romEntry.overlayExpectedCRC32s.get(overlayNumber);
+ long actualCRC32 = actualOverlayCRC32s.get(overlayNumber);
+ if (expectedCRC32 != actualCRC32) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ for (String fileKey : romEntry.files.keySet()) {
+ long expectedCRC32 = romEntry.files.get(fileKey).expectedCRC32;
+ long actualCRC32 = actualFileCRC32s.get(fileKey);
+ if (expectedCRC32 != actualCRC32) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public BufferedImage getMascotImage() {
+ try {
+ Pokemon pk = randomPokemonInclFormes();
+ NARCArchive pokespritesNARC = this.readNARC(romEntry.getFile("PokemonGraphics"));
+ // First prepare the palette, it's the easy bit
+ int palIndex = pk.getSpriteIndex() * 20 + 18;
+ if (random.nextInt(10) == 0) {
+ // shiny
+ palIndex++;
+ }
+ byte[] rawPalette = pokespritesNARC.files.get(palIndex);
+ int[] palette = new int[16];
+ for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++) {
+ palette[i] = GFXFunctions.conv16BitColorToARGB(readWord(rawPalette, 40 + i * 2));
+ }
+ // Get the picture and uncompress it.
+ byte[] compressedPic = pokespritesNARC.files.get(pk.getSpriteIndex() * 20);
+ byte[] uncompressedPic = DSDecmp.Decompress(compressedPic);
+ // Output to 64x144 tiled image to prepare for unscrambling
+ BufferedImage bim = GFXFunctions.drawTiledImage(uncompressedPic, palette, 48, 64, 144, 4);
+ // Unscramble the above onto a 96x96 canvas
+ BufferedImage finalImage = new BufferedImage(96, 96, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
+ Graphics g = finalImage.getGraphics();
+ g.drawImage(bim, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0, 0, 64, 64, null);
+ g.drawImage(bim, 64, 0, 96, 8, 0, 64, 32, 72, null);
+ g.drawImage(bim, 64, 8, 96, 16, 32, 64, 64, 72, null);
+ g.drawImage(bim, 64, 16, 96, 24, 0, 72, 32, 80, null);
+ g.drawImage(bim, 64, 24, 96, 32, 32, 72, 64, 80, null);
+ g.drawImage(bim, 64, 32, 96, 40, 0, 80, 32, 88, null);
+ g.drawImage(bim, 64, 40, 96, 48, 32, 80, 64, 88, null);
+ g.drawImage(bim, 64, 48, 96, 56, 0, 88, 32, 96, null);
+ g.drawImage(bim, 64, 56, 96, 64, 32, 88, 64, 96, null);
+ g.drawImage(bim, 0, 64, 64, 96, 0, 96, 64, 128, null);
+ g.drawImage(bim, 64, 64, 96, 72, 0, 128, 32, 136, null);
+ g.drawImage(bim, 64, 72, 96, 80, 32, 128, 64, 136, null);
+ g.drawImage(bim, 64, 80, 96, 88, 0, 136, 32, 144, null);
+ g.drawImage(bim, 64, 88, 96, 96, 32, 136, 64, 144, null);
+ // Phew, all done.
+ return finalImage;
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new RandomizerIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getAllHeldItems() {
+ return Gen5Constants.allHeldItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getAllConsumableHeldItems() {
+ return Gen5Constants.consumableHeldItems;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<Integer> getSensibleHeldItemsFor(TrainerPokemon tp, boolean consumableOnly, List<Move> moves, int[] pokeMoves) {
+ List<Integer> items = new ArrayList<>();
+ items.addAll(Gen5Constants.generalPurposeConsumableItems);
+ int frequencyBoostCount = 6; // Make some very good items more common, but not too common
+ if (!consumableOnly) {
+ frequencyBoostCount = 8; // bigger to account for larger item pool.
+ items.addAll(Gen5Constants.generalPurposeItems);
+ }
+ for (int moveIdx : pokeMoves) {
+ Move move = moves.get(moveIdx);
+ if (move == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (move.category == MoveCategory.PHYSICAL) {
+ items.add(Items.liechiBerry);
+ items.add(Gen5Constants.consumableTypeBoostingItems.get(move.type));
+ if (!consumableOnly) {
+ items.addAll(Gen5Constants.typeBoostingItems.get(move.type));
+ items.add(Items.choiceBand);
+ items.add(Items.muscleBand);
+ }
+ }
+ if (move.category == MoveCategory.SPECIAL) {
+ items.add(Items.petayaBerry);
+ items.add(Gen5Constants.consumableTypeBoostingItems.get(move.type));
+ if (!consumableOnly) {
+ items.addAll(Gen5Constants.typeBoostingItems.get(move.type));
+ items.add(Items.wiseGlasses);
+ items.add(Items.choiceSpecs);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!consumableOnly && Gen5Constants.moveBoostingItems.containsKey(moveIdx)) {
+ items.addAll(Gen5Constants.moveBoostingItems.get(moveIdx));
+ }
+ }
+ Map<Type, Effectiveness> byType = Effectiveness.against(tp.pokemon.primaryType, tp.pokemon.secondaryType, 5, effectivenessUpdated);
+ for(Map.Entry<Type, Effectiveness> entry : byType.entrySet()) {
+ Integer berry = Gen5Constants.weaknessReducingBerries.get(entry.getKey());
+ if (entry.getValue() == Effectiveness.DOUBLE) {
+ items.add(berry);
+ } else if (entry.getValue() == Effectiveness.QUADRUPLE) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < frequencyBoostCount; i++) {
+ items.add(berry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (byType.get(Type.NORMAL) == Effectiveness.NEUTRAL) {
+ items.add(Items.chilanBerry);
+ }
+ int ability = this.getAbilityForTrainerPokemon(tp);
+ if (ability == Abilities.levitate) {
+ items.removeAll(Arrays.asList(Items.shucaBerry));
+ } else if (byType.get(Type.GROUND) == Effectiveness.DOUBLE || byType.get(Type.GROUND) == Effectiveness.QUADRUPLE) {
+ items.add(Items.airBalloon);
+ }
+ if (!consumableOnly) {
+ if (Gen5Constants.abilityBoostingItems.containsKey(ability)) {
+ items.addAll(Gen5Constants.abilityBoostingItems.get(ability));
+ }
+ if (tp.pokemon.primaryType == Type.POISON || tp.pokemon.secondaryType == Type.POISON) {
+ items.add(Items.blackSludge);
+ }
+ List<Integer> speciesItems = Gen5Constants.speciesBoostingItems.get(tp.pokemon.number);
+ if (speciesItems != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < frequencyBoostCount; i++) {
+ items.addAll(speciesItems);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!tp.pokemon.evolutionsFrom.isEmpty() && tp.level >= 20) {
+ // eviolite can be too good for early game, so we gate it behind a minimum level.
+ // We go with the same level as the option for "No early wonder guard".
+ items.add(Items.eviolite);
+ }
+ }
+ return items;
+ }