path: root/config.def.h
diff options
authorAli H. Fardan <>2016-08-28 16:20:50 +0300
committerAli H. Fardan <>2016-08-28 16:20:50 +0300
commit47ddf9382e6a02bdfce9c78306b694b4a44203cb (patch)
tree6a8da87bb3843ad7dcf7ee3c37207cd95c428d6f /config.def.h
parent674602c6af0357ed963caabbd4ae102d1ac1e77c (diff)
used constant string literals && remote initialization to in battery_perc() && trying to fix possible buffer overflow
Diffstat (limited to 'config.def.h')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
index 75858dd..7a1ee3c 100644
--- a/config.def.h
+++ b/config.def.h
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
/* alsa sound */
-static const char channel[] = "Master";
+#define ALSA_CHANNEL "Master"
/* battery */
-static const char batterypath[] = "/sys/class/power_supply/";
-static const char batterynow[] = "energy_now";
-static const char batteryfull[] = "energy_full_design";
+#define BATTERY_PATH "/sys/class/power_supply/"
+#define BATTERY_NOW "energy_now"
+#define BATTERY_FULL "energy_full_design"
/* bar update interval in seconds (smallest value = 1) */
-static unsigned int update_interval = 1;
/* text to show if no value can be retrieved */
-static const char unknowntext[] = "n/a";
+#define UNKNOWN_STR "n/a"
/* statusbar
- battery_perc (battery percentage) [argument: battery name]
@@ -40,13 +40,10 @@ static const char unknowntext[] = "n/a";
- wifi_perc (wifi signal in percent) [argument: wifi card interface name]
- wifi_essid (wifi essid) [argument: wifi card interface name] */
static const struct arg args[] = {
- /* function format argument */
- { wifi_perc, "wifi %4s | ", "wlp3s0" },
- { battery_perc, "bat %4s | ", "BAT0" },
- { cpu_perc, "cpu %4s ", NULL },
- { temp, "%3s | ", "/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input" },
- { ram_perc, "ram %3s | ", NULL },
- { vol_perc, "vol %4s | ", "default" },
- { disk_perc, "ssd %3s | ", "/" },
- { datetime, "%s", "%F %T" },
+ /* function format argument */
+ { cpu_perc, "[ CPU %4s ]", NULL },
+ { ram_perc, "[ Mem %3s ]", NULL },
+ { vol_perc, "[ Volume %4s ]", "default" },
+ { disk_perc, "[ HDD %3s ]", "/" },
+ { datetime, "[ %s ]", "%F %T" },